Brown, G.G. and Craparo, E.M., 2023, “Implementing Defender-Attacker-Operator (DAO) Optimization, with a Military Force Deployment Example," Military Operations Research, 23(3), 5-30.
Brown, G.G., Koyak, R.A., Salmerón, J. and Scholz, Z., 2021, “Optimizing Prepositioning of Equipment and Personnel for Los Angeles County Fire Department to Fight Wildland Fires,” INFORMS Journal on Applied Analytics, 51(6), 435-449.
Brown, G.G. and Kline, J.E., 2021, “Optimizing Missile Loads for U.S. Navy Combatants,” Military Operations Research, 26(2), 25-38.
Brown, G.G. and Kline, J.E., 2021, “Optimizing Navy Mission Planning,” Military Operations Research, 26(2), 39-58.
Brown G.G. and Carlyle, W.M., 2020, “Solving the Nearly Symmetric All-Pairs Shortest-Path Problem,” INFORMS Journal on Computing, 32(2), 279-288.
Brown G.G., DeGrange W.C., Price W.L., Rowe A.A., 2017, “Scheduling combat logistics force replenishments at sea for the US Navy,” Naval Research Logistics, 64(8), 677-693.
Alderson, D.L., Brown, G. G., Carlyle, W.M., and Wood, R.K., 2017, “Assessing and Improving the Operational Resilience of a Large Highway Infrastructure System to Worst-Case Losses,” Transportation Science, 52(4), 1012-1034.
Washburn, A. R. and Brown, G. G., 2016, “An Exact Method for Finding Shortest Routes on a Sphere, Avoiding Obstacles,” Naval Research Logistics, 63(5), 374-385.
Alderson, D.L., Brown, G., and Carlyle, W.M., 2015, “Operational Models of Infrastructure Resilience,” Risk Analysis 35(4), 562-586 (received Society for Risk Analysis Award for Best Paper of 2015 in Risk Analysis).
Brown, G., DeGrange, W., Dell, R., and Fricker, R., 2015, “ASP, Art and Science of Practice: Educating Military Operations Research Practitioners,” INTERFACES 45(2), 175-186.
Brown, G. (committee member), 2014, Force Multiplying Technologies for Logistics Support to Military Operations, Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences, National Research Council, Committee on Force Multiplying Technologies for Logistics Support to Military Operations, National Academies Press, Washington, DC.
Brown, G. (committee member), 2014, U.S. Air Force Strategic Deterrence Analytic Capabilities: An Assessment of Tools, Methods, and Approaches for the 21st Century Security Environment, Air Force Studies Board, Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences, National Research Council, Committee on U.S. Air Force Strategic Deterrence Military Capabilities in the 21st Century Security Environment, National Academies Press, Washington, DC.
Alderson, D.L., G.G. Brown, W.M. Carlyle, 2014, Assessing and Improving Operational Resilience of Critical Infrastructures and Other Systems. A. Newman, J. Leung, eds., Tutorials in Operations Research: Bridging Data and Decision. Institute for Operations Research and Management Science, Hanover, MD, 180-215. [slides]
Dimitrov, N.B., Brown, G.G., and Carlyle, W.M., 2013, “A Real-World Network Modeling Project,” INFORMS Transactions on Education, 14(1):4{12, September}.
Brown, G.G., Carlyle, W.M., Dell, R.F., Brau, J.W., 2013, “Optimizing Intratheater Military Airlift in Iraq and Afghanistan,” Military Operations Research, 18(3), 35-52.
Alderson, D., Brown, G., Carlyle, M., and Cox, L. A., 2013, “Sometimes There is No "Most-Vital" Arc: Assessing and Improving the Operational Resilience of Systems,” Military Operations Research, 18(1), 21-37.
Salmerón, J., Alderson, D., and Brown, G., 2013, “Analyzing the Resilience of Electric Power Infrastructure Supporting Vandenberg Air Force Base” (U), National Security and Operations Research, 1(2).
Brown, G., Kline, J., Thomas, A., Washburn, A., and Wood, K., 2011, “A Game-Theoretic Model for Defense of an Oceanic Bastion Against Submarines,” Military Operations Research, 16(4), 25-40.
Brown, G. G., Carlyle, M., Abdul-Ghaffar, A., and Kline, J., 2011, “A Defender-Attacker Optimization of Port Radar Surveillance,” Naval Research Logistics, 58(3), 223-235.
Newman, A. M., Rosenthal, R. E., Salmeron, J., Brown, G.G., Price, W., Rowe, A., Fennemore, C.F., and Taft, R. L., 2011, “Optimizing Assignment of Tomahawk Cruise Missile Missions to Firing Units,” Naval Research Logistics, 58(3), 281-295.
Alderson, D.L., Brown, G.G., Carlyle, W.M., and Wood, R.K., 2011, “Solving Defender-Attacker-Defender Models for Infrastructure Defense,” in Operations Research, Computing, and Homeland Defense, R.K. Wood and R.F. Dell, editors, INFORMS, Hanover, MD, 28-49.
Brown, G., and Cox, L., 2011, “How Probabilistic Risk Assessment Can Mislead Terrorism Risk Analysts,” Risk Analysis, 31, 196-204.
Brown, G., and Cox, L., 2011, “Making Terrorism Risk Analysis Less Harmful and More Useful: Another Try,” Risk Analysis, 31, 193-195.
Hamrick, T., Fricker, R. and Brown, G., 2010, “Assessing What Distinguishes Highly Cited from Less-Cited Papers Published in Interfaces,” Interfaces, 40, 454-464.
Brown, G.G., Carlyle, W.M., Harney, R.C., Skroch, E., and Wood, R.K. 2009, “Interdicting a Nuclear-Weapons Project,” Operations Research, 57, 866-877.
Brown, G., Cox, L., and Pollock, S., 2008, “When is Uncertainty About Uncertainty Worth Characterizing?” Interfaces, 38, 465-468.
Brown, G. and Rosenthal, R., 2008, “Optimization Tradecraft: Hard-Won Insights from Real-World Decision Support,” Interfaces 38, 356-366.
Brown, G., and Carlyle, W.M., 2008, “Optimizing the US Navy's Combat Logistics Force,” Naval Research Logistics, 55, 800-810. (Winner, 2009 Harold W. Kuhn Award)
Brown, G., Banks, D., Borio, L., Parnell, G. and Wilson, A., 2008, “Scientists Urge DHS to Improve Bioterrorism Risk Assessment,” Biosecurity and Bioterrorism: Biodefense Strategy, Practice, and Science, 6, 353-356.
Brown, G., Carlyle, M., and Wood, K., 2008, “Optimizing Department of Homeland Security Defense Investments: Applying Defender-Attacker (-Defender) Optimization to Terror Risk Assessment and Mitigation,” Appendix E of: National Research Council report Department of Homeland Security Bioterrorist Risk Assessment: A Call for Change, National Academies Press, Washington, DC.
Brown, G. (committee member), 2008, Department of Homeland Security Bioterrorist Risk Assessment: A Call for Change, National Research Council, Committee on Methodological Improvements to the Department of Homeland Security's Biological Agent Risk Analysis, National Academies Press, Washington, DC.
Brown, G.G. and Washburn, A.R., 2007, “The Fast Theater Model (FATHM),” Military Operations Research, 12, 33-45.
Brown, G., and R. Dell, “Formulating Linear and Integer Linear Programs: A Rogues' Gallery,” INFORMS Transactions on Education, 7, 2007, 153-159.
Brown, G.G., Dell, R.F., Loerch, A., Newman, A.M., 2007, “Analysis Support for Acquisition: Part II Optimizing Capital Planning,” Chapter 7 of Methods for Conducting Military Operational Analysis, Andrew Loerch and Larry B. Rainey, eds., Military Operations Research Society.
Brown, G., Carlyle, W.M., Salmeron, J. and Wood, K., 2005, “Analyzing the Vulnerability of Critical Infrastructure to Attack, and Planning Defenses,” in Tutorials in Operations Research: Emerging Theory, Methods, and Applications, H. Greenberg and J. Smith, eds., Institute for Operations Research and Management Science, Hanover, MD, 102-123.
Brown, G.G., Grose, R.T, and Koyak, R.A Total Program Cost of a Long-Term, High-Technology, High-Risk Project with Task Durations and Costs That May Increase Over Time, Military Operations Research, 11, 2006, 41-62.
Brown, G., Carlyle, M., Salmerón, J. and Wood, K., 2006, “Defending Critical Infrastructure,” Interfaces, 36, 530-544.
Brown, G., Carlyle M., Harney R., Skroch E., Wood, K., 2006, “Anatomy of a Project to Produce a First Nuclear Weapon,” Science and Global Security, 14, 163–182.
Brown, G. G., Kline, J., Rosenthal, R., and Washburn, A. R., 2007, “Steaming on Convex Hulls,” Interfaces, 37, 342-352. (Awarded U.S. Patent 8,050,849 B1, “Mixed Mode Fuel Minimization” November 1, 2011.)
Brown, G., Carlyle, M., Royset, J. and Wood, K., 2005, “On The Complexity of Delaying an Adversary's Project,” in The Next Wave in Computing, Optimization and Decision Technologies, B. Golden, S. Raghavan and E.Wasil, eds., Springer, New York, 3-17.
Brown, G., Carlyle, M., Diehl, D., Kline, J. and Wood, K., 2005, “A Two-Sided Optimization for Theater Ballistic Missile Defense,” Operations Research, 53(5), 745-763.
Brown, G.G., Dell, R.F., and Newman, A.M., 2004, “Optimizing Military Capital Planning,” Interfaces, 34, 415-425.
Brown, G.G., Dell, R.F., Holtz, H., and Newman, A.M., 2003, “How the U.S. Air Force Space Command Optimizes Long-Term Investment in Space Systems,” Interfaces, 33, 1-14.
Brown, G.G., Dell, R.F., Davis, R.L., and Duff, R.H., 2002, “Optimizing Plant-line Schedules and an Application at Hidden Valley Manufacturing Company,” Interfaces, 32, 1-14.
Brown, G.G., Keegan, J., Vigus, B., and Wood, R.K., 2001, “The Kellogg Company Optimizes Production, Inventory, and Distribution,” Interfaces, 31, 1-15.
Brown, G.G., Dell, R.F., and Olson, M.P., 2000, “Valid Integer Polytope (VIP) Penalties for Branch-and-Bound Enumeration,” Operations Research Letters, 26, 117-126.
Bausch, D., Brown, G.G., and Ronen, D., 1998, “Scheduling Short-Term Marine Transport of Bulk Products,” Maritime Policy & Management, 25, 335-348.
Brown, G.G. and Ronen, D., 1997, “Consolidation of Customer Orders Into Truckloads at a Large Manufacturer,” Journal of the Operational Research Society, 48, 779-785.
Brown, G.G., Dell, R.F., and Wood, R.K., 1997, “Optimization and Persistence,” Interfaces, 27, 15-37.
Brown, G.G., Cormican, K., Lawphongpanich, S., and Widdis, D., 1997, “Optimizing Submarine Berthing with a Persistence Incentive,” Naval Research Logistics, 44, 301-318.
Brown, G.G., Dell, R.F., and Farmer, R., 1996, “Scheduling Coast Guard District Cutters,” Interfaces, 26, 59-72.
Bausch, D., Brown, G.G., and Ronen, D., 1995, “Consolidating and Dispatching Truck Shipments of Mobil Heavy Petroleum Products,”Interfaces, 25, 1-17.
Arntzen, B., Brown, G.G., Harrison, T., and Trafton, L., 1995, “Global Supply Chain Management at Digital Equipment Corporation,” Interfaces, 25, 69-93. (Nominated for the 1994 International Management Science Achievement Award.)
Arntzen, B., Brown, G.G., Harrison, T., and Trafton, L., 1994, “Global Supply Chain Management at Digital Equipment Corporation,” 1994 International Management Science Achievement Award Competition, ORSA/TIMS Joint National Meeting, Boston, MA, April 24-27, 1994, College on the Practice of Management Science, Copyright 1994 and distributed by The Institute of Management Sciences, Providence, RI. (35 minute videotape).
Bausch, D.,Brown, G.G., and Ronen, D., 1994, “Dispatching Shipments at Minimal Cost with Multiple Mode Alternatives,” Journal of Business Logistics, 15, 287-303.
Brown, G.G., Lawphongpanich, S., and Podolak-Thurman, K., 1994, “Optimizing Ship Berthing,” Naval Research Logistics, 41, 1-15.
Brown, G.G. and Olson, M., 1994, “Dynamic Factorization in Large-Scale Optimization,” Mathematical Programming, 64, 17-51.
Brown, G.G., Coulter, D., and Washburn, A.R., 1994, “Sortie Optimization and Munitions Planning,” Military Operations Research, 1, 13-18.
Brown, G.G. and Vassiliou, A., 1993, “Optimizing Disaster Relief: Real-Time Operational and Tactical Decision Support,” Naval Research Logistics, 40, 1-23.
Avery, W., Brown, G.G., Rosenkranz, J., and Wood, R.K., 1992, “Optimization of Purchase, Storage and Transmission Contracts for Natural Gas Utilities,” Operations Research, 40, 446-462.
Bausch, D., Brown, G.G., and Ronen, D., 1991, “Scheduling Transportation with Elastic Set Partitioning,” appears in Towards the Integration of the Logistics Pipeline, ed. Masters, J., Transportation and Logistics Research Fund, Ohio State University, 169.
Bausch, D., Brown, G.G., and Ronen, D., 1991, “Elastic Set Partitioning - a Powerful Tool for Scheduling Transportation of Oil and Gas,” invited paper in Advances in Operations Research in the Oil and Gas Industry, eds. Breton, M., and Zaccour, G., Additions Tecnip, Paris, 151-162.
Bausch, D., Brown, G.G., Hundley, D., Rapp, S., and Rosenthal, R.E., 1991, “Mobilizing Marine Corps Officers,” Interfaces, 21, 26-38 (1989 Koopman Award winner).
Brown, G.G., Clemence, R., Teufert, W., and Wood, R.K., 1991, “An Optimization Model for Army Helicopter Fleet Modernization,” Interfaces, 21, 39-52.
Brown, G.G., Goodman, C., and Wood, R.K.,1990, “Annual Scheduling of Atlantic Fleet Surface Combatants,” Operations Research, 38, 249-259.
Brown, G.G. and McBride, R., 1981, 1989, “GENNET: A Computer Program for Solution of Capacitated Generalized Network Problems.”
Brown, G.G., 1987, “Operations Research in Optimization at the Naval Postgraduate School,” Naval Research Reviews, 39, 9-11.
Brown, G.G., Graves, G., and Honczarenko, M., 1987, “Design and Operation of a Multicommodity Production/Distribution System Using Primal Goal Decomposition,” Management Science, 33, 1469-1480b. (Nominated for 1987 International Management Science Achievement Award.)
Brown, G.G., Graves, G., and Ronen, D., 1987, “Scheduling Ocean Transportation of Crude Oil,” Management Science, 33, 335-346. (Nominated for 1987 International Management Science Achievement Award.)
Brown, G.G., Ellis, C., and Ronen, D., 1987, “Real-Time, Wide Area Dispatch of MOBIL Tank Trucks,” Interfaces, 17, 107-120. (1986 International Management Science Achievement Award Finalist.)
Brown, G.G., McBride, R., and Wood, R.K., 1985, “Extracting Embedded Generalized Networks from Linear Programming Problems,” Mathematical Programming, 32, 11-31.
Brown, G.G. and Wright, W., 1984, “Automatic Identification of Embedded Network Rows in Large-Scale Optimization Models,” Mathematical Programming, 29, 41-56.
Brown, G.G. and McBride, R., 1984, “Solving Generalized Networks,” Management Science, 30, 12, 1497-1523. (1984 Lanchester Prize Finalist.)
Brown, G.G. and Shubert, B., 1984, “On Random Binary Trees,” Mathematics of Operations Research, 9,43-65.
Bradley, G., Brown, G.G., and Graves, G., 1983, “Structural Redundancy in Large-Scale Optimization Models,” appears in Redundancy in Mathematical Programming, eds. Karwan, M., et al., Springer-Verlag.
Brown, G.G. and Taylor, J., 1983, “Annihilation Prediction for Lanchester-Type Models of Modern Warfare,” Operations Research, 31, 752.
Brown, G.G. and Wright, W., 1981, “Automatic Identification of Embedded Structure in Large-Scale Optimization Models,” appears in Large-Scale Linear Programming, eds. Dantzig, G., et al., IIASA, Laxenburg, Austria, 89-93.
Brown, G.G. and Wright, W., 1980, “Automatic Identification of Embedded Special Structure in Large-Scale Optimization Models,” appears in Computer-Assisted Model Analysis and Simplification, eds. Greenberg, H., and Maybee, J., Academic Press, 369-388.
Brown, G.G. and Graves, G., 1981, “Real-Time Dispatch of Petroleum Tank Trucks,” Management Science, 27, 1, 19-32. (1982 International Management Science Achievement Award Finalist).
Brown, G.G., Geoffrion, A., and Bradley, G. 1981, “Production and Sales Planning with Limited Shared Tooling at the Key Operation,” Management Science, 27, 3, 247-259, (Nominated for 1981 International Management Science Achievement Award).
Brown, G.G. and Thomen, D., 1980, “Automatic Identification of Generalized Upper Bounds in Large-Scale Optimization,” Management Science, 26, 11, 1166-1184.
Brown, G.G. and Taylor, J., 1978, “Numerical Determination of the Parity-Condition Parameter for Lanchester-Type Equations of Modern Warfare,” Computers and Operations Research, 5, 4, 227-242.
Brown, G.G. and Taylor, J., 1978, “An Examination of the Effects of the Criterion Function on Optimal Fire-Support Policies,” Naval Research Logistics Quarterly, 25, 1, 183-211.
Brown, G.G., Rutemiller, H., and Solberg, E., 1977, “Maximum Likelihood Estimation of the Probability of Labor Force Participation Where the Dependent Variable is Binary, with an Application to the AFDC Population-at-Risk,” Atlantic Economics Quarterly, 2, 22-31.
Brown, G.G. and Rutemiller, H., 1977, “Means and Variances of Stochastic Vector Products with Applications to Random Linear Models,” Management Science, 24, 2, 210-216.
Bradley, G., Brown, G.G., and Graves, G., 1977, “Design and Implementation of Large-Scale Primal Transshipment Algorithms,” “Exceptional Paper” in Management Science, 24, 1, 1-34, (1977 Lanchester Prize Finalist).
Brown, G.G. and Taylor, J., 1976, “Canonical Methods in the Solution of Variable-Coefficient Lanchester-Type Equations of Modern Welfare,” Operations Research, 24, 44-69.
Bradley, G., Brown, G.G., and Graves, G., 1975, 1989, “GNET: A Computer Program for Solution of Capacitated Pure Network Problems."
Brown, G.G. and Rutemiller, H., 1975, “An Analysis of the Long-Range Operating Characteristics of the MIL-STD-105D Sampling Scheme and Some Suggested Modifications,” Naval Research Logistics Quarterly, 22, 667-679.
Brown, G.G., 1975, “A Note on Numerical Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Parameters of the Weibull Distribution,” Transactions on Reliability, R-24, 158-159.
Brown, G.G. and Rutemiller, H., 1974, “Tables for Determining Expected Cost per Unit Under MIL-STD-105D Single Sampling Schemes,” AIIE Transactions, 6, 135-142.
Brown, G.G. and Rutemiller, H., 1973,“The Efficiencies of Maximum Likelihood and Minimum Variance Unbiased Estimators of Fraction Defective in the NormalCase,” Technometrics, 15, 849-855.
Brown, G.G. and Rutemiller, H., 1973, “Evaluation of Pr[X>Y] When Both X and Y are from Three-Parameter Weibull Distributions,” IEEE Transactions on Reliability, R-22, 78-82.
Brown, G.G. and Rutemiller, H., 1973,“Some Probability Problems Concerning the Game of Bingo,” Mathematics Teacher, 66, 403-406.
Brown, G.G. and Rutemiller, H., 1973, “A Cost Analysis of Sampling Inspection Under MIL-STD 105D,” Naval Research Logistics Quarterly, 20, 181-199.
Brown, G.G. and Rutemiller, H., 1971,“Sequential Stopping Rule for Fixed-Sample Acceptance Tests,” Operations Research, 19, 970-976.