Peter C. Chu

Distinguished Professor and Chair

Department of Oceanography
Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA  93943


(in Time Reverse Order)


(313) Chu, P.C., Why we can approximate spheroidal geopotential surfaces as spherical but can’t approximate true geopotential surfaces as spheroidal in NWP, American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting, New Orleans, 12-16 January 2025.


(312) Chu, P.C., Coupled Deft3D – UxO model to predict migration of sand waves and munitions. DoD Strategical Environmental Research and Development Program (SERDP) Annual Symposium, Washington DC, 3-6 December 2024.


(311) Chu, P.C., True geopotential in atmospheric and oceanic dynamics, 23rd Conference on Atmospheric and Oceanic Fluid Dynamics, American Meteorological Society, Burlington, Virginia, 24-28 June 2024.


(310) Chu, P.C., Horizontal gravity disturbance vector  in atmospheric and oceanic dynamics, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, 11-15 December  2023.


(309) Chu, P.C., True geopotential in atmospheric dynamics, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, Chicago, 12-16 December  2022.


(308) Chu, P.C., Use of True Gravity in Meteorology and Oceanography. Inaugural Department of Defense 6.1 Basic Research Conference, Arlington, Virginia, 6-9 September 2022


(307) Chu, P.C., True gravity in atmospheric and oceanic dynamics, 23rd Conference on Atmospheric and Oceanic Fluid Dynamics, American Meteorological Society, Breckenridge, Colorado, 13-17 June 2022.


(306) Chu, P.C., 6 DoF Model to Predict Munition’s Impact Behavior Under Terrestrial and Shallow Water Sediment Conditions. DoD SERDP & ESTCP Symposium, Washington, D.C., 30 November-3 December 2021.


(305) Chu, P.C., Coupled Ensemble Sea-floor Environment and 6-DOF (CESE6D) Model for Assessing Characteristics of Munitions Underwater and Their Environment. DoD SERDP & ESTCP Symposium, Washington, D.C., 30 November-4 December 2020.


(304) Chu, P.C., Coupled Ensemble Sea-floor Environment and 6-DOF Model for Assessing Characteristics of Munitions Underwater. DoD SERDP & ESTCP Symposium, Washington, D.C., 3-5 December 2019.


(303) Chu, P.C., Coupled Ensemble Sea-floor Environment and 6-DOF Model for Assessing Characteristics of Munitions Underwater. DoD SERDP & ESTCP Symposium, Washington, D.C., 3-5 December 2019.


(302) Chu, P.C., Misinterpretation of satellite-determined dynamic ocean topography as the surface absolute geostrophic current. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, 9-13 December 2019.


(301) Chu, P.C., Does satellite-determined dynamic ocean topography represent the surface absolute geostrophic currents? IUGG 2019, Montreal, Canada, 8-18 July 2019.   


(300) Chu, P.C., Global ocean thermocline weakening and isothermal layer warming. American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ, 6-10 January December 2019.


(299) Chu, P.C., California Undercurrent eddy characteristics identified from Lagrangian drifters. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, Washington D.C., 10-14 December 2018.


(298) Chu, P.C., Establishment of near-real time monthly gridded (T, S, u, v) dataset from the World Ocean Database (WOD) using optimal spectral decomposition and P-vector method. 50th Liege International Colloquium on Ocean Dynamics, Liege, Belgium, 28 May – 1 June 2018.


(297) Chu, P.C., Separation of stochastic and deterministic California subsurface currents from Lagrangian drifter using the Hilbert-Huang transform. American Geophysical Union Ocean Sciences Meeting, Portland, Oregon, 11-16 February 2018


(296) Chu, P.C., Empirical Mode Decomposition for Estimating Ocean Turbulent Diffusion Coefficient from One Lagrangian Drifter Trajectory. 22nd Conference on Integrated Observing and Assimilation Systems for the Atmosphere, Oceans, and Land Surface, American Meteorological Society, Austin, Texas, 7-11 January 2018


(295) Xue, Y.-K.,  W.-K Li, Q. LI, I. Diallo, P.C. Chu, W.-D. Guo and C.B. Fu: Spring Soil Temperature Anomalies over Tibetan Plateau and Summer Droughts/Floods in East Asia, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, New Orleans, 11-15 December 2017


(294) Chu, P.C., Variation of Marine Geoid Due to Ocean Circulation and Sea Level Change, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, New Orleans, 11-15 December 2017


(293) Chu, P.C., Hilbert-Huang Transform to Estimate Turbulent Diffusion Coefficient from a Lagrangian Drifter Trajectory. 49th International Liege Colloquium -  8th Warnemünde Turbulence Days on Marine Turbulence Re 3- Visited, Liege, Belgium, 22-26 May 2017


(292) Chu, P.C., C. M. McDonald, M. Kucukosmanoglu,  A. Judono,, T. Margolina, C.W. Fan, Environmental effects on underwater acoustic transmission. SPIE Defense and Commercial Sensing,  Anaheim, California, 11-13 April 2017. 


(291) Chu, P.C., B.F. Breshears, A. J.  Cullen, R. F. Hammerer,  R. P. Martinez, T. Q. Phung, T. Margolina, C.W. Fan, Environmental effects on underwater optical transmission. SPIE Defense and Commercial Sensing,  Anaheim, California, 11-13 April 2017. 


(290) Chu, P.C., Determination of Ocean Absolute Dynamic Topography Using the Minimum Energy State. 21st Conference on Integrated Observing and Assimilation Systems for the Atmosphere, Oceans, and Land Surface, American Meteorological Society, Seattle, January 22-26 2017


(289) Chu, P.C., Determination of Mean Dynamic Topography (MDT) to Bridge Geoid and Mean Sea Surface Height (SSH) with a New Elliptic Equation. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, December 12-16, 2016


(288) Chu, P.C., C-Vector to identify Submesoscale Eddies in the Greenland Sea during the Northwind 1984 MIZEX Cruise. 48th International Liege Colloquium on Ocean Dynamics Marine Environmental Monitoring, Modelling and Prediction, Liege, Belgium, 23-27 May 2016


(287) Chu, P.C., Multifractal characteristics of submesoscale eddies in the southwestern GIN Sea upper layer. 48th International Liege Colloquium on Ocean Dynamics Marine Environmental Monitoring, Modelling and Prediction, Liege, Belgium, 23-27 May 2016


(286) Chu, P.C., Development of Ocean Spectral Data Analysis/Assimilation without Background and Observational Error Covariance Matrices, American Geophysical Union Ocean Sciences Meeting, New Orleans,  21-26 February 2016


(285) Chu, P.C.,  C.-W. Fan, and T. Margolina,  Steep-descending mode truncation in ocean spectral data assimilation with comparison to optimal interpolation, 20th Conference on Integrated Observing and Assimilation Systems for the Atmosphere, Oceans, and Land Surface (IOAS-AOLS), American Meteorological Society,  New Orleans, 11-14 January 2016


(284) Chu, P.C.,  C.-W. Fan, and T. Margolina., A new ocean data assimilation method without background and observational error covariance matrices. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, December 14-18, 2015.



(283) Chu, P.C., C.W. Fan, and R. Tokmakian, Ocean data assimilation without background error covariance matrix. 47th International Liege Colloquium on Ocean Dynamics Marine Environmental Monitoring, Modelling and Prediction, Liege, Belgium, 4 -8 May 2015


(282) Chu, P.C., R. Tokmakian, C. W. Fan, A New Ocean Data Assimilation Scheme - Optimal Spectral Decomposition (OSD). 95th  American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting, Sunday, 4 January 2015 to Thursday, 8 January 2015, in Phoenix, AZ



(281) Chu, P.C., and E. Gulher, Self-organization maps for analyzing the Black Sea bio-physical variability and surface wind forcing. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, December 15-19, 2014.


(280) George Galanis, G.,  Emmanouil1, M. Kafatos, P. C.  Chu, N. Hatzopoulos, and G. Kallos, A new high resolution wave modeling system for renewable energy applications in California and the Mediterranean Sea. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, December 15-19, 2014.


(279)  Chu, P.C., K. Colpo, C.W. Fan, and R.E. Betsch, Optimal detection of surface drifting mine with Navy ocean model. 11th NPS International Mine Warfare Technology Symposium, May 6-8, 2014.


(278) Chu, P.C., Near-surface ocean currents. American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting, Atlanta, February 3-6, 2014.


(277) Chu, P.C.,  Non-Gaussian statistics in ocean observations and modeling. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, December 9-13, 2013.



(276) Zodiatis, G., G. Galanis, C. Kalogeri, A.  Nikolaidis,  D. Hayes, G.  Georgiou, P.C. Chu, and G. Kallos, Monitoring and forecasting the wave energy potential in the eastern Mediterranean Sea.  International Conference on Fluxes and Structures in Fluids. St.-Petersburg, Russian, June 25-28, 2013.

(275) Zodiatis G., G. Galanis, C. Kalogeri, A. Nikolaidis, S. Stylianou, D. Hayes, G. Georgiou, G. Kallos., P. C. Chu,  A. Charalambous, K. Savvidou, Z. Kountouriotis, and S. Michaelides, Estimation and monitoring of the wave energy potential in Cyprus. 4th  International Meeting on Meteorology and Climatology of the Mediterranean,  Banyuls (Roussillon, France), February 27 - March 1, 2013

(274) Chu, P.C., Two types of climate index prediction. Symposium on the Role of Statistical Methods in Weather and Climate Prediction, American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting, Austin, Texas, January 6-10, 2013. 


(273) Chu, P.C., Weibull statistics for upper ocean currents with the Fokker-Planck Equation. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, December 2-7, 2012.


(272) Chu, P.C., and C.W. Fan, Optimal empirical mode decomposition for the Hilbert-Huang transform, International Conference on Computational and Applied Mathematics, Gent, Belgium,  July 9-13, 2012. 


(271) Chu, P.C., Global ocean thermal tripole and climate impact, IUGG Mathematical Geophysics Conference, Edinburg, U.K., June 18-22, 2012. 


(270) Chu, P.C., First passage time for climate indices and model predictability, IUGG Mathematical Geophysics Conference, Edinburg, U.K., June 18-22, 2012. 


(269) Chu, P.C., Fokker-Planck equation for upper ocean currents, IUGG Mathematical Geophysics Conference, Edinburg, U.K., June 18-22, 2012. 


(268) Fleischer, P., R. Betsch, C. Beuligmann, and P.C. Chu, Mine burial expert system for change of MIW doctrine. Tenth International Symposium on Technology and Mine Problems, Society for Counter-Ordnance Technology, Monterey, California, 7-10 May 2012.


(267) Chu, P.C., and Y.-H. Kuo, Ocean color for detecting red tides in the southwestern Florida coastal region,  44th Liege Colloquium on Ocean Dynamics, Liege, Belgium, May 7-11, 2012.


(266) Chu, P.C., Statistical characteristics of global significant wave height from satellite altimetry,  44th Liege Colloquium on Ocean Dynamics, Liege, Belgium, May 7-11, 2012.


(265) Chu, P.C., L.C. Sun, and C.W. Fan, Spatial and temporal variability of global ocean heat/freshwater content identified from GTSPP. American Geophysical Union,  Ocean Science Meeting, Salt Lake City, February 20-24, 2012.


(264) Chu, P.C.,  Global ocean fresh water content and its climate impact. Twenty Fourth Conference on Climate Variability and Change, American Meteorological Society, New Orleans,  23-27 January 2012.


(263) Chu, P.C., and C.W. Fan, Objective determination of global ocean thermocline strength from profile data.  Sixteenth  Symposium  on Integrated Observing and Assimilation Systems, American Meteorological Society, New Orleans,  23-27 January 2012.


(262) Chu, P.C., Decadal and centennial variability of wet/dry in China since medieval warm period detected from high-resolution δ18O data. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California, 5-9 December 2011


(261) Chu, P.C., Global ocean heat content and its climate impact. WMO/WCRP Open Sciences Conference, Denver, Colorado, 24-28 October 2011.


(260) Chu, P.C.,  Loss of Gaussianity in oceanic turbulent flows due to internal soliton propagation. 5th  International WTD  Conference  on Turbulence and Mixing in Estuaries and Coastal Seas, Rostok, Germany,  September 4-8, 2011.


(259) Chu, P.C.,  Multi-time scale analysis among ocean biogeochemical, tracer, and proxy time series using the empirical mode decomposition.  43nd International Liege Colloquium on Ocean Dynamics, Liege, Belgium, May 2-6, 2011.


(258) Chu, P.C.,  Global ocean tripole and its climate impact. Twenty Third Conference on Climate Variability and Change, American Meteorological Society, Seattle, Washington, 23-27 January 2011.


(257) Chu, P.C., L.C. Sun, and C.W. Fan, Establishment of near-real time monthly gridded dataset from global temperature and salinity profile program (GTSPP) using optimal spectral decomposition.  Fifteenth  Symposium  on Integrated Observing and Assimilation Systems, American Meteorological Society, Seattle, Washington, 23-27 January 2011.


(256) Chu, P.C., and C.W. Fan, Objective determination of global ocean mixed layer and isothermal layer depths. Fifteenth  Symposium  on Integrated Observing and Assimilation Systems, American Meteorological Society, Seattle, Washington, 23-27 January 2011.


(255) Chu, P.C., L. C. Sun, and C.W. Fan, Near-real time monthly global temperature and salinity gridded data from new ocean exploration by Argo floats.  American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California, 13-17 December 2010.


(254) Chu, P.C., and C.-W. Fan, Objective determination of ocean mixed layer depth. IEEE/Marine Technology Society OCEANS2010 Conference, Seattle, USA, 20-23 September 2010.


(253) Chu, P.C., and Y.-H. Kuo, Detection of red tides in the southwestern coastal region using ocean color data.  IEEE/Marine Technology Society OCEANS2010 Conference, Seattle, USA, 20-23 September 2010.


(252) Chu, P.C., Ocean data analysis using the optimal spectral decomposition. The 5th International Ocean-Atmosphere Conference, Taipei Taiwan,  28-30 June 2010.


(251) Chu, P.C., Multifractal thermohaline and bioluminescence characteristics of the South China Sea surface waters. 2010 Western Pacific Geophysics Meeting, Taipei, Taiwan,  22-25 June 2010.


(250) Chu, P.C., and C.W. Fan,  Wave effect on underwater bomb trajectory with application to mine clearance. Ninth Monterey International Symposium on Technology and Mine Problems, Society for Counter-Ordnance Technology, Monterey, California, 17-20 May 2010.


(249)  Chu, P.C., J. M. Bushnell, and K. P. Watson, Tail separation and density effects on the underwater trajectory of the JDAMNinth Monterey International Symposium on Technology and Mine Problems, Society for Counter-Ordnance Technology, Monterey, California, 17-20 May 2010.


(248) Chu, P.C., and C. Sun, Optimal spectral decomposition (OSD) for GTSPP data analysisGlobal Temperature and Salinity Profile Program Workshop, UNESCO, Oostende, Belgium, 6-7 May 2010.


(247) Chu, P.C.,  and Y.H. Kuo, Detection of Red Tide in the Southwest Florida  Coastal Waters Using SeaWiFS  Data.  42nd International Liege Colloquium on Ocean Dynamics, Liege, Belgium, April 26-30, 2010.


(246) Chu, P.C., C.W. Fan, and C. Sun, Meridional Overturning Circulation (MOC) Detected from In-Situ and Argo Measurements.  42nd International Liege Colloquium on Ocean Dynamics, Liege, Belgium, April 26-30, 2010.


(245) Chu, P.C., C.W. Fan, and C. Sun, Changes of heat and freshwater contents in  the world oceans (1990 – 2009) identified from in situ and Argo measurements.  42nd International Liege Colloquium on Ocean Dynamics, Liege, Belgium,  April 26-30, 2010.


(244) Chu, P.C., and C.W. Fan, Elimination of false static instability in the ocean data assimilation systems. American Geophysical Union Ocean Sciences Meeting, Portland, Oregon, 22-26 February 2010.


(243) Galanis, G., G. Kallos, P.C. Chu, and Y.-H. Kuo, 2010: Evaluation of the new ECMWF WAM model. Third SAR Oceanography Workshop,  European Space Agency,  Frascati, Italy, 25-29 January 2010.

(242) Chu, P.C., and C.W. Fan,  A fully conserved minimal adjustment scheme for ocean data assimilation systems. Fourteenth  Symposium  on Integrated Observing and Assimilation Systems, American Meteorological Society, Atlanta, Georgia, 17-21 January 2010.


(241) Chu, P.C., and Y.H. Kuo,  Eddy and chlorophyll-a structure in the Kuroshio Extension from altimeter and SeaWiFS. Fourteenth  Symposium  on Integrated Observing and Assimilation Systems, American Meteorological Society, Atlanta, Georgia, 17-21 January 2010.


(240) Chu, P.C., and Y.H. Kuo,  Sea level and chlorophyll-a Variability in the Kuroshio Extension from altimeter and SeaWiFS. Twenty Second  Conference on Climate Variability and Change, American Meteorological Society, Atlanta, Georgia, 17-21 January 2010).


(239) Chu, P.C., Y.H. Kuo, and G. Galanis, Statistical structure of the global significant wave heights. Twentieth  Conference on Probability and Statistics in the Atmospheric Sciences, American Meteorological Society, Atlanta, Georgia, 17-21 January 2010.


(238) Chu, P.C., C. Sun, and C.W. Fan, Observations of meridional overturning circulation above and below the ocean surface. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California, 14-18 December  2009.


(237) Chu, P.C., Analysis of remotely sensed ocean data by the optimal spectral decomposition (OSD) methodIEEE/Marine Technological Society OCEANS 2009, Biloxi, Mississippi, 26-29 October, 2009.


(236) Chu, P.C., and Y.-H. Kuo, Biophysical variability in the Kuroshio Extension from Altimeter and SeaWiFS. IEEE/Marine Technological Society OCEANS 2009, Biloxi, Mississippi, 26-29 October, 2009.


(235) Chu, P.C., K. Kyriakidis, S.D. Haeger, and M. Ward,  Tidal effect on chemical spill in San Diego Bay. International Conference on Coastal Management, Malta, 14-16 September 2009.


(234) Chu, P.C.,  Existing of false static instability in ocean (T, S) data assimilation. International Association of Physical Sciences of Oceans, Montreal, Canada, 20-24 July  2009.


(233) Chu, P.C., L.M. Ivanoc, O.V. Melnichenko, and N.C. Wells,  Mid-Depth Rossby wave propagation in the tropical North Atlantic observed from Argo floatsInternational Association of Physical Sciences of Oceans, Montreal, Canada, 20-24 July 2009.


(232) Chu, P.C., J.B. Almquist, Paul Gefken, and K. Watson,  Underwater Bomb Trajectory Prediction for  Stand-off Assault Breaching Weapon Fuse Improvement (SOABWFI)European Undersea Defense Technology – Europe, Carnes, France, 9-11 June 2009.


(231) Chu, P.C., and C.P. Hsieh, Multifractal thermal structure in the western Philippine Sea upper layer. American Geophysical Union Joint Assembly, Toronto, Canada, 24-27 May  2009. 


(230) Chu, P.C., and C.-W. Fan, Transformed flux-form semi-Lagrangian schemes for coastal ocean modeling. Eighth Conference on Coastal Atmospheric and Oceanic Prediction and Process, American Meteorological Society, Phoenix, Arizona, 11-15 January 2009.


(229) Chu, P.C., C. Sun, and C.-W. Fan,  Detection of thermohaline structure and meridional overturning circulation above and below the ocean surface. Twenty First Conference on Climate Variability and Change, American Meteorological Society, Phoenix, Arizona, 11-15 January 2009.


(228) Chu, P.C., Weibull distribution for global surface current speeds obtained from satellite altimetry. Sixteenth Conference on Satellite Meteorology and Oceanography, American Meteorological Society, Phoenix, Arizona, 11-15 January 2009.


(227) Chu, P.C., L. Ivanov, and C.W. Fan, Optimal spectral decomposition (OSD) for observational ocean data analysis. Thirteenth Symposium on   Observing and Assimilation Systems for the Atmosphere, Oceans, and Land Surface, American Meteorological Society, Phoenix, Arizona, 11-15 January 2009 (download).


(226) Chu, P.C., Probability distribution functions of the upper equatorial Pacific current speeds. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California, 15-19 December  2008.


(225) Chu, P.C., Statistical characteristics of global ocean surface currents from satellite altimetry. IEEE International Geoscience & Remote Sensing Symposium, Boston, Massachusetts, 6-11 July 2008.


(224) Chu, P.C.,  Optimal spectral decomposition (OSD) for remotely sensed ocean data assimilation. IEEE International Geoscience & Remote Sensing Symposium, Boston,  Massachusetts,  6-11 July 2008.


(223) Chu, P.C., C.W. Fan, and C. Sun, Variability in Atlantic meridional overturning circulation and heat transport detected remotely from Argo floats. IEEE International Geoscience & Remote Sensing Symposium, Boston, Massachusetts, 6-11 July 2008.


(222) Chu, P.C., and C. L. Williams, S.D. Haeger, M. Ward, Environmental impact on chemical spill in the northern Persian Gulf. International Conference on Coastal Environment, New Forest, UK, 23-25 May 2008.


(221) Chu, P.C., and C.W. Fan,  Semi-empirical formulas of drag/lift coefficients for high speed rigid body maneuvering in water column. Seventh International Symposium on Advances in Fluid Mechanics, New Forest, UK, 21-23 May 2008.


(220) Chu, P.C., C. L. Williams, T. Clem, Battlespace on demand for  maritime threats: mine drift in the Strait of Hormuz and near Iraqi oil terminals. Eighth Monterey International Symposium on Technology and Mine Problems, Society for Counter-Ordnance Technology, Monterey, California, 5-7 May 2008.


(219) Chu, P.C., G. Ray, C.W. Fan, and P. Gefken:  Underwater bomb trajectory prediction for stand-off assault breaching weapon fuse improvement (SOABWFI), Eighth Monterey International Symposium on Technology and Mine Problems, Society for Counter-Ordnance Technology, Monterey, California, 5-7 May  2008.


(218) Chu, P.C., C. W. Fan, and C. Sun, Optimal spectral decomposition (OSD) for reconstructing surface ocean circulations from satellite altimetry. American Geophysical Union Ocean Sciences Meeting, Orlando, Florida, 3-7 March 2008.


(217) Chu, P.C., and L.M. Ivanov,  First passage time for determining predictability of large ocean models. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California, 10-14 December 2007.


(216) Chu, P.C.,  and T.  Clem, A nowcast/forecast system for circulation in the Strait of Hormuz. Seventh Conference on Coastal Atmospheric and Oceanic Prediction and Processes, American Meteorological Society, San Diego, California, 10-14 September  2007.

(215) Chu, P.C., Kleanthis Kyriakidis, Steven D. Haeger, and Mathew Ward,  Two types of chemical dispersion in San Diego Bay. 2007 AIAA/Homeland Security Program Committee Science & Technology Conference, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, California,  21-24 August 2007.


(214) Chu, P.C., Observation-model compatibility in coastal data assimilation: filtering and optimal spectral decomposition (OSD), Workshop for Environmental Modeling of California Central Coast, MBARI, Moss Landing, California,  15-16 August 2007.


(213) Chu, P.C.,  First passage time for high latitude modes and climate variability. Twenty Sixth International  Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, Perugia, Italy, 2-13 July 2007 (download). 


(212) Chu, P.C.,  C. Sun, and Oleg Melnichenko, Optimal  spectral  decomposition  (OSD) for Argo data analysis. Twenty Sixth International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, Perugia, Italy, 2-13 July 2007. 


(211) Chu P.C., O.V. Melnichenko,  L. M. Ivanov, and N. C. Wells, Identification of the Rossby waves at the mid-depth tropical North  Atlantic from Argo float data. Twenty Sixth International  Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, Perugia, Italy, 2-13 July 2007. 


(210) Chu, P.C.,  and C.-P. Hsieh, Wave-turbulent mixing for upper ocean multifractal thermal structure. Twenty Sixth International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, Perugia, Italy, 2-13 July 2007. 


(209) Chu, P.C.,  and T.  Clem, A modeling study of flows in the Strait of Hormuz. Twenty Sixth International  Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, Perugia, Italy, 2-13 July 2007. 


(208) Chu, P.C., and C.P. Hsieh, Wave-Turbulence Interaction for Multifractal Thermal Structure in the Western Philippine Sea Upper LayerThirty Ninth   International Liege Colloquium on Ocean Dynamics (Turbulence Revisited), Liege, Belgium, 7-11 May  2007.


(207) Chu P.C., O.V. Melnichenko,  and L. M. Ivanov,  Variability of the Antarctic Intermediate Water across the Equatorial Atlantic in 2004 Detected from ARGO Float Data Using the Optimal Spectral Decomposition Method, Nineteenth Conference on Climate Variability and Change, American Meteorological Society, San Antonio, Texas,  15-18 January 2007.


(206) Chu P.C., O.V. Melnichenko,  L. M. Ivanov, and N. C. Wells, Long baroclinic Rossby waves identified in the tropical north Atlantic from Argo profiling floats using the optimal decomposition method. Eleventh Symposium on Integrated Observing and Assimilation Systems for the Atmosphere, Oceans, and Land Surface (IOAS-AOLS), American Meteorological Society, San Antonio, Texas, 15-18 January 2007.


(205) Chu, P.C., L.M. Ivanov, O.V. Melnichenko, and N. Wells, Propagation of long baroclinic Rossby waves in the tropical North Atlantic. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California, 11-15 December 2006.


(204) Chu, P.C.,  O.V. Melnichenko, and L.M. Ivanov, Rapid path change of the Antarctic Intermediate Water across the equatorial Atlantic in 2004 detected from Argo float data. International Science Conference on Rapid Climate Change, Birmingham, U.K., 24-27 October 2006.


(203) Chu, P.C., K. Kyriakidis, and M. Ward, Two chemical dispersion regimes in tide-dominated San Diego Bay. The American Institute of Hydrology 25th Anniversary Meeting & International Conference, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, 21-24 May 2006.


(202) Chu, P.C., P. Pauly, and M. Ward, Wind effect on chemical dispersion in San Andrew Bay. The American Institute of Hydrology 25th Anniversary Meeting & International Conference, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, 21-24 May  2006.


(201) Chu, P.C., G. Ray, and C.W. Fan,  Rigid Body Maneuvering in Air-Water-Sediment Columns with fast water entry velocity, International Conference on Advances in Fluid Mechanics, Skiathos, Greece, 8-10 May 2006.


(200) Chu, P.C., G. Ray, P. Fleischer, and P. Gefken, Bomb maneuvering prediction for mine breaching, Seventh Monterey International Symposium on Technology and Mine Problems, Society for Counter-Ordnance Technology, Monterey, California, 1-4 May 2006.


(199) Chu, P.C., C. Allen, and P. Fleischer, Non-cylindrical mine impact experiment. Seventh Monterey International Symposium on Technology and Mine Problems, Society for Counter-Ordnance Technology, Monterey, California, 1-4 May 2006.


(198) Ivanov, L.M., and P.C. Chu, Effects of stochastic wind forcing uncertainty on predictability of regional ocean models. American Geophysical Union Ocean Sciences Meeting, Honolulu, Hawaii, 20-24 February 2006.


(197) Chu, P.C., L.M. Ivanov, and O. V. Melnichenko, Argo floats revealing long Rossby waves in the tropical Atlantic. American Geophysical Union Ocean Sciences Meeting, Honolulu, Hawaii, 20-24 February 2006.


(196) Chu, P.C., and K.F. Cheng, Wave effects on air-sea fluxes during typhoon seasons. Fourteenth Symposium on Interaction of Atmosphere and Oceans, American Meteorological Society, Atlanta, Georgia, January 30 - February 3, 2006.


(195) Chu, P.C., Y.C. Chen, S.H. Lu, Z. Li, and Y. Lu, An observational study on air quality in Lanzhou China. Sixth Symposium on Urban Environment, American Meteorological Society,  Atlanta, January 30 - February 3, 2006.


(194) Chu, P.C., L.M. Ivanov, and O. V. Melnichenko, and N. Wells, Large-scale mid-depth North Atlantic circulation identified from Argo float trajectory data using the optimal spectral decomposition method. Tenth Symposium on Integrated Observing and Assimilation Systems for the Atmosphere, Oceans, and Land Surface (IOAS-AOLS),  American Meteorological Society, Atlanta, Georgia, January 30 - February 3, 2006.


(193) Chu, P.C., L.M. Ivanov, and T.M. Margolina, Rotation Matrix Method for Analyzing Noisy Nonlinear Data. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco,  California, 4-10 December  2005.


(192) Chu, P.C., G. Amezaga, E.L. Gottshall, and D. Cwalina, Assessment of ocean prediction model for naval operations using acoustic preset. IEEE/Marine Technological Society OCEANS 2005 Conference, Washington D.C., 16-20 September 2005 (download).


(191) Chu, P.C., M. Cornelius, M. Wagstaff, Effect of suspended sediment on acoustic detection using the Navy's CASS/GRAB model. IEEE/Marine Technological Society OCEANS 2005 Conference, Washington D.C., 16-20 September 2005.


(190) Chu, P.C., and A.E. Armstrong, Instantaneous current prediction for naval operationsIEEE/Marine Technological Society OCEANS 2005 Conference,  Washington D.C., 16-20 September 2005.


(189) Chu, P.C., Y.C. Chen, S.H. Lu, Z. Li, and Y. Lu, Severe particulate pollution in Lanzhou China. Third International Symposium on Air Quality Management, Istanbul, Turkey, 26-30 September 2005.


(188) Chu, P.C., Y.C. Chen, and S.H. Lu, Afforestation for improving valley urban air quality. Third International Symposium on Air Quality Management, Istanbul, Turkey, 26-30 September 2005.


(187) Fan, C.W., and P.C. Chu, Finite volume for dynamical coupled modeling in coastal regions2005 International Ocean Research Conference, The Oceanography Society and UNESCO/IOC, Paris, France, June 6-10 2005.


(186) Chu, P.C., K.F. Cheng, and Y.C. Chen, Wave effect on the gas transfer at water surfaces. Thirty Seventh International Liege Colloquium on Ocean Dynamics, Liege, Belgium, 2-6 May 2005.


(185) Chu, P.C., S.H. Lu, and Y.C. Chen, Oasis breeze circulation for the desert oasis self preservation. European Geophysical Union General Assembly, Vienna, Austr1a, 25-29 April  2005 (download).


(184) Chu, P.C., O. Melnichenko, and L.M. Ivanov, Determination of mid-depth circulation of the North Atlantic Ocean from Argo data using the optimal spectral decomposition method. European Geophysical Union General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 25-29 April  2005.


(183) Chu, P.C., and L.M. Ivanov, Irreversible predictability time - a quantitative measure of model predictability. European Geophysical Union General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 25-29 April 2005.


(182) Chu, P.C., Mine impact burial prediction. Joint Undersea Warfare Technology Spring ConferenceAltering the Calculus: Integrated Undersea Warfare”, National Defense Industrial Association, San Diego, California, 29-31 March  2005.


(181) Chu, P.C., Development and verification of the three dimensional mine impact prediction model (IMPACT35). The Office of Naval Research Mine Impact Burial Prediction Workshop, Kailua-Kona, Hawaii, Jan 31 - Feb 2, 2005.


(180) Chu, P.C., L.M. Ivanov, and O. V. Melnichenko, Prediction of synoptic current reversals on the Louisiana-Texas continental shelf. Sixth Conference on Coastal Atmospheric and Oceanic Prediction and Processes, American Meteorological Society, San Diego, California, 9-13 January 2005.


(179) Chu, P.C., and L.M. Ivanov, Model predictability- from Lorenz system to operational ocean/atmospheric modelsLorenz Symposium, American Meteorological Society, San Diego, California, 9-13 January 2005.


(178) Chu, P.C., S.H. Lu, and Y.C. Chen, Desert oasis self preservation mechanisms, Nineteenth Hydrology Conference, American Meteorological Society, San Diego, 9-13 January 2005.


(177) Chu, P.C., and L.M. Ivanov, Optimal spectral decomposition method for ocean observing systems. Ninth Symposium on Integrated Observing and Assimilation Systems for the Atmosphere, Oceans, and Land Surface (IOAS-AOLS), American Meteorological Society, San Diego, California, 9-13 January 2005.


(176) Chu, P.C., P-vector method for determining Arctic Ocean circulation from the Joint US-Russian hydrographic data. Eighth Conference on Polar Meteorology and Oceanography, American Meteorological Society, San Diego, California, 9-13 January 2005.


(175) Chu, P.C., A new technology for ocean data analysis. Canada-US Ocean Technology Partners Event, San Francisco, California, 16 December 2004.


(174) Chu, P.C., and L. M. Leonid, Optimal spectral decomposition method for analyzing sparse and noisy data. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California, 13-17  December 2004.


(173) Chu, P.C., L.M. Ivanov, and O. Melnichenko, Optimal spectral decomposition for CODAR data analysis.  InSAR Workshop, Oxnard, California, 20-22 October 2004.


(172) Chu, P.C., Y. Chen, and S.H. Lu, Afforestation for valley urban air quality improvement, Fifth Symposium on Urban Environment, American Meteorology Society, Vancouver, 23-27 August 2004.


(171) Chu, P.C., Multifracture structure in upper ocean thermal field, First Annual Asia-Oceanic Geophysical Society Conference, Singapore, 5-9 July 2004.


(170) Chu, P.C., and L.M. Ivanov, How long can an ocean model predict? First Annual Asia-Oceanic Geophysical Society Conference, Singapore, 5-9 July 2004.


(169) Chu, P.C., S. Mancini, E. Gottshall, D. Cwalina, Improvement of Naval undersea capability using satellite data assimilation, Seventy Second  Military Operations Research Society Symposium, NPS, Monterey, California, 22-24 June 2004.


(168) Chu, P.C., and L.M. Ivanov, How long can atmospheric model predict? Symposium on 50th Anniversary of Operational Numerical Weather Prediction, American Meteorological Society, College Park, Maryland, 14-18 June 2004.


(167) Chu, P.C., N. Vares, and R. Keenan, Uncertainty in acoustic mine detection due to environmental variability, Sixth Monterey International Symposium on Technology and Mine Problems, Mine Warfare Association, California, 10-14 May 2004.


(166) Chu, P.C., A. Evans, T. Gilles, T. Smith, V. Taber, Development of Navy’s 3D mine impact burial prediction model (IMPACT35), Sixth Monterey International Symposium on Technology and Mine Problems, Mine Warfare Association, Monterey, California, 10-14 May 2004.


(165) Chu, P.C., and C.L. Fang, Predictability of Japan/East Sea (JES) system to uncertain initial/lateral boundary conditions and surface winds, Thirty Sixth International Liege Colloquium on Ocean Dynamics, Liege, Belgium, 3-7 May 2004.


(164) Chu, P.C., and C.W. Fan, Adaptation of volume transport for coastal ocean models, Thirty Sixth  International Liege Colloquium on Ocean Dynamics, Liege, Belgium, 3-7 May 2004.


(163) Chu, P.C., and L.M. Ivanov, Stochastic stability of ocean models, Thirty Sixth International Liege Colloquium on Ocean Dynamics, Liege, Belgium, 3-7 May 2004.


(162) Chu, P.C., A.F. Gilles, C.W. Fan, J. Lan, and P. Flescher, Hydrodynamic characteristics of falling cylinder in water column. Fifth International Symposium on Advances in Mechanics, Lisbon, Portugal, 22-24 March 2004.


(161) Chu, P.C., L.M. Ivanov, T. Margolina, Fall-winter synoptic current reversal on the Louisiana-Texas continental shelf. American Geophysical Union Ocean Sciences Meeting,  Portland, Oregon, 26-30 January 2004.


(160) Chu, P.C., and L. M. Ivanov, How long can an ocean model predict? American Geophysical Union Ocean Sciences Meeting, Portland, Oregon, 26-30 January 2004.


(159) Chu, P.C., Multifractal thermal characteristics of the southeastern GIN Sea upper layer. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California, 8-12 December 2003.


(158) Chu, P.C., Y.-C. Chen, and S.H. Lu, Afforestation for valley urban air pollution control. International Symposium on Clean Environment. Cheonan, Korea, 21-22 November 2003.


(157) Chu, P.C., and C.W. Fan, A finite volume ocean circulation model. Eighth International Conference on Estuarine and Coastal Modeling, Monterey, California, 3-5 November 2003.


(156) Chu, P.C., C.W. Fan, A. Evans, A. Gilles, Three dimensional hydrodynamic model for falling cylinder through the water column, IEEE/Marine Technology Society  OCEANS2003 Conference,  San Diego, California, 22-26 September 2003.


(155) Chu, P.C., E. Gottshall, and M. Perry, Satellite data assimilation  for Improvement of Naval Undersea Capability, IEEE/Marine Technology Society  OCEANS2003 Conference, San Diego, California, 22-26 September 2003.


(154) Chu, P.C. and L. M. Ivanov, Prediction-skill variability in atmospheric and oceanic models. International Conference on Earth System Modeling, Hamburg, Germany, 15-19 September 2003.

(153) Chu, P.C., J.L. Sun, and Q.Y. Liu, Effects of high baroclinic equatorial Kelvin waves on ENSO onset. International Conference on Earth System Modeling, Hamburg, Germany, 15-19 September 2003.

(152) Chu, P.C., L.M. Ivanov, and T. Margolina, Seasonal variability of the Black Sea chlorophyll concentration. Ocean Margin Research Conference, sponsored by the European Commission and UNESCO, Paris, France, 15-17 September 2003.


(151) Chu, P.C., Y.Q. Qi, and Y.C. Chen, Validation of wavewatch-III using TOPEX/POSEIDON data. SPIE 10th International Symposium on Remote Sensing, Barcelona, Spain, 8-12 September 2003.


(150) Chu, P.C., J. Wang, and Y.Q. Qi, South China Sea surface elevation variability determined using TOPEX/POSEIDON data. SPIE 10th International Symposium on Remote Sensing, Barcelona, Spain, 8-12 September 2003.


(149) Chu, P.C., and C.L. Fang, Observed Rossby waves in the South China Sea from satellite altimetry data. SPIE 10th International Symposium on Remote Sensing, Barcelona, Spain, 8-12 September 2003.


(148) Chu, P.C.,  and C.W. Fan, Conservative schemes for terrain-following ocean models. Fifth Conference on Coastal Meteorology and Oceanography, American Meteorological Society, Seattle,  Washington, 7-9 August 2003.


(147) Chu, P.C., Uncertainty in diagnostic initialization. International Terrain-Following Ocean Models Workshop, NOAA/PMEL, Seattle Washington, 4-6 August 2003.


(146) Chu, P.C. and L. M. Ivanov, Prediction-skill variability in regional ocean models. International Terrain-Following Ocean Models Workshop, NOAA/PMEL, Seattle Washington, 4-6 August 2003.


(145) Chu, P.C. and C.W. Fan, Hydrostatic correction for terrain-following ocean models. International Terrain-Following Ocean Models Workshop, NOAA/PMEL, Seattle Washington, 4-6 August, 2003.


(144) Chu, P.C., L.M. Ivanov, T.M. Margolina, O. V. Melnichenko, Flow decomposition for velocity data assimilation. Twenty Third General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, Sapporo, Japan, 30 June - 11 July 2003.


(143) Chu, P.C., Sun J., Q. Liu, Effect of high baroclinic equatorial Kelvin waves on ENSO onset. Joint European Geophysical Society and American Geophysical Union Meeting, Nice, France, 7-11 April 2003.


(142) Chu, P.C., and L.M. Ivanov, Regional sea model predictability. Joint European Geophysical Society and American Geophysical Union Meeting, Nice, France, 7-11 April  2003.


(141) Chu, P.C., Three dimensional hydrodynamic mine impact prediction modelThird ONR Mine Impact Burial Prediction Workshop, St. Petersberg, FL, 27-29 January 2003.


(140) Chu, P.C., and L.M. Ivanov, Model valid prediction period. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting,  San Francisco, California, 6-12 December 2002.


(139) Chu, P.C., and C.W. Fan, Finite volume ocean model. IEEE/Marine Technology Society  OCEANS2002, Biloxi, Mississippi, 28-31 October 2002.


(138) Chu, P.C., C. J. Cintron, S. D. Haeger, D. Schneider, R. E. Keenan, D.N. Fox, Yellow Sea Acoustic Uncertainty caused by hydrographic data error. International Conference on Impact of Littoral Environmental Variability on Acoustic Predictions and Sonar Performance, Villa Marigola, Lerici, Italy, 16-21 September 2002.


(137) Chu, P.C., C-Vector metod for determining frontal secondary circulation in Fram Strait. American Geophysical Union Chapman Conference on High Latitude Dynamics, L'Esterel, Quebec, Canada, 26-29 August 2002.


(136) Chu, P.C., A.F. Gilles, C.W. Fan, J. Lan, and P. Flescher, Hydrodynamic characteristics of falling cylinder in water column. Fourth International Symposium on Advances in Mechanics, Gent, Belgium, 15-17 May 2002.


(135) Chu, P.C., C. Cintron, S.D. Haeger, and R. E. Keenan, Acoustic mine detection using the Navy's CASS-GRAB. Fifth International Symposium on Technology and Mine Problem, Society for Counter-Ordnance Technology, Monterey, California, 22-26 April 2002.


(134) Chu, P.C., T. B. Smith, and S.D. Haeger, Mine impact burial experiment. Fifth International Symposium on Technology and Mine Problem, Mine Warfare Association, Monterey, California, 22-26 April 2002.


(133) Chu, P.C., A.F. Gilles, C.W. Fan, and P. Flescher, Hydrodynamics of falling mine in water column. Fifth International Symposium on Technology and Mine Problem, Mine Warfare Association, Monterey, 22-26 April  2002.


(132) Chu, P.C., A.F. Gilles, C.W. Fan, J. Lan, and P. Flescher, Hydrodynamical characteristics of falling cylinder in water column. Fourth International Symposium on Advances in Mechanics, Gent, Belgium, 15-17 May 2002.


(131) Chu, P.C., L.M. Ivanov, and C.W. Fan, Determination of model valid prediction period using the backward Fokker-Planck equation. Sixteenth Conference on Probability and Statistics in the Atmospheric Sciences, American Meteorological Society, Orlando, Florida, 13-17 January 2002.


(130) Chu, P.C., J. Wang, and Y. Qi, South China Sea elevation variability determined from TOPEX/POSEIDON data. Sixth Symposium on Integrated Observing Systems, American Meteorological Society, Orlando, Florida, 13-17 January 2002.


(129) Chu, P.C. and L.M. Ivanov, Linear and nonlinear perspectives of forecast error estimate using the first passage time. Symposium on Observations, Data Assimilation, and Probabilistic Prediction, American Meteorological Society, Orlando, Florida, 13-17 January 2002.


(128) Chu, P.C., Scaling and fractals in ocean mixed layer. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California, 10-14 December 2001.


(127) Chu, P.C., and L.M. Ivanov, Reconstruction of Gulf of Mexico circulation from drift buoy data. Fourth Conference on Coastal Meteorology and Oceanography, American Meteorological Society, St. Petersburg, Florida, 5-8 November 2001.


(126) Chu, P.C., and R.F. Li, Determination of isopycnal surface circulation from hydrographic data. Fourth  Conference on Coastal Meteorology and Oceanography, American Meteorological Society, St. Petersburg, Florida, 5-8 November 2001.


(125) Chu, P.C., and C.W. Fan, A finite volume ocean model. Seventh International Conference on Estuarine and Coastal Modeling (ECM 7), St. Petersburg, Florida,  5-8 November 2001.


(124) Chu, P.C., R.F. Li, and C.W. Fan, Isopycnal surface circulation in water mass crossroads. Joint Assembles of the International Association for Physical Sciences of the Oceans, International Association for Biological Oceanography, Mar del Plata, Argentina, 22-26 October 2001.


(123) Chu, P.C., and C.W. Fan, Determination of volume transport using Ekman-Munk model. Joint Assembles of the International Association for Physical Sciences of the Oceans, International Association for Biological Oceanography, Mar del Plata, Argentina, 22-26 October  2001.


(122) Chu, P.C., L.M. Ivanov, T.P. Korzhova, T.M. Margolina, O.V. Melnichenko, Reconstruction of ocean currents from sparse and noisy data in an open domain. Joint Assembles of the International Association for Physical Sciences of the Oceans, International Association for Biological Oceanography, Mar del Plata, Argentina, 22-26 October 2001.


(121) Chu, P.C., and C.W. Fan, Determination of interhemispheric water exchange from hydrographic and wind data. Joint Assembles of the International Association for Physical Sciences of the Oceans, International Association for Biological Oceanography, Mar del Plata, Argentina, 22-26 October 2001.


(120) Chu, P.C., and S.H. Lu, A Coastal Atmosphere-Ocean Coupled System (CAOCS) for East Asian marginal sea prediction. Joint Assembles of the International Association for Physical Sciences of the Oceans, International Association for Biological Oceanography, Mar del Plata, Argentina, 22-26 October 2001.


(119) Chu, P.C., S. Wells, C.J. Cintron, S. D. Haeger, Yellow Sea thermohaline and acoustic variabilities. Joint Assembles of the International Association for Physical Sciences of the Oceans, International Association for Biological Oceanography, Mar del Plata, Argentina, 22-26 October 2001.


(118) Chu, P.C., and L. Ivanov, Backward Fokker-Planck equation for determination of model predictability with uncertain initial errors. Thirteenth Conference on Atmospheric and Oceanic Fluid Dynamics, American Meteorological Society, Breckenridge, Colorado, 4-8 June 2001.


(117) Chu, P.C., and L. Ivanov, First-passage for determination of model predictability with uncertain initial errors. American Geophysical Union Spring Meeting, Boston, 28 May - 1 June 2001.


(116) Chu, P.C., and S.H. Lu, East Asian marginal seas prediction using a coastal atmosphere-ocean coupled system (CAOCS). Eleventh Conference on Interaction of the Sea and Atmosphere, American Meteorological Society, San Diego, 14-18 May 2001.


(115) Chu, P.C., Toward accurate coastal ocean modeling. International Council for Sciences, Scientific Committee for Oceanic Research (SCOR), Miami, Florida, 5-7 April  2001.


(114) Chu, P.C., and C.W. Fan, Determination of global ocean volume transport from hydrographic and wind data. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California, 15-19 December 2000.


(113) Chu, P.C., S.H. Lu, and C.S. Kim, Numerical simulation of monthly circulation and thermal structure in the East Sea. Autumn Meeting, Korean Society of Oceanography, Seoul, Korea, 27-28 October 2000.


(112) Chu, P.C., Toward accurate coastal ocean modeling, Advances in Mathematical Modelling of Atmosphere and Ocean Dynamics, International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, University of Limrick, Ireland, 2-7 July 2000.


(111) Chu, P.C. and S.H. Lu, An air-ocean coupled nowcast/forecast  system (CAOCS) for east Asian marginal seas, Advances in Mathematical Modelling of Atmosphere and Ocean Dynamics, International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, University of Limrick, Ireland, 2-7 July 2000.


(110) Chu, P.C., and S.H. Lu, Circulation and Thermohaline Structure of the East Asian Marginal Seas Simulated by a Nested Global/Regional Model. Western Pacific Geophysics Meeting, American Geophysical Union, Tokyo, Japan, 27-30 June 2000.


(109) Chu, P.C., Ocean model initialization using the P-vector method. American Geophysical Union Spring Meeting, Washington D.C., 30 May  - 3 June 2000.


(108) Chu, P.C., V. Taber, and S. Haeger, Environmental sensitivity study on mine impact burial prediction modelFourth International Symposium on Technology and the Mine Problem, Mine Warfare Association, Monterey, California, 12-16 March 2000.


(107) Chu, P.C., and C.W. Fan, Accurate estimate of flow over rough topography. American Geophysical Union Ocean Sciences Meeting, San Antonio, Texas, 24-28 January  2000.


(106) Chu, P.C., Airborne expandable bathythermograph and conductivity-temperature-depth (AXBT/AXCTD) survey for upper ocean thermohaline structure. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California, 13-17 December, 1999.


(105) Chu, P.C., Fundamental circulation functions for the determination of open boundary conditions. Third Conference on Coastal Oceanic and Atmospheric Prediction, American Meteorological Society, New Orleans, Louisiana, 3-5 November 1999 (download).


(104) Chu, P.C., S.H. Lu, and Y.C. Chen, A coastal air-ocean coupled system (CAOCS) for the South China Sea prediction. Third Conference on Coastal Oceanic and Atmospheric Prediction, American Meteorological Society, New Orleans, 3-5 November 1999.


(103) Chu, P.C., H. Strauhs, and J. Lan, Dynamical mechanisms for Japan/East Sea (JES) circulation and thermohaline structure. Sixth International Conference on Estuarine and Coastal Modeling, American Society of Civil Engineering, New Orleans, 3-5 November 1999.


(102) Chu, P.C., and H. Liu, World ocean thermal structure. Twenty Second General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, Birmingham, U.K., 18-30 July 1999.


(101) Chu, P.C., and S.H. Lu, A nested basin/coastal circulation model for East Asian regional seas. Twenty Second General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, Birmingham, U.K.,  18-30 July 1999.


(100) Chu, P.C., S.H. Lu, and W.T. Liu, Error propagation across the air-ocean interface. Twenty Second General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, Birmingham, U.K., 18-30 July 1999.


(99) Chu, P.C., S.H. Lu, and Y.C. Chen, A coastal air-ocean coupled system (CAOCS) for the South China Sea multi-eddy structure. Twenty Second General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, Birmingham, U.K., 18-30 July 1999.


(98) Chu, P.C., Limitations of climate prediction. Twenty Second General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, Birmingham, U.K., 18-30 July 1999.


(97) Chu, P.C., C.W. Fan, C.J. Lozano, and J. Kirling, An airborne expandable bathythermograph survey of the South China Sea, May 1995. Twenty Second General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, Birmingham, U.K., 18-30 July 1999.


(96) Chu, P.C., and J. Veneziano, The South China Sea response to tropical cyclone Ernie 1996. Twenty Second General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, Birmingham, U.K., 18-30 July  1999.


(95) Chu, P.C., An airborne expandable bathythermograph (AXBT) survey for SCSMEX. American Geophysical Union Spring Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts, 1-4 June  1999.


(94) Chu, P.C., and R.F. Li, Determination of Atlantic circulation on isopycnal surfaces from hydrographic data. American Geophysical Union Spring Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts, 1-4 June 1999.


(93) Chu, P.C., S.H. Lu, and Y.C. Chen, Circulations and thermohaline structures of the Japan/east Sea (JES) and adjacent seas simulated by a nested basin/coastal model. International Symposium on Circulation Research of the East Asian Marginal Seas, Fukuoka, Japan, 25-29 January 1999.


(92) Chu, P.C., Y.C. Chen, and S.H. Lu, Japan/east Sea (JES) Polar Front meandering and eddy shedding detected from an airborne expandable bathythermograph survey, May 1995. International Symposium on Circulation Research of the East Asian Marginal Seas, Fukuoka, Japan, 25-29 January 1999.


(91) Chu, P.C., and J.M.. Veneziano, A numerical simulation of the South China Sea response to tropical cyclone Ernie 1996Twenty Third Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology, American Meteorological Society, Dallas, Texas, 10-15 January 1999.


(90) Chu, P.C., and Q.Q. Wang, Beaufort/Chukchi Sea thermohaline structure. Fifth Conference on Polar Meteorology and Oceanography, American Meteorological Society, Dallas, Texas,  10-15 January 1999.


(89) Chu, P.C., S.H. Lu, and Y.C. Chen, Two kinds of predictability. Second Hayes Symposium on Seasonal to Interannual Climate Variability-The 1997/1998 ENSO Cycle, American Meteorological Society, Dallas, Texas,  10-15 January 1999.


(88) Chu, P.C., Multifractal analysis of ocean mixed layer near Norwegian coast. Thirteenth Symposium on Boundary Layers and Turbulence, American Meteorological Society, Dallas, Texas,  10-15 January 1999.


(87) Chu, P.C., and H. Liu, Seasonal and interannual variabilities of the world ocean thermal structure. Tenth Symposium on Global Change Studies, American Meteorological Society, Dallas, Texas, 10-15 January 1999.


(86) Chu, P.C., Several fundamental problems in coastal ocean modeling. International Conference on Coastal and Ocean Modelling, UNESCO, 1998 International Year of the Ocean, Valletta, Malta, 12-14 November 1998.


(85) Chu, P.C., S.H. Lu, and Y.C. Chen, Second kind predictability in climate models. The Rossby-100 Symposium, Stockholm, Sweden, 8-12 June 1998.


(84) Chu, P.C., and E. Gottshall, METOC support for mine countermeasure. 66th Military Operations Research Society Symposium, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, California, 10-12 June 1998.

(83) Chu, P.C., S.H. Lu, and Y.C. Chen: A numerical study of the East Asian monsoon onset. International Conference on Monsoon and Hydrological Cycle, Kjungju, Korea, 22-25 April 1998.

(82) Chu, P.C., Meteorological and oceanographic (METOC) support for determining safe current in magnetic sea mine sweeping.  Third International Symposium on Technology and the Mine Problem, Society for Counter-Ordnance Technology, Monterey, California,  6-9 April 1998.


(81) Chu, P.C., J. Veneziano, and M. Carron, Response of the South China Sea to the tropical storm Ernie 1996. Second International Workshop on Princeton Ocean Model (POM), Princeton, New Jersey, 17-20 February 1998.


(80) Chu, P.C, High-order difference schemes for ocean modeling. Second International Workshop on Princeton Ocean Model (POM), Princeton, New Jersey, 17-20 February 1998.


(79) Chu, P.C. and C. Fan, Toward accurate coastal prediction.  American Geophysical Union Ocean Sciences Meeting, San Diego, California, 9-13 February 1998.


(78) Goncolves, E, P.C. Chu, and E. Campos, Brazil current system determined by the P-vector method.  American Geophysical Union Ocean Sciences Meeting, San Diego, California, 9-13 February 1998.


(77) Pinto, R., P.-M. Poulain, and P.C. Chu, P-vector approach for determining absolute geostrophic circulation in the strait of Otranto and the southern Adriatic.   American Geophysical Union Ocean Sciences Meeting, San Diego, 9-13 February 1998.


(76) Chu, P.C., S.H. Lu, and Y.C. Chen, Evaluation of ice-albedo effect by a coupled atmosphere-ocean model.  Ninth Conference on Interaction of the Sea and Atmosphere, American Meteorological Society, Phoenix, Arizona, 11-16 January 1998.


(75) Chu, P.C., and C.W. Fan, High-order difference schemes for coastal modeling. Second Conference on Coastal Oceanic and Atmospheric Prediction, American Meteorological Society, American Meteorological Society, Phoenix, Arizona, 11-16 January 1998.


(74) Chu, P.C., S.H. Lu, and Y. Chen, Second kind predictability in climate models. Ninth Conference on Global Change, American Meteorological Society, Phoenix, Arizona, 11-16 January 1998.


(73) Chu, P.C., S.H. Lu, and Y. Chen, Effects of the Drake Passage on the global climatic change.  Ninth Conference on Global Change, American Meteorological Society, Phoenix, Arizona, 11-16 January 1998.


(72) Chu, P.C., Naval Ocean Analysis and Prediction (NOAP) - an integrated education and research program at the Naval Postgraduate School. Seventh Conference on Education, American Meteorological Society, Phoenix, 11-16 January 1998.


(71) Chu, P.C., S.H. Lu, and Y.C. Chen, Simulation of spring to summer monsoon transition over East Asia with an NCAR regional climate model. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, 8-12 December 1997.


(70) Chu, P.C. and C.W. Fan, High-order coastal ocean modeling.  Fifth International Conference on Estuarine and Coastal Modeling, Alexandria, Virginia, 22-24 October 1997.


(69) Chu, P.C., E. Gottshall, and T. Halwacs, Environmental Effects on Mine Counter Measure. Sixty Fifth Military Operations Research Society Symposium, Marine Corps Combat Development Command, Quantico, Virginia, 10-12 June 1997.


(68) Chu, P.C., Y.C. Chen, and S.H. Lu, Ice-albedo effect on the global climate variability. Twenty Second General Assembly of the European Geophysical Society, Vienna, Austria, 21-25 April 1997.


(67) Chu, P.C., S.H. Lu, and Y.C. Chen, Effects of Drake Passage on the global climate variability. Twenty Second General Assembly of the European Geophysical Society, Vienna, Austria, 21-25 April 1997.


(66) Chu, P.C., L.L. Ehret, and J. Scott, Multifractal analysis of ocean mixed layer near the Norwegian coast. Twenty Second General Assembly of the European Geophysical Society, Vienna, Austria, 21-25 April 1997.


(65) Chu, P.C., S.H. Lu, and Y.C. Chen, Simulation of winter and summer monsoons over east Asia with a nested global-regional climate model. Twenty Second General Assembly of the European Geophysical Society, Vienna, Austria, 21-25 April 1997.


(64) Chu, P.C., S.H. Lu, and Y.C. Chen, Simulation of spring-to- summer monsoons over east Asia with an NCAR regional climate model. Twenty Second General Assembly of the European Geophysical Society, Vienna, Austria, 21-25 April 1997.


(63) Chu, P.C., S.H. Lu, and Y.C. Chen, Predictability of climate models - sensitivity to tiny sea surface temperature disturbances. Twenty Second General Assembly of the European Geophysical Society, Vienna, Austria, 21-25 April 1997.


(62) Chu, P.C., Y.C. Chen, and S.H. Lu, On Haney-type ocean surface thermal boundary conditions. The Oceanographic Society Meeting, Seattle, Washington, 31 March- 3 April 1997.


(61) Chu, P.C., and S.H. Lu, Response of radiative fluxes to tiny random sea surface temperature disturbances. Ninth Conference on Atmospheric Radiation, American Meteorological Society, Long Beach, California, 2-7 February 1997.


(60) Chu, P.C., and S.H. Lu, Response of hydrological cycle to tiny random sea surface temperature disturbances. Thirteenth Conference on Hydrology, American Meteorological Society, Long Beach, California, 2-7 February 1997.


(59) Chu, P.C., and C.W. Fan, Sixth-order compact difference schemes for error reduction in ocean models. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, 15-19 December 1996.


(58) Ehret, L.L.,P.C. Chu, N.L. Edmons, and C.J. Tseng, A three dimensional numerical simulation of the South China Sea circulation. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, 15-19 December 1996.


(57) Chu, P.C., The Navy's master observational oceanographic dataset analysis and the surface heat exchange budget of the Arctic  (SHEBA) sampling strategies. Second Phase SHEBA Ocean/Ice Science Planning Meeting,  Seattle, Washington, 17-18 September 1996.


(56) Chu, P.C., High-order difference schemes for coastal modeling. First International Workshop on Princeton Ocean Model (POM), Princeton, New Jersey, 10-12 June 1996.


(55) Chu, P.C., C.W. Fan, and S.D. Haeger, Central South China Sea baroclinic eddies detected from an airborne expendable bathythermograph survey, Chungli, Taiwan, 16-18 May 1996.


(54) Chu, P.C., and N. Edmons, South China Sea prediction system. First International Workshop on Princeton Ocean Model (POM), Princeton, New Jersey, 10-12 June 1996.


(53) Chu,  P.C., SOLIC - a special operations curriculum at NPS. First Special Operations Force (SOF) METOC Conference, McDill AFB, FL, 11-13 March 1996.


(52) Chu, P.C., and L. Ehret, Effects of stratification and continental slope on the shelf break isolation. First Conference on Coastal Oceanic and Atmospheric Prediction, American Meteorological Society, Atlanta, Georgia, 28 January -2 February 1996.


(51) Chu, P.C., and C.W. Fan, Increment vector transfer method for determining open boundary condition of the Csandy shelf model from interior values. First Conference on  Coastal Oceanic and Atmospheric Prediction, American Meteorological Society,  Atlanta, Georgia, 28 January -2 February 1996.


(50) Chu, P.C.,  M.J. Huang and E. X. Fu, Formation of the South China Sea warm-core eddy in boreal spring. Eighth Conference on Air-Sea Interaction, American Meteorological Society, Atlanta, Georgia, 28 January -2 February 1996.


(49) Chu, P.C.,  H.C. Tseng,  and C.P. Chang, South China Sea warm-core and cold-core eddies detected from the Navy's Master Oceanographic Observational Data Set (MOODS). Eighth Conference on Air-Sea Interaction, American Meteorological Society, Atlanta, Georgia, 28 January -2 February 1996.


(48) Chu, P.C., C.W. Fan, and C.J. Lozano, P-vector method for assimilating hydrographic data into ocean circulation models. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, 11-15 December 1995.


(47) Chu, P.C.,  and C.J. Lozano, A regularized inverse method for beta-spiral dynamics. Twenty First General Assembly of the International Association for the Physical Sciences of Oceans, Honolulu, Hawaii, 5-12 August 1995.


(46) Chu, P.C.,  and C.J. Lozano, P-vector method for determining ocean circulation from hydrographic data. Twenty First General Assembly of the International Association for the Physical Sciences of Oceans, Honolulu, Hawaii, 5-12 August 1995.


(45) Chu, P.C., L. Ehret and C.J. Lozano, Response of shelf circulation to stratification and continental slope. Twenty First General Assembly of the International Association for the Physical Sciences of Oceans, Honolulu, Hawaii, 5-12 August 1995.


(44) Chu, P.C., Monsoon effects on the South China Sea circulation. Twenty First General Assembly of the International Association for the Physical Sciences of Oceans, Honolulu, Hawaii, 5-12 August 1995.


(43) Chu, P.C., Joint warfare environmental analysis and prediction systems. Sixty Third Military Operations Research Society Symposium, Annapolis, Maryland,  6-8 June 1995.


(42) Chu, P.C. and C. Fralick, S. Haeger, and M. Carron, A feature model for the continental shelf thermal structure.  International Liege Colloquium on Dynamics of the Regions of Fresh Water Influence, Liege, Belgium, 8-13 May 1995.


(41) Chu, P.C. and S.K. Wells, S. Haeger, M. Carron, and C. Szczechowski, Spatial and temporal decorrelation scales of the Yellow Sea shelf thermal fields.   International Liege Colloquium on Dynamics of the Regions of Fresh Water Influence, Liege, Belgium, 8-13 May 1995.


(40) Chu, P.C. and L. Ehret, Effects of stratification and slope on shelf break isolation. International Liege Colloquium on Dynamics of the Regions of Fresh Water Influence, Liege, Belgium, 8-13 May 1995.


(39) Chu, P.C., The S transformation - a useful tool for computing temporally varying TOGA sea level spectra. International Tropical Ocean and Global Atmosphere (TOGA) Scientific Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 2-7 April 1995.


(38) Chu, P.C., A feature model for the Arctic upper ocean thermal structure. Fourth Conference on Polar Meteorology and Oceanography, American Meteorological Society, Dallas, Texas, 15-20 January 1995.


(37) Brasket, A., M. Holland, and P.C. Chu, Comparison of Arctic Ocean mixed layer model with observation. Fourth Conference on Polar Meteorology and Oceanography, American Meteorological Society,   Dallas, Texas, 15-20 January 1995.


(36) Chu, P.C., C. Fralick, S.D. Haeger, and M.J. Carron, A feature model for the Yellow Sea thermal structure. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California, 5-9 December 1994.


(35) Chu, P.C., C.C. Li, D.S. Ko, and C. N. K. Mooers, Response of South China Sea to the monsoon forcing. Second International Conference of Air-Sea Interaction and Meteorology and Oceanography of the Coastal Zones, Lisbon, Portugal, 22-27 September 1994.


(34) Chu, P.C., An observational study on the upper layer thermal structure of the Arctic Ocean. American Geophysical Union Spring Meeting, Baltimore, 23-27 May 1994.


(33) Chu, P.C., An integral method for determining ocean circulation from hydrographic data.  American Geophysical Union Ocean Sciences Meeting, San Diego, California, 21-25 February 1994.


(32) Chu, P.C., International South China Sea Monsoon Experiment Science Plan (Ocean Part). First International South China Sea Monsoon Experiment Workshop, Greenbelt, Maryland, 10-12 January 1994.


(31) Chu, P.C., S. Konstandinidis, P. Jessen, and C.A. Collins, C-vector method derived three dimensional circulation in Farallone National Sanctuary. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California, 7-11 December 1992.


(30) Chu, P.C., and R.W. Garwood, Jr., Cloud-precipitation-ocean mixed layer feedback. Tenth Symposium on Turbulence and Diffusion, American Meteorological Society, Portland, Oregon, 29 September - 2 October 1992.


(29) Chu, P.C., Three dimensional circulations in the western Spitsbergen Coast. Third Symposium on Polar Meteorology and Oceanography, American Meteorological Society, Portland, Oregon, 29 September - 2 October 1992.


(28) Chu, P.C., C-vector method and its applications, Arctic System Science Workshop, sponsored by the National Science Foundation, Pacific Grove, California, 13-17 July 1992.


(27) Chu, P.C., Modeling of deep convection and deep water formation in oceans.  American Geophysical Union Ocean Sciences Meeting,  New Orleans, Louisiana, 27-31 January 1992.


(26) Chu, P.C., A new switch theory for El Nino and Southern Oscillation. Third Conference on Global Change, American Meteorological Society, Atlanta, Georgia, 5-10 January 1992.


(25) Chu, P.C., Three dimensional eastern Greenland Sea circulations computed from a CTD data set.  Third Conference on  Polar Meteorology and Oceanography, American Meteorological Society, Atlanta, Georgia, 5-10 January 1992.


(24) Chu, P.C., and R.W. Garwood, Jr., 1992: Effect of cloud-precipitation-ocean mixed layer feedback on drag coefficient.  Tenth Symposium on Turbulence and Diffusion, American Meteorological Society, Atlanta, Georgia, 5-10 January 1992.


(23) Chu, P.C.,  Air-ocean surface heat exchange (AOSHE) model and low frequency unstable modes in atmosphere and ocean.  Fifth Conference on Climate Variation, American Meteorological Society, Denver, Colorado, 14-18 October 1991.


(22) Chu, P.C., 1991: Stability of flexural-gravity waves.   Eighth Conference on Atmospheric and Oceanic Waves and Stability, American Meteorological Society,  Denver, Colorado, 14-18 October 1991.


(21) Chu, P.C., and R.W. Garwood Jr., Formation of warm pool in the western tropical Pacific. International Tropical Ocean and Global Atmosphere /Coupled Ocean and Atmosphere Response Experiment Conference, San Francisco, 4 December 1990.


(20) Chu, P.C., Atmosphere and flexural-gravity wave interaction. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, 3-4 December 1990.


(19) Chu, P.C., Geophysical processes for the deep convection in oceans.  International Deep Convection and Deep Water Formation Colloquium, Monterey, California, 26-30 March 1990.


(18) Chu, P.C., Symmetric instability - a possible mechanism for preconditioning of the deep convection in oceans.  International Deep Convection and Deep Water Formation Colloquium, Monterey, California, 26-30 March 1990.


(17) Tsai, C.M., P. Jessen, P.C. Chu, and C.A. Collins, Transition between eddy-dominant and long shore jet-dominant regions in the California Currents.  American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, 4-8 December 1989.


(16) Chu, P.C. and R.W. Garwood Jr., Importance of cloud-ocean mixed layer feedback in ocean prediction.  Naval Air Sea Conference, organized by the Naval Oceanic and Atmospheric Research Lab, Monterey, 31 August - 1 September 1989.


(15) Chu, P.C., and R.W. Garwood, Jr., Effects of vertical mixing and entrainment on the equatorial air-sea coupled system. The Oceanography Society Inaugural Meeting, Monterey, California, 27-30 August 1989.


(14) Chu, P.C., Air-ice-ocean feedback mechanism and glacial cycles.  International Glaciological Society Symposium on Ice and Climate, Seattle,  Washington, 20- 25 August 1989.


(13) Garwood, R.W.,Jr., P.C. Chu, P. Muller, and N. Schneider, Equatorial entrainment: the diurnal cycle. International Tropical Ocean and Global Atmosphere /Coupled Ocean and Atmosphere Response Experiment Conference, Noumea, New Caledonia, 24-30 May 1989.


(12) Chu, P.C., and R.W. Garwood, Jr., Hydrological effects on the air-ocean coupled system. International Tropical Ocean and Global Atmosphere /Coupled Ocean and Atmosphere Response Experiment Conference, Noumea, New Caledonia, 24-30 May 1989.


(11) Chu, P.C., R.W. Garwood, Jr., and P. Muller, Unstable and damped modes in coupled cloud and ocean mixed layer system. Twenty First International Liege Colloquium on Ocean Hydrodynamics, Liege, Belgium, 8-12 May 1989.


(10) Chu, P.C. and R.W. Garwood, Jr., Cloud-ocean mixed layer feedback. The American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting, Anaheim, California, 30 January-3 February 1989.


(9) Chu, P.C., A meso-scale air-ice-ocean feedback mechanism in the marginal ice zone. Seventh International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, American Society of Mechanical Engineering, Houston, 8-12 February 1988.


(8) Chu, P.C. and R.W. Garwood Jr., Two-component thermodynamic air-sea interaction. Jacob Bjerknes Symposium on Air-Sea Interactions, American Meteorological Society, Anaheim, California, 31 January - 5 February 1988.


(7) Chu, P.C., Ocean mixed layer modeling. Ocean Modeling Workshop,  organized by the Fleet Numerical Oceanographic Center, Monterey, California, 17-19 November 1987.


(6) Chu, P.C. and R.W. Garwood, Jr., Thermodynamic feedback between summer monsoon and ocean temperature and salinity. Seventeenth  General Assembly of the International Association for the Physical Sciences of Oceans, Vancouver, Canada, 9-22 August 1987.


(5) Chu, P.C., An air-ice-ocean feedback mechanism in the marginal ice zone. Seventeenth  General Assembly of the International Association for the Physical Sciences of Oceans, Vancouver, Canada, 9-22 August 1987.


(4) Chu, P.C., A seabreeze mechanism in the marginal ice zone. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California, 11-15 December 1986.


(3) Kuo, H.L., and P.C. Chu, On formation of coastal deserts. Third Conference on Meteorology of the Coastal Zone, American Meteorological Society, Miami, Florida, 9-13 January 1984.


(2) Kuo, H.L., and P.C. Chu, On the influence of coastal upwelling on the diurnal variation of sea breeze circulation. Third Conference on Meteorology of the Coastal Zone, American Meteorological Society, Miami, Florida, 9-13 January 1984.


(1) Chu, P.C., and H. L. Kuo, Influence of atmospheric aerosols on solar radiative transfer. Fifth Conference on Atmospheric Radiation, American Meteorological Society, Baltimore, Maryland, 31 October- 4 November 1983.