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4.1 Model Description

Suppose a seamount located inside a periodic f-plane ( tex2html_wrap_inline584stex2html_wrap_inline586) channel with two solid, free-slip boundaries along constant y. Unforced flow over seamount in the presence of resting, level isopycnals is an idea test case for the assessment of pressure gradient errors in simulating stratified flow over topography. The flow is assumed to be reentrant (periodic) in the along channel coordinate (i.e., x-axis). We use this seamount case of the Semi-spectral Primitive Equation Model (SPEM) version 3.9 to test the new difference scheme. The reader is referred to the original reference (Haidvogel et al., 1991) and the SPEM 3.9 User's Manuel (Hedstrom, 1995) for detail information. In the horizontal directions the model uses the C-grid and the second-order finite difference discretization except for the horizontal pressure gradient, which the user has choice of either second-order or fourth-order difference discretization (McCalpin, 1994). In the vertical direction the model uses a boundary fitted tex2html_wrap_inline528-coordinate system. The discretization is by spectral collocation using Chebyshev polynomials. Our model configuration is similar to that of Beckmann and Haidvogel (1993), McCalpin (1994), and Chu and Fan (1997). The time step and grid size used here are,

Peter Chu
Thu Aug 24 17:01:43 PDT 2000