Research Publications - Beny Neta /
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Maps for Monterey meeting
Several photos from NASA
Nine Planets
Inner Planets
Outer Planets
Hubble Space Telescope
Some of our papers
Partial list of orbit propagators
Please send me email if I forgot your favorite propagator. Include reference
Stone_Neta_Shukla paper
Performance of analytic propagator with PVM
Phipps_Neta_Danielson paper
Semianalytic Satellite Theory (112 pages)
Semianalytic Satellite Theory - Code and Input (159 pages including index)
Comparison of DSST, Cowell and Analytic propagators
Fast Interpolation for GPS Satellite Orbits, Technical report
Fast Interpolation for GPS Satellite Orbits
On Satellite Umbra/Penumbra Entry and Exit Positions
Trajectory Propagation Using Information on Periodicity
New Scheme for Trajectory Propagation
Improvements in Dynamic GPS Poitions using Track Averaging
Obrechkoff versus super-implicit methods for the solution of first- and second-order initial value problems