Pilnick, S.E., �New Analysis Challenges,� Working Group Report, MORS Workshop, �Evolving the Practice of Military Operations Analysis in DoD,� Monterey, CA, March 2, 2000.
Gaver, D.P., Jacobs, P.A., and Pilnick, S.E., �Modeling of a Fully Distributed Component System for Navy After Next Analysis,� presentation at Navy Warfare Development Command, Newport, RI, March 2000.
Gaver, D.P., Jacobs, P.A., and Pilnick, S.E., �Modeling of Network Centric Operations for Navy After Next Analysis,� presentation to Navy Warfare Development Command CNAN NCO Team Leader, Monterey, CA, May 2000.
Pilnick, S.E., �New Analysis Challenges,� Working Group Report, MORS Workshop, �Evolving the Practice of Military Operations Analysis in DoD,� presentation at MORS Symposium, U.S. Air Force Academy, Colorado Springs, CO, June 2000.
Gaver, D.P., Jacobs, P.A., and Pilnick, S.E., �Modeling of Network Centric Operations for the Capabilities for Navy After Next Analysis,� presentation to Navy Warfare Development Command Technical Director, Monterey, CA, July 2000.
Gaver, D.P., Jacobs, P.A., and Pilnick, S.E., �Battlespace Information War (BAT/IW) Analysis Tool,� presentation to BGEN Wee, Republic of Korea Army, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA, November 2000.
Pilnick, S.E., �Vertical Launch ASROC Requirements Analysis,� presentation for Head, Subsurface Warfare Branch, Surface Warfare Division, Chief of Naval Operations, 1998.
Sutter, E. and Pilnick, S.E., et al., �Advanced Concepts Fleet Implementation Study,� Global Associates, Ltd., 1997.
Pilnick, S.E., et al., �Tomahawk Land Attack Missile Inventory Requirements Study,� Presentation for Head, Surface Strike Warfare Branch, Surface Warfare Division, Chief of Naval Operations, Global Associates, Ltd., 1996.
Pilnick, S.E., et al., �Lightweight Torpedo Inventory Requirements Study,� Presentation for Director Surface Warfare Division, Chief of Naval Operations, and Program Executive Officer (Undersea Warfare), 1996.
Powers, R.C., Pilnick, S.E., et al., �Undersea Warfare Cooperative Engagement Capability Analysis,� Presentation for Naval Command & Control, Ocean Systems Center, Research & Development Division, Global Associates, Ltd., 1996.