Class Thing

Direct Known Subclasses:

public abstract class Thing
extends java.lang.Object

This abstract class implements the RELATE Thing.

This is the minimal entity that can exist in a RELATE simulation. This class defines the minimum requirements for a Thing in the RELATE architecture. A Thing has a unique entity identification number and name with associated getter and setter methods. If the entity identification number and name are not provided in the constructor, a no-argument constructor will assign the number "0" and name "unnamed" to the Thing. The only other methods that a Thing has are the step() and drawSelf() abstract methods. The step() method is used to update the object and the drawSelf() method is used to update the appearance during the simulation run. Both methods are unique to each simulation and therefore must be defined by the developer.

1.0, 17 Aug 00
Michael R. Dickson, Kimberly A. Roddy

Field Summary
protected  long entityID
          The entityID is a unique identifier for this entity in the environment.
protected  java.lang.String entityName
          The entityName could be a unique name for the entity, or it could be a simple identifier such as "BlueTeam" or "RedTeam".
Constructor Summary
          No argument constructor with an entityID of "0" and entityName of "Unnamed".
Thing(long pID, java.lang.String pName)
          Two argument constructor for the "Thing" object
Method Summary
abstract  void drawSelf()
          drawSelf() can be used by the developer to draw the geometry of the entity if there is to be a visual representation of the entity in the simulation.
 long getEntityID()
          Gets the unique entityID
 java.lang.String getEntityName()
          Gets the entityName
protected  void setEntityID(long pID)
          Sets the entityID to the passed in "Long" value
protected  void setEntityName(java.lang.String pEntityName)
          Sets the entityName to the passed in "String" value
abstract  void step()
          step() can be used by the developer to indicate a simulation cycle or discrete event occurrance.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected long entityID
The entityID is a unique identifier for this entity in the environment. No other entities should have the same ID.


protected java.lang.String entityName
The entityName could be a unique name for the entity, or it could be a simple identifier such as "BlueTeam" or "RedTeam". The simulation developer is responsible for sselecting and tracking this variable.

Constructor Detail


public Thing(long pID,
             java.lang.String pName)
Two argument constructor for the "Thing" object


public Thing()
No argument constructor with an entityID of "0" and entityName of "Unnamed".

Method Detail


public abstract void step()
step() can be used by the developer to indicate a simulation cycle or discrete event occurrance.


public abstract void drawSelf()
drawSelf() can be used by the developer to draw the geometry of the entity if there is to be a visual representation of the entity in the simulation.


protected void setEntityID(long pID)
Sets the entityID to the passed in "Long" value


public long getEntityID()
Gets the unique entityID


protected void setEntityName(java.lang.String pEntityName)
Sets the entityName to the passed in "String" value


public java.lang.String getEntityName()
Gets the entityName