Wirtz, J., Kline, J., Pournelle, P., Augier, M., 2021 "The Maritime Strategic Imperative", The RUSI Journal, DOI: 10:1080
Brown, G.G. and Kline, J.E., 2021, "Optimizing Missile Loads for U.S. Navy Combatants," Military Operations Research , 26(2), 25-38.
Brown, G.G. and Kline, J.E., 2021, "Optimizing Navy Mission Planning," Military Operations Research. 26(2), 39-58.
Thomas, G.F., Kline, J., 2021, The Velvet Glove That Cloaks the Fist of Power: The Role of U.S. Military Communication in Addressing the North Korea Threat, in Diplomatic and Mediated Arguments in the North Korean Crisis: Engaging the Hermit Kingdom, edited by T.A. Hallihan, Palgrave Macmillian Series in Global Public Policy, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA
Kline, J., 2020 "Resurrecting War Plan Blue", Proceedings, July 2020, Vol 146/7/1409
Kline, J., 2020 "Campaign Analysis to Support Operational Planning and Execution", Phalanx, June 2020, pp 74-76
Kline, J., Tanalgea, J., Appleget, J. Lucas, T., 2019 "Developing New Tactics and Technologies in Naval Warfare", Center for International Maritime Security found at
Appleget, J., Kline, J., Wirtz, J., 2018, "Do Wargames impact deterrence?", in Military Exercises: Political Messaging and Strategic Impact, edited by Heuser, Heier and Lasconjarias, NATO Defense College Forum Paper 26, Rome, Italy
Kline, J., 2018 "From Midway to Monterey: Leveraging Initiative and Technology", Center for International Maritime Security, History, found at
Kline, J., 2017 "Impacts of the Robotics Age on Naval Force Design, Effectiveness, and Acquisition", Naval War College Review, Summer 2017, Vol 70, No. 3
Kline, J., 2016 "A Tactical Doctrine for Distributed Lethality," Distributed Lethality 2016, A Compendium by Center for International Maritime Security, pp4-9
Kline, J. and Wallander, B., 2015, "Lions in the Littoral Leadership on Risk's Edge," Tidskrift i Sjovasendet (Journal of Sea Trade), Issue 1/2015, pp 40 – 48.
Kline, J. and Englehorn, L., "International Maritime Security", A Comprehensive Approach to Operations in Complex Environments, ed. Scott Moreland, Center for Civil Military Operations, Monterey, CA, 2014, pp 20-26
U.S. Naval Forces' Capabilities for Responding to Small Vessel Threats, National Research Council of the National Academies, The National Academies Press, Washington, D.C., 2014
Responding to Capability Surprise: A Strategy for U.S. Naval Forces, National Research Council of the National Academies, The National Academies Press, Washington, D.C, 2013
Harvey, J., Hughes, W., Kline, J., and Schwartz, Z., 2013, "Sustaining American Maritime Influence," Proceedings, September, Vol 139/9 pp46-51
Kline, J., Hughes, W., 2012, "Between Peace and the Air-Sea Battle: A War At Sea Strategy," Naval War College Review, Vol 65, Number 4
Boxerbaum, A., Klein, M., Kline, J.,Burgess, S., Quinn, R., Harkins, R., Vaidyanatham, R., 2012, "Design, Simulation, Fabrication and Testing of Bio-Inspired Amphibious Robot with Multiple Modes of Mobility," Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics, Vol. 24, No.4
Brown, G., Kline, J., Thomas, A., Washburn, A., and Wood, K., 2011, "A Game-Theoretic Model for Defense of an Oceanic Bastion Against Submarines," Military Operations Research, 16(4), pp. 25-40.
Brown, G., Kline, J., Rosenthal, R., Menconi, P., Washburn, A., 2011, "Mix-Mode Fuel Minimization,", United States Patent No. US 8,050,849 B1
Brown, G., Carlyle, M., Abdul-Ghaffar, A., Kline, J., 2011, "A Defender-Attacker Optimization of Port Radar Surveillance," Wiley Online Library (
Salmeron, J., Kline, J., Densham, S.G., 2011, "Optimizing Schedules for Maritime Humanitarian Cooperative Engagements from a United States Navy Sea Base," Interfaces, 41.3, pp.238-253
Brown, G. G., Carlyle, M., Abdul-Ghaffar, A. and Kline, J., 2011, "A Defender-Attacker Optimization of Port Radar Surveillance," Naval Research Logistics, 58(3), pp. 223-235.
Kline, Jeffrey E. “Joint Vision 2010 and Accelerated Cumulative Warfare.” Washington DC: National Defense University Press, 1997.
Kline, J., Hughes, W. , and Otte, D., 2010, “Campaign Analysis: An Introductory Review,” Wiley Encyclopedia of Operations Research and Management Science, ed Cochran, J. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Kline, Jeffrey E. “Maritime Security.” Securing Freedom in the Global Commons. Ed. Scott Jasper. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2010. 67-82.
Brown, G. G., Kline, J., Rosenthal, R., and Washburn, A. R., 2007, "Steaming on Convex Hulls, Interfaces 37.4 (2007): 342-52. (Awarded U.S. Patent 8,050,849 B1, “Mixed Mode Fuel Minimization” November 1, 2011.)
Kline, Jeffrey E. "Educating Today's Leaders…Well, Today!" Phalanx Dec. 2005: 7.
Bachmann, Richard J., Frank J. Boria, Peter G. Ifju, Roger D. Quinn, Jeffrey E. Kline, and Ravi Vaidyanathan. “Utility of a Sensor Platform Capable of Aerial and Terrestrial Locomotion.” International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics, Monterey, CA, July 2005.
“Utility of a Morphing Micro Air-Land Vehicle” Bachmann, R.J. Boria, F.J., Ifju, P.G., Quinn, R.D., Kline, J., Vaidyanathan, R., 2005 Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM) Conference, Monterey, CA, July 2005
“NPS Does Relevant Research” PROCEEDINGS, United States Naval Institute, Feb 2005
Brown, G., Carlyle, M., Diehl, D., Kline, J. and Wood, K., 2005, "A Two-Sided Optimization for Theater Ballistic Missile Defense,"Operations Research, 53(5), pp. 745-763.
Calvano, Chuck, Jeffrey E. Kline, Dave Olwell, and Mark Stevens. "Naval Postgraduate School Aims at Real-World Defense Problems." Proceedings Feb 2005: 80-1.
“Operational Art: The Bridge Between Deterministic Combat Analysis and the actual Complex Adaptive System known as War”, presentation to the Chief of Naval Operations Strategic Studies Group, Nov 2004
JTF Commander: “Send Me Our Combat Analysts”, PHALANX, March 2003
“We Need High-Speed Vessels Again”, PROCEEDINGS, U.S. Naval Institute, March 2002
ENS Bryce Abbott, Dr. Thomas Huynh, CAPT Jeffrey E. Kline and LT
Jeffrey Winslow, NPS, "A Conceptual System of Systems (SoS) Enabling
Maritime Dominance in the Littorals"
Kline, Jeffrey E. “Joint Vision 2010 and Accelerated Cumulative Warfare.” Washington DC: National Defense University Press, 1997.
Kline, Jeffrey E. "La Guerra Del Pacifico Campana Para el Control Del Mar." Revista de Marina June 1997: 563-69.
Kline, Jeffrey E. "Maritime Forces," Annual Report to the President and the Congress 1996. Ed. William J. Perry. Washington DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1996. Kline, Jeffrey E. "Failure Rates Of Electro-mechanic Connectors in the MK48 Torpedo." MORS Thesis, Naval Postgraduate School, 1992. |