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4.3 Density Field

The fluid is exponentially stratified and initially at rest. The initial density field has the form,
where z is the vertical coordinate, and tex2html_wrap_inline610 m, and
is a reference density field. Here a constant density, 1000 kg mtex2html_wrap_inline612 has been subtracted for the error reduction. Following Beckmann and Haidvogel (1993) and McCalpin (1994), we subtract the mean density field tex2html_wrap_inline614 before integrating the density field to obtain pressure from the hydrostatic equation.

The density anomaly, tex2html_wrap_inline616 indicates that the initial condition of the model was slightly less stably stratified than the reference field for each computation. In this study, the density anomaly varies from 0.1-1 kg mtex2html_wrap_inline618

Peter Chu
Thu Aug 24 17:01:43 PDT 2000