daniel eisenberg headshot

Daniel A. Eisenberg, PhD#

Assistant Professor | Operations Research Department

Director | Center for Infrastructure Defense

Naval Postgraduate School

Email: daniel.eisenberg [at] nps [dot] edu | CV | GoogleScholar | LinkedIn

My research advances theories on the vulnerability and resilience of critical infrastructure systems, including water, electric power, transportation, and telecommunications. I blend techniques from operations research, engineering, and public administration to link built and social systems together and identify fragilities in existing practices and determine tradeoffs in system improvement. My applied work centers on the design and management of resilient islands and military installations using network science and network optimization.

My most recent and exciting work are on the following topics:

  • Developing fundamental operations research models for a new theory of resilience that informs tradeoffs in analysis and measures conservation of vulnerability within a system.

  • Comparing optimization and machine learning techniques for infrastructure planning decisions under climate change.

  • Creating tools and games that reveal complex interactions in infrastructure systems to non-experts and help them make practical decisions for system management.

Some recent places to find out about me:

For more details on my professional and personal interests, please see: