
An extensive class library providing predefined enumeration values, which are the special constants used to fill DIS protocol data unit (PDU) fields.


Class Summary
AcknowledgeFlagField Acknowledge Flag Field -- This field shall indicate what type of message has been acknowledged.
ActionIDField Action ID Field -- This field shall specify the particular action that is requested by the simulation manager.
AntennaPatternTypefield Antenna Pattern Type field -- This field shall specify the type of representation used for the radiation pattern from the antenna.
BeamFunctionField Beam Function Field -- This field shall specify the function of a particular beam.
CodeNameField Code Name Field -- This field shall identify the code name for the designator system.
CollisionTypeField Collision Type Field -- This field shall identify the type of collision.
CountryField Country Field -- This field shall specify the country to which the design of the entity is attributed.
CryptoSystemfield Crypto System field -- This field shall identify the crypto equipment utilized if such equipment is used with the Transmitter PDU.
DatumIDField Datum ID Field -- The fixed datum id shall be represented by a 32-bit enumeration (see section 7 in the EBV-DOC).
DeadReckoningAlgorithmField Dead Reckoning Algorithm Field -- Indicates the type of dead reckoning algorithm used by an entity.
DesignatorCodeField Designator Code Field -- This field shall identify the designator code being used by the designating entity.
DetonationResultField Detonation Result Field -- This field shall specify the result of the detonation.
Domainfield Domain field -- This field shall identify the kind of entity described by the Radio Entity Type Record.
EmitterNameField Emitter Name Field -- This field shall specify the emitter name for a particular emitter.
EncodingClassField Encoding Class Field --
EncodingTypeField Encoding Type Field --
EntityAppearanceEnvironmentalDensityField Entity Appearance Environmental Density Field -- Describes the density of the environmentals
EntityAppearanceLifeFormActivityStateField Entity Appearance LifeForm Activity State Field -- Describes the Activity State of a Life Form.
EntityAppearanceLifeFormFrozenStatusField Entity Appearance LifeForm Frozen Status Field -- Describes the Frozen Status of a lifeform.
EntityAppearanceLifeFormStateField Entity Appearance LifeForm State Field -- Describes the State of the Lifeform.
EntityAppearanceLifeFormWeapon1Field Entity Appearance LifeForm Weapon1 Field -- Describes the position of the Life Forms primary weapon.
EntityAppearanceLifeFormWeapon2Field Entity Appearance LifeForm Weapon2 Field -- Describes the position of the Life Forms Secondary weapon.
EntityAppearanceMunitionFrozenStatusField Entity Appearance Munition Frozen Status Field -- Describes the frozen status of a guided munition
EntityAppearanceMunitionLaunchFlashField Entity Appearance Munition Launch Flash Field -- Describes the presence of a guided missile launch flash
EntityAppearanceMunitionStateField Entity Appearance Munition State Field -- Describes the state of a guided munition
EntityAppearancePlatformAfterburnerField Entity Appearance Platform Afterburner Field -- Describes the status of an air platform's afterburner
EntityAppearancePlatformCamouflageTypeField Entity Appearance Platform Camouflage Type Field -- Describes the type of camouflage
EntityAppearancePlatformConcealedField Entity Appearance Platform Concealed Field -- Describes the type of concealment
EntityAppearancePlatformFrozenStatusField Entity Appearance Platform Frozen Status Field -- Describes the Frozen status of a platform
EntityAppearancePlatformLauncherField Entity Appearance Platform Launcher Field -- Describes the elevated status of the platforms missile launcher
EntityAppearancePlatformPowerPlantStatusField Entity Appearance Platform Power-Plant Status Field -- Describes the power-plant status of a platform
EntityAppearancePlatformRampField Entity Appearance Platform Ramp Field -- Describes the status of a vehicles ramp
EntityAppearancePlatformStateField Entity Appearance Platform State Field -- Describes the state if a platform
EntityAppearancePlatformTentField Entity Appearance Platform Tent Field -- Describes the status of a platforms tent extension
EntityCapabilitiesAmunitionSupplyField Entity Capabilities Amunition Supply Field -- The Entity is able to supply some type of ammunition in response to an appropriate Service Request PDU.
EntityCapabilitiesFuelSupplyField Entity Capabilities Fuel Supply Field -- The Entity is able to supply some type of fuel in response to an appropriate Service Request PDU.
EntityCapabilitiesRecoveryField Entity Capabilities Recovery Field -- The Entity is able to provide recovery (e.g.
EntityCapabilitiesRepairField Entity Capabilities Repair Field -- The Entity is able to supply certain repair services in response to an appropriate Service Request PDU.
EntityDamageField Entity Damage Field -- Describes the damaged appearance of an entity
EntityFirePowerField Entity Fire Power Field -- Describes the visual effects characteristic of Fire-power kills (e.g displaced gun tube)
EntityFlamingEffectField Entity Flaming Effect Field -- Describes whether flames are rising from an entity
EntityHatchStateField Entity Hatch State Field -- Describes the state of the hatch
EntityKindField Entity Kind Field -- This field shall identify the Kind of Entity
EntityLightsField Entity Lights Field -- Describes the status of lights found on various platforms
EntityMarkingCharacterSetField Entity Marking Character Set Field -- This enumerated field represents the Character set used in representing the Entity Marking Record
EntityMobilityKillField Entity Mobility Kill Field -- Describes visual effects characteristic of Mobility Kills
EntityPaintSchemeField Entity Paint Scheme Field -- Describes the paint scheme of the entity
EntitySmokeField Entity Smoke Field -- Describes status or location of smoke emanating from an entity
EntityTrailingEffectField Entity Trailing Effect Field -- Describes the size of trailing effects from an entity.
EventTypeField Event Type Field -- This field shall specify the type of event that caused the issue of an Event PDU.
ForceIDField Force ID Field -- This field shall distinguish the different teams or sides in a DIS exercise.
FrozenBehaviorField Frozen Behavior Field -- This field shall specify the internal behavior of the simulation and its appearance while frozen to the other participants of the exercise.
FunctionField Function Field -- This field shall specify the function for a particular emitter.
FuseField Fuse Field -- The fuse shall be specified by a 16-bit enumeration (see Section 5 in EBV-DOC)
HighDensityTrackJamField High Density Track/Jam Field -- This field shall be used to indicate whether or not the receiving simulation application can assume that all targets, in the scan pattern which the sending emitter can track (for a phased array system) or jam (for a jamming system), are being tracked or jammed respectively.
InputSourcefield Input Source field -- This field shall specify which position (pilot, co-pilot, first officer, gunnery officer, etc.) or data port in the entity utilizing the radio is providing the input audio or data being transmitted.
MajorModulationTypefield Major Modulation Type field -- This field shall specify the major classification of the modulation type.
ModulationParameterfield Modulation Parameter field -- This field shall specify modulation type (see specific characteristics of the radio transmission.
ParameterTypeArticulatedPartsHighBitsField Parameter Type Articulated Parts HighBits Field -- These Enumerations are used to describe a part of the Articulated Parameter Enumeration.
ParameterTypeArticulatedPartsLowBitsField Parameter Type Articulated Parts LowBits Field -- These Enumerations are used to describe a part of the Articulated Parameter Enumeration.
ParameterTypeAttachedPartsField Parameter Type Attached Parts Field -- This record represents one of the varients of the Parameter Type Varient, its values are used only when the Parameter Type is Attached Part (1).
ParameterTypeDesignatorField Parameter Type Designator Field -- The identification of whether the Parameter Type Record is for an articulated or attached part shall be designated by this field.
PduTypeField PDU Type Field -- This field shall indicate the type of PDU that follows.
ProtocolFamilyField Protocol Family Field -- This field shall indicate the family of protocols to which the PDU belongs
ProtocolVersionField Protocol Version Field -- This field shall specify the version of protocol used in a PDU.
ReasonField Reason Field -- This field shall specify the reason that an entity or exercies was stopped/frozen.
ReceiverStatefield Receiver State field -- This field shall indicate the state of the receiver, which shall either be idle or active.
ReferenceSystemField Reference System Field -- This section specifies the 8-bit enumeration of the Reference System field in the Beam Antenna Pattern record and the Spherical Harmonic Pattern Record in the Transmitter PDU.
RepairCompleteCodesField Repair Complete Codes Field -- Repair types shall be specified by a 16-bit enumeration.
RepairResultField Repair Result Field -- This field shall specify the result of the repair specified in the Repair Complete PDU.
RequestStatusField Request Status Field -- This field shall identify the status of the requested action.
ResponseFlagField Response Flag Field -- This field shall indicate whether or not the receiving entity was able to comply with the request, and for what reason.
ServiceTypeRequestedField Service Type Requested Field -- This field shall describe the type of service being requested.
SpreadSpectrumfield Spread Spectrum field -- This field shall indicate the spread spectrum technique or combination of spread spectrum techniques in use.
StateUpdateIndicatorField State Update Indicator Field -- This field shall be used to indicate if the data in the PDU represents a state update or just data that has changed since issuance of the last Emitter PDU (relative to the identified entity and emission system(s)).
Systemfield System field -- This field shall specify the interpretation of the modulation parameter field(s) in the Transmitter PDU.
TDLTypefield TDL Type field -- This field shall specify the TDL Type as a 16-bit enumeration field when the encoding class is the raw binary, audio, application - specific, or database index representation of a TDL Message.
TransmitStatefield Transmit State field -- This field shall specify whether a radio is off, powered but not transmitting, or powered and transmitting.
WarheadField Warhead Field -- The warhead shall be specified by a 16-bit enumeration(see Section 5 in EBV-DOC)

Package Description

An extensive class library providing predefined enumeration values, which are the special constants used to fill DIS protocol data unit (PDU) fields. These classes have been automatically generated from the on-line DIS Data Dictionary. You may also want to refer to the local copy of the DIS Data Dictionary to see what the DIS Specification has to say about enumeration values for PDU fields.

Numerous direct links and additional information appear in the Software Reference.