Peter C. Chu

Distinguished Professor and Chair

Department of Oceanography
Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA 93943

Thesis Supervision
in time reversed order

Peter has supervised (am supervising) 87 theses. All the thesis research is wholly dedicated to Naval Ocean Analysis and Prediction with a broad spectrum from basic research to operational application toward objective analysis on ocean observational (in-situ and remotely sensed) data and accurate prediction on ocean environment such as circulation, waves, and thermohaline structure on local, regional, and global scales. It also includes the impact of ocean environment on decision making to support Naval Operations such as mine warfare, undersea warfare, and antisubmarine warfare. Many of the theses were published in highly reputable peer-reviewed journals, proceedings, and book chapters; presented at national and international conference; and obtained various Awards for military applications.

Thesis/Dissertation Adviser:

(87)   Fizherbert  Santos, Impact of Tropical Cyclone on Underwater Acoustic Parameters in the South China Sea. MS in Meteorology and Oceanography, June 2024.


(86) Jasmine DePompeo, Impact of Tropical Cyclone on Underwater Acoustic Parameters in the East China Sea. MS in Meteorology and Oceanography, June 2024.


(85) Vinicius Santos Pessanha, Seabed Morphological Prediction with Application to Mobility and Burial of Munitions. PhD in Physical Oceanography, December 2022 (Sponsor: DoD SERDP). 

(84) Alaina Ramsaur, Impact of Navy Glider and Profiling Float Data on the Navy Coastal Ocean Model (NCOM) in the Northeast Atlantic Ocean.  MS in Meteorology and Oceanography, June  2022 (Sponsor: FNMOC, co-adviser: Lee L. Wynn, FNMOC).

(83) Vinicius Santos Pessanha, Modeling of Morphological Responses to a Storm Event During TREX13. MS in Meteorology and Oceanography, December 2019 (Sponsor: DoD SERDP). 


(82) Eric B. Wishnie, Performance Prediction of Near Surface Optical  Detection in the East Asian Marginal Seas.  MS in Meteorology and Oceanography, December 2017 (Sponsor: OPNAV-N97).


(81) Andrew West, Optical Detection in the Yellow Sea from Glider Observation and Numerical Model.   MS in Meteorology and Oceanography, December 2017 (Sponsor: OPNAV-N97).


(80) Albert M. Yudono, Effect of Ocean Interannual Variability on Acoustic Propagation in the Philippine Sea and South China Sea. MS in Meteorology and Oceanography, June 2017 (Sponsor: OPNAV-N2N6,  co-adviser: Tetyana Margolina).


(79) Murat Kucukosmanoglu, Effect of Interannual Variability of the Acoustic Propagation in the Mediterranean  Sea Identified from a Synoptic Monthly Gridded Database as Compared with GDEM, MS in Meteorology and Oceanography, December  2016 (Sponsor: OPNAV-N2N6, co-adviser: Tetyana Margolina).


(78) Coleen McDonald, Effect of Interannual Variability of the Acoustic Propagation in the Yellow Sea Identified from a Synoptic Monthly Gridded Database as Compared with GDEM. MS in Meteorology and Oceanography, September 2016 (Sponsor: OPNAV-N2N6, co-adviser: Tetyana Margolina).


(77) DyAnna Rodriguez, Interannual Variability of the California Current System and Optical Characteristics from Prolonged Data. MS in Meteorology and Oceanography, June 2016 (Sponsor: ONR/CRUSER & NEPTUNE, NPS Foundation, co-adviser: Tetyana Margolina).


(76) Alexander J. Cullen,  Hydrographic and Optical Characteristics Adriatic Sea. MS in Meteorology and Oceanography, June 2016 (Sponsor: ONR/CRUSER & NEPTUNE, NPS Foundation, co-adviser: Tetyana Margolina).


(75) Brian Breshears, Hydrographic and Optical Characteristics of East Asian Marginal Seas. MS in Meteorology and Oceanography, June 2016 (Sponsor: ONR/CRUSER & NEPTUNE, NPS Foundation, co-adviser: Tetyana Margolina).


(74) Ross F. Hammerer, Environmental Effects on Underwater Optical Transmission in the Arabian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman (restricted). MS in Physical Oceanography, March 2016 (Sponsor: ONR/CRUSER & NEPTUNE, NPS Foundation, co-adviser: Tetyana Margolina).


(73) Loney R. Cason III, Continuous Acoustic Sensing with an Unmanned Air Vehicle System (Aqua-Quad) for Anti-Submarine Warfare in a High Threat Area. MS in Physical Oceanography, December 2015 (Sponsor: ONR/NPS CRUSER) LT Cason obtained the Surface Navy Association Award for Academic Excellence in Surface Warfare Research.

(72) Hyewon Choi, East Sea Spatial and Temporal Variability of Thermohaline Structure and Circulation Identified from Observational (T, S) Profiles. MS in Physical Oceanography, December 2015 (Sponsor: ONR/CRUSER, co-adviser: Chenwu Fan).

(71) Nuri Karaaslan, East Mediterranean Sea Spatial and Temporal Variability of Thermohaline Structure and Circulation Identified from Observational (T, S) Data. MS in Meteorology and Oceanography, December 2015 (Sponsor: ONR/CRUSER, co-adviser: Chenwu Fan).

(70) Sean M. Sharp, Impact of Time-Varying Sound  Speed Profiles  on ASW Detection Ranges in the Strait of Hormuz (Secret), MS in Undersea Warfare, September 2015 [Co-Adviser: Ronald E. Betsch (NAVO)] (Sponsor: NAVO).

(69) Ramon P Martinez, Bio-Optical and Hydrographic Characteristics of the Western Pacific Ocean for Undersea Warfare Using Seaglider Data. MS in Meteorology and Oceanography, December 2014 [Co-Adviser: Ronald E. Betsch (NAVO)] (Sponsor: ONR/NPS CRUSER).

(68) Vance Villarreal, Relationship between Sonic Layer Depth and Mixed Layer Depth Identified from Navy Seaglider Data.  MS in Physical Oceanography, September 2014 [Second Readers: Chenwu Fan, Ronald E. Betsch (NAVO)] (Sponsors: ONR/NPS CRUSER, Naval Oceanographic Office).

(67) Jooeon Shim, Optimal Estimation of Glider’s Underwater Trajectory with Depth-Dependent Correction Using Navy Coastal Ocean Model with Application to Antisubmarine Warfare. MS in Physical Oceanography, September 2014 [Second Readers: Chenwu Fan, Ronald E. Betsch (NAVO)] (Sponsors: ONR/NPS CRUSER, Naval Oceanographic Office). LCDR Shim obtained Outstanding Thesis Award.

(66) James R. Fritz, Computer Aided Detection of Rapid, Overt, Airborne, Reconnaissance (ROAR) Data with the Capability of Removing Oceanic Noises (restricted). MS in Meteorology and Oceanography, December 2013 [Co-Advisers: Chenwu Fan, Ronald E. Betsch (NAVO)] (Sponsor: Naval Oceanographic Office).

(65) Thai Q. Phung, Analysis of Bioluminescence and Optical Variability in the Arabian Gulf and Gulf of Oman for Naval Operations (restricted). MS in Meteorology and Oceanography, June 2013 [Co-Advisers: Chenwu Fan, Ronald E. Betsch (NAVO)] (Sponsor: Naval Oceanographic Office).

(64) Paul Kutia, Intelligence fused Oceanography for ASW using Unmanned Underwater Vehicles (UUV) (Secret). MS in Meteorology and Oceanography, March 2013 [Co-Adviser: RADM Jerry Ellis] (Sponsors: ONR/NPS CRUSER, Naval Oceanographic Office).

(63) Emre Gulher, Interannual Variability of the Black Sea Hydrodynamics and Chlorophyll-a Concentration with Connection to Wind Forcing. MS in Physical Oceanography, March 2013 [Co-Advisers: Ming-Jer Huang and Ronald E. Betsch (NAVO)] (Sponsor: Naval Oceanographic Office).

(62) Patrick Earls, New Bottom Roughness Calculation from Multibeam Echo Sounders for Mine Warfare. MS in Physical Oceanography, September 2012 [Co-Advisers: Ronald E. Betsch and Roger Meridith (NAVO)] (Sponsor: Naval Oceanographic Office).

(61) Kristi Colpo, Joint Sensing/Sampling Optimization for Surface Mine Detection with High-resolution NCOM Drift Model. MS in Meteorology and Oceanography, September 2012 [Co-Advisers: Thomos Wettgren (NUWC-NPT) and Ronald E. Betsch (NAVO)] (Sponsor: ONR).
Kristi Colpo obtained NPS Meteorology and Oceanography Award, 2012.

(60) Timothy Knapp, Development of the Acoustic Resurvey Planning Model with Joint Optimization of sampling and Sensing (restricted). MS in Meteorology and Oceanography, September 2012 [Co-Adviser: Ronald E. Betsch (NAVO)] (Sponsor: Naval Oceanographic Office).

(59) Scott Miller, Smart Voyage Planning Model Sensitivity Analysis Using Ocean and Atmospheric Models Including Ensemble Methods. MS in Meteorology and Oceanography, September 2012 [Co-Adviser: James Hanson (NRL)] (Sponsor: Naval Oceanographic Office).
Part of the thesis will be published in a peer-reviewed journal:
Chu, P.C., S.E. Miller, and J.A. Hanson, 2014: Fuel-saving ship route using the Navy's ensemble meteorological and oceanic forecasts. Journal of Defense Modeling and Simulation, the Society for Modeling and Simulation International.

(58) Jason Gispson, Application of Mine Burial Expert System to Mine Warfare Doctrine (restricted). MS in Meteorology and Oceanography, June 2012 [Co-Advisers: Ronald E. Betsch, and Pete Flescher (NAVO)] (Sponsor: Naval Oceanographic Office).

(57) Joses Yau, Localization of Surface or Near-Surface Drifting Mines for Unmanned Systems in the Persian Gulf. MS in Physical Oceanography, June 2012 [Co-Adviser: Assistant Professor Timothy Chung (Department of Systems Engineering), Second Reader: Ronald E. Betsch (NAVO)] (Sponsor: ONR).
Joses Yau obtained two awards for his thesis research:
Naval Postgraduate School Outstanding Academic Achievement Award for International Student
NAVSEA Warfare Centers Division Newport Award for Excellence in Undersea Warfare Systems Technology

(56) Bryan Hong, An Effective Noise Filtering Method for Mine Detection. MS in Meteorology and Oceanography, September 2011 [Co-Adviser: Ronald E. Betsch (NAVO)] (Sponsors: ONR, Naval Oceanographic Office).

(55) Christopher Beuligmann, Mine Burial Expert System for Change of Mine Warfare Doctrine. MS in Physical Oceanography, September 2011 [Co-Advisers: Ronald E. Betsch, and Pete Flescher (NAVO)] (Sponsor: Naval Oceanographic Office).
Christopher Beuligmann obtained the Surface Navy Association Award in September 2011 for Academic Excellence in Surface Warfare for his thesis research.

(54) Samantha Poteete, Navy's N-Layer Magnetic Model with Application to Naval Magnetic Demining. MS in Meteorology and Oceanography, September 2010 [Co-Advisers: Ronald E. Betsch and Roger Meridith (NAVO)] (Sponsor: Naval Oceanographic Office).

(53) Jillene Bushnell, Tail Separation and Density Effects on the Underwater Trajectory of the JDAM. MS in Meteorology and Oceanography, December 2009 [Co-Adviser: Brian Almquist (ONR)] (Sponsor: ONR).
Part of the thesis was published in a peer-reviewed journal:
Chu, P.C., J.M. Bushnell, C.W. Fan, and K.P. Watson, 2011: Modeling of underwater bomb trajectory for mine clearance. Journal of Defense Modeling and Simulation, 8 (1) 25-36;
and a proceeding paper:
Chu, P.C., J.M. Bushnell, and K.P. Watson, 2010: Tail separation and density effects on the underwater trajectory of the JDAM. Ninth Monterey International Symposium on Technology and Mine Probhesis research.</:
Chu, P.C., and N.S. Wheatley, 2011: Temporal and spatial variability of bottom sedimentation for survey periodicity. Coastal Processes II, WIT Press (ISBN: 1743-3541), 203- 214.

(50) Hartwell Coke, Route Survey Periodicity for Mine Warfare. MS in Meteorology and Oceanography, September 2009 [Co-Adviser: Ronald E. Betsch (NAVO)]. This thesis is unclassified with secret appendix (Sponsor: Naval Oceanographic Office).
Hartwell Coke obtained the Naval Undersea Warfare Center Newport Division Award for Excellence in Undersea Warfare for his thesis research.

(49) David Hudson, Similarity Analysis of Littoral Environments between Korean and U.S. Coasts for Mine Warfare. (Secret) MS in Meteorology and Oceanography, September 2008 [Co-Adviser: Ronald E. Betsch (NAVO)] (Sponsor: Naval Oceanographic Office).
David Hudson obtained an award from the National Defense Industrial Association (NDIA) for his thesis research.

(48) Haris Rana, Spatial and Temporal Variability of the Indian Ocean Surface Currents Determined from Satellite Data with Application to Naval Operation. MS in Physical Oceanography, June 2008 [Co-Adviser: Charles Sun (NOAA/NODC)] (Sponsor: NOAA/NODC).

(47) Travis Clem, Oceanographic Effects on Maritime Threats: Mine and Oil Spills in the Strait of Hormuz. MS in Meteorology and Oceanography, March 2007 [Co-Adviser: Steven Haeger (NAVO)] (Sponsor: Naval Oceanographic Office).
Part of the thesis was presented in two international conferences:
(a) 26th International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, Perugia, Italy, July 2-13, 2007
(b) 7th Conference on Coastal Atmospheric and Oceanic Prediction and Processes, American Meteorological Society, San Diego, California, September 10-14, 2007.

(46) Charles Williams, Environmental Impact on the Northern Persian Gulf Chemical Spill and Mine Drift on Iraqi's Oil Terminals Using the Navy's Ocean-Atmospheric Physical and Chemical Models. MS in Meteorology and Oceanography, March 2007 [Co-Adviser: Steven Haeger (NAVO)] (Sponsor: Naval Oceanographic Office).

(45) Chung-Ping Hsieh, Effect of Internal Solitary Waves on the Mine Detection in Western Philippine Sea East of Taiwan. MS in Physical Oceanography, December 2006 [Co-Adviser: Mel Wagstaff (NAVO)] (Sponsor: Naval Oceanographic Office).
Part of the thesis was published in three peer-reviewed journals:
(a) Chu, P.C., and C. P. Hsieh, 2007: Change of multifractal thermal characteristics in the western Philippine Sea upper layer during internal wave soliton propagation. Journal of Oceanography, 63, 927-939.
(b) Chu, P.C., and C. P. Hsieh, 2007: Multifractal thermal characteristics in the western Philippine Sea upper layer. Indian Journal of Marine Sciences, 36, 141-151.
(c) Chu, P.C., and C. P. Hsieh, 2010: Effect of internal solitary waves on underwater acoustic propagation. Marine Technology Society Journal, 44 (5), 10-16.

(44) Kuofeng Cheng, Typhoon Effects on the South China Sea Wave Characteristics during Winter Monsoon. MS in Physical Oceanography, March 2006 (Sponsor: ONR and Naval Oceanographic Office).

Part of the thesis was published in two peer-reviewed journals:
(a) Chu, P.C., and K.F. Cheng, 2007: Effect of wave boundary layer on the sea-to-air dimethylsulfide transfer velocity during typhoon passage. Journal of Marine Systems, 66, 122-129.
(b) Chu, P.C., and K.F. Cheng, 2008: South China Sea wave characteristics during Typhoon Muifa passage in winter 2004. Journal of Oceanography, 64, 1-21.

(43) Charles Allen, Mine Drop Experiments with Operational Mine Shapes. MS in Meteorology and Oceanography, March 2006 [Co-Adviser: Pete Fleischer (NAVO)] (Sponsors: ONR and Naval Oceanographic Office).
Part of the thesis was published as a proceeding paper:
Chu, P. C., C. Allen, and P. Fleischer, 2006: Non-cylindrical mine impact experiment. Seventh Monterey International Symposium on Technology and Mine Problems, DVD-ROM, 10 pages.

(42) Greg Ray, Bomb Strike Experiments for Mine Countermeasure. MS in Meteorology and Oceanography, March 2006 [Co-Adviser: Pete Fleischer (NAVO)] (Sponsors: ONR and Naval Oceanographic Office).
Part of the thesis was published in a book chapter:
Chu, P. C., and G. Ray, 2006: Prediction of high-speed rigid body maneuvering in air-water-sediment. Advances in Fluid Mechanics, 6, edited by M. Rahman and C. A. Brebbia, WITPress (ISBN-1-84564-163-9), 43-52;
and as a proceeding paper:
Chu, P. C., G. Ray, P. Fleischer, and P. Gefken, 2006: Bomb strike experiment for mine countermeasure. Seventh Monterey International Symposium on Technology and Mine Problems, DVD-ROM, 10 pages.

(41) Guillermo Amezaga, Impact of GFO satellite and ocean nowcast/forecast systems for Naval anti-submarine warfare (ASW). MS in Meteorology and Oceanography, March 2006 [Co-Adviser: Eric Gottshall (ONR)] (Sponsor: SPAWAR).
Part of the thesis was published in a peer-reviewed journal:
Chu, P.C., G.R. Amezaga, E.L. Gottshall, and S.D. Cwalina, 2007: Ocean nowcast/forecast systems for improvement of Naval undersea capabilities. Marine Technology Society Journal, 41 (2), 23-30.
and two proceeding papers:
(a) Chu, P.C., G. Amezaga, E.L. Gottshall, and D.S. Cwalina, 2005: Assessment of ocean prediction model for Naval operations using acoustic preset, OCEANS2005, IEEE/Marine Technology Society, DVD-ROM, 10 pages.
(b) Chu, P.C., G. Amezaga, E.L. Gottshall, and D.S. Cwalina, 2005: Impact of GFO satellite on naval antisubmarine warfare. NATO RTB-SPSM01 Specialists Meetings on Emerging and Future Technologies for Space Based Operations Support to NATO Military Operations, DVD-ROM, 20 pages.

(40) Patrice Pauly, Sensitivity Study of St. Andrew Bay Rapid Response System for Naval Application MS in Physical Oceanography (with Distinction), June 2005 [Co-Adviser: Pete Fleischer (NAVO)] (Sponsor: Naval Oceanographic Office).
Patrice Pauly obtained Naval Postgraduate School Outstanding Academic Achievement Award for International Student
Part of the thesis was published in a book chapter:
Chu, P.C., P. Pauly, and M. Ward, 2006: Chapter 5 Wind effect on chemical dispersion in San Andrew Bay, Coastal Environmental and Water Quality, edited by Y. Jun Xu and Vijay P. Singh, Water Resources Publications (ISBN-13: 978-1-887201-47-6), 47-68.

(39) Kleanthis Kyriakidis, Baroclinicity, Forcing Mechanism, and Prediction of Chemical Propagation of San Diego Bay and Their Effects on Naval Applications. MS in Physical Oceanography (with Distinction), June 2005 [Co-Adviser: Steven Haeger (NAVO)] (Sponsor: Naval Oceanographic Office).
Kleanthis Kyriakidis obtained Naval Postgraduate School Outstanding Academic Achievement Award for International Student
Part of the thesis was published in a book chapter:
Chu, P.C., K. Kyriakidis, and M. Ward, 2006: Chapter 6 Two chemical dispersion regimes in tidal-dominated San Diego Bay. Coastal Environmental and Water Quality, edited by Y. Jun Xu and Vijay P. Singh, Water Resources Publications (ISBN-13: 978-1-887201-47-6), 69-90.

(38) Steven Mancini, Sensitivity of Satellite Data Assimilation on Naval Anti-Submarine Warfare Weapon Systems.  MS in Meteorology and Oceanography, September 2004 [Co-Adviser: Charlie Brown (NRL)] (Sponsors: SPAWAR and Naval Oceanographic Office).
Part of the thesis was published in a peer-reviewed journal:
Chu, P.C., S. Mancini, E.L. Gottshall, D.S. Cwalina, C. N. Brown, 2007: Sensitivity of satellite altimetry data assimilation on weapon acoustic preset using MODAS. IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, 32, 453-468.

(37) Michael Cornelius, Effect of a Suspended Sediment Layer on Acoustic Imagery. MS in Meteorology and Oceanography, June 2004 [Co-Adviser: Mel Wagstaff (NAVO)] (Sponsor: Naval Oceanographic Office).

Part of the thesis was published in two peer-reviewed journals:
(a) Chu, P.C., M. Cornelius, and M. Wagstaff, 2005: Suspended sediment effect on buried mine detection using CASS/GRAB model. U. S. Navy Journal of Underwater Acoustics, 55, 307-318.
(b) Chu, P.C., M. Cornelius, and M. Wagstaff, 2005: Effects of suspended sediment on acoustic detection using reverberation. Marine Technology Society Journal, 39 (2), 105-109.

(36) Albert Armstrong, Prediction of Instantaneous Currents in San Diego Bay for Naval Applications. MS in Meteorology and Oceanography, June 2004 [Co-Adviser: Steven Haeger (NAVO)] (Sponsor: Naval Oceanographic Office).

(35) Ching-Lung Fang, Predictability of Japan/East Sea (JES) System to Uncertain Initial/Lateral Boundary Conditions and Surface Winds. MS in Physical Oceanography, September 2003 [Co-Adviser: Steven Haeger (NAVO)]. (Sponsor: Naval Oceanographic Office).
Part of the thesis was published in a peer-reviewed journal:
Chu, P.C., C.-L. Fang, and C.S. Kim, 2005: Japan/East Sea model predictability. Continental Shelf Research, 25, 2107-2121.

(34) Michael Perry, Value-Added of Satellite Altimetry Data for Undersea Acoustic Preset. MS in Physical Oceanography, June 2003 [Co-Adviser: Eric Gottshall (SPAWAR)] (Sponsor: SPAWAR)
This thesis was nominated by the Navy for the National Geospatial Academic Achievement Award in 2004.
Part of the thesis was published in two peer-reviewed journals:
Chu, P.C., M.D. Perry, E.L. Gottshall, and D.S. Cwalina, 2004: Satellite data assimilation for weapon acoustic preset program. U.S. Navy Journal of Underwater Acoustics, 54, 347-367.
Chu, P.C., M.D. Perry, E.L. Gottshall, and D.S. Cwalina, 2004: Satellite data assimilation for improvement of Naval undersea capability. Marine Technology Society Journal, 38 (1), 11-23.

(33) Ahchuang Ong, Diagnostic initialization of coastal ocean models. MS in Physical Oceanography, March 2003 [Co-Adviser: Steven Haeger (NAVO)] (Sponsor: Naval Oceanographic Office).

(32) Ashley Evans, Hydrodynamics of Mine Impact Burial. MS in Meteorology and Oceanography, September 2002 [Co-Adviser: Steven Haeger (NAVO)] (Sponsors: ONR and Naval Oceanographic Office).
Part of the thesis was published in a peer-reviewed journal:
(a) Chu, P.C., C.W. Fan, A.D. Evans, and A. Gilles, 2004: Triple coordinate transforms for prediction of falling cylinder through the water column. Journal of Applied Mechanics, 71, 292-298.
and two proceeding papers:
(b) Chu, P.C., A. Evans, T.A. Gilles, T. Smith, and V. Taber, 2004: Development of Navy3D mine impact burial prediction model (IMPACT35). Fifth International Symposium on Technology and Mine Problem, Mine Warfare Association, Monterey, California, in CD-ROM, 10 pages.
(c) Chu, P.C., C.W. Fan, A.D. Evans, T. A. Gilles, and P. Fleischer, 2003: Three-dimensional hydrodynamic model for prediction of falling cylinder through the water column. OCEANS2003, IEEE/Marine Technology Society Conference Proceedings, DVD-ROM, 10 pages.

(31) Rodrigo Obino, Simulation of Bohai Sea circulation and thermohaline structure using COHERENS model. MS in Physical Oceanography, June 2002 [Co-Adviser: Steven Haeger (NAVO)] (Sponsor: Naval Oceanographic Office).

(30) Nick Vares, Environmental Variability on Acoustic Prediction Using CASS-GRAB (restricted). MS in Physical Oceanography, June 2002 [Co-Adviser: Steven Haeger (NAVO)] (Sponsor:  Naval Oceanographic Office).
Part of the thesis was published in a peer-reviewed journal:
Chu, P.C., and N.A. Vares, Uncertainty in shallow sea acoustic detection due to environmental variability. U.S. Navy Journal of Underwater Acoustics, 54, 347-367.

(29) Anthony Gilles, Mine Drop Experiment. MS in Meteorology and Oceanography, September 2002 [Co-Adviser: Steven Haeger (NAVO)] (Sponsors: ONR and Naval Oceanographic Office).
Part of the thesis was published in two peer-reviewed journals:
(a) Chu, P.C., A. Gilles, and C.W. Fan, 2005: Experiment of falling cylinder through the water column. Experimental and Thermal Fluid Sciences, 29, 555-568.
(b) Chu, P.C., C.W. Fan, A.D. Evans, and A. Gilles, 2004: Triple coordinate transforms for prediction of falling cylinder through the water column. Journal of Applied Mechanics, 71, 292-298.
a book chapter
Chu, P.C., A.F. Gilles, C. W. Fan, J. Lan, and P. Fleischer, 2002: Hydrodynamics of falling cylinder in water column. Advances in Fluid Mechanics, 4, WIT Press (ISBN-1-85312-910-0) edited by M. Rahman, R. Verhoeven, and C.A. Brebbia, 163-181.
two proceeding papers:
(a) Chu, P.C., C.W. Fan, A.D. Evans, A. Gilles, and P. Fleischer, 2003: Three-dimensional hydrodynamic model for prediction of falling cylinder through the water column. OCEANS2003, IEEE/Marine Technology Society Conference Proceedings, DVD-ROM, 10 pages.
(b) Chu, P.C., A. Gilles, C.W. Fan, and P. Fleischer, 2002: Hydrodynamics of falling mine in water column. Fifth International Symposium on Technology and Mine Problem, Mine Warfare Association, Monterey, in CD-ROM, 10 pages.

(28) Michael Roth, A Coastal Air-Ocean Coupled System (CAOCS) for East Asian Marginal Seas Prediction. MS in Meteorology and Oceanography, September 2001 [Co-Adviser: Steven Haeger (NAVO)] (Sponsor: Naval Oceanographic Office).

(27) Carlos Cintron, Environmental Impact on Mine Hunting in the Yellow Sea Using the CASS-GRAB Model. MS in Physical Oceanography, March 2001 [Co-Adviser: Steven Haeger (NAVO)] (Sponsor: Naval Oceanographic Office).
Part of the thesis was published in a book chapter:
Chu, P.C., C.J. Cintron, S.D. Haeger, D. Schneider, R.E. Keenan, and D.N. Fox, 2002: Yellow Sea acoustic uncertainty caused by hydrodynamic data errors. Impact of Littoral Environment Variability on Acoustic Prediction and Sonar Performance, edited by N.G. Pace and F. B. Jensen. Kluwar Academic Publisher (ISBN-10-1402008163), Boston, 563-570.

(26) Timothy Smith, Validation of the Mine Impact Burial Model Using Experimental Data. MS in Meteorology and Oceanography, September 2000 [Co-Adviser: Steven Haeger (NAVO)] (Sponsors: ONR and Naval Oceanographic Office).
Part of the thesis was published as a proceeding paper:
Chu, P.C., A. Evans, T.A. Gilles, T. Smith, and V. Taber, 2004: Development of Navy3D mine impact burial prediction model (IMPACT35). Fifth International Symposium on Technology and Mine Problem, Mine Warfare Association, Monterey, California, in CD-ROM, 10 pages.

(25) Hilbert Strauhs, A Numerical Study on Japan/East Sea Circulation and Thermohaline Structure. MS in Physical Oceanography. September 1999 {Co-Adviser: Michael Carron (NAVO)] (Sponsor: Naval Oceanographic Office).

(24) Victoria Taber, Environmental Sensitivity Studies on Mine Impact Burial Prediction Model. MS in Meteorology and Oceanography, March 1999 [Co-Adviser: Steven Haeger (NAVO)] (Sponsor: Naval Oceanographic Office).
Part of the thesis was published as two proceeding papers:
(a) Chu, P.C., A. Evans, T.A. Gilles, T. Smith, and V. Taber, 2004: Development of Navy3D mine impact burial prediction model (IMPACT35). Fifth International Symposium on Technology and Mine Problem, Mine Warfare Association, Monterey, California, in CD-ROM, 10 pages.
(b)Chu, P.C., V. Taber, and S. Haeger, 2000: Environmental sensitivity studies on mine impact burial prediction model. Fourth International Symposium on Technology and Mine Problem, Mine Warfare Association, Monterey, California, 10 pages.

(23) Bin-Bing Ma, Seasonal and Interannual Thermohaline Variability Determined by the Navy MOODS Data. MS in Physical Oceanography, September 1998. (Sponsors: ONR and Naval Oceanographic Office).

Part of the thesis was published in a peer-reviewed journal:

Chu, P.C., B.-B. Ma, and Y.C. Chen, 2002: South China Sea thermohaline structure and circulation. Acta

Oceanoligia Sinica, 21, 227-261.


(22) Joseph Veneziano, Hurricane Effects on the South China Sea Thermal Structure. MS in Meteorology and Oceanography, March 1998 [Co-Adviser: Steven Haeger (NAVO)] (Sponsor: Naval Oceanographic Office).

Part of the thesis was published in a peer-reviewed journal:

Chu, P.C., J.M. Veneziano, and C.W. Fan, 2000: Response of the South China Sea to tropical cyclone Ernie 1996. Journal of Geophysical Research, 105, 13991-14009.


(21) Akira Kuninaka, Air-Sea Interactions and Water Mass Structure of the East China Sea and Yellow Sea. MS in Physical Oceanography, December 1997 (Sponsors: ONR and Naval Oceanographic Office).

Part of the thesis was published in a peer-reviewed journal:

Chu, P.C., Y.C. Chen, A. Kuninaka, 2005: Seasonal variability of the East China/Yellow Sea surface buoyancy flux and thermohaline structure. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 22, 1-20.


(20) Eric Gottshall, Environmental Effects on Naval Warfare Simulations. (restricted) MS in Meteorology and Oceanography, December 1997 (Sponsor: Naval Oceanographic Office).

Part of the thesis was published in four peer-reviewed journals:

(a) Chu, P.C., S. Mancini, E.L. Gottshall, D.S. Cwalina, C. N. Brown, 2007: Sensitivity of satellite altimetry data assimilation on weapon acoustic preset using MODAS. IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, 32, 453-468.

(b) Chu, P.C., G.R. Amezaga, E.L. Gottshall, and S.D. Cwalina, 2007: Ocean nowcast/forecast systems for improvement of Naval undersea capabilities. Marine Technology Society Journal, 41 (2), 23-30.

(c) Chu, P.C., M.D. Perry, E.L. Gottshall, and D.S. Cwalina, 2004: Satellite data assimilation for improvement of Naval undersea capability. Marine Technology Society Journal, 38 (1), 11-23.

(d) Chu, P.C., M.D. Perry, E.L. Gottshall, and D.S. Cwalina, 2004: Satellite data assimilation for weapon acoustic preset program. U.S. Navy Journal of Underwater Acoustics, 54, 347-367.

and published as two proceeding papers:

(a) Chu, P.C., G. Amezaga, E.L. Gottshall, and D.S. Cwalina, 2005: Assessment of ocean prediction model for Naval operations using acoustic preset. OCEANS2005, IEEE/Marine Technology Society, DVD-ROM, 10 pages.

(b) Chu, P.C., G. Amezaga, E.L. Gottshall, and D.S. Cwalina, 2006: Impact of GFO satellite on naval antisubmarine warfare. NATO RTB-SPSM01 Specialists Meetings on Emerging and Future Technologies for Space Based Operations Support to NATO Military Operations, DVD-ROM, 20 pages.


(19) Greg M.  Jimenez, Diurnal Variation over the Tropical Monsoon Regions during Northern Summer. MS in Meteorology and Physical Oceanography, March 1997 (Sponsors: ONR and Naval Oceanographic Office).


(18) Michael Nicklin, A Study of the Relationship between South Asian Monsoon Convection and Tropical Upper Easterly Jet Using INSAT Data. MS in Meteorology and Oceanography, December 1996 (Sponsors: ONR and Naval Oceanographic Office).


(17) Nate Edmons, South China Sea Ocean Circulation Simulated by a Primitive Equation Model. MS in Physical Oceanography, September 1996 [Co-Adviser: Steven Haeger (NAVO)] (Sponsors: ONR and Naval Oceanographic Office).

Part of the thesis was published in two peer-reviewed journals:

(a) Chu, P.C., N.L. Edmons, and C.W. Fan, 1999: Dynamical mechanisms for the South China seasonal circulation and thermohaline variability. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 29, 2971-2989.

(b) Chu, P.C., and N.L. Edmons, 1999: A three-dimensional numerical simulation of the South China Sea circulation and thermohaline structure. Chinese Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, 22, 481-503.


(16) Hsing-Jia Tseng, South China Sea Warm-Core and Cold-Core Eddies Detected from the Navy ‘s Master Oceanographic Observation Data Set (MOODS). MS in Physical Oceanography, September 1995 [Co-Adviser: Steven Haeger (NAVO)] (Sponsors: ONR and Naval Oceanographic Office).

Part of the thesis was published in a peer-reviewed journal:

Chu, P.C., H.C. Tseng, C.P. Chang, and J.M. Chen, 1997: South China Sea warm pool detected from the Navy ‘s Master Oceanographic Observation Data Set (MOODS). Journal of Geophysical Research, 102, 15761-15771.


(15) Susan Wells, Temporal and Spatial Decorrelation Scales of the Yellow Sea Thermal Fields. MS in Meteorology and Oceanography, September 1994 [Co-Adviser: Michael Carron (NAVO)] (Sponsor: Naval Oceanographic Office).

Part of the thesis was published in a peer-reviewed journal:

Chu, P.C., S.K. Wells, S.D. Haeger, C. Szczechowski, and M. Carron, 1997: Temporal and spatial scales of the Yellow Sea thermal variability. Journal of Geophysical Research, 102, 5655-5668.


(14) Charles Fralick, Yellow Sea Thermal Structure. MS in Meteorology and Oceanography, September 1994 [Co-Adviser: Steven Haeger (NAVO)] (Sponsor: Naval Oceanographic Office).

Part of the thesis was published in a peer-reviewed journal: Chu, P.C., C.R. Fralick, S.D. Haeger, and M. Carron, 1997: A parametric model for the Yellow Sea

thermal variability. Journal of Geophysical Research, 102, 10499-10508.


(13) Ching-Chung Li,  Numerical Simulation of Seasonal Circulation in the South China Sea. MS in Physical Oceanography, March 1994 [Co-Adviser: Dong S. Ko (NRL)] (Sponsors: ONR and Naval Oceanographic Office).

Part of the thesis was published as a proceeding paper:

Chu, P.C., C.C. Li, D.S. Ko, and C.N.K. Mooers, 1994: Response of the South China Sea to seasonal monsoon forcing. Second International Conference of Air-Sea Interaction and Meteorology and Oceanography of the Coastal Zones, American Meteorological Society, 214-215.


(12) John Kent, Air-sea interaction patterns in the equatorial Pacific. MS in Physical Oceanography and Meteorology, December 1993 (Sponsor: Naval Oceanographic Office).


(11) Gonzalo Montenegron, Three Dimensional Vorticity Field in the California Current System. MS in Physical Oceanography, March 1993 (Sponsor: Naval Oceanographic Office).


(10) Wei-Szu Li, Using the C-Vector Method to Derive Three Dimensional Circulation Pattern near the East Greenland Polar Front. MS in Physical Oceanography, December 1992 (Sponsor: NSF).

Part of the thesis was presented at the Third Symposium on Polar Meteorology and Oceanography, American Meteorological Society , Portland, Oregon, 29 September - 2 October 1992.


(9) You-Hen Kuo, Errors Caused by Incompatible Wind and Buoyancy Forcing in the Ocean General Circulation Models. MS in Meteorology, December 1992 (Sponsor: NSF).

Part of the thesis was published as a proceeding paper:

Chu, P.C. and Y.H. Kuo, 1993: South Atlantic three dimensional pseudo-vorticity field computed from hydrographic and surface atmospheric data sets. Southern Hemisphere Meteorology and Oceanography, 4, 52-53.


(8) Konstandinidis, Simon. C-Vector Derived Three Dimensional Circulation in Farallones National Marine Sanctuary, MS in Physical Oceanography, December 1992 (Sponsor: NSF).

Part of the thesis was presented at the American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, 7-11 December 1992.


(7) Robert S. Steadley. Thermodynamic Air/Ocean Feedback Mechanisms in the Equatorial Pacific. MS in Meteorology and Oceanography, September 1992 (Sponsor: NSF).

Part of the thesis was presented at the Tenth Symposium on Turbulence and Diffusion, American Meteorological Society, Portland, Oregon, 29 September - 2 October 1992.


(6) T.C. Yin. Test of a Convective Cloud Model with Soundings during the TCM-90 Field Experiment. MS in Meteorology, March 1992 (Sponsor: NSF).

Part of the thesis was presented at the Tenth Symposium on Turbulence and Diffusion, American Meteorological Society, Portland, Oregon, 29 September - 2 October 1992.


(5) Gregory D. Crabtree. Computer Simulation of Acoustic Fluctuations due to Fine Scale Temperature Perturbations Measured by Thermistor Chain. MS in Meteorology and Oceanography, March 1992 (Sponsor: NSF).


(4) Pao-Kun Wu. Cloud Effect on Ocean MixedLlayer in the Northern Pacific Ocean. MS in Physical Oceanography, June 1991 (Sponsor: NSF).

Part of the thesis was presented at the American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting, Atlanta,

Georgia, 5-10 January 1992.


(3) Ching-Mao Tsai. Sub-mesoscale Eddies in California Current. MS in Physical Oceanography, June 1990 (Sponsor: NPS Direct Fund).

Part of the thesis was presented at the American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, 4-8 December 1989.


(2) Ahmet Tucker. Evaporation Effect on the Mediterranean Sea Mixed Layer Dynamics, MS in Physical Oceanography, September 1988 (Sponsor: NPS Direct Fund).


(1) M. Scott Livezey. Discrete Precipitation Effects on Seasonal Mixed Layer Dynamics in the North Pacific. MS in Meteorology and Oceanography, September 1988 (Sponsor: NPS Direct Fund).


PhD Committees


(14) Tsu-Wei Tan, Application of Acoustic Noise Interferometry to Remote Sensing of a Costal Ocean. Ph. D. Dissertation, Applied Physics, December 2019.


(13) Kyle B. Franklin, Spatial Variability of Evaporation Duct and Its Impact on  Electromagnetic Wave Propagation. Ph. D. Dissertation, Meteorology, September 2019.


(12) C.-H. Yang, Development of a Locomotion Interface for Portable VE Systems Using an Inertial/Magnetic Sensor Based System and a Ranging Measurement System. Ph. D. Dissertation, MOVES, March 2014.


(11) Daniel Eleuterio, Evolution of the Startocumulus Topped Boundary Layer and the Role of Entrainment in the Coastal Zone. Ph. D. Dissertation, Meteorology, September 2003.


(10) Michelle Whisenhant, Planetary Boundary layer Paramterization for COAMPS. Ph. D. Dissertation, Meteorology, September 2003.


(9) David Titley, Intensification and Structure Change of Super Typhoon Flo Related to the Large-Scale Environment. Ph. D. Dissertation, Meteorology, June 1998.


(8) Hong Boem Hur (External Committee Member), Water mass formation and seasonal variations in the Yellow and East China Seas and effect on the density driven circulation. Ph.D. Dissertation, the University of Southern Mississippi.


(7) Chen-Kuo Yu, "A theorem of anisotropic absorbers", Ph.D. Dissertation, Electric and Computer Engineering, March 1997.


(6) A. Russ Parson, On the Barents Sea polar front in summer and interpretations of the associated regional oceanography using an Arctic Ocean general circulation model, Ph.D dissertation in Physical Oceanography, September 1995.


(5) Rogerio Chumbinho, Kinematics and dynamics of a cyclonic eddy off Pt. Arena, California, Ph.D dissertation in Physical Oceanography, December 1994.


(4) Casey Church, Topics in long shore currents, Ph.D dissertation in Physical Oceanography, September 1993.


(3) Christopher Prazuck, Anomalous diurnal currents in the vicinity of the Yermak Plateau, Ph.D dissertation in Physical Oceanography, June 1991.


(2) Peter Guest, A numerical, analytical and observational study of the effect of clouds on surface wind and wind stress during the central Arctic winter, Ph.D dissertation in Meteorology, March 1992.


(1) Moshe Marom, Interferometric synthetic aperture radar imaging of ocean surface currents and wavefields, Ph.D dissertation in Physical Oceanography, June 1990.