Interface Summary | |
PduPublisher | PduPublisher interface for addListener () and removeListener () methods. |
PduSubscriber | PduSubscriber interface for receivePDU () methods. |
SerializationInterface | Defines interface methods governing object serialization. |
Class Summary | |
AcknowledgePdu | Simulation management PDU to acknowledge other simulation management PDUs. |
ActionRequestPdu | Simulation management PDU to request an exercise action by a managed entity. |
ActionResponsePdu | Simulation management PDU to respond to an Action Request PDU. |
AngularVelocity | Angular (rotational) velocity. |
ArticulationParameter | Articulation parameters are components of an entity that can move - this data is appended to the EntityState PDU. |
BehaviorStreamBuffer | BehaviorStreamBuffer is an abstract class that defines functionality for other subclasses, including BehaviorStreamBufferNetwork and BehaviorStreamBufferFile. |
BehaviorStreamBufferFile | BehaviorStreamBufferFile is a class responsible for interpreting data received via a file and interpreting it as DIS PDUs. |
BehaviorStreamBufferInfo | BehaviorStreamBufferInfo is an object that contains configuration data about a BehaviorStreamBuffer. |
BehaviorStreamBufferTCP | BehaviorStreamBufferTCP is a class responsible for interpreting data received via a TCP socket and interpreting it as DIS PDUs. |
BehaviorStreamBufferUDP | BehaviorStreamBufferUDP is responsible for reading from the network, specifically from packet-oriented (UDP and multicast) sockets. |
BurstDescriptor | Weapons burst (firing) description record. |
ClockTime | Special clock time reporting class. |
CollisionPdu | Report collision between entities. |
CommentPdu | Comment message PDU. |
CreateEntityPdu | Simulation management PDU to create a new entity. |
DataPdu | Response to Data Query or Set Data PDU. |
DataQueryPdu | Simulation management PDU to request exercise data. |
DatumSpecification | Grouped datum information. |
DetonationPdu | Detonation or impact. |
EntityCoordinate | Entity coordinate system. |
EntityDispatcher | EntityDispatcher is an independent thread that connects all EsdpuTransforms to the BehaviorStreamBuffer. |
EntityID | Record uniquely identifying an entity. |
EntityStatePdu | PDU which passes all physics information for an entity. |
EntityType | Record providing full identification of entity type. |
EulerAngle | Representation of an entity's orientation. |
EventID | Record for event identification. |
EventReportPdu | Simulation management PDU to report special events. |
FirePdu | Weapon firing PDU (bang!). |
FixedDatum | Special data record subclass of PDUElement. |
LinearAcceleration | Linear acceleration of an entity. |
LinearVelocity | Linear velocity of an entity. |
ModulationType | Entity location in world coordinates. |
NetworkStatus | A utility class that is used to determine the status of the network. |
PduElement | Abstract (uninstantiated) class for all PDU data elements (embedded data structures). |
ProtocolDataUnit | Top-level abstract (uninstantiated) class for all PDUs. |
RadioCommunicationsFamily | Abstract (uninstantiated) parent class for RadioCommunicationsFamily. |
RadioEntityType | Entity Radio Type |
ReceiverPdu | Receiver PDU for DIS . |
RemoveEntityPdu | Simulation management PDU to remove an entity from the exercise. |
RtpHeader | This class encapsulates the header of the Real-time Transport Protocol (RTP) when used to transfer DIS packets as a payload. |
RunningAverage | This Java class allows for an object that will keep N items and return the average of those items when queried. |
SetDataPdu | Simulation management PDU to set distributed state data. |
SignalPdu | Signal PDU for DIS. |
SimulationManagementFamily | Abstract (uninstantiated) parent class for Simulation Management PDU family. |
StartResumePdu | Simulation management PDU to start or resume an exercise. |
StopFreezePdu | Simulation management PDU to stop or freeze an exercise. |
Timer | This Java class provides a simple timer using the system clock converted to seconds. |
TransmitterPdu | Transmitter PDU for DIS . |
VariableDatum | Variable-length data. |
WorldCoordinate | Entity location in world coordinates. |
Distributed Interactive Simulation (DIS) Protocol implementation, for standalone operation or integration with VRML scenes and entities.
Numerous direct links and additional information appear in the Software Reference.