Marginal Ice Zone Experiment (MIZEX)






Chu, P.C.,  1986: An instability theory of ice-air interaction for the migration of the marginal ice zone," Geophysical Journal of Royal Astronomical Society, 86, 863-883 (paper download).

Chu, P.C., 1987a: Generation of unstable modes of the iceward attenuating swell by icebreeze," Journal of Physical Oceanography, 17, 828-832 (paper download).

Chu, P.C., 1987b: An instability theory of ice-air interaction for the formation of ice-edge bands.  Journal of Geophysical Research, 92, 6966-6970 (paper download).

Chu, P.C.,  1987c: An icebreeze mechanism for an ice divergence-convergence criterion in the marginal ice zone," Journal of Physical Oceanography, 17, 1627-1632 (paper download).

Chu, P.C.,  1989: Relationship between sea surface temperature gradient and thermally forced planetary boundary layer air flow.  Pure and Applied Geophysics, 130, 31-45.

Chu, P.C.,  1990: Air-ice-ocean feedback mechanism and ice oscillation on millennia time scales," Annals of Glaciology, 14, 28-31 (paper download).





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