A B C D E F G H I K L M N O P R S T U V W X _


accept() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.util.TCPServer
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class demo.dabp.ProtocolLoader
Implementation of the interface for buttons, ActionListener.
add(int) - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.datatypes.PrimitiveNumber
add(int) - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.datatypes.SignedInteger
Add the given amount to the data
add(int) - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.datatypes.UnsignedShort
Add the given amount to the data
add(int) - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.datatypes.DoublePrecision
Add the given amount to the data
add(int) - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.datatypes.LongInteger
Add the given amount to the data
add(int) - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.datatypes.UnsignedByte
Add the given amount to the data
add(int) - Method in interface org.web3d.vrtp.datatypes.ArithmeticIF
Add the given value to the existing value
addField(FieldInfo) - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.FieldInfoStructure
Add a new FieldInfo to our structure.
addField(String, Object) - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.ADUData
this is a quasi-annoying wart.
ADU - class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.ADU.
ADU_DESCRIPTION - Static variable in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.Tag
Tag that contains the description of one ADU, the format of one packet recieved over the wire.
ADU_INFO - Static variable in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.Tag
Contained within the ADU_DESCRIPTION tag.
ADU_MARKER_VALUE - Static variable in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.Tag
Contained in the ADU_INFO tag.
ADU_NAME - Static variable in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.Tag
Contained in the ADU_INFO tag.
ADU(Element, ProtocolDescription) - Constructor for class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.ADU
Initialize an ADUSchema object, given an ADU_DESPCRIPTION tag element.
ADUData - class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.ADUData.
ADUData(ADU) - Constructor for class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.ADUData
Create a new ADUData object.
ADUData(ADU, byte[]) - Constructor for class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.ADUData
Create a new ADUData object.
ADUData(ADU, OrderedMap) - Constructor for class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.ADUData
Constructor; takes a an ADU and a filled-out OrderedMap.
ADUData(FieldInfo, byte[]) - Constructor for class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.ADUData
constructor, takes a FieldInfo object to use as a layout object.
ADUData(FieldInfo, OrderedMap) - Constructor for class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.ADUData
Takes a field info and an ordered map.
aduInfo - Variable in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.ADU
aduInfo - Variable in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.ADUInfo
ADUInfo - class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.ADUInfo.
ADUInfo(Element, ProtocolDescription) - Constructor for class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.ADUInfo
This takes as an argument the DOM XML element parse tree tag .
ADUS - Static variable in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.Tag
The tag that encloses a series of ADU descriptions.
adusHashedByMarkerValue - Variable in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.ProtocolDescription
This speeds things up.
adusHashedByName - Variable in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.ProtocolDescription
Another way of holding the ADU data.
ADUStream - class org.web3d.vrtp.util.ADUStream.
ADUStream(ProtocolDescription) - Constructor for class org.web3d.vrtp.util.ADUStream
constructor, called by subclasses.
ADUStreamByteArray - class org.web3d.vrtp.util.ADUStreamByteArray.
ADUStreamByteArray(byte[], ProtocolDescription) - Constructor for class org.web3d.vrtp.util.ADUStreamByteArray
ADUStreamTCP - class org.web3d.vrtp.util.ADUStreamTCP.
ADUStreamTCP(Socket, ProtocolDescription) - Constructor for class org.web3d.vrtp.util.ADUStreamTCP
constructor, called by subclasses.
ADUStreamUDP - class org.web3d.vrtp.util.ADUStreamUDP.
ADUStreamUDP(DatagramStreamBuffer, ProtocolDescription) - Constructor for class org.web3d.vrtp.util.ADUStreamUDP
General constructor.
AllPermissionsBadge - interface org.web3d.vrtp.security.AllPermissionsBadge.
ArithmeticIF - interface org.web3d.vrtp.datatypes.ArithmeticIF.


BYTE_SIZE - Static variable in class org.web3d.vrtp.datatypes.UnsignedByte
byteValue() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.datatypes.PrimitiveNumber
Returns the value of the specified number as a byte.
byteValue() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.datatypes.UnsignedByte
Returns the value of the specified number as a byte.


classesForInstances(Object[]) - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.security.SecurityStrategy
A utility method that, when given an array of instances, returns an array of the corresponding classes for each object instance in the original array.
cleanup() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.net.DatagramStreamBuffer
Closes down sockets nicely
clone() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.OrderedMap
clone operation; given an ordered map, returns another ordered map that shares no internal data structures.
clone() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.datatypes.PrimitiveNumber
Implementation of the Cloneable interface.
clone() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.datatypes.SignedInteger
Perform deep-copy cloning operation on this object, and return a new instance.
clone() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.datatypes.UnsignedShort
create a copy of the object that shares no data members with the original.
clone() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.datatypes.DoublePrecision
Returns a copy of the object, with no shared data with the original object.
clone() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.datatypes.LongInteger
return a deep-copy new instance of this object.
clone() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.datatypes.UnsignedByte
Return clone of this object, no shared data
clone() - Method in interface org.web3d.vrtp.datatypes.Primitive
Implementation of the Cloneable interface.
compareTo(Object) - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.OrderedMap
Implementation of the Comparable interface.
compareTo(Object) - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.datatypes.SignedInteger
Implementation of the Comparable interface.
compareTo(Object) - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.datatypes.UnsignedShort
Used for sorting, like strcmp.
compareTo(Object) - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.datatypes.DoublePrecision
Implementation of the Comparable interface.
compareTo(Object) - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.datatypes.LongInteger
Implementation of the Comparable interface.
compareTo(Object) - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.datatypes.UnsignedByte
Implementation of the Comparable interface.
compareTo(Object) - Method in interface org.web3d.vrtp.datatypes.Primitive
Implementation of the Comparable interface.
createMulticastSocket(InetAddress, Integer) - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.net.DatagramStreamBuffer
Create a multicast socket on a given port.


data - Variable in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.ADUData
datagramBuffer - Variable in class org.web3d.vrtp.net.DatagramStreamBuffer
Holds datagrams received recently
datagramPort - Variable in class org.web3d.vrtp.net.DatagramStreamBuffer
DatagramStreamBuffer - class org.web3d.vrtp.net.DatagramStreamBuffer.
DatagramStreamBuffer This is a reusable class for reading datagrams from a socket, in a platform-independent way.
DatagramStreamBuffer() - Constructor for class org.web3d.vrtp.net.DatagramStreamBuffer
Unicast constructor: create a new unicast DSB on an ephemeral port (a port picked by the system).
DatagramStreamBuffer(int) - Constructor for class org.web3d.vrtp.net.DatagramStreamBuffer
Unicast constructor: construct a new unicast datagram socket on the given port.
DatagramStreamBuffer(String, int) - Constructor for class org.web3d.vrtp.net.DatagramStreamBuffer
Multicast constructor: given a multicast address and a port number, create a socket that is joined to that group on that port number.
DatasourceIF - interface org.web3d.vrtp.util.DatasourceIF.
DEBUG - Static variable in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.ADUData
debug(String) - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.ADUData
debugging output
debug(String) - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.util.DebugLog
debug(String) - Static method in class org.web3d.vrtp.net.DatagramStreamBuffer
Debugging output.
debug(String) - Static method in class org.web3d.vrtp.security.SecurityStrategy
Prints out a debugging statement if debugging is turned on.
DebugLog - class org.web3d.vrtp.util.DebugLog.
DebugLog(String) - Constructor for class org.web3d.vrtp.util.DebugLog
create a new output file for debugging output.
decrement() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.datatypes.PrimitiveNumber
decrement() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.datatypes.SignedInteger
subtract one from the value
decrement() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.datatypes.UnsignedShort
subtract one from the value
decrement() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.datatypes.DoublePrecision
subtract one from the value
decrement() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.datatypes.LongInteger
subtract one from the value
decrement() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.datatypes.UnsignedByte
subtract one from the value
decrement() - Method in interface org.web3d.vrtp.datatypes.ArithmeticIF
Subtract one from the value
DEFAULT_PORT - Static variable in class org.web3d.vrtp.net.SenderBenchmark
DEFAULT_PORT - Static variable in class org.web3d.vrtp.net.SocketBenchmark
demo.dabp - package demo.dabp
deterimineADUFromBinaryData(byte[]) - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.ProtocolDescription
DIR - Static variable in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.Tag
DIR tag, used to start a directory of attribute/value pairs
doRun() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.net.DatagramStreamBuffer
doRun loops, reading packets and adding them to the list of recieved packets, until readingActive is set to false.
DOUBLE_SIZE - Static variable in class org.web3d.vrtp.datatypes.DoublePrecision
DoublePrecision - class org.web3d.vrtp.datatypes.DoublePrecision.
DoublePrecision() - Constructor for class org.web3d.vrtp.datatypes.DoublePrecision
Contructs a new DoublePrecision object and intializes its value to 0.
DoublePrecision(byte) - Constructor for class org.web3d.vrtp.datatypes.DoublePrecision
Constructs an DoublePrecision object from a signed byte,
DoublePrecision(double) - Constructor for class org.web3d.vrtp.datatypes.DoublePrecision
Constructs a new DoublePrecision from a double primitive type
DoublePrecision(float) - Constructor for class org.web3d.vrtp.datatypes.DoublePrecision
Construct new DoublePrecision from a float primitive type
DoublePrecision(int) - Constructor for class org.web3d.vrtp.datatypes.DoublePrecision
Constructs a new DoublePrecision object from an integer primitive type
DoublePrecision(short) - Constructor for class org.web3d.vrtp.datatypes.DoublePrecision
Constructs an DoublePrecision object from a short,
DoublePrecision(String) - Constructor for class org.web3d.vrtp.datatypes.DoublePrecision
constructor, create a new DoublePrecision from a string.
doubleValue() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.datatypes.PrimitiveNumber
Returns the value of the specified number as a double.
doubleValue() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.datatypes.SignedInteger
Returns the current value of this object as a double float, after conversion.
doubleValue() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.datatypes.UnsignedShort
Returns the current value of this object as a double float, after conversion.
doubleValue() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.datatypes.DoublePrecision
Returns the current value of this object as a double float, after conversion.
doubleValue() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.datatypes.LongInteger
Returns the current value of this object as a java primitive double, after conversion.
doubleValue() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.datatypes.UnsignedByte
Returns the current value of this object as a double float, after conversion.


entries - Variable in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.OrderedMap
ENTRY - Static variable in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.Tag
ENTRY tag, one instance of an attribute/value pair.
entrySet() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.OrderedMap
Returns a set view of the mappings contained in this map.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.OrderedMap.Entry
Comparable interface; used for testing equlity of map entries
equals(Object) - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.datatypes.PrimitiveNumber
implementation of Comparable interface
equals(Object) - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.datatypes.SignedInteger
Compare for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.datatypes.UnsignedShort
Compare for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.datatypes.DoublePrecision
Compare for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.datatypes.LongInteger
Compare for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.datatypes.UnsignedByte
Compare for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in interface org.web3d.vrtp.datatypes.Primitive
Returns true if the two objects are equal.


FIELD_ARRAY - Static variable in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.Tag
An array field, which can contain a primitive value or a structure repeated some number of times.
FIELD_COUNT - Static variable in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.Tag
Appears inside the FIELD_ARRAY tag.
FIELD_COUNT_FIELD - Static variable in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.Tag
Appears inside the FIELD_ARRAY tag.
FIELD_DEFAULT - Static variable in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.Tag
Appears inside the FIELD_PRIMITVE tag.
FIELD_NAME - Static variable in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.Tag
A tag that appears within the FIELD_* field description tag.
FIELD_PRIMITIVE - Static variable in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.Tag
A primitive field contains a single primitive value, such as byte or long.
FIELD_STRUCT - Static variable in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.Tag
A struct field, which can contain any number of primitives, arrays, or other structs, in any order.
FIELD_TYPE - Static variable in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.Tag
Appears inside the FIELD_PRIMITIVE tag.
FIELD_VALIDATOR - Static variable in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.Tag
Appears inside the FIELD_PRMITIVE tag.
FieldException - exception org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.FieldException.
FieldException() - Constructor for class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.FieldException
Construct a new FieldException
FieldException(String) - Constructor for class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.FieldException
Construct a new FieldException with the given error message
fieldExists(String) - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.ADU
Returns true if the field exists, false otherwise.
fieldExists(String) - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.FieldInfo
Returns true if the field exists, false otherwise.
fieldExists(String) - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.FieldInfoStructure
Returns true if the field exists, false otherwise.
fieldInfo - Variable in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.ADUData
FieldInfo - class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.FieldInfo.
FieldInfo() - Constructor for class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.FieldInfo
No args constructor.
FieldInfo(String, int, ADU) - Constructor for class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.FieldInfo
Constructor; initialize the new instance to have the given field name.
FieldInfoList - class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.FieldInfoList.
FieldInfoList(Element, ADU, FieldInfo) - Constructor for class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.FieldInfoList
FieldInfoPrimitive - class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.FieldInfoPrimitive.
FieldInfoPrimitive(Element, ADU, FieldInfo) - Constructor for class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.FieldInfoPrimitive
Constructor; gets an XML tag, fills out self accordingly.
fieldInfos - Variable in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.FieldInfoStructure
FieldInfoStructure - class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.FieldInfoStructure.
FieldInfoStructure(ADU, FieldInfoStructure) - Constructor for class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.FieldInfoStructure
Constructor, create a new field info structure from non-XML data.
FieldInfoStructure(Element, ADU, FieldInfo) - Constructor for class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.FieldInfoStructure
Create a new FieldInfoStructure, given a tag and a schema.
fieldName - Variable in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.FieldInfo
FieldNotFoundException - exception org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.FieldNotFoundException.
FieldNotFoundException This exception is thrown when there is no field that corresponds to the given name.
FieldNotFoundException() - Constructor for class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.FieldNotFoundException
construct a new FieldException
FieldNotFoundException(String) - Constructor for class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.FieldNotFoundException
construct a new FieldNotFoundException with the given error message
fieldNumber - Variable in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.FieldInfo
fields - Variable in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.ADU
fields - Variable in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.ADUData
FIELDS - Static variable in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.Tag
This is a tag that contains descriptions of all the fields in this ADU.
FieldTypeException - exception org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.FieldTypeException.
FieldTypeException This exception is thrown when attempting to set a field to something other than its true type; for example, trying to set a field declared to be an Integer to an UnsignedByte.
FieldTypeException() - Constructor for class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.FieldTypeException
Create a new FieldTypeException
FieldTypeException(String) - Constructor for class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.FieldTypeException
Create a new FieldTypeException with the give error message
fieldTypeMatchesObject(String, Object) - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.ADU
Returns true if the given field name is of a type that matches the actual instance object passed in.
fieldTypeMatchesObject(String, Object) - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.FieldInfo
Returns true if the given field name is of a type that matches the actual instance object passed in.
fieldValueInstance - Variable in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.FieldInfoPrimitive
FileAccessBadge - interface org.web3d.vrtp.security.FileAccessBadge.
fileAccessCallback() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.security.PrivilegeTestApplet
Tests access to the filesystem.
finalize() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.net.DatagramStreamBuffer
Finalize method--used to clean up any sockets that are still open
findDirInElement(Element) - Static method in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.XMLUtilities
It seems that elements children are sandwiched between a couple #text nodes in the parse tree.
findDirInElement(Element) - Static method in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.ProtocolInfo
It seems that elements chilren are sandwiched between a couple #text nodes.
findUniqueTagInParseTree(Node, String) - Static method in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.XMLUtilities
Find the unique tag name passed in, within the parse tree passed in.
firstTime - Static variable in class org.web3d.vrtp.security.SecurityStrategy
FLOATING_POINT - Static variable in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.NumberValidator
floatValue() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.datatypes.PrimitiveNumber
Returns the value of the specified number as a float.
floatValue() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.datatypes.SignedInteger
Returns a the current value of this object as a float, after conversion.
floatValue() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.datatypes.UnsignedShort
Returns a the current value of this object as a float, after conversion.
floatValue() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.datatypes.DoublePrecision
Returns a the current value of this object as a float, after conversion.
floatValue() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.datatypes.LongInteger
Returns a the current value of this object as a float, after conversion.
floatValue() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.datatypes.UnsignedByte
Returns a the current value of this object as a float, after conversion.


get(int) - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.OrderedMap
Get an object at a specific index.
get(Object) - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.OrderedMap
Get a value back out for the key passed in.
get(String) - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.ADUData
Given a field name, returns the object associated with that name.
getAddress() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.util.SocketReadUI
getADUDataForName(String) - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.ProtocolDescription
getADUDataForName returns an ADUData that corresponds to the ADU name passed in.
getAduForMarker(Primitive) - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.ProtocolDescription
Return the ADU associated with this Marker object.
getADUInfo() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.ADU
Returns the ADUInfo object associated with this schema
getAduName() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.ADU
Returns the name of this ADU, eg "EntityStatePDU"
getAduName() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.ADUData
Returns the name of this ADU, eg, "EntityState" or "Fire".
getAduName() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.ADUInfo
Return the name of this ADU
getADUNamed(String) - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.ProtocolDescription
Find the ADU named by the given string--eg, "ESPDU", "FirePDU", etc.
getADUs() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.util.ADUStream
Threaded access.
getADUs() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.util.ADUStreamByteArray
Threaded access.
getADUs() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.util.ADUStreamTCP
Threaded access.
getADUs() - Method in interface org.web3d.vrtp.util.DatasourceIF
Returns a list of packets received from the datagram source.
getADUs() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.util.ADUStreamUDP
Returns a vector of datagrams that have been received by this object since the last time this method was called.
getAllFields() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.ADUData
getAllFields does a get() on each field in the ADUData, ensuring that all the fields are promoted from binary data to non-null values.
getBinaryData() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.ADUData
returns the reference to the binary data contained in this ADUData.
getDatagramPort() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.net.DatagramStreamBuffer
returns the port used by this socket
getDEBUG() - Static method in class org.web3d.vrtp.net.DatagramStreamBuffer
Returns the status of debugging output, true = on
getDefaultFields() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.ADU
getDefaultFieldValue() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.FieldInfo
Returns the default value for this field.
getDefaultFieldValue() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.FieldInfoStructure
Get the default value for this field.
getDefaultFieldValue() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.FieldInfoPrimitive
Returns an instance of the default value for this field.
getDefaultFieldValue() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.FieldInfoList
Get the default value for this field.
getDefaultFieldValue(String) - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.ADU
getDefaultMap() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.FieldInfo
Returns a default map.
getDefaultMap() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.FieldInfoStructure
Returns an OrderedMap that contains the fields filled out with default values
getDefaultMap() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.FieldInfoPrimitive
Returns an OrderedMap that contains the fields filled out with default values The ADUData is not used.
getDefaultMap() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.FieldInfoList
Returns an OrderedMap that contains the fields filled out with default values
getEmptyMap() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.ADU
getEmptyMap() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.FieldInfo
Returns an empty map, eg one with all the values set to null but all the field names filled out.
getEmptyMap() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.FieldInfoStructure
Returns an empty map, eg one with all the values set to null but all the field names filled out.
getFieldDescriptions() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.ADU
returns the schema for this ADU, the fieldINfoSturcture that describes the layout as a series of FieldInfos.
getFieldInfoForName(String) - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.ADU
Returns the fieldInfo object for a given field name.
getFieldInfoForName(String) - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.FieldInfo
Returns the field info with the given name.
getFieldInfoForName(String) - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.FieldInfoStructure
given a name, recurse as far as neccesary to find that name This might not be found if the field name doesn't exist.
getFieldInfosInOrder() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.FieldInfoStructure
Returns a vector of all the fields in this structure, in order.
getFieldIterator() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.FieldInfoStructure
Returns a field iterator, which loops through all the fields in this structure.
getFieldName() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.FieldInfo
Returns the name of the field
getFieldNames() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.FieldInfoStructure
Returns the (unqualified) field names for this structure
getFieldNumber() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.FieldInfo
Returns the field number of the field.
getFields() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.ADUData
Returns the internal ordered map for direct manipulation.
getFieldSize() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.FieldInfo
returns the size of the field, in bytes.
getFieldSize() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.FieldInfoStructure
Returns the field size for this field--the amount of space it takes up when using our binary serialization scheme.
getFieldSize() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.FieldInfoPrimitive
returns the size of this primitive field, in bytes.
getFieldSize() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.FieldInfoList
returns the field size, which is just the size of whatever it is that's being repeated, times the number of times it is repeated.
getFullyQualifiedFieldName() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.FieldInfo
Returns the fully qualified name for this field.
getFullyQualifiedFieldNames() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.FieldInfoStructure
Returns a vector that contains the fully qualified names for everything at the top level of this structure.
getIsEnabled() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.util.SocketReadUI
getKey() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.OrderedMap.Entry
Returns the key.
getLength() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.OrderedMap
like the above, but a different name, because I can never remember.
getLength() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.FieldInfoList
returns the number of elements in this list
getLength(ADUData) - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.FieldInfoList
This gets the number of elements in the list if the FieldInfoList is a variable length array, ie, one that depends on the value of some other field in the ADU.
getListLengthField() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.FieldInfoList
getMarkerFieldName() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.ProtocolDescription
Returns the name of the field that is the marker for this protocol
getMarkerFieldName() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.ProtocolInfo
get the name of the marker field for this protocol
getMarkerPosition() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.ProtocolDescription
Returns the offset into the binary data for the location of the marker field.
getMarkerPosition() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.ProtocolInfo
the offset into binary data where we find the marker field, in bytes
getMarkerType() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.ProtocolDescription
Returns the marker type class object--UnsignedByte, SignedInteger, etc.
getMarkerType() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.ProtocolInfo
The marker type, ie the class that the marker field is--UnsignedByte, UnsignedShort, etc.
getMarkerValue() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.ADU
Returns the marker value, the unique value that specifies which ADU in the protocol this is.
getMarkerValue() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.ADUInfo
Returns the marker value--an object of the correct class that represents the thing that distinguishes between ADUS.
getMarkerValueString() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.ADUInfo
Returns the string that represents the marker value
getMulticastAddress() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.ProtocolDescription
Returns the multicast address used by this protocol
getMulticastAddress() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.ProtocolInfo
Returns the multicast address used by this protocol.
getMulticastAddress() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.net.DatagramStreamBuffer
Returns the multicast address used by this socket
getMulticastPort() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.ProtocolDescription
Returns the multicast address used by this protocol
getMulticastPort() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.ProtocolInfo
returns the socket port number used by this protocol
getMulticastSocket() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.util.SocketReadUI
returns true (yes, it is a multicast socket) or false (it's a unicast socket.)
getName() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.OrderedMap
Returns the name of this ordered map.
getPackets() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.net.DatagramStreamBuffer
Returns a vector of datagrams that have been received by this object since the last time this method was called.
getPort() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.util.SocketReadUI
getPreferredSize() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.util.SocketReadUI
getPrimitives() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.ProtocolDescription
Returns the PrimitivePrototypes object, which lets people query the primitive types that are valid in this protocol.
getProtocol() - Method in class demo.dabp.Semantics
returns the protocol
getProtocolDescription() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.ADU
Returns the owning protocol
getProtocolDescription() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.ADUInfo
Returns the protocol that "owns" us.
getProtocolHandler() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.ProtocolInfo
returns the name of the protocol handler, ie a piece of code that can completely substitute for the dabp code that handles the syntax of decoding a protocol.
getProtocolName() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.ProtocolDescription
Returns the text name of this protocol, from the ProtocolInfo object.
getProtocolName() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.ProtocolInfo
Return the name of the protocol
getPrototypeForClass(Class) - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.PrimitivePrototypes
Get an object from the database given the class object of the type we want.
getPrototypeForClassName(String) - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.PrimitivePrototypes
Get an object from the database, given the class name.
getQualifiedFieldName(FieldInfo) - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.FieldInfo
returns the partially qualified field name.
getQualifiedFieldNames() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.FieldInfoStructure
Returns a list of all the field names, limited to this object.
getQualifiedFieldNames(FieldInfo) - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.FieldInfoStructure
getReadingActive() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.util.ADUStreamUDP
Returns the run status
getReadingActive() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.net.DatagramStreamBuffer
Returns the run status
getRepeatedFieldInfo() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.FieldInfoList
Returns the FieldInfo element that is repeated.
getSecurityStrategy() - Static method in class org.web3d.vrtp.security.SecurityStrategy
Create a security strategy appropriate to the platform we are currently running on, and return it.
getSemanticsHandler() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.ProtocolDescription
Returns the piece of code responsible for semantics in this protocol
getSemanticsHandler() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.ProtocolInfo
Returns the name of the piece of code responsible for semantics, the meaning of the data.
getSize() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.OrderedMap
Number of bytes this takes up when serialized.
getSize() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.ADUData
Returns the size of this ADUData.
getSize() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.datatypes.SignedInteger
getSize() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.datatypes.UnsignedShort
size of this instance when serialized to binary format
getSize() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.datatypes.DoublePrecision
Returns the size of the instance when serialized in binary format
getSize() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.datatypes.LongInteger
Returns the size, in bytes, of this piece of data, when serialized in binary format
getSize() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.datatypes.UnsignedByte
getSize() - Method in interface org.web3d.vrtp.datatypes.Primitive
Number of bytes this takes up when serialized in binary format.
getStaticLength() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.ADU
Returns the static length of this ADU.
getUsingMulticast() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.net.DatagramStreamBuffer
returns true of this is using multicast to communicate
getValue() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.OrderedMap.Entry
Returns the value associated with the key.
getXmlFile() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.util.SocketReadUI


hashcode() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.OrderedMap
Generate a hashcode for an ordered map.
hashCode() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.OrderedMap.Entry
Generate the hashcode for an Entry instance, which is just the hashcode of the two objects, combined by a bitwise XOR.
hashCode() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.datatypes.SignedInteger
hashcode; just return the value.
hashCode() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.datatypes.UnsignedShort
hashCode() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.datatypes.DoublePrecision
Returns a hashcode for this object.
hashCode() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.datatypes.LongInteger
Returns a hashcode for the object.
hashCode() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.datatypes.UnsignedByte
Return hashcode.
hashCode() - Method in interface org.web3d.vrtp.datatypes.Primitive
Hashcode; compute a 32 bit hashcode for the object.
hasImmediateChildTag(Element, String) - Static method in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.XMLUtilities
Given a node, returns true if one of its _immediate_ children has a tag of the given name.
hasNext() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.util.ADUStream
returns true if there are more ADUs available from the input source
hasNext() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.util.ADUStreamByteArray
returns true if there are more ADUs available from the input source
hasNext() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.util.ADUStreamTCP
returns true if there are more ADUs available from the input source.
hasNext() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.util.ADUStreamUDP
returns true if the stream may return another ADU at some time in the future.


immediateChildElements(Element, String) - Static method in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.XMLUtilities
returns a vector containing the immediate children of the tag that are Elements.
immediateChildElementsWithNames(Element, Vector) - Static method in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.XMLUtilities
Given a list of names, this returns a vector of all the immediate (no grandkids allowed) elements under this tag with those names.
increment() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.datatypes.PrimitiveNumber
increment() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.datatypes.SignedInteger
add one to the value
increment() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.datatypes.UnsignedShort
add one to the value
increment() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.datatypes.DoublePrecision
add one to the value
increment() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.datatypes.LongInteger
add one to the value
increment() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.datatypes.UnsignedByte
add one to the value
increment() - Method in interface org.web3d.vrtp.datatypes.ArithmeticIF
Add one to the value
init() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.security.PrivilegeTestApplet
The init method just exercises several security aspects.
initializeWithBinary(byte[], int) - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.OrderedMap
this is unexercised right now.
initializeWithBinary(byte[], int) - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.datatypes.SignedInteger
Initialize an already-existing object with binary data.
initializeWithBinary(byte[], int) - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.datatypes.UnsignedShort
Initialize an already-existing object with binary data.
initializeWithBinary(byte[], int) - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.datatypes.DoublePrecision
Initialize an already-existing object with binary data.
initializeWithBinary(byte[], int) - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.datatypes.LongInteger
Initialize an already-existing object with binary data.
initializeWithBinary(byte[], int) - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.datatypes.UnsignedByte
Initialize an already-existing object with binary data.
initializeWithBinary(byte[], int) - Method in interface org.web3d.vrtp.datatypes.Primitive
Initialize an already-existing object with binary data.
initializeWithString(String) - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.OrderedMap
This is not implemented right now.
initializeWithString(String) - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.datatypes.SignedInteger
Initialize the object with the string data given.
initializeWithString(String) - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.datatypes.UnsignedShort
Initialize the object with the string data given.
initializeWithString(String) - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.datatypes.DoublePrecision
Initialize the object with the string data given.
initializeWithString(String) - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.datatypes.LongInteger
Initialize the object with the string data given.
initializeWithString(String) - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.datatypes.UnsignedByte
Initialize the object with the string data given.
initializeWithString(String) - Method in interface org.web3d.vrtp.datatypes.Primitive
Initialize the object with the string data given.
inputBuffer - Variable in class org.web3d.vrtp.util.ADUStreamTCP
INT_SIZE - Static variable in class org.web3d.vrtp.datatypes.SignedInteger
intValue() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.datatypes.PrimitiveNumber
Returns the value of the specified number as an int.
intValue() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.datatypes.SignedInteger
Returns the current value of this object as an int, after conversion.
intValue() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.datatypes.UnsignedShort
Returns the current value of this object as an int, after conversion.
intValue() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.datatypes.DoublePrecision
Returns the current value of this object as an int, after conversion.
intValue() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.datatypes.LongInteger
Returns the current value of this object as an int, after conversion.
intValue() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.datatypes.UnsignedByte
Returns the current value of this object as an int, after conversion.
invokePrivilege(AllPermissionsBadge, String) - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.security.SecurityStrategy
invokePrivilege(AllPermissionsBadge, String) - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.security.NetscapeSecurityStrategy
invokePrivilege(AllPermissionsBadge, String) - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.security.SunSecurityStrategy
invokePrivilege(AllPermissionsBadge, String) - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.security.MicrosoftSecurityStrategy
Enables access to Java properties, such as home directory, user name, Java VM specifications, etc.
invokePrivilege(AllPermissionsBadge, String, Object[]) - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.security.SecurityStrategy
invokePrivilege(AllPermissionsBadge, String, Object[]) - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.security.NetscapeSecurityStrategy
invokePrivilege(AllPermissionsBadge, String, Object[]) - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.security.SunSecurityStrategy
invokePrivilege(AllPermissionsBadge, String, Object[]) - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.security.MicrosoftSecurityStrategy
Enables access to Java properties, such as home directory, user name, Java VM specifications, etc.
invokePrivilege(FileAccessBadge, String) - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.security.SecurityStrategy
Enables access to filesystem, to the extent that the user has access.
invokePrivilege(FileAccessBadge, String) - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.security.NetscapeSecurityStrategy
Enable access to file system.
invokePrivilege(FileAccessBadge, String) - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.security.SunSecurityStrategy
Enables access to filesystem, to the extent that the user has access.
invokePrivilege(FileAccessBadge, String) - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.security.MicrosoftSecurityStrategy
Enables file access to anything on the hard drive the user has access to.
invokePrivilege(FileAccessBadge, String, Object[]) - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.security.SecurityStrategy
Enables access to filesystem, to the extent that the user has access.
invokePrivilege(FileAccessBadge, String, Object[]) - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.security.NetscapeSecurityStrategy
Enable access to file system.
invokePrivilege(FileAccessBadge, String, Object[]) - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.security.SunSecurityStrategy
Enables access to filesystem, to the extent that the user has access.
invokePrivilege(FileAccessBadge, String, Object[]) - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.security.MicrosoftSecurityStrategy
Enables file access to anything on the hard drive the user has access to.
invokePrivilege(NetworkCommBadge, String) - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.security.SecurityStrategy
Enables communication across the network, including multicast.
invokePrivilege(NetworkCommBadge, String) - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.security.NetscapeSecurityStrategy
Enables communication across the network, including multicast.
invokePrivilege(NetworkCommBadge, String) - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.security.SunSecurityStrategy
Enables communication across the network, including multicast.
invokePrivilege(NetworkCommBadge, String) - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.security.MicrosoftSecurityStrategy
Enables communication across the network, including multicast.
invokePrivilege(NetworkCommBadge, String, Object[]) - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.security.SecurityStrategy
Enables communication across the network, including multicast.
invokePrivilege(NetworkCommBadge, String, Object[]) - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.security.NetscapeSecurityStrategy
Enables communication across the network, including multicast.
invokePrivilege(NetworkCommBadge, String, Object[]) - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.security.SunSecurityStrategy
Enables communication across the network, including multicast.
invokePrivilege(NetworkCommBadge, String, Object[]) - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.security.MicrosoftSecurityStrategy
Enables communication across the network, including multicast.
invokePrivilege(PropertiesBadge, String) - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.security.SecurityStrategy
Enables access to Java properties, such as home directory, user name, Java VM specifications, etc.
invokePrivilege(PropertiesBadge, String) - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.security.NetscapeSecurityStrategy
Enables access to Java properties, such as home directory, user name, Java VM specifications, etc.
invokePrivilege(PropertiesBadge, String) - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.security.SunSecurityStrategy
Enables access to Java properties, such as home directory, user name, Java VM specifications, etc.
invokePrivilege(PropertiesBadge, String) - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.security.MicrosoftSecurityStrategy
Enables access to Java properties, such as home directory, user name, Java VM specifications, etc.
invokePrivilege(PropertiesBadge, String, Object[]) - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.security.SecurityStrategy
Enables access to Java properties, such as home directory, user name, Java VM specifications, etc.
invokePrivilege(PropertiesBadge, String, Object[]) - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.security.NetscapeSecurityStrategy
Enables access to Java properties, such as home directory, user name, Java VM specifications, etc.
invokePrivilege(PropertiesBadge, String, Object[]) - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.security.SunSecurityStrategy
Enables access to Java properties, such as home directory, user name, Java VM specifications, etc.
invokePrivilege(PropertiesBadge, String, Object[]) - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.security.MicrosoftSecurityStrategy
Enables access to Java properties, such as home directory, user name, Java VM specifications, etc.
isReading - Variable in class org.web3d.vrtp.util.ADUStream
isStaticLength - Variable in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.ADU
isStaticLength() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.ADU
Returns true if this ADU is of static length--ie, no variable length arrays.
isStaticLength() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.FieldInfoStructure
Returns true if thsis structure contains no variable-length fields
isStaticLength() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.FieldInfoList
Returns true if this is a static length list, false if this is a dynamic length list, ie, one that depends on a value in another field.
isStaticLengthCached - Variable in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.ADU
itemStateChanged(ItemEvent) - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.util.SocketReadUI
Handles checkbox hits; this is the implementation of the java.awt.event.ItemListener interface.


key - Variable in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.OrderedMap.Entry
KEY - Static variable in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.Tag
KEY attribute to the ENTRY tag.


ListBoundsException - exception org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.ListBoundsException.
ListBoundsException We may attempt to index into a list beyond the bounds that the list is good for.
ListBoundsException() - Constructor for class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.ListBoundsException
Plain constructor
ListBoundsException(String) - Constructor for class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.ListBoundsException
Create a new ListBoundsException with the given error message
listLength - Variable in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.FieldInfoList
listLengthField - Variable in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.FieldInfoList
loadButton - Variable in class demo.dabp.ProtocolLoader
LONG_SIZE - Static variable in class org.web3d.vrtp.datatypes.LongInteger
LongInteger - class org.web3d.vrtp.datatypes.LongInteger.
LongInteger, not to be confused with java.lang.Long.
LongInteger() - Constructor for class org.web3d.vrtp.datatypes.LongInteger
Contructs a new LongInteger object and intializes its value to 0.
LongInteger(byte) - Constructor for class org.web3d.vrtp.datatypes.LongInteger
Constructs an LongInteger object from a signed byte,
LongInteger(int) - Constructor for class org.web3d.vrtp.datatypes.LongInteger
Constructs a new LongInteger from a primitive integer
LongInteger(long) - Constructor for class org.web3d.vrtp.datatypes.LongInteger
Constructs a new LongInteger from a primitive long
LongInteger(short) - Constructor for class org.web3d.vrtp.datatypes.LongInteger
Constructs an LongInteger object from a short,
LongInteger(String) - Constructor for class org.web3d.vrtp.datatypes.LongInteger
Constructor, takes string represenation of the long integer as input.
longValue() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.datatypes.PrimitiveNumber
Returns the value of the specified number as a long.
longValue() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.datatypes.SignedInteger
Returns the current value of this object as a long, after conversion.
longValue() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.datatypes.UnsignedShort
Returns the current value of this object as a long, after conversion.
longValue() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.datatypes.DoublePrecision
Returns the current value of this object as a long, after conversion.
longValue() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.datatypes.LongInteger
Returns the current value of this object as a long, after conversion.
longValue() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.datatypes.UnsignedByte
Returns the current value of this object as a long, after conversion.


main(String[]) - Static method in class demo.dabp.Semantics
Useful for debugging; run from the command line.
main(String[]) - Static method in class demo.dabp.ProtocolLoader
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.OrderedMap
Used for debugging and testing purposes
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.ProtocolDescription
Used for debugging purposes, just to make sure we can parse a document and build up all our internal datastructures.
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.web3d.vrtp.util.SocketReadUI
for testing.
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.web3d.vrtp.util.ADUStreamByteArray
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.web3d.vrtp.util.ADUStreamTCP
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.web3d.vrtp.util.TCPServer
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.web3d.vrtp.util.ADUStreamUDP
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.web3d.vrtp.net.SenderBenchmark
Entry point; create new object and run.
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.web3d.vrtp.net.DatagramStreamBuffer
For testing purposes.
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.web3d.vrtp.net.SocketBenchmark
Entry point; create new object and run.
markupTextForElement(Element) - Static method in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.XMLUtilities
given a simple element, someString, returns the "someString" value.
MAX_UNSIGNED_BYTE_VALUE - Static variable in class org.web3d.vrtp.datatypes.UnsignedByte
MAX_UNSIGNED_SHORT_VALUE - Static variable in class org.web3d.vrtp.datatypes.UnsignedShort
MCAST_ADDRESS - Static variable in class org.web3d.vrtp.net.SenderBenchmark
MCAST_ADDRESS - Static variable in class org.web3d.vrtp.net.SocketBenchmark
mcastAddress - Variable in class demo.dabp.Semantics
mcastPort - Variable in class demo.dabp.Semantics
mcastSocket - Variable in class demo.dabp.Semantics
MicrosoftSecurityStrategy - class org.web3d.vrtp.security.MicrosoftSecurityStrategy.
MicrosoftSecurityStrategy() - Constructor for class org.web3d.vrtp.security.MicrosoftSecurityStrategy
multicastAddress - Variable in class org.web3d.vrtp.net.DatagramStreamBuffer


name - Variable in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.OrderedMap
NAME - Static variable in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.Tag
NAME attribute to the DIR tag.
NetscapeSecurityStrategy - class org.web3d.vrtp.security.NetscapeSecurityStrategy.
NetscapeSecurityStrategy() - Constructor for class org.web3d.vrtp.security.NetscapeSecurityStrategy
networkAccessCallback(String) - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.security.PrivilegeTestApplet
Tests access to the network.
NetworkCommBadge - interface org.web3d.vrtp.security.NetworkCommBadge.
notClosed - Variable in class demo.dabp.Semantics
NumberValidator - class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.NumberValidator.
NumberValidator This is dead code for now; needs some reworking for new release This validates a number by comparing it to a series of other numbers.
NumberValidator() - Constructor for class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.NumberValidator
Constructor Just sets up internal data structures


offset - Variable in class org.web3d.vrtp.util.ADUStreamTCP
offsetForField(String) - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.ADU
Returns the byte offset into the binary data for this field.
offsetForField(String) - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.FieldInfo
offsetForField(String) - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.ADUData
determines the offset, measured in bytes, to the field named.
openEphemeralUnicastSocket() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.net.DatagramStreamBuffer
Creates ephemeral unicast datagram socket, on a port picked by the system.
openUnicastSocket(Integer) - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.net.DatagramStreamBuffer
Creates unicast datagram socket.
OrderedMap - class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.OrderedMap.
Really simple class that handles attribute-value pairs, in the order they were addded.
OrderedMap.Entry - class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.OrderedMap.Entry.
Another inner class, this one for Map.Entry.
OrderedMap.Entry(OrderedMap, Object, Object) - Constructor for class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.OrderedMap.Entry
Make a new cell with given key, value
OrderedMap(Element) - Constructor for class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.OrderedMap
A constructor that takes a DOM node in a specified format and creates key-value pairs from the result.
OrderedMap(String) - Constructor for class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.OrderedMap
Constructor; takes a name for this directory, default, empty stuff for the rest.
org.web3d.vrtp.dabp - package org.web3d.vrtp.dabp
org.web3d.vrtp.datatypes - package org.web3d.vrtp.datatypes
org.web3d.vrtp.net - package org.web3d.vrtp.net
This networking package includes DatagramStreamBuffer, which, when interacting with the security package, provides platform-independent security to applications.
org.web3d.vrtp.security - package org.web3d.vrtp.security
The security package implements a way to do platform-independent code that breaks out of the Java sandbox to perform filesystem access, network access, or Java properties database access.
org.web3d.vrtp.util - package org.web3d.vrtp.util
owningADU - Variable in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.FieldInfo
owningFieldInfo - Variable in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.FieldInfo
owningProtocol - Variable in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.ADU


paint(Graphics) - Method in class demo.dabp.Semantics
Paints the window with various things.
positionX - Variable in class demo.dabp.Semantics
positionY - Variable in class demo.dabp.Semantics
preferredSize() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.util.SocketReadUI
Deprecated. provided for backward compatibility with old layout managers.
Primitive - interface org.web3d.vrtp.datatypes.Primitive.
This is an interface that specifies the minimum requirements for "atomic" datatypes used in the dail-a-behavior project.
PrimitiveNumber - class org.web3d.vrtp.datatypes.PrimitiveNumber.
PrimitiveNumber() - Constructor for class org.web3d.vrtp.datatypes.PrimitiveNumber
PrimitivePrototypes - class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.PrimitivePrototypes.
PrimitivePrototypes() - Constructor for class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.PrimitivePrototypes
default constructor
primitives - Variable in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.ProtocolDescription
Contains a list of all the primitive types we know about.
printPrototypes() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.PrimitivePrototypes
printSecurityProperties() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.security.MicrosoftSecurityStrategy
Prints out the property list for the JVM
printSecurityPropertiesOnce() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.security.MicrosoftSecurityStrategy
Flag to only print property list once, to prevent java console overload.
PrivilegeTestApplet - class org.web3d.vrtp.security.PrivilegeTestApplet.
PrivilegeTestApplet() - Constructor for class org.web3d.vrtp.security.PrivilegeTestApplet
propertiesAccessCallback() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.security.PrivilegeTestApplet
Test access to the Java properties database.
PropertiesBadge - interface org.web3d.vrtp.security.PropertiesBadge.
protocol - Variable in class demo.dabp.Semantics
protocol - Variable in class org.web3d.vrtp.util.ADUStream
PROTOCOL_DESCRIPTION - Static variable in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.Tag
Top level tag for the whole protocol description XML file.
PROTOCOL_HANDLER - Static variable in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.Tag
This points to a class that should handle decoding incoming packets, in preference to the dabp scheme.
PROTOCOL_INFORMATION - Static variable in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.Tag
PROTOCOL_MARKER_FIELD - Static variable in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.Tag
The name of the field that contains the "marker", the thing that differentitates between two ADUs.
PROTOCOL_MARKER_POSITION - Static variable in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.Tag
The offset, in bytes, from the start of the packet to start of the field that defines what type of packet this is.
PROTOCOL_MARKER_TYPE - Static variable in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.Tag
The type of the marker field--a byte, a long, etc.
PROTOCOL_MULTICAST_ADDRESS - Static variable in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.Tag
Describes the multicast address the protocol should listen on for packets.
PROTOCOL_MULTICAST_PORT - Static variable in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.Tag
Describes the port number the protocol should listen on for packets.
PROTOCOL_NAME - Static variable in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.Tag
The name of the protocol (eg, "DIS", "my_protocol", etc.)
PROTOCOL_SEMANTICS_HANDLER - Static variable in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.Tag
This describest he class/module that handles semantics for the protocol-- attributing meaning to the various fields found in a packet.
PROTOCOL_TYPE_LIST - Static variable in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.Tag
The type list tag.
protocolDescription - Variable in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.ADUInfo
protocolDescription - Variable in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.ProtocolInfo
ProtocolDescription - class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.ProtocolDescription.
ProtocolDescription The ProtocolDescription class encapsulates everything about a protocol--information about the protocol itself, and a list of all the ADUs that it recognizes.
ProtocolDescription(Element) - Constructor for class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.ProtocolDescription
ProtocolDescription(String) - Constructor for class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.ProtocolDescription
protocolField - Variable in class demo.dabp.ProtocolLoader
protocolInfo - Variable in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.ProtocolInfo
ProtocolInfo - class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.ProtocolInfo.
ProtocolInfo encapsulates protocol-specific information.
ProtocolInfo(Element, ProtocolDescription) - Constructor for class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.ProtocolInfo
This takes as an argument the DOM XML element parse tree tag .
ProtocolLoader - class demo.dabp.ProtocolLoader.
ProtocolLoader() - Constructor for class demo.dabp.ProtocolLoader
put(Object, int) - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.OrderedMap
Puts an element at a specific place in the map.
put(Object, Object) - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.OrderedMap
Put a string and a value into the database.
put(OrderedMap.Entry) - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.OrderedMap
Add a new Map.Entry object (key, value) to the OrderedMap.
put(String, Object) - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.ADUData
Put data into a field.


rangeNotOKNumbers - Variable in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.NumberValidator
rangeOKNumbers - Variable in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.NumberValidator
readingActive - Variable in class org.web3d.vrtp.net.DatagramStreamBuffer
readNext() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.util.ADUStream
Returns the next ADUData in the input stream
readNext() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.util.ADUStreamByteArray
Returns the next ADUData in the input stream
readNext() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.util.ADUStreamTCP
Returns the next ADUData in the input stream.
readNext() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.util.ADUStreamUDP
returns the next ADU in the stream.
registerClass(String) - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.PrimitivePrototypes
Register a prototype object, given a class name.
registerObject(Object) - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.PrimitivePrototypes
Register a new object.
repeatedElement - Variable in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.FieldInfoList
resumeReading() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.util.ADUStream
resume reading again
resumeReading() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.util.ADUStreamByteArray
resume reading again
resumeReading() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.util.ADUStreamTCP
resume reading again
resumeReading() - Method in interface org.web3d.vrtp.util.DatasourceIF
Resumes reading from the datasource after it's been paused.
resumeReading() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.util.ADUStreamUDP
resumeReading() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.net.DatagramStreamBuffer
run() - Method in class demo.dabp.Semantics
Implementation of the Runnable interface.
run() - Method in class demo.dabp.ProtocolLoader
run() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.util.ADUStream
Runnable interface, for threads
run() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.util.ADUStreamByteArray
Runnable interface, for threads
run() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.util.ADUStreamTCP
Runnable interface, for threads
run() - Method in interface org.web3d.vrtp.util.DatasourceIF
Starts of the datasource in its own thread, and begins reading from the source.
run() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.util.ADUStreamUDP
run() just launches the underlying dsb as a thread.
run() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.net.SenderBenchmark
Main loop.
run() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.net.DatagramStreamBuffer
run() switches on platform-secific security, then calls doRun, which does the actual work of reading from the network.
run() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.net.SocketBenchmark
Main loop.
run() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.security.PrivilegeTestApplet


SecurityStrategy - class org.web3d.vrtp.security.SecurityStrategy.
SecurityStrategy() - Constructor for class org.web3d.vrtp.security.SecurityStrategy
Semantics - class demo.dabp.Semantics.
Semantics() - Constructor for class demo.dabp.Semantics
sendDatagram(DatagramPacket) - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.net.DatagramStreamBuffer
Sends out a datagram.
sendDatagram(DatagramPacket, InetAddress, int) - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.net.DatagramStreamBuffer
sendDatagram(DatagramPacket, String, int) - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.net.DatagramStreamBuffer
Sends out a datagram to the designated destination and desitnation port.
SenderBenchmark - class org.web3d.vrtp.net.SenderBenchmark.
SenderBenchmark(String, int) - Constructor for class org.web3d.vrtp.net.SenderBenchmark
sendStoredDatagram() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.net.DatagramStreamBuffer
A hack.
serialize(DataOutputStream) - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.OrderedMap
Serialize data, using our own internal scheme, completely separate from that of the JDK serialization/externalizable scheme.
serialize(DataOutputStream) - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.ADUData
serialize the data out in binary format.
serialize(DataOutputStream) - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.datatypes.SignedInteger
serialize(DataOutputStream) - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.datatypes.UnsignedShort
serialize(DataOutputStream) - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.datatypes.DoublePrecision
serialize(DataOutputStream) - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.datatypes.LongInteger
serialize(DataOutputStream) - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.datatypes.UnsignedByte
This is parallel to Java's serialization scheme.
serialize(DataOutputStream) - Method in interface org.web3d.vrtp.datatypes.Primitive
Serialize data, using our own internal scheme, completely separate from that of the JDK serialization/externalizable scheme.
setAddress(String) - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.util.SocketReadUI
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class org.web3d.vrtp.security.SecurityStrategy
Turns debugging on or off
setDEBUG(boolean) - Static method in class org.web3d.vrtp.net.DatagramStreamBuffer
Turns on or off debugging output
setDefaults() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.ADUData
Fills out the contents of this ADU data with default values for all fields.
setDestination(InetAddress, int) - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.util.ADUStreamUDP
setIsEnabled(boolean) - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.util.SocketReadUI
Turns off all the UI elements, so no one can entere anything.
setMulticastSocket(boolean) - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.util.SocketReadUI
Set the radio value.
setName(String) - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.OrderedMap
setPort(int) - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.util.SocketReadUI
setProtocol(ProtocolDescription) - Method in class demo.dabp.Semantics
Sets the protocol.
setReadingActive(boolean) - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.net.DatagramStreamBuffer
setTimeToLive(int) - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.net.DatagramStreamBuffer
This is JDK 1.2 specific code; if you have problems compiling under 1.1, this is probably the cause.
setTTL(byte) - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.net.DatagramStreamBuffer
Set the multicast socket time-to-live.
setupFloatingPoint() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.NumberValidator
Sets this up to validate whole numbers by parsing the validation string as a series of whole numbers.
setupWhole() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.NumberValidator
Sets this up to validate whole numbers by parsing the validation string as a series of whole numbers.
setValidationString(String) - Method in interface org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.Validator
setValidationString(String) - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.NumberValidator
Initialize the validator with a string, which is used to initialize the internal data structures.
setValue(Object) - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.OrderedMap.Entry
Replaces the value currently associated with the key with the given value.
SHORT_LENGTH - Static variable in class org.web3d.vrtp.datatypes.UnsignedShort
shortValue() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.datatypes.PrimitiveNumber
Returns the value of the specified number as a short.
shortValue() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.datatypes.UnsignedByte
Returns the value of the specified number as a short.
SignedInteger - class org.web3d.vrtp.datatypes.SignedInteger.
SignedInteger() - Constructor for class org.web3d.vrtp.datatypes.SignedInteger
Contructs a new SignedInteger object and intializes its value to 0.
SignedInteger(byte) - Constructor for class org.web3d.vrtp.datatypes.SignedInteger
Constructs an SignedInteger object from a signed byte,
SignedInteger(int) - Constructor for class org.web3d.vrtp.datatypes.SignedInteger
construct a new signed integer from a java primitive signed integer input
SignedInteger(short) - Constructor for class org.web3d.vrtp.datatypes.SignedInteger
Constructs an SignedInteger object from a short,
SignedInteger(String) - Constructor for class org.web3d.vrtp.datatypes.SignedInteger
Constructor, takes string representation of a signed integer as arg
singleNotOKNumbers - Variable in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.NumberValidator
singleOKNumbers - Variable in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.NumberValidator
size() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.OrderedMap
returns the size of the OrderedMap, which is just the number of entries.
SocketBenchmark - class org.web3d.vrtp.net.SocketBenchmark.
SocketBenchmark(String, int) - Constructor for class org.web3d.vrtp.net.SocketBenchmark
SocketReadUI - class org.web3d.vrtp.util.SocketReadUI.
SocketReadUI() - Constructor for class org.web3d.vrtp.util.SocketReadUI
default constructor
ss - Variable in class org.web3d.vrtp.util.TCPServer
staticLength - Variable in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.ADU
stopReading() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.util.ADUStream
stop thread reading
stopReading() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.util.ADUStreamByteArray
stop thread reading
stopReading() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.util.ADUStreamTCP
stop thread reading
stopReading() - Method in interface org.web3d.vrtp.util.DatasourceIF
Tells the datasource to stop reading.
stopReading() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.util.ADUStreamUDP
When this is set to false, the run() loop will terminate.
stopReading() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.net.DatagramStreamBuffer
When this is set to false, the run() loop will terminate.
strategy - Variable in class org.web3d.vrtp.net.DatagramStreamBuffer
platform-specific security strategy
strategy - Variable in class org.web3d.vrtp.security.PrivilegeTestApplet
Platform-specific security class, does the right thing
stringValue() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.datatypes.UnsignedShort
return string representation of this value.
stringValue() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.datatypes.DoublePrecision
Returns a String representation of the instance value.
subtract(int) - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.datatypes.PrimitiveNumber
subtract(int) - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.datatypes.SignedInteger
subtract the given amount from the value
subtract(int) - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.datatypes.UnsignedShort
subtract the given amount from the value
subtract(int) - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.datatypes.DoublePrecision
subtract the given amount from the value
subtract(int) - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.datatypes.LongInteger
subtract the given amount from the value
subtract(int) - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.datatypes.UnsignedByte
subtract the given amount from the value
subtract(int) - Method in interface org.web3d.vrtp.datatypes.ArithmeticIF
Subtract the given value from the existing value
SunSecurityStrategy - class org.web3d.vrtp.security.SunSecurityStrategy.
SunSecurityStrategy() - Constructor for class org.web3d.vrtp.security.SunSecurityStrategy


Tag - class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.Tag.
Tag() - Constructor for class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.Tag
tagIsForArray(Element) - Static method in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.FieldInfo
returns true if the tag passed in describes a FieldInfoList.
tagIsForPrimitive(Element) - Static method in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.FieldInfo
returns true if the tag passed in describes a FieldInfoPrimitive.
tagIsForStructure(Element) - Static method in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.FieldInfo
returns true if the tag passed in describes a FieldInfoStructure.
TCPServer - class org.web3d.vrtp.util.TCPServer.
A quick and dirty server
TCPServer(int) - Constructor for class org.web3d.vrtp.util.TCPServer
toString() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.OrderedMap
toString is a method used lots of places in the JDK; it's what is called by System.out.println() on objects that appear in println statements.
toString() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.OrderedMap.Entry
Standard java method, print out text representation of object
toString() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.FieldInfo
Print out some debugging info
toString() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.FieldInfoStructure
prints out a text description of this FieldInfo.
toString() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.ADUData
A widely used java method; prints out contents of object
toString() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.ADUInfo
Returns a text representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.FieldInfoPrimitive
returns a text representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.datatypes.SignedInteger
Returns a String object representing this UnsignedShort value.
toString() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.datatypes.UnsignedShort
Returns a String object representing this UnsignedShort value.
toString() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.datatypes.DoublePrecision
Returns a String object representing this UnsignedShort value.
toString() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.datatypes.LongInteger
Returns a String object representing this UnsignedShort value.
toString() - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.datatypes.UnsignedByte
Returns a String object representing this UnsignedByte value.
toString() - Method in interface org.web3d.vrtp.datatypes.Primitive
A standard java method.
trace(String) - Static method in class org.web3d.vrtp.net.DatagramStreamBuffer
Guaranteed debugging output.
trace(String) - Static method in class org.web3d.vrtp.security.SecurityStrategy
Always prints out statement.
ttl - Variable in class org.web3d.vrtp.net.DatagramStreamBuffer
TYPE - Static variable in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.Tag


UnsignedByte - class org.web3d.vrtp.datatypes.UnsignedByte.
UnsignedByte() - Constructor for class org.web3d.vrtp.datatypes.UnsignedByte
Contructs a new UnsignedByte object and intializes its value to 0.
UnsignedByte(byte) - Constructor for class org.web3d.vrtp.datatypes.UnsignedByte
Constructs an UnsignedByte object from a signed byte, throws an exception if the paraneter is out of range.
UnsignedByte(int) - Constructor for class org.web3d.vrtp.datatypes.UnsignedByte
Constructs an UnsignedByte object from a int, throws an exception if the parameter is out of range.
UnsignedByte(short) - Constructor for class org.web3d.vrtp.datatypes.UnsignedByte
Constructs an UnsignedByte object from a short, throws an exception if the parameter is out of range.
UnsignedByte(String) - Constructor for class org.web3d.vrtp.datatypes.UnsignedByte
UnsignedShort - class org.web3d.vrtp.datatypes.UnsignedShort.
UnsignedShort Represents an unsigned short value (0-65535), which takes up 16 bits of storage.
UnsignedShort() - Constructor for class org.web3d.vrtp.datatypes.UnsignedShort
Contructs a new UnsignedShort object and intializes its value to 0.
UnsignedShort(byte) - Constructor for class org.web3d.vrtp.datatypes.UnsignedShort
Constructs an UnsignedShort object from a signed byte, throws an exception if the paraneter is out of range.
UnsignedShort(int) - Constructor for class org.web3d.vrtp.datatypes.UnsignedShort
Constructs an UnsignedShort object from a short, throws an exception if the parameter is out of range.
UnsignedShort(short) - Constructor for class org.web3d.vrtp.datatypes.UnsignedShort
Constructs an UnsignedShort object from a short, throws an exception if the parameter is out of range.
UnsignedShort(String) - Constructor for class org.web3d.vrtp.datatypes.UnsignedShort
Constructor, takes string value
usingMulticast - Variable in class org.web3d.vrtp.net.DatagramStreamBuffer


valEquals(Object, Object) - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.OrderedMap
Test two values for equality.
validateFloatingPoint(PrimitiveNumber) - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.NumberValidator
validateObject(Object) - Method in interface org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.Validator
validateObject(Object) - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.NumberValidator
validateWhole(PrimitiveNumber) - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.NumberValidator
Validates a whole number of some sort by comparing to the existing list.
validationSetup - Variable in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.NumberValidator
validationString - Variable in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.NumberValidator
Validator - interface org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.Validator.
Validator interface This is an interface for Validator objects, which can examine a number and determine if it is either valid or invalid for a field.
value - Variable in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.OrderedMap.Entry
VALUE - Static variable in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.Tag
VALUE tag.


WHOLE - Static variable in class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.NumberValidator
windowActivated(WindowEvent) - Method in class demo.dabp.Semantics
windowClosed(WindowEvent) - Method in class demo.dabp.Semantics
windowClosing(WindowEvent) - Method in class demo.dabp.Semantics
Window close event.
windowDeactivated(WindowEvent) - Method in class demo.dabp.Semantics
windowDeiconified(WindowEvent) - Method in class demo.dabp.Semantics
windowIconified(WindowEvent) - Method in class demo.dabp.Semantics
windowOpened(WindowEvent) - Method in class demo.dabp.Semantics
writADUs(Vector) - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.util.ADUStreamUDP
writeADU(ADUData) - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.util.ADUStream
ADU to be written.
writeADU(ADUData) - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.util.ADUStreamByteArray
ADU to be written.
writeADU(ADUData) - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.util.ADUStreamTCP
writeADU(ADUData) - Method in class org.web3d.vrtp.util.ADUStreamUDP


XMLUtilities - class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.XMLUtilities.
XMLUtilities A collection of utility methods for XML.
XMLUtilities() - Constructor for class org.web3d.vrtp.dabp.XMLUtilities


_outputStream - Variable in class org.web3d.vrtp.util.DebugLog
File we send output to
_securityStrategy - Variable in class org.web3d.vrtp.util.DebugLog
Security strategy, to bypass the sandbox and let us write to the filesystem

A B C D E F G H I K L M N O P R S T U V W X _