Sciences Department
Naval Postgraduate School
Monterey, California 93943
GW 2006
(831) 656-3570
Fax: (831) 656-2595
Email: MNissen[at]nps.edu
Professor of Information sciences
Director, Edge Center
- "KIDS:
One Approach to Appearing Informed about ‘IS Research’,” invited
presentation, Information Sciences PhD Seminar, Naval Postgraduate
School, Monterey, CA (December 2021).
- "Navy
KM Study N1 Brownbag,” invited presentation, Monthly MyNavyHR Brownbag (July 2021).
- "Computational
Organization Design & Experimentation,” invited presentation,
Information Sciences PhD Seminar, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey,
CA (July 2021).
- "Human-Machine
Teaming Panel Discussion,” invited presentation, Naval Research
Working Group 21, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA (April 2021);
Teams panel session.
- "Knowledge
Dynamics Research,” invited presentation, Information Sciences PhD
Seminar, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA (February 2021).
- "Human-Machine
Teaming,” invited presentation, Naval Research Working Group 20, Naval
Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA (April 2020); Zoom panel session
recording for asynchronous delivery.
- "The
One Pager,” invited presentation, Information Sciences PhD Seminar,
Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA (November 2019).
- "Computational
Experimentation,” invited presentation, Information Sciences PhD
Seminar, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA (March 2018).
- "Further Toward Dynamic
Knowledge Visualization and Measurement,”
invited presentation, Information Sciences PhD Seminar, Naval Postgraduate
School, Monterey, CA (May 2016).
- "The Continuum of Pedagogy from Classroom to
Online," invited presentation, Center for Educational Excellence,
University of San Diego, San Diego, CA (April 2015).
- "Computational Organization Design and
Experimentation," invited presentation, School of Business
Research Seminar, University of San Diego, San Diego, CA (October
- "Prof. Nissen's Sometimes Mellifluous Research
Stream," invited presentation, Information Sciences PhD Seminar,
Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA (October 2012).
- "Organizational Exploration via Computational
Experimentation," invited presentation, Interdisciplinary
Committee on Organizational Studies, University of Michigan (September
- "KM404: Advanced Knowledge Management Principles
& Techniques for Viral Organizational Transformation,"
invited presentation, Knowledge Management Conference &
Exposition, McLean, VA (May 2011).
- "Agent-Based C2 Modeling and Simulation with POWer," invited presentation, MOVES Seminar,
Monterey, CA (July 2010).
- "Application Services for Command &
Control," invited presentation, Naval Postgraduate School C4I
Workshop, Monterey, CA (June 2010).
- "KM Education and Research: Naval Postgraduate
School," invited presentation, KM2010 Conference, Washington, DC
(May 2010).
- "Modeling and Simulating Military
Organizations with POWer," invited
presentation, Simulation Experiments and Efficient Designs (SEED)
Seminar, Monterey, CA (February 2010); with John Looney.
- "Emerging DoD and NATO Research Vectors,"
invited presentation, Modeling in Virtual Environments and Simulation
(MOVES) Seminar, Monterey, CA (February 2010); with David Alberts.
- "Dynamic Knowledge Principles & Learning
Army Organizations: How Unthinkable?" invited plenary
presentation, Army Operational Knowledge Management Conference, Kansas
City, MO (October 2009).
- "Knowledge Management Concepts & Training:
Operational IM-KM Focus," invited plenary presentation, US Marine
Corps Information Management Conference, Camp Pendleton, CA (October
- "ELICIT Research Opportunities at the Army
Research Laboratory," invited presentation, US Army Research
Laboratory, Adelphi, MD (June 2009).
- "ELICIT Research Experience at the Naval
Postgraduate School," invited plenary presentation, International
Command & Control Research & Technology Symposium, Washington,
DC (June 2009).
- "ELICIT (Experimental Laboratory for
Investigating Collaboration, Information-sharing and Trust)
Experimentation in a Virtual Environment: Some Preliminary Design
Thoughts," invited presentation, MOVES Institute Seminar, Naval
Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA (May 2009).
- "Research centres
and knowledge: the good, the bad and the ugly," invited
presentation, Monieson Centre, Queens
University, Kingston, ON, Canada (May 2009).
- "Information Propagation, Impact and
Persistence: Organizational Design and Trust Implications,"
invited presentation, DARPA Mimetics Seedling Research Meeting,
Arlington, VA (February 2009).
- "The Logic of Organizing," invited
presentation, Logic Group, Stanford University (July 2008).
- "Information Propagation, Impact and
Persistence: Trust and Mistrust Research Opportunities," invited
presentation, DARPA Mimetics Seedling Research Meeting, Arlington, VA
(July 2008).
- "Philosophy of Science and Engineering Research:
Quantitative and Qualitative Methods & the Design of Large
Experiments," invited presentation, CS, ECE, IS, MOVES & SWE Joint PhD Seminar,
Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA (January 2008).
- "A Campaign of Experimentation to Evaluate C2
Approaches Using ELICIT and POW-ER Tools," Plenary Address
International Command & Control Research & Technology
Symposium, Newport, RI (June 2007).
- "Transcontinental Knowledge Flows: Bridging
our International Understanding of Knowledge Management Research and
Practice," Keynote
Address Wissen Management Konferenz, Potsdam, Germany (March 2007).
- "Virtual Interview with the Army Knowledge
Management Community on the book Harnessing
Knowledge Dynamics: Principled Organizational Knowing & Learning
(June - August 2006).
- "Understanding Command and Control,"
Invited Panel Presentation, Command & Control Research &
Technology Symposium, San Diego, CA (June 2006).
- "Edge Organization and Knowledge
Dynamics," invited presentation, School of Business, George Washington
University (May 2006).
- "Hypothesis Testing of Edge
Organizations," invited presentation, Second Edge Project
Research Workshop, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA (July
- "Computational Experimentation on Edge
Organizations," invited presentation, Information Sciences
Research Seminar, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA (May 2005).
- "Hypothesis Testing of Edge
Organizations," invited presentation, Edge Project Workshop,
Stanford University (December 2004).
- "Understanding the Edge Organization: Project
Ideas," invited presentation, Virtual Design Team Research Group,
Stanford University (October 2004).
- "Computational Modeling of Organizational
Knowing: Designing Organizations around Knowledge Flows, or Describing
Organizational Knowing through Dynamic Models," invited
presentation, Management Research Seminar, Fuqua School of Management,
Duke University (October 2004).
- "Agent-Based Modeling of Knowledge Flows -
Organizational Design Implications," invited presentation,
Virtual Design Team Research Group Seminar, Stanford University
(January 2004).
- "Knowing Management: 10
Principles for NCO,” presented at the Naval Postgraduate School
Network-Centric Operations Course, Monterey, CA (July 2004).
- "Computational
Experimentation in Acquisition/Logistics,” invited presentation,
Acquisition/Logistics Seminar, Naval Postgraduate School (April 2004).
- "Agent-Based Modeling of
Knowledge Flows – Organizational Design Implications,” invited
presentation, Virtual Design Team Research Group Seminar, Stanford
University (January 2004).
- "Dynamic Knowledge Organization - Insights
from a Year on the Farm," presented at the Graduate School of
Business & Public Policy Research Seminar, Naval Postgraduate
School, Monterey, CA (October 2003).
- "Designing Organizations Around Knowledge
Flows: Compelling, Crazy or Passé?" invited presentation,
Department of Organization & Management Research Seminar,
University of Southern Denmark (May 2003).
- "Dynamic Models of Knowledge-Flow
Dynamics," invited presentation, Minnesota Knowledge Management
Symposium, Minneapolis, MN (March 2003).
- "Two-Sided Matching for the U.S. Navy's
Enlisted Detailing Process: A Comparison of Deferred Acceptance Versus
Linear Programming Via Simulation," invited presentation, Navy
Manpower Research and Analysis Conference, held at the Center for
Naval Analysis, Alexandria, VA (March 2003); with Bill Gates, Joshua
Ho, and Eng Whee
- "Two-Sided Matching Agents for Electronic
Employment Market Design: Social Welfare Implications," invited
presentation, Graduate School of Business and Public Policy Research
Colloquium, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA (March 2003); with
Bill Gates.
- "A Workday in the Life of an Artificial
Learning Agent," invited presentation, James March Monday Lunch
Seminar Series, held at Stanford University (February 2003).
- "Dynamic Models of Organizational
Learning," invited presentation, Virtual Design Team Research
Group, held at Stanford University (February 2003).
- "Understanding Knowledge Flow in Large
Distributed Organizations," invited presentation, Center for
Work, Technology and Organizations Research Colloquium, held at
Stanford University (March 2003).
- "A Workday in the
Life of an Artificial Learning Agent," invited presentation,
James March Monday Lunch Seminar, Stanford University (February 2003).
- "The Navy's Enlisted Detailing Process: An
Empirical Analysis," invited presentation, Graduate School of
Business and Public Policy Board of Advisors, Naval Postgraduate
School, Monterey, CA (December 2002); with Bill Gates, Joshua Ho, Eng Whee Low, Dong Ho
Park and Mark Ramirez.
- "Measuring Knowledge Flow," invited
presentation, Global Knowledge Economics Summit, New York, NY
(November 2002).
- "Understanding Knowledge Flow," invited
presentation, James March Monday Lunch Seminar Series, held at
Stanford University (October 2002).
- "Knowledge-Flow/VDT Research
Integration," invited presentation, Virtual Design Team Research
Group, held at Stanford University (October 2002).
- "Flow Mechanics for Knowledge
Superiority," invited presentation, Cebrowski
Institute for Information Innovation and Superiority (CINFINIS)
Research Symposium, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA (July
- "Knowledge-Flow Patterns for Process
Design," invited presentation, School of Business Research
Colloquium, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA (July 2002).
- "NPS Research on Knowledge Flow," invited
presentation, Naval Strike Air Warfare Center, in Monterey, CA (March
- "Agent-Based Electronic Employment
Markets," invited presentation, Navy Personnel Research Studies
& Technologies Office, in Millington, TN (February 2002); with
Bill Gates.
- "Characterizing Sailor and Command Enlisted
Assignment Preferences," invited presentation, Navy Manpower
Research Analysis Conference, sponsored by the Center for Naval
Analysis, held in Alexandria, VA (February 2002); with Virginia
Butler, Valerie Molina and Bill Gates.
- "A Redesign of the U.S. Navy's Enlisted
Assignment Process," invited presentation, Navy Manpower Research
Analysis Conference, sponsored by the Center for Naval Analysis, held
in Alexandria, VA (February 2002); with Gerard Koh and Bill Gates.
- "BPR Conceptual Modeling," invited
presentation, Bureau of Naval Personnel CIO Office, in Millington, TN
(December 2001).
- "Research Experiences and Opportunities with
the Navy Sea-Based Battle Lab," invited presentation, Naval
Postgraduate School, School of Business & Public Policy Research
Colloquium, held in Monterey, CA (September 2001).
- "Intelligent Agents and Web-Based Markets for
Detailing Naval Personnel," invited presentation, Military
Personnel Research Science Workshop, University of Memphis (June
2001); with Bill Gates.
- "Navy Knowledge Flow," invited
presentation, Navy Chief Information Office, Knowledge-Centric
Organization Project, presentation filmed in Monterey, CA (May 2001); play the
video clip .
- "Navy Knowledge Flow Exchange," invited
presentation, Command Third Fleet seminar, USS Coronado, San Diego, CA
(May 2001).
- "A Brief Look at Knowledge Flow," invited
presentation, Naval Postgraduate School Research Recognition Evening
(April 2001).
- "A Tale of Three Knowledge Systems,"
invited presentation, Stanford University Center for Integrated
Facilities Engineering (March 2001).
- "An Experimental Approach to Understanding
Human and Software Agent Performance along the Supply Chain,” invited presentation, University of
Arizona Information Systems Research Seminar, held in Tucson, AZ
(November 2000).
- "Agent-Based Market Design for Navy Enlisted
Personnel," invited presentation, Navy Manpower Research and
Analysis Conference, held in Washington, DC (October 2000).
- "Agent Supply Chain
Dis/Re-intermediation," presented at the IFIP Working Group 7.6
Workshop on Virtual Environments for Advanced Modeling, held in
Monterey, CA (August 2000).
- "U.S. Defense Acquisition Research
Program," invited presentation, First PMI Research Conference,
Paris, France (June 2000).
- "Future of Project Management Research,"
invited panel discussion, First PMI Research Conference, Paris, France
(June 2000).
- "The Future Acquisition Environment,"
invited presentation, Federal Acquisition Institute, Washington, DC
(May 2000).
- "IT Acquisition Research Strategies,"
invited presentation, American Project Management Forum, Tysons
Corner, VA (November 1999).
- "External Research for the DoD," invited
presentation, Dr. Jacques Gansler, Under
Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Technology, Ft. Belvoir (June
- "Knowledge-Based Knowledge Management,"
invited presentation, Naval Postgraduate School Research Colloquium,
held in Monterey, CA (October 1999).
- "Intelligent Acquisition Agents"; invited
presentation, Advanced Technology in Business Conference on Managing
Information Technologies, held at Oakland University, Auburn Hills, MI
(October 1998).
- "Acquisition Vectors: Knowledge and
Systems"; invited presentation, Supply Corps Flag Officers'
Workshop on the Future of Acquisition and Contracting, held at the
Naval Postgraduate School (August 1998).
- "Reengineering Acquisition," presented at
the Acquisition Center of Excellence (ACE) Exchange, held at the Naval
Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA (October 1997).
- "Knowledge-based Organizational Process
Redesign," invited presentation, Information Systems Colloquium,
held at the University of California, Los Angeles, CA (October 1996).
- "Intelligent Virtual Enterprise
Management," invited presentation, Center for Information
Technology and Management Workshop on Virtual Enterprise Management,
at the University of California, Berkeley, CA (April 1996).
- "Knowledge-Based Procurement Process
Redesign," invited presentation, Bay Area Information Systems
Research Symposium, at Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA (January
- "Agents to Increase the Intelligence of the
Intelligent Hub," invited presentation, CommerceNet
CALS Working Group Meeting, Sunnyvale, CA (December 1995).
- "Knowledge-Based Contracting," invited
presentation, Naval Postgraduate School, in Monterey, CA (September
- "The ICIS '99 Virtual Conference Prototype
Experiment," invited presentation, Workshop on Information
Systems Research & Development Doctoral Student Consortium, held
at the University of Southern California (October 1994).
- "Measurement-Based Software Process Redesign
and Optimization," invited presentation, Southern California CASE
Users Group meeting, held at the University of Southern California
(May 1994).