Compared to the surface velocity vector map for the control run (Fig. 3), the
surface differential current vectors (Fig. 8) clearly show
the wind effects on the JES circulation: (a) driving the LCC in the winter,
(b) damping the EKWC especially in the winter, (c) generating the UTB eddy in
all the seasons, and (d) generating eddies along the JNB. The wind has almost
no effect on the occurrence of the JNB for all seasons.
The winter monsoon winds blow from the northwest to the southeast over the JES surface and drives the Ekman flow in the upper ocean to the right of the wind direction. Such a surface current moves southward at the western coast of the JES and strengthens the LCC and weakens the EKWC. The summer monsoon winds blow from the south and southeast to the northwest with much smaller speeds. Thus, the summer wind effects on reducing LCC and strengthening EKWC are quite weak.
The winds drive mesoscale eddies especially near UTB and along the west coast
of Honshu. The surface UTB eddy, occurring on the differential velocity vector
map (Fig. 8), has the similar swirl velocity (anticyclonic) with same order of
magnitudes (maximum value of 0.7 m/s) as the control run (Fig. 3). This means
that the wind effect is in fact a key factor for generating the UTB
anticyclonic eddy. Furthermore, there is no evident current along the west
coast of Honshu on the map (Fig. 8), indicating that wind
forcing is not a major factor for maintaining JNB.