Peter C. Chu

Distinguished Professor and Chair

Department of Oceanography
Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA  93943


(in time reverse order)


(107) Chu, P.C., B.F. Breshears, A. J. Cullen, R.F. Hammerer, R.P. Martinez, T.Q. Phung, T. Margolina, and C.W. Fan, 2017: Environmental effects on underwater optical transmission. Proc. SPIE 10186, Ocean Sensing and Monitoring IX, 1018609 (May 22, 2017); doi:10.1117/12.2256466


(106) Chu, P.C., C.M. McDonald, M. Kucukosmamnoglu, A. Judono, T. Margolina, and C.W. Fan, 2017: Effect of inter- and intra-annual thermohaline variability on acoustic propagation. Proc. SPIE 10186, Ocean Sensing and Monitoring IX, 101860U (May 22, 2017); doi:10.1117/12.2258687


(105) Chu, P.C., and C.-W. Fan, 2010: Objective determination of ocean mixed layer depth.  IEEE/MTS OCEANS2010.


(104) Chu, P.C., and Y.-H. Kuo, 2010:  Detection of red tides in the southwestern coastal region using ocean color data.  IEEE/MTS OCEANS2010.


(103) Chu, P.C., and C.W. Fan,  2010: Wave effect on underwater bomb trajectory with application to mine clearance. Ninth Monterey International Symposium on Technology and Mine Problems, Society for Counter-Ordnance Technology.


(102)  Chu, P.C., J. M. Bushnell, and K. P. Watson, 2010: Tail separation and Density Effects on the Underwater Trajectory of the JDAM.  Ninth Monterey International Symposium on Technology and Mine Problems, Society for Counter-Ordnance Technology.


(101) Chu, P.C., and C.W. Fan, 2010: A fully conserved adjustment scheme for stabilization of hydrographic profiles.  14th Symposium on Integrated Observing and Assimilation Systems for the Atmosphere, Oceans, and Land Surface (IOAS-AOLS).

(100) Chu, P.C., Y.-H. Kuo, and G. Galanis, 2010: Statistical structure of global significant wave heights. 20th Conference on Probability and Statistics in the Atmospheric Sciences.

 (99) Galanis, G., G. Kallos, P.C. Chu, and Y.-H. Kuo, 2010: Evaluation of the new ECMWF WAM model. Proceedings of SeaSar 2010, European Space Agency.

(98) Chu, P.C., 2009: Analysis of remotely sensed ocean data by the optimal spectral decomposition (OSD) method.  IEEE/MTS OCEANS 2009.


(97) Chu, P.C., and Y.-H. Kuo, 2009: Biophysical variability in the Kuroshio Extension from Altimeter and SeaWiFS. IEEE/MTS OCEANS 2009.


(96)  Chu, P.C., K. Kyriakidis, S.D. Haeger, and M. Ward, 2009: Tidal effect on chemical dispersion in San Diego Bay, International Conference on Coastal Processes, Wessex Institute of Technology.

(95) Chu, P.C., and C.-W. Fan, 2009: Transformed flux-form semi-Lagrangian schemes for coastal ocean modeling. Eighth Conference on Coastal Atmospheric and Oceanic Prediction and Process, American Meteorological Society.


(94) Chu, P.C., C. Sun, and C.-W. Fan, 2009: Detection of thermohaline structure and meridional overturning circulation above and below the ocean surface. Twenty First Conference on Climate Variability and Change, American Meteorological Society.


(93) Chu, P.C., 2009: Weibull distribution for global surface current speeds obtained from satellite altimetry. Sixteenth Conference on Satellite Meteorology  and Oceanography,  American Meteorological Society.


(92) Chu, P.C., 2009: Development of 6-DOF model for underwater bomb trajectory prediction with application to the stand-off assault breaching weapon fuse improvement (SOABWFI). European Undersea Defense Technology 2009 Conference, 10 pages in DVD-Rom.


(91) Chu, P.C., C. L. Williams, T. Clem, 2008: Battlespace on demand for  maritime threats: mine drift in the Strait of Hormuz and near Iraqi oil terminals. Eighth Monterey International Symposium on Technology and Mine Problems,  Society for Counter-Ordnance Technology, Monterey, California,  8 pages in CD-Rom.


(90) Chu, P.C., G. Ray, C.W. Fan, and P. Gefken, 2008:  Underwater bomb trajectory prediction for stand-off assault breaching weapon fuse improvement (SOABWFI). Eighth Monterey International Symposium on Technology and Mine Problems, Society for Counter-Ordnance Technology, Monterey, California,  8 pages in CD-Rom.


(89) Chu, P.C., and C.W. Fan, 2008: Semi-empirical formulas of drag/lift coefficients for high speed rigid body maneuvering in water column. Seventh International Symposium on  Advances in Fluid Mechanics,  163-172.


(88) Chu, P.C., and C. L. Williams, S.D. Haeger, M. Ward, 2008: Environmental impact on chemical spill in the northern Persian Gulf. Seventh International Symposium on Environmental Problems in Coastal Regions, 149-159.


(87) Chu, P.C., 2008: Weibull distribution for the global ocean surface current speeds obtained  from satellite altimetry. Proceedings on IEEE International Geoscience & Remote Sensing Symposium, DVD-ROM, 4 pages.


(86) Chu, P.C., 2008: Optimal spectral decomposition (OSD) for remotely sensed ocean data assimilation. Proceedings on IEEE International Geoscience & Remote Sensing Symposium, DVD-ROM,  4 pages.


(85) Chu, P.C., C. Sun, and O.V. Melnichenko, 2008: Variability in Atlantic meridional overturning circulation and heat transport detected remotely from Argo floats. IEEE International Geoscience & Remote Sensing Symposium, DVD-ROM, 4 pages.


(84) Chu, P.C., G. Ray, P. Fleischer, and P. Gefken, 2006: Bomb strike experiment for mine countermeasure. Seventh Monterey International Symposium on Technology and Mine Problems, Society for Counter-Ordnance Technology, Monterey, California, DVD-ROM, 10 pages.


(83) Chu, P.C., C. Allen, and P. Fleischer, 2006: Non-cylindrical mine impact experiment.  Seventh Monterey International Symposium on Technology and Mine Problems, Society for Counter-Ordnance Technology, Monterey, California, DVD-ROM, 10 pages.


(82) Chu, P.C., K. Kyriakidis, and M. Ward, 2006: Two chemical dispersion regimes in tide-dominated San Diego Bay. The American Institute of Hydrology 25th Anniversary Meeting & International Conference Proceedings, 69-90.


(81) Chu, P.C., P. Pauly, and M. Ward, 2006: Wind effect on chemical dispersion in San Andrew Bay. The American Institute of Hydrology 25th Anniversary Meeting & International Conference Proceedings, 47-68.


(80) Chu, P.C., G. Amezaga, E.L. Gottshall, and D. Cwalina, 2006: Impact of GFO satellite on naval antisubmarine warfare. NATO RTB-SPSM01 Specialists Meeting on "Emerging and Future Technologies for Space Based Operations Support to NATO Military Operations", DVD-ROM, 26 pages.


(79) Chu, P.C., Y.C. Chen, S.H. Lu, Z. Li, and Y. Lu, 2005: Severe particulate pollution in Lanzhou China. Air Quality Management at Urban, Regional, and Global Scales, 364-373, Third International Symposium on Air Quality Management, 364-373.


(78) Chu, P.C., Y.C. Chen, and S.H. Lu, 2005: Afforestation for improving valley urban air quality. Air Quality Management at Urban, Regional, and Global Scales, Third International Symposium on Air Quality Management, 1379-1388.


(77) Chu, P.C., G. Amezaga, E.L. Gottshall, and D. S. Cwalina, 2005: Assessment of ocean prediction model for Naval Operations using acoustic preset. OCEANS2005,  MTS/IEEE Conference Proceedings, DVD-ROM, 10 pages.


(76) Chu, P.C., M. Cornelius, and M. Wegstaff, 2005: Detection of suspended sediment effect on side-scan sonar imagery using the Navy's CASS-GRAB model. OCEANS2005, MTS/IEEE Conference Proceedings, DVD-ROM,  10 pages.


(75) Chu, P.C., and A. E. Armstrong, 2005:  Instantaneous current prediction for Naval Operations. OCEANS2005, MTS/IEEE Conference Proceedings, DVD-ROM, 10 pages.


(74) Chu, P.C., and C.W. Fan, 2004: 3D rigid boby impact burial prediction model (IMPACT35). Fifth International Symposium on Advances in Mechanics,  43-52.


(73) Chu, P.C., N. Vares, and R. Keenan, 2004: Uncertainty in acoustic mine detection due to environmental variability, Sixth Monterey International Symposium on Technology and Mine Problems, Society for Counter-Ordnance Technology, Monterey, California, DVD-ROM, 10 pages.


(72) Chu, P.C., A. Evans, T. Gilles, T. Smith, V. Taber, 2004: Development of Navy’s 3D mine impact burial prediction model (IMPACT35). Sixth Monterey International Symposium on Technology and Mine Problems, Society for Counter-Ordnance Technology, Monterey, California, DVD-ROM, 10 pages.


(71) Chu, P.C., and L.M. Ivanov, 2004: How long can an atmospheric model predict? Symposium on 50th Anniversary of Operational Numerical Weather Prediction, American Meteorological Society, DVD-ROM, 9 pages.


(70) Chu, P.C., Y. Chen, and S.H. Lu, 2004: Mountain-slope afforestation for valley urban air quality improvement. Fifth Symposium on Urban Environment, American Meteorology Society, DVD-ROM, 7 pages.


(69) Chu, P.C., Y.Q. Qi, Y. C. Chen, P. Shi, and Q.W. Mao,  2003: Validation of Wavewatch-III Using TOPEX/POSEIDON Data. Proceedings of SPIE Conference on Remote Sensing of the Ocean and Sea Ice, 98-107.


(68) Chu, P.C., J. Wang, Y.Q. Qi, Y. C. Chen, P. Shi, and Q. Mao, 2003: Determination of the South China Sea Surface Height Variability Using TOPEX/POSEIDON data. Proceedings of SPIE Conference on Remote Sensing of the Ocean and Sea Ice, 169-178.


(67) Chu, P.C., and C.L. Fang, 2003: Observed Rossby Waves in the South China Sea From Satellite Altimetry Data. Proceedings of SPIE Conference on Remote Sensing of the Ocean and Sea Ice, 142-149.


(66) Chu, P.C., C.W. Fan, A. Evans, A. Gilles, and P. Fleischer, 2003: Three-dimensional hydrodynamic model for prediction of falling cylinder through water column. The OCEANS 2003,  MTS/IEEE Conference Proceedings, DVD-ROM, 10 pages.


(65) Chu, P.C., M. Perry, E.L. Gottshall, and D. Cwalina, 2003: Satellite data assimilation for undersea warfare. OCEANS 2003,  MTS/IEEE Conference Proceedings, DVD-ROM, 10 pages.


(64) Chu, P.C., and S.H. Lu, 2003: Second predictability in climate models. International Conference on Clean Environment, Cheonan, Korea, 27-32.


(63) Chu, P.C., L.M. Ivanov, and C.W. Fan, 2002: Determination of model valid prediction period using the backward Fokker-Planck equation. Sixteenth Conference on Probability and Statistics in the Atmospheric Sciences, American Meteorological Society,  70-77.


(62) Chu, P.C., J. Wang, and Y. Qi, 2002: South China Sea elevation variability determined from TOPEX/POSEIDON data. 6th Symposium on Integrated Observing Systems, American Meteorological Society,  12-17.


(61) Chu, P.C. and L.M. Ivanov, 2002: Linear and nonlinear perspectives of forecast error estimate using the first passage time. Symposium on Observations, Data Assimilation, and Probabilistic Prediction, American Meteorological Society, 127-132, 2002.


(60) Chu, P.C., C. Cintron, S.D. Haeger, and R. E. Keenan, 2002: Acoustic mine detection using the Navy's CASS-GRAB. Fifth International Symposium on Technology and Mine Problem, Society for Counter-Ordnance Technology, Monterey,  in CD-Rom, 10 pages.


(59) Chu, P.C., T. B. Smith, and S.D. Haeger, 2002: Mine impact burial experiment. Fifth International Symposium on Technology and Mine Problem, Society for Counter-Ordnance Technology, Monterey, in CD-Rom, 10 pages.


(58) Chu, P.C., A.F. Gilles, C.W. Fan, and P. Flescher, 2002: Hydrodynamics of falling mine in water column. Fifth International Symposium on Technology and Mine Problem, Society for Counter-Ordnance Technology, Monterey,  in CD-Rom, 10 pages.


(57) Chu, P.C., A.F. Gilles, C.W. Fan, J. Lan, and P. Flescher, 2002: Hydrodynamical characteristics of falling cylinder in water column. Fourth International Symposium on Advances in Mechanics,  163-182.


(56) Chu, P.C., C. J. Cintron, S. D. Haeger, D. Schneider, R. E. Keenan, D.N. Fox, 2002: Yellow Sea Acoustic Uncertainty caused by hydrographic data error. International Conference on Impact of Littoral Environmental Variability on Acoustic Predictions and Sonar Performance, 563-570.


(55) Chu, P.C., and C.W. Fan, 2002: Finite volume ocean model. Oceans2002, IEEE and Marine Technology Society, 28-31.


(54) Chu, P.C., and S.H. Lu, 2001: East Asian marginal seas prediction using a coastal atmosphere-ocean coupled system (CAOCS). Eleventh Conference on Interaction of Sea and Atmosphere, American Meteorological Society, 156-159.


(53) Chu, P.C., and L.M. Ivanov, 2001: Backward Fokker-Planck equation for determining model predictability with unknown initial error. Thirteenth Conference on Atmosphere and Ocean Fluid Dynamics, American Meteorological Society.


(52) Chu, P.C., 2001: Yellow Sea/East China Sea thermohaline variability. Proceedings, Pacific Congress, San Francisco, 2001.


(51) Chu, P.C., L.M. Ivanov, T.P. Korzhova, T.M. Margolina, and O.V. Melnichenko,  2001: Reconstruction of Gulf of Mexico circulation from drift buoy data. Fourth Conference on Coastal Meteorology and Oceanography, American Meteorological Society.


(50) Chu, P.C., and R.F. Li,  2001: Determination of isopycnal surface circulation from hydrographic data. Fourth Conference on Coastal Meteorology and Oceanography, American Meteorological Society.


(49) Chu, P.C., V. Taber, and S. Haeger,  2000: Environmental sensitivity study on mine impact burial prediction model.   Fourth International Symposium on Technology and the Mine Problem, Society for Counter-Ordnance Technology, 10 pages.


(48) Chu, P.C., 2000: Toward accurate coastal ocean modeling.  Advances in Mathematical Modelling of Atmosphere and Ocean Dynamics, International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 2000, 131-136.


(47) Chu, P.C. and S.H. Lu, 2000: A coastal atmosphere and ocean coupled system (CAOCS) for data assimilation and prediction.  Advances in Mathematical Modelling of Atmosphere and Ocean Dynamics, International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 2000, 137-142.


(46) Chu, P.C., J. Lan, and H. Strauhs, 1999: A numerical simulation of the Japan/East Sea (JES) seasonal circulation. Sixth Symposium on Estuarine and Coastal Modeling,  American Society of Civil Engineering, 94-113.


(45) Chu, P.C., 1999: Temporal and spatial scales of the Beaufort/Chukchi Sea thermohaline structure.  The 5th Conference on Polar Meteorology and Oceanography, American Meteorological Society, 48-53.


(44) Chu, P.C., S.H. Lu, and Y.C. Chen, 1999: Two kinds of predictability problems in Lorenz system and climate models.  Second Hayes Symposium on Seasonal to Interannual Climate Variability-The 1997/1998 ENSO Cycle, American Meteorological Society, 93-100.


(43) Chu, P.C., 1999: Multifractal analysis of ocean mixed layer near Norwegian coast.  Thirteenth Symposium on Boundary Layers and Turbulence, American Meteorological Society, 476-479, 1999.


(42) Chu, P.C., and H. Liu, 1999: Seasonal and interannual variabilities of the world ocean thermal structure. Tenth Symposium on Global Change Studies, American Meteorological Society, 151-154.


(41) Chu, P.C., and J.M.. Veneziano, 1999: A numerical simulation of the South China Sea response to tropical cyclone Ernie 1996.  Twenty Third Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology, American Meteorological Society, 46-49.


(40) Chu, P.C., S.H. Lu, and Y.C. Chen, 1999: Circulations and thermohaline structures of the Japan/east Sea (JES) and adjacent seas simulated by a nested basin/coastal model. International Symposium on the Circulation Research of the East Asian Marginal Seas, 108-111.


(39) Chu, P.C., Y.C. Chen, and S.H. Lu, 1999: Japan/east Sea (JES) Polar Front meandering and eddy shedding detected from an airborne expandable bathythermograph survey, May 1995.  International Symposium on Circulation Research of the East Asian Marginal Seas, 11-14.


(38) Chu, P.C., 1999: Fundamental problems in coastal ocean prediction.  Proceedings of Oceanology International 99 (Keynote Paper), 37-46.


(37) Chu, P.C., 1999: Fundamental circulation functions for the determination of open boundary conditions. Third Conference on Coastal Oceanic and Atmospheric Prediction, American Meteorological Society, 389-394.


(36) Chu, P.C., S.H. Lu, and Y.C. Chen, 1999: A coastal air-ocean coupled system (CAOCS) for the South China Sea prediction. Third Conference on Coastal Oceanic and Atmospheric Prediction, American Meteorological Society, 80-85.


(35) Pan, Y. Q., P. C. Chu, J.P. Xu, and H.P. Zhan, 1999: South China Sea circulation and its evolution from April to July 1998.  Symposium on Oceanography of the China Seas, 131.


(34) Chu, P.C., S.H. Lu, and Y.C. Chen, 1998: Evaluation of ice-albedo effect by a coupled atmosphere-ocean model.  Ninth Conference on Interaction of the sea and atmosphere, American Meteorological Society, 142-145.


(33) Chu, P.C., and C.W. Fan, 1998: High-order difference schemes for coastal modeling.  Second Conference on Coastal Oceanic and Atmospheric Prediction, American Meteorological Society,  68-73.


(32) Chu, P.C., S.H. Lu, and Y. Chen, 1998: Second kind predictability in climate models.  Ninth Conference on Global Change, American Meteorological Society, 86-90.


(31) Chu, P.C., S.H. Lu, and Y. Chen, 1998: Effects of the Drake Passage on the global climatic change.  Ninth Conference on Global Change, American Meteorological Society, 261-265.


(30) Chu, P.C., 1998: Naval Ocean Analysis and Prediction (NOAP) - an integrated education and research program at the Naval Postgraduate School.   The 7th Conference on  Education, American Meteorological Society, 117-180.


(29) Chu, P.C., S.H. Lu, and Y.C. Chen, 1998: Simulation of spring to summer monsoon transition over East Asia with an NCAR regional climate model. International Conference on Monsoon and Hydrological Cycle, Korean Meteorological Society, 155-159.


(28) Chu, P.C., and C.W. Fan, 1997: Improvement of estuarine and coastal modeling using high-order difference schemes. Estuarine and Coastal Modeling, 5, American Society of Civil Engineering, 28-34.


(27) Chu, P.C., S.H. Lu, and Y.C. Chen, 1997:  Response of radiative fluxes to tiny random sea surface temperature disturbances. Ninth Conference on Atmospheric Radiation, American Meteorological Society, 124-127.


(26) Chu, P.C., S.H. Lu, and Y.C. Chen, 1997: Response of hydrological cycle to tiny random sea surface temperature disturbances.  Thirteenth Conference on Hydrology, American Meteorological Society,  J45-J47.


(25) Chu, P.C., and L. L. Ehret, 1996: Effects of stratification and continental slope on the shelf break isolation.  First Conference on Coastal Oceanic and Atmospheric Prediction, American Meteorological Society, 22-27.


(24) Chu, P.C., and C.W. Fan, 1996: Increment vector transfer method for determining open boundary condition of the Csandy shelf model from interior value.  First Conference on  Coastal Oceanic and Atmospheric Prediction, American Meteorological Society, 150-154.


(23) Chu, P.C., M.J. Huang, and E. X. Fu, 1996: Formation of the South China Sea warm-core eddy in boreal spring.  Eighth Conference on Air-Sea Interaction, American Meteorological Society, 155-159.


(22) Chu, P.C., H.C. Tseng, and C.P. Chang, 1996: South China Sea warm-core and cold-core eddies detected from the Navy's Master Oceanographic Observational Data Set (MOODS).  Eighth Conference on Air-Sea Interaction, American Meteorological Society,  176-180.


(21) Chu, P.C., S.H. Lu, and Y.C. Chen, 1996: Effects of ice-albedo feedback on global climate change.  Polar Processes in Global Climate, American Meteorological Society, 24-27.


(20) Chu, P.C., 1995: A feature model for Arctic upper ocean thermal structure.  Fourth Conference on Polar Meteorology and Oceanography, American Meteorological Society, 224-227.


(19) Chu, P.C., 1994:  P-vector method for determining absolute velocity from hydrographic data.   Ocean Modelling, 114, 23-26.


(18) Chu, P.C., 1994: Localized TOGA sea level spectra obtained from the S-transformation.  TOGA Notes, 17, 224-227.


(17) Chu, P.C., C.C. Li, D.S. Ko, and C. N. K. Mooers, 1994: Response of the South China Sea to seasonal monsoon forcing. Second International Conference of Air-Sea Interaction and Meteorology and Oceanography of the Coastal Zones, American Meteorological Society, 214-215.


(16) Chu, P.C., 1993: Intrinsic thermodynamical time scales of the atmosphere-cryosphere climate system.  Fourth Conference on Global Change, American Meteorological Society,  433-438.


(15) Chu, P.C. and Y.H. Kuo, 1993: South Atlantic three dimensional pseudo-vorticity field computed from hydrographic and surface atmospheric data sets.  Southern Hemisphere Meteorology and Oceanography, 4, 52-53.


(14) Chu, P.C., 1992: An important ocean feature overlooked in current El Nino-Southern Oscillation theories. Third Conference on Global Change, American Meteorological Society, 52-59.


(13) Chu, P.C., 1992: Three dimensional pseudo-vorticity field in the west Spitsbergen current.  Third Conference on  Polar Meteorology and Oceanography, American Meteorological Society, 101-104.


(12) Chu, P.C., and R.W. Garwood, Jr., 1992: Effect of cloud-precipitation-ocean mixed layer feedback on drag coefficient.  Tenth Symposium on Turbulence and Diffusion, American Meteorological Society, 117-120.


(11) Chu, P.C., 1991: Air-ocean surface heat exchange (AOSHE) model and low frequency unstable modes in atmosphere and ocean.  Fifth Conference on Climate Variation, American Meteorological Society, 484-487.


(10) Chu, P.C., 1991: Stability of flexural-gravity waves.   Eighth Conference on Atmospheric and Oceanic Waves and Stability, American Meteorological Society, 265-268.


(9) Chu, P.C., and R.W. Garwood, Jr., 1989: Cloud and ocean mixed layer feedback.  The Role of Clouds in Atmospheric Chemistry and Global Climate, American Meteorological Society, 39-44.

(8) Garwood, R. W., Jr., P.C. Chu, P. Muller, and N. Schneider, 1989: Equatorial entrainment zone: the diurnal cycle. Proceedings, Western Pacific International Meeting and Workshop on TOGA/COARE, Noumea, New Caledonia,  435-443.

(7) Chu, P. C., and Garwood, R. W., Jr., 1989: Hydrological effects on the air-ocean coupled system.  Proceedings, Western Pacific International Meeting and Workshop on TOGA/COARE, Noumea, New Caledonia, 407-418.

(6) Chu, P.C.,  1988: A meso-scale air-ice-ocean feedback mechanism for the ice drift in the marginal ice zone. Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, 4, 83-90.


(5) Chu, P.C.,  1986: An air-ice feedback mechanism for the migration of the marginal ice zone. Marginal Ice Zone Experiment Bulletin, 7, 54-64.


(4) Chu, P.C., 1986: A possible air-ice-ocean coupled model for the formation of leads or polynyas. Marginal Ice Zone Experiment Bulletin, 7, 79-88.


(3) Kuo, H.L., and P.C. Chu, 1984: On formation of coastal deserts. Third Conference on Meteorology of the Coastal Zone, American Meteorological Society, 17-22.


(2) Kuo, H.L., and P.C. Chu, 1984: On the influence of coastal upwelling on the diurnal variation of sea breeze circulation. Third Conference on Meteorology of the Coastal Zone, American Meteorological Society, 86-90.


(1) Chu, P.C., and H.L. Kuo, 1983: Influence of atmospheric aerosols on solar radiative transfer. Fifth Conference on Atmospheric Radiation, American Meteorological Society, 521-523.