Research Publications - Beny Neta /
High Order NRBC for SWE
High Order NRBC for Dispersive Waves (FD), Wave Motion Vol. 37 (2003), 257-271
High Order NRBC with auxiliary variables (FD), JCP Vol. 186 (2003), 24-46
High Order NRBC for Dispersive Waves (FE), IJNME 58 (2003), 1955-1983
High Order NRBC for Shallow Water Equations, JCAM Vol. 158 (2003), 49-60
High Order NRBC in Cartesian, Cylindrical and Spherical Coordinates, IJCFD Vol. 17(4) (2003), 263-274
High Order NRBC for Dispersive wave problems in stratified media, Proceedings Coastal Engineering VI, Cadiz, Spain 2003
A Stratified Dispersive Wave Model with High Order Non-Reflecting Boundary Conditions, Computers and Math. with Applications, 48, (2004), 1167--1180.
High Order Higdon-Like Boundary Conditions for Exterior Transient Wave Problems, International Journal Numerical Methods in Engineering, 63, (2005), 1041-1068.
High Order Boundary Conditions for Linearized Shallow Water Equations with Stratification, Dispersion and Advection, International Journal Numerical Methods in Fluids, 46(4), (2004), 361--381.
Application of High-Order Higdon Non-Reflecting Boundary Conditions to Linear Shallow Water Models, Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering, (2007), doi:10.1002/cnm.1044.
A Perfectly Matched Layer Formulation for the Nonlinear Shallow Water Equations Models: The Split Equation Approach, FSU-CSIT-01-41, Technical Report Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL, 2001.
A perfectly matched layer approach to the linearized shallow water equations models, Monthly Weather Review, 132#6 (2004), 1369-1378.
High Order NRBC for the linearized 2-D Euler equations: no mean flow,Wave Motion, 46 (2009), 210-220
A spectral element solution of the Klein�Gordon equation with high-order treatment of time and non-reflecting boundary,Wave Motion, 47 (2010), 280-298
Klein�Gordon equation with advection on unbounded domains using spectral elements and high-order non-reflecting boundary conditions, Appl. Math. Comp., 217 (2010), 2710-2723.
High-order non-reflecting boundary conditions for dispersive waves in polar coordinates using spectral elements, Appl. Math. Comp., 218 (2012), 6666-6676.