Professor, Operations and Logistics Management
Graduate School of Business and Public Policy, Naval Postgraduate School
555 Dyer Road Monterey CA 93943
Office: (831)656-7583, Fax: (831) 656-3407






Aruna’s research interests can be categorized in three broad areas in the field of operations and logistics management: Humanitarian Logistics, Service Operations, and Military Logistics.

Reseatch areas

Her primary interest is in Humanitarian Logistics. A significant proportion of the world’s population has suffered in recent years as a result of disasters—both natural and manmade. An effective and efficient humanitarian response depends upon the capabilities and competencies of the organizations involved in the humanitarian relief effort. Humanitarian logistics is a special branch of logistics which manages the response supply chain of critical supplies and services. It addresses challenges such as demand surges, uncertain supplies, critical time-windows in face of infrastructure vulnerabilities, and the vast scope and size of the operations.

She is also interested in effectiveness of Service Operations in terms of customer satisfaction and fairness towards customers. Throughout my career my research has included examining how systems in field service delivery or banking industry affect delivery of service to customers. An important aspect of service operations is acquisition of services, especially in the DoD—the expenditure in services acquisition has continued to increase in scope and dollars in the past decade.

She was first introduced to Military Logistics while doing research in scheduling classes for Navy training schools before she joined NPS. Since joining NPS, she has researched issues related to weapon systems, past and present, from an acquisition and logistics perspectives. The DoD annually procures billions of dollar worth of systems, supplies, and services in support of the national military strategy. Faced with budget cuts and other resource constraints, the DoD must transform its procurement process to ensure cost-effective sourcing of critical supplies and services. Military logistics is an integral part of humanitarian logistics since due to the assets and capabilities military presence proves to be critical in significant instances of humanitarian operations.


"Material contained herein is made available for the purpose of peer review and discussion and does not necessarily reflect the views of the Department of the Navy or the Department of Defense."