SYLLABUS – MA 1113 – Calculus I
Dr. Pante Stanica

LECTURE:   M-Th: 10:00-11:50am (Section 2) or 13:00-14:50pm (Section 4) in Sp-208; F: 11:00-11:50 (Section 2), 14:00-14:50 (Section 4)

INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Pante STANICA, 268 Spanagel, 656-2714,
OFFICE HOURS: M,T,W,Th  12;00-1:00pm  (since I will teach 4 hours/day, abstain from making appointments which you will not keep)
(Be aware that office hours are not a substitute for regular class time)

TEXT: Calculus: Early Transcedentals (6th  ed.); by James Stewart, 2008.

CALCULATOR POLICY: Using a CAS like Mathematica or Maple can give more insight but it is not required. From time to time we will be using technology tools to get more insight into the topics.

MATERIAL TO BE COVERED (and Objectives for the course—subject to be adjusted along the way):

Depending on how you react, I may spend more or less time on a topic, however, all the topics will have to be covered, which means that you may have to cover some material yourselves, in the comfort of your homes, with me answering your questions the next class. Let us hope it will not be the case.


(Hours to be spent on the topic)-(Total quarter hours)
1-1: Real numbers, Inequalities, Absolute Value, Coordinate Geometry & Lines, Appendix A, B

1-2: Trigonometry, Radian Measure Appendix D

1-3: Functions and their Representations 1.1-1.3

1-4: Exponential Functions 1.5

2-6: Inverse Functions & Logarithms 1.6

2-8: Limits of Functions, Limit Laws 2.1-2.3

1-9: Continuity 2.5

1-10: Limits at Infinity; Horizontal Asymptotes 2.6

1-11: Tangents, Velocities & Rates of Change 2.7

1-12: The Derivative as a Function 2.8

2-14 Derivatives of Polynomials & Exponential Functions 3.1

1-15: Product & Quotient Rules 3.2

1-16: Derivatives of Trigonometric Functions 3.3

2-18: Chain Rule 3.4

1-19: Implicit Differentiation 3.5

1-20: Derivatives of Logarithmic Functions 3.6

1-21: Exponential Growth and Decay 3.8

1-22: Related Rates 3.9

1-23: Linear Approximations and Differentials 3.10

1-24: Hyperbolic Functions 3.11

1-25: Maximum & Minimum Values 4.1

1-26: Mean Value Theorem 4.2

1-27: How Derivatives Affect the Shape of Graphs 4.3

2-29: Indeterminate Forms & L ’Hospital’s Rule 4.4

2-31: Curve Sketching 4.5

2-33: Optimization Problems 4.7

1-34: Newton’s Method & Antiderivatives 4.9, 4.10

1-35: Areas & Distances 5.1

1-36: Definite Integrals & Riemann Sums 5.2

1-37: Fundamental Theorem of Calculus 5.3

1-38: Indefinite Integrals & the Net Change Theorem 5.4

1-39: Substitution Rule 5.5

2-41: Integration by Parts 7.1

4-45: Review, Exams

HOMEWORK: You are encouraged to do as many problems as you can from the book. However the standard (default) assignment for each week is to read carefully the indicated sections and to prepare for homework the problems I will assign in class. The homework will not be collected. However the exams may contain problems from the assigned homework.

TESTS:  A test (50pts) will be given every Friday and the lowest score will be dropped. No make-up tests will be given except in extraordinary circumstances (e.g. illness - present verified doctor's excuse). If there are any changes in schedule or test date/policy, I will announce it in class at least a few days in advance. It is your responsibility to stay informed of such changes.

GRADING: The number of possible points is 200 (quizzes could push this over, if given). For the letter grade I will use the following scale:
185-200: A
175-185: A-
170-174: B+
160-169: B
150-159: B-
140-149: C+
130-139: C
125-129: C-
120-124: D+ 
095-119: D
000-094: failing grade.
An unresolved absence from either of the two tests or the final examination will result in a final grade of “FA”.

ACADEMIC HONESTY: Cheating in this course will not be tolerated and will be dealt with as harshly as the University permits. I will report any student behavior that appears contrary to the standards of discipline and academic honesty or violations of the provisions described in the current edition of NPS Student's Catalog.

CLASS ATTENDANCE AND ENVIRONMENT:  You should do every attempt to arrive on time and attend each class. You are responsible for the material covered in missed classes. I do not tolerate any rude behavior; however, I encourage constructive comments on the material and/or lecture. We have to maintain a class environment conducive to learning therefore I am against bringing “active” cell phones, pagers, and other similar disruptive devices into the classroom. Children may not be brought into the classroom except in emergency circumstances and with my permission. Do not bring food (drinks are fine) in classroom. When on breaks, please respect other classes in sessions and avoid disturbing them.

* It is a bit of material to be covered at a very fast pace, so, I advise you not to fall behind.
* If it is necessary, there will be updates of this handout. Make sure you check my homepage regularly for info on the course.
* Good luck ! I hope you will all master Calculus and make good grades!