2023. Resource Allocation in Two-Layered Cyber-Defense. Naval Research Logistics, 70, pp. 574-583. (With M. Kress)
2021. Targeting, Deployment, and Loss-Tolerance in Lanchester Engagements. Operations Research, 69, pp. 71-81. (With M. Kress and N.J. MacKay)
2021. Shape Analysis of Flight Trajectories Using Neural Networks. Journal of Aerospace Information Systems, 18, pp. 762-773. (With C. Gingrass and D.I. Singham)
2020. On the Dynamic Allocation of Assets Subject to Failure. European Journal of Operational Research, 284, pp. 227-239. (With S. Ford, K. Glazebrook, and P. Jacko)
2020. A Particle Filter Approach to Estimating Target Location using Brownian Bridges. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 71, pp. 589-605. (With J.A. Nunez and D.I. Singham)
2018. Analysis of Artillery Shoot-and-Scoot Tactics. Naval Research Logistics, 65, pp. 242-274. (With Y. Shim)
2018. Where to Dip? Search Pattern for an Antisubmarine Helicopter Using a Dipping Sensor. Military Operations Research, 23, pp. 19-39. (With R. Ben Yoash and M. Kress)
2018. Operating with an Incomplete Checklist. IIE Transactions, 50, pp. 307-315. (With M. Kress)
2018. Boundary Crossing Probabilities for the Cumulative Sample Mean. Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences, 32, pp. 275-295. (With D.I. Singham)
2017. Maritime Transportation of Illegal Drugs from South America. International Journal of Drug Policy, 39, pp. 43-51. (With M. Kress and R. Szechtman)
2017. Applying Inventory Classification to a Large Inventory Management System. Journal of Operations and Supply Chain Management, 10, pp. 68-86. (With B.I. May and G. Ferrer)
2017. To Catch an Intruder: Part A—Uncluttered Scenario. Naval Research Logistics, 64, pp. 29-40. (With M. Kress and R. Szechtman)
2016. When Is Information Sufficient for Action? Search with Unreliable yet Informative Intelligence. Operations Research, 64, pp. 315-328. (With M. Kress and R-J Lange)
2015. Multidimensional Hitting Time Results for Brownian Bridges with Moving Hyperplanar Boundaries. Statistics and Probability Letters, 100, pp. 85-92. (With D.I. Singham)
2014. Optimal Patrol to Uncover Threats in Time When Detection Is Imperfect. Naval Research Logistics, 61, pp. 557-576. (With K. Lin and K. Glazebrook)
2013. A Graph Patrol Problem with Random Attack Times. Operations Research, 61, pp. 694-710 (With K. Lin, T. Chung, and K. Glazebrook)
2012. Carrots, Sticks and Fog During Insurgencies. Mathematical Social Sciences, 64, pp. 203-213. (With R. Szechtman and M. Kress)
2012. When do Armed Revolts Succeed: Lessons from Lanchester Theory. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 63, pp. 1363-1373. (With A. Gutfraind and M. Kress)
2012. On Popular Response to Violence During Insurgencies. Operations Research Letters, 40, pp. 223-229. (With M. Kress)
2012. A Novel Allocation Strategy for Blood Transfusions: Investigating the Tradeoff between the Age and Availability of Transfused Blood. Transfusion, 52, pp. 108-117. (With M.J. Fontaine, L.T. Goodnough, and L.M. Wein)
2011. A Sequential Perspective on Searching for Static Targets. European Journal of Operational Research, 215, pp. 218-226. (With K. Wilson and R. Szechtman)
2010. An Overlapping Networks Approach to Resource Allocation for Domestic Counterterrorism. Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, 33, pp. 618-651. (With L.M. Wein)
2009. A Dynamic Model for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Among U.S. Troops in Operation Iraqi Freedom. Management Science, 55, pp. 1454–1468. (With A. Guetz and L.M. Wein)
2009. Assessing Infection Control Measures for Pandemic Influenza. Risk Analysis, 29, pp. 949–962. (With L.M. Wein)
2008. Quantifying the Routes of Transmission for Pandemic Influenza. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 70, pp. 820–867. (With L.M. Wein)
2008. Optimal Stopping Analysis of a Radiation Detection System to Protect Cities From a Nuclear Terrorist Attack. Risk Analysis, 28, pp. 353–371. (With Z. Cao and L.M. Wein)
2008. Spatial Queueing Analysis of an Interdiction System to Protect Cities From a Nuclear Terrorist Attack. Operations Research, 56, pp. 247–254. (With L.M. Wein)
2007. The Last Line of Defense: Designing Radiation Detection-Interdiction Systems to Protect Cities From a Nuclear Terrorist Attack. IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 54, pp. 654–669. (With L.M. Wein)
2007. Analyzing the Control of Mosquito-Borne Diseases by a Dominant Lethal Genetic System. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 104, pp. 9540–9545. (With Z. Su, N. Alphey, L. S. Alphey, P. G. Coleman, and L.M. Wein) |