Professional History
Research Supervision and Grants
Theses Supervised
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Office: GL-293
Mail Code: OR
Department of Operations Research
Graduate School of Operational and Information Sciences
Monterey, CA 93943 831.656.7674
jaappleg@nps.edu |
Research Supervision and Grants
In addition to teaching, NPS OR department senior lecturers are expected to recruit research partners and lead or participate in research programs and projects. All NPS OR research is focused to either directly or indirectly impact NPS students. Direct impacts include providing relevant thesis research topics as well as providing experience tours that provide valuable linkage of the student to DoD organizations needing help with relevant and timely problems. Indirect impacts include research projects that faculty incorporate into current or future classroom instruction, and projects that produce results worthy of publication and/or presentation to peers. Multi-disciplinary research teams include faculty from across the NPS campus. These collaborations strengthen ties between departments and institutes, and produce better courses and thesis through the leveraging of the diverse talents found across campus.
I conduct research for a variety of organizations both in the US military and outside of it. The chart below depicts the source of research grants that I was responsible for recruiting and securing for the Naval Postgraduate School.
My DoD research from 2009-1011 included work for the Irregular Warfare Senior Coordinating Group, administered through OSD-CAPE and the Joint Data Support, my development and delivery of a Wargaming Course for U.S. Strategic Command (STRATCOM; March 2014), and my coordination of NPS research for the Joint Warfare Analysis Center (JWAC; 2011-present).
My Navy research includes a substantial body of work with the just concluded Human, Social, Culture, Behavior Modeling Program administered through the Office of Naval Research (2009-2014). Most of this work, conducted with NPS OR Professor Ron Fricker, focused on Survey Analysis techniques designed to help Combatant Commands better understand the indigenous populations of nations that the US could potentially partner with in the future. This research produced 14 completed student theses, 2 in progress, and 12 student experience tours with three MORS-Tisdale award winners (the highest academic honor given by the NPS Operations Research department).
My Army work included coordinating NPS Irregular Warfare research for the Center for Army Analysis (2010-2011), as well as working research projects with the TRADOC Analysis Center-Monterey, located on the NPS Campus.
I am also the NPS lead for a Cooperative Research and Development Agreement (CRADA) with Lockheed-Martin Space Systems (2012-present). These agreements allow industry and DoD organizations to partner on a specific program of research and development within specific guidelines. This particular CRADA focuses on militarily-relevant Position, Navigation, and Timing (PNT) and weather services that current and planned space systems provide.
The chart below depicts the NPS organizations that were recipients of research grants that I recruited and secured for NPS.
Finally, I develop and conduct short courses that I teach around the world. I have taught wargaming and combat modeling courses in Kazakhstan (2011), Canada (2011), Tajikistan (2014), and Omaha, Nebraska (2014). For the Canadian course, the resources required for the course were provided through a Foreign Military Sales vehicle that allows foreign governments to procure US military equipment and services (with US Government approval and oversight). Several of the wargaming courses have been co-developed and delivered with Mr. Fred Cameron, retired Operations Research Analyst who served for 35 years with the Centre for Operational Research and Analysis (CORA) in the Ministry of National Defence of Canada. |