Gaver, D.P., Jacobs, P.A., Pilnick, S.E., and Richards, F.R., �CROPDUSTER: A Model for Evaluating the 'Common Relevant Operational Picture (CROP)',� Technical Report, NPS-OR-02-004, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA, July 2002.
Gaver, D.P., Jacobs, P.A., and Pilnick, S.E., �Operations Analysis of Fleet Battle Experiments Using the Battlespace Information War Methodology Preliminary Report,� Technical Report, NPS-IJWA-01-008, Institute for Joint Warfare Analysis, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA, October 2000.
Johns, M.D., Pilnick, S. E., and Hughes, W.P., Jr., �Heterogeneous Salvo Model for the Navy After Next,� Institute for Joint Warfare Analysis, Naval Postgraduate School Technical Report NPS-IJWA-01-010, December 2000.
Gallup, S.P., Schacher, G.E., Sovereign, M.G., Callahan, A., Bowden, J., Kimmel, R.A., Irvine, N.J., Pilnick, S.E., Kemple, W.G., �Fleet Battle Experiment Foxtrot Final Report,� Technical Report, NPS-IJWA-00-005, Institute for Joint Warfare Analysis, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA, May 2000.
Pilnick, S.E., �Joint Maritime Access Control,� Draft Navy doctrine publication for Navy Warfare Development Command, September 1999.
Pilnick, S.E., �Joint Suppression of Enemy Coastal Defense,� Draft doctrine publication for Chief of Naval Operations, March 1999.
Pilnick, S.E., et al., �Joint Suppression of Enemy Coastal Defense,� Study Report, EDO Technology Services & Analysis, February 1999.
Pilnick, S.E., et al., �Vertical Launch ASROC Requirements Analysis,� Study Report for Lockheed Martin Tactical Defense Systems, EDO Technology Services & Analysis, 1998.
Pilnick, S.E., et al., �Lightweight Torpedo Inventory Requirements Study,� Study Report for Head, Subsurface Warfare Branch, Surface Warfare Division, Chief of Naval Operations, and Program Executive Officer (Undersea Warfare), Global Associates, Ltd., 1996.
Spolarich, M., Pilnick, S.E., et al., �Shallow Water Antisubmarine Warfare Assessment,� Research Report for The Charles Stark Draper Laboratory, Inc., Global Associates, Ltd., 1995.
Boyer, P., Pilnick, S.E., et al., �Warfighting with Networks of Distributed Forces and Sensors,� Study Report for Director, Test & Evaluation and Technology Requirements, Chief of Naval Operations, Global Associates, Ltd., 1997.
Pilnick, S.E., �Combat Logistics Problems,� Doctoral Dissertation, Naval Postgraduate School, 1989.
Pilnick, S.E., Review of STATA Statistics/Data Analysis software, OR/MS Today, Vol. 14, No. 5, October 1987.
Pilnick, S.E., ed., Surface Force Tactics Newsletter, Surface Warfare Development Group, 1982-1984.
Pilnick, S.E., �Phased Mission Reliability Analysis for a Naval Weapons System,� Masters Thesis, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA, December 1976.
Esary, J.D. and Pilnick, S.E., �An Example of Phased Mission Reliability Analysis for a Hypothetical Naval Weapons System,� Technical Report, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA, June 1977.