Research Publications - Beny Neta / Index / back / next

  • Trigonometrically-Fitted Methods: A Review
  • A new twelfth order trigonometrically-fitted Obrechkoff-like method for second order initial value problems
  • P-stable High Order Super-Implicit and Obrechkoff Methods for Periodic Initial Value Problems
  • P-stable Symmetric Super-Implicit Methods for Periodic Initial Value Problems
  • Two-Step Fourth Order P-Stable Methods with Phase-Lag of Order Six
  • Families of Two-Step Fourth Order P-Stable Methods for Second Order Differential Equations
  • A New Scheme for Trajectory Propagation, J. Astronautical Sciences
  • Special Methods for Problems whose Oscillatory Solution is Damped, Applied Mathematics and Computation
  • Families of Backward Differentiation Methods based on Trigonometric Polynomials, International J. of Computer Mathematics
  • Families of Methods for ODEs based on trigonometric polynomials
  • Symmetric Linear Multistep Methods for Second Order Differential Equations with Periodic Solutions, Applied Numerical Mathematics
  • Hybrid Predictors and Correctors for Solving a Special Class of Second Order Differential Equations.
  • Higher Order Hybrid Stormer-Cowell Methods for Ordinary Differential Equations.
  • Hybrid Methods for a Special Class of Second-Order Differential Equations.