Research Publications - Beny Neta /
Review - analysis of f.e. and f.d. for shallow water
Stability and phase speed for various finite elements for advection equation
Studies in a Shallow Water Fluid Model with Topography
Finite Elements versus Finte Differences for Fluid Flow Problems
Analysis of Finite Element Methods for the solution of the Vorticity Divergence Form of the Shallow Water Equations
Influence of Linear Depth Variation on Poincare', Kelvin, and Rossby Waves
Confluent hypergeometric subroutines
Rossby wave frequencies and group velocities for finite element and finite difference approximations to the vorticity-divergence and the forms of the shallow water equations
Shallow water solver on MASPAR
Software for parallel solution of shallow water equations
Parallel solution of shallow water equations
The Transfer Function Analysis of various Schemes for the 2D Shallow Water Equations
Analysis of the Turkel-Zwas Scheme for the Shallow Water Equations 1989
Analysis of the Turkel-Zwas Scheme for the Two-Dimensional Shallow Water Equations in Spherical Coordinates.
Software for the Staggered and Unstaggered Turkel-Zwas Schemes for the Shallow Water Equations on the Sphere
The code for the Staggered and Unstaggered Turkel-Zwas Schemes for the Shallow Water Equations on the Sphere
High-Order Higdon Non-Reflecting Boundary Conditions for the Shallow Water Equations, Tech report MA-02-001