Ph.D. Students:
2019—2022: Aaron Geary, c-Differentials and Generalized Cryptographic Properties of Vectorial Boolean and p-ary Functions.
2013-2017: Thor Martinsen, Correlation immunity, avalanche features, and other cryptographic properties of generalized Boolean functions.
2010-2013: Jong Chung, Affine equivalence and constructions of cryptographically strong Boolean functions.
Master's Students:
26. Scott Adams, Investigating maximum bit extraction of the Blum-Micali pseudorandom number generator.
25. Daniel K. Gillespie, Divide and conquer modification of the
Blum-Micali pseudorandom number generator.
24. Devon Zilmer, A statistical
analysis of some standard cipher’s cryptographic primitives.
23. Andrew Cammack, Non-linear pseudorandom bit generation
by combining Blum-Blum-Shun and Linear Feedback Shift Register sequences.
22. Zachary Klein, Structural properties of I-graphs: their
independence numbers and Cayley graphs.
21. Matthew Dods, Independence number of specified
20. Michael Troncoso, A cryptographic analysis of Bluetooth’s
huma-machine authenticated key exchange protocols.
19. Oliver DiNallo, Generalized Boolean
functions as combiners.
18. David Justamante, Randomness from
Space: Using NPSFS as a TRNG.
17. Nicholas J. Sharpe, Applications of probabilistic combiners on
linear feedback shift registers sequences.
16. Thomas Knuth, Nonquadratic variation of the Blum-Blum-Shub pseudorandom number generator.
15. Bijesh Shrestha, Multiprime Blum-Blum-Shub
pseudorandom number generator (co-adviser Thor Martinsen).
14. Bing Yong Lim, Secret sharing schemes and Advanced Encryption Standard.
14. Mat Fukuzawa, The spectra of DES S-boxes
13. Ola Larrson, Pseudorandom number generators for mobile devices: an examination and attempt to improve randomness.
12. Eric McKay, Algebraic Immunity of Boolean functions (co-advised with J.T. Butler).
11. Chris Johnson, Circular Pipeline Computer Architecture and Its Cryptographic Applications
(co-advised with J.T. Butler).
10. Tom O'Doud, Discovery of bent functions
using the Walsh transform (co-advised with J.T. Butler).
9. Carole Etherington, An analysis of
cryptographically significant Boolean functions with high correlation immunity
by reconfigurable computer (co-advised with J.T. Butler).
8. Alexopoulos Argyrios,
Fast generation and covering radius of Reed-Muller codes (co-advised
with J.T. Butler).
7. Jennifer Shafer, An analysis of bent functions properties using the
transeunt triangle and the SRC-6 reconfigurable computer (co-advised with
J.T. Butler).
6. Neil B. Schafer, Characteristics of the Binary Decision Diagrams of Bent Functions
(co-advised with J.T. Butler).
5. Stuart W. Schneider, Finding bent functions using genetic
algorithms (co-advised with J.T. Butler).
4. Petrakos Nikolaos, Cube-Type Algebraic Attacks on Wireless Encryption Protocols
(co-advised with G. Dinolt and B. Michael).
3. Aaron C. Geary, Analysis of a Man-in-the-Middle Attack on the Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange Protocol.
2. Spyros Pollatos, Solving the maximum clique problem on a class
of network graphs with application to social networks (2nd reader)
1. Carlos Fernandez: Pascal Polynomials over GF(2)
(co-advised with Hal Fredricksen)