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UTB Eddy

The western branch of the warm TC (i.e., EKWC) moves northward along the southern part of Korean coast and separates from the coast after approaching the East Korean Bay (EKB). It keeps its northward motion until meeting the NKCC near 40tex2html_wrap_inline350N, meanders southeastward, and forms a warm-core anticyclonic eddy (Fig. 3). The simulated anticyclonic UTB eddy is strongest in the summer (Fig. 3c). The center is located at 38.5tex2html_wrap_inline350N 130tex2html_wrap_inline350E. The size of the eddy is around 150 km. The tangential velocity is around 0.4 m/s.

Peter Chu
Fri Aug 25 14:26:47 PDT 2000