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The Naval Postgraduate School's Operations Research Department offers M.S. and Ph.D. degrees. The department is without peer in integrating military applications of operations research into graduate education. 



Information Sciences Department
Naval Postgraduate School
Monterey, California 93943

Office: GW 2006
(831) 656-3570
Fax: (831) 656-2595
Email: MNissen[at]


Professor of Information sciences
Director, Edge Center


Naval Postgraduate School, Graduate School of Information and Operational Sciences, Graduate School of Business and Public Policy

  • Knowledge Superiority – classroom and asynchronous (e.g., web-based) course (IS4210)
  • Knowledge & Information Management – classroom and asynchronous (e.g., web-based) course (IS3210)
  • Computer Based Tools for Decision Support – classroom (IS3301)
  • Qualitative Research Methods – IS PhD core course (IS4710)
  • Command and Control – classroom and asynchronous (e.g., web-based) course (CC3000)
  • PhD Information Sciences Seminar (IS4790)
  • Knowing Management – classroom and asynchronous (e.g., web-based) course (GB4210)
  • Decision Support Systems (IS4185/IS3301)
  • Software Project Management (MN3309)
  • Manpower Modeling & Decision Support (MN4118)
  • Information Technology Acquisition (MN3307)
  • Electronic business (IS4925)
  • Seminar on Knowledge Management (IS4800.3)
  • Seminar on Intelligent Agents (IS4800.2)
  • Seminar on Reengineering (IS4800.1)
  • Seminar on Acquisition Contract Management (MN2302)
  • Completed the NPS Interactive Distributed Learning Course (IDL6543) and Teaching Effectiveness Seminar; now a master of web-based education & training course design, development & instruction

Stanford University, School of Engineering

  • Doctoral Seminar on Organizational Knowing and Learning CEE 340

UC Berkeley, Haas School of Business and Center for Information Technology & Management

  • Prototypical course on electronic commerce: BA248D
  • MBA Core Information Systems course: BA208

Executive Education

  • Stanford Advanced Project Management Program – Strategic Project & Knowledge Management
  • NPS Center for Executive Education – Command & Control; Knowledge Management
  • Navy Corporate Business Course – Information Management & Knowledge Management
  • Information Professional Senior Officer Course – Knowledge Management
  • Afloat Knowledge Managers Course – Knowledge Principles for Competitive Advantage
  • Army Operational Knowledge Managers Course – Knowledge Principles Competitive Advantage



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