Dr. Oriti's short bio

Giovanna Oriti received the Laurea degree with honors and Ph.D. degree, both in electrical engineering, from the University of Catania, Italy, in 1993 and 1997, respectively. She was a Research Intern at the University of Wisconsin, Madison for two years.
After graduation, she joined United Technology Research Center where she developed innovative power converter topologies and control. She led the development of an electric power control test bed in order to research new products for the divisions of United Technologies including Otis, Carrier and Pratt & Whitney.
In 2000, she launched her own consulting business. She developed physics-based models of power converters and drives for Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) analysis, stability analysis, and development of control algorithms. She also performed reliability and life cycle predictions for power conversion systems.
In April of 2008, she joined the faculty of the Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) Department of the Naval Postgraduate School, where she is now a tenured Professor. She is involved in electric ship systems, power electronics-based energy management, and resilient microgrid research activities. In 2012, she received the NPS ECE Service Award in recognition of her contribution to the development of the new NPS EE Energy curriculum. Dr. Oriti is the recepient of the 2016 and 2017 NPS ECE Research Award for her contribution to the U.S. Navy's energy efficiency and energy conservation goals. She is also a recipient of the 2021 Richard W. Hamming Annual Faculty Award for Interdisciplinary Achievement and the recipient of the 2024 Carl E. and Jesse W. Menneken Significant and Sustained Contribution Award for Excellence in Scientific Research.
Dr. Oriti holds one U.S. Patent and has co-authored more than 70 papers in IEEE Journals or IEEE conference proceedings.
She is an IEEE Senior Member and the recipient of the 2002 IEEE IAS Outstanding Young Member Award. Dr. Oriti co-authored a paper that received the 2017 Third Prize Paper Award the from the IEEE IAS Renewable and Sustainable Energy Conversion Systems Committee.
Dr. Oriti is an Associate Editor for the IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, as well as the Open Journal of Industry Applications. In 2010-2011, she served as Chair of the Industrial Power Conversion System Department of the IEEE Industry Application Society (IAS). In 2006-2007, she served as Chair of the IAS Industrial Power Converter Committee. She was the lead Technical Program Chair for the Energy Conversion Congress and Expo 2018 (ECCE 2018) conference, as well as the Women in Engineering co-chair. She was General Chair for the ECCE 2021 conference (https://www.ieee-ecce.org/2021/) and in 2022, she served as ECCE steering committee chair. She serves as Member-at-Large of the IEEE Power Electronics Society (PELS) AdCom and the San Francisco Bay Area PELS Chapter Executive Committee.