OR Faculty

Theses Advised

Office: Root Hall 239

Naval Postgraduate School
Department of Information Sciences
Root Hall 239
Monterey, CA 93943


Curriculum Vitae, Thomas J. Housel

Office Address:
Naval Postgraduate School
Department of Information Sciences
Monterey, CA 93943-5000
Telephone: 831.656.7657
Fax: 831.656.3679
Email: tjhousel@nps.edu


University of Utah, Ph.D. in Communication, 1980 (Magna Cum Laude)

University of Wyoming, M.A. in Communication, 1975 (Summa Cum Laude)

California State University, Long Beach, B.A. in Communication, 1974 (Honors Program Graduate)


Executive Director, California Homeland Security Consortium 10/20/07-present. Responsible for organizing and building the consortium and its membership including: developing strategy and operational plans, conducting field experiments and technology demonstrations with first responder organizations, creating new educational offerings for return veterans and the Transportation Security Administration, developing assessments of the homeland security needs of industry, providing numerous research, education and industry workshops for the membership, completing whitepapers that templatize lessons learned from field studies, securing future funding, and administering an approximately three million dollar budget, seven (full and part time) staff and 12 student interns.

Associate Chair and Full Professor of Information Sciences, Naval Postgraduate School, 8/27/01-present. Responsible for developing the department instructional strategy and administering the residential instruction program, course development and consistency, review of teaching performance, and course assignment budgeting. Teaching areas including information technology for homeland security, decision support, database management,  knowledge management, telecommunications, and electronic commerce. These courses are taught in both a residential and distance learning mode. Research in the areas of calculating the return on knowledge and information technology, measuring the impact of new return on knowledge measures on investors and analysts, and measuring the economic impacts of electronic business and electronic commerce business models. I have raised approximately $1.2Mil over the past 5 years from various Department of Defense organizations.

School Service Activities:

  • Faculty Council Chair (equivalent of university senate)
  • Member of Research and Teaching Indirect Cost Recovery Task Force
  • Member of Graduate School of Business and Public Policy Dean Search and NPS Provost Search Committees
  • Member of the Academic Council and of the Special Programs Sub-Committee
  • Member of the Reimbursable Tuition/Cost Working Group
  • Member of the MBA Information Technology degree development group in the IS Department

Associate Professor of Information and Operations Management (clinical), University of Southern California, Marshall School of Business, 8/97 – 8/01. Created knowledge management, telecommunication, business process reengineering application and methodology courses. Helped redesign the core electronic commerce course for full and part time MBA students. Redesigned and marketed Master of Science in Information and Operations Management degree program. Taught MBA, executive programs, and undergraduate courses in information technology, business process reengineering, knowledge management, and telecommunications.

Visiting Professor of Information and Operations Management(clinical), University of Southern California, Marshall School of Business, 8/95 – 8/97. Created telecommunication, business process reengineering application and methodology courses. Helped to redesign information systems curriculum of the Information and Operations Management department. Taught MBA, executive programs, and undergraduate courses in information technology, business process reengineering, and telecommunications.

Academic Program Director, University of Southern California, Marshall School of Business, 8/98 – 8/01. I was in charge of the following departmental activities: faculty course assignment and classroom scheduling, curriculum design, handling student complaints, hiring and supervision of part time faculty, and allocation of funds for the hiring of teaching assistants. In addition, I developed and administered a faculty mentoring program focused on improving the department’s overall quality of instruction and teaching ratings. Subsequently, the department’s teacher ratings and individual teaching awards increased. I proposed and administered a budget for this activity annually. I administered the budget for the listed activities and supervised staff with regard to the listed activities. In this capacity, I, with the Department Chair, was responsible for the staff’s annual performance appraisal.
Director (Vice President), Consumer Behavior Research in Telematics and Informatics, Centro Studi S. Salvador (Telecom Italia), 1/1994 - 8/1995. Reporting directly to the Executive Vice President of Strategy. In charge of developing a research program, including conducting and supervising studies in projected consumer acceptance of proposed new broadband telematic-informatic services. The research budget was approximately nine million dollars per year.

Chief Business Process Engineer, Strategic Information Systems Division, Pacific Bell, 10/1992 - 1/1994. Develop reengineering methodology, tools, and measurement strategies for company-wide reengineering projects and led company-wide strategic planning and modeling for future reengineering efforts.

Director, Business Development and Domain Engineering, Strategic Information Systems Division, Pacific Bell, 8/1991 - 10/1992. Administered marketing and process reengineering functions, and helped secure in excess of five million dollars in operating capital and client-funded projects.

Assistant Professor of Business Communication (clinical), University of Southern California, School of Business Administration, 1982 - 1991. Developed and taught courses in telecommunications, information systems, and communications for business.

Associate Director, Center for Operations Management Education and Research, University of Southern California, 1987 - 1991. Center's purpose was to conduct research and provide industry forums for topics in operations management. I managed the Center's daily operations, help raise the operating funds, and maintained direct contact with other national and international private and public research institutions. Members of the center board were high level executives in industry and government and I frequently made presentations to the board on the Center's programs and financial condition.  The operating budget for the Center was approximately $300K per year.

Associate Director, Center for Telecommunications Management, University of Southern California, 1984 - 1985. Center's purpose is to project future directions of telecommunications industry world wide in terms of markets, policies, technology, and economics. The Center is internationally recognized as a leading source for information about international telecommunications infrastructure economics and technology deployment. I helped develop the Center's policies, raise funding,  and establish research directions as well as leading and overseeing research projects. I was responsible for meeting with the board of directors to deliver state of the Center addresses as well as maintaining contacts with members of the industry and academia world wide. The operating budget for the Center, during my tenure there, was approximately $500K.

Assistant Professor, University of Kentucky, College of Communications, 1977 - 1982. Taught organizational communication, interpersonal communication, business communication, and cognitive science courses.

Completed development and implemented (1998-99) a web based survey generation tool ("X-Ask") for Xerox. The tool is in wide use within the training division and is moving to new areas within Xerox.

Completed pilot business process reengineering/knowledge auditing project (1996-97) for Telecom Italia that is serving as the model for reengineering the corporation (the next core process they are using the model for is billing).

Completed a training package and taught (1996) partners and senior managers of a Big Six accounting/consulting firm the Knowledge Value-Added methodology with a focus on the Knowledge Audit©.

Completed a project (1996) to give Ameritech financial planners a new method for the capital allocation process. The project included a benchmarking of the CAP approaches used by other large companies and a new method based on the Knowledge Value-Added methodology.

Completed study of strategic use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Strategic Information Systems Division of Pacific Bell (1991) resulting in significant changes to Division strategic directions.

Completed extensive study of French videotex system ("Minitel") for the National Telecommunications Industry Association (March, 1990) which included the report in a major rate structure filing.

Completed research for the Minister of Communication, Province of Quebec, on videotext. The study produced a new multi-criteria decision making model for the introduction and implementation of new information systems (videotext services) on a national scale (see Research in Progress) and was used by the Minister to develop policy around Bell Canada's ALEX videotex service (1990).

Completed a study for the Italian telephone monopoly (STET - Telelab for Pietro Davoli) on predicting changes to the global telecommunications industry in response to European Common Market initiative 1992.

Completed a detailed case study for Bell Communications Research (Bellcore) on the implementation of a 30,000 line PBX (NTI) system at TRW (170 pages) in 1990. An edited version also published in a book of cases.

Completed a study for AT&T on the future of the telecommunications function and telecommunications director (34 pages) in 1988.

Performed teleconferencing research for Hughes Aircraft (EDSG) on three teleconferencing systems for the purpose of system selection, implementation, and training. The study compared the effectiveness of the three systems for conducting meetings between design engineers (1985).

Conducted research for Southern California Edison on the feasibility of replacing some face-to-face meetings with teleconferences. This research compared full interview, audio-visual teleconferences with face-to-face meetings (in real business settings). Research resulted in selection and installation of a full-motion, compressed digital video-conferencing system (1984).

Conducted extensive research for IBM. This research empirically measured the effectiveness of IBM's formal communication systems at the Lexington, Kentucky plant (1983).

NPS Faculty Council Chair, 2005-2006.

NPS Academic Council member, 2002-2005

Numerous recruitment and faculty committees at NPS

Over 60 thesis students at NPS

Member of United States Congress: Internet Caucus Advisory Committee, 2001.

Member, Advisory Board for Telecon (Teleconferencing Association), 1985 - 1995.

Organized with Richard Chase, and Martin K. Starr (Columbia University Business School), and Nic Nichols (California Institute of Technology) the Tri-School "Sustaining World Class Manufacturing" Conference (October, 1989). Speakers were five CEO's including Vaugh Beals (Harley Davidson Corporation), John McConnell (Worthington Industries, Inc.), Tracy O'Rourke (Allen/Bradley), Dr. Gordon Forward (Chaparrel Steel), Kan Higashi (New United Motor Manufacturing, Inc.).

Organized, with Jag Sheth, a research symposium on information systems for crisis management (August, 1988) for the Center for Telecommunications Management. An edited text resulted from the symposium.


Honorable Mention 1994 Planning Forum Case Competition
First Prize Winner 1986 SIM paper competition
Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society

1989-90 Human Relations Commissioner, City of Long Beach
1990-91 Airport Commissioner, City of Long Beach