import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
import sys
import time
import generate_lambdas
import cProfile
from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix
import pandas as pd
plt.rcParams['text.usetex'] = True
%load_ext cython
%%cython -c=-Ofast -c=-march=native -c=-mtune=native -c=-mavx
import numpy as np
import scipy
cimport numpy as np
cimport cython
@cython.cdivision(True) #divide w/ c not python
@cython.boundscheck(False) # Deactivate bounds checking
@cython.wraparound(False) # Deactivate negative indexing.
cdef np.ndarray[np.float64_t, ndim=1] SLOPE_prox(np.ndarray[np.float64_t, ndim=1] y,
np.ndarray[np.float64_t, ndim=1] lams):
Returns 1D SLOPE prox. Note that this function assumes that the input y is nonnegative.
This is true when y is a column norm (as we have it here) but not in general.
#declare variables
unsigned long i,j,k,n
double d
np.ndarray[np.float64_t, ndim=1] s, w, x, sign_y
np.ndarray[np.uint_t, ndim=1] idx_i, idx_j
np.ndarray[np.int64_t, ndim=1] argsrt
n = y.shape[0]
sign_y = np.sign(y)
y = np.abs(y)
argsrt = np.argsort(np.multiply(-1.0, y)) #argsort sorts in increasing order, so we negate
y = y[argsrt]
#allocate memory as necessary
x = np.zeros(n, np.float64)
s = np.zeros(n, np.float64)
w = np.zeros(n, np.float64)
idx_i = np.zeros(n, np.uint)
idx_j = np.zeros(n, np.uint)
#actually do the computation
k = 0
for i in range(n):
idx_i[k] = i
idx_j[k] = i
s[k] = y[i] - lams[i]
w[k] = s[k]
while k > 0 and (w[k-1] <= w[k]):
k -= 1
idx_j[k] = i
s[k] += s[k+1]
w[k] = s[k] / (i - idx_i[k] + 1)
k += 1
for j in range(k):
d = w[j]
if d < 0:
d = 0
for i in range(idx_i[j], idx_j[j] + 1):
x[i] = d
np.put(x, argsrt, x)
x *= sign_y
return x
@cython.cdivision(True) #divide w/ c not python
@cython.boundscheck(False) # Deactivate bounds checking
@cython.wraparound(False) # Deactivate negative indexing.
cpdef alternating_min(np.ndarray[np.cdouble_t, ndim=2] X,
np.ndarray[np.float64_t, ndim=1] lams, int d,
int max_itr=50,
float stop_tol=1e-6):
np.ndarray[np.cdouble_t, ndim=2] Delta = np.zeros((X.shape[0], X.shape[1]), complex)
np.ndarray[np.cdouble_t, ndim=2] P_A = np.eye(X.shape[0], dtype=complex)
np.ndarray[np.cdouble_t, ndim=2] I_minus_P_A = np.eye(X.shape[0], dtype=complex)
np.ndarray[np.cdouble_t, ndim=2] I_minus_PA_times_X
#np.ndarray[np.cdouble_t, ndim=2] I_minus_P_A_old = np.eye(X.shape[0], dtype=complex)
float I_minus_P_A_step = 1.0
float c_step = 1.0
np.ndarray[np.float64_t, ndim=1] c = np.zeros(X.shape[1])
np.ndarray[np.float64_t, ndim=1] new_c, I_minus_PA_times_X_norms
np.ndarray[np.cdouble_t, ndim=2] u
int itr
itr = 0
for itr in range(max_itr):
#I commented out the print statements for speed
#print(f"Iteration {itr}")
#min over A
_, u = scipy.linalg.eigh(np.matmul((X - Delta), (X - Delta).conj().T),
subset_by_index=(X.shape[0]-d, X.shape[0]-1),
#u, _, _ = scipy.linalg.svd(X-Delta, full_matrices=False, overwrite_a=True, check_finite=False, lapack_driver='gesvd')
#I_minus_P_A = np.matmul(u[:,d:], u[:,d:].conj().T)
P_A = np.matmul(u[:,:d], u[:,:d].conj().T)
I_minus_P_A_step = np.linalg.norm(P_A + I_minus_P_A - np.eye(u.shape[0], dtype=complex)) #the algebra works here
#I_minus_P_A_step = np.linalg.norm(I_minus_P_A - I_minus_P_A_old) #the algebra works here
#print(f"I_minus_P_A step: {I_minus_P_A_step}")
I_minus_P_A = np.eye(u.shape[0], dtype=complex) - P_A
#min over Delta
I_minus_PA_times_X = np.matmul(I_minus_P_A, X)
I_minus_PA_times_X_norms = np.linalg.norm(I_minus_PA_times_X, axis=0)
new_c = SLOPE_prox(I_minus_PA_times_X_norms, lams)
c_step = np.linalg.norm(c - new_c)
#print(f"c step: {c_step}")
c = new_c
Delta = np.multiply(I_minus_PA_times_X, np.divide(c, I_minus_PA_times_X_norms))
if c_step < stop_tol and I_minus_P_A_step < stop_tol:
#print("Stopping tolerance reached")
#I_minus_P_A_old = I_minus_P_A.copy()
return Delta, P_A
runtimes = []
num_channels = 50
d = 1
delta = 1 #array spacing
lam = 4 #signal wavelength
theta = np.pi/4 #DOA
a = np.exp(2j*np.arange(0,num_channels)*np.pi*delta*np.sin(theta)/lam) #The a vector from the review paper
t = np.linspace(0,10,100000) #time
f = 300 #frequency
s = 1
in_phase = np.sin(2*np.pi*f*t)
quadrature = np.cos(2*np.pi*f*t)
eps_sigma = .5
eps = np.random.normal(0, eps_sigma, size=(a.shape[0], len(t))) + 1j*np.random.normal(0, eps_sigma, size=(a.shape[0], len(t))) #noise term
prop_perturbed = .33
r_support = np.random.choice([True, False], size=len(t), replace=True, p = [prop_perturbed, 1-prop_perturbed])
r_sigma = 1.0
r_vals = r_support*(np.random.normal(0, r_sigma, size=(a.shape[0], len(t))) + 1j*np.random.normal(0, r_sigma, size=(a.shape[0], len(t))))
x = a[:,np.newaxis]*s + r_vals + eps
T = 100000
q = .1
lams = generate_lambdas.lambda_mean(q, eps_sigma, T, 50, d)
start = time.time()
Delta, P_A = alternating_min(x[:50,:T], lams, d)
runtimes.append(time.time() - start)
#alpha = 0
cf_mat = confusion_matrix(r_support[:T], np.abs(Delta).sum(axis=0) > 1e-3, labels=[False, True])
df = pd.DataFrame(cf_mat, index=["No Interference", "Interference"], columns=['Guessed No Interference', 'Guessed Interference'])
Guessed No Interference Guessed Interference No Interference 64726 2326 Interference 0 32948
T = 100000
u, s, vh = np.linalg.svd(x[:,:T][:,np.abs(Delta).sum(axis=0) <= 1e-3], full_matrices=False)
#estimate of DOA
np.arcsin(lam*np.angle(u[1,0]/u[0,0])/(2*delta*np.pi))/np.pi # pi*this is estimate of DOA
num_channels = 50
d = 1
delta = 1 #array spacing
lam = 4 #signal wavelength
theta = np.pi/4 #DOA
a = np.exp(2j*np.arange(0,num_channels)*np.pi*delta*np.sin(theta)/lam) #The a vector from the review paper
t = np.linspace(0,10,100000) #time
f = 300 #frequency
s = 1
in_phase = np.sin(2*np.pi*f*t)
quadrature = np.cos(2*np.pi*f*t)
eps_sigma = .5
eps = np.random.normal(0, eps_sigma, size=(a.shape[0], len(t))) + 1j*np.random.normal(0, eps_sigma, size=(a.shape[0], len(t))) #noise term
prop_perturbed = .99
r_support = np.random.choice([True, False], size=len(t), replace=True, p = [prop_perturbed, 1-prop_perturbed])
r_sigma = .5
r_vals = r_support*(np.random.normal(0, r_sigma, size=(a.shape[0], len(t))) + 1j*np.random.normal(0, r_sigma, size=(a.shape[0], len(t))))
x = a[:,np.newaxis]*s + r_vals + eps
UR = np.array([])
UL = np.array([])
LR = np.array([])
LL = np.array([])
ps = np.linspace(.1, .9, 25)
for p in ps:
num_channels = 50
d = 1
delta = 1 #array spacing
lam = 4 #signal wavelength
theta = np.pi/4 #DOA
a = np.exp(2j*np.arange(0,num_channels)*np.pi*delta*np.sin(theta)/lam) #The a vector from the review paper
t = np.linspace(0,10,100000) #time
f = 300 #frequency
s = 1
in_phase = np.sin(2*np.pi*f*t)
quadrature = np.cos(2*np.pi*f*t)
eps_sigma = .5
eps = np.random.normal(0, eps_sigma, size=(a.shape[0], len(t))) + 1j*np.random.normal(0, eps_sigma, size=(a.shape[0], len(t))) #noise term
prop_perturbed = p
r_support = np.random.choice([True, False], size=len(t), replace=True, p = [prop_perturbed, 1-prop_perturbed])
r_sigma = 1.0
r_vals = r_support*(np.random.normal(0, r_sigma, size=(a.shape[0], len(t))) + 1j*np.random.normal(0, r_sigma, size=(a.shape[0], len(t))))
x = a[:,np.newaxis]*s + r_vals + eps
T = 100000
q = .1
lams = generate_lambdas.lambda_mean(q, eps_sigma, T, 50, d)
start = time.time()
Delta, P_A = alternating_min(x[:50,:T], lams, d)
runtimes.append(time.time() - start)
cf_mat = confusion_matrix(r_support[:T], np.abs(Delta).sum(axis=0) > 1e-3, labels=[False, True])
UL = np.append(UL,cf_mat[0,0])
UR = np.append(UR,cf_mat[0,1])
LL = np.append(LL,cf_mat[1,0])
LR = np.append(LR,cf_mat[1,1])
FNR = np.divide(LL,(LL+UL))
FPR = np.divide(UR,(UR+LR))
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 3))
plt.plot(ps, FPR, '--', label=r'FPR')
plt.plot(ps, FNR, label=r'FNR')
plt.title(r"False Positive and False Negative Rates for Varying $p$")
plt.savefig('varying_p_randintf.pdf', bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0)
UR = np.array([])
UL = np.array([])
LR = np.array([])
LL = np.array([])
sigma_rs= np.linspace(.5, 10, 25)
for sigma_r in sigma_rs:
num_channels = 50
d = 1
delta = 1 #array spacing
lam = 4 #signal wavelength
theta = np.pi/4 #DOA
a = np.exp(2j*np.arange(0,num_channels)*np.pi*delta*np.sin(theta)/lam) #The a vector from the review paper
t = np.linspace(0,10,100000) #time
f = 300 #frequency
s = 1
in_phase = np.sin(2*np.pi*f*t)
quadrature = np.cos(2*np.pi*f*t)
eps_sigma = .5
eps = np.random.normal(0, eps_sigma, size=(a.shape[0], len(t))) + 1j*np.random.normal(0, eps_sigma, size=(a.shape[0], len(t))) #noise term
prop_perturbed = .33
r_support = np.random.choice([True, False], size=len(t), replace=True, p = [prop_perturbed, 1-prop_perturbed])
r_sigma = sigma_r
r_vals = r_support*(np.random.normal(0, r_sigma, size=(a.shape[0], len(t))) + 1j*np.random.normal(0, r_sigma, size=(a.shape[0], len(t))))
x = a[:,np.newaxis]*s + r_vals + eps
T = 100000
q = .1
lams = generate_lambdas.lambda_mean(q, eps_sigma, T, 50, d)
start = time.time()
Delta, P_A = alternating_min(x[:50,:T], lams, d)
runtimes.append(time.time() - start)
cf_mat = confusion_matrix(r_support[:T], np.abs(Delta).sum(axis=0) > 1e-3, labels=[False, True])
UL = np.append(UL,cf_mat[0,0])
UR = np.append(UR,cf_mat[0,1])
LL = np.append(LL,cf_mat[1,0])
LR = np.append(LR,cf_mat[1,1])
FNR = np.divide(LL,(LL+UL))
FPR = np.divide(UR,(UR+LR))
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 3))
#multiply by sqrt(2) to convert from complex normal to normal variance
#See remark after Corollary 1 in the paper
plt.plot(np.sqrt(2)*sigma_rs, FPR, '--', label='FPR')
plt.plot(np.sqrt(2)*sigma_rs, FNR, label='FNR')
plt.title(r"False Positive and False Negative Rates for Varying $\sigma_{\delta}$")
plt.savefig('varying_sigma_delta_randintf.pdf', bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0)
T = 100000
u, s, vh = np.linalg.svd(x[:,:T][:,np.abs(Delta).sum(axis=0) <= 1e-3], full_matrices=False)
#estimate of DOA
np.arcsin(lam*np.angle(u[1,0]/u[0,0])/(2*delta*np.pi))/np.pi # pi*this is estimate of DOA
u, s, vh = np.linalg.svd(x[:,:T][:,np.abs(Delta[:,:T]).sum(axis=0) <= 1e-3], full_matrices=False)
#estimate of DOA
np.arcsin(lam*np.angle(u[1,0]/u[0,0])/(2*delta*np.pi))/np.pi # pi*this is estimate of DOA
def dir_ran_intf(num_channels, delta, lam, theta, s, eps_sigma,r_sigma, prob_perturbed, theta_r):
a = np.exp(2j*np.arange(0,num_channels)*np.pi*delta*np.sin(theta)/lam) #The a vector from the review paper
t = np.linspace(0,10,100000) #time
f = 300 #frequency
in_phase = np.sin(2*np.pi*f*t)
quadrature = np.cos(2*np.pi*f*t)
eps = np.random.normal(0, eps_sigma, size=(a.shape[0], len(t))) + 1j*np.random.normal(0, eps_sigma, size=(a.shape[0], len(t))) #noise term
a_r = np.exp(2j*np.arange(0,num_channels)*np.pi*delta*np.sin(theta_r)/lam) #The a vector from the review paper
r_support = np.random.choice([True, False], size=len(t), replace=True, p = [prob_perturbed, 1-prob_perturbed])
r_vals = r_support*np.abs(np.random.normal(0, r_sigma, size=(len(t))))
x = a[:,np.newaxis]*s + a_r[:,np.newaxis]*r_vals + eps
return x, r_support
#The actual experiment
num_channels = 50
d = 1
delta = 1 #array spacing
lam = 4 #signal wavelength
theta = np.pi/4 #DOA
eps_sigma = .5
prob_perturbed = .1
s = 1
T = 100000
q = .1
theta_r = np.pi/2
lams = generate_lambdas.lambda_mean(q, eps_sigma, T, 50, d)
r_sigma = 1
x, r_support = dir_ran_intf(num_channels, delta, lam, theta, s, eps_sigma,r_sigma, prob_perturbed, theta_r)
T = 100000
start = time.time()
Delta, P_A = alternating_min(x[:,:T], lams, d)
runtimes.append(time.time() - start)
cf_mat = confusion_matrix(r_support[:T], np.abs(Delta).sum(axis=0) > 1e-3, labels=[False, True])
df = pd.DataFrame(cf_mat, index=["No Interference", "Interference"], columns=['Guessed No Interference', 'Guessed Interference'])
#using all the data
T = 100000
u, s, vh = np.linalg.svd(x[:,:T], full_matrices=False)
#estimate of DOA
np.arcsin(lam*np.angle(u[1,0]/u[0,0])/(2*delta*np.pi))/np.pi # pi*this is estimate of DOA
#discarding samples identified as interference
T = 100000
u, s, vh = np.linalg.svd(x[:,:T][:,np.abs(Delta).sum(axis=0) <= 1e-3], full_matrices=False)
#estimate of DOA
np.arcsin(lam*np.angle(u[1,0]/u[0,0])/(2*delta*np.pi))/np.pi # pi*this is estimate of DOA
num_channels = 50
d = 1
delta = 1 #array spacing
lam = 4 #signal wavelength
theta = np.pi/4 #DOA
eps_sigma = .5
prob_perturbed = .1
s = 1
T = 100000
q = .1
theta_r = np.pi/2
lams = generate_lambdas.lambda_mean(q, eps_sigma, T, 50, d)
r_sigma = 1.0
x, r_support = dir_ran_intf(num_channels, delta, lam, theta, s, eps_sigma,r_sigma, prob_perturbed, theta_r)
start = time.time()
Delta, P_A = alternating_min(x[:,:T], lams, d)
runtimes.append(time.time() - start)
cf_mat = confusion_matrix(r_support[:T], np.abs(Delta).sum(axis=0) > 1e-3, labels=[False, True])
df = pd.DataFrame(cf_mat, index=["No Interference", "Interference"], columns=['Guessed No Interference', 'Guessed Interference'])
Guessed No Interference Guessed Interference No Interference 89349 729 Interference 3793 6129
T = 100000
u, s, vh = np.linalg.svd(x[:,:T][:,np.abs(Delta).sum(axis=0) <= 1e-3], full_matrices=False)
#estimate of DOA
np.arcsin(lam*np.angle(u[1,0]/u[0,0])/(2*delta*np.pi))/np.pi # pi*this is estimate of DOA
T = 100000
u, s, vh = np.linalg.svd(x[:,:T], full_matrices=False)
#estimate of DOA
np.arcsin(lam*np.angle(u[1,0]/u[0,0])/(2*delta*np.pi))/np.pi # pi*this is estimate of DOA
num_channels = 50
d = 1
delta = 1 #array spacing
lam = 4 #signal wavelength
theta = np.pi/4 #DOA
eps_sigma = .5
ps = np.linspace(.01, .5, 25)
s = 1
T = 100000
q = .1
theta_r = np.pi/2
lams = generate_lambdas.lambda_mean(q, eps_sigma, T, 50, d)
r_sigma = 1
UR = np.array([])
UL = np.array([])
LR = np.array([])
LL = np.array([])
for p in ps:
x, r_support = dir_ran_intf(num_channels, delta, lam, theta, s, eps_sigma,r_sigma, p, theta_r)
start = time.time()
Delta, P_A = alternating_min(x[:50,:T], lams, d)
runtimes.append(time.time() - start)
cf_mat = confusion_matrix(r_support[:T], np.abs(Delta).sum(axis=0) > 1e-3, labels=[False, True])
UL = np.append(UL,cf_mat[0,0])
UR = np.append(UR,cf_mat[0,1])
LL = np.append(LL,cf_mat[1,0])
LR = np.append(LR,cf_mat[1,1])
FNR = np.divide(LL,(LL+UL))
FPR = np.divide(UR,(UR+LR))
Prec = np.divide(UL,(UL+LL))
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 3))
plt.plot(ps, FPR, '--', label=r'FPR')
plt.plot(ps, FNR, label=r'FNR')
plt.title(r"False Positive and False Negative Rates for Varying $p$")
plt.savefig('varying_p_delta_randamp.pdf', bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0)
num_channels = 50
d = 1
delta = 1 #array spacing
lam = 4 #signal wavelength
theta = np.pi/4 #DOA
eps_sigma = .5
p = .1
s = 1
T = 100000
q = .1
theta_r = np.pi/2
lams = generate_lambdas.lambda_mean(q, eps_sigma, T, 50, d)
r_sigmas = np.linspace(.5, 4, 25)
UR = np.array([])
UL = np.array([])
LR = np.array([])
LL = np.array([])
for r_sigma in r_sigmas:
x, r_support = dir_ran_intf(num_channels, delta, lam, theta, s, eps_sigma,r_sigma, p, theta_r)
start = time.time()
Delta, P_A = alternating_min(x[:,:T], lams, d)
runtimes.append(time.time() - start)
cf_mat = confusion_matrix(r_support[:T], np.abs(Delta).sum(axis=0) > 1e-3, labels=[False, True])
UL = np.append(UL,cf_mat[0,0])
UR = np.append(UR,cf_mat[0,1])
LL = np.append(LL,cf_mat[1,0])
LR = np.append(LR,cf_mat[1,1])
FNR = np.divide(LL,(LL+UL))
FPR = np.divide(UR,(UR+LR))
Prec = np.divide(UL,(UL+LL))
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 3))
plt.plot(np.sqrt(2)*r_sigmas, FPR, '--', label='FPR')
plt.plot(np.sqrt(2)*r_sigmas, FNR, label='FNR')
plt.title(r"False Positive and False Negative Rates for Varying $\sigma_{\delta}$")
plt.savefig('varying_sigma_delta_randamp.pdf', bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0)
def dir_intf(num_channels, delta, lam, theta, s, eps_sigma, prob_perturbed, theta_r, int_s):
a = np.exp(2j*np.arange(0,num_channels)*np.pi*delta*np.sin(theta)/lam) #The a vector from the review paper
t = np.linspace(0,10,100000) #time
f = 300 #frequency
in_phase = np.sin(2*np.pi*f*t)
quadrature = np.cos(2*np.pi*f*t)
eps = np.random.normal(0, eps_sigma, size=(a.shape[0], len(t))) + 1j*np.random.normal(0, eps_sigma, size=(a.shape[0], len(t))) #noise term
a_r = np.exp(2j*np.arange(0,num_channels)*np.pi*delta*np.sin(theta_r)/lam) #The a vector from the review paper
r_support = np.random.choice([True, False], size=len(t), replace=True, p = [prob_perturbed, 1-prob_perturbed])
r_vals = r_support*int_s
x = a[:,np.newaxis]*s + a_r[:,np.newaxis]*r_vals + eps
return x, r_support
#the actual experiment
num_channels = 50
delta = 1 #array spacing
lam = 4 #signal wavelength
theta = np.pi/4 #DOA
eps_sigma = .5
ps = np.linspace(.01, .3, 25)
s = 1
T = 100000
int_s = 1
q = .1
theta_r = np.pi/2
lams = generate_lambdas.lambda_mean(q, eps_sigma, T, 50, d)
UR = np.array([])
UL = np.array([])
LR = np.array([])
LL = np.array([])
for p in ps:
x, r_support = dir_intf(num_channels, delta, lam, theta, s, eps_sigma, p, theta_r, int_s)
start = time.time()
Delta, P_A = alternating_min(x[:,:T], lams, d)
runtimes.append(time.time() - start)
cf_mat = confusion_matrix(r_support[:T], np.abs(Delta).sum(axis=0) > 1e-3, labels=[False, True])
UL = np.append(UL,cf_mat[0,0])
UR = np.append(UR,cf_mat[0,1])
LL = np.append(LL,cf_mat[1,0])
LR = np.append(LR,cf_mat[1,1])
FNR = np.divide(LL,(LL+UL))
FPR = np.divide(UR,(UR+LR))
Prec = np.divide(UL,(UL+LL))
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 3))
plt.plot(ps, FPR, '--', label=r'FPR')
plt.plot(ps, FNR, label=r'FNR')
plt.title(r"False Positive and False Negative Rates for Varying $p$")
plt.savefig('varying_p_dir_intf.pdf', bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0)
#the actual experiment
num_channels = 50
delta = 1 #array spacing
lam = 4 #signal wavelength
theta = np.pi/4 #DOA
eps_sigma = .5
p = .1
s = 1
T = 100000
int_S = np.linspace(.5, 2.0, 25)
q = .1
theta_r = np.pi/2
lams = generate_lambdas.lambda_mean(q, eps_sigma, T, 50, d)
UR = np.array([])
UL = np.array([])
LR = np.array([])
LL = np.array([])
for int_s in int_S:
x, r_support = dir_intf(num_channels, delta, lam, theta, s, eps_sigma, p, theta_r, int_s)
start = time.time()
Delta, P_A = alternating_min(x[:50,:T], lams, d)
runtimes.append(time.time() - start)
cf_mat = confusion_matrix(r_support[:T], np.abs(Delta).sum(axis=0) > 1e-3, labels=[False, True])
UL = np.append(UL,cf_mat[0,0])
UR = np.append(UR,cf_mat[0,1])
LL = np.append(LL,cf_mat[1,0])
LR = np.append(LR,cf_mat[1,1])
FNR = np.divide(LL,(LL+UL))
FPR = np.divide(UR,(UR+LR))
Prec = np.divide(UL,(UL+LL))
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 3))
plt.plot(np.sqrt(2)*r_sigmas, FPR, '--', label='FPR')
plt.plot(np.sqrt(2)*r_sigmas, FNR, label='FNR')
plt.title(r"False Positive and False Negative Rates for Varying $\sigma_{\delta}$")
plt.savefig('varying_sigma_delta_dir_intf.pdf', bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0)
#the actual experiment
num_channels = 50
delta = 1 #array spacing
lam = 4 #signal wavelength
theta = np.pi/4 #DOA
eps_sigma = .5
prob_perturbed = .1
s = 1
T = 100000
int_s = 1
q = .1
theta_r = np.pi/2
lams = generate_lambdas.lambda_mean(q, eps_sigma, T, 50, d)
x, r_support = dir_intf(num_channels, delta, lam, theta, s, eps_sigma, prob_perturbed, theta_r, int_s)
T = 100000
start = time.time()
Delta, P_A = alternating_min(x[:,:T], lams, d)
runtimes.append(time.time() - start)
cf_mat = confusion_matrix(r_support[:T], np.abs(Delta).sum(axis=0) > 1e-3, labels=[False, True])
df = pd.DataFrame(cf_mat, index=["No Interference", "Interference"], columns=['Guessed No Interference', 'Guessed Interference'])
Guessed No Interference Guessed Interference No Interference 88768 1310 Interference 0 9922
T = 100000
u, s, vh = np.linalg.svd(x[:,:T], full_matrices=False)
#estimate of DOA
np.arcsin(lam*np.angle(u[1,0]/u[0,0])/(2*delta*np.pi))/np.pi # pi*this is estimate of DOA
T = 100000
u, s, vh = np.linalg.svd(x[:,:T][:,np.abs(Delta).sum(axis=0) <= 1e-3], full_matrices=False)
#estimate of DOA
np.arcsin(lam*np.angle(u[1,0]/u[0,0])/(2*delta*np.pi))/np.pi # pi*this is estimate of DOA
plt.title(r"Histogram of run times")
plt.xlabel(r'Run time (s)')
plt.savefig('runtimes.pdf', bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0)