Web Honeypots for Spies



Blake T.  Henderson
Information Science Department
U.S.  Naval Postgraduate School
Monterey, California, US

Sean F.  McKenna
Computer Science Department
U.S.  Naval Postgraduate School
Monterey, California, US

Neil C.  Rowe

Computer Science Department

U.S.  Naval Postgraduate School

Monterey, California, US



Abstract - We are building honeypots for document-collecting spies who are searching the Web for intelligence information.  The goal is to develop tools for assessing the relative degree of interest elicited by users in representative documents.  One experiment set up a site with bait documents and used two site-monitoring tools, Google Analytics and AWStats, to analyze the traffic.  Much of this traffic was automated ("bots"), and showed some interesting differences in the retrieval frequency of documents.  We also analyzed bot traffic on a similar real site, the library site at our school.  In nearly one million requests, we concluded 64% were bots.  46 did identify themselves as bots, 40 came from blacklisted sites, and 12 gave demonstrably false user identifications.  Requestors appeared to prefer documents to other types of files and 40% of the requests did not respect the terms of service on access provided by a robots.txt file. [1]

Keywords - honeypots, espionage, implementation, monitoring, Web sites, analytics

I.     Introduction

Cyber spies can use the anonymity of Internet personas to steal data without attribution.  Usually network defenders learn of a spy's origin and interests only after a successful compromise.  However, honeypots allow us to set up a test environment in which we can safely monitor the activity of network intruders and control the content they access [1, 2, 3].  Honeypots allow cost-effective collection of information on attackers over an extended period by playing a long-term game [4].  They can also distract intelligence collectors from legitimate resources at low cost.

A Web-based honeypot can provide a platform for counterintelligence against adversary spies collecting information.  Deception strategies for information systems are beneficial today just as they have been in traditional warfare [2].  Counterintelligence and deception efforts do not replace information security, but enhance the overall security posture in the long run [5].

II.    A Honeypot for Finding content interests of spies

A.    Previous Honeypot Research

 Honeypots are digital resources without production value, so no one should be communicating with them [1].  Honeypots are flexible tools that can be low-interaction, medium-interaction, or high-interaction [6].  We used a restricted form of high-interaction honeypots in our experiments, honeypots which provide access to real operating systems and provide the ability to collect the highest amount of information about an attack.

An early precedent honeypot was created at AT&T Bell Laboratories [7] using a simulated system ("sandbox") to learn more about the attacker.  When the attacker attempted to erase files on the simulated system, it provided tempting files and observed that this did not deter the attacker.  [8] emulated an institution news website containing software vulnerabilities and had multiple pages with false information and fake articles.  They also created a Facebook page that was accidentally liked by the attacker if he or she was logged into their Facebook account when they visited the honeypot.  They noted that users of the same language as the fake website botnets were easier to attract.  Another project [9] ran an SSH server with a deliberate vulnerability of weak passwords.  They concluded that most activities were trying to compromise systems for use in botnets.  Another project automated the creation of fake documents called Canary Files that were placed among real documents to aid early detection of unauthorized data access, copying, or modification [10].  None of these projects, however, set up sites that appeared to be run by government organizations, and these could be more interesting to most spies.

B.    Setting Up a Document Honeypot

We created a webserver with what appeared to be a Naval Postgraduate School address and monitored its traffic.  More details are provided in [11].  We were curious if there was any systematic collection of information from Naval Postgraduate School websites.  We could not use an actual Naval Postgraduate School domain name, so we tried to convince users of our website's authenticity by closely mimicking the format of actual school library websites.  We also created links from legitimate Naval Postgraduate School webpages that redirected users to the honeypot website.  We placed the links in locations that would be found only by someone scraping the official library and faculty webpages.

We selected content in fields of interest for cyber spies that are covered by the Department of Defense and the Naval Postgraduate School.  We selected air, space, cyber, military science and technology, surface warfare, subsurface warfare, special military operations, weapons systems, declassified projects, military budgets, and military policy.  We selected 132 documents to host on our honeypot website.  Each of the eleven categories contained ten to fourteen unclassified documents.  Most had been published within the last five to ten years, but some declassified-projects documents were older because of United States government policies on document classification.  Some of these had been sanitized of sensitive information prior to public release.  All documents used in our research were unclassified and publicly available, so we were not releasing any sensitive information on our site. 

Because the Naval Postgraduate School is a research university, we selected technical and scientific documents within each field.  We also selected documents about recent and future Department of Defense budget plans, and policy documents that highlighted foreign policy challenges with China and Russia.  By aggregating the documents on a web server associated with the Naval Postgraduate School, we suggested Department of Defense interest in these subjects and value to potential intelligence collectors.

 For the experiment, we installed a Linux 64-bit Ubuntu operating system and Apache 2.4.18 HTTP server software on a Dell Optiplex 960 desktop computer with 3 GB of RAM and a 312 GB hard disk.  We opened port 80 for web traffic and port 22 for administrative SSH connections.  We used a 19-character password to reduce the vulnerabilities of an SSH compromise, and made regular operating-system updates.  We hosted the honeypot website on an IP address within the block of addresses owned by the Naval Postgraduate school so that a "whois" IP lookup supported our IP's authenticity.  We could not use an authentic Naval Postgraduate school URL ending in @nps.edu, but chose the domain www.nps-future-research.org.

We used 13 different HTML files to index our hosted content on the web server: an index file, a site map, and one file for each of the 11 document categories.  To suggest legitimacy, we used the same website header and footer as real sites at the Naval Postgraduate School and provided links to real School webpages.  We worked with a School web-services librarian to ensure our honeypot website had a similar look and function to the real library websites.  Each category heading was a clickable link to subpages where we hosted the honeypot documents.  To encourage further honeypot exploration into our subpages, we included a brief description of each category on the homepage.  Each subpage had functioning links to real Naval Postgraduate School library webpages.  We stored the documents as PDF files. 

To make it easier to find our honeypot, we registered our domain name with Google so that Googlebot would index our it for the Google search engine.  Then we created a structured sitemap to enable search-engine crawlers to find and index our webpage content, subpages, and hosted documents.

C.    Traffic-Data Collection

 We used Google Analytics [12] and AWStats [13] to track and record interactions with our honeypot website.  Google Analytics is a popular free web-analytics software suite that tracks website usage.  It provides information on which pages users interact with the most, how long they spend on each page, from what page the user found the website, and general user geographic information.  Google Analytics does not collect any personally identifiable information and strips the user's IP address.  It presents the data as statistics to identify trends and patterns with website interaction.  We added a Tracking ID to the honeypot homepage and subpage HTML files to enable the Google Analytics server to log interaction with it.  Additionally, we created an event trigger to record each time a PDF file was downloaded so that we could analyze which were the most popular.  Google Analytics attempts to exclude Internet bot traffic to help website administrators focus on actual user interaction.

 We also used AWStats to analyze honeypot interactions and file downloads.  AWStats is a free analytic tool that assists website administrators in examining webserver-generated log files to determine the number of website visitors, visit duration, most viewed pages and files, HTTP errors, and general user geographic information.  Because AWStats pulls data from the webserver logs, it does not distinguish human users from bots.  Additionally, AWStats cannot fuse different statistical data sets like Google Analytics can.  For example, Google Analytics could provide statistics regarding which file was the most popular among users of a certain country, whereas AWStats could provide only the file that was the most popular and the country that accessed the website the most. 

D.   Results

We ran the honeypot for five and a half months.  AWStats reported that the home page represented 91.1% of page views.  Beyond that, Figure 1 and Table 1 show the ten most downloaded documents according to Google Analytics and AWStats.  The two report different results because Google Analytics excludes automated traffic ("bots") and AWStats does not, and most of the traffic was bots.  Nonetheless, both show that a wide variety of documents are being retrieved, both technical and policy.  The aerobots document is probably the most popular according to Google because its category of "Air" was listed first in alphabetical order on the site; but it did not appear that many bots and users consistently sample the page in the order of listed links.  We also saw 87 page requests trying to use our site was a proxy, mostly to Chinese sites; Apache requires sites to accept proxy requests, so we substituted our home page in response.


Figure 1: The top 10 visits according to Google Analytics.


Table 1: The top 10 visits according to AWStats.


Top 10 Visits

Sum of


Sum of In-

complete Hits

Science & Technology

Multi-Task Convolutional Neural Network

for Pose-Invariant Face Recognition




Hydrostatic and hydrodynamic analysis of

a lengthened DDG-51




DDG-1000 missile integration




China's evolving foreign policy in Africa




Establishing the Fundamentals of a Surface

Ship Survivability Design Discipline



Special Operations

Roles of Perseverance, Cognitive Ability, and

Physical Fitness - U.S.  Army Special Forces




A Salvo Model of Warships in Missile

Combat Used to Evaluate Staying Power




MIL-STD-1553B protocol covert channel analysis




Analysis of government policies to support

sustainable domestic defense industries




Russia's natural gas policy toward Northeast Asia




Figure 2 shows the rate of page views over time according to Google Analytics.  The initial burst of activity is typical of new honeypots.  The subsequent traffic swells illustrate the burstiness of most Web traffic, and probably reflect "campaigns" of malicious activity.  AWStats had mostly similar trends over time, but showed a peak of activity in June (2406 in June and 1158 in July) so June must have reflected a campaign.  Within six weeks of activating our honeypot website, search-engine queries for "nps future research" moved from the fifth page of results to the top result in Google queries.  Apparently activity on the site convinced Google it was legitimate, so this probably affected measured activity.

Figure 2: Rate of page views over time on the honeypot.

Visitors to our site were quite international, with 26% from the United States, 24% from Brazil, 11% from China, 10% from Russia, 7% from India, 5% from Indonesia, 5% from Turkey, 4% from Mexico, 4% from Iran, and 4% from Italy.  Google Analytics did a better job than AWStats at identifying countries, as interpreting the AWStats data required a considerable amount of manual lookup of IP addresses.

We also conducted tests with human subjects (some at the school and some not) where they viewed our Web resources. In survey results afterwards, 64% assumed the School owned and maintained the honeypot site, so it appeared to be convincing.  They were most interested in the Cyber documents and a document from the category on sharing sensitive network data was the most popular document among human subjects, different from the automated visitors.

III.   Analysis of Web Bots on a Library Site

The previous work suggested that bot traffic deserves more attention.  Although bots are valuable tools for indexing content on the Web, they can also be malicious in phishing, spamming, or performing targeted attacks.  Our detection model for malicious bots was based upon the observation that they do not consider a resource's visibility on the Web page when gathering information.  We performed tests on a real library website at our School.  More details are in [14]. 

Systems would like to recognize bots, and traditionally a form of Turing Test is given to a website's visitor to decide whether they are human.  The best-known of these are CAPTCHAs (Completely Automated Public Turing Tests to Tell Computer and Human Apart).  But the tests are not perfect, and if they are too difficult, users will get discouraged and terminate the session [15].  Researchers have also used log-analysis techniques for bot detection, including machine-learning algorithms [16, 17].  [15] introduced probabilistic modeling methods for this task.  Research looking at Web traffic on college Web servers found that Web bots requested different resources than humans [18].  Bots had a higher preference for document files (xls, doc, pt, ps, pdf, dvi), Web-related files (html, htm, asp, jsp, php, js, css), and files with no extensions.  Our experiments examined document and Web resources in a honeypot.

A.    Experimental Methodology

Following discussions with the information-technology staff at our school, we tailored honeypot content for bots that are harvesting email addresses, often done for spam purposes.  The staff were interested in knowing whether Web bots were looking specifically for email addresses with military domains.  We created files of the three most popular content types (pdf, doc, html) to be linked from Web pages.  A third of these files contained test military email addresses within the text, another third contained only regular email addresses, and another third contained only text. 

To show that honeypots can be used as a part of a larger intrusion-detection or intrusion-prevention framework, we created a "sandtrap" script to capture bot resource requests.  We initially monitored JavaScript commands but most Web crawlers in our test did not use it.  We thus implemented a server-side PHP script to catch crawlers because the School site was developed in PHP.  Our PHP code logged the time, IP address, and user agent of the visitor.  Many websites have terms-of-service agreements that explicitly forbid crawling the site without the permission of its owner, as specified in a robots.txt file [18].  To test this, we created such a file.

A common method for Web searching is to match the query to the anchor text of the page link [19].  Anchor text is text in a hyperlink that is viewable and clickable.  For our test we wanted our honeypot to attract Web bots looking for email, so we fashioned anchor text to include the kinds of email addresses listed in the documents and pages (John.doe@navy.mil, jane.doe@gmail.com).  Our assumption was that if crawlers focused on harvesting email addresses visited the honeypot, they would assign its links a higher priority.

B.    Crawler Test

We ran a preliminary test using six popular Web crawling and scraping programs: Import.io, iRobotSoft, 80Legs, ScrapeBox, and Web-scraping frameworks in the Python and Ruby programming languages.  We replicated the School library homepage "libsearch" and installed the VuFind open-source library portal program that the School uses.  Links to honeypot resources were placed in two hidden div layers within the header template on the test site's index.php.  One div layer contained links to the restricted area (the "class" folder), and another contained the links to the non-restricted area (a "noclass" folder).  We embedded the two hidden div layers in the header template of every webpage of library's libsearch.nps.edu website.  The honeypots were placed within the VuFind application directory that included the interface for the website.  The School library's site did not have a robots.txt file, so we added ours to the website's root directory.  It included only one directive which restricted crawling of files within the class folder.

The libsearch.nps.edu website has some characteristics of a "deep-Web" site as it is structured to display most content through its search interface.  For a Web bot to access this content, it must generate queries to the website's search form in its requests.  The honeypot resources we placed within the website could not detect this querying, but by placing the honeypot resources within the header portion of the site's template, we ensured they were accessible from the resulting page of a search query.

Test results are summarized in Table 2.  All but one of our Web crawlers fetched some honeypot resources in their crawls despite being prohibited from doing so.  The Selenium crawler was specifically designed to avoid page elements which were hidden from view and succeeded.  However, since Selenium must execute with an active browser running, it was unclear whether it could be run efficiently in a large-scale data-mining campaign.  All but one of the crawlers could not parse pdf files and half of the crawlers we tested could not parse doc files.

Table 2: Summary of resources accessed by crawlers in baseline test.



Allowed Resource



Banned Resource


































































Analysis of the access logs indicated that the anchor texts did not encourage our crawlers to download one type of file more frequently than another.  We were also unable to customize crawls to search for email addresses with either .mil or .com.  extensions.  This was expected because we did not see any evidence that the tools we tested employed focused search methods in their crawling algorithms.

C.    Usage Monitoring Results

Web logs from the libsearch.nps.edu Web server for a five-week period provided the main data for our analysis, and sandtrap logs provided supporting data.  The data considered for our log analysis were HTTP transactions recorded to the Web server's logs which were also in Apache access logs.  HTTP requests averaged 27,373 per day.  We extracted Web traffic from the logs with the Splunk [20] data-analysis program.  Table 3 summarizes the traffic. 


Table 3: Summary of Libsearch Web logs.


Human Traffic

Robot Traffic

Total Requests



Average Req/Day



Bandwidth Consumed (GB)



% of Distinct Requests

35.955 (36%)

64.040 (64%)


To distinguish humans and bots, we analyzed the "User-Agent" field of the HTTP headers with Splunk's built-in keyword list for finding bots.  This could find the self-identifying bots, but forging this information is simple.  46 self-identifying bots visited the website during this period from 505 different IP addresses.  The three major search engines of Bing, Yahoo and Google accounted for 99% of the search requests.  67% of the bot traffic requests consisted of search queries to the /vufind/Search/Results? page. 

During testing there were 358 requests for honeypot files on the nps.libsearch.edu Web server.  Of the requested files, 216 of them were for contents within the unrestricted noclass folder, and 142 requests (40%) were for content within the restricted class folder.  Web bots preferred document resources (doc files) more than Web resources (php and html).  This contrasted with the findings of [18] which found the opposite preference.  There were no significant differences in the number of requests for resources containing civilian email addresses versus resources containing military email addresses.  Thus we saw no campaigns to mine military documents. 

For the unrestricted noclass folder, we observed 21 Web bot campaigns from 59 IP addresses accounting for the 216 HTTP resource requests.  A DNS lookup of these IP addresses revealed that 11 of these bots, or 52%, used forged user-agent strings.  10 of the 11 represented Web browsers and one represented a Google Web bot.  All 10 self-identified bots checked the robots.txt file.  2 of the 11 bots with forged user agents checked the robots.txt file.   

For the restricted class folder, we observed 16 Web bot campaigns from 25 unique IP addresses accounting for 142 HTTP resource request.  All 25 of the IP addresses were also in the unrestricted IP list.  Seven of the campaigns were self-identified as bots, and a DNS lookup reveal 6 to be accurate with one forged Google bot.  The remaining 7 IP addresses used forged user-agent fields representing various Web browsers.  Only seven of the 16 bots that accessed resources in the class folder checked the robots.txt file.  Of the 12 self-identifying bots, only Yandex (a Russian product) was a well-known search engine.  During the experiment, Yandex bots made 548 requests from 13 different IP addresses to the Web server, which accounted for 0.09% of the total bot traffic on the website.  By our classification scheme, all 25 of these bots were classified as "bad" by not following the site's exclusion protocol.

We used the http:BL service from the Project Honeypot organization to verify our results from our honeypot test.  It maintains a list of IP addresses of malicious bots that are known to harvest email addresses for spam and other purposes [18].  The lookup found 40 IPs from the Project Honeypot's blacklist which accounted for a total of 444 requests on the library's Web server.  However, our list of 84 IP addresses of bots that requested honeypot resources had no matches to the Project Honeypot list. 

IV.   Conclusions

Intelligence gathering is facilitated by the World Wide Web.  We have shown that it suffices to monitor this activity with a few simple tools.  Creating interesting documents is important for human counterintelligence, but bot activity appears to be quite scattered over topics, suggesting that most retrievals are done by relatively indiscriminate bots that conceal the real interests of human users.  Thus, attempts to offer bait were ineffective.  Results also showed that content-specific anchors were useful in detecting bots, and that bots often did not often respect site terms of service.  It is clear that espionage is easy on the Web and does not much require humans in the loop, but at the same time it appears easy to fool intelligence gathering with honeypots.

V.    References

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[12]   Google, "Google Analytics," retrieved from analytics.google.com/ analytics/Web,, October 17, 2018.

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[1] This paper appeared in the Intl. Conf. on Computational Science and Computational Intelligence, December 2018, Las Vegas, NV, USA.  This work was supported in part by the Naval Postgraduate School Foundation.