Distinguished Professor
Director, Adaptive Optics Center of Excellence for National Security
Director, Spacecraft Research and Design Center
Ph.D., Syracuse University, 1970
- Brij N. Agrawal
- Distinguished Professor
Mail Code: MAE/Ag
Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering &
Space Systems Academic Group
Graduate School of Engineering and Applied Sciences
Monterey, CA 93943
Phone: 831-656-3338
Email: agrawal (at) nps.edu
Web: www.nps.edu/srdc/
- www.nps.edu/aocoe/
- PhD - Syracuse University, 1970
Mechanical Engineering
MS - McMaster University, 1968
Mechanical Engineering
ME - Roorke IIT, 1966
Mechanical Engineering (Hons.)
BS - Banares University, 1964
Mechanical Engineering (Hons.)
(View an extended list)
- 1989 - Present
- Distinguished Professor and Associate Chairman, Dept. of Mechanical
and Aerospace Engineering
- Director, Adaptive Optics Center of Excellence for National Security
and Spacecraft Research and Design Center
- Member, Space Systems Academic Group
- 1989-Present-Consultant
- Provided consultancy in spacecraft system engineering to INTELSAT,
Space Systems/Loral, COMSAT, ASTRC, DESKIN, New Skies, and CTEK.
- Developed following courses and presented at Space Systems/Loral:
Satellite Design Process, Satellite Design Practice, Satellite Design
Project, Introduction to Attitude Dynamics and Control, Spacecraft
Attitude Dynamics and Control Design, and Spacecraft Structures.
- Member of two teams on optical beam control for a classified
spacecraft program for imaging.
- 1979-1989-International Telecommunications Satellite Organization
- Performed research and served as Project Manager on several research
programs, including Dynamic Effects of Liquid on Spacecraft Attitude
Control, Attitude Control of Flexible three-axis-stabilized Spacecraft,
Damping of Flexible Appendages, Energy-Sink Method, Composite Material
Analysis, Design Verification of Large Spacecraft, Acoustic response of
Spacecraft, and Deployable Off-Set Reflector Antenna.
- Did pioneering work in the prediction of liquid slosh modes for
spinning spacecraft and applied to INTELSAT VI design. Internationally
recognized for this work.
- Provided solution for INTELSAT V F-1 solar array anomaly.
- Wrote first book on spacecraft design "Design of Geosynchronous
Spacecraft" that has been widely used in universities, MIT, Stanford
University etc, and space Industry.
- Responsible for the feasibility study of INTELSAT VI and INTELSAT
VII satellites.
- Responsible for the specification, proposal evaluation and
negotiation of INTELSAT VI spacecraft bus.
- Participated in the development of INTELSAT VI and INTELSAT VII
- 1969-1979-Communications Satellite Corporation (COMSAT) Spacecraft R&D
- Developed notched sinusoidal testing and applied to INTELSAT IV
- Performed research in the area of spacecraft attitude dynamics,
structural dynamics, structural dynamics, and spacecraft testing.
- Participated in the development of INTELSAT IV, IV-A, COMSTAR,
INTELSAT V, and MARISAT satellites.
- 1975-77 on assignment from COMSAT worked at the European Space and
Technology Center on Aerosat Program in the development of
specifications, proposal evaluation, and contract negotiation.
- Part-time Appointments:
- Consulting Professor, Stanford University, 1992, Adjunct Professor,
University of Maryland, 1987-89, Adjunct Professor, George Washington
University, 1986-1987.
- Acquisition, Tracking, and Pointing of Military Spacecraft, Spacecraft
Design, Smart Structures, Spacecraft Attitude Control, Spacecraft Design and
- Acquisition, tracking and pointing of flexible spacecraft with optical
- High Energy Laser beam control
- Active vibration control, isolation and suppression
- Adaptive optics and optical beam jitter control
- Advanced control and wavefront sensor techniques
- INTELSAT award for Inventiveness and Technological Contribution-1990
- NPS top performance Award-1990
- NPS Outstanding Teaching Award-1993, 1994, and 2000
- NPS Outstanding Research Award-1992 and 1997
- AIAA The Lockheed Graduate Team Space design Competition Award- 1993 and
- Distinguished Professor Award 2002
- Richard W. Hamming Award for Interdisciplinary Achievements-2007
- Fellow AIAA, 2009
- Navy Superior Service Award, 2012
- Patent:
- Attitude Pointing Error Correction System and Methods for
Geosynchronous Satellites, US patent No. 4,911,385, March 27, 1990 (with
P. Madon)
- Active Feedforward Disturbance Control System, US patent No.
8,019,090 B1, Sep. 13, 2011. (with Sugathevan)
- Fellow, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
- Registered Professional Engineer in the State of Maryland, since 1978
- Associate Editor, AIAA Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics
- Member of IAF Technical Committee
(View an extended list)
- Books:
- "Design of Geosynchronous Spacecraft," Prentice-Hall, May 1986
- Invited Chapter entitled "Geosynchronous Spacecraft," in the
Encyclopedia of Physical Science and Technology, Academic Press, April
- A book entitled "Spacecraft Attitude Dynamics and Control" is under
preparation, to be published by Prentice-Hall
- Technical Papers:
- T. Sands, J.J. Kim, and B. Agrawal, "Nonredundant Single-Gimbaled
Control Moment Gyroscopes," AIAA Journal of Guidance, Control, and
Dynamics, Vol. 35, No. 2 March-April 2012 pp 578-587.
- J. J. Kim, M. Nagashima, and B. N. Agrawal, "Optical Beam Jitter
Control for NPS HEL Beam Control Testbed," 14th Annual Directed Energy
Symposium, 14-18 November, 2011 , San Diego 11-Symp-080.
- R. Jay, K. Irgens, J. J. Kim, and B. N. Agrawal, "Strapdown Inertial
Reference Unit for NPS Beam Control Testbed," 14th Annual Directed
Energy Symposium, 14-18 November, 2011 , San Diego , 11-Symp-199.
- M. S. Corley, F. Santiago, T. Martinez, and B. N. Agrawal,
"Horizontal propagation deep turbulence testbed," 14th Annual Directed
Energy Symposium, 14-18 November, 2011 , San Diego 11-Symp-078.
- Yingling, A. and Agrawal B. "Applications of Active Optics in Large
Space Mirrors," Proceedings 62nd International Astronautical Congress,
IAC-11-C2.5.1, Cape Town, South Africa, 3-7 October 2011.
- Keywords: Smart Structures, Flexible Spacecraft Attitude Control,
Vibration Isolation, Space Manipulators, Spacecraft Design, Relay Mirror
Spacecraft, Adaptive Optics, High Energy Laser beam control, Jitter Control, Wavefront
Sensor Techniques