Matthew Carlyle

Professor of Operations Research
Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA  93943


Brown, G.G. and W.M. Carlyle, 2019, "Solving the Nearly Symmetric All-Pairs Shortest-Path Problem," INFORMS Journal on Computing, articles in advance.

Alderson, D.L., Brown, G. G., Carlyle, W.M., and Wood, R.K., 2017, "Assessing and Improving the Operational Resilience of a Large Highway Infrastructure System to Worst-Case Losses," Transportation Science, Published Online in Articles in Advance: July 19, 2017,

Alderson, D.L., Brown, G., and Carlyle, W.M., 2015, "Operational Models of Infrastructure Resilience," Risk Analysis 35(4): 562-586 (received Society for Risk Analysis Award for Best Paper of 2015 in Risk Analysis).

Alderson, D.L., G.G. Brown, W.M. Carlyle, 2014, Assessing and Improving Operational Resilience of Critical Infrastructures and Other Systems. A. Newman, J. Leung, eds., Tutorials in Operations Research: Bridging Data and Decision. Institute for Operations Research and Management Science, Hanover, MD, 180-215. [slides]

Schramm, H.C., Alderson, D.L., Carlyle, W.M., and Dimitrov, N.B., 2014, "A Game Theoretic Model of Strategic Conflict in Cyberspace," Military Operations Research, 19(1), pp. 5-17

Brown, G.G., Carlyle, W.M., Dell, R.F., Brau, J.W., 2013, "Optimizing Intratheater Military Airlift in Iraq and Afghanistan," Military Operations Research, 18(3), pp. 35-52.

Alderson, D., Brown, G., Carlyle, M., and Cox, L. A., 2013, "Sometimes There is No "Most-Vital" Arc: Assessing and Improving the Operational Resilience of Systems, Military Operations Research, 18(1), pp. 21-37.

Hernandez, A.S., Lucas, T.W., and Carlyle, M., 2012, "Constructing Nearly Orthogonal Latin Hypercubes for Any Nonsaturated Run-Variable Combination," ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation, 22(4), pp. 20:1-20:17.

Carlyle, W.M., Henderson, S.G. and Szechtman, R., 2011, "Allocating Capacity in Parallel Queues to Improve Their Resilience to Deliberate Attack," Naval Research Logistics, 58(8), pp. 731-742.

Brown, G. G., Carlyle, M., Abdul-Ghaffar, A. and Kline, J., 2011, "A Defender-Attacker Optimization of Port Radar Surveillance," Naval Research Logistics, 58(3), pp. 223-235.

Alderson, D.L., Brown, G.G., Carlyle, W.M., and Wood, R.K., 2011, “Solving Defender-Attacker-Defender Models for Infrastructure Defense,” in Operations Research, Computing, and Homeland Defense, R.K. Wood and R.F. Dell, editors, INFORMS, Hanover, MD, pp. 28-49.

Brown, G.G., Carlyle, W.M., Harney, R.C., Skroch, E., and Wood, R.K. 2009, "Interdicting a Nuclear-Weapons Project," Operations Research, 57, pp. 866-877.

Brown, G., and Carlyle, W.M., 2008, "Optimizing the US Navy's Combat Logistics Force." Naval Research Logistics, 55, pp. 800-810. (Winner, 2009 Harold W. Kuhn Award)

Carlyle, W.M., Royset, J.O. and Wood, R.K., 2008, "Lagrangian Relaxation and Enumeration for Solving Constrained Shortest-Path Problems,"Networks, 52, pp. 256-270.

Brown, G., Carlyle, M., and Wood, K., 2008, "Optimizing Department of Homeland Security Defense Investments: Applying Defender-Attacker (-Defender) Optimization to Terror Risk Assessment and Mitigation," Appendix E of: National Research Council report Department of Homeland Security Bioterrorist Risk Assessment: A Call for Change, National Academies Press, Washington, DC.

Carlyle, W.M., Royset, J.O. and Wood, R.K., 2007, "Routing Military Aircraft with a Constrained Shortest-Path Algorithm," Military Operations Research, to appear.

Brown, G., Carlyle, M., Salmerón, J. and Wood, K., 2006, "Defending Critical Infrastructure," Interfaces, 36, pp. 530-544.

Brown, G., Carlyle M., Harney R., Skroch E., Wood, K., 2006, "Anatomy of a Project to Produce a First Nuclear Weapon," Science and Global Security, 14, pp. 163-182.

Brown, G., Carlyle, M., Royset, J. and Wood, K., 2005, “On The Complexity of Delaying an Adversary's Project,” in The Next Wave in Computing, Optimization and Decision Technologies , 2005, B. Golden, S. Raghavan and E.Wasil editors, Springer, New York, pp. 3-17.

Brown, G., Carlyle, M., Diehl, D., Kline, J. and Wood, K., 2005, “ A Two-Sided Optimization for Theater Ballistic Missile Defense,” Operations Research , 53(5), pp. 745-763.

Mason, S.J., Fowler, J.W., Carlyle, W.M., Montgomery, D.C., 2004, “Heuristics for minimizing total weighted tardiness in complex job shops.” To appear: International Journal of Production Research .

Carlyle, W.M. and Wood, R.K., “Near-Shortest and K-Shortest Simple Paths,” 2005, Networks, 46, pp. 98-109.

Heredia-Langner, A., D.C. Montgomery, W.M. Carlyle, and C.M. Borror, (2004), “Model-Robust Optimal Designs: A Genetic Algorithm Approach”, Journal of Quality Technology , Vol. 36, No. 3, pp. 263-279.

H.K. Shah, D.C. Montgomery, and W.M. Carlyle, (2004), “Response Surface Modeling and Optimization in Multiresponse Experiments using Seemingly Unrelated Regressions”, Quality Engineering , Vol. 16, No. 3, pp. 387-397.

Braun, M.W., D.E. Rivera, W.M. Carlyle, M.E. Flores, and K.G. Kempf, (2003) “A model predictive control framework for robust management of multi-product, multi-echelon demand networks,” Annual Reviews in Control , Vol. 27, No. 2, pp. 229-245

Braun, M.W., D.E. Rivera, W.M. Carlyle, and K.G. Kempf, (2003) “Application of model predictive control to robust management of multiechelon demand networks in semiconductor manufarcturing,” Simulation , Vol. 79, No. 3, pp. 139-156

Yang, H.-S., M. Maier, M. Reisslein, and W.M. Carlyle, (2003) " A genetic algorithm-based methodology for optimizing multiservice convergence in a metro WDM network ", Journal of Lightwave Technology , Vol. 21, No. 5, pp. 1114-1133.

Carlyle, W.M., J.W. Fowler, E. Gel, and B. Kim, (2003) " Quantitative comparison of approximate solution sets for bi-criteria optimization problems ", Decision Sciences , Vol. 34, No. 1, pp. 63-82.

Greiner, M. A., J.W. Fowler, D.L. Shunk, W. M. Carlyle, and R.T. McNutt (2003), “A hybrid approach using the analytic hierarchy process and integer programming to screen weapon systems development projects,” IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management , 50, No. 2, pp. 192-203 .

Heredia-Langner, A., M. Carlyle, D.C. Montgomery, C. Borror, and G. Runger, (2003) “Genetic algorithms for the construction of D-optimal designs,” Journal of Quality Technology , 35, No. 1, pp. 28-46.

Holcomb, D., and M. Carlyle (2002), “Some notes on the construction and evaluation of supersaturated designs,” Quality and Reliability Engineering International , 18, pp. 299-304.

Yu, L., H.M. Shih, M. Pfund, W.M. Carlyle, and J.W. Fowler (2002), "Scheduling of unrelated parallel machines: an application to PWB manufacturing," IIE Transactions on Scheduling and Logistics , 34, No. 11, pp. 921-931.

Heredia-Lagner, A., Carlyle, W.M., Montgomery, D.C., Borror, C., and Runger, G., “Genetic Algorithms for the Construction of D-optimal Designs,” to appear in the Journal of Quality Technology.

Holcomb, D. and  Carlyle, W.M., “Some Notes on the Construction and Evaluation of Supersaturated Designs,” to appear in Quality and Reliability Engineering International. 

Holcomb, D., Montgomery, D.C., and Carlyle, W.M., “Analysis of Supersaturated Designs,” to appear in the Journal of Quality Technology.

Park, S., Fowler, J.W., Mackulak, G.T., Keats, J.B., and Carlyle, W.M., “D-optimal Sequential Experiments for Generating a Simulation-based Cycle Time-throughput Curve,” to appear in Operations Research. 

Heredia-Lagner, A., Montgomery, D.C., and Carlyle, W.M., “Solving a Multistage partial Inspection Problem Using Genetic Algorithms,” International Journal of Production Research, 40, No. 8, pp. 1923-1940.

Mason, S., Fowler, J.W., and Carlyle, W.M., “A Modified Shifting Bottleneck Heuristic for Minimizing Total Weighted Tardiness in Complex Job Shops,” Journal of Scheduling, 5, No. 3, 2002, pp. 247-262.

Pfund, M., Yu, L., Fowler, J.W., and Carlyle, W.M., “The impacts of variability on scheduling approaches for a printed wiring board assembly operation,”Journal of Electronics Manufacturing, 11, No. 1, 2002, pp. 19-31. 

Canter, K.G., Kennedy, D.J., Montgomery, D.C., Keats, J.B., Carlyle, W.M., “Screening Stochastic Life Cycle Assessment Inventory Models,” International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 7, No. 1, 2002, pp. 18-26.

Carlyle, W.M., Knutson, K., and Fowler, J.W., “Bin Covering Algorithms in the Second Stage of the Lot to Order Matching Problem,” Journal of the Operational Research Society, 52, 2001, pp. 1232-1243.

Carlyle, W.M., and Eaves, B.C., “Underground Planning at Stillwater Mining Company,” Interfaces, 31, No. 4, 2001, pp. 50-60.

Carlyle, W.M., Montgomery, D., and Runger, G., “Some Optimization Problems and Methods in Quality Control and Improvement,” Journal of Quality Technology, 32, No. 1, 2000, pp. 1-17. 

Fowler, J.W., Knutson, K., and Carlyle, W.M., “Comparison and Evaluation of Lot-to-order Matching Policies for a Semiconductor Assembly and Test Facility,” International Journal of Production Research, 38, No. 8, 2000, pp. 1841-1853. 

Knutson, K., Kempf, K., Fowler, J.W., and Carlyle, W. M., Lot-to-order Matching for a Semiconductor Assembly and Test Facility, IIE Transactions on Scheduling and Logistics, 31, No. 11, 1999, pp. 1103-1111. 

Ammons, J.C., Carlyle, W.M., Cranmer, L., DePuy, G.W., Ellis, K., McGinnis, L.F., Tovey, C.A., and Xu, H., “Component Allocation to Balance Workload in Printed Circuit Card Assembly Systems,” IIE Transactions, 29, 1997, pp. 265-275.

Ammons, J.C., Carlyle, W.M., DePuy, G.W., Ellis, K.P., McGinnis, L.F., Tovey, C.A., and Xu, H., “Computer Aided Process Planning in Printed Circuit Card Assembly,” IEEE Trans. CHMT, 16, 1993, pp. 370-376. 

McGinnis, L.F., Ammons, J.C., Carlyle, W.M., Cranmer, L., DePuy, G.W., Ellis, K.P., Tovey, C.A., and Xu, H., “Automated Process Planning for Printed Circuit Card Assembly,” IIE Transactions, 24, 1992, pp. 18-30. 

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