Moshe Kress

Distinguished Professor of Operations Research
Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA 93943


2024 "Hierarchy of Alternatives: The Case of the Project Objective Memorandum (POM)", Military Operations Research, accepted.

2023 "Resource Allocation in Two-Layered Cyber-Defense", (with M. Atkinson), Naval Research Logistics, V. 70, No. 6, pp 574-583.

2021 "Applying DEA Principle in Ordinal MCDA", Foundations of Computing and Decision Sciences, V. 46, No. 2, pp 147-157.

2021 "Targeting, Deployment and Loss-Tolerance in Lanchester Engagements", (with M. Atkinson and N. MacKay), Operations Research, V. 69, No. 1, pp 71-81.

2020 "Measuring Readiness and Sustainment within Analysis of Alternatives in Military Systems Acquisition", (with B. Golany), Military Operations Research, V. 25, No. 4, pp 63-77.

2020 "Lanchester Models for Irregular Warefare", Mathematics, 8(5), 737.

2018 "Where to Dip? Search Pattern for an Antisubmarine Helicopter Using a Dipping Sensor", (with R. Ben Yoash and M. Atkinson), Military Operations Research, V. 23, No. 2,  pp 19-40.

2018 "Operating with an Incomplete Checklist", (with M. Atkinson), IISE Transactions, V. 50, No. 4, pp 307-315.

2018 "The Attrition Dynamics of Multilateral War", (with K. Lin and N. MacKay), Operations Research, V. 66, No. 4, pp 950-956.

2017 "Lanchester Model for Three-Way Combat", (with J.P. Caulkins, G. Feichtinger, D. Grass and A. Seidl), European Journal of Operational Research, V. 264, No. 1, pp 46-54.

2017 "To Catch an Intruder: Part A - Uncluttered Scenario", (with M. Atkinson and R. Szechtman), Naval Research Logistics, V. 64, No. 1, pp 29-40.

2017 "Maritime Transportation of Illegal Drugs from South America", (with M. Atkinson and R. Szechtman), International Journal of Drug Policy, V. 39, pp 43-51.

2016 "Finding the Needles in the Haystack: Efficient Intelligence Processing", (with N. Dimitrov and Y. Nevo) Journal of the Operational Research Society, V. 67, No. 6, pp 801-812.

2016 "When is Information Sufficient for Action? Search with Unreliable Yet Informative Intelligence", (with M. Atkinson and R-J Lange), Operations Research, V. 64, No. 2, pp 315-328.

2015 "Analytic Modeling of Insurgencies", Wiley Encyclopedia of Operations Research and Management Science, Published online 16 March 2015.

2014 "Bits or Shots in Combat? The Generalized Deitchman Model of Guerrilla Warfare", (with N. MacKay), Operations Research Letters, 42, pp 102-108.

2012 "Modeling Armed Conflicts", Science, V. 336, No. 6083, pp 865-869. Click here for an abstract. Click here for a reprint.

2012 "On Popular Response to Violence During Insurgencies", (with M. Atkinson), Operations Research Letters, V. 40, No. 4, pp 223-229.

2012 "Carrots, Sticks and Fog During Insurgencies", (with M. Atkinson and R. Szechtman), Mathematical Social Sciences, V. 64, No. 3, pp 203-213..

2012 "The Eye and the Fist: Optimizing Search and Interdiction", (with J. Royset and N. Rozen), European Journal of Operational Research, V. 220, No. 2, pp 550-558.

2012 "Resource Allocation in an Asymmetric Technology Race with Temporary Advantages" (with B. Golany, M. Penn and U. Rothblum), Naval Research Logistics, V. 59, No. 2, pp 128-145.

2012 "Network Optimization Models for Resource Allocations in Developing Military Countermeasures", (with B. Golany, M. Penn and U. Rothblum), Operations Research, V. 60, No. 1, pp 48-63.

2011 "When do Armed Revolts Succeed: Lessons from Lanchester Theory" (with M. Atkinson and A. Gutfraind), Journal of the Operational Research Society, V. 63, pp 1363-1373.

2010 "Confronting Entrenched Insurgents", (with E. Kaplan and R. Szechtman), Operations Research, V. 58, No. 2, pp 329-341.

2009 "Scheduling Policies for an Antiterrorist Surveillance System", (with K. Lin and R. Szechtman), Naval Research Logistics (NRL), V. 56, No. 2, pp 113-126.

2009 "Why Defeating Insurgencies is Hard: The Effect of Intelligence in Counterinsurgency Operations -- A Best Case Scenario", (with R. Szechtman), Operations Research, V. 57, pp 578-585.

2008 "Efficient Employment of Non-Reactive Sensors", (with R. Szechtman and J. S. Jones), Military Operations Research, V. 13, No. 4, pp 45-57.

2008 "Optimal Discrete Search with Imperfect Specificity", (with K. Lin and R. Szechtman), Mathematical Methods of Operations Research, V. 68, pp 539-549.

2008 "Models of Sensor Operations for Border Surveillance" (with R. Szechtman and K. Lin), Naval Research Logistics (NRL), V. 55, No. 1, pp 27-41.

2008 "Aerial Search Optimization Model (ASOM) for UAVs in Special Operations" (with J. O. Royset), Military Operations Research, V. 13, No. 1, pp 23-33..

2007 "The Minmax Multidimensional Knapsack Problem with Application to a Chance-Constrained Problem" (with M. Penn and M. Polukarov), Naval Research Logistics (NRL), V. 54, No. 6, pp 656-666.

2006 "Probability Modeling of Autonomous Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicles (UCAVs)" (with A. Baggesen and E. Gofer), Military Operations Research, Vol. 11, No. 4, pp 5-24.

2006 "Policies for Biodefense Revisited: The Prioritized Vaccination Process for Smallpox", Annals of Operations Research, 148, pp 5-23

2005 "The Effect of Social Mixing Controls on the Spread of Smallpox - A Two-Level Model", Health Care Management Science, V. 8, No. 4, pp 277-289.

2005 "Operational Effectiveness of Suicide Bomber Detector Schemes: A Best-Case Analysis" (with E. Kaplan), Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, Vol. 102, No. 29, pp. 10399-10404.

2005  "The effect of crowd density on the expected number of casualties in a suicide attack", Naval Research Logistics (NRL), V. 52, No. 1, pp 22-29.

2005 "‘No Overlap No Gap' and the Attack of a Linear Target by n Different Weapons" (with I. David), JORS, V. 56, No. 8, pp 993-996.

2005 "Optimal Allocation of Proposals to Reviewers to Facilitate Effective Ranking" (with W. D. Cook, B. Golany, M. Penn and T. Raviv), Management Science, V. 51, No. 4, pp 655-661.

2002 "A Linear Value Function in Mixed MCDM Problems with Incomplete Preference Data: An Extreme Point Approach" (with W. D. Cook), INFOR, V. 40, No. 4, pp 331-346.

2001 "Efficient Strategies for Transporting Mobile Forces", JORS, V. 52, No. 3, pp 310-317

2000 "Flexibility in Operational-Level Logistics", Military Operations Research, V. 5, No. 1, pp 41-54.

1999 "Characterizing an Equitable Allocation of Shared Costs: A DEA Approach" (with W. D. Cook), European Journal of Operational Research, (119) 3, pp 652-661.

1999 "A New Look at the 3:1 Rule of Combat Through Markov Stochastic Lanchester Models" (with I. Talmor), JORS, V. 50, No. 7, pp 733-744.

1998 "Resource Allocation in R&D Departments" (with W. D. Cook and A. Chung), INFOR, V. 36, No. 1-2, pp 41-57.

1997 "Evaluating the Effectiveness of Shoot-Look-Shoot Tactics in the Presence of Incomplete Damage Information" (with Y. Aviv) Military Operations Research, V. 3, No. 1, pp 79-89.

1997 "Multiple Criteria Modeling and Ordinal Data: Evaluation in Terms of Subsets of Criteria" (with W. D. Cook, J. Doyle, and R. Green) European Journal of Operational Research, (98) 3, pp 602-609.

1997 "Optimality of the Greedy Shooting Strategy in the Presence of Incomplete Damage Information" (with G. Manor) Naval Research Logistics, 44, No. 7, pp 613-622.

1996 "Data Envelopment Analysis in the Presence of Both Quantitative and Qualitative Factors" (with W. D. Cook and L. M. Seiford) Journal of the Operational Research Society, 47, pp 945-953.

1996 "A General Framework for Distance-Based Consensus in Ordinal Ranking Models" (with W. D. Cook and L. M. Seiford) European Journal of Operational Research, (96), pp 392-397.

1996 "Data Envelopment Analysis in the Presence of Both Quantitative and Qualitative Factors (with W. D. Cook and L. M. Seiford) Journal of the Operational Research Society, 47, pp 945-953.

1996 "Ranking Players in Multiple Tournaments" (with W. d. Cook, J. Doyle and R. Green) Computers and Operations Research, V. 23, No. 9, pp 869-880.

1996 "The Battle on the Mean - Projecting Logistics Derivatives in Operational and Tactical Warfare", Ma'arachot, January 1996, pp 16-25 (In Hebrew).

1996 "An Extreme-Point Approach for Obtaining Weighted Ratings in Qualitative Multi-Criteria Decision Making" (with W. D. Cook) Naval Research Logistics, 43, No. 4, pp 519-531.

1995 "Introduction to the Special Issue on Air-Land-Naval Models" (with J. Bracken and R. E. Rosenthal) Naval Research Logistics, 42, No. 2, pp 147-150.

1994 "A Multiple-Criterion Composite Index Model for Quantitative and Qualitative Data" (with W. D. Cook) European Journal of Operational Research, 78, No. 3, pp 367-379.

1994 "Optimizing the Assignment of Aircrews to Aircraft in an Airlift Operation" (with B. Golany) European Journal of Operational Research, 77, pp 475-485.

1993 "On the Use of Ordinal Data in Data Envelopment Analysis" (with W. D. Cook and L. M. Seiford), Journal of the Operational Research Society, 44, No. 2, pp 133-140.

1993 "Two Simple Applications of the Unimodularity Property" (with A. Charnes) Operations Research Letters, 14, pp 257-260.

1993 "Selecting a New Technology Strategy Using Multiattribute, Multilevel Decision Trees" (with W. D. Cook and D. A. Johnson), Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis, 2, No. 3, pp 129-144.

1993 "On the Use of Ordinal Data in Data Envelopment Analysis" (with W. D. Cook and L. M. Seiford), Journal of the Operational Research Society, 44, No. 2, pp 133-140.

1993 "A Multi Criteria Evaluation of Methods for Obtaining Weights from Ratio-Scale Matrices" (with B. Golany), European Journal of Operational Research, 69, No. 2, pp 210-220.

1992 "Prioritization Models for Frontier Decision Making Units in DEA" (with W. D. Cook and L. M. Seiford), European Journal of Operational Research, 59, pp 319-323.

1992 "A Many-On-Many Stochastic Duel Model for Mountain Battle", Naval Research Logistics, 39, pp 437-446.

1992 "Rating Players in a Tournament: An m-th Generation Approach" (with W. D. Cook) in Phillips F. Y., and J. J. Rousseau, Systems and Management Science by Extremal Methods, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Norwell Mass. Pp 349-360.

1991 "Modelling Ordinal Preferences and Consensus" (with W. D. Cook and L. Seiford), in Bradely, H. E., Operational Research '90 - Selected Papers from the Twelfth IFORS International Conference on Operational Research, Pergamon Press, pp 201-213.

1991 "Approximate Articulation of Preference and Priority Derivation - A Comment", European Journal of Operational Research, 52, No. 3, pp 382-383.

1991 "A 2-on-1 Stochastic Duel with Maneuvering and Fire Allocation Tactics", Naval Research Logistics, 38, No. 3, pp 303-313.

1991 "A Multiple Criteria Decision Model with Ordinal Preference Data" (with W. D. Cook), European Journal of Operational Research, 54, pp 191-198.

1990 "An m-th Generation Model for Weak Ranking of Players in a Tournament" (with W. D. Cook), Journal of the Operational Research Society, 41, No. 12, pp 1111-1119.

1990 "A Data Envelopment Model for Aggregating Preference Rankings" (with W. D. Cook), Management Science, 36, No. 11 pp 1302-1310.

1988 "A Case Study of a Non-Compensatory Approach to Ranking Transportation Projects" (with W. D. Cook, I. Golan and A. Kazakov), Journal of the Operational Research Society, 39, No. 10, pp 901-910.

1988 "Deriving Weights from Pairwise Comparison Ratio Matrices: An Axiomatic Approach" (with W. D. Cook), European Journal of Operational Research, 37, pp 355-362.

1988 "Partial and Multiple Match Tournaments" (with W. D. Cook) Mathematical Social Sciences, V. 15, No. 2.

1988 "Heuristics for Ranking Players in Round-Robin Tournament" (with W. D. Cook and I. Golan), Computers and Operations Research, 15. No. 2 pp 135-144.

1987 "Tournament Ranking and Score Difference" (with W. D. Cook) Cahiers du C.E.R.O, 29, No. 3-4, pp 215-222.

1987 "On the Many-on-One Stochastic Duel", Naval Research Logistics, 34, No. 5, pp 713-720.

1986 "Estimating Purchase Frequency Distributions with Incomplete Data" (with B. Golany and F. Y. Phillips), International Journal of Research in Marketing, 3, pp 169-179.

1986 "Zero-Order Stopping Rules in Proofreading", Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research, 3, No. 1, pp 27-36.

1986 "Ordinal Ranking and Intensity of Preference: A Linear Programming Approach" (with I. Ali and W. D. Cook), Management Science, 32, No. 12, pp 1642-1647.

1986 "An Axiomatic Approach to Distance on Partial Orderings" (with W. D. Cook and L. M. Seiford) RAIRO-OR, 20, No. 2, pp 115-122.

1986 "Relationships Between L1 Metrics on Rankings: The Case of Ties" (with W. D. Cook), SIAM Journal on Algebraic and Discrete Methods, 7, No. 3, pp 445-451.

1986 "On the Minimum Violations Ranking of a Tournament", (with I. Ali and W. D. Cook), Management Science, 32, No. 6, pp 660-672.

1986 "Information and Preference in Partial Orders: Aimatrix Representation" (with W. D. Cook and L. M. Seiford), Psychometrica, 51, No. 2, pp 197-207.

1986 "Ordinal Ranking and Preference Strength" (with W. D. Cook), Mathematical Social Sciences, 11, No. 3, pp 295-306.

1986 "A Generalized Network Formulation of the Pairwise Comparison Consensus Ranking Model" (with J. Barzilai and W. D. Cook), Management Science, 32, No. 8, pp 1007-1014.

1985 "Ordinal Ranking with Intensity of Preference" (with W. D. Cook), Management Science, 31, No. 1, pp 26-32.

1984 "Chance Constrained Critical Path with Location-Scale Distributions", European Journal of Operational Research, 18, No. 3, pp 359-363.

1984  "Relationships Between L1 Metrics on Linear Ranking Spaces" (with W. D. Cook), SIAM Journal of Applied Mathematics, 44, No. 1, pp 209-220.

1983 "On the Minimum Discrimination Function for the One-Parameter Exponential Family", RBSTARO, 23, No. 2, pp 3-9.

1982 "Ordinal Ranking and Consensus Measures: A Survey" (with W. D. Cook and L. M. Seiford), Management Science/Recherche Operationelle, 3, Part 2, pp 8-18.

1980 "New Applications of Interval Programming" (with A. Charnes, W. W. Cooper and S. Duffuaa), Proceedings of the sixth Congress of the Mexican Academy of Engineering.

 1980 "Complexity and Computability of Solutions to Linear Programming Systems" (with A. Charnes, W. W. Cooper and S. Duffuaa), International Journal of Computer and Information Science, 9, No. 6, pp 483-506.

 1980 "On the Use of Jacobi's Lemma in Unimodularity Theory" (with A. Tamir), Mathematical Programming, 18, No. 3, pp 344-348.

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