
The Relate agent relationship manager integrates Goals, Personalities, Relationships, Roles, Rules, SensedEnvironment and Sensor.


Interface Summary
Action This interface implements the RELATE Action.
Goal This interface implements the RELATE Goal.
Personality This interface implements the RELATE Personality.
Relationship Relationships are the life-blood of the RELATE architecture.
Role This interface implements the RELATE Role.
Rule This interface implements the RELATE Rule.
SensedEnvironment This interface implements the RELATE SensedEnvironment.
Sensor This interface implements the RELATE Sensor.

Class Summary
Agent This abstract class implements the RELATE Agent.
RelationshipManager RelationshipManager is the heart of the RELATE simulation package.
Thing This abstract class implements the RELATE Thing.

Package Description

The Relate agent relationship manager integrates Goals, Personalities, Relationships, Roles, Rules, SensedEnvironment and Sensor.

Numerous direct links and additional information appear in the Software Reference.