Brown, G., 2010, “Rethinking Risk Assessment and Management for Homeland Security and Defense,” keynote address, INFORMS annual meeting, Austin, TX (November 9)
Dell, R.F., Brau, J., Brown, G.G., and W.M. Carlyle, “Scheduling Our Call-for-Haul Airline for Operation Iraqi Freedom,” 74thMilitary Operations Research Society Symposium, Colorado Springs, Colorado, June 13-15, 2006.
Brown, Gerald, Carlyle, Matthew, Koprowski, Peter, and Wood, Kevin, 2005d, “The Myth of a Surprise Attack,” plenary address, Military Operations Research Society, West Point, NY, June 21.
Brown, Gerald, Carlyle, Matthew, Harney, Robert, Skroch, Erik, and Wood, Kevin, 2005c, “Interdicting A Nuclear Weapons Project,” Lawrence National Laboratory, Livermore , CA , June 8
Brown, Gerald, Carlyle, Matthew, Harney, Robert, Skroch, Erik and Wood, Kevin, 2005b, “Interdicting A Nuclear Weapons Project,” Red Team 2005 (U), Sandia National Laboratory, Albuquerque , NM , April 27.
Brown, Gerald and Rosenthal, Richard, 2005, “Secrets of Success with Optimization,” INFORMS Practice Meeting, Palm Springs, CA, April 18.
Brown, Gerald, Carlyle, Matthew, Harney, Robert, Skroch, Eric, and Wood, Kevin , 2005a, “ Enterprise Vulnerability: Assessing Threats to Business Continuity,” INFORMS Practice Meeting, Palm Springs , CA , MA, April 18.
Brown, Gerald, Grose, Roger, and Koyak, Robert, 2005, “Scheduling a Long-Term, High-Technology, High-Risk Project with Task Durations and Costs that May Increase Over Time,” OSD-PAE DOD Cost Estimation Society, Williamsburg , VA , February 16.
Brown, Gerald, 2004, “Identifying Vulnerabilities in Critical Infrastructure,” Mayors Technology Summit, Washington , DC, October 7.
Wood, K., Brown, G., Carlyle, W. M., and Salmeron, J., “Tutorial: How to Build a Robust Supply Chain or Harden the One You Have,” INFORMS Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA, 19-22 October 2003.
Brown, G.G., Carlyle, W.M., Harrison, T., Salmeron, J., and Wood, K., “How to Attack a Linear Program,” plenary address, Military Operations Research Society, Quantico, VA, June 10, 2003.
Brown, G.G., “Has IT Obsoleted OR?” plenary address, INFORMS, Phoenix, AZ, May 4, 2003.
Brown, G.G., “How to Build a Robust Supply Chain, or Harden the One You Have,” plenary address, Logistics Optimization Users Group, Washington, DC, 7 April, 2003.
Brown, G. and Wood, K. “Outfitting and Pre-positioning Theater
Ballistic Missile Defense AEGIS Battle Groups to Meet an Exigent Threat of
Attack,” INFORMS Annual Meeting, San Jose, CA, November 17-20, 2002.
Brown, G.G., Dell, R.F., Rowe, A., and Salmeron, J., “CIPA: Capital Investment Planning Aid for the U.S. Navy,” National Meeting of the Institute for Operations Research and the Management sciences, San Jose, CA, November 17-20, 2002.
Brown, G.G., Byrne, P. and Washburn, A.R., “Fast Theater Model (FATHM),” 69th Military Operations Research Society Meeting, June 12-14, 2001.
Dell, R.F. and Brown, G.G., “Tutorial on Optimizing Military Capital Budgeting,” 69th Military Operations Research Society Symposium, U.S. Naval Academy, Annapolis, MD, June 12-14, 2001.
Brown, G.G., Dell, R.F., and Kerman, M.C., “Optimally Reorganizing Navy Shore Infrastructure,” National Meeting of the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences, Cincinnati, OH, May 2-5, 1999.
Brown, G.G. and Halwachs, T.E., “Combinatoric Optimization and its Application (U),” Mathematics Symposium, National Security Agency, Fort Meade, MD, August 6, 1996.
Brown, G.G., Wood, R.K., and Dell, R.F., “Modeling for Solution Persistence,” INFORMS National Meeting, Washington, DC, May 7-10, 1996.
Brown, G.G. and Halwachs, T.E., “Portable Optimization Toolkit (U),” National Security Agency, Fort Meade, MD, May 6, 1996.
Bausch, D., Brown, G.G., and Ronen, D., “Consolidating and Dispatching Truck Shipments of Packaged Products,” INFORMS, New Orleans, LA, October 29 - November 1, 1995.
Brown, G.G. and Olsen, M., “Exploiting Dynamic Factorization in Large-Scale Optimization,” INFORMS, Los Angeles, CA, April 23-25, 1995.
Brown, G.G., Dell, R.F., and Farmer, R.A., “Scheduling Coast Guard Cutters,” International Federation of Operational Research Societies Conference on Digital Technologies and Multimedia, Santa Monica, CA, January 15-18, 1995.
Artnzen, B., Brown, G.G., Harrison, T., and Trafton, L., “Global Supply Chain Management at Digital Equipment Corporation,” TIMS/CPMS Prize Competition, ORSA/TIMS Joint National Meeting, Boston, MA, April 24-27, 1994.
Artnzen, B., Brown, G.G., and Harrison, T., “Integrated Production and Distribution Decisions in a Global Manufacturing Environment,” ORSA/TIMS Joint National Meeting, Boston, MA, April 24-27, 1994.
Brown, G.G. and Wood, R.K., “Solving Large-Scale Multicommodity Network Flow Problems by Dual Decomposition,” ORSA/TIMS Joint National Meeting, Boston, MA, April 24-27, 1994.
Brown, G.G., Sweeny, K., and Wood, R.K.,“Optimally Allocating Marine Corps Officers to Peacetime Billets,” ORSA/TIMS Joint National Meeting, Boston, MA, April 24-27, 1994.
Brown, G.G., Justice, B. and Wood, R.K., “A Model for Scheduling Courses at the Marine Corps Communications-Electronics School,” ORSA/TIMS Joint National Meeting, Boston, MA, April 24-27, 1994.