Dashi Singham, Ph.D.

Director, SEED Center
Research Associate Professor
Operations Research Department
Naval Postgraduate School

  • About
  • Publications


  • PhD in Industrial Engineering and Operations Research — University of California, Berkeley, 2010
  • MA in Statistics — University of California, Berkeley, 2009
  • BSE in Operations Research and Financial Engineering (with High Honors) — Princeton University, 2004

Work Experience

  • 2023 — present, Director, SEED Center for Data Farming
  • 2017 — present, Research Associate Professor in Operations Research at NPS
  • 2010 — 2016, Research Assistant Professor in Operations Research at NPS
  • January 2015 — June 2015, Visiting Assistant Professor in Industrial Engineering and Operations Research at UC Berkeley
  • 2004 —2006, Risk Analyst at Merrill Lynch

Teaching Course Load and Interests

  • OS3080 - Probability and Statistics II
  • OS3180 - Probability and Statistics for Systems Engineering
  • OS3380 - Combat Systems Simulation
  • OA3302 - Simulation Modeling

Research Interests

  • Simulation Output Analysis and Methodology
  • Applied Probability
  • Statistics

Theses Advised

Proposal Awards

  • National Science Foundation CMMI #1535831: Optimizing Incentives for Carbon Capture and Storage Systems (w/ W. Cai)
  • Center for Multi-Intelligence Studies: Data-driven methods for mapping uncertain intelligence to Brownian bridge models. (w/ M.P. Atkinson)
  • Acquisitions Research Program: Allocating a Data Collection Budget to Support Test and Evaluation Plans

Honors and Awards

  • Recognized as one of the top 5% instructors in NPS Schiefflin Award evaluations (2023)
  • Menneken Award for Highly Meritorious Research (2020) [ Link ]
  • NSF Graduate Research Fellowship (2007-2010)
  • Outstanding Graduate Student Instructor Award (UC Berkeley, 2008)
  • CUMW Award (Informs Simulation Society, 2008)

Other activities

Journal Papers

  • 2024. H. Lam, Z. Liu, D.I. Singham. Sample Average Approximation for Shape-Constrained Function Spaces Under Review. [PDF]
  • 2024. R. Pasupathy, D.I. Singham, Y. Yeh. Overlapping Batch Confidence Regions on the Steady-State Quantile Field. Under Review.
  • 2023. D.I. Singham, J. Lucky, S. Reinauer. Discrete-Event Simulation Modeling for Housing of Homeless Populations. PLOS One [PDF]
  • 2022. D.I. Singham, M. Rodgers. A Shortage Probability Metric for Battery Depletion Risk. Operations Research Letters, 50(6), 660-666. [Link]
  • 2021. Gingrass, C., D.I. Singham, M.P. Atkinson. Shape Analysis of Flight Trajectories Using Neural Networks. Journal of Aerospace and Information Systems, 18(11), 762-773 [PDF]
  • 2021. Singham, D.I., W. Cai, A. Fügenschuh. Flexible Contracting with Heterogeneous Agents and Stochastic Demand. International Journal of Production Economics. 231(107840) [PDF]
  • 2020. Nunez, J.A., D.I. Singham, M.P. Atkinson. A Particle Filter Approach to Estimating Target Location Using Brownian Bridges. Journal of the Operational Research Society. 71(4), 589-605 [PDF]
  • 2019. Rodgers, M., D.I. Singham. A Framework for Assessing Disruptions in a Clinical Supply Chain Using Bayesian Belief Networks. Journal of Pharmaceutical Innovations. 15, 467-481.[PDF]
  • 2019. Singham, D.I. Sample Average Approximation for the Principal-Agent Problem. European Journal of Operational Research 275(3):1050-1057 [PDF]
  • 2018. Cai, W., D.I. Singham. A Principal-Agent Problem with Heterogenous Demand Distributions. European Journal of Operational Research 264(1):239-256.[PDF]
  • 2018. Singham, D.I., M.P. Atkinson. Boundary Crossing Probabilities for the Cumulative Sample Mean, Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences, Vol 32, 275-295. [PDF]
  • 2017. Craparo, E., M. Karatas, D.I. Singham. A Robust Optimization Approach to Hybrid Microgrid Operation. Applied Energy, 201:135-147. [PDF]
  • 2016. Lin, K.Y., D.I. Singham. Finding a Hider by an Unknown Deadline. Operations Research Letters Vol 44, 25-32. [PDF]
  • 2015. Atkinson, M.P., D.I. Singham. Multidimensional Hitting Time Results for Brownian Bridges with Moving Hyperplanar Boundaries. Statistics and Probability Letters, 100:85-92. [PDF]
  • 2015. Singham, D.I., W. Cai, and J.A. White. Optimal Carbon Capture and Storage Contracts Using Historical CO2 Emissions Levels. Energy Systems, 6(3):331-360. [PDF]
  • 2014. Singham, D.I. Selecting Stopping Rules for Confidence Interval Procedures. ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation. Vol 24, No 3, Article 18. [PDF]
  • 2014. Cai, W., D.I. Singham, E.M. Craparo, J.A. White. Pricing Contracts Under Uncertainty in a Carbon Capture and Storage Framework. Energy Economics, Vol 34, No 1, pp 56-62. [PDF]
  • 2014. Schruben, L.W., and D.I. Singham. Data-driven Simulation of Complex Multidimensional Time Series. ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation. Vol 24, No 1, Article 5. [PDF]
  • 2013. Batarseh, O., and D.I. Singham. Interval-Based Simulation to Model Input Uncertainty in Stochastic Lanchester Models. Military Operations Research Vol 18, No 1, pp 61-76. [PDF]
  • 2012. Singham, D.I., and L.W. Schruben. Finite-Sample Behavior of Absolute Precision Stopping Rules. INFORMS Journal on Computing Vol 24, No 4, pp 624-635. [PDF]

Refereed Conference Papers

  • 2023. Singham, D.I. Estimating Quantile Fields for a Simulated Model of a Homeless Care System. Forthcoming in the Proceedings of the 2023 Winter Simulation Conference.
  • 2022. Pasupathy, R., D.I. Singham, Y. Yeh. Overlapping Batch Confidence Regions on the Steady-State Quantile Vector. Proceedings of the 2022 Winter Simulation Conference. [PDF]
  • 2022. Singham, D.I., K.A. Stork. Activity Recognition from Complex Stochastic Combat Models Military Sensing Symposia.
  • 2021. Singham, D.I., J.G. Shanthikumar. Competing Incentives in Sequential Sampling Rules. Proceedings of the 2021 Winter Simulation Conference. [ PDF]
  • 2020. Singham, D.I., H. Lam. Sample Average Approximation for Functional Decisions Under Shape Constraints. Proceedings of the 2020 Winter Simulation Conference.[ PDF]
  • 2017. Singham, D.I., W.Cai. Sample Average Approximations for the Continuous Type Principal Agent Problem: An Example. Proceedings of the 2017 Winter Simulation Conference. [PDF]
  • 2016. Singham, D.I., R. Szechtman. Multiple Comparisons with a Standard Using False Discovery Rates. Proceedings of the 2016 Winter Simulation Conference. [PDF]
  • 2015. Singham, D.I., M.P. Atkinson. Cumulative Mean Bounds for Quality Control Analysis. Proceedings of the 2015 Winter Simulation Conference. [PDF]
  • 2014. Karatas, M.K., E.M. Craparo, D.I. Singham. Selection of a Planning Horizon for a Hybrid Microgrid Using Simulated Forecasts. Proceedings of the 2014 Winter Simulation Conference. [PDF]
  • 2013. Singham, D.I., J.O. Royset, R. J-B Wets. Density Estimation of Simulation Output Using Exponential Epi-Splines. Proceedings of the 2013 Winter Simulation Conference. [PDF]
  • 2012. White, J.A., D.I. Singham. Slope Stability Assessment Using Stochastic Rainfall Simulation. Proceedia Computer Science. [PDF]
  • 2011. Schruben, L.W., D.I. Singham. Agent Based Simulation Output Analysis. Proceedings of the 2011 Winter Simulation Conference. [PDF]
  • 2011. Singham, D.I., M.A. Thompson, L.W. Schruben. Applications of Flocking Algorithms to Input Modeling for Agent Movement. Proceedings of the 2011 Winter Simulation Conference. [PDF]
  • 2010. Schruben, L.W. and Singham, D.I. Simulating Multivariate Time Series Using Flocking. Proceedings of the 2010 Winter Simulation Conference. [PDF]
  • 2009. Singham, D.I., L.W. Schruben. Analysis of Sequential Stopping Rules. Proceedings of the 2009 Winter Simulation Conference. [PDF]

Technical Reports

  • N. Luther, B. Pollock, and D.I. Singham. 2019. Simulation Modeling for Testing for an Undersea Rescue System. Technical Report SYM-AM-19-089.
  • D.I. Singham. 2017. Using Developmental T&E to Inform Operational T&E Decision-Based Analysis. NPS-TE-17-216.
  • Singham, D.I., 2017. Allocating a Data Collection Budget to Support Test and Evaluation Plans. NPS-ARP-17-011
  • Lin, Kyle Y., D.I. Singham, D.I. 2015. Robust Search Policies Against an Intelligent Evader. [PDF]
  • Singham, D.I., M.P. Atkinson, 2015. Construction of Cumulative Mean Bounds for Simulation Output. [PDF]
  • Regnier, E., D.I. Singham. 2013. Targeting an Asymmetric Maritime Threat: Workshop Report. [PDF]


  • Singham, D.I. 2010. Analysis of Sequential Stopping Rules for Simulation Experiments. Ph.D. Thesis, Department of Industrial Engineering and Operations Research, UC Berkeley. Advisor: Lee Schruben.
  • Singham, D.I. 2009. Exploratory Data Analysis of Some Public Transportation Data and Simulation of Holding Policies. M.A. Thesis, Department of Statistics, UC Berkeley. Advisor: David Brillinger.
  • Singham, D.I. 2004. The Option to Abandon As Applied to the Sequential Investment Problem, Department of Operations Research and Financial Engineering, Princeton University. Advisor: Savas Dayanik.


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Operations Research Department
Naval Postgraduate School
Monterey, CA 93943
