
NPS Students#

I have advised and co-led over 30 master’s theses at NPS. In general, I’m interested in any student that wants to work on problems related to infrastructure vulnerability and resilience for islands and military installations. The majority of my work is with operations research students and invovles modeling an infrastructure system, developing vulnerability analyses, and presenting recommendations to improve resilience. I have also supported theses from outside departments on infrastructure-related topics, such as DoD funding, climate security, and microgrid reliability.

A full list of publicly available theses I have supported can be found on the NPS Library website: Link

Operations Research Students#

If you decide to work with me, we will likely leverage the following tools and techniques:

  • Infrastructure modeling in Python: Network optimization with Pyomo and professional solvers (Gurobi, CPLEX), Power System Modeling (EGRET, PG-Lib), Water Distribution Simulation (WNTR), celluar signal modeling (TIREM), and required techniques to use C library (e.g., ctypes)

  • Geospatial data management: QGIS, ArcGis, and related C and Python packages (GeoPandas, GDAL, Fiona, Shapley, Rasterio, Follium)

  • Overleaf: Thesis writing in LaTeX

  • NPS GitLab: git version control techniques

  • Super computing: Access to the hamming cluster

  • Docker: containerized software development and deployment

Some recent and current students working with me include:

  • LCDR Olive Olveros (USN). Topic: Navy installation power grid benchmark system (Dystopia Project)

  • LT Marlene Perez (USN). Topic: Advancing tools to measure climate impacts on water infrastructure (CIWI-D Project).

  • Maj Ryan Shannon (USMC). Topic: socio-technical network generation for EV charging startups (TOP GEAR Project)

  • ENS Nicholas Hilaire (USN). Topic: Comparing simulation models for queue robustness and extensibility (RIP Project).

  • LT Dishan Romine (USN). Topic: Advancing tools to measure climate impacts on water infrastructure (CIWI-D Project).

Other NPS Students (Systems Engineering, National Security Affairs, etc.)#

I am flexible to support theses in other departments. These theses do not require the use ot specialized software or techniques like for OR. Please coordinate with a primary advisor in your department. Some colleagues I’ve worked with in the past include:

  • Douglas Van Bossuyt (Systems Engineering)

  • Emily Meierding (NSA)

  • Eric Dahl (NSA)

External Students#

Since joining NPS, I have yet to advise students from other universities. I am open to support an external PhD student if your interests align. Please email me an inquiry for collaboration.