Ocean Circulation
(1) Chu, P.C., 1995: P-vector method for determining absolute velocity from hydrographic data," Journal of Marine Technological Society, 29 (2), 3-14 (paper download).
(2) Chu, P.C., 2000: P-vector spirals and determination of absolute velocities. Journal of Oceanography, 56, 591-599 (paper download).
(3) Chu, P.C., C.W. Fan, and W.J. Cai, 1998: P vector method evaluated using modular ocean model (MOM)," Journal of Oceanography, 54, 185-198 (paper download).
(4) Chu, P.C., C.W. Fan, C.J. Lozano, and J. Kerling, 1998: An airborne expandable bathythermograph survey of the South China Sea, May 1995. Journal of Geophysical Research, 103, 21637-21652 (paper download).
(5) Chu, P.C., and R.F. Li, 2000: South China Sea isopycnal surface circulations. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 30, 2419-2438 (paper download).
(6) Chu, P.C., J. Lan, and C.W. Fan, 2001: Japan/East Sea (JES) circulation and thermohaline structure, Part 1, Climatology. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 31, 244-271 (paper download).
(7) Chu, P.C., J. Lan, and C.W. Fan, 2001: Japan/East Sea (JES) circulation and thermohaline structure, Part 2, A variational P-vector method. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 31, 2886-2902 (paper download).
(8) Chu, P.C., G.H. Wang, and Y.C. Chen, 2002: Japan/East Sea (JES) circulation and thermohaline structure, Part 3, Autocorrelation Functions. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 32, 3596-3615 (paper download).
(9) Chu, P.C.,and C.W. Fan, 2007: An inverse model for calculation of global volume transport from wind and hydrographic data. Journal of Marine Systems, 65, 376-399 (paper download).
(10) Chu, P.C., L.M. Ivanov, O.V. Melnichenko, and N.C. Wells, 2007: On long baroclinic Rossby waves in the tropical North Atlantic observed from profiling floats. Journal of Geophysical Research, 112, C05032, doi:10.1029/2006JC003698 (paper download).
(11) Chu, P. C., 2008: Probability distribution function of the upper equatorial Pacific current speeds. Geophysical Research Letters, doi:10.1029/2008GL033669 (paper download).
(12) Chu, P. C., 2009: Statistical Characteristics of the Global Surface Current Speeds Obtained from Satellite Altimeter and Scatterometer Data. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 2 (1), 27-32 (paper download).
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