Sciences Department
Naval Postgraduate School
Monterey, California 93943
GW 2006
(831) 656-3570
Fax: (831) 656-2595
Email: MNissen[at]nps.edu
Professor of Information sciences
Director, Edge Center
The Professor's
Guide to Publication
Step 1: Think good thoughts.
Step 2: Write them down.
Step 3: Share them with others.
Step 4: Repeat Steps 1-3.
Publications in
Refereed Journals:
- "Initiating a System for Visualizing and
Measuring Dynamic Knowledge," Technological Forecasting & Social Change (April
- "Working Toward a System for Measuring Dynamic
International Journal of Knowledge Management 13:3 (2017),
pp. 1-19.
- "Organization Design for
Dynamic Fit: A Review and Projection," Journal of Organizational
Design 3:2 (2014), pp. 30-42.
- "Leveraging Strategic Sourcing and Knowledge
Management to Improve the Acquisition of Knowledge Based
Services," Journal
of Public Procurement 14: 21 (summer 2014), pp. 215-251;
with Timothy G. Hawkins and Rene G. Rendon.
- "Knowledge Work through Social Media Applications:
Team Performance Implications of Immersive Virtual Worlds," Journal
of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce 23:1-2 (2013),
pp. 84-109; with Richard Bergin.
- "If You Can't Trust, Stick to Hierarchy: Structure
and Trust as Contingency Factors in Threat Assessment Contexts," Journal
of Homeland Security and Emergency Management 9:1 (2012), Article
14, pp. 1-19; with Ned Powley.
- "Designing Inter-Organisational
Collectivities for Dynamic Fit: Stability, Manoeuvrability
and Application in Disaster Relief Endeavours,"
International Journal of Organizational Design and Engineering
1:4 (2011), pp. 276-291.
- "Designing Organizations for Dynamic Fit: System
Stability, Maneuverability and Opportunity Loss," IEEE Transactions
on Systems, Man and Cybernetics – Part A 41:3 (May 2011), pp.
418-433; with Rich Burton.
- "Accelerating Acculturation through Tacit Knowledge
Flows: Refining a Grounded Theory Model," VINE 40: 3/4, Special
Issue on KM and Culture (2010), pp. 312 – 325; DOI
10.1108/03055721011071430); with June Lee.
- "Knowledge Sharing as a Contingency in the Design
of Counterterrorism Organizations,"
International C2 Journal 4:2 (2010), pp. 1-30; with Tara Leweling.
- "Efficient Experimental Design Tools for Exploring
Large Simulation Models," Computational and Mathematical
Organization Theory 15:3 (2009), pp. 237-257; DOI
10.1007/s10588-009-9059-1; with Regine Pei Tze
Oh, Susan Sanchez, Thomas Lucas and Hong Wan.
- "Toward Harmonizing Command and Control with
Organization and Management Theory," International C2 Journal 3:2
(2009), pp. 1-59; with David Alberts.
- "Streams of Shared Knowledge: Computational
Expansion of Organization Theory," Knowledge Management Research
& Practice 6:2 (2008), pp. 124-140; with Ray Levitt and Ryan
- "Editorial – Managing Knowledge Transfer in
Distributed Contexts," Introduction to Special Issue of Information
Systems Journal 18:6 (2008), pp. 559-566; with Kevin Desouza and Carsten Sørensen;
note: this editorial piece appears in a refereed journal, but the
piece itself was subject to only editorial- not peer-review.
- "Keynote Paper: Enhancing Organisational
Metacognition – Flow Visualisation to Make
the Knowledge Network Explicit," International Journal of
Networking and Virtual Organisations 4:4
(2007), pp. 331-350.
- "Information Flow Aspects of Interorganizational
Crisis Management," Journal of Information Warfare 6:2 (2007),
pp. 39-51; with Rauno and Tuija Kuusisto.
- "Knowledge Management and Global Cultures:
Elucidation through an Institutional Knowledge-Flow Perspective," Knowledge
and Process Management 14:3 (2007), pp. 211-225.
- "Computational Experimentation on New
Organizational Forms: Exploring Behavior and Performance of Edge
Organizations," Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory
13:3 (2007), pp. 203-240.
- "Enterprise Command, Control and Design: Bridging
C2 Practice and CT Research," International C2 Journal 1:1
(2007), pp. 61-112; accessible online at
- "Computational Modeling of Project Organizations
under Stress," Project Management Journal 38:1 (2007), pp.
5-20; with John Dillard.
- "Defining and Exploring the Terrorism Field: Toward
an Intertheoretic, Agent-Based Approach," Technology
Futures & Social Change 74 (2007), pp. 165-192; with Tara Leweling.
- "Discontinuity in Organizations: Developing a
Knowledge-Based Organizational Performance Model for Discontinuous
Membership," International Journal of Knowledge Management 3:1
(2007), pp. 18-36; with Rahinah Ibrahim.
- "Incorporating Software Agents into Supply
Chains: Experimental Investigation with a Procurement Task," MIS
Quarterly 30:1 (2006), pp. 145-166; with Kishore Sengupta.
- "Dynamic Knowledge Patterns to Inform Design:
A Field Study of Knowledge Stocks and Flows in an Extreme
Organization," Journal of Management Information Systems
22:3 (2006), pp. 225-263.
- "Experimental Assessment of an Innovation
Knowledge System for Decision Support," Business Process
Management Journal 11:5 (2005), pp. 444-475.
- "Managing Context in Business Process Management Systems,"
Journal of Requirements Engineering online publication of
Springer-Verlag: DOI 10.1007/s00766-005-0005-6 (2005); with Bala Ramesh, Radhika Jain and Peng Xu.
- "Editorial Preface – Knowledge as a
Multidimensional Concept: a Call for Action," International Journal
of Knowledge Management 1:3 (2005), pp. i-v;
with Murray Jennex; note: this editorial
piece appears in a refereed journal, but the piece itself was subject
to only editorial- not peer-review.
- "Contextual Criticality of Knowledge-Flow Dynamics:
Understanding a U.S. Tragedy of Friendly Fire," Defense &
Security Analysis 20:3 (2004), pp. 209-228; with Erik Jansen, Carl
Jones and Gail Thomas.
- "Agent-Based Modeling of Knowledge
Dynamics," Knowledge Management Research & Practice
2:3 (2004), pp. 169-183; with Ray Levitt.
- "Experimental Analysis of e-Employment Market
Designs," Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic
Commerce 14:3 (2004), pp. 195-222; with Bill Gates.
- "Knowledge Management Research & Practice:
Visions and Directions," Knowledge Management Research & Practice
1:1 editorial paper (2003), pp. 49-60; with John Edwards, Meliha Handzic and Sven
Carlsson; note: this editorial piece appears in a refereed journal,
but the piece itself was subject to only editorial- not peer-review.
- "Beyond the Body of Knowledge: A
Knowledge-Flow Approach to Project Management Theory and
Practice," Project Management Journal 34:2 (2003), pp.
4-12; with Keith Snider.
- "An Extended Model of Knowledge-Flow
Dynamics," Communications of the Association for Information
Systems 8 (2002), pp. 251-266.
- "Measurement-driven Enterprise Systems
Engineering," Journal of Engineering Valuation and Cost
Analysis 4:1 (2001), pp. 63-76.
- "Beyond Electronic Disintermediation through
Multi-Agent Systems," Journal of Logistics Information
Management 14:4 (2001), pp. 256-275.
- "Designing Agent-based Electronic Employment
Markets," Electronic Commerce Research Journal, Special
Issue on Theory and Application of Electronic Market Design 1:3
(2001), pp. 239-263; with Bill Gates.
- "Innovating the Federal Acquisition Process
through Intelligent Agents," Acquisition Review Quarterly
8:3 (2001), pp. 161-165; with David Fowler.
- "Agent-Based Supply Chain Integration," Journal
of Information Technology Management 2:3 Special Issue, Electronic
Commerce in Procurement and the Supply Chain (2001), pp. 289-312.
- "An Experiment to Assess the Performance of a
Redesign Knowledge System," Journal of Management Information
Systems 17:3 (2000), pp. 25-44.
- "Agent-Based Supply Chain Disintermediation
vs. Re-intermediation: Economic and Technological Perspectives," International
Journal of Intelligent Systems in Accounting, Finance & Management
9 (2000), pp. 237-256.
- "An Intelligent Tool for Process Redesign:
Manufacturing Supply Chain Applications," International
Journal of Flexible Manufacturing Systems 12:4, Special Issue on
Business Process Design, Modeling and Analysis (October 2000), pp.
- "Knowledge Process and System Design for the
Coast Guard," Knowledge and Process Management Journal 7:3,
Special Issue, Into the 'E' Era (2000), pp. 165-176; with LT James
- "Integrated Analysis and Design of Knowledge
Systems and Processes," Information Resources Management
Journal 13:1 (January-March 2000), pp. 24-43; with Magdi Kamel and Kishore Sengupta.
- "Knowledge-Based Knowledge Management in the
Reengineering Domain," Decision Support Systems 27 Special
Issue, from Information Retrieval to Knowledge Management (1999), pp.
- "SPS and Beyond: Innovating Acquisition through
Intelligent Electronic Contracting," Acquisition Review Quarterly
6:4 (1999), pp. 383-394.
- "A Systematic Approach to Prioritizing Weapon
System Requirements and Military Operations through Requisite
Variety," Acquisition Review Quarterly 6:1 (1999), pp.
1-20; with Maj. Douglas B. Bushey.
- "Redesigning Reengineering through
Measurement-Driven Inference," MIS Quarterly 22:4 (1998),
pp. 509-534.
- "Alpha Contracting JSOW Style," National
Contract Management Journal 29:1 (1998), pp. 15-32.
- "Managing Radical Change in Acquisition,"
Acquisition Review Quarterly 5:2, Special Issue on Managing
Radical Change (1998), pp. 89-106; with K. Snider and D. Lamm.
- "Reengineering Support through
Measurement-Driven Inference," Intelligent Systems in
Accounting, Finance and Management 6 (1997), pp. 109-120.
- "Reengineering the RFP Process through
Knowledge-Based Systems," Acquisition Review Quarterly 4:1
(1997), pp. 87-100.
- "A Focused Review of the Reengineering
Literature: Expert Frequently Asked Questions," Quality
Management Journal 3:3 (1996), pp. 52-66.
- "Designing Qualitative Simulation Systems for
Business," Simulation & Gaming 27:4 (1996), pp.
- Harnessing Dynamic Knowledge Principles in the
Technology-Driven World
Hershey, PA: IGI Global (2014).
- Harnessing Knowledge Dynamics: Principled
Organizational Knowing & Learning Hershey, PA: IRM Press (2006).
- Contracting Process Innovation Vienna, VA: National Contract Management
Association (2000).
- Knowledge-Based Organizational Process Redesign:
Using Process Flow Measures to Transform Procurement, School of Business, University of Southern
California (May 1996); Runner-Up for the ("winner-less")
Doctoral Dissertation Award at the International Conference on
Information Systems; published through UMI.
Book Chapters:
- "Power Implications
within Competitive Organizations: New Insights through Knowledge
Measurements in an R&D Organization." Ch. 9. In: E. Idemudia (Ed.), Handbook of Research on IT Applications for Strategic Competitive
Advantage and Decision Making. Hershey, PA: IGI Global (2020), pp.
153-176; with Paul Shigley, Bob Tanner & Shelley Gallup.
- "Reconsidering a
System for Measuring Dynamic Knowledge: Extending a Novel Line of
Research." In: M. Jennex (Ed.), Current Issues and Trends in
Knowledge Management, Discovery, and Transfer. Hershey, PA: IGI
Global (2020), pp. 48-70.
- Nissen, M.E., "Organization Design and
Engineering for Dynamic Fit: Toward Analytic Principles, Methods and
Tools," in R. Magalhães (Ed.), Organisational Design and Engineering
- "Harnessing Knowledge Power for Competitive
Advantage," in: M. Chilton and J. Bloodgood (Eds.), Knowledge Management for
Competitive Advantage: Issues and Potential Solutions
Hershey, PA: IGI Global (2013).
- "Leveraging Mobile Network Technologies to
Accelerate Tacit Knowledge Flows across Organizations and Distances,"
in G. Trentin (Ed.) Technology and
Knowledge Flow: The Power of Networks Oxford: Chandos
(2012); with Alex Bordetsky.
- "Measuring Dynamic Knowledge Flows: Implications
for Organizational Performance," in: G. Schiuma
(Ed.), Managing Knowledge Assets and Business Value Creation in
Organizations Hershey, PA: Business Science Reference (2011), Ch.
8, pp. 125-145.
- "Designing Complex Organizations Computationally,"
in: M. Wang and Z. Sun (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Complex
Dynamic Process Management: Techniques for Adaptability in Turbulent
Environments Hershey, PA: IGI Global (2010), pp. 573-598; with
Carl Oros.
- "Developing a knowledge-based organizational
performance model for improving knowledge flows in discontinuous
organizations," in: M. Jennex (ed.) Knowledge
Management, Organizational Memory and Transfer Behavior: Global
Approaches and Advancements Hershey, PA: IGIGlobal
(2009), pp. 89-108; with Rahinah Ibrahim.
- "Diagnosing Misfits, Inducing Requirements, and
Delineating Transformations within Computer Network Operations
Organization," in: K. Knapp (Ed.), Cyber-Security and Global
Information Assurance: Threat Analysis and Response Solutions (2009);
with Nikolaos Bekatoros and Jack Koons.
- "Visualizing Knowledge Networks and Flows to
Enhance Organizational Metacognition in Virtual Organizations," in: C.
Camisón, D. Palacios, F. Garrigós
and C. Devece (Eds.), Connectivity
and Knowledge Management in Virtual Organizations: Networking and
Developing Interactive Communications Hershey, PA: IGI Global
- "Transforming Business Process Transformation with
Diagnostic Knowledge-Based Tools," in: V. Grover and M. Markus (Eds.) Business
Process Transformation Armonk, NY: Sharpe (2008), pp. 101-121.
- "Toward the Multidimensional Conceptualization of
Knowledge," in: M. Jennex (Ed.), Knowledge
Management in Modern Organizations Hershey, PA: Idea Group (2007),
pp. 278-284; with Murray Jennex.
- "Co-Evolution and Co-Design of Agile Organizations
and Information Systems Through Agent-Based Modeling," in: K. Desouza (Ed.), Agile Information Systems:
Conceptualization, Construction, and Management Amsterdam:
Elsevier (2007), pp. 266-284; with Yan Jin.
- "Computational Experimentation," in: D. Schwartz
(Ed.), Encyclopedia of Knowledge Management Hershey, PA: Idea
Group (2006), pp. 51-57; with Ray Levitt.
- "Toward Designing Organizations around Knowledge
Flows," in: K. Desouza (Ed.), New
Frontiers of Knowledge Management New York, NY: Palgrave MacMillan
(2005), pp. 182-203.
- "Defense Project Management Knowledge Flow through
Lessons Learned Systems," in: E. Carayannis,
Y. Kwak and F. Anbari (Eds.), The Story
of Managing Projects Westport, CN: Praeger (2005), pp.
118-133; with Keith Snider.
- "Agent- and Web-Based Employment Marketspaces in
the U.S. Department of Defense," in: M. Khosrow-Pour (Ed.), Encyclopedia
of Information Science and Technology I-V Hershey PA: Idea
Group Press (2005), pp. 74-80; with Bill Gates.
- "Delineating Knowledge Flows for Enterprise
Knowledge Agility," in: M. Khosrow-Pour (Ed.), Encyclopedia of
Information Science and Technology, Vol. 2 Hershey PA: Idea Group
Press (2005), pp. 779-785.
- "Procurement: Process Overview and Emerging Project
Management Techniques," in: P. Morris and J. Pinto (Eds.), The
Wiley Guide to Managing Projects Hoboken, NJ: Wiley (2004), pp.
- "Intelligent Agents," in: H. Bidgoli
(Ed.), The Internet Encyclopedia Volume 2, New York: Wiley
(2004), pp. 192-203; with Daniel D. Zeng.
- "Inducing Enterprise Knowledge Flows," in: J. Gupta
and S. Sharma (Eds.), Creating Knowledge Based Organizations
Hershey, PA: Idea (2004), Ch. 9, pp. 185-202.
- "Knowledge Flow through a Military Joint Task
Force Operation," in: C. Holsapple
(Ed.), Handbook on Knowledge Management Springer-Verlag (2002).
- "U.S. Defense Acquisition Research Program: A New
Look," in: D. Slevin, D. Cleland and J.
Pinto (Eds.), The Frontiers of Project Management Research
Newtown Square, PA: Project Management Institute (2002), Ch. 6, pp.
115-134; with Keith Snider and Ira Lewis.
- "Agent- and Web-based Employment Marketspaces
in the U.S. Department of Defense," in: A. Gronlund (Ed.), Electronic
Government: Design, Applications and Management Idea Group
Publishing: Hershey, PA (2002), Ch. 9, pp. 170-204; with Bill Gates.
- "Integrating Knowledge Process and System
Design for Naval Battle Groups," in: M. Khosrowpour
(Ed.), Advanced Topics in Information Resources Management Idea
Group Publishing: Hershey, PA (2002), Ch. XVIII, pp. 315-333; with
Elias Oxendine.
- "Systematic Analysis and Design of Knowledge
Systems and Processes," in: Y. Malhotra (Ed.), Knowledge
Management and Virtual OrganizationsIdea Group Publishing:
Hershey, PA (2000), Chapter XII, pp. 214-244; with Magdi
Kamel and Kishore Sengupta.
- "Integrated Analysis and Design of Knowledge
Systems and Processes," in: Y. Malhotra (Ed.), Knowledge
Management and Virtual Organizations Hershey: Idea (2000); with Magdi Kamel and Kishore Sengupta.
- "A Configuration-Contingent Enterprise
Redesign Model," in: T.R. Gulledge, D.J. Elzinga
and C.Y. Lee (Eds.), Process Engineering: Advancing the State of
the Art Kluwer: Norwell, MA (1999), Chapter 7, pp. 145-185.
- "The Standard Procurement System and
Beyond," in A. Lee and C. Fisher (Eds.), Innovative
Contracting: Practical Approaches National Contract Management
Association: Vienna, VA (1999), Chapter 11, pp. 127-141; with A. Karty.
Publications in
Refereed Conference Proceedings:
- "Human-Machine
Interaction as Partnership," Proceedings
International Command & Control Research & Technology
Symposium. Virtual Conference; with Shelley Gallup (November 2021).
- "Power
Implications within Command and Control Organizations: New Insights
through Knowledge Measurement, Proceedings
International Command & Control Research & Technology
Symposium. Virtual Conference; with Shelley Gallup, Paul Shigley &
Bob Tanner (November 2020).
- "Extending a System for
Measuring Dynamic Knowledge: Reconsidering Knowledge Flow Efficiency
for Decision Support," Proceedings Hawaii International Conference of System
Sciences, Maui, HI (January 2020).
- "Understanding Organization Power Implications
of Information System Designs through Measurement of Dynamic
Knowledge," Proceedings
International Command & Control Research & Technology
Symposium. Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory, Laurel, MD; with
Shelley Gallup, Paul Shigley & Bob Tanner (November 2019).
- "Applying a System for Measuring Dynamic
Knowledge: Reconsidering the Spiral Model," Proceedings Hawaii
International Conference on System Sciences, Wailea, HI (January
- "Dynamic C2 Design for Teams of Autonomous
Systems and People," Proceedings
International Command and Control Research and Technology Symposium,
Pensacola, FL (November 2018).
- "Towards Assessing the Willingness of
Intelligence Analysts to Contribute to Knowledge Management Systems
(KMS) in Highly Classified and Sensitive Environments," Proceedings of the 2015 IEEE SoutheastCon. Ft. Lauderdale,
FL (2015); with Bob Hambly, Yair Levy and Amon Seagull.
- "Toward Computational Modeling of C2 for Teams
of Autonomous Systems and People," Proceedings International Command
and Control Research and Technology Symposium, Alexandria, VA (June
2014); with David Place.
- "Measuring Acquisition Workforce Quality through
Dynamic Knowledge and Performance: An Exploratory Investigation to
Interrelate Acquisition Knowledge with Process Maturity," Proceedings
Acquisition Research Symposium, Monterey, CA (May 2014); with Rene
- "Archetypical C2 Organization Design for Ever
Increasing Technological Autonomy: An Unmanned Aircraft System
Illustration," Proceedings
International Command & Control Research & Technology
Symposium, Alexandria, VA (June 2013); with David Place.
- "Measuring Dynamic Knowledge and Performance at the
Tactical Edges of Organizations: Assessing Acquisition Workforce
Quality," Proceedings Acquisition Research Symposium, Monterey,
CA, (May 2013).
- "Understanding the Potential of Virtual
Environments for Improving C2 Performance," Proceedings International
Command & Control Research & Technology Symposium, Quebec
City, Quebec (June 2011); with Ken Hudson.
- "Examining Work Performance in Immersive Virtual
Environments versus Face-to-Face Physical Environments through
Laboratory Experimentation," Proceedings Hawaii International
Conference on System Sciences, Koloa, HI (January 2011); with Richard
Bergin and Bryan Hudgens.
- "Command & Control in Virtual Environments:
Laboratory Experimentation to Compare Virtual with Physical," Proceedings
International Command & Control Research & Technology
Symposium, Santa Monica, CA (June 2010); with Richard Bergin, Alicemary Adams, Ramez Andraus, Bryan Hudgens and June Lee.
- "Command & Control in Virtual Environments:
Designing a Virtual Environment for Experimentation," Proceedings
International Command & Control Research & Technology
Symposium, Santa Monica, CA (June 2010); with Ken Hudson.
- "Extending Hypothesis Testing of Edge Organizations
Using Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging During ELICIT," Proceedings
International Command & Control Research & Technology
Symposium, Santa Monica, CA (June 2010); with Layne Kalbfleisch.
- "Study of Trust as an Organizational Contingency,
Part II: Examining Four Dimensions of Trust in ELICIT
Experimentation," Proceedings International Command &
Control Research & Technology Symposium, Santa Monica, CA (June
2010); with Ned Powley and Joe Seykora.
- "Command & Control in Virtual Environments:
Tailoring Software Agents to Emulate Specific People," Proceedings
International Command & Control Research & Technology
Symposium, Santa Monica, CA (June 2010); with Danielle Wynn and Mary
- "Tacit Knowledge Flows and Institutional Theory:
Accelerating Acculturation," Proceedings Hawaii International
Conference on System Sciences, Koloa, Kauai, HI (January 2010); with Alicemary Adams and June Lee; nominated for Best
Paper Award.
- "Conceptualizing Dynamic Fit and Misfit:
Organizational Design Implications," Proceedings Academy
of Management Conference, Chicago, IL (August 2009).
- "Trust-Mistrust as a Design Contingency: Laboratory
Experimentation in a Counterterrorism Context," Proceedings
International Command & Control Research & Technology
Symposium, Washington, DC (June 2009); with Ned Powley; recommended
for Best Paper Award.
- "Conceptualizing Dynamic Organizational Fit in Multicontingency Contexts," Proceedings
Academy of Management Conference, Anaheim, CA (August 2008); with Tara
- "C2 for Computer Networked Operations: Using
Computational Experimentation to Identify the Highest-Performance
Organizational Configurations," Proceedings International
Command & Control Research & Technology Symposium, Seattle, WA
(June 2008); with Jack L. Koons III and Nikolaos Bekatoros.
- "New Software Platform Capabilities and Experimentation
Campaign for ELICIT," Proceedings International Command &
Control Research & Technology Symposium, Seattle, WA (June 2008);
with Mary Ruddy.
- "Self-Organization and -Synchronization at the
Edge: Situated Action, Identity and Improvisation," Proceedings International
Command & Control Research & Technology Symposium, Seattle, WA
(June 2008); with Frank Barrett.
- "Expanding Knowledge-Flow Theory through
Computational Analysis of Knowledge Specialization," Proceedings
Academy of Management Conference, Philadelphia, PA (August 2007); with
Ryan Orr and Ray Levitt.
- "Hypothesis Testing of Edge Organizations: Modeling
the C2 Organization Design Space," Proceedings International
Command & Control Research & Technology Symposium, Newport, RI
(June 2007); Winner – Best Student Paper Award; with Jamie Gateau,
Tara Leweling and John Looney; available:
- "Hypothesis Testing of Edge Organizations:
Laboratory Experimentation using the ELICIT Multiplayer Intelligence
Game," Proceedings International Command & Control Research
& Technology Symposium, Newport, RI (June 2007); nominated for the
Best Paper Award; with Tara Leweling;
available: http://www.dodccrp.org/events/12th_ICCRTS/CD/html/papers/017.pdf.
- "Hypothesis Testing of Edge Organizations:
Empirically Calibrating an Organizational Model for Experimentation," Proceedings
International Command & Control Research & Technology
Symposium, Newport, RI (June 2007); with Doug MacKinnon, Ray Levitt and
Marc Ramsey.
- "Transcontinental Knowledge Flows: Bridging our
International Understanding of Knowledge Management Research and
Practice," Proceedings Wissen
Management Konferenz, Potsdam, Germany
(March 2007); note: this article review appears in a refereed
conference proceedings volume, but the article itself was subject to
only editorial- not peer-review.
- "Implications of Information Flow Priorities for
Interorganizational Crisis Management," Proceedings
International Conference on Information Warfare & Security,
Monterey, CA (March 2007), pp. 133-140; with Rauno
and Tuija Kuusisto.
- "Organizational Metacognition: the Importance of
Knowing the Knowledge Network," Proceedings Hawaii
International Conference on System Sciences, Big Island, HI (January
2007); with John Looney.
- "Computational Experimentation on C2 Models," Proceedings
International Command and Control Research and Technology Symposium,
Cambridge, UK (September 2006); nominated for the Best Paper Award;
with Ryan Orr.
- "Computational Modeling and Analysis of Networked
Organizational Planning in a Coalition Maritime Strike Environment,"
C111, Proceedings Command & Control Research &
Technology Symposium, San Diego, CA (June 2006); Winner – Best Student
Paper Award; with John Looney.
- "Modeling Skill Growth and Decay in Edge
Organizations: Near-Optimizing Knowledge & Power Flows (Phase
Two)," C152, Proceedings Command & Control Research &
Technology Symposium, San Diego, CA (June 2006); with Doug MacKinnon
and Ray Levitt.
- "Changing Major Acquisition Organizations to Adopt
the Best Loci of Knowledge, Responsibilities and Decision Rights," Proceedings
Third Acquisition Research Symposium, Monterey, CA (May 2006); with
Frank Barrett.
- "Hypothesis Testing of Edge Organizations:
Specifying Computational C2 Models for Experimentation," Proceedings
International Command & Control Research & Technology
Symposium, McLean, VA (June 2005).
- "A Computational Approach to Diagnosing Misfits,
Inducing Requirements, and Delineating Transformations for Edge
Organizations," Proceedings International Command & Control
Research & Technology Symposium, McLean, VA (June 2005); nominated
for the Best Paper Award.
- "Knowledge as Inventory: Near-Optimizing Knowledge
and Power Flows in Edge Organizations (Phase One)," Proceedings
International Command & Control Research & Technology
Symposium, McLean, VA (June 2005); Winner – Best Student Paper Award;
with Doug MacKinnon and Ray Levitt.
- "Determining the Best Loci of Knowledge,
Responsibilities and Decision Rights in Major Acquisition
Organizations," Proceedings Second Annual Acquisition Research
Symposium, Monterey, CA (May 2005); with John Dillard.
- "Developing a Knowledge-based Organizational
Performance Model for Discontinuous Participatory Enterprises," Proceedings
Hawaii International Conference of System Sciences, Big Island, HI
(January 2005); with Rahinah Ibrahim.
- "Simulating Environment Contingencies using SimVision," Proceedings North American
Association for Computational Social and Organizational Science,
Pittsburgh, PA (June 2004); with Rahinah
- "Computational Experimentation: Bridging the Chasm
between Laboratory and Field Research in C2," Proceedings
Command and Control Research and Technology Symposium, San Diego, CA
(June 2004); with Ray Buettner.
- "Agent-Based Modeling of Knowledge-Flows:
Illustration from the Domain of Information Systems Design," Proceedings
Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Waikoloa, HI
(January 2004); with Ray Levitt.
- "Emerging Technology to Model Dynamic Knowledge
Creation and Flow among Construction Industry Stakeholders duringthe Critical Feasibility-Entitlements
Phase," Proceedings Joint Symposium on IT in CE, Nashville, TN
(November 2003); with Rahinah Ibrahim.
- "The Virtual Design Team (VDT): A Multi-Agent
Analysis Framework for Designing Project Organizations," Proceedings
International Conference on the Integration of Knowledge Intensive
Multi-Agent Systems, Boston, MA (October 2003); with Ray Levitt.
- "Dynamic Models of Knowledge-Flow Dynamics," Proceedings
Minnesota Knowledge Management Symposium, Minneapolis, MN (March
2003); with Ray Levitt.
- "What is a Digital Contract?" Proceedings
National Contract Management Association World Congress, Long Beach,
CA (July 2002); with Chris Webster.
- "Lessons Learned to Guide Project Management
Theory and Research: Pragmatism and Knowledge Flow," Proceedings
Second PMI Research Conference, Seattle, WA (July 2002); with Keith
- "An Empirical Investigation of e-Employment Market
Designs," Proceedings International Conference on Electronic
Commerce Research, Dallas, TX (November 2001); with Bill Gates.
- "Intelligent Agent Intermediation of
Patient/Physician Relationships," in: V. Mookerjee and P. Bowen
(Eds.), Proceedings 2000 International Conference on
Information Systems, Brisbane, Australia, Workshop on Information
Technology and Systems (December 2000); with James Warren.
- "U.S. Defense Acquisition Research
Program," Proceedings First PMI Research Conference,
Paris, France (June 2000), pp. 103-114; with Keith Snider.
- "Toward Integrating Knowledge Management,
Processes and Systems: A Position Paper," Proceedings
American Association for Artificial Intelligence 2000 Spring
Symposium, Stanford, CA, Workshop on Bringing Knowledge to Business
Processes (March 2000), pp. 22-29; with Magdi
Kamel and Kishore Sengupta.
- "Supply Chain Process and Agent Design for
E-Commerce," in: R. Sprague (Ed.), Proceedings Hawaii
International Conference on System Sciences, Maui, HI (January 2000).
- "Experimental Assessment of a Process Workflow
Redesign Agent," in: R. Sprague (Ed.), Proceedings Hawaii
International Conference on System Sciences, Maui, HI (January 2000).
- "A Multi-Agent Approach to Supply Chain
Disintermediation," in: S. Narasimhan and S. Sarkar (Eds.), Proceedings
1999 International Conference on Information Systems, Charlotte, NC,
Workshop on Information Technology and Systems (December 1999), pp.
- "An Agent Federation for Supply Chain
Integration," in: B. Drabble and P. Jarvis (Eds.), Proceedings
American Association for Artificial Intelligence Conference, Orlando,
FL, Workshop on Agent-Based Systems in the Business Context (July
- "SPS and Beyond: Innovating Acquisition
through Intelligent Electronic Contracting," in: C. Brown (Ed.), Proceedings
Acquisition Research Symposium, Rockville, MD (June 1999).
- "Some Intelligent Software Supply Chain
Agents," in: O. Etzioni, J. Muller and J. Bradshaw (Eds.), Proceedings
Agents 99 Conference, Seattle, WA (May 1999); with Anshu
- "An Intelligent Agent for Web-based Process
Redesign," in: R. Sprague (Ed.), Proceedings Hawaii
International Conference on System Sciences, Maui, HI (January 1999).
- "Redesigning Software Procurement through
Intelligent Agents," in: R. Gamble (Ed.), Proceedings
American Association for Artificial Intelligence Conference, Madison,
WI, Workshop on Knowledge Management and Business Process
Reengineering (1998); with Anshu Mehra.
- "Case Study: Intelligent Software Supply Chain
Agents Using ADE," in: J. Baxter and B. Logan (Eds.), Proceedings
American Association for Artificial Intelligence Conference, Madison,
WI, Workshop on Software Tools for Developing Agents (1998); with Anshu Mehra.
- "Toward Intelligent Web-based Redesign
Support," in: D. O'Leary and R. Gamble (Eds.), Proceedings
American Association for Artificial Intelligence Conference,
Providence, RI, Workshop on AI in Business (1997).
- "Measurement-Driven Inference for
Reengineering Support," in: D. O'Leary and P. Watson (Eds.), Proceedings
American Association for Artificial Intelligence Conference, Portland,
OR, Workshop on AI in Business (1996).
- "Meta-Cognitive Learning Effects through
Student Redesign of the IS Core," in: C. Ragsdale and E. Houck
(Eds.), Proceedings Decision Sciences Institute Conference
(Volume 1) Boston, MA (1995).
- "Valuing IT through Virtual Process
Measurement," in: M. Munroe (Ed.), Proceedings International
Conference on Information Systems, Vancouver, Canada (1994).
- "Qualitative Simulation of Organizational
Microprocesses," in: R. Sprague, Jr. and J. Nunamaker,
Jr. (Eds.), Proceedings Hawaii International Conference on
System Sciences (Volume IV), Maui, HI (1994).
- "Multivariate Statistics and Symbolic
Artificial Intelligence: Analytical and Empirical Comparisons in
Language Recognition," in: J. Evans (Ed.), Proceedings:
Decision Sciences Institute Conference (Volume 2) Washington, DC
(1993); Best Paper Award.
- "Evaluation of Leadership
Traits for Future Warfare," Technical Report NPS-IS-21-002, Naval
Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA (December 2021); with Simona Tick.
- "Developing a Formal Navy Knowledge
Management Process," Technical Report NPS-IS-21-001, Naval
Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA (March 2021); with Shelley Gallup.
- "Computational Modeling and
Simulation of Distributed Maritime Operations," Technical Report
NPS-IS-20-005, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA (December
2020); with Shelley Gallup.
- "Naval Collaboration with
Academia Promotes Rigorous Research," Future Forces 6(4). (2020), pp. 56-57; with Clare Morton,
Paul Shigley & Bob Tanner.
- "Manned-Unmanned Teaming in
Distributed Maritime Operations," Technical Report
NPS-IS-19-002, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA (December
2019); with Shelley Gallup.
- "Surface Warfare Proficiency
Knowledge Management Architecture," Technical Report
NPS-IS-19-003, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA (October 2019);
with Shelley Gallup.
- "A Knowledge Based
Analysis of Information Technologies Required to Support Fleet
Tactical Grid," Technical Report NPS-IS-19-001, Naval
Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA (March 2019); with Shelley Gallup
and Steve Iatrou.
- "Key Recommendations for Retaining Surface
Warfare Officer Talent," U.S.
Naval Institute Blog (25 March 2019); URL: https://blog.usni.org/posts/2019/03/25/key-recommendations-for-retaining-surface-warfare-officer-talent ;
with Simona Tick.
- "Toward Integrating Our Understanding of
Talent in the US Navy," Technical Report NPS-IS-18-002,
Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA (November 2018); with Simona
- "Understanding and
Retaining Talent in the Surface Warfare Community," Technical
Report NPS-18-001, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA (March
2018); with Simona Tick.
- "Dynamic C2 Design
for Asymmetric Advantage: Teams of Autonomous Systems and People,"
Technical Report NPS-IS-17-004, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey,
CA (December 2017).
- "Toward a System for
Visualizing and Measuring Dynamic Knowledge," Technical
Report NPS-IS-17-003, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA
(December 2017).
- "Four
Key Steps to Retaining Talent in the Information Warfare Community,
(April-June 2017); Online ISSN 2154-1779; Print ISSN 1047-9988; with
Simona Tick.
- "Understanding
and Retaining Talent in the Information Warfare Community,"
Technical Report NPS-17-002, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey,
CA (February 2017); with Simona Tick.
- "Command
and Control for Teams of Autonomous Systems and People,"
Technical Report NPS-16-001, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA
(November 2016); with David Place.
- "Command and Control
Models of Next Generation Unmanned Aircraft Systems,"
Technical Report NPS-IS-15-002, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey,
CA (October 2015); with David Place.
- "Featured Article: Advancing Autonomous Systems:
Rough Seas Ahead for Command & Control," CRUSERNews
54 (August 2015).
- "Marine Forces Reserve: Accelerating Knowledge
Flow through Asynchronous Learning Technologies," Technical
Report NPS-14-008, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA (December
2014); with Robert McGuiness and Anthony Davis.
- "Computational Experimentation to Understand
C2 for Teams of Autonomous Systems and People," Technical Report
NPS-14-007, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA (December 2014);
with David Place.
- "Command and Control for Teams of Autonomous
Systems and People: 2014 Abbreviated Research Summary," in: R.
Buettner (Ed.), FY2014
CRUSER Research Results (September 2014).
- "Measuring Acquisition Workforce Quality
through Dynamic Knowledge and Performance: An Exploratory
Investigation to Interrelate Acquisition Knowledge with Process
Maturity," Technical Report NPS-CM-13-116, Acquisition Research
Program, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA (October 2013); with
Rene Rendon.
- "C2 Agility and Combat Boots: One Size Does Not Fit
All," CRUSER News 26 (April 2013).
- "Toward an Operational Proxy for Acquisition
Workforce Quality," Technical Report NPS-AM-12-206, Acquisition
Research Program, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA (October
- "Applying an Aerodynamics Inspired Organizational
Dynamic Fit Model to Disaster Relief Endeavors," Technical Report No.
NPS-IS-11-001, Naval Postgraduate School (January 2011).
- "CyberKM: Harnessing
Dynamic Knowledge for Competitive Advantage through Cyberspace,"
Technical Report No. NPS-IS-10-006, Naval Postgraduate School
(November 2010).
- "Command and Control in Virtual Environments: Using
Contingency Theory to Understand Organization in Virtual Worlds,"
Technical Report No. NPS-IS-10-005, Naval Postgraduate School (October
- "Book Review: Knowledge Management – Systems
Implementation: Lessons from the Silicon Valley, by Hind Benbya," Knowledge Management Research &
Practice 7:2 (2009); note: this book review appears in a refereed
journal, but the piece itself was subject to only editorial- not
- "Dynamic Fit and Misfit through Organizational
Design: Conceptualization via Stability and Maneuverability," Naval
Postgraduate School Technical Report NPS-46-09-001 (June 2009).
- "Responding to Counterterrorism Threats: Effects of
Coalition Trust and Mistrust on Organizational Design," Naval
Postgraduate School Technical Report NPS-GSBPP-09-001 (February 2009);
with Ned Powley.
DECISION-MAKING," quoted by Dan Taylor in Inside the Navy Magazine22:14,
Article #17 (13 April 2009).
- "Man vs. Machine: How Computers Routed the
Experts," quoted by Ian Ayres in Financial Times Magazine (2
September 2007), p. 18.
- "Who's the Boss? Soon It May Be a Computer Calling
the Shots," quoted by Chris Penttila in Entrepreneur
(March 2007), p. 36.
- "Book Review: Case Studies in Knowledge
Management," Knowledge Management Research & Practice
4:1 (2006), pp. 75-76; note: this book review appears in a refereed
journal, but the review itself was subject to only editorial- not
- "Book Review: The Agile Organization," Cambridge
Review of International Affairs 19:2 (2006), p. 362; note: this
book review appears in a refereed journal, but the review itself was
subject to only editorial- not peer-review.
- "Freeway Ministry," written for Bill Hardman, Truth
Magazine (October-December 2006).
- "Changing Major Acquisition Organizations to Adopt
the Best Loci of Knowledge, Responsibilities and Decision Rights," NPS
Technical Report NPS-PM-06-022 or NPS-GSBPP-06-015 (September 2006);
with Frank Barrett.
- "Maybe We Should Leave That Up to the Computer,"
quoted by Douglas Heingartner in The New
York Times (18 July 2006).
- "Validating the Virtual Design Team (VDT) Computational
Modeling Environment," CRGP Working Paper 25, Stanford University
(2005); with Ray Levitt and Ryan Orr.
- "Determining the Best Loci of Knowledge,
Responsibilities and Decision Rights in Major Acquisition
Organizations," NPS Technical Report NPS-PM-05-005 (June 2005); with
John Dillard.
- "Contextual Criticality of Knowledge-Flow Dynamics:
The Tragedy of Friendly Fire," NPS Technical Report NPS-GSBPP-03-002
(2003); with Erik Jansen, Carl Jones and Gail Thomas.
- "Two-Sided Matching Agents for Electronic Employment
Market Design: Social Welfare Implications," NPS Technical Report
NPS-GSBPP-02-005 (2002); with Bill Gates.
- "Toward Simulation Models of
Knowledge-Intensive Work Processes," CIFE Working Paper 077,
Stanford University (2002); with Ray Levitt.
- "Dynamic Models of Knowledge-Flow
Dynamics," CIFE Working Paper 076, Stanford University (2002);
with Ray Levitt.
- "The Rolodex Model: Understanding Relationship
Complexity as a Precursor to the Design of Organizational Forms for
Chaotic Environments," NPS Technical Report NPS-GSBPP-02-004
(2002); with Omar El Sawy.
- "Toward Enterprise Process Engineering:
Configuration Measurement and Analysis," NPS Technical Report
NPS-GSBPP-02-003 (2002).
- "Virtual Supply Chain Re-Intermediation
through Multi-Agent Systems," NPS Technical Report
NPS-GSBPP-02-002 (2002).
- "Understanding 'Understanding' Flow for
Network-Centric Warfare: Military Knowledge-Flow Mechanics, Technical
Report No. NPS-GSBPP-02-001, Naval Postgraduate School (2002).
- "Knowledge Process and System Design for the
Naval Battlegroup," Knowledge & Innovation: Journal of the
KMCI 1:3 (2001), pp. 89-109; with Elias Oxendine.
- "Facilitating Naval Knowledge Flow,"
Technical Report No. NPS-GSBPP-01-004, Naval Postgraduate School
- "Toward a Program of Research on Knowledge Flow in
the Very-Large Enterprise," Technical Report No. NPS-GSBPP-01-003,
Naval Postgraduate School (2001).
- "Contracting Process Innovation," Technical Report
No. NPS-GSBPP-01-001, Naval Postgraduate School (2001).
- "Web-Based Markets for Improving Naval Personnel
Detailing," Naval Postgraduate School Research 11:2 (June
2001); with Dr. Bill Gates, Maj. Hock Sing Ng, Cpt. Paul Robards, LCDR
Richard Schlegel, LT Melissa Short, Maj. Cheow
Guan Soh, Maj. Suan Jow
Tan, and Maj. Chee Meng Yeong.
- "Toward Understanding Navy Knowledge Flow," Naval
Postgraduate School Research 11:1 (February 2001).
- "A Framework for Integrating Knowledge Process
and System Design," Information Strategy: The Executive's
Journal 16:4 (Summer 2000), pp. 17-27; with Magdi
Kamel and Kishore Sengupta.
- "Software Acquisition Lessons Learned through
Student Thesis Research," Army AL&T (May-June 2000),
pp. 23-24; with Col. David Matthews (US Army Ret).
- "Procurement Revolution with Intelligent Agent
Technology," PRACTIX: Best Practices in Purchasing and Supply
Chain Management 3:2 (December 1999).
- "Process Innovation: Analysis and Redesign of the
California Army National Guard State Emergency Mobilization Process," Naval
Postgraduate School Research 9:1 (February 1999); with Cpt. Patrick
McGuire, Cpt. Andrew Palan and LT David
- "The TOPGUN Approach to Software Acquisition
Education," CrossTalk 11:3,
Special Issue on Software Education and Training (March 1998), pp.
- "The Commerce Model for Electronic
Redesign," Journal of Internet Purchasing (1997).
- "JSOW Alpha Contracting Technical
Report," Naval Postgraduate School reimbursable research report
(1997); a close derivative also led to development of an instructional
case study, "JSOW Alpha Contracting Case Study (Software Version),"
which has been adopted for pedagogical use in multiple acquisition
courses at the Naval Postgraduate School (1997).
Working papers:
Naval Postgraduate School:
- "The
Role of Technical Degrees in Assessing the Capabilities of Junior Navy
Officers," Technical Report NPS-17-TBD, Naval Postgraduate
School, Monterey, CA (forthcoming 2020); with Simona Tick, Stephen Mehay and Elda Pema.
- "An
Analysis of Professional Characteristics and Performance of Junior
Navy Officers," Technical Report NPS-18-TBD, Naval Postgraduate
School, Monterey, CA (forthcoming 2020); with Simona Tick, and Stephen
- "An Analysis of Alternative Measures of
Performance and Career Outcomes of Junior Navy Officers," Technical Report
NPS-19-TBD, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA (forthcoming
2020); with Simona Tick, Stephen Mehay and
Elda Pema.
Stanford University:
- "Validating the Virtual Design Team (VDT)
Computational Modeling Environment," CRGP Working Paper 25,
Stanford University (2005); with Ray Levitt and Ryan Orr.
- "Toward Simulation Models of
Knowledge-Intensive Work Processes," CIFE Working Paper 077,
Stanford University (2002); with Ray Levitt.
- "Dynamic Models of Knowledge-Flow
Dynamics," CIFE Working Paper 076, Stanford University (2002);
with Ray Levitt.
University of California at Berkeley:
- "KOPeR: An Automated
Reengineering Support System Design" (1996).
- "Toward Reengineering Theory: A Model of
Process Redesign" (1996).
- "Knowledge-Based RFP Systems" (1996).
- "Frequently Asked Questions about Business
Process Reengineering"; Working Paper CITM-96-WP-1014 (1996).
- "Knowledge-Based Reengineering: from
Mysterious Art to Learnable Craft"; Working Paper CITM-96-WP-1012
- "Virtual Process Measurement: a Technique for
the Evaluation of Information Systems Success"; Working Paper
CITM-96-AP-1011 (1996).