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4.4 Lateral Viscosity

Ideally, the new difference scheme should be tested with no lateral diffusion of density. This is due to the fact that the density diffusion along tex2html_wrap_inline528 surfaces generates horizontal gradients wherever the tex2html_wrap_inline528 surfaces are not flat, and then produces horizontal pressure gradients which drive currents in much the same way as the pressure gradient errors (McCalpin, 1994). Unfortunately, the absence of the horizontal diffusion keeps the small-scale pressure disturbances generated by topographic scale density advection, and the induced small-scale velocity fields, which in turn cause the computational instability problem. Thus, some lateral viscosity on tex2html_wrap_inline528 surfaces is required in the momentum equations to maintain stability. A constant coefficient (tex2html_wrap_inline626) biharmonic formulation is used here for the lateral viscosity, which varies from 10tex2html_wrap_inline628 mtex2html_wrap_inline630stex2html_wrap_inline586 in this study.

Peter Chu
Thu Aug 24 17:01:43 PDT 2000