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A8. Proc. Progress in Cryptology – Indocrypt 2024 (S. Mukhopdhyay, P. Stanica, eds.), 2024, Springer LNCS,, (two parts).


A7. Proc. 3rd International Conference on Security & Privacy (ICSP 2021) (P. Stanica, S. Mesnager, S. K. Debnath, eds.), 2024, Springer CCIS.


A6. Proc. 2nd International Conference on Security & Privacy (ICSP 2021) (P. Stanica, S. Mesnager, S. K. Debnath, eds.), 2021, Springer CCIS 1497:


A5. Proc. 1st International Conference on Security & Privacy (ICSP 2020) (P. Stanica, S. Gangopadhyay, S. K. Debnath, eds.), 2021, Springer LNEE 744:

A4. Book: Cryptographic Boolean Functions and Applications 2nd Ed. (with T.W. Cusick), Academic Press - Elsevier, March 2017.
(see the publisher site:, but you can find it on Amazon, or elsewhere)

A3. Book: Cryptographic Boolean Functions and Applications 1st Ed. (with T.W. Cusick), Academic Press - Elsevier, March 2009. (see the publisher site:, but you can find it on Amazon, or elsewhere)

A2. Proc. 14th International Conference on Fibonacci Numbers (eds. F. Luca, P. Stanica), Aportaciones Matematicas, Investigacion 20, Sociedad Matematica Mexicana, 2011.

A1. Proc. 13th International Conference on Fibonacci Numbers (eds. F. Luca, P. Stanica), Utilitas Mathematica, Congressus Numerantium Vol. 201, January 2010.

Research Papers Submitted/In Progress

D. Bartoli, M. Pal, P. Stanica, T. Toccotelli, A proof of a conjecture on trivariate permutations, manuscript.
D. Bartoli, M. Pal, P. Stanica, A proof of a conjecture on permutation polynomials, manuscript.
R. Radheshwar, D. Roy, P. Stanica, Multipath PA-PUFs generate all Boolean functions, manuscript.
C. Li, C. Riera, P. Sarkar, P. Stanica, On the Codebook Design for NOMA Schemes from Bent Functions, manuscript.
S. Andreoli, E. Piccione, L. Budaghyan, P. Stanica, S. Nikova, On Decompositions of Permutations in Quadratic Functions, manuscript.
C. Riera, P. Stanica, H. Yan, The c-differential spectrum of x-> x
^((p^n+1)/2) in finite fields of odd characteristics, manuscript.

Published refereed research papers (be aware that these are mostly my copies: for a full article, check the journal version)




209. S. Ul Hasan, K. Garg, P. Stanica, The differential properties of certain permutation polynomials over finite fields, International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science, 2025.
208. S. Ul Hasan, K. Garg, C. Riera, P. Stanica,
The revised boomerang connectivity tables and their connection to the difference distribution table, Designs, Codes & Cryptography, 2025.
207. S. Ul Hasan, K. Garg, C. Riera, P. Stanica,
The second-order zero differential spectra of some functions over finite fields, Cryptography & Communications – CCDS, 2025.

206. S. Ul Hasan, K. Garg, C. Riera, P. Stanica, The second-order zero differential spectra of some APN and other maps over finite fields, Journal of Algebra and its Applications, 2025.
M. Pal, P. Stanica, A connection between the boomerang uniformity and the extended differential in odd characteristic and applications, Advances in Mathematics of Communications, 2025.

204. S. Maitra, C.-S. Mukherjee, P. Stanica, D. Tang, Interplay between Resiliency and Polynomial Degree - Recursive Amplification, Higher Order Sensitivity and Beyond, Discrete Applied Mathematics 365 (2025),  138-159.

203. A. Roy, D. Roy, P. Stanica, On combining Arbiter PUFs, Cryptography & Communications – CCDS, 2025.


F. Luca, S. Sarkar, P. Stanica, Representing the inverse map as a composition of quadratics in a finite field of characteristic 2, Cryptography & Communications – CCDS,
Y. Wu
, P. Stanica, C. Li, X. Xeng, Bivariate functions with low c-differential uniformity, Finite Fields & Applications 96 (2024), Art. 102422.
201. C. Li, C. Riera, P. Stanica and P. Sarkar, On the codebook design for NOMA schemes from bent functions, Extended Abstract, Boolean Functions and Their Applications 2024, Paper #2.
200. D. Bartoli, M. Pal and P. Stanica, A conjecture on permutation trinomials, Extended Abstract, Boolean Functions and Their Applications 2024, Paper #1.
199. D. Bartoli, M. Pal and P. Stanica, A Conjecture on Trivariate Permutations, Extended Abstract, Sequences and Their Applications SETA 2024, Paper #40.
A.M. Stanica, G. Stanica, P. Stanica, Closed forms of rationally weighted binomial sums via calculus methods, Fibonacci Quarterly 62:1, 45-56 (2024).
K. Garg, S. Ul Hasan, P. Stanica, Boomerang uniformity of some classes of functions, Discrete Applied Mathematics 343, 166-179 (2024).

196. F. Luca, P. Stanica, Asymptotics on a class of S-unit integers, Periodica Mathematica Hungarica 88, 266-272 (2024).
195. N. Anbar, T. Kalayci, W. Meidl, C. Riera, P. Stanica, PpN functions, complete mappings and quasigroup difference sets, J. Combinatorial Designs,


194. A.K. Gangopadhyay, V. Kumar, P. Stanica, S. Gangopadhyay, Stability of cryptographic Boolean functions, J. Applied Mathematics and Computing 69, 3337–3357 (2023).
N. Kaleyski, K. Nesheim, P. Stanica, An infinite family of o-APN monomials with two parameters, Cryptography & Communications - CCDS 15, 1139–1169 (2023).
K. Garg, S. Ul Hasan, C. Riera, P. Stanica, The second-order zero differential spectra of power maps, Extended Abstract, Boolean Functions & Applic. (BFA), 2022, Paper #8.
. F. Luca, S. Sarkar, P. Stanica, A new method to represent the inverse map as a composition of quadratics in a binary finite field, Extended Abstract, Boolean Functions & Applic. (BFA), 2022, Paper #2.
S. Maitra, P. Stanica, An Overview and Concerns Related to Quantum Cryptanalysis – Past, Present & Future, IEEE Computer 56:10 (2023), invited column article, 86-92.
189. V. Srivastava, S. K. Debnath, P. Stanica, S. Pal, A Multivariate Identity-Based Broadcast Encryption with Applications to the Internet of Things, Advances in Math Communications 17:6 (2023), 1302-1313.
188. C. Riera, M. Parker, P. Stanica, Quantum states associated to mixed graphs and their algebraic characterization, Advances in Math Communications
17:3 (2023), 660-680.
187.  P. Stanica, Using double Weil sums in finding the c-Boomerang Connectivity Table for monomial functions on finite fields, Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing 34 (2023), 581-602.
186. S. K. Debnath, T. Choudhury, P. Stanica, K. Dey, N. Kundu, Delegating Signing Rights in a Multivariate Proxy Signature Scheme, Advances in Math Communications 17:3 (2023), 681-696.


185. V. Kanth, T. Martinsen, P. Stanica, The Self-Shrinking Conflation Generator: A Proposed Improvement to the Self-Shrinking Generator, European J. Pure and Applied Math., 15:5 (2022), 1426-1443.
A. O. Gomez-Flores, L. A. Medina, P. Stanica, Recursions for modified Walsh transforms of some families of Boolean functions, Rocky Mountain J. Math. 52(4): 1355-1373.
K. Dey, S. K. Debnath, P. Stanica, A Post-Quantum Signcryption Scheme Using Isogeny Based Cryptography, Journal of Information Security and Applications 69 (2022), Art.103280.
S. Ul Hasan, M. Pal, P. Stanica, The binary Gold function and its c-boomerang connectivity table, Cryptography & Communications 14 (2022), 1211-1227.
181. C. Li, C. Riera, P. Stanica,  Dillon's switching method generalized to c-differentials, Extended Abstract, Boolean Functions & Applic. (BFA), 2022, Paper #1.
180. K. Garg, S. Ul Hasan, P. Stanica, Boomerang uniformity of some classes of functions, Extended Abstract, Boolean Functions & Applic. (BFA), 2022, Paper #8.
179. N. Kaleyski, K. Nesheim, P. Stanica, A doubly-infinite family of 0-APN monomials, Extended Abstract, Boolean Functions & Applic. (BFA), 2022, Paper #26.
A. Salagean, P. Stanica, Improving bounds on probabilistic affine tests to estimate the nonlinearity of Boolean functions, Cryptography & Communications - CCDS 14 (2022), 459-481.
D. Bartoli, M. Calderini, C. Riera, P. Stanica, Low c-differential uniformity for functions modified on subfields, Cryptography & Communications - CCDS 14 (2022), 1211–1227.
176. L. Budaghyan, N. Kaleyski, C. Riera, P. Stanica, On the behavior of some APN permutations under swapping points, Cryptography & Communications - CDS 14 (2022), 319-345.
P. Stanica, C-differential uniformity for functions constructed via the Maiorana-McFarland bent function, Workshop on Coding & Cryptography, WCC 2022, Paper #37.
174. S. Maitra, C.S. Mukherjee, P. Stanica, D. Tang, On Boolean Functions with Low Polynomial Degree and Higher Order Sensitivity, Workshop on Coding & Cryptography, WCC 2022, Paper #3.
S. Ul Hasan, M. Pal, P. Stanica, C-differential uniformity and boomerang connectivity table of two classes of permutation polynomials, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory. 68:1 (2022), 679-691.
P. Stanica, A. Geary, C. Riera, A. Tkachenko, C-differential bent functions and perfect nonlinearity, Discrete Applied Mathematics 307 (2022), 160-171.


171. P. Stanica, Low c-differential and c-boomerang uniformity of the swapped inverse function, Discrete Mathematics, 344:10 (2021), 112543.
170. A. Geary, M. Calderini, C. Riera, P. Stanica, Higher Order c-Differentials, In: Proc. International Conf. on Security and Privacy, Springer (ICSP 2021) (eds. P. Stanica, S. Mesnager, S.K. Debnath), Communications and Information Science 1497, Springer-Cham.
P. Stanica, C. Riera, A. Tkachenko, Characters, Weil sums and c-differential uniformity with an application to the perturbed Gold function, Cryptography & Communications - CCDS 13 (2021), 891-907.
S. Ul Hasan, M. Pal, P. Stanica, Boomerang uniformity of a class of power maps, Designs, Codes and Cryptography 89 (2021), 2627-2636.
P. Ellingsen, C. Riera, P. Stanica, A. Tkachenko, An extension of the avalanche criterion in the context of c-differentials, The 18th International Conference on Security and Cryptography (SECRYPT 2021), 460-467.
S. Mesnager, C. Riera, P. Stanica, H. Yan, Z. Zhou, Investigation on c-(almost) perfect nonlinear functions, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 67:10 (2021), 6916-6925.
P. Stanica, Investigations on c-Boomerang Uniformity and Perfect Nonlinearity, Discrete Applied Mathematics 304 (2021), 297-314.
P. Stanica, A Boolean functions view on the Golay-Rudin-Shapiro sequence, Journal of Combinatorics and Number Theory 11:3 (2021).
163. S. Ul Hasan, M. Pal, P. Stanica, The (generalized) boomerang uniformity of some classes of functions over finite fields, Boolean Functions & Applic. (BFA), 2021, Paper #3.
162. J. C. Arunagiri, V. S. Poonia, P. Stanica, S. Gangopadhyay, A quantum algorithm to verify the Strict Avalanche criterion in Boolean functions, Boolean Functions & Applic. (BFA), 2021, Paper #17.
161. D. Bartoli, M. Calderini, C. Riera, P. Stanica, Low c-differential uniformity for functions modified on subfields, Boolean Functions & Applic. (BFA), 2021, Paper #23.
S. Ul Hasan, M. Pal, C. Riera, P. Stanica, On the c-differential uniformity of certain maps over finite fields, Designs, Codes and Cryptography 89 (2021), 221-239.
P. Stanica, A. Geary, The c-differential behavior of the inverse function under EA-equivalence, Cryptography & Communications - CCDS 13 (2021), 295-306.
158. C. Riera, T. Roy, S. Sarkar, P. Stanica, A hybrid inversive congruential pseudorandom number generator with high period, European Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 14:1 (2021), 1-18.
157. P. Stanica, Low c-differential uniformity of the Gold function modified on a subfield, Proc. International Conf. on Security and Privacy, Springer (ICSP 2020), LNEE 744, Springer 2021, pp. 131-137.
156. N. Kundu, K. Dey, P. Stanica, S. K. Debnath, S. Pal, Post-Quantum Secure Identity Based Encryption from Multivariate Public Key Cryptography, Proc. International Conf. on Security and Privacy, Springer (ICSP 2020), LNEE 744, Springer 2021, pp. 139-149.
155. B. Mandal, S. Maitra, P. Stanica, On the existence and non-existence of some classes of bent-negabent functions, Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing, 2021.
154. S. Gangopadhyay, C. Riera, P. Stanica, Gowers U2 norm as a measure of nonlinearity for Boolean functions and their generalizations, Advances in Math. Communications 15:2 (2021), 241-256.
153.  S.K. Debnath, P. Stanica, N. Kundu, R. Dutta, Secure and efficient multiparty private set intersection cardinality, Advances in Math Communications 15:2 (2021), 365-386.


152. F. Luca, S. Mabaso, P. Stanica, On the prime factors of the iterates of the Ramanujan tau-function, Proc. Edinburgh Mathematical Society 63:4 (2020), 1031-1047.
 S.K. Debnath, P. Stanica, N. Kundu, A.K. Debnath, Post quantum protocol for computing set intersection cardinality with linear complexity, IET Information Security 14:6 (2020), 661-669.
S. Li, W. Meidl, A. Polujan, A. Pott., C. Riera, P. Stanica, Vanishing Flats: A Combinatorial Viewpoint on the Planarity of Functions and Their Applications, IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory 66:11 (2020), 7101-7112.
149. A. Salagean, P. Stanica, Estimating the nonlinearity of Boolean functions using probabilistic linearity tests, Sequences and Their Applications - SETA 2020, Art. 45.
148. L. Budaghyan, N. Kalyeski, C. Riera, P. Stanica, On the sensitivity of some permutation APN functions to swapping points, Sequences and Their Applications - SETA 2020, Art. 9.
C.A. Jothishwaran, S. Gangopadhyay, C. Riera, P. Stanica, A quantum algorithm, for the estimation of the Gowers U2 norm and linearity tests of Boolean functions, Quantum Information Processing 19:311 (2020).
146. M. Hopp, P. Ellingsen, C. Riera, P. Stanica, Thickness distribution of Boolean functions in 4 and 5 variables and a comparison with other cryptographic properties, Annales Mathematicae et Informaticae 52 (2020), 117-135.
L.A Medina, M.G. Parker, C. Riera, P. Stanica, Root-Hadamard transforms and complementary sequences, Cryptography & Communications - CCDS 12 (2020), 1035-1049.
144. L. Budaghyan, N.S. Kaleyski, C. Riera, P. Stanica, Partially APN functions with APN-like polynomial representations, Designs, Codes and Cryptography 88 (2020), 1159-1177.
P. Ellingsen, P. Felke, C. Riera, P. Stanica, A. Tkachenko, C-differentials, multiplicative uniformity, and (almost) perfect c-nonlinearity, IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory 66:9 (2020), 5781-5789.
C. Riera, P. Stanica, S. Gangopadhyay, Generalized bent Boolean functions and strongly regular graphs, Discrete Applied Mathematics 283:15 (2020), 367-374.
141. L. Budaghyan, N.S. Kaleyski, S. Kwon, C. Riera, P. StanicaPartially APN Boolean functions and classes of functions that are not APN infinitely oftenCryptography & Communications - CCDS 12 (2020), 527-545.
S. Maitra, B. Mandal, T. Martinsen, D. Roy, P. Stanica, Analysis on Boolean function in a restricted (biased) domain, IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory 66:2 (2020), 1219- 1231.


139. S. Mesnager, C. Riera, P. Stanica, Multiple characters transforms and generalized Boolean functions, Cryptography & Communications - CCDS 11:6 (2019), 1247-1260.
A.N. Siddhanti, S. Bodapati, A. Chattopadhyay, S. Maitra, D. Roy, P. Stanica, Analysis of the Strict Avalanche Criterion in variants of Arbiter-based Physically Unclonable Functions, Proc. Indocrypt 2019, Springer-Verlag, LNCS, pp. 555-577.
F. Luca, P. Stanica, Perfect squares as concatenation of consecutive integers, American Math. Monthly 126:8 (2019), 728-734.
P. Stanica, B. Mandal, S. Maitra, The connection between quadratic bent-negabent functions and the Kerdock code, Applic. Algebra in Eng., Communic. and Comp. 30:5 (2019), 387-401.
C. Riera, P. Stanica, Landscape Boolean functions, Advances in Math. Communications 13:4 (2019), 613-627.
Q. Wang, P. Stanica, A trigonometric sum sharp estimate and new bounds on the nonlinearity of some cryptographic Boolean functions, Designs, Codes, Crypt. 87:8 (2019), 1749-1763.
D. Bera, S. Maitra, D. Roy, P. Stanica, Limitations of the BLR testing in estimating nonlinearity, Workshop on Cryptography & Coding, Rennes, France 2019.
S. Gangopadhyay, C. Riera, P. Stanica, Gowers U2 norm of Boolean functions and their generalizations, Workshop on Cryptography & Coding, Rennes, France 2019.
Q. Wang, P. Stanica, Transparency order for Boolean functions: analysis and construction, Designs, Codes and Cryptography 87:9 (2019), 2043-2059.
130. Q. Wang, P. Stanica, A new upper bound for the covering radius of the second order Reed-Muller code of length 128, Cryptography and Communications, 11:2 (2019), 269-277.
129. L. Budaghyan, 
P. Stanica, What is... a cryptographic Boolean function? (invited paper), Notices of American Math. Society 66:1 (2019), 60-63.
128. B. Mandal, P. Stanica, S. Gangopadhyay, New classes of p-ary bent functions,  Cryptography and Communications 11 (2019), 77-92.


127. S. Maitra, B. Mandal, T. Martinsen, D. Roy, P. Stanica, Tools in analyzing linear approximations of Boolean functions related to FLIP, Proc. Indocrypt 2018, Springer-Verlag, LNCS 11356, 283-303.
L. Budaghyan, N.S. Kaleyski, S. Kwon, C. Riera, P. StanicaPartially APN Boolean functions, Proc. of Sequences and Their Applications (SETA 2018), Hong Kong, 2018.
P. Stanica, T. Sasao, J.T. Butler, Distance duality on some classes of Boolean functions,   J. Combin. Math. and Combin. Computing 107 (2018), 181-198.
S. Gangopadhyay, B. Mandal, P. Stanica, Gowers U3 norm of Maiorana-McFarland bent Boolean functions, Designs, Codes & Cryptography 86:5 (2018), 1131-1148.
T. Martinsen, W. Meidl, A. Pott, P. Stanica, On symmetry and differential properties of generalized Boolean functions, Proc. WAIFI: Arithmetic of Finite Fields, 2018; (won the best paper award)
F.N. Castro, L.A. Medina, P. Stanica, Generalized Walsh transforms of symmetric and rotation symmetric Boolean functions are linear recurrent,  Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing 29:5 (2018), 433-453.
C. Riera, P. Sole, P. Stanica, A complete characterization of plateaued Boolean functions in terms of their Cayley graphs, Proc. Africacrypt (Marrakesh-Morroco), LNCS, Springer-Verlag LNCS 10831, 2018, pp. 3-10.
S. Gangopadhyay, G. Paul, A.K. Saini, N. Sinha, P. Stanica, Generalized nonlinearity of S-boxes, Advances on Mathematics of Communications 121:1 (2018), 115-122.


119. T. Martinsen, W. Meidl, S. Mesnager, P. Stanica, Decomposing generalized bent and hyperbent functions, IEEE Trans. Information Theory 63:12 (2017), 7804-7812.
118. T. Martinsen, W. Meidl, P. Stanica, Partial spread and vectorial generalized bent functions, Designs, Codes & Cryptography 85:1 (2017), 1-13.
E.J. Ionascu, T. Martinsen, P. Stanica, Bisecting binomial coefficients, Discrete Applied Math 227 (2017), 70-83.
116. G. N. Stanica, P. Stanica, Recurrences for entries of powers of matrices, Fibonacci Quarterly 55:5 (2017) (Proc. Intern. Conf. Fib. Numbers and Applications 2016), 166-173.
T. Martinsen, W. Meidl, P. Stanica, Generalized bent functions and their Gray images, Proc. of WAIFI 2016: Arithmetic of Finite Fields, LNCS 10064 (2017), 160-173.
S. Gangopadhyay, S. Maitra, N. Sinha, P. Stanica, Quantum Algorithms related to HN-Transforms of Boolean Functions, Proc. C2SI-Carlet 2017: Codes, Cryptology and Information Security, LNCS 10194, 2017, pp. 314-327.  
F. Luca, P. Stanica, Monotonic phinomial coefficients, Bulletin Australian Math Soc. 95 (2017), 365-372.
B. Mandal, S. Gangopadhyay, P. Stanica, Cubic Maiorana-McFarland bent functions with no affine derivatives, International J. Computer Mathematics 2(1), 1-14.
S. Gangopadhyay, A. Gangopadhyay, S. Pollatos, P. Stanica, Biased cryptographic Boolean functions, Cryptography and Communications (Discrete Structures, Boolean Functions and Sequences) 9:2 (2017), 301-314.
S. Gangopadhyay, E. Pasalic, P. Stanica, S. Datta, A note on non-splitting Z-functions, Information Processing Letters 121 (2017), 1-5.
F. Luca, P. Stanica, Counting permutation equivalent degree six binary polynomials invariant under the cyclic group, Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing 28 (2017), 1-10.


108. P. Stanica, S. Gangopadhyay, E. Pasalic, B. Mandal, An analysis of the C class of bent functions, Fundamenta Informaticae 146 (2016), 1-22.
C. Etherington, M. Anderson, E. Bach, J. Butler, P. Stanica, A parallel approach in computing correlation immunity in six variables, International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science 27:4 (2016), 511-528.
P. Stanica, Weak and strong 2^k-bent functions, IEEE Trans. Information Theory 62:5 (2016), 2827-2835.
105. F. Luca, P. Stanica, On Fibonacci numbers which are elliptic Carmichael, Periodica Mathematica Hungarica 72:2 (2016), 171-179.
104. Yu. Bilu, T. Komatsu, F. Luca, A. Pizarro-Madariaga, P. Stanica, On a divisibility relation for Lucas sequences, J. Number Theory 163 (2016), 1-18.
103. S. Gangopadhyay, P. Stanica, Fourier Entropy-Influence Conjecture for Cryptographic Boolean Functions, Special issue on "Advances in Cryptology and Information Security" in Transactions on Advanced Research, Vol. 12:2, (2016), 8-14.
102. C. Carlet, D. Joyner, P. Stanica, D. Tang, Cryptographic properties of monotone Boolean functions, Journal of Mathematical Cryptology 10:1 (2016), 1-14.
F. Zhang, S. Xia, P. Stanica,  Y. Zhou, Further results on constructions of generalized bent Boolean functionsInform. Sciences - China. 59 (2016), 1-3.
T.W. Cusick, P. Stanica, Counting equivalence classes for monomial rotation symmetric Boolean functions with prime dimensionCryptography and Communications (Discrete Structures, Boolean Functions and Sequences) 8:1 (2016), 67-81.


99. D. Canright, J.H. Chung, P. Stanica, Circulant matrices and affine equivalence of monomial rotation symmetric Boolean functions, Discrete Mathematics Journal 338:12 (2015), 2197-2211.
C. Martinsen, P. Stanica, Asymptotic behavior of gaps between roots of weighted factorials, Fibonacci Quarterly 53:3 (2015), 213-218.
P. Stanica,
Affine Equivalence of Quartic Monomial Rotation Symmetric Boolean Functions in Prime Power Dimension, Information Sciences 314 (2015), 212-224.
96. F. Luca, P. Stanica, On Fibonacci numbers which are elliptic Korselt numbers, Proc. International Conf. Fibonacci Numbers and Applications, 2014.
P. Stanica, Normic continued fractions in totally and tamely ramified extensions of local fields, Proc. International Conf. Fibonacci Numbers and Applications, 2014.
F. Luca, P. Stanica, On numbers of the form p+2^n-n, J. Combinatorics and Number Theory 6:3 (2015), 157-162.
W. Banks, C. Finch, F. Luca, C. Pomerance, P. Stanica, Sierpinski and Carmichael Numbers, Transactions of AMS. 367 (2015), 355-376.
92. J.H. Chung, P. Stanica, C.H. Tan, Q. Wang, A construction of Boolean functions with good cryptographic propertiesInternational J. Computer Mathematics (2015), 700-711.


91.  F. Luca, P. Stanica, Equations with arithmetic functions of Pell numbers,Bull. Math Soc. Math. Roumanie Tome 57(105), No. 4 (2014), 409-413.
Q. Wang, C. Carlet, P. Stanica, C.-H. Tang, Cryptographic Properties of the Hidden Weighted Bit Function, Discrete Applied Mathematics 174 (2014), 1-10.
Q. Wang, C.-H. Tan, P. Stanica, Concatenations of the hidden weighted bit function and their cryptographic properties, Advances in Math. Communications 8:2 (2014), 153-165.
P. Pace, P. Stanica, B. Luke, T. Tedesso, Extended Closed-form Expressions for the Robust Symmetrical Number System Dynamic Range and An Efficient Algorithm for its Computation, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 60:3 (2014), 1-11.
87. F. Luca, P. Stanica, On the first digits of the Fibonacci numbers and their Euler functionUniform Distribution Theory Journal  9:1 (2014), 21-25.
86. M. E. McCay, J. T. Butler, and P. Stanica, Using a reconfigurable computer to compute algebraic immunity, in B. Steinbach (Editor): Recent Progress in the Boolean Domain, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, 2014, Section 3.3, pp. 170-185 (extended version of IWSBP 2012 manuscript).


F. Luca, P. Stanica, The Euler function of Fibonacci and Lucas  numbers and factorialsAnnales Univ. Sci. Budapest., Sect. Comp  41 (2013), 119-124.
F. Luca, P. Stanica, A. Yalciner, When do Fibonacci invertible classes modulo M form a subgroup?, Annales Mathematicae et Informaticae 41 (2013), 254-270 (Proc. 15th International Conference on Fibonacci Numbers and Their Applications).
P. Stanica, T. Martinsen, S. Gangopadhyay, B. Kumar Singh, Bent and Generalized Bent Boolean Functions, Designs, Codes and Cryptography 69:1 (2013), 77-94.
S. Gangopadhyay, E. Pasalic, P. Stanica, A note on generalized bent criteria for Boolean functions, IEEE Trans. Information Theory  59:5 (2013), 3233-3233.
F. Luca, P. Stanica, On some conjectures on the monotonicity of some arithmetical sequences, J. Combinatorics and Number Theory 4:2 (2013), 39-47.
80. E. Kilic, P. Stanica, General approach on sums of products of binary sequences, Hacettepe J. Math. Stat. 42:1 (2013), 1-7.
P. Stanica, S. Sarkar, S.G. Gupta, S. Maitra, N. Kar, Counting Heron triangles with constraints, Integers 13 (2013), #A3.
E. Kilic, P. Stanica, The inverse of banded matrices, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 237 (2013), 126-135.


  M.E. McCay, J.T. Butler, P. Stanica, Computing Algebraic Immunity by Reconfigurable Computer, Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Boolean Problems, Freiberg, Germany, Sept. 2012, 225-232.
P. Stanica, S. Gangopadhyay, A. Chaturvedi, A.K. Gangopadhyay, S. Maitra, Investigations on bent and negabent functions via the nega-Hadamard transform, IEEE Transactions Inform. Theory 58:6 (2012), 4064-4072.
F. Luca, P. Stanica, On the Euler function of the Catalan numbers, J. Number Theory
132 (2012), 1404-424.
J. Fox, R. Gera, P. Stanica, The Independence Number for the Generalized Petersen Graphs, Ars Combinatoria 103 (2012), 439-451.


E. Kilic, P. Stanica,  Generating matrices of C-nomial coefficients and their spectra, Proc. International Conf. Fibonacci Numbers & Applic. (F. Luca, P. Stanica, Eds.Aportaciones Matematicas, Sociedad Matematica Mexicana, 2011, 91-96.
T.W. Cusick, P. Stanica, Nonoverlap property of the Thue-Morse sequence, Proc. International Conf. Fibonacci Numbers & Applic(F. Luca, P. Stanica, Eds.)
Aportaciones Matematicas, Soc. Matematica Mexicana, 2011, 139-154.
E. Kilic, P. Stanica, Factorizations and representations of binary polynomial recurrences by matrix methods,
Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 41:4 (2011), 1247-1264.
D. Canright, S. Gangopadhyay, S. Maitra, P. Stanica, Laced Boolean functions and subset sum problems in finite fields, Discrete Applied Mathematics 159 (2011), 1059-069.
C. Chun, P. Stanica, B. Neta, Recurrence relations for a third-order family of methods in Banach Spaces, Computers & Mathematics with Applications 61 (2011), 1665-675.
T.W. Cusick, Y. Li, P. Stanica, On a Combinatorial Conjecture, Integers 11 (2011), 185-203; also, Electronic J. Combinatorial Number Theory 11 (2011), Art.#17, 17pp. 
E. Kilic, P. Stanica, A matrix approach for general higher order linear recurrences, Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society  34:1 (2011), 51-67.
R. Gera, P. Stanica,The Spectrum of the Generalized Petersen Graphs, Australasian Journal of Combinatorics 49 (2011), 39-45.


E. Kilic, P. Stanica, The Lehmer matrix and its recursive analogue, J. of Combinat. Math. and Combinat.Computing 74 (2010), 193-205.
P. Stanica, A. Chaturvedi, A. Gangopadhyay, S. Gangopadhyay, S. Maitra, Nega-Hadamard transform, bent and negabent functions, SETA 2010 (C. Carlet and A. Pott, Eds.) , LNCS 6338, pp. 359-372, 2010.
J.L. Shafer, S.W. Schneider, J.T. Butler, P. Stanica, Enumeration of Bent Boolean Functions by Reconfigurable Computer, The 18th Annual International IEEE Symposium on Field-Programmable Custom Computing Machines (FCCM-2010), 265-272.
62. F. Luca, P. Stanica, A. Togbe, On a Diophantine equation of Stroeker, Bulletin of Belgian Math Society  17 (2010), 1-8.
F. Luca, D. Marques, P. Stanica, On the spacings between C-nomial coefficientsJ. Number Theory 130:1 (2010), 82-100. (here is a revised proof of Lemma 1, fixing a propagated typo).
E. Kilic, G.N. Stanica, P. Stanica, Spectral Properties of Some Combinatorial Matrices,
Congressus Numerantium Vol. 201, Proc. International Conf. Fibonacci Numbers & Appl.,  (F. Luca, P. Stanica, eds.) (2010), 223-236.
.  F. Luca, P. Stanica, Aliquots sums of Fibonacci numbers, Congressus Numerantium Vol.200, Proc. International Conf. Fibonacci Numbers & Applic.,  (W. Webb, ed.) (2010), 153-160.


58. E. Kilic, P. Stanica, Factorizations and representations of second order linear recurrences with indices in arithmetic progressions, Bulletin Mex. Math. Soc. 15 (2009), 23-36.
57. T.W. Cusick, Yuan Li,  P. Stanica, On a conjecture of balanced symmetric Boolean functions, J. Mathematical Cryptology 3:4 (2009), 273-290.
56. T.W. Cusick, P. Stanica, Sums of the Thue-Morse sequence over arithmetic progressions, Advances and Applications in Discrete Mathematics 4:2 (2009), 127-135.
55. F. Luca, P. Stanica, On Machin’s formula with powers of the golden section, International Journal of Number Theory 5:6 (2009), pp. 973-979.
N. Petrakos, G. Dinolt, B. Michael, P. Stanica,
Cube-Type Algebraic Attacks on Wireless Encryption Protocols, Computer 42:10 (2009), 103-105.
53. F. Luca, P. Stanica, Fibonacci numbers of the form  p^a+-p^b,
Congressus Numerantium, Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Fibonacci Numbers and their Applications, (William Webb, ed.), Vol 194, pp. 177-183,  2009.
C. Dartyge, F. Luca, P. Stanica, On digit sums of multiples of an integer, J. Number Theory 129:11 (2009), 2820-2830.
51. S. Konyagin, F. Luca, P. Stanica, Sums of divisors of Fibonacci numbers, Uniform Distribution Theory 4  (2009), No. 1, 1-8.
 S. Maitra, Y. V. Subba Rao, P. Stanica, S. Gangopadhyay, Nontrivial solutions to the cubic sieve congruence problem x^3=y^2 z (mod p), Special Issue on Applied Cryptography & Data Security in Journal of "Computacion y Sistemas" 12:3 (2009) (eds. F. Rodrıguez-Henrıquez, D. Chakraborty), 253-266.
49. E. Kilic, P. Stanica, Generating matrices for weighted sums of a second order linear recurrence, Journal of Integer Sequences 12 (2009), Article 09.2.7.


48. P. Stanica, On the nonexistence of bent rotation symmetric Boolean functions of degree greater than two , Proceedings of NATO Advanced Studies Institute (Boolean Functions in Cryptology and Information Security - Nato Science for Peace and Security), Ed. O.A. Logachev (2008), 214-218.
47. S. Maitra, P. Stanica, Rotation-Symmetric Functions – Count and Cryptographic Properties, Discrete Applied Mathematics
156:10 (2008), 1567-1580.
46. H. Fredricksen, E.J. Ionascu, F. Luca, P. Stanica, Minimal Niven Numbers, Acta Arithmetica, 132 (2008), 135-159.
45. T.W. Cusick, Yuan Li, P. Stanica, Balanced Symmetric Functions over GF(p), IEEE Transactions on Inform. Theory 54:3 (2008), 1304-1307. 
M. Filaseta, F. Luca, P. Stanica, R. Underwood, Galois Groups of Polynomials Arising from Circulant Matrices, J. Number Theory 128:1 (2008), 59-70.


43. H. Fredricksen, E. Ionascu, F. Luca, P. Stanica, Remarks on a sequence of minimal Niven numbers, S.W. Golomb et al. (Eds.): SEQUENCES 2007, Springer-Verlag LNCS 4893, 162–168, 2007.
T.W. Cusick, H. Fredricksen, P. Stanica, On the delta sequence of the Thue-Morse sequence, Australasian Journal of Combinatorics 39 (2007), 293-300.
C. Frenzen, E. Ionascu, P. Stanica, A proof of two conjectures related to the Erdos-Debrunner inequalityJ. Inequal. Pure and Appl. Math. 8 (3) (2007),  13 pp.
F. Luca, P. Stanica, Linear Equations with Euler Totient Functions, Acta Arithmetica 128:2 (2007), 135-147.
M. Filaseta, F. Luca, P. Stanica, R. Underwood, Two Diophantine Approaches to the Irreducibility of Certain TrinomialsActa Arithmetica 128:2 (2007), 149-156.
E. Ionascu, F. Luca, P. Stanica, Heron triangles with two fixed sides, J. Number Theory 126 (2007), 52-68.
37.  P. Stanica, Graph eigenvalues and Walsh spectrum of Boolean functions, Proceedings of the 'Integers Conference 2005' in Celebration of the 70th Birthday of Ronald Graham, (Carrollton, Georgia, October 27-30, 2005),
Walter de Gruyter, 431-442; also appeared in Integers-Journal of Combinatorial Number Theory 7(2), Art.32.
E.J. Ionascu, P. Stanica, Extreme values for the area of rectangles with vertices on concentrical circles, Elemente der Mathematik 62:1 (2007), 30-39.


 R. Gera, S. Horton, C. Rasmussen, P. Stanica, Results on the min-sum vertex cover problem, Congr. Numer. 178 (2006), 161-172.
F. Luca, P. Stanica, F_1 F_2 F_3 F_4 F_5 F_6 F_8 F_10 F_12=11!, Portugaliae Mathematica 63 (2006), no. 3, 251-260.


33. F. Luca, P. Stanica, On a conjecture of Ma, Results der Mathematik 48 (2005), no. 1-2, 109-123 (corrected version available here).
T. Foguel, P. Stanica, Almost Hamiltonian Groups, Results der Mathematik 48 (2005), no. 1-2, 44-49.
F. Luca, P. Stanica, Prime divisors of Lucas sequences and a conjecture of Skalba, International Journal of Number Theory 1:4 (2005) 583-591.
30. W. Banks, F. Luca, F. Saidak, P. Stanica, Compositions with the Euler and Carmichael Functions, Abhandlungen aus dem Math. Seminar der Universität Hamburg 75(2005), 215–243.
29. P. Stanica, Cholesky factorizations of matrices associated with r-order recurrent sequences, Integers-Electronic Journal of Combinatorial Number Theory 5(2) (2005), #A16. (Also published in Proceedings of a Conf. in Honour of Tom Brown, Topics in Combinatorial Number Theory, which has been published by DIMATIA, as Volume 261 of its ITI Series.)
28. N.B. Limaye, D.G. Sarvate, P. Stanica, P. Young, Regular and Strongly Regular Planar Graphs, J. of Combinat. Math. and Combinat.Computing 54 (2005), 111-127.
27. F. Luca, P. Stanica, Fibonacci numbers that are not sum of two primes powersProceedings of AMS 133 (2005), 1887-1890.
26. C. Georgescu, C. Joita, W. Nowell, P. Stanica, Chaotic Dynamics of Some Rational Maps, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems -Ser A  12:2 (2005), 363-375.


25. J.A. Clark, J.L. Jacob, S. Maitra, P. Stanica, Almost Boolean Functions: the Design of  Boolean Functions by Spectral Inversion, Computational Intelligence 20: 3 (2004), 450-462.
24. E.J. Ionascu, P. Stanica, Asymptotic expansions for some nonlinear recurrences and almost doubly-exponential sequences, Acta Mathematica Universitatis Comenianae, LXXIII 1 (2004), 1-13.
23. P. Stanica, S. Maitra, J. Clark, Results on Rotation-Symmetric Bent & Correlation-Immune Boolean Functions, Proceeding of Fast Software Encryption Workshop (FSE 2004), New Delhi, INDIA, LNCS 3017, Springer Verlag, 161-177,  2004.
22. F. Luca, P. Stanica, Cullen Numbers and Second-Order Recurrence Sequences, International Conf. on Fibonacci Numbers, Kluwer (2004), 167-175.
21. P. Stanica,S.-H. Sung,  Boolean Functions with Five Controllable Cryptographic PropertiesDesigns, Codes and Cryptography 31 (2004), 147-157.


20. P. Stanica, S. Maitra, A Constructive Count of Rotation Symmetric FunctionsInformation Proc. Letters 88:6 (2003), 299-304.
19. J.A. Clark, J.L. Jacob, S. Maitra, P. Stanica, Almost Boolean Functions: the Design of  Boolean Functions by Spectral Inversion, Conference on Evolutionary Computation. Special Session on Evolutionary Computation in Computer Security and Cryptography, Canberra, 8-12 December 2003.
18. F. Luca, P. Stanica, Products of Factorials Modulo p, Colloquium Mathematicum 96 no. 2 (2003), 191-205.
17P. Stanica, Generating Functions, Weighted and Non-Weighted Sums for Powers of Second-Order Recurrence Sequences, Fibonacci Quart. 41:3, August 2003.
F. Luca, P. Stanica, On the prime factor factorization of n!J. of Number Theory, Vol 102/2 (2003), 298-305.
15. C. Joita, P. Stanica, Inequalities related to rearrangements of powers and symmetric polynomialsJ. of Inequalities in Pure and Applied Math., Vol.4, Issue 2, art. 37 (2003).
14. P. Stanica, Netted Matrices, Intern. Journal of Math. and Math Sciences, Vol. 2003:39 (2003), 2507-2518.
13. P. Stanica, p^q-Catalan Numbers and Squarefree Binomial Coefficients, J. of Number Theory, Vol 100/2 (2003), 203 - 216.
12. P. Stanica, S. Maitra, Rotation-Symmetric Functions, In Proc. R. C. Bose Centenary Symp. on Discrete Math. And Applications, Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 15, (2003), 141-147.


11. T.W. Cusick, P. Stanica, Fast Evaluation, Weights and Nonlinearity of Rotation-Symmetric Functions, Discrete Mathematics - Elsevier, 258:1-3 (2002), 289-301.
10. F. Smith, P. Stanica, Muller-Twist or Comply-Constrain Games, Integers- Electronic J. of Combinatorial Number Theory, vol. 2, art. G3 (2002).
9. P. Stanica, Inequalities on Linear Functions and Circular Powers, J. of Inequalities in Pure and Applied Math., Vol. 3, Issue 3, Art. 43 (2002).
8. R. Peele, P. Stanica, Powers of Pascal's like triangles and Fibonacci sequences, Fibonacci Quart. 40 (2002), 146-152.
7. P. Stanica, G. Stanica, There are Infinitely Many Smarandache Derivations, Integrations and Lucky Numbers, Sm. Notions Journal, vol. 13, 2002 (recreational mathematics).
6. P. Stanica, Nonlinearity, local and global avalanche characteristics of balanced Boolean functions, Discrete Mathematics 248:1-3 (2002), 181-193.


5. P. Stanica, Good Lower and Upper Bounds on Binomial Coefficients, J. Inequalities in Pure and Applied Math., Vol.2, Issue 3, Art. 30 (2001).
4. P. Stanica, S.- H. Sung, Improving the Nonlinearity of Balanced Boolean Functions with Good Local and Global Avalanche Characteristics, Information Processing Letters 79 No. 4 (2001), 167-172.


3. T.W. Cusick, P. Stanica, Counting the n-chromos of I.J. Schoenberg, Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Ser. A, 79, 298-314 (1997).


A.M. Youssef, T.W. Cusick, P. Stanica, S.E. Tavares, New bounds on the number of functions satisfying the Strict Avalanche Criterion, Selected Areas in Cryptography' 96, Kingston, Ontario, Canada,  49-56, 1996.
1. T.W. Cusick, P. Stanica, Bounds on the number of functions satisfying the SAC, Information Processing Letters 60 (1996), 215-219.

0. Chromos, Boolean Functions and Avalanche Characteristics, Ph.D. Thesis, State University of New York at Buffalo, 1998.