
Protocol Data Unit (PDU) logger applets for recording and playing back PDUs.


Interface Summary
DNDComponentInterface Helper interface for some drag & drop operations.
PduEditInterface This is an interface for an editing pane.

Class Summary
DefaultEditor This is a place-holder.
DNDList This is swiped from the java tutorial on drag & drop.
EditFrame A Frame for editing PDUs.
EspduEditor An editor for an ESPDU.
FFwd Fast forwards a thread.
HeaderEditor An editor for PDU headers.
NetworkDialog Modal dialog box used to get user input for various networking parameters, such as multicast group, port, and ttl.
PduCellRenderer This class is designed to neatly draw icons in the scrolling list of pdus in the edit frame.
PduEditPanel This is an abstract superclass that extends JPanel.
PduPlayer Main class for the PduPlayer application.
PduSelection The clipboard needs some helper classes to transfer data of an arbitrary type, and this is one such class.
Play Plays back pdus in the array at normal speed.
PropertiesDialog Displays the properties of the file we opened, if any.
Record Records pdus and stores them in an array.

Package Description

Protocol Data Unit (PDU) logger applets for recording and playing back PDUs. Authored by Millie Ives and David Holland at George Mason University (GMU).

Numerous direct links and additional information appear in the Software Reference.