Kendrick R. Macklin
June 2004
�Thesis Advisor:������������ Neil Rowe �Second Reader:������������� Douglas Fouts |
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2. REPORT DATE� Jun 2003 |
Suitability of the SRC-6E Reconfigurable Computing Sytem for Generating False Radar Images
6. AUTHOR(S) Kendrick R. Macklin |
7. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, CA� 93943-5000 |
11. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES� The views expressed in this thesis are those of the author and do not reflect the official policy or position of the Department of Defense or the U.S. Government. |
12a. DISTRIBUTION / AVAILABILITY STATEMENT� Approved for public release;� distribution is unlimited |
13. ABSTRACT (maximum 200 words) This thesis evaluates the usefulness of the SRC-6E reconfigurable computing system, a particular kind of specialized computer, for the radar-signal processing application of generating false radar images.� It documents the process of creating and importing VHDL code to configure the user definable logic on the SRC-6E, building on previous work for the SRC-6E.� Data from alternative computational approaches to the same problem are compared to determine the effectiveness of a SRC-6E solution.� The results show that the SRC-6E provides no advantage until the task is made significantly complex; for this application, this was at greater than 64 range bins.� This supports the hypothesis that the algorithm requires too much initialization effort to take much advantage of the parallel processing and pipelining of the SRC-6E.� An evaluation of the SRC-6E difficulty of use is conducted, including a discussion of required skills, experience and development times.
14. SUBJECT TERMS� Benchmark, Reconfigurable Computing, VHDL, SRC-6E, FPGA, False Radar Target Synthesis |
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NSN 7540-01-280-5500������������������������������������� Standard Form 298 (Rev. 2-89)
��������������������������������������������������������� Prescribed by ANSI Std. 239-18
Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited
Lieutenant, United States Navy
M.S., Naval Postgraduate School, 2003
Submitted in partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the degree of
from the
June 2004
Author:������ Kendrick R. Macklin
Approved by:� Neil Rowe
Thesis Advisor
Douglas Fouts
Second Reader
Peter Denning
Department of Computer Science
This thesis evaluates the
usefulness of the SRC-6E reconfigurable computing system, a particular kind of
specialized computer, for the radar-signal processing application of generating
false radar images.� It documents the process of creating and importing VHDL
code to configure the user definable logic on the SRC-6E, building on previous
work for the SRC-6E.� Data from alternative computational approaches to the
same problem are compared to determine the effectiveness of a SRC-6E solution.�
The results show that the SRC-6E provides no advantage until the task is made
significantly complex; for this application, this was at greater than 64 range
bins.� This supports the hypothesis that the algorithm requires too much initialization
effort to take much advantage of the parallel processing and pipelining of the
SRC-6E.� An evaluation of the SRC-6E difficulty of use is conducted, including
a discussion of required skills, experience and development times.
I.������ Introduction and summary of research................. 1
A.������ purpose......................................... 1
B.������ summary of research............................. 1
C.������ Remaining chapter outline....................... 5
II.���� background and previous work......................... 7
A.������ introduction.................................... 7
B.������ False target Radar imaging algorithm............ 7
C.������ False-target radar-imaging chip design.......... 8
D.������ false-target radar-imaging program design...... 11
E.������ benefit and cost of pipelining algorithms...... 13
1.������ Background................................. 13
2.������ Pipeline Benefits.......................... 14
3.������ Pipeline Costs............................. 14
F.������ summary of new research........................ 15
III.� SRC-6E architecture and software environment........ 17
A.������ Introduction................................... 17
b.������ SRC-6E hardware overview....................... 17
c.������ software environment........................... 19
1.������ Operating System........................... 19
2.������ Programming Environment.................... 19
d.������ major documentation............................ 20
1.������ SRC-6E C Programming Environment Guide..... 20
2.������ SRC-6E Fortran Programming Environment Guide 20
3.������ SRC-6E MAP Hardware Guide.................. 20
4.������ SRC-6E MAP Macro Developers Guide.......... 20
5.������ Macro Data Sheet Library................... 21
iV.���� Development and testing in vhdl with aldec active-hdl 5.2 23
A.������ introduction................................... 23
B.������ modifications to previous macro................ 23
1.������ Overhead Reduction......................... 23
2.������ PRB Signal................................. 23
3.������ UNP Signal................................. 24
4.������ URB Signal................................. 24
5.������ Four Range Bins............................ 25
6.������ Eight Range Bins........................... 25
7.������ Sixteen Range Bins......................... 25
7.������ 64 Range Bins.............................. 25
8.������ 128 Range Bins............................. 26
9.������ 256 Range Bins............................. 26
V.������ Porting the vhdl code to the src-6e................. 27
A.������ introduction................................... 27
B.������ the src-6e file types.......................... 27
1.������ .info...................................... 27
2.������ .box....................................... 27
3.������ .mc........................................ 28
4.������ .c......................................... 28
5.������ makefile................................... 28
6.������ .vhd....................................... 28
7.������ Other Types................................ 28
C.������ code development............................... 29
1.� Version 1.0................................ 29
2.� Version 1.1................................ 29
3.� Version 1.2................................ 30
4.� Version 2.0................................ 30
5.� Version 3.0................................ 31
d.������ synthesizablity................................ 31
E.������ FPGA Utilization............................... 31
vI.���� Data collection and timing analysis................. 33
A.������ introduction................................... 33
b.������ benchmark test platforms....................... 33
1.������ C Program Executed on a Windows-based Machine 33
2.������ C Program Executed on the SRC-6E........... 33
3.������ VHDL Code on the SRC-6E MAP................ 33
c.������ timing data collection method.................. 34
d.������ timing data analysis........................... 35
1.� Methods.................................... 35
2.� New Interface Timing Results............... 35
3.� 4 Range Bin Timing Results................. 36
4.� 8 and 16 Range Bin Timing Results.......... 38
5.� 64 Range Bin Timing Results................ 40
6.� 128 Range Bin Timing Results............... 40
7.� Conclusions................................ 41
VII.� conclusions......................................... 43
A.������ introduction................................... 43
b.������ difficulty of use.............................. 43
1.������ Necessary Skills........................... 43
2.������ Experience Level........................... 43
3.������ Development Time........................... 44
c.������ appropriateness of this algorithm for testing.. 44
D.������ appropriateness of the SRC-6E for implementation 44
E.������ recommendations for future work................ 45
1.������ Develop Implementation of More Range Bins.. 45
2.������ Develop a More User-Friendly Programming Environment.���� 46
3.������ Testing Other Applications................. 46
appendix A............................................... 47
A.������ chip2_sim.c.................................... 47
Appendix B............................................... 55
A.������ 4 Bin macro vhdl............................... 55
B.������ 8 Bin macro vhdl............................... 66
C.������ 16 Bin macro vhdl.............................. 68
D.������ 64 Bin macro vhdl.............................. 71
E.������ 128 Bin macro vhdl............................. 81
appendix c.............................................. 102
A.������ 4 Bin .box file............................... 102
B.������ 4 Bin .info file.............................. 102
C.������ 4 Bin .mc file................................ 102
D.������ 4 Bin .c file................................. 103
E.������ 8 Bin .box file............................... 107
F.������ 8 Bin .info file.............................. 107
G.������ 8 Bin .mc file................................ 107
H.������ 8 Bin .c file................................. 108
I.������ 16 Bin .box file.............................. 112
j.������ 16 Bin .info file............................. 112
k.������ 16 Bin .mc file............................... 113
l.������ 16 Bin .c file................................ 113
M.������ 64 Bin .box file.............................. 118
n.������ 64 Bin .info file............................. 119
o.������ 64 Bin .mc file............................... 119
p.������ 64 Bin .c file................................ 120
q.������ 128 Bin .box file............................. 124
r.������ 128 Bin .info file............................ 124
s.������ 128 Bin .mc file.............................. 124
t.������ 128 Bin .c file............................... 125
u.������ example makefile (taken from 4 bins).......... 129
v.������ example phase sample input file (32 inputs)... 130
w.������ example range bin gain input file (4 bins).... 131
x.������ example range bin phase rotation input file (4 bins) 131
11�� 131
y.������ example screen output (4 bins with 32 inputs). 131
z.������ example output data file (4 bins with 32 inputs) 132
appendix D.............................................. 135
A.������ SRC-6E Macro data (4 bins).................... 135
B.������ SRC-6E C program data (4 Bins)................ 149
C.������ Windows C program data (4 bins)............... 151
d.������ SRC-6E Macro data (8 bins).................... 152
e.������ SRC-6E C program data (8 Bins)................ 167
f.������ Windows C program data (8 bins)............... 169
g.������ SRC-6E Macro data (16 bins)................... 170
h.������ SRC-6E C program data (16 Bins)............... 185
i.������ Windows C program data (16 bins).............. 186
j.������ SRC-6E Macro data (64 bins)................... 188
k.������ SRC-6E C program data (64 Bins)............... 203
l.������ Windows C program data (64 bins).............. 204
m.������ SRC-6E Macro data (128 bins).................. 206
n.������ SRC-6E C program data (128 Bins).............. 220
0.������ Windows C program data (128 bins)............. 222
list of references...................................... 225
INITIAL DISTRIBUTION LIST............................... 227
Figure 1.. False Target Radar Imaging Algorithm Usage...... 7
Figure 2.. False Target Radar Image Chip Signal Flow....... 9
Figure 3.. Internal Design of the Control Logic........... 11
Figure 4.. Signal Flow for Four Cascaded Range Bins....... 12
Figure 5.. Speedup vs. Number of Range Bins............... 15
Figure 6.. SRC-6E System Diagram (After Ref. 4.).......... 17
Figure 7.. MAP Interface Block Diagram (From Ref. 4.)..... 18
Figure 8.. FPGA Usage..................................... 32
Figure 9.. Comparison of Average Total Time............... 35
Figure 10.Average Total Time (4 Bins).................... 36
Figure 11.Comparison of Average Time per Sample.......... 37
Figure 12.Average Time per Sample (4 Bins Semi-Log)...... 38
Figure 13.Average Total Time(8 Bins)..................... 39
Figure 14.Average Total Time(16 Bins).................... 39
Figure 15.Average Total Time(64 Bins).................... 40
Figure 16.Average Total Time(128 Bins)................... 41
Table 1.... False-Target Radar-Imaging Program Example Using Four Range Bins............................................... 12
The specific purpose of this research was to evaluate the performance, correctness, and ease of use of the SRC-6E reconfigurable computing system built by SRC Computers, Inc., for implementing false radar images.� The more general purpose was to aid in establishing a broad base of knowledge on what types of applications are appropriate for implementation on this type of machine.� The task of generating false radar images provides a readily available yet suitably complex algorithm for implementation on the SRC-6E.� The research builds on previous work [1].� The algorithm chosen was based on a custom chip design previously developed by a faculty/student research team at the Naval Postgraduate School which creates false target radar images.� A C language program, written by Professor Douglas Fouts, was also available to use as a standard for comparing the accuracy of results throughout the research.
Reconfigurable computing is defined as "the capability of reprogramming hardware to execute logic that is designed and optimized for a specific user�s algorithms" [2]. The SRC-6E reconfigurable computer is a Linux-based system consisting of two sides labeled A and B which each contain motherboards holding dual Intel P3 Xeon 1-GHz processors, 1.5 gigabytes of memory, and a SNAP interface card.� The SNAP card is a custom interface card which plugs into a motherboard DIMM memory slot and provides connections to the MAP board which is located in a third section of the system.� A single MAP board consists of two independent MAPs.� MAP, a registered trademark of SRC Computers, Inc., is the name for the custom hardware.� Each MAP consists of three Xilinx Virtex-II-series XC2V6000 FPGAs and 24 megabytes of memory.� One of the FPGAs [NCR1]is reserved for control logic while the other two, available for user programs, are called "user logic".� The memory is split into six equal banks, labeled A through F, of 4 megabytes each.� The user FPGAs are connected to a fixed 100-MHz clock.
���� Code written in the hardware description languages Verilog and/or VHDL can be ported to the SRC-6E with only minor changes.� Several support files are required to help the code exploit the user logic.� These files primarily describe the interfaces to the code.� The algorithm selected for the research described here was written in VHDL and converted for use on the SRC-6E.
To evaluate the effectiveness of the SRC-6E, timing data was collected from several implementations of the false radar target algorithm.� The first implementation was the executable created on the SRC-6E which uses the reconfigurable user logic.� The second implementation was a C program which performed the same functionality as the VHDL code.� This code was compiled and executed on a 3-GHz Pentium 4 system, using 2 gigabytes of DIMM memory and the Windows XP Professional operating system.� The machine used was the same one as the previous implementation to allow comparison of results.� The third implementation was the same C program running on the 1-GHz Xeon processor on a Linux based SRC-6E, but not using the MAP.� Several input data sets were used in testing.� Each data value consisted of a 5-bit number, written as two hexadecimal digits, which represented an intercepted radar signal.� Data sets containing 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096, 8192, 16284, 32786, 65536, 131072, 262144, and 500000 data values were used.� Five timing runs were conducted for each data set on all three data sources.
The timing data shows the SRC-6E MAP execution time is extremely fast, even for very large data set sizes.� However, the total execution time for the SRC-6E VHDL macro takes considerably longer.� The extra time represents delays in the system to prepare and transfer the data in and out of the MAP which cause the SRC-6E execution time to be longer for most input set sizes, initially by an order of magnitude. Comparison of the MAP execution times for the previous 4-bin macro with the new 4-bin macro shows an improvement for large input set sizes, verifying that the new interface design is more efficient.
As input set size is increased the timing results begin to converge.� The overhead in the SRC VHDL macro clearly dominates the results for smaller sample set sizes.� However, for larger sample set sizes, the overhead time is amortized over the total time to be nearly insignificant.� The 64-bin model shows the SRC macro total execution time catching up to other benchmark platforms and would likely beat them if the sample set size could be further increased.� However, this is not possible with the current macro design due to the memory design of the SRC-6E hardware.� The 128-bin model shows the SRC macro total execution time beating all benchmark platforms after approximately 50,000 sample set size.
Programming the SRC-6E to use user-defined macros requires knowledge of high-level programming languages, hardware description languages, hardware component design, and synthesizability.� Relatively few people possess all of these skills to use the system effectively without first receiving significant training.� However, programming the system using only high-level languages of C or Fortran is possible which widens the potential user base to many more people.� More research needs to be performed to determine if either method produces more effective solutions.
The SRC-6E has a relatively steep learning curve.� There are a few examples in the documentation and a very small body of work in place using the system.� The errors generated by the system during development are not intuitive and cannot be solved without previous experience with solving the same errors.� There are no development tools in place to assist novice users in programming the system.� More research is required to see how much experience on the system is required to prevent and or recognize these types of errors quickly.
The development time to implement solutions on this system appears to be high, primarily due to the steep learning curve and lack of development tools.� More research must be performed to quantify the development time and see how it improves once a group of experienced repeat users is grown.� No research has yet been performed with large projects, employing multiple programmers, to see if the total project time can be reduced effectively.
Since it is pipelined and supports parallel processing, the chosen implementation of the false-target radar-imaging algorithm appears to be one that would benefit from a reconfigurable computer.� The current implementation has shown the hardware�s effectiveness for a highly parallel process with large input data sets.� However, the steep learning curve and high development time are unlikely to change until more user-friendly development tools are created for the system.
The following outlines the remaining chapters which roughly follow the major steps that were taken throughout the research:
� Chapter II provides background information and review of previous research.
� Chapter III discusses the SRC-6E architecture, programming environment, and documentation.
� Chapter IV discusses modifications to the original VHDL macro programmed using VHDL.
� Chapter V discusses porting the VHDL code to SRC-6E environment.
� Chapter VI presents the data collection methods and analysis.
� Chapter VII provides conclusions and future work recommendations.
� Appendix A contains the modified C program originally written by Professor Douglas Fouts which was used a standard for output correctness and as a source of timing data.
� Appendix B contains the VHDL code for all range bin models.
� Appendix C contains the support files required to implement the VHDL code on the SRC-6E.
� Appendix D contains all of the timing data collected during the research.
This chapter discusses background information and reviews previous work, including the basics of the false radar imaging algorithm, the benefits and costs of pipelining the algorithm, use of the chip design and C program in both the current and previous research and gives an overview of the major steps taken to improve, expand and test the algorithm using the SRC-6E.� The algorithm used in the previous research was based on a custom chip design previously developed by a faculty/student research team at the Naval Postgraduate School which creates false target radar images.� The same C language program, originally written by Professor Douglas Fouts, was again used as a standard for comparing the accuracy of results throughout the research.
algorithm works by splitting a false target image into several range bins, as
shown in Figure 1, where a ship is split into four range bins.
Figure 1.� False Target Radar Imaging Algorithm Usage
Each range bin represents a portion of the vessel based on the distance from the radar source.� Greater resolution can be achieved by having a greater number of range bins for a given false target.� It can be observed from the geometry that the radar-signal travel distance is different for each range bin.�
Based on knowledge of a ship�s radar image, an operator can set phase rotation and gain constants for each range bin. The algorithm begins with the interception and sampling of an interrogating radar pulse.� The sample phase is then rotated by adding a rotation constant to it.� Next, the sine and cosine are calculated.� The gain is then applied to the results by multiplying by a gain value.� The results of each range bin are then summed up to produce a radar reflection signal at a given time.� With proper use, the ship can be made to appear in a false position, be of a different type of target, or to appear to be traveling with other ships.
The false-target radar-imaging chip consists of a 6-stage pipeline which performs all necessary functions to create a false radar reflection for a single range bin.� Figure 2 shows the signal flow through the slightly simplified version as was implemented during the previous research.
Figure 2.� False Target Radar Image Chip Signal Flow
The basic steps of the algorithm are performed as follows:
1. The phase sample enters into register 3.
2. The phase rotation value enters into register 1, is then loaded into register 2, and is then added to the phase sample at adder 1.� The results are then loaded into register 4.
3.�� The contents of register 4 enter the lookup table (LUT) and Sine and Cosine results are calculated.� The remainder of the pipeline is split into two identical portions for each data result.� The following steps outline the path for the Sine result.
4.�� The gain value enters at register 5, is then loaded to register 6, and proceeds to shifter 1 where it controls how the contents of register 7 are shifted before they proceed to register 9.� This accomplishes modulo-2 multiplication.
5.�� The result from a preceding range bin enters at register 11 and is added to the contents of register 9 in adder 2 before proceeding to register 13.
6.�� The contents of register 13 are now available as output Q if this is the last range bin in the series or are sent to register 11 of a following range bin.
The control logic block receives signals URB (use range bin), PSVin (phase sample valid input), and ODVin (output data valid input).� These signals are used to create the CLR13 (clear 13-bit register), CLR17 (clear 17-bit register), PSVout (phase sample valid output), and ODVout (output data valid output).
The internal design of the
control logic is shown in Figure 3.� The CLR13 and CLR17 signals are used to
clear the register contents at the appropriate time in the pipelines when they
do not contain valid data.� This occurs during pipeline startup and shutdown.�
The PSVout signal is present to show the DRFM signal is valid.� The ODVout signal
is present to show that outputs Q and I contain valid data.� The URB signal is
present to allow the operator to disable a range bin.� Figure 4 shows the
signal flow when four range bins are connected together.
Figure 3.� Internal Design of the Control Logic
The false-target radar-imaging program was written in the C language.� It performs the same arithmetic calculations as the false radar imaging chip but uses nested loop iterative structures instead of pipelines.� While the chip requires a separate pipeline for each range bin, the program simply adds additional length to the appropriate arrays, trading off memory utilization for computational logic.� Table 1 shows how the results of each of four range bins with an input of N samples are placed into the two dimensional array created by the program.� Each row of the table is then summed up to produce the false target radar signal results.
Figure 4.� Signal Flow for Four Cascaded Range Bins
Bin 0 |
Bin 1 |
Bin 2 |
Bin 3 |
Sample 1 Results |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Sample 2 Results |
Sample 1 Results |
0 |
0 |
Sample 3 Results |
Sample 2 Results |
Sample 1 Results |
0 |
Sample 4 Results |
Sample 3 Results |
Sample 2 Results |
Sample 1 Results |
� |
� |
� |
� |
Sample N Results |
Sample N-1 Results |
Sample N-2 Results |
Sample N-3 Results |
0 |
Sample N Results |
Sample N-1 Results |
Sample N-2 Results |
0 |
0 |
Sample N Results |
Sample N-1 Results |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Sample N Results |
Table 1.� False-Target Radar-Imaging Program Example Using Four Range Bins
The program was used as both a trusted source for results to test the research against as well as used in the timing comparisons discussed in Chapter VI.� The full code for the program can be viewed in Appendix A.
The implementation of the false-radar imaging-algorithm has each range bin�s function split over 5 pipeline stages.� The output of each range bin is then chained into the next in the final pipeline stage.� This section will discuss the benefits and costs of pipelining.
Pipelining allows work that involves repetition to be performed in parallel, reducing the total completion time.� It is most effective when the work can be separated into tasks of equal length.� However, in reality, work seldom splits into subtasks of equal length.� Since the completion time for each stage varies with the task it performs, some delay is required at the end of each stage, so that slower stages have time to complete their task before receiving new work.� Each of these tasks then becomes a pipeline stage where a portion of the total job is performed for each item passing through the pipeline.� Each stage receives a result from the previous stage, performs its task, and then passes the new result to the next stage.
For work that involves arithmetic functions performed by a computer, each pipeline stage consists of the logic to perform the subtask and a register which stores the result until the next stage is ready for it.� A clock performs coordination of the entire pipeline by allowing the registers to all fill at the same time.� The clock can only run as fast as the slowest pipeline stage.� The speed of each stage includes the time to complete the function as well as the delay time caused by the register itself.
Pipelines have two major benefits.� First, as previously discussed, they allow multiple repetitive tasks to be performed in parallel which reduces the total completion time.� Second, pipelines can allow computer logic to run at a higher clock speed.� More complex logic functions require more time to complete.� When the total time required is longer than the desired clock speed, the function can be broken into smaller pieces and placed in a pipeline.
Since functions can rarely be broken into equal subtasks and pipeline registers introduce some delay, the total time to complete a function in a pipeline will always be longer than the time to do it once without a pipeline.� However, when the function must be repeated the pipeline can become efficient.� The point where the pipeline becomes efficient can begin no sooner than when the number of repetitions exceeds the number of stages.� Also, if the function is not split up into fairly equal subtasks and/or the register delay is high, the onset of pipeline efficiency can be delayed even further.� Pipeline speedup of a k-stage pipelined function over an equivalent non-pipelined function is defined as [3]:
, where n is the number of
The implementation of the false-radar imaging-algorithm
has each range bin�s function split over five pipeline stages.� The output of
each range bin is then chained into the next in the final pipeline stage.� This
creates a complete pipeline length of N+4, where N is the number of range bins
implemented.�� Figure 5 shows the pipeline speedup for the number of range bins
implemented in this research, using N for k and number of samples for n.
Figure 5.� Speedup vs. Number of Range Bins.
The plots shows speedup increases as the number of samples is increased.� For n>>k, maximum speedup of k is achieved, meaning k tasks are efficiently performed at the same time.� For low n, the pipeline length is too long to be efficient.� This phenomenon can be viewed in the data presented in Chapter VI.
Previous work implemented and tested four range bins.� For simplicity, the previous design passed all the range bin programming data with each new radar sample.� However, this was inefficient since the programming data does not change over a given set of radar samples.� For each 5-bit sample, 40 bits of repetitive programming data was reentered, (10 per range bin).� The interface to the MAP consists of 6 banks of 64-bits, of which at least one must be designated for output, leaving at most 320 bits for input.� With the expansion to 16 range bins, half of the input bandwidth would have been consumed by unnecessary, repetitive programming data and further expansion beyond 16 bins would be impossible within the provided bandwidth.� The current research implements 4-, 8-, 16-, 64- and 128-range bin versions using a new design which allows the programming data to be sent to the macro only once for each set of radar samples.
This chapter discussed background information and previous work.� The next chapter will discuss the hardware, software, and documentation, of the SRC-6E reconfigurable computing system.���
This chapter provides a brief overview of the hardware, software, and documentation, of the SRC-6E reconfigurable computing system.� Reconfigurable computing is defined as �the capability of reprogramming hardware to execute logic that is designed and optimized for a specific user�s algorithms� [2].
The SRC-6E computer consists of two independent Linux computers (labeled A and B) and a MAP board, (see Figure 6).
Figure 6.� SRC-6E System Diagram (After Ref. 4.)
a registered trademark of SRC Computers, Inc., is the name of the custom
reconfigurable hardware.� Each independent Linux computer contains a
motherboard holding dual Intel P3 Xeon 1-GHz processors, 1.5 gigabytes of
memory, and a SNAP interface card.� The SNAP card is a custom interface card
which plugs into a motherboard DIMM memory slot and provides connections to the
MAP board which is located in the MAP Chassis.� A single MAP board consists of
two independent MAPs.� A block diagram of a single MAP is shown in Figure 7.� A
MAP consists of three Xilinx Virtex-II-series XC2V6000 FPGAs and 24 megabytes
of memory (labeled OBM on Figure 7).
Figure 7.� MAP Interface Block Diagram (From Ref. 4.)
One of the FPGAs is reserved for �control logic� while the other two, available for user programs, are called �user logic�.� The OBM memory is split into six equal banks, labeled A through F, of 4 megabytes each.� The user FPGAs are connected to a fixed 100-MHz clock, which seems overly restrictive.� According to Xilinx product specification sheets, the Virtex-II-series FPGAs can ran at clock speeds as low as 1 MHz and upwards of 400 MHz [5].� Programmer control of the clock speed on the SRC-6E would make the system more flexible.� Each MAP also has a chain port which can be used for direct I/O to the user logic, but was not used during this research.
The operating system for the SRC-6E is Red Hat Linux, which has been augmented with custom drivers and libraries to support the MAP and SNAP hardware.� The built-in graphical text editor in Linux is called GEdit.� Programmers experienced with UNIX can use the standard line type text editors such as VI if they choose.� Both contain the minimal functionality required of a text editor to write the required files for the SRC-6E.�
The programming environment for the SRC-6E is called Carte.� Carte allows a user to write code in a high level language, either C or Fortran, that directly targets the user programmable FPGAs in the MAP.� In addition, users can write their own �macros� using the hardware definition languages Verilog and/or VHDL.� At compile time, all user code and macros are linked together into a single executable file. Carte includes standard compilers for the Intel microprocessors as well as custom MAP compilers for both Fortran and C.� Synplify Pro software by Synplicity, Inc. is used for FPGA place and routing.� This program normally runs under Windows version but is executed in the Linux environment using a Windows emulator called Wine.
Since Carte relies on the built-in Linux editors, the SRC-6E programming environment does not have any of the modern features a programmer expects from editors available in products such as Microsoft�s Visual C++ or Borland�s J-Builder.� Lack of syntax and error checking in the programming environment is a serious drawback when using this system.� Some error messages are produced at compile time, but they are cryptic at best, especially for someone not used to the Linux environment.� There are several file types which must interact during the compile process, as will be discussed in Chapter V.� The intricate details of these files can be quite confusing and it is often difficult to identify which file contains the problem based on the error messages given at compile time.� Rudimentary checking of these files within a custom editor would greatly improve the entire programming process.
The documents discussed here come with the SRC-6E to aid in its programming.
Driver code must be developed to create the interface to the user logic.� This document describes how to write this code using the C language [6].
Similar to the C Programming Environment Guide, this document describes how to write similar code using the Fortran language [7].
This document contains hardware implementation specifics of the MAP which are well below the level required for users to successfully program the SRC-6E [4].
This document discusses general information on the use of the Macro Data Sheet Library, including naming conventions, interfaces, fanout and combinatorial delays [8].
The library contains data sheets for all macros developed by SRC for the SRC-6E.� A list of all currently supported macros is available in a technical note, Ref. 9.� The macros can be used like regular function calls in the chosen programming environment language (C or Fortran).� The macros include all basic math and logic functions currently supported by the environment.� There are also several support macros which include, among others, various macros for combining and splitting data structures.
This chapter provided an overview of the hardware, software and documentation of the SRC-6E computer.� The next chapter will discuss development and testing of the VHDL code used in the research.
This chapter describes the development of the false-target radar-imaging macros in VHDL before they were ported to the SRC-6E environment.� The final code used to implement 4 range bins in the previous research was used as a starting point and is hereafter referred to as the �old macro�.� Development of the macros was performed in a Windows XP environment using Aldec Active-HDL 5.2 software.
The old macro used two 64-bit inputs and a single 64-bit output.� Assuming that a reduction in overhead would improve their efficiency, the new macros were developed to use only a single 64-bit input and output.� Other modifications included addition of the PRB and UNP signals and internal connections of the URB signal within the range bins.� 4-, 8-, 16-, 64- and 128-range bin versions were created.� The code for this section can be viewed in Appendix B.
���� To reduce the input bandwidth, it was necessary to send in the programming data only once for each set of radar samples.� This was accomplished by complete redesign of the interface with implementation of the PRB and UNP signals.� These signals were present in the original chip design but were not implemented in the old macro.
The PRB signal, which stands for �Program Range Bin,� was originally intended to signal a specific range bin to accept new programming.� As implemented in this interface, it signals the start of a programming sequence where four range bins are programmed per clock cycle until all are programmed.� Thus for the sixteen bin model it takes 4 clock cycles to program all range bins.� The PRB is delayed through a shift register which is appropriately sized for the number of range bins.� Each group of four range bins beyond the first requires a bit.� A three bit shift register is used for the 16 range bin macro, one bit for the 8 range bin macro, and no shift register is necessary for the 4 range bin macro.� All range bins are sent programming data at the same time, but the delayed PRB signal causes only the appropriate group of range bins to load the data.
���� The UNP signal, which stands for �Use New Programming,� was originally intended to signal each range bin one at a time to begin using its new programming.� The UNP signal was not implemented in the old macro.� As implemented in the new macros, it signals all range bins to simultaneously use their new programming.� The UNP signal is normally low.� Taking the UNP signal high for one clock signals the macro to use the new programming data previously loaded by a PRB programming sequence.
The old macro used a URB signal which stands for �Use Range Bin.�� Intended as a single bit for each range bin to signal the control logic as to whether or not to use a particular range bin, this signal is programmed during the PRB programming sequence.� When low, the output of a range bin is not included in the overall output.� The old macro assumed that all four range bins would be used and had this signal tied high.� The new macro designs have the URB signal internally connected to allow its full intended use.
The code for four range bins was created by instancing the original single range bin code and creating a new, more efficient interface.� The signal flow of four range bins is shown in Figure 4.� The code was verified by comparing the output to the C program run on the same data set.� This model was created to draw a timing comparison between the old macro and the new design.� This will determine if the reduction in the interface has any affect on the overall timing.
A system with eight range bins was created by instancing eight of the single range bins previously tested.� The code was verified by comparing the output to the C program run on the same data set.� This model was developed as an intermediate size for collection of timing data.
A system with sixteen range bins was created by instancing sixteen of the single range bins with an appropriate interface.� The code was verified by comparing the output to the C program run on the same data set.� This model was the original goal of the new research.� Through reduction of the interface overhead by 1/3 and increase of the number of pipelines by a factor of 4, it was hoped that the SRC-6E would show an improvement in timing as compared to the other benchmarks.
A system with 64 range bins was created by instancing 64 of the single range bins with an appropriate interface.� The code was verfied by comparing the output to the C program run on the same data set.� This model was developed because of the unexpectedly low chip usage by the previous models which will be discussed in the next chapter.
A system with 128 range bins was created by instancing 128 of the single range bins with an appropriate interface.� The code was verified by comparing the output to the C program run on the same data set.� This model was developed after the 256 range bin model would not fit in the user logic area.
A system with 256 range bins was created by instancing 256 of the single range bins with an appropriate interface.� The code was verified by comparing the output to the C program run on the same data set.� This model was developed in an attempt to determine an upper bound for how many range bins would fit within the user logic area.
This chapter discussed VHDL code development.� The next chapter will discuss porting the code to the SRC-6E.
This chapter discusses the porting of the VHDL code to the SRC-6E and the required support files.� Also discussed are changes that were required to the original code to make it compatible with the SRC-6E.
The process of writing code to target the user logic requires several file types.� To import a user macro from either VHDL or Verilog, five files must be created: .info, .box, .mc, .c, and the makefile.� Using only the last three, one can write code that targets the user logic without using a user defined macro.� Examples of these file types can be viewed in Appendix C, which contains the final versions of all the files used.
This file type is required whenever a user macro is used.� It contains the following information:
� Macro name
� Macro type � stateful, external, and pipelined
� Latency � a number stating how many clock cycles before valid output is generated by the macro.
� List of inputs and outputs
The file type �.info� is a naming convention and is not required.� Any filename can be used as long as it matches that listed in the makefile.
This is another file type that is required only when using a user-defined macro.� It is a Verilog style description of the input and output variables of the macro.� The Verilog description is necessary for both VHDL and Verilog macros.� As with the .info type, the .box name is only by convention.
This file type is C code written to target the user logic.� All code in this file will be implemented in hardware along with the user macro.� Using this file type, it is possible to write code for the hardware using only the high-level language C without using any user-defined macros defined with a hardware description language.
This file type is regular C code which provides the interface between the operating system and the hardware code defined in the .mc file.� Code implemented in this file is executed on the Xeon processors.
This file is used by the command �make� when all the files are compiled and linked.� It contains all of the file names and paths used, as well as the desired final executable name.� Compiler flags and options can also be stated in this file.
This file type is for VHDL macro files.� In general, it is safest to merge multiple files into one.� However, it is possible to build with separate files as long as they are listed in the proper order in the makefile.� The compiler appears to be single pass so the files must be in the order they are used, with the lowest order file listed first.
Two other file types can be used by users programming the user logic:� .f, which is a Fortran file, and .v, which is a Verilog file.� These file types were not used during this research.
Porting of the macro code began with creation of the required support files previously mentioned.� Modifying the support files from the old macro was fairly simple.� Only the .c interface file required significant rewrite to match up with the new macro interface.� The code went through three major versions and several revisions.
The sixteen-range-bin VHDL code was imported to the SRC-6E.� The required support files were generated by modifying the old macro files to support the new design, this proved trivial compared to the long trial and error process reported in the previous research.� However, during the make process, the SRC-6E reported a final clock speed of 78.5 MHz, well below the required minimum of 100 MHz.� Without surprise due to the timing failure the generated executable did produce the proper output.� This version implemented the programming sequence using a finite state machine with four states using only the UNP signal to reset the state to zero.� While this version created the proper output with the Aldec software, it generated too much delay when implemented in hardware on the SRC-6E.
���� An eight-range-bin version was created to reduce the macro complexity for troubleshooting.� After verification in Aldec of the proper output it was compiled on the SRC-6E.� This version reported a final clock speed of 84.6 MHz and also generated incorrect output.
A four-range-bin version was created to further reduce the macro complexity for troubleshooting.� After verification in Aldec of the proper output it was compiled on the SRC-6E.� This version reported a final clock speed of 85.1 MHz and also generated faulty output.� Since the old macro had generated proper four-range-bins output on the SRC-6E it was determined that the finite state machine method would not work on the SRC-6E, presumably due to the style of programming it and not failure of the SRC-6E.� After discussion with SRC technical support, the need for a simpler more direct way of implementing the interface became apparent.
Review of the actual functionality required by the state machine showed that the same tasks could be performed with simpler components.� Since the states were only transitioned in numerical order, one per clock, the same function could be performed with a counter.� Since the new version would require a significant redesign a review of the original chip design was conducted to see if the macro implementation could be brought closer to the original design.� During the review it was discovered that if the original PRB and UNP signals were implemented properly, a simple shift register could perform all of the necessary functions to direct the programming input as required.� The new design was implemented and verified in Aldec to produce the proper output.� After porting the new macro to the SRC-6E and modifying the .c file to support the new interface, the SRC-6E produced the proper sixteen-range-bin output for the first time.� Following the same basic design, new 8- and 4-range bin macros were rapidly created and verified.
After unexpectedly low FPGA usage for the 8- and 16-bin macros, only 12% and 16%, a 64-bin macro was implemented.� The new version demonstrated an FPGA usage of 38%.� A 256-bin version was then attempted but it would not fit within the user logic.� Finally, a 128-bin version was created which demonstrated a usage of 68%.
As noted in the original research, synthesizability was a problem during the design process.� Synthesizability is a style of hardware description language programming which allows the available layout tools to properly convert the code for hardware implementation on an FPGA.� During the design of the code, the Aldec software was only used to simulate the VHDL code.� Therefore, it only tested the code for functionality and did not consider if the code could actually be implemented in hardware.� Problems with the state machine design resulted in synthesizability problems which were resolved with a redesign of the interface.� The root cause of this was inexperience with both the VHDL language and the concept of synthesizability.
As previously noted, FPGA
utilization was much lower than expected.� Based on the 4-bin�s 10% usage,
slightly over 20% and 40% were expected for the 8 and 16 bin models, based on
linear scaling of the number of additional pipelines implemented by the two
larger models.� The 12% and 16% usages show that the Xilinx software is
performing some unexpected and very effective optimization of the VHDL code
which causes the actual usage to be much lower than the original estimations.�
The 64- and 128-bin versions showed usage of 38% and 68%.� A 256-bin version
was attempted but after 3 days of compiling failed with a usage of 99% with a
little over 500 signals left to route.� Thus 256-bins almost fit within the
user logic area.� However, it should be noted that this version had multiple
timing failures resulting in a clock speed of only 32.8 MHz which would not
have produced correct results.� Figure 8 is a plot of actual FGPA usage vs. the
number of bins.� Two best fit plots, one exponential and one second order
polynomial are added to predict the FPGA usage for macros with other numbers of
bins.� The polynomial curve seems to most closely match the actual data.�
This chapter discussed the necessary changes required to port the VHDL code to the SRC-6E environment.� The next chapter will discuss benchmarking the SRC-6E, including data collection and analysis.
This chapter discusses the benchmarks and methods used for collection of data and its analysis during the research.�
The C program shown in Appendix A was compiled and executed on a 3-GHz Pentium 4 processor system with 2 gigabytes of RAM running the Windows XP Professional operating system.� The primary reason for this benchmark was to draw a comparison for cost-effectiveness between the high-cost special purpose SRC-6E system and a modern, off-the-shelf, general purpose computer.� The same computer that was used for the previous research was used to collect the new data.
The same C program was compiled and run directly on the SRC-6E without using any of the custom hardware.� Therefore, the data collected is based on the Linux operating system running on a 1-GHz Xeon 3 processor with 1.5 gigabytes of RAM.� Although the system contains dual processors, only one thread is created while running the code and therefore it is believed that only one processor is used during the test.� The primary reason for this benchmark was to test if the algorithm itself is suitable for implementation on the user-logic.
The VHDL user macro and support files (shown in Appendix C) were built and executed on the SRC-6E MAP.� Two timing data results were collected from each of the runs, the total run time for the entire execution and the time of execution on the MAP only.� The two timing data results compare overhead time to actual execution on the MAP.
The data collection method used in this research was identical to the previous work to allow for direct comparison of the results.� The input data sets were composed to represent a stream of intercepted radar samples.� Each data item consists of two hexadecimal characters representing a five-bit intercepted radar sample.� The 32-sample-size data set is shown in Appendix C, which represents the decimal numbers 0 to 31 in order.� All other-sized sample sets were created by duplicating and repeating the same 32 samples in order. By doubling each previous sample set size the following set sizes were created: 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1,024, 2,048, 4,096, 8,192, 16,284, 32,786, 65,536, 131,072, and 262,144.� The final set size of 500,000 was chosen as a convenient, large value that was close to the upper array size restriction allowed by the four megabytes of memory per bank on the SRC-6E.
Data from all test platforms were collected in order of increasing input set size.� All raw data used in the timing analysis can be observed in Appendix D.� The timing data was collected by running five consecutive runs of each input data set on each of the three benchmark platforms.� The data for the Windows XP system were collected after a fresh reboot with all unnecessary programs closed.� As noted in the previous research, observation of the system usage during execution of the code again showed that the processor and memory were not fully used, never exceeding 54% usage during the 16-range-bin tests.� The reasons why the processor did not appear to be fully used and the methods Windows uses to measure performance are unknown. �The SRC-6E system data were collected by running the executables on side A when no other users were using the system.
The timing data are displayed in two types of graphs for each range bin size.� The first is the average total time each test platform takes for each data set.� The average is taken of the five data points for each input set size.� The second is the average time per sample for each input set.� First, the average is taken over the five data points and then it is divided by the input set size.� All graphs are connected with straight line approximations between data points.
9 shows the SRC MAP call average total time vs. input set size for each of the
implemented range bin sizes.��
Figure 9.� Comparison of Average Total Time
The Old 4 Bins plot shows that the new macro interface is more efficient for large input set sizes.� The 4 Bins plot shows a spike at 1024 samples, caused by a single unusually large time result in the data.� The reason for this one slow result is unknown.
These results are very similar to those found in the previous research.
Figure 10.� Average Total Time (4 Bins)
Figure 10 shows the average total time for 4 range bins.� All four curves are fairly constant up to the 16,284 sample size.� This result shows that, for small data set sizes, the overhead times inherent in the systems are much greater than the calculation times.� We consider overhead to be all the data file read/write operations and memory accesses required to prepare the data for calculations.� The SRC Macro MAP Call curve clearly shows the calculation time is insignificant compared to the total processing time.
The SRC Macro MAP Call curve also shows the MAP execution time is extremely fast, even for very large data set sizes.� However, the SRC Macro Total curve shows the total execution time for the VHDL macro takes considerably longer.� The extra time represents delays in the system to prepare and transfer the data in and out of the MAP which cause the SRC execution time to be longer for all input set sizes, initially by an order of magnitude.
As the input set size is
increased, we see the curves begin to converge.� Figure 11 shows a comparison
of the average time per sample.� Figure 12 shows the same data on a semi-log
Figure 11.� Comparison of Average Time per Sample
The overhead in the SRC Macro clearly dominates the graphs for smaller sample set sizes.� However, for larger sample set sizes, the overhead time is amortized over the total time to be nearly insignificant.� The SRC Macro Total time is approaching the other curves and presumably would eventually meet them if the sample set size could be further increased.� However, this is not possible with the current macro design due to the memory design of the SRC-6E hardware.
Figure 12.� Average Time per Sample (4 Bins Semi-Log)
The results for 8 and 16 range bins are similar to 4 range bins.� Figure 13 shows the average total time for 8 range bins.� Figure 14 shows the average total time for 16 bins.� The macros still lack enough parallelism to be effectively implemented on the SRC.� However, it can be observed that the SRC macro time is remaining the same as it was for 4 range bins, while the C program implemented on the Windows XP and SRC are becoming slower.
Figure 13.� Average Total Time(8 Bins)
Figure 14.� Average Total Time(16 Bins)
Figure 15 shows the average total time for 64 bins.� For the first time, the SRC macro beats the SRC C program for all sample sizes, demonstrating that the macro implementation is more efficient than the Xeon processor running at 1 GHz.� At 500,000 inputs, the SRC macro also meets the Windows XP C program running at 3 GHz.� Therefore, 64 range bins marks the lower bound for range bin implementation that can be run efficiently on the SRC-6E.
Figure 15.� Average Total Time(64 Bins)
Figure 16 shows the average total time for 128 bins.� The SRC macro beats the SRC C program again for all input sizes and by as much as an order of magnitude for large input sizes.� After approximately 50,000 inputs, the SRC macro beats the Windows XP C program.� This clearly demonstrates how a reconfigurable computer which allows the programming of highly specialized hardware for a given problem can be very efficient.
Figure 16.� Average Total Time(128 Bins)
The design of the VHDL macro running on the SRC-6E suffers from excessive overhead which makes it less efficient than the C program which performs the same calculations for implementations below 64 range bins.� Above 64 range bins the macro is very efficient, even beating a Windows XP computer running at a clock speed 30 times higher under certain conditions.
This chapter discussed
benchmarking the SRC-6E, including collection of data and analysis, and drew
conclusions on the results.� The next chapter draws conclusions on the SRC-6E,
including difficulty of use and appropriateness for the chosen algorithm.�
Recommendations for future work are also presented.
This chapter draws conclusions on the difficulty of use of the SRC-6E, appropriateness of the chosen algorithm for application on the SRC-6E, and gives recommendations for future work.
Programming the SRC-6E to use user-defined macros requires knowledge of high-level programming languages, hardware description languages, hardware component design, and synthesizability.� Relatively few people possess all of these skills to use the system effectively without first receiving significant training.� However, programming the system using only high-level languages of C or Fortran is possible which widens the potential user base to many more people.� Much more research needs to be performed to determine if either method produces more effective solutions.
The SRC-6E has a relatively steep learning curve.� There are a few examples in the documentation and a very small body of work in place using the system.� The errors generated by the system during development are not intuitive and cannot be solved without previous experience with solving the same errors.� The SRC support staff are very helpful in solving specific code problems but are not forthcoming in the reasons or methods used to resolve them.� There are no development tools in place to assist novice users in programming the system.� More research is required to see how much experience on the system is required to prevent and or recognize these types of errors quickly.
The development time to implement solutions on this system appears to be high, primarily due to the steep learning curve and lack of development tools.� This research represents approximately six months of part-time work by a single, moderately experienced person.� More research must be performed to further quantify the development time and see how it improves once a group of experienced repeat users is grown.� No research has yet been performed with large projects, employing multiple programmers, to see if the total project time can be reduced effectively.
The chosen implementation of the false target radar imaging algorithm appears to be one that would benefit from a reconfigurable computer because it is pipelined and supports parallel processing.� However, implementation of the design with 64 or less range bins has been shown to lack the necessary parallelism required to fully use the hardware and make it effective.� Without increases in the memory size allocated for the user logic, implementation below 64 range bins on the SRC-6E is not an effective solution in terms of development time, processing time, or cost-effectiveness.� Above 64 range bins the algorithm has the required parallelism to make implementation on the SRC-6E worthwhile.
The SRC-6E user logic is tied to a permanent 100MHz clock which would limit the range resolution if it were used to implement an actual false target radar imaging system.� Range resolution is defined as [10]:
, where C is the speed of
light, and
the clock speed.� With a clock speed of 100 MHz range resolution is 1.5
meters.� Ref [10] reports a system would require at least a 500 MHz clock speed
which results in a resolution of 0.3 meters necessary to fool modern radars.�
Maximum target size is defined as [10]:
, where
�is the number of range
Using 128 range bins results in a maximum target size of 192 meters.� With an expected 200 range bins possible, 300 meters is achievable.� With the use of two user logic areas possible, over 400 range bins should be achievable, resulting in 600 meters.� Future versions of reconfigureable computers using more modern FPGA�s with both larger sizes and faster clock speeds could make a workable false target radar imaging system achievable with this type of technology.
The current interface is built to allow scalability to implement any number of range bins in units of 4.� 256 range bins have been shown to be too large to fit within the user logic while 128 range bins fits with 68% usage.� Additional work could be performed to determine the actual upper limit for how many range bins will fit within the user logic area.� It is likely that upwards of 200 range bins could fit.� Also, future research could include using more than one user logic chip to implement twice as many range bins.� No known research to date has been performed which uses both user logic chips on the same MAP simultaneously.
As previously discussed, the SRC-6E lacks a custom code editing environment with modern features such as real time syntax checking.� Automated generation of some of the support files could also be implemented.� Project wizards could be created that ask a few questions and then create the skeletons of the support files for the project.� Changes to one file that affect another could be automatically corrected or at a minimum generate warnings.
The knowledge base of what types of applications do or do not work efficiently on this system is very small.� Many more algorithms need to be tested on the system.� Programming the same algorithm with both the high level language method and the user macro method would also provide information on which produces better results for different types of algorithms.� Cost and timing comparison to modern, readily available computers should continue to be made.
This appendix contains the C code written by Professor Douglas Fouts that was used as a standard for output correctness and as a source of timing data.� Slight modifications were made to provide for timing result output and increased sample sizes.� The version presented was used on both the SRC-6E and the Windows XP platforms for timing analysis with no modifications.
/* Simulate the DIS-512 chip. */
/* Compile Command */
/* cc Chip2_Sim.c -lm */
/* Range bin phase increment data must be in the file phzinc.txt. */
/* Range bin amplitude scaling data must be in the file ampscal.txt. */
/* Pulse phase samples must be in the file phzsamp.txt. */
/* Output results are put into the file IandQout.txt */
/* Global Included Files */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <time.h>
/* Global Defines */
#define rangebins 128���� /* Number of range bins. */
#define phzsamps 500000���� /* Maximum number of phase samples. */
/* Global Data Structures */
int phzincdat[rangebins],���� /* Stores phase increments for each range bin. */
��� ampscaldat[rangebins],���� /* Stores amplitude scaling factors for each range bin. */
��� Ipartres[phzsamps + rangebins][rangebins],���� /* Stores partial results for each phase sample */
��� Qpartres[phzsamps + rangebins][rangebins],�������� /*� in each range bin. */
��� sintab[32], costab[32],���� /* Sin and Cos lookup tables. */
��� numofsamps;���� /* Used to count number of samples read in from file phzsamp.txt. */
/* Read in phase increment values for each range bin, */
/* and store the results in the array phzincdat.����� */
�� /* Local Variables */
�� FILE *filepnt;
�� int rbcnt;
�� /* Open the input file phzinc.txt. */
�� if ((filepnt = fopen("phzinc.txt", "r")) == NULL)
����� fprintf(stderr, "\n\nTERMINAL FAULT:� File phzinc.txt not found.\n\n");
�� /* For each range bin. */
�� for (rbcnt = 0; rbcnt < rangebins; rbcnt++)
�� {
����� fscanf(filepnt, "%x", &phzincdat[rbcnt]);���� /* Read in phase increment value. */
�� }�� /* end of for loop */
�� /* Close input file. */
�� fclose(filepnt);
}���� /* End of function rdphzinc. */
/* Read in amplitude scaling values for each range bin, */
/* and store result in array ampscaldata.�������������� */
�� /* Local Variables */
�� FILE *filepnt;
�� int rbcnt, inptampdat, tstampdat;
�� /* Open the input file ampscal.txt. */
�� if ((filepnt = fopen("ampscal.txt", "r")) == NULL)
����� fprintf(stderr, "\n\nTERMINAL FAULT:� File ampscal.txt not found.\n\n");
�� /* Read in amplitude scaling values for each range bin. */
�� for (rbcnt = 0; rbcnt < rangebins; rbcnt++)
�� {
����� fscanf(filepnt, "%x", &inptampdat);
����� ampscaldat[rbcnt] = 0x00000001 & inptampdat;
����� � tstampdat = 0x00000001 & (inptampdat >> 1);
����� if (tstampdat == 1)
����� ���� ampscaldat[rbcnt] = ampscaldat[rbcnt] + 2;
����� tstampdat = 0x00000001 & (inptampdat >> 2);
�������� if (tstampdat == 1)
����� ������� ampscaldat[rbcnt] = ampscaldat[rbcnt] + 3;
����� tstampdat = 0x00000001 & (inptampdat >> 3);
�������� if (tstampdat == 1)
����� ������� ampscaldat[rbcnt] = ampscaldat[rbcnt] + 4;
�� }
�� /* Close input file. */
�� fclose(filepnt);
}���� /* End of function rdampscal. */
/* Initialize the global storage arrays. */
�� /* Local Variables */
�� int sampnum, rbnum;
�� /* Initialize the partial result array. */
�� for (sampnum = 0; sampnum < phzsamps; sampnum++)
����� for (rbnum = 0; rbnum < rangebins; rbnum++)
����� � {
����������� � Ipartres[sampnum + rbnum][rbnum] = 0;
��������� Qpartres[sampnum + rbnum][rbnum] = 0;
����� � }
�� /* Initialize the sin table. */
�� sintab[0] = 0x00000000;
�� sintab[1] = 0x00000019;
�� sintab[2] = 0x00000031;
�� sintab[3] = 0x00000047;
�� sintab[4] = 0x0000005A;
�� sintab[5] = 0x0000006A;
�� sintab[6] = 0x00000075;
�� sintab[7] = 0x0000007D;
�� sintab[8] = 0x0000007F;
�� sintab[9] = 0x0000007D;
�� sintab[10] = 0x00000075;
�� sintab[11] = 0x0000006A;
�� sintab[12] = 0x0000005A;
�� sintab[13] = 0x00000047;
�� sintab[14] = 0x00000031;
�� sintab[15] = 0x00000019;
�� sintab[16] = 0x00000000;
�� sintab[17] = 0xFFFFFFE7;
�� sintab[18] = 0xFFFFFFCF;
�� sintab[19] = 0xFFFFFFB9;
�� sintab[20] = 0xFFFFFFA6;
�� sintab[21] = 0xFFFFFF96;
�� sintab[22] = 0xFFFFFF8B;
�� sintab[23] = 0xFFFFFF83;
�� sintab[24] = 0xFFFFFF81;
�� sintab[25] = 0xFFFFFF83;
�� sintab[26] = 0xFFFFFF8B;
�� sintab[27] = 0xFFFFFF96;
�� sintab[28] = 0xFFFFFFA6;
�� sintab[29] = 0xFFFFFFB9;
�� sintab[30] = 0xFFFFFFCF;
�� sintab[31] = 0xFFFFFFE7;
�� /* Initialize the cos table. */
�� costab[0] = 0x0000007F;
�� costab[1] = 0x0000007D;
�� costab[2] = 0x00000075;
�� costab[3] = 0x0000006A;
�� costab[4] = 0x0000005A;
�� costab[5] = 0x00000047;
�� costab[6] = 0x00000031;
�� costab[7] = 0x00000019;
�� costab[8] = 0x00000000;
�� costab[9] = 0xFFFFFFE7;
�� costab[10] = 0xFFFFFFCF;
�� costab[11] = 0xFFFFFFB9;
�� costab[12] = 0xFFFFFFA6;
�� costab[13] = 0xFFFFFF96;
�� costab[14] = 0xFFFFFF8B;
�� costab[15] = 0xFFFFFF83;
�� costab[16] = 0xFFFFFF81;
�� costab[17] = 0xFFFFFF83;
�� costab[18] = 0xFFFFFF8B;
�� costab[19] = 0xFFFFFF96;
�� costab[20] = 0xFFFFFFA6;
�� costab[21] = 0xFFFFFFB9;
�� costab[22] = 0xFFFFFFCF;
�� costab[23] = 0xFFFFFFE7;
� �costab[24] = 0x00000000;
�� costab[25] = 0x00000019;
�� costab[26] = 0x00000031;
�� costab[27] = 0x00000047;
�� costab[28] = 0x0000005A;
�� costab[29] = 0x0000006A;
�� costab[30] = 0x00000075;
�� costab[31] = 0x0000007D;
}���� /* End of function initarrays. */
/* Read in pulse phase samples and calculate partial */
/* results for each range bin and store result in��� */
/* the arrays Ipartres and Qpartres.���������������� */
�� /* Local Variables */
�� FILE *filepnt;
�� int phzdat, phzaddout, ILUTOut, QLUTOut, IGainOut, QGainOut, rbcnt;
�� /* Open the input file phzsamp.txt. */
�� if ((filepnt = fopen("phzsamp.txt", "r")) == NULL)
����� fprintf(stderr, "\n\nTERMINAL FAULT:� File phzsamp.txt not found.\n\n");
�� /* Process each phase sample in the file phzsamp.txt. */
�� numofsamps = 0;
�� while (fscanf(filepnt, "%x", &phzdat) != EOF)
�� {
����� /* Process the new phase sample in each range bin and store the result. */
����� for (rbcnt = 0; rbcnt < rangebins; rbcnt++)
����� {
�������� /* Increment the phase. */
�������� phzaddout = phzdat + phzincdat[rbcnt];
�������� phzaddout = phzaddout & 0x0000001F;
�������� /* Calculate I for each range bin and store the result. */
�������� ILUTOut = costab[phzaddout];
�������� IGainOut = ILUTOut << ampscaldat[rbcnt];
����������� �if (IGainOut >= 0)
����������������� �IGainOut = IGainOut >> 5;
����������� �else
����������������� �IGainOut = (IGainOut >> 5) | 0xFFFFE000;
����������� �IGainOut = IGainOut & 0x0000FFFF;
�������� Ipartres[numofsamps + rbcnt][rbcnt] = IGainOut;
�������� /* Calculate Q for each range bin and store the result. */
�������� QLUTOut = sintab[phzaddout];
�������� QGainOut = QLUTOut << ampscaldat[rbcnt];
����������� �if (QGainOut >= 0)
����������������� �QGainOut = QGainOut >> 5;
����������� �else
����������������� �QGainOut = (QGainOut >> 5) | 0xFFFFE000;
����������� �QGainOut = QGainOut & 0x0000FFFF;
�� ������Qpartres[numofsamps + rbcnt][rbcnt] = QGainOut;
����� }
����� /* Increment the number of phase samples counter. */
����� numofsamps++;
�� }���� /* End of outside while loop. */
�� /* Close input file. */
�� fclose(filepnt);
}���� /* End of function rdphzsamp. */
/* Sum partial results in the array partres and write */
/* final sums to the output file IandQout.txt.������� */
�� /* Local Variables */
�� FILE *filepnt;
�� int sampnum, rbnum, finIout, finQout, IOF, QOF, signofA, signofB, signofsum;
�� /* Open output file for writing. */
�� if ((filepnt = fopen("IandQout.txt", "w")) == NULL)
����� fprintf(stderr, "\n\nTERMINAL FAULT:� File IandQout.txt cannot be written.\n\n");
�� /* put headers in output file */
�� fprintf(filepnt, " I_OF_Out��� Iout��� Q_OF_Out�� Qout\n");
�� fprintf(filepnt, " --------�� ------�� --------�� ------\n\n");
�� /* for all phase samples that were read in */
�� for (sampnum = 0; sampnum < (numofsamps + rangebins - 1); sampnum++)
�� {
����� finIout = finQout = IOF = QOF = 0;���� /* initialize final result */
����� � rbnum = rangebins - 1;
����� while (rbnum >= 0)
����� {
����������� � signofA = (finIout >> 15) & 0x00000001;
����������� � signofB = (Ipartres[sampnum][rbnum] >> 15) & 0x00000001;
��������� finIout = (finIout + Ipartres[sampnum][rbnum]) & 0x0000FFFF;
����������� � signofsum = (finIout >> 15) & 0x00000001;
����������� � if ((signofA == 0) && (signofB == 0) && (signofsum == 1))
����������������� � IOF = 1;
��������� if ((signofA == 1) && (signofB == 1) && (signofsum == 0))
����������������� � IOF = 1;
��������� signofA = (finQout >> 15) & 0x00000001;
����������� � signofB = (Qpartres[sampnum][rbnum] >> 15) & 0x00000001;
��������� finQout = (finQout + Qpartres[sampnum][rbnum]) & 0x0000FFFF;
��������� signofsum = (finQout >> 15) & 0x00000001;
����������� � if ((signofA == 0) && (signofB == 0) && (signofsum == 1))
����������������� � QOF = 1;
��������� if ((signofA == 1) && (signofB == 1) && (signofsum == 0))
����������������� � QOF = 1;
��������� rbnum--;
����� }
����� /* Print out result to output file. */
����� fprintf(filepnt, "��� %d������ 0x%04X����� %d������ 0x%04X\n", IOF, finIout, QOF, finQout);
�� }�� /* end of outer for loop */
�� /* Close output file. */
�� fclose (filepnt);
}���� /* End of function sumpartres. */
�� /* Local Variables */
����� clock_t start, finish;
����� double duration;
����� FILE *filepnt;
����� start=clock();
�� /* Read in phase increment data for each range bin. */
�� rdphzinc();
�� /* Read in amplitude scaling data for each range bin. */
�� rdampscal();
�� /* Initialize global storage arrays. */
�� initarrays();
�� /* Read in pulse phase samples and calculate partial results. */
�� rdphzsamp();
�� /* Sum partial results and output sums. */
�� sumpartres();
�� finish=clock();
�� duration = (double)(finish - start) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
�� /* Open output file for writing. */
�� if ((filepnt = fopen("Time.txt", "w")) == NULL)
����� fprintf(stderr, "\n\nTERMINAL FAULT:� File Time.txt cannot be written.\n\n");
����� /* Print out result to output file. */
����� fprintf(filepnt, "Time to complete %i samples: %2.4f seconds.\n", numofsamps, duration);
�� /* Close output file. */
�� fclose (filepnt);
}���� /* End of main. */
-- Title������ : FourBin
library IEEE;
use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all;
entity DFlipFlop is
port (CLK, LD, RESET, D: in bit;
Q: inout bit; Qnot: out bit := '1');
end DFLipFlop;��������������������������������������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������������������������������� ��
architecture Equations of DFlipFlop is
process (CLK, LD, RESET)
if CLK='1' and CLK'EVENT then
if� RESET='1' then
Q <= '0';
elsif LD='1' then
Q <= D;
end if;
end if;
end process;
Qnot <= not Q;
end Equations;
entity Register5 is
port (CLK,LD,RESET: in bit; D5: in bit_vector (4 downto 0);
����� Q5: inout bit_vector (4 downto 0);
Q5not: out bit_vector (4 downto 0));
end Register5;��������������������������������������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� �����������������������������������������������������������������������������
architecture Register5 of Register5 is
component DFlipFlop
port (CLK, LD, RESET, D: in bit;
Q: inout bit; Qnot: out bit);
end component;
DFF0: DFlipFlop port map (CLK, LD, RESET, D5(0), Q5(0), Q5not(0));
DFF1: DFlipFlop port map (CLK, LD, RESET, D5(1), Q5(1), Q5not(1));
DFF2: DFlipFlop port map (CLK, LD, RESET, D5(2), Q5(2), Q5not(2));
DFF3: DFlipFlop port map (CLK, LD, RESET, D5(3), Q5(3), Q5not(3));
DFF4: DFlipFlop port map (CLK, LD, RESET, D5(4), Q5(4), Q5not(4));
end Register5;
entity Register8 is
port (CLK, LD, RESET: in bit; D8: in bit_vector (7 downto 0);
Q8: inout bit_vector (7 downto 0);
Q8not: out bit_vector (7 downto 0));
end Register8;
architecture Register8 of Register8 is
component DFlipFlop
port (CLK, LD, RESET, D: in bit;
Q: inout bit; Qnot: out bit);
end component;��������������������������������������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ��
DFF0: DFlipFlop port map (CLK, LD, RESET, D8(0), Q8(0), Q8not(0));
DFF1: DFlipFlop port map (CLK, LD, RESET, D8(1), Q8(1), Q8not(1));
DFF2: DFlipFlop port map (CLK, LD, RESET, D8(2), Q8(2), Q8not(2));
DFF3: DFlipFlop port map (CLK, LD, RESET, D8(3), Q8(3), Q8not(3));
DFF4: DFlipFlop port map (CLK, LD, RESET, D8(4), Q8(4), Q8not(4));
DFF5: DFlipFlop port map (CLK, LD, RESET, D8(5), Q8(5), Q8not(5));
DFF6: DFlipFlop port map (CLK, LD, RESET, D8(6), Q8(6), Q8not(6));
DFF7: DFlipFlop port map (CLK, LD, RESET, D8(7), Q8(7), Q8not(7));
end Register8;
entity Register13 is
port (CLK, LD, RESET: in bit; D13: in bit_vector (12 downto 0);
Q13: inout bit_vector (12 downto 0);
Q13not: out bit_vector (12 downto 0));
end Register13;
architecture Register13 of Register13 is
component DFlipFlop
port (CLK, LD, RESET, D: in bit;
Q: inout bit; Qnot: out bit);
end component;��������������������������������������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ��
DFF0: DFlipFlop port map (CLK, LD, RESET, D13(0), Q13(0), Q13not(0));
DFF1: DFlipFlop port map (CLK, LD, RESET, D13(1), Q13(1), Q13not(1));
DFF2: DFlipFlop port map (CLK, LD, RESET, D13(2), Q13(2), Q13not(2));
DFF3: DFlipFlop port map (CLK, LD, RESET, D13(3), Q13(3), Q13not(3));
DFF4: DFlipFlop port map (CLK, LD, RESET, D13(4), Q13(4), Q13not(4));
DFF5: DFlipFlop port map (CLK, LD, RESET, D13(5), Q13(5), Q13not(5));
DFF6: DFlipFlop port map (CLK, LD, RESET, D13(6), Q13(6), Q13not(6));
DFF7: DFlipFlop port map (CLK, LD, RESET, D13(7), Q13(7), Q13not(7));�
DFF8: DFlipFlop port map (CLK, LD, RESET, D13(8), Q13(8), Q13not(8));
DFF9: DFlipFlop port map (CLK, LD, RESET, D13(9), Q13(9), Q13not(9));
DFF10: DFlipFlop port map (CLK, LD, RESET, D13(10), Q13(10), Q13not(10));
DFF11: DFlipFlop port map (CLK, LD, RESET, D13(11), Q13(11), Q13not(11));
DFF12: DFlipFlop port map (CLK, LD, RESET, D13(12), Q13(12), Q13not(12));
end Register13;
entity Register17 is
port (CLK, LD, RESET: in bit; D17: in bit_vector (16 downto 0);
Q17: inout bit_vector (16 downto 0);
Q17not: out bit_vector (16 downto 0));
end Register17;
architecture Register17 of Register17 is
component DFlipFlop
port (CLK, LD, RESET,D: in bit;
Q: inout bit; Qnot: out bit);
end component;��������������������������������������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ��
DFF0: DFlipFlop port map (CLK, LD, RESET, D17(0), Q17(0), Q17not(0));
DFF1: DFlipFlop port map (CLK, LD, RESET, D17(1), Q17(1), Q17not(1));
DFF2: DFlipFlop port map (CLK, LD, RESET, D17(2), Q17(2), Q17not(2));
DFF3: DFlipFlop port map (CLK, LD, RESET, D17(3), Q17(3), Q17not(3));
DFF4: DFlipFlop port map (CLK, LD, RESET, D17(4), Q17(4), Q17not(4));
DFF5: DFlipFlop port map (CLK, LD, RESET, D17(5), Q17(5), Q17not(5));
DFF6: DFlipFlop port map (CLK, LD, RESET, D17(6), Q17(6), Q17not(6));
DFF7: DFlipFlop port map (CLK, LD, RESET, D17(7), Q17(7), Q17not(7));�
DFF8: DFlipFlop port map (CLK, LD, RESET, D17(8), Q17(8), Q17not(8));
DFF9: DFlipFlop port map (CLK, LD, RESET, D17(9), Q17(9), Q17not(9));
DFF10: DFlipFlop port map (CLK, LD, RESET, D17(10), Q17(10), Q17not(10));
DFF11: DFlipFlop port map (CLK, LD, RESET, D17(11), Q17(11), Q17not(11));
DFF12: DFlipFlop port map (CLK, LD, RESET, D17(12), Q17(12), Q17not(12));
DFF13: DFlipFlop port map (CLK, LD, RESET, D17(13), Q17(13), Q17not(13));
DFF14: DFlipFlop port map (CLK, LD, RESET, D17(14), Q17(14), Q17not(14));
DFF15: DFlipFlop port map (CLK, LD, RESET, D17(15), Q17(15), Q17not(15));
DFF16: DFlipFlop port map (CLK, LD, RESET, D17(16), Q17(16), Q17not(16));
end Register17;
entity ROMLUT is
port (SIN, COS:out bit_vector(8 downto 1);
� FIVEBITS:in bit_vector(5 downto 1));
architecture ROMLUT of ROMLUT is
signal ROMLUTValue : bit_vector(15 downto 0);
with FIVEBITS Select
�� ROMLUTValue <="0000000001111111" when "00000",--0
"0001100101111101" when "00001",--1
"0011000101110101" when "00010",--2
"0100011101101010" when "00011",--3
"0101101001011010" when "00100",--4
"0110101001000111" when "00101",--5
"0111010100110001" when "00110",--6
"0111110100011001" when "00111",--7
"0111111100000000" when "01000",--8
"0111110111100111" when "01001",--9
"0111010111001111" when "01010",--A
"0110101010111001" when "01011",--b
"0101101010100110" when "01100",--C
"0100011110010110" when "01101",--d
"0011000110001011" when "01110",--E
"0001100110000011" when "01111",--F
"0000000010000001" when "10000",--10
"1110011110000011" when "10001",--11
"1100111110001011" when "10010",--12
"1011100110010110" when "10011",--13
"1010011010100110" when "10100",--14
"1001011010111001" when "10101",--15
"1000101111001111" when "10110",--16
"1000001111100111" when "10111",--17
"1000000100000000" when "11000",--18
"1000001100011001" when "11001",--19
"1000101100110001" when "11010",--1A
"1001011001000111" when "11011",--1b
"1010011001011010" when "11100",--1C
"1011100101101010" when "11101",--1d
"1100111101110101" when "11110",--1E
"1110011101111101" when "11111",--1F
"0000000000000000" when others;--Never Occurs
�� SIN <= ROMLUTValue(15 downto 8);
�� COS <= ROMLUTValue(7 downto 0);
end ROMLUT;������������������������������������������������������������������
entity FullAdder is����������������������������������������������������������
port (X, Y, Cin: in bit;
Cout, Sum: out bit);
end FullAdder;
architecture Equations of FullAdder is
Sum <= X xor Y xor Cin;
Cout <= (X and Y) or (X and Cin) or (Y and Cin);
end Equations;
entity FullAdderOV is
port (Ci, Cout, OVin: in bit;
� Co, OVout: out bit);
end FullAdderOV;
architecture Equations of FullAdderOV is
Co <= Cout;
OVout <= OVin or (Ci xor Cout);
end Equations;
entity Adder5 is
port (A, B: in bit_vector(4 downto 0); Ci: in bit;
� S: out bit_vector(4 downto 0); Co: out bit);
end Adder5;
architecture Adder5 of Adder5 is
component FullAdder
port (X, Y, Cin: in bit;
Cout, Sum: out bit);
end component;
signal C: bit_vector(4 downto 1);
FA0: FullAdder port map (A(0), B(0), Ci, C(1), S(0));
FA1: FullAdder port map (A(1), B(1), C(1), C(2), S(1));
FA2: FullAdder port map (A(2), B(2), C(2), C(3), S(2));
FA3: FullAdder port map (A(3), B(3), C(3), C(4), S(3));
FA4: FullAdder port map (A(4), B(4), C(4), Co, S(4));
end Adder5;
entity CLAH4 is
port (A, B: in bit_vector(3 downto 0); Cin: in bit;
Cout: out bit);
end CLAH4;
architecture CLAH4 of CLAH4 is
signal g0, g1, g2, g3, p0, p1, p2, p3: bit;
g0 <= A(0) and B(0);
p0 <= A(0) or B(0);
g1 <= A(1) and B(1);
p1 <= A(1) or B(1);
g2 <= A(2) and B(2);
p2 <= A(2) or B(2);
g3 <= A(3) and B(3);
p3 <= A(3) or B(3);
Cout <= g3 or (p3 and g2) or (p3 and p2 and g1) or (p3 and p2 and p1 and g0) or
(p3 and p2 and p1 and p0 and Cin);
end CLAH4;
entity CLAH8 is
port (A, B: in bit_vector(7 downto 0); Cin: in bit;
Cout: out bit);
end CLAH8;
architecture CLAH8 of CLAH8 is
signal g0, g1, g2, g3, g4, g5, g6, g7, p0, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7: bit;
g0 <= A(0) and B(0);
p0 <= A(0) or B(0);
g1 <= A(1) and B(1);
p1 <= A(1) or B(1);
g2 <= A(2) and B(2);
p2 <= A(2) or B(2);
g3 <= A(3) and B(3);
p3 <= A(3) or B(3);
g4 <= A(4) and B(4);
p4 <= A(4) or B(4);
g5 <= A(5) and B(5);
p5 <= A(5) or B(5);
g6 <= A(6) and B(6);
p6 <= A(6) or B(6);
g7 <= A(7) and B(7);
p7 <= A(7) or B(7);����������������������������������������������������������
Cout <= g7 or (p7 and g6) or (p7 and p6 and g5) or (p7 and p6 and p5 and g4) or
(p7 and p6 and p5 and p4 and g3) or
(p7 and p6 and p5 and p4 and p3 and g2) or
(p7 and p6 and p5 and p4 and p3 and p2 and g1) or
(p7 and p6 and p5 and p4 and p3 and p2 and p1 and g0) or
(p7 and p6 and p5 and p4 and p3 and p2 and p1 and p0 and Cin);
end CLAH8;
entity Adder16 is������������������������������������������������������������
port (A, B: in bit_vector(15 downto 0); Ci, OVin: in bit;
� S: out bit_vector(16 downto 0); Co: out bit);
end Adder16; --bit 16 of S is overflow
architecture Adder16 of Adder16 is
component CLAH4
port (A, B: in bit_vector(3 downto 0); Cin: in bit;
Cout: out bit);
end component;
component CLAH8
port (A, B: in bit_vector(7 downto 0); Cin: in bit;
Cout: out bit);
end component;
component FullAdder
port (X, Y, Cin: in bit;
Cout, Sum: out bit);
end component;
component FullAdderOV
port (Ci, Cout, OVin: in bit;
� Co, OVout: out bit);
end component;
signal C: bit_vector(16 downto 1);
signal dummy1, dummy2, dummy3: bit;
FA0: FullAdder port map (A(0), B(0), Ci, C(1), S(0));
FA1: FullAdder port map (A(1), B(1), C(1), C(2), S(1));
FA2: FullAdder port map (A(2), B(2), C(2), C(3), S(2));
FA3: FullAdder port map (A(3), B(3), C(3), dummy1, S(3));
CLAH0: CLAH4 port map (A(3 downto 0), B(3 downto 0), Ci, C(4));
FA4: FullAdder port map (A(4), B(4), C(4), C(5), S(4));
FA5: FullAdder port map (A(5), B(5), C(5), C(6), S(5));
FA6: FullAdder port map (A(6), B(6), C(6), C(7), S(6));
FA7: FullAdder port map (A(7), B(7), C(7), dummy2, S(7));
CLAH1: CLAH8 port map (A(7 downto 0), B(7 downto 0), Ci, C(8));
FA8: FullAdder port map (A(8), B(8), C(8), C(9), S(8));
FA9: FullAdder port map (A(9), B(9), C(9), C(10), S(9));
FA10: FullAdder port map (A(10), B(10), C(10), C(11), S(10));
FA11: FullAdder port map (A(11), B(11), C(11), dummy3, S(11));
CLAH2: CLAH4 port map (A(11 downto 8), B(11 downto 8), C(8), C(12));
FA12: FullAdder port map (A(12), B(12), C(12), C(13), S(12));
FA13: FullAdder port map (A(13), B(13), C(13), C(14), S(13));
FA14: FullAdder port map (A(14), B(14), C(14), C(15), S(14));
FA15: FullAdder port map (A(15), B(15), C(15), C(16), S(15));
FAOV: FullAdderOV port map (C(15), C(16), OVin, Co, S(16));
end Adder16;
entity ControlLogic is
port (ODVin, URB, PSVin, CLK, OPER: in bit;
CLR13, CLR17: out bit := '1'; ODVout, PSVout: out bit);
end ControlLogic;
architecture ControlLogic of ControlLogic is
component DFlipFlop
port (CLK, LD, RESET, D: in bit;
Q: inout bit; Qnot: out bit);
end component;��������������������������������������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������
signal RESET,D1,Q1,Q1Not,D2,Q2,Q2Not,D3,Q3,Q3Not,D4,Q4,Q4Not,
RESET <= '0';
PSVFF: DFlipFlop port map (CLK, OPER, RESET, PSVD, PSVQ, PSVQNot);
DFF1: DFLipFlop port map(CLK, OPER, RESET, D1, Q1, Q1Not);�������������������
DFF2: DFLipFlop port map(CLK, OPER, RESET, D2, Q2, Q2Not);
DFF3: DFLipFlop port map(CLK, OPER, RESET, D3, Q3, Q3Not);
DFF4: DFLipFlop port map(CLK, OPER, RESET, D4, Q4, Q4Not);
PSVD <= PSVin;
D1 <= URB and PSVQ;
D2 <= Q1;
D3 <= ODVin or Q2;
D4 <= Q3;
CLR13 <= Q2Not;
CLR17 <= Q3Not;
PSVout <= PSVQ;
ODVout <= Q4;
end ControlLogic;
entity GainShifter is
port (Control:in bit_vector(4 downto 1);
Data: in bit_vector(8 downto 1);
Output: out bit_vector(13 downto 1));
end GainShifter;
architecture GainShifter of GainShifter is
process (Control,Data)
Output(13 downto 1) <= "0000000000000";
case Control is
when "0000" => Output(3 downto 1) <= Data(8 downto 6);
if Data(8)='1' then --need to preserve the sign bit
Output(13 downto 4) <= "1111111111";
end if;
when "0001" => Output(4 downto 1) <= Data(8 downto 5);
if Data(8)='1' then --need to preserve the sign bit
Output(13 downto 5) <= "111111111";
end if;
when "0010" => Output(5 downto 1) <= Data(8 downto 4);
if Data(8)='1' then --need to preserve the sign bit
Output(13 downto 6) <= "11111111";
end if;
when "0011" => Output(6 downto 1) <= Data(8 downto 3);
if Data(8)='1' then --need to preserve the sign bit
Output(13 downto 7) <= "1111111";
end if;
when "0100" => Output(6 downto 1) <= Data(8 downto 3);
if Data(8)='1' then --need to preserve the sign bit
Output(13 downto 7) <= "1111111";
end if;
when "0101" => Output(7 downto 1) <= Data(8 downto 2);
if Data(8)='1' then --need to preserve the sign bit
Output(13 downto 8) <= "111111";
end if;
when "0110" => Output(8 downto 1) <= Data(8 downto 1);
if Data(8)='1' then --need to preserve the sign bit
Output(13 downto 9) <= "11111";
end if;
when "0111" => Output(9 downto 2) <= Data(8 downto 1);
if Data(8)='1' then --need to preserve the sign bit
Output(13 downto 10) <= "1111";
end if;
when "1000" => Output(7 downto 1) <= Data(8 downto 2);
if Data(8)='1' then --need to preserve the sign bit
Output(13 downto 8) <= "111111";
end if;
when "1001" => Output(8 downto 1) <= Data(8 downto 1);
if Data(8)='1' then --need to preserve the sign bit
Output(13 downto 9) <= "11111";
end if;
when "1010" => Output(9 downto 2) <= Data(8 downto 1);
if Data(8)='1' then --need to preserve the sign bit
Output(13 downto 10) <= "1111";
end if;
when "1011" => Output(10 downto 3) <= Data(8 downto 1);
if Data(8)='1' then --need to preserve the sign bit
Output(13 downto 11) <= "111";
end if;
when "1100" => Output(10 downto 3) <=Data(8 downto 1);
if Data(8)='1' then --need to preserve the sign bit
Output(13 downto 11) <= "111";
end if;
when "1101" => Output(11 downto 4) <=Data(8 downto 1);
if Data(8)='1' then --need to preserve the sign bit
Output(13 downto 12) <= "11";
end if;
when "1110" => Output(12 downto 5) <=Data(8 downto 1);
if Data(8)='1' then --need to preserve the sign bit
Output(13) <= '1';
end if;
when "1111" => Output(13 downto 6) <=Data(8 downto 1);
when others => -- summon blue screen of death
end case;
end process;
end GainShifter;
entity OneBin is������������������������������������������������������������������� ��
port (PhaseSamp, PhaseInc: in bit_vector (5 downto 1);
Gain: in bit_vector (4 downto 1);
URB, UNP, PRB, ODVin, PSVin: in bit;
OtherBinDataSIN, OtherBinDataCOS: in bit_vector (17 downto 1);
Q, I: out bit_vector (17 downto 1);
ODVout, PSVout: out bit;
DRFM: out bit_vector (5 downto 1);
CLK: in bit);
end OneBin;
architecture OneBin of OneBin is
component Register5 is
port (CLK, LD, RESET: in bit; D5: in bit_vector (4 downto 0);
Q5: inout bit_vector (4 downto 0); Q5not: out bit_vector (4 downto 0));
end component;
component Register8 is
port (CLK, LD, RESET: in bit; D8: in bit_vector (7 downto 0);
Q8: inout bit_vector (7 downto 0); Q8not: out bit_vector (7 downto 0));
end component;
component Register13 is
port (CLK, LD, RESET: in bit; D13: in bit_vector (12 downto 0);
Q13: inout bit_vector(12 downto 0);Q13not:out bit_vector(12 downto 0));
end component;
component Register17 is
port (CLK, LD, RESET: in bit; D17: in bit_vector (16 downto 0);
Q17: inout bit_vector(16 downto 0);Q17not:out bit_vector(16 downto 0));
end component;���������������������������������������������������������������
component Adder5 is
port (A, B: in bit_vector(4 downto 0); Ci: in bit;
� S: out bit_vector(4 downto 0); Co: out bit);
end component;
component Adder16 is
port (A, B: in bit_vector(15 downto 0); Ci, OVin: in bit;
� S: out bit_vector(16 downto 0); Co: out bit);
end component;
component ROMLUT is
port (SIN, COS:out bit_vector(1 to 8);
� FIVEBITS:in bit_vector(1 to 5));
end component;
component GainShifter is
port (Control:in bit_vector(4 downto 1);Data:in bit_vector(8 downto 1);
Output: out bit_vector(13 downto 1));
end component;
component ControlLogic is
port (ODVin, URB, PSVin, CLK, OPER: in bit;
� CLR13, CLR17, ODVout, PSVout: out bit);
end component;
signal QOutReg1,QNotOutReg1,QOutReg2,QNotOutReg2,QOutReg3,QNotOutReg3,QOutReg4,QNotOutReg4,
QOutReg5,QNotOutReg5,QOutReg6,QNotOutReg6,OutAdd1: bit_vector (5 downto 1);��
signal QOutReg7,QNotOutReg7,QOutReg8,QNotOutReg8,LUTSIN, LUTCOS: bit_vector (8 downto 1);
signal QOutReg9,QNotOutReg9,QOutReg10,QNotOutReg10, OutShiftSIN, OutShiftCOS: bit_vector (13 downto 1);
signal QOutReg11,QNotOutReg11,QOutReg12,QNotOutReg12,QOutReg13,QNotOutReg13,QOutReg14,QNotOutReg14,
OutAdd2, OutAdd3: bit_vector (17 downto 1);
signal InputAdder2, InputAdder3: bit_vector (16 downto 1);
signal OPER, LD, CLR5, CLR8, CLR13, CLR17, Ci, Co1, Co2, Co3,
Reset_Inact: bit;
signal InReg5: bit_vector (5 downto 1);
OPER <='1';
CLR5 <= '0';
CLR8 <= '0';
Ci <= '0';
LD <= '1';
Reset_Inact <= '0';
InReg5(4 downto 1) <= Gain (4 downto 1);
InReg5(5) <= URB;
Reg1: Register5 port map(CLK, PRB, CLR5, PhaseInc(5 downto 1),
QOutReg1(5 downto 1), QNotOutReg1(5 downto 1));
Reg2: Register5 port map(CLK, UNP, CLR5, QOutReg1(5 downto 1),
QOutReg2(5 downto 1), QNotOutReg2(5 downto 1));
Reg3: Register5 port map(CLK, LD, CLR5, PhaseSamp(5 downto 1),
QOutReg3(5 downto 1), QNotOutReg3(5 downto 1));
Add1: Adder5 port map (QOutReg2,QOutReg3, Ci, OutAdd1(5 downto 1), Co1);
Reg4: Register5 port map(CLK, LD, CLR5, OutAdd1(5 downto 1),
QOutReg4(5 downto 1), QNotOutReg4(5 downto 1));
LUT: ROMLUT port map (LUTSIN(8 downto 1),LUTCOS(8 downto 1),
QOutReg4(5 downto 1));
Reg5: Register5 port map(CLK, PRB, CLR5, InReg5(5 downto 1),
QOutReg5(5 downto 1), QNotOutReg5(5 downto 1));
Reg6: Register5 port map(CLK, UNP, CLR5, QOutReg5(5 downto 1),
QOutReg6(5 downto 1), QNotOutReg6(5 downto 1));
Reg7: Register8 port map(CLK, LD, CLR8, LUTSIN(8 downto 1),
QOutReg7(8 downto 1), QNotOutReg7(8 downto 1));
Reg8: Register8 port map(CLK, LD, CLR8, LUTCOS(8 downto 1),
QOutReg8(8 downto 1), QNotOutReg8(8 downto 1));
Shift1: GainShifter port map (QOutReg6(4 downto 1), QOutReg7(8 downto 1),OutShiftSIN(13 downto 1));
Shift2: GainShifter port map (QOutReg6(4 downto 1), QOutReg8(8 downto 1),OutShiftCOS(13 downto 1));
Reg9: Register13 port map(CLK, LD, CLR13, OutShiftSIN(13 downto 1), QOutReg9(13 downto 1),QNotOutReg9(13 downto 1));
Reg10: Register13 port map(CLK, LD, CLR13, OutShiftCOS(13 downto 1), QOutReg10(13 downto 1), QNotOutReg10(13 downto 1));��������������������������������������������������
Reg11: Register17 port map(CLK, LD, Reset_Inact, OtherBinDataSIN(17 downto 1), QOutReg11(17 downto 1), QNotOutReg11(17 downto 1));���������������������������������������
Reg12: Register17 port map(CLK, LD, Reset_Inact, OtherBinDataCOS(17 downto 1), QOutReg12(17 downto 1), QNotOutReg12(17 downto 1));���������������������������������������
Add2: Adder16 port map (InputAdder2, QOutReg11(16 downto 1), Ci, QOutReg11(17), OutAdd2(17 downto 1),Co2);
Add3: Adder16 port map (InputAdder3, QOutReg12(16 downto 1), Ci, QOutReg12(17), OutAdd3(17 downto 1),Co3);
Reg13: Register17 port map(CLK, LD, CLR17, OutAdd2(17 downto 1), QOutReg13(17 downto 1), QNotOutReg13(17 downto 1));
Reg14: Register17 port map(CLK, LD, CLR17, OutAdd3(17 downto 1), QOutReg14(17 downto 1), QNotOutReg14(17 downto 1));
Control: ControlLogic port map (ODVin, QOutReg6(5), PSVin, CLK, OPER, CLR13, CLR17, ODVout, PSVout);
InputAdder2(13 downto 1) <= QOutReg9(13 downto 1);
InputAdder2(14) <= QOutReg9(13);
InputAdder2(15) <= QOutReg9(13);
InputAdder2(16) <= QOutReg9(13);
InputAdder3(13 downto 1) <= QOutReg10(13 downto 1);
InputAdder3(14) <= QOutReg10(13);
InputAdder3(15) <= QOutReg10(13);
InputAdder3(16) <= QOutReg10(13);
DRFM(5 downto 1) <= QOutReg3(5 downto 1);
Q <= QOutReg13;
I <= QOutReg14;
end OneBin;
entity FourBin is
port (Input: in bit_vector (63 downto 0);
Output:out bit_vector (63 downto 0); CLK: in bit);
end FourBin;
architecture FourBin of FourBin is
component OneBin is
port (PhaseSamp, PhaseInc: in bit_vector (5 downto 1);
Gain: in bit_vector (4 downto 1);
URB, UNP, PRB, ODVin, PSVin: in bit;
OtherBinDataSIN,OtherBinDataCOS:in bit_vector (17 downto 1);
Q, I: out bit_vector (17 downto 1);
ODVout, PSVout: out bit;
DRFM: out bit_vector (5 downto 1);
CLK: in bit);
end component;
signal Q, I, Q1,I1,Q2,I2,Q3,I3: bit_vector (17 downto 1) :="00000000000000000";
signal DRFM0,DRFM1,DRFM2,DRFM3: bit_vector (5 downto 1):="00000";
signal PSVout0,PSVout1,PSVout2,PSVout3: bit:='0';
signal ODVout0,ODVout1,ODVout2,ODVout3: bit:='0';
signal Gain0,Gain1,Gain2,Gain3: bit_vector (4 downto 1):="0000";
signal PhaseInc0,PhaseInc1,PhaseInc2,PhaseInc3: bit_vector (5 downto 1) :="00000";
signal URB0,URB1,URB2,URB3: bit :='0';
signal PhaseSamp: bit_vector (5 downto 1):= "00000";
signal PRB, UNP, PSVin, ODVin: bit :='0';
begin -- BIN0 is the primary output
--Input: formats, cycle begins when PRB=1, 1 format per clock
-- ten bits of each bin: 10 |� 9-5�� |4-1 |
--��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� URB|PhaseInc|Gain|
-- 63-48 |47-38 |37-28 |27-18 | 17-8 | 7-3�� | 2��� | 1� | 0
--unused | bin3 | bin2 | bin1 | bin0 |sample |PSVin |UNP |PRB
-- 63-8����������������������������� | 7-3�� | 2��� | 1� | 0
--unused���������������������� ������|sample |PSVin |UNP |PRB
-- The first sample can be entered on clock 2 if PSVin and UNP are taken high
PhaseSamp<=Input(7 downto 3);
-- Bin 0 data
PhaseInc0<=Input(16 downto 12);
Gain0<=Input(11 downto 8);
-- Bin 1 Data
PhaseInc1<=Input(26 downto 22);
Gain1<=Input(21 downto 18);��������������������������������������������������
-- Bin 2 data
PhaseInc2<=Input(36 downto 32);
Gain2<=Input(31 downto 28);
-- Bins 3 data
PhaseInc3<=Input(46 downto 42);
Gain3<=Input(41 downto 38);
BIN0: OneBin port map (DRFM1, PhaseInc0, Gain0, URB0, UNP, PRB, ODVout1, PSVout1, Q1, I1, Q, I, ODVout0, PSVout0, DRFM0, CLK);
BIN1: OneBin port map (DRFM2, PhaseInc1, Gain1, URB1, UNP, PRB, ODVout2, PSVout2, Q2, I2, Q1, I1, ODVout1, PSVout1, DRFM1, CLK);
BIN2: OneBin port map (DRFM3, PhaseInc2, Gain2, URB2, UNP, PRB, ODVout3, PSVout3, Q3, I3, Q2, I2, ODVout2, PSVout2, DRFM2, CLK);
BIN3: OneBin port map (PhaseSamp, PhaseInc3, Gain3, URB3, UNP, PRB, ODVin, PSVin, "00000000000000000", "00000000000000000", Q3, I3,
ODVout3, PSVout3, DRFM3, CLK);
-- Output Format:
-- 63-41 |�� 40�� |�� 39�� | 38-22 | 21-5 | 4-0
--unused | PSVout | ODVout |�� Q�� |�� I� | DRFM
Output(38 downto 22)<=Q;
Output(21 downto 5)<=I;
Output(4 downto 0)<=DRFM0;
Output(63 downto 41)<="00000000000000000000000";
end FourBin;
--**** END REPLACE HERE *****
entity EightBin is
port (Input: in bit_vector (63 downto 0);
Output:out bit_vector (63 downto 0); CLK: in bit);
end EightBin;
architecture EightBin of EightBin is
component OneBin is
port (PhaseSamp, PhaseInc: in bit_vector (5 downto 1);
Gain: in bit_vector (4 downto 1);
URB, UNP, PRB, ODVin, PSVin: in bit;
OtherBinDataSIN,OtherBinDataCOS:in bit_vector (17 downto 1);
Q, I: out bit_vector (17 downto 1);
ODVout, PSVout: out bit;
DRFM: out bit_vector (5 downto 1);
CLK: in bit);
end component;
component DFlipFlop
port (CLK, LD, RESET, D: in bit;
Q: inout bit; Qnot: out bit);
end component;
signal Q, I, Q1,I1,Q2,I2,Q3,I3,Q4,I4,Q5,I5,Q6,I6,Q7,I7: bit_vector (17 downto 1):="00000000000000000";
signal DRFM0,DRFM1,DRFM2,DRFM3,DRFM4,DRFM5,DRFM6,DRFM7: bit_vector (5 downto 1):="00000";
signal PSVout0,PSVout1,PSVout2,PSVout3,PSVout4,PSVout5,PSVout6,PSVout7: bit:='0';
signal ODVout0,ODVout1,ODVout2,ODVout3,ODVout4,ODVout5,ODVout6,ODVout7: bit:='0';
signal Gain0,Gain1,Gain2,Gain3,Gain4,Gain5,Gain6,Gain7: bit_vector (4 downto 1):="0000";
signal PhaseInc0,PhaseInc1,PhaseInc2,PhaseInc3,PhaseInc4,
PhaseInc5,PhaseInc6,PhaseInc7 : bit_vector (5 downto 1):="00000";
signal URB0,URB1,URB2,URB3,URB4,URB5,URB6,URB7: bit :='0';
signal PhaseSamp: bit_vector (5 downto 1):= "00000";
signal UNP, PSVin, ODVin: bit :='0';
signal LD, RESET, PRB, PRB1, PRB1not: bit;
begin -- BIN0 is the primary output
--Input: formats, cycle begins when PRB=1, 1 format per clock
-- ten bits of each bin: 10 |� 9-5�� |4-1 |
--��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� URB|PhaseInc|Gain|
-- 63-48 |47-38 |37-28 |27-18 | 17-8 | 7-3�� | 2��� | 1� | 0
--unused | bin3 | bin2 | bin1 | bin0 |sample |PSVin |UNP |PRB
-- 63-48 |47-38 |37-28 |27-18 | 17-8 | 7-3�� | 2��� | 1� | 0
--unused | bin7 | bin6 | bin5 | bin4 |sample |PSVin |UNP |PRB
-- 63-8����������������������������� | 7-3�� | 2��� | 1� | 0
--unused���������������������������� |sample |PSVin |UNP |PRB
-- The first sample can be entered on clock 3 if PSVin and UNP are taken high
PhaseSamp<=Input(7 downto 3);
-- Bins 0,4 data
PhaseInc0<=Input(16 downto 12);
Gain0<=Input(11 downto 8);
PhaseInc4<=Input(16 downto 12);
Gain4<=Input(11 downto 8);
-- Bins 1,5 data
PhaseInc1<=Input(26 downto 22);
Gain1<=Input(21 downto 18);��������������������������������������������������
PhaseInc5<=Input(26 downto 22);
Gain5<=Input(21 downto 18);
-- Bins 2,6 data
PhaseInc2<=Input(36 downto 32);
Gain2<=Input(31 downto 28);
PhaseInc6<=Input(36 downto 32);
Gain6<=Input(31 downto 28);
-- Bins 3,7 data
PhaseInc3<=Input(46 downto 42);
Gain3<=Input(41 downto 38);
PhaseInc7<=Input(46 downto 42);
Gain7<=Input(41 downto 38);
DFF: DFlipFlop port map (CLK, LD, RESET, PRB, PRB1, PRB1not);
BIN0: OneBin port map (DRFM1, PhaseInc0, Gain0, URB0, UNP, PRB, ODVout1, PSVout1, Q1, I1, Q, I, ODVout0, PSVout0, DRFM0, CLK);
BIN1: OneBin port map (DRFM2, PhaseInc1, Gain1, URB1, UNP, PRB, ODVout2, PSVout2, Q2, I2, Q1, I1, ODVout1, PSVout1, DRFM1, CLK);
BIN2: OneBin port map (DRFM3, PhaseInc2, Gain2, URB2, UNP, PRB, ODVout3, PSVout3, Q3, I3, Q2, I2, ODVout2, PSVout2, DRFM2, CLK);
BIN3: OneBin port map (DRFM4, PhaseInc3, Gain3, URB3, UNP, PRB, ODVout4, PSVout4, Q4, I4, Q3, I3, ODVout3, PSVout3, DRFM3, CLK);
BIN4: OneBin port map (DRFM5, PhaseInc4, Gain4, URB4, UNP, PRB1, ODVout5, PSVout5, Q5, I5, Q4, I4, ODVout4, PSVout4, DRFM4, CLK);
BIN5: OneBin port map (DRFM6, PhaseInc5, Gain5, URB5, UNP, PRB1, ODVout6, PSVout6, Q6, I6, Q5, I5, ODVout5, PSVout5, DRFM5, CLK);
BIN6: OneBin port map (DRFM7, PhaseInc6, Gain6, URB6, UNP, PRB1, ODVout7, PSVout7, Q7, I7, Q6, I6, ODVout6, PSVout6, DRFM6, CLK);
BIN7: OneBin port map (PhaseSamp, PhaseInc7, Gain7, URB7, UNP, PRB1, ODVin, PSVin, "00000000000000000", "00000000000000000", Q7, I7,
ODVout7, PSVout7, DRFM7, CLK);
-- Output Format:
-- 63-41 |� �40�� |�� 39�� | 38-22 | 21-5 | 4-0
--unused | PSVout | ODVout |�� Q�� |�� I� | DRFM
Output(38 downto 22)<=Q;
Output(21 downto 5)<=I;
Output(4 downto 0)<=DRFM0;
Output(63 downto 41)<="00000000000000000000000";
end EightBin;
entity SixteenBin is
port (Input: in bit_vector (63 downto 0);
Output:out bit_vector (63 downto 0); CLK: in bit);
end SixteenBin;
architecture SixteenBin of SixteenBin is
component OneBin is
port (PhaseSamp, PhaseInc: in bit_vector (5 downto 1);
Gain: in bit_vector (4 downto 1);
URB, UNP, PRB, ODVin, PSVin: in bit;
OtherBinDataSIN,OtherBinDataCOS:in bit_vector (17 downto 1);
Q, I: out bit_vector (17 downto 1);
ODVout, PSVout: out bit;
DRFM: out bit_vector (5 downto 1);
CLK: in bit);
end component;
component DFlipFlop
port (CLK, LD, RESET, D: in bit;
Q: inout bit; Qnot: out bit);
end component;��������������������������������������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ��
signal Q, I, Q1,I1,Q2,I2,Q3,I3,Q4,I4,Q5,I5,Q6,I6,Q7,I7,Q8,I8,Q9,I9,
Q10,I10,Q11,I11,Q12,I12,Q13,I13,Q14,I14, Q15,I15: bit_vector (17 downto 1):="00000000000000000";
DRFM10,DRFM11,DRFM12,DRFM13,DRFM14,DRFM15: bit_vector (5 downto 1):="00000";
signal PSVout0,PSVout1,PSVout2,PSVout3,PSVout4,PSVout5,PSVout6,
PSVout7,PSVout8,PSVout9,PSVout10,PSVout11,PSVout12,PSVout13,PSVout14,PSVout15: bit:='0';
signal ODVout0,ODVout1,ODVout2,ODVout3,ODVout4,ODVout5,ODVout6,
ODVout7,ODVout8,ODVout9,ODVout10,ODVout11,ODVout12,ODVout13,ODVout14,ODVout15: bit:='0';
signal Gain0,Gain1,Gain2,Gain3,Gain4,Gain5,Gain6,Gain7,Gain8,Gain9,
Gain10,Gain11,Gain12,Gain13,Gain14,Gain15: bit_vector (4 downto 1):="0000";
Signal PhaseInc0,PhaseInc1,PhaseInc2,PhaseInc3,PhaseInc4,PhaseInc5,PhaseInc6,
PhaseInc7 : bit_vector (5 downto 1):="00000";
signal PhaseInc8,PhaseInc9,PhaseInc10,PhaseInc11,PhaseInc12,PhaseInc13,
PhaseInc14,PhaseInc15 : bit_vector (5 downto 1):="00000";
URB12,URB13,URB14,URB15: bit :='0';
signal PhaseSamp: bit_vector (5 downto 1):= "00000";
signal UNP, PSVin, ODVin: bit :='0';
signal LD, RESET, PRB, PRB1, PRB2, PRB3, PRB1not,PRB2not,PRB3not: bit;
begin -- BIN0 is the primary output
--Input: formats, cycle begins when PRB=1, 1 format per clock
-- ten bits of each bin: 10 |� 9-5�� |4-1 |
--��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� URB|PhaseInc|Gain|
-- 63-48 |47-38 |37-28 |27-18 | 17-8 | 7-3�� | 2��� | 1� | 0
--unused | bin3 | bin2 | bin1 | bin0 |sample |PSVin |UNP |PRB
-- 63-48 |47-38 |37-28 |27-18 | 17-8 | 7-3�� | 2��� | 1� | 0
--unused | bin7 | bin6 | bin5 | bin4 |sample |PSVin |UNP |PRB
-- 63-48 |47-38 |37-28 |27-18 | 17-8 | 7-3�� | 2��� | 1� | 0
--unused | bin11| bin10| bin9 | bin8 |sample |PSVin |UNP |PRB
-- 63-48 |47-38 |37-28 |27-18 | 17-8 | 7-3�� | 2��� | 1� | 0
--unused | bin15| bin14| bin13| bin12|sample |PSVin |UNP |PRB
-- 63-8����������������������������� | 7-3�� | 2��� | 1� | 0
--unused���������������������������� |sample |PSVin |UNP |PRB
-- The first sample can be entered on clock 5 if PSVin and UNP are taken high
PhaseSamp<=Input(7 downto 3);
-- Bins 0,4,8,12 data
PhaseInc0<=Input(16 downto 12);
Gain0<=Input(11 downto 8);
PhaseInc4<=Input(16 downto 12);
Gain4<=Input(11 downto 8);
PhaseInc8<=Input(16 downto 12);
Gain8<=Input(11 downto 8);
PhaseInc12<=Input(16 downto 12);
Gain12<=Input(11 downto 8);
-- Bins 1,5,9,13 data
PhaseInc1<=Input(26 downto 22);
Gain1<=Input(21 downto 18);��������������������������������������������������
PhaseInc5<=Input(26 downto 22);
Gain5<=Input(21 downto 18);
PhaseInc9<=Input(26 downto 22);
Gain9<=Input(21 downto 18);
PhaseInc13<=Input(26 downto 22);
Gain13<=Input(21 downto 18);
-- Bins 2,6,10,14 data
PhaseInc2<=Input(36 downto 32);
Gain2<=Input(31 downto 28);
PhaseInc6<=Input(36 downto 32);
Gain6<=Input(31 downto 28);
PhaseInc10<=Input(36 downto 32);
Gain10<=Input(31 downto 28);
PhaseInc14<=Input(36 downto 32);
Gain14<=Input(31 downto 28);
-- Bins 3,7,11,15 data
PhaseInc3<=Input(46 downto 42);
Gain3<=Input(41 downto 38);
PhaseInc7<=Input(46 downto 42);
Gain7<=Input(41 downto 38);
PhaseInc11<=Input(46 downto 42);
Gain11<=Input(41 downto 38);
PhaseInc15<=Input(46 downto 42);
Gain15<=Input(41 downto 38);
DFF0: DFlipFlop port map (CLK, LD, RESET, PRB, PRB1, PRB1not);
DFF1: DFlipFlop port map (CLK, LD, RESET, PRB1, PRB2, PRB2not);
DFF2: DFlipFlop port map (CLK, LD, RESET, PRB2, PRB3, PRB3not);
BIN0: OneBin port map (DRFM1, PhaseInc0, Gain0, URB0, UNP, PRB, ODVout1, PSVout1, Q1, I1, Q, I, ODVout0, PSVout0, DRFM0, CLK);
BIN1: OneBin port map (DRFM2, PhaseInc1, Gain1, URB1, UNP, PRB, ODVout2, PSVout2, Q2, I2, Q1, I1, ODVout1, PSVout1, DRFM1, CLK);
BIN2: OneBin port map (DRFM3, PhaseInc2, Gain2, URB2, UNP, PRB, ODVout3, PSVout3, Q3, I3, Q2, I2, ODVout2, PSVout2, DRFM2, CLK);
BIN3: OneBin port map (DRFM4, PhaseInc3, Gain3, URB3, UNP, PRB, ODVout4, PSVout4, Q4, I4, Q3, I3, ODVout3, PSVout3, DRFM3, CLK);
BIN4: OneBin port map (DRFM5, PhaseInc4, Gain4, URB4, UNP, PRB1, ODVout5, PSVout5, Q5, I5, Q4, I4, ODVout4, PSVout4, DRFM4, CLK);
BIN5: OneBin port map (DRFM6, PhaseInc5, Gain5, URB5, UNP, PRB1, ODVout6, PSVout6, Q6, I6, Q5, I5, ODVout5, PSVout5, DRFM5, CLK);
BIN6: OneBin port map (DRFM7, PhaseInc6, Gain6, URB6, UNP, PRB1, ODVout7, PSVout7, Q7, I7, Q6, I6, ODVout6, PSVout6, DRFM6, CLK);
BIN7: OneBin port map (DRFM8, PhaseInc7, Gain7, URB7, UNP, PRB1, ODVout8, PSVout8, Q8, I8, Q7, I7, ODVout7, PSVout7, DRFM7, CLK);
BIN8: OneBin port map (DRFM9, PhaseInc8, Gain8, URB8, UNP, PRB2, ODVout9, PSVout9, Q9, I9, Q8, I8, ODVout8, PSVout8, DRFM8, CLK);
BIN9: OneBin port map (DRFM10, PhaseInc9, Gain9, URB9, UNP, PRB2, ODVout10, PSVout10, Q10, I10, Q9, I9, ODVout9, PSVout9, DRFM9, CLK);
BIN10: OneBin port map (DRFM11, PhaseInc10, Gain10, URB10, UNP, PRB2, ODVout11, PSVout11, Q11, I11, Q10, I10, ODVout10, PSVout10, DRFM10, CLK);
BIN11: OneBin port map (DRFM12, PhaseInc11, Gain11, URB11, UNP, PRB2, ODVout12, PSVout12, Q12, I12, Q11, I11, ODVout11, PSVout11, DRFM11, CLK);
BIN12: OneBin port map (DRFM13, PhaseInc12, Gain12, URB12, UNP, PRB3, ODVout13, PSVout13, Q13, I13, Q12, I12, ODVout12, PSVout12, DRFM12, CLK);
BIN13: OneBin port map (DRFM14, PhaseInc13, Gain13, URB13, UNP, PRB3, ODVout14, PSVout14, Q14, I14, Q13, I13, ODVout13, PSVout13, DRFM13, CLK);
BIN14: OneBin port map (DRFM15, PhaseInc14, Gain14, URB14, UNP, PRB3, ODVout15, PSVout15, Q15, I15, Q14, I14, ODVout14, PSVout14, DRFM14, CLK);
BIN15: OneBin port map (PhaseSamp, PhaseInc15, Gain15, URB15, UNP, PRB3, ODVin, PSVin, "00000000000000000", "00000000000000000", Q15, I15,
ODVout15, PSVout15, DRFM15, CLK);
-- Output Format:
-- 63-41 |�� 40�� |� �39�� | 38-22 | 21-5 | 4-0
--unused | PSVout | ODVout |�� Q�� |�� I� | DRFM
Output(38 downto 22)<=Q;
Output(21 downto 5)<=I;
Output(4 downto 0)<=DRFM0;
Output(63 downto 41)<="00000000000000000000000";
end SixteenBin;
entity SixtyFourBin is
port (Input: in bit_vector (63 downto 0);
Output:out bit_vector (63 downto 0); CLK: in bit);
end SixtyFourBin;
architecture SixtyFourBin of SixtyFourBin is
component OneBin is
port (PhaseSamp, PhaseInc: in bit_vector (5 downto 1);
Gain: in bit_vector (4 downto 1);
URB, UNP, PRB, ODVin, PSVin: in bit;
OtherBinDataSIN,OtherBinDataCOS:in bit_vector (17 downto 1);
Q, I: out bit_vector (17 downto 1);
ODVout, PSVout: out bit;
DRFM: out bit_vector (5 downto 1);
CLK: in bit);
end component;
component DFlipFlop
port (CLK, LD, RESET, D: in bit;
Q: inout bit; Qnot: out bit);
end component;��������������������������������������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ��
signal Q, I, Q1,I1,Q2,I2,Q3,I3,Q4,I4,Q5,I5,Q6,I6,Q7,I7,Q8,I8,Q9,I9,
Q10,I10,Q11,I11,Q12,I12,Q13,I13,Q14,I14,Q15,I15: bit_vector (17 downto 1):="00000000000000000";
signal Q16, I16, Q17,I17,Q18,I18,Q19,I19,Q20,I20,Q21,I21,Q22,I22,Q23, I23,Q24,I24,Q25,I25,
Q26,I26,Q27,I27,Q28,I28,Q29,I29,Q30,I30,Q31,I31:bit_vector (17 downto 1):="00000000000000000";
signal Q32, I32, Q33,I33,Q34,I34,Q35,I35,Q36,I36,Q37,I37,Q38,I38, Q39,I39,Q40,I40,Q41,I41,
Q42,I42,Q43,I43,Q44,I44,Q45,I45,Q46,I46,Q47,I47: bit_vector (17 downto 1):="00000000000000000";
signal Q48, I48, Q49,I49,Q50,I50,Q51,I51,Q52,I52,Q53,I53,Q54,I54,Q55, I55,Q56,I56,Q57,I57,
Q58,I58,Q59,I59,Q60,I60,Q61,I61,Q62,I62,Q63,I63: bit_vector (17 downto 1):="00000000000000000";
DRFM10,DRFM11,DRFM12,DRFM13,DRFM14,DRFM15: bit_vector (5 downto 1):="00000";
DRFM26,DRFM27,DRFM28,DRFM29,DRFM30,DRFM31: bit_vector (5 downto 1):="00000";
DRFM42,DRFM43,DRFM44,DRFM45,DRFM46,DRFM47: bit_vector (5 downto 1):="00000";
DRFM58,DRFM59,DRFM60,DRFM61,DRFM62,DRFM63: bit_vector (5 downto 1):="00000";
signal PSVout0,PSVout1,PSVout2,PSVout3,PSVout4,PSVout5,PSVout6,
PSVout7,PSVout8,PSVout9,PSVout10,PSVout11,PSVout12,PSVout13,PSVout14, PSVout15: bit:='0';
signal PSVout16,PSVout17,PSVout18,PSVout19,PSVout20,PSVout21,PSVout22,
PSVout23,PSVout24,PSVout25,PSVout26,PSVout27,PSVout28,PSVout29,PSVout30,PSVout31: bit:='0';
signal PSVout32,PSVout33,PSVout34,PSVout35,PSVout36,PSVout37,PSVout38,
PSVout39,PSVout40,PSVout41,PSVout42,PSVout43,PSVout44,PSVout45,PSVout46,PSVout47: bit:='0';
signal PSVout48,PSVout49,PSVout50,PSVout51,PSVout52,PSVout53,PSVout54,
PSVout55,PSVout56,PSVout57,PSVout58,PSVout59,PSVout60,PSVout61,PSVout62,PSVout63: bit:='0';
signal ODVout0,ODVout1,ODVout2,ODVout3,ODVout4,ODVout5,ODVout6,
ODVout7,ODVout8,ODVout9,ODVout10,ODVout11,ODVout12,ODVout13,ODVout14,ODVout15: bit:='0';
signal ODVout16,ODVout17,ODVout18,ODVout19,ODVout20,ODVout21,ODVout22,
ODVout23,ODVout24,ODVout25,ODVout26,ODVout27,ODVout28,ODVout29,ODVout30,ODVout31: bit:='0';
signal ODVout32,ODVout33,ODVout34,ODVout35,ODVout36,ODVout37,ODVout38,
ODVout39,ODVout40,ODVout41,ODVout42,ODVout43,ODVout44,ODVout45,ODVout46,ODVout47: bit:='0';
signal ODVout48,ODVout49,ODVout50,ODVout51,ODVout52,ODVout53,ODVout54,
ODVout55,ODVout56,ODVout57,ODVout58,ODVout59,ODVout60,ODVout61,ODVout62,ODVout63: bit:='0';
signal Gain0,Gain1,Gain2,Gain3,Gain4,Gain5,Gain6,Gain7,Gain8,Gain9,
Gain10,Gain11,Gain12,Gain13,Gain14,Gain15: bit_vector (4 downto 1):="0000";
signal Gain16,Gain17,Gain18,Gain19,Gain20,Gain21,Gain22,Gain23,Gain24,Gain25,
Gain26,Gain27,Gain28,Gain29,Gain30,Gain31: bit_vector (4 downto 1):="0000";
signal Gain32,Gain33,Gain34,Gain35,Gain36,Gain37,Gain38,Gain39,Gain40,Gain41,
Gain42,Gain43,Gain44,Gain45,Gain46,Gain47: bit_vector (4 downto 1):="0000";
signal Gain48,Gain49,Gain50,Gain51,Gain52,Gain53,Gain54,Gain55,Gain56,Gain57,
Gain58,Gain59,Gain60,Gain61,Gain62,Gain63: bit_vector (4 downto 1):="0000";
signal PhaseInc0,PhaseInc1,PhaseInc2,PhaseInc3,PhaseInc4,PhaseInc5,PhaseInc6, PhaseInc7,
PhaseInc8,PhaseInc9,PhaseInc10,PhaseInc11,PhaseInc12,PhaseInc13,PhaseInc14,PhaseInc15 : bit_vector (5 downto 1):="00000";
Signal PhaseInc16,PhaseInc17,PhaseInc18,PhaseInc19,PhaseInc20,PhaseInc21, PhaseInc22,PhaseInc23,
PhaseInc24,PhaseInc25,PhaseInc26,PhaseInc27,PhaseInc28,PhaseInc29,PhaseInc30,PhaseInc31 : bit_vector (5 downto 1):="00000";
signal PhaseInc32,PhaseInc33,PhaseInc34,PhaseInc35,PhaseInc36,PhaseInc37,PhaseInc38,PhaseInc39,
PhaseInc40,PhaseInc41,PhaseInc42,PhaseInc43,PhaseInc44,PhaseInc45,PhaseInc46,PhaseInc47 : bit_vector (5 downto 1):="00000";
signal PhaseInc48,PhaseInc49,PhaseInc50,PhaseInc51,PhaseInc52,PhaseInc53,PhaseInc54,PhaseInc55,
PhaseInc56,PhaseInc57,PhaseInc58,PhaseInc59,PhaseInc60,PhaseInc61,PhaseInc62,PhaseInc63 : bit_vector (5 downto 1):="00000";
signal URB0,URB1,URB2,URB3,URB4,URB5,URB6,URB7,URB8,URB9,URB10,URB11,URB12,URB13,URB14,URB15: bit :='0';
signal URB16,URB17,URB18,URB19,URB20,URB21,URB22,URB23,URB24,URB25,URB26,URB27,URB28,URB29,URB30,URB31: bit :='0';
signal URB32,URB33,URB34,URB35,URB36,URB37,URB38,URB39,URB40,URB41,URB42,URB43,URB44,URB45,URB46,URB47: bit :='0';
signal URB48,URB49,URB50,URB51,URB52,URB53,URB54,URB55,URB56,URB57,URB58,URB59,URB60,URB61,URB62,URB63: bit :='0';
signal PhaseSamp: bit_vector (5 downto 1):= "00000";
signal UNP, PSVin, ODVin: bit :='0';
signal LD, RESET, PRB, PRB1, PRB2, PRB3, PRB4, PRB5, PRB6, PRB7, PRB8, PRB9, PRB10, PRB11, PRB12, PRB13, PRB14, PRB15,
PRB1not,PRB2not,PRB3not,PRB4not,PRB5not,PRB6not,PRB7not,PRB8not,PRB9not,PRB10not,PRB11not,PRB12not,PRB13not,PRB14not,PRB15not: bit;
Begin -- BIN0 is the primary output
--Input: formats, cycle begins when PRB=1, 1 format per clock
-- ten bits of each bin: 10 |� 9-5�� |4-1 |
--��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� URB|PhaseInc|Gain|
-- 63-48 |47-38 |37-28 |27-18 | 17-8 | 7-3�� | 2��� | 1� | 0
--unused | bin3 | bin2 | bin1 | bin0 |sample |PSVin |UNP |PRB
-- 63-48 |47-38 |37-28 |27-18 | 17-8 | 7-3�� | 2��� | 1� | 0
--unused | bin7 | bin6 | bin5 | bin4 |sample |PSVin |UNP |PRB
-- 63-48 |47-38 |37-28 |27-18 | 17-8 | 7-3�� | 2��� | 1� | 0
--unused | bin11| bin10| bin9 | bin8 |sample |PSVin |UNP |PRB
-- 63-48 |47-38 |37-28 |27-18 | 17-8 | 7-3�� | 2��� | 1� | 0
--unused | bin15| bin14| bin13| bin12|sample |PSVin |UNP |PRB
-- 63-8����������������������������� | 7-3�� | 2��� | 1� | 0
--unused���������������������������� |sample |PSVin |UNP |PRB
-- more bins in same pattern up to 63...
-- The first sample can be entered on clock 65 if PSVin and UNP are taken high
PhaseSamp<=Input(7 downto 3);
-- Bins 0,4,8,12,16,20,24,28,32,36,40,44,48,52,56,60 data
PhaseInc0<=Input(16 downto 12);
Gain0<=Input(11 downto 8);
PhaseInc4<=Input(16 downto 12);
Gain4<=Input(11 downto 8);
PhaseInc8<=Input(16 downto 12);
Gain8<=Input(11 downto 8);
PhaseInc12<=Input(16 downto 12);
Gain12<=Input(11 downto 8);
PhaseInc16<=Input(16 downto 12);
Gain16<=Input(11 downto 8);
PhaseInc20<=Input(16 downto 12);
Gain20<=Input(11 downto 8);
PhaseInc24<=Input(16 downto 12);
Gain24<=Input(11 downto 8);
PhaseInc28<=Input(16 downto 12);
Gain28<=Input(11 downto 8);
PhaseInc32<=Input(16 downto 12);
Gain32<=Input(11 downto 8);
PhaseInc36<=Input(16 downto 12);
Gain36<=Input(11 downto 8);
PhaseInc40<=Input(16 downto 12);
Gain40<=Input(11 downto 8);
PhaseInc44<=Input(16 downto 12);
Gain44<=Input(11 downto 8);
PhaseInc48<=Input(16 downto 12);
Gain48<=Input(11 downto 8);
PhaseInc52<=Input(16 downto 12);
Gain52<=Input(11 downto 8);
PhaseInc56<=Input(16 downto 12);
Gain56<=Input(11 downto 8);
PhaseInc60<=Input(16 downto 12);
Gain60<=Input(11 downto 8);
-- Bins 1,5,9,13,17,21,25,29,33,37,41,45,49,53,57,61� data
PhaseInc1<=Input(26 downto 22);
Gain1<=Input(21 downto 18);��������������������������������������������������
PhaseInc5<=Input(26 downto 22);
Gain5<=Input(21 downto 18);
PhaseInc9<=Input(26 downto 22);
Gain9<=Input(21 downto 18);
PhaseInc13<=Input(26 downto 22);
Gain13<=Input(21 downto 18);
PhaseInc17<=Input(26 downto 22);
Gain17<=Input(21 downto 18);�������������������������������������������������
PhaseInc21<=Input(26 downto 22);
Gain21<=Input(21 downto 18);
PhaseInc25<=Input(26 downto 22);
Gain25<=Input(21 downto 18);
PhaseInc29<=Input(26 downto 22);
Gain29<=Input(21 downto 18);
PhaseInc33<=Input(26 downto 22);
Gain33<=Input(21 downto 18);�������������������������������������������������
PhaseInc37<=Input(26 downto 22);
Gain37<=Input(21 downto 18);
PhaseInc41<=Input(26 downto 22);
Gain41<=Input(21 downto 18);
PhaseInc45<=Input(26 downto 22);
Gain45<=Input(21 downto 18);
PhaseInc49<=Input(26 downto 22);
Gain49<=Input(21 downto 18);�������������������������������������������������
PhaseInc53<=Input(26 downto 22);
Gain53<=Input(21 downto 18);
PhaseInc57<=Input(26 downto 22);
Gain57<=Input(21 downto 18);
PhaseInc61<=Input(26 downto 22);
Gain61<=Input(21 downto 18);
-- Bins 2,6,10,14,18,22,26,30,34,38,42,46,50,54,58,62 data
PhaseInc2<=Input(36 downto 32);
Gain2<=Input(31 downto 28);
PhaseInc6<=Input(36 downto 32);
Gain6<=Input(31 downto 28);
PhaseInc10<=Input(36 downto 32);
Gain10<=Input(31 downto 28);
PhaseInc14<=Input(36 downto 32);
Gain14<=Input(31 downto 28);
PhaseInc18<=Input(36 downto 32);
Gain18<=Input(31 downto 28);�������������������������������������������������
PhaseInc22<=Input(36 downto 32);
Gain22<=Input(31 downto 28);
PhaseInc26<=Input(36 downto 32);
Gain26<=Input(31 downto 28);
PhaseInc30<=Input(36 downto 32);
Gain30<=Input(31 downto 28);
PhaseInc34<=Input(36 downto 32);
Gain34<=Input(31 downto 28);�������������������������������������������������
PhaseInc38<=Input(36 downto 32);
Gain38<=Input(31 downto 28);
PhaseInc42<=Input(36 downto 32);
Gain42<=Input(31 downto 28);
PhaseInc46<=Input(36 downto 32);
Gain46<=Input(31 downto 28);
PhaseInc50<=Input(36 downto 32);
Gain50<=Input(31 downto 28);�������������������������������������������������
PhaseInc54<=Input(36 downto 32);
Gain54<=Input(31 downto 28);
PhaseInc58<=Input(36 downto 32);
Gain58<=Input(31 downto 28);
PhaseInc62<=Input(36 downto 32);
Gain62<=Input(31 downto 28);
-- Bins 3,7,11,15,19,23,27,31,35,39,43,47,51,55,59,63 data
PhaseInc3<=Input(46 downto 42);
Gain3<=Input(41 downto 38);
PhaseInc7<=Input(46 downto 42);
Gain7<=Input(41 downto 38);
PhaseInc11<=Input(46 downto 42);
Gain11<=Input(41 downto 38);
PhaseInc15<=Input(46 downto 42);
Gain15<=Input(41 downto 38);
PhaseInc19<=Input(46 downto 42);
Gain19<=Input(41 downto 38);�������������������������������������������������
PhaseInc23<=Input(46 downto 42);
Gain23<=Input(41 downto 38);
PhaseInc27<=Input(46 downto 42);
Gain27<=Input(41 downto 38);
PhaseInc31<=Input(46 downto 42);
Gain31<=Input(41 downto 38);
PhaseInc35<=Input(46 downto 42);
Gain35<=Input(41 downto 38);�������������������������������������������������
PhaseInc39<=Input(46 downto 42);
Gain39<=Input(41 downto 38);
PhaseInc43<=Input(46 downto 42);
Gain43<=Input(41 downto 38);
PhaseInc47<=Input(46 downto 42);
Gain47<=Input(41 downto 38);
PhaseInc51<=Input(46 downto 42);
Gain51<=Input(41 downto 38);�������������������������������������������������
PhaseInc55<=Input(46 downto 42);
Gain55<=Input(41 downto 38);
PhaseInc59<=Input(46 downto 42);
Gain59<=Input(41 downto 38);
PhaseInc63<=Input(46 downto 42);
Gain63<=Input(41 downto 38);
DFF0: DFlipFlop port map (CLK, LD, RESET, PRB, PRB1, PRB1not);
DFF1: DFlipFlop port map (CLK, LD, RESET, PRB1, PRB2, PRB2not);
DFF2: DFlipFlop port map (CLK, LD, RESET, PRB2, PRB3, PRB3not);
DFF3: DFlipFlop port map (CLK, LD, RESET, PRB3, PRB4, PRB4not);
DFF4: DFlipFlop port map (CLK, LD, RESET, PRB4, PRB5, PRB5not);
DFF5: DFlipFlop port map (CLK, LD, RESET, PRB5, PRB6, PRB6not);
DFF6: DFlipFlop port map (CLK, LD, RESET, PRB6, PRB7, PRB7not);
DFF7: DFlipFlop port map (CLK, LD, RESET, PRB7, PRB8, PRB8not);
DFF8: DFlipFlop port map (CLK, LD, RESET, PRB8, PRB9, PRB9not);
DFF9: DFlipFlop port map (CLK, LD, RESET, PRB9, PRB10, PRB10not);
DFF10: DFlipFlop port map (CLK, LD, RESET, PRB10, PRB11, PRB11not);
DFF11: DFlipFlop port map (CLK, LD, RESET, PRB11, PRB12, PRB12not);
DFF12: DFlipFlop port map (CLK, LD, RESET, PRB12, PRB13, PRB13not);
DFF13: DFlipFlop port map (CLK, LD, RESET, PRB13, PRB14, PRB14not);
DFF14: DFlipFlop port map (CLK, LD, RESET, PRB14, PRB15, PRB15not);
BIN0: OneBin port map (DRFM1, PhaseInc0, Gain0, URB0, UNP, PRB, ODVout1, PSVout1, Q1, I1, Q, I, ODVout0, PSVout0, DRFM0, CLK);
BIN1: OneBin port map (DRFM2, PhaseInc1, Gain1, URB1, UNP, PRB, ODVout2, PSVout2, Q2, I2, Q1, I1, ODVout1, PSVout1, DRFM1, CLK);
BIN2: OneBin port map (DRFM3, PhaseInc2, Gain2, URB2, UNP, PRB, ODVout3, PSVout3, Q3, I3, Q2, I2, ODVout2, PSVout2, DRFM2, CLK);
BIN3: OneBin port map (DRFM4, PhaseInc3, Gain3, URB3, UNP, PRB, ODVout4, PSVout4, Q4, I4, Q3, I3, ODVout3, PSVout3, DRFM3, CLK);
BIN4: OneBin port map (DRFM5, PhaseInc4, Gain4, URB4, UNP, PRB1, ODVout5, PSVout5, Q5, I5, Q4, I4, ODVout4, PSVout4, DRFM4, CLK);
BIN5: OneBin port map (DRFM6, PhaseInc5, Gain5, URB5, UNP, PRB1, ODVout6, PSVout6, Q6, I6, Q5, I5, ODVout5, PSVout5, DRFM5, CLK);
BIN6: OneBin port map (DRFM7, PhaseInc6, Gain6, URB6, UNP, PRB1, ODVout7, PSVout7, Q7, I7, Q6, I6, ODVout6, PSVout6, DRFM6, CLK);
BIN7: OneBin port map (DRFM8, PhaseInc7, Gain7, URB7, UNP, PRB1, ODVout8, PSVout8, Q8, I8, Q7, I7, ODVout7, PSVout7, DRFM7, CLK);
BIN8: OneBin port map (DRFM9, PhaseInc8, Gain8, URB8, UNP, PRB2, ODVout9, PSVout9, Q9, I9, Q8, I8, ODVout8, PSVout8, DRFM8, CLK);
BIN9: OneBin port map (DRFM10, PhaseInc9, Gain9, URB9, UNP, PRB2, ODVout10, PSVout10, Q10, I10, Q9, I9, ODVout9, PSVout9, DRFM9, CLK);
BIN10: OneBin port map (DRFM11, PhaseInc10, Gain10, URB10, UNP, PRB2, ODVout11, PSVout11, Q11, I11, Q10, I10, ODVout10, PSVout10, DRFM10, CLK);
BIN11: OneBin port map (DRFM12, PhaseInc11, Gain11, URB11, UNP, PRB2, ODVout12, PSVout12, Q12, I12, Q11, I11, ODVout11, PSVout11, DRFM11, CLK);
BIN12: OneBin port map (DRFM13, PhaseInc12, Gain12, URB12, UNP, PRB3, ODVout13, PSVout13, Q13, I13, Q12, I12, ODVout12, PSVout12, DRFM12, CLK);
BIN13: OneBin port map (DRFM14, PhaseInc13, Gain13, URB13, UNP, PRB3, ODVout14, PSVout14, Q14, I14, Q13, I13, ODVout13, PSVout13, DRFM13, CLK);
BIN14: OneBin port map (DRFM15, PhaseInc14, Gain14, URB14, UNP, PRB3, ODVout15, PSVout15, Q15, I15, Q14, I14, ODVout14, PSVout14, DRFM14, CLK);
BIN15: OneBin port map (DRFM16, PhaseInc15, Gain15, URB15, UNP, PRB3, ODVout16, PSVout16, Q16, I16, Q15, I15, ODVout15, PSVout15, DRFM15, CLK);
BIN16: OneBin port map (DRFM17, PhaseInc16, Gain16, URB16, UNP, PRB4, ODVout17, PSVout17, Q17, I17, Q16, I16, ODVout16, PSVout16, DRFM16, CLK);
BIN17: OneBin port map (DRFM18, PhaseInc17, Gain17, URB17, UNP, PRB4, ODVout18, PSVout18, Q18, I18, Q17, I17, ODVout17, PSVout17, DRFM17, CLK);
BIN18: OneBin port map (DRFM19, PhaseInc18, Gain18, URB18, UNP, PRB4, ODVout19, PSVout19, Q19, I19, Q18, I18, ODVout18, PSVout18, DRFM18, CLK);
BIN19: OneBin port map (DRFM20, PhaseInc19, Gain19, URB19, UNP, PRB4, ODVout20, PSVout20, Q20, I20, Q19, I19, ODVout19, PSVout19, DRFM19, CLK);
BIN20: OneBin port map (DRFM21, PhaseInc20, Gain20, URB20, UNP, PRB5, ODVout21, PSVout21, Q21, I21, Q20, I20, ODVout20, PSVout20, DRFM20, CLK);
BIN21: OneBin port map (DRFM22, PhaseInc21, Gain21, URB21, UNP, PRB5, ODVout22, PSVout22, Q22, I22, Q21, I21, ODVout21, PSVout21, DRFM21, CLK);
BIN22: OneBin port map (DRFM23, PhaseInc22, Gain22, URB22, UNP, PRB5, ODVout23, PSVout23, Q23, I23, Q22, I22, ODVout22, PSVout22, DRFM22, CLK);
BIN23: OneBin port map (DRFM24, PhaseInc23, Gain23, URB23, UNP, PRB5, ODVout24, PSVout24, Q24, I24, Q23, I23, ODVout23, PSVout23, DRFM23, CLK);
BIN24: OneBin port map (DRFM25, PhaseInc24, Gain24, URB24, UNP, PRB6, ODVout25, PSVout25, Q25, I25, Q24, I24, ODVout24, PSVout24, DRFM24, CLK);
BIN25: OneBin port map (DRFM26, PhaseInc25, Gain25, URB25, UNP, PRB6, ODVout26, PSVout26, Q26, I26, Q25, I25, ODVout25, PSVout25, DRFM25, CLK);
BIN26: OneBin port map (DRFM27, PhaseInc26, Gain26, URB26, UNP, PRB6, ODVout27, PSVout27, Q27, I27, Q26, I26, ODVout26, PSVout26, DRFM26, CLK);
BIN27: OneBin port map (DRFM28, PhaseInc27, Gain27, URB27, UNP, PRB6, ODVout28, PSVout28, Q28, I28, Q27, I27, ODVout27, PSVout27, DRFM27, CLK);
BIN28: OneBin port map (DRFM29, PhaseInc28, Gain28, URB28, UNP, PRB7, ODVout29, PSVout29, Q29, I29, Q28, I28, ODVout28, PSVout28, DRFM28, CLK);
BIN29: OneBin port map (DRFM30, PhaseInc29, Gain29, URB29, UNP, PRB7, ODVout30, PSVout30, Q30, I30, Q29, I29, ODVout29, PSVout29, DRFM29, CLK);
BIN30: OneBin port map (DRFM31, PhaseInc30, Gain30, URB30, UNP, PRB7, ODVout31, PSVout31, Q31, I31, Q30, I30, ODVout30, PSVout30, DRFM30, CLK);
BIN31: OneBin port map (DRFM32, PhaseInc31, Gain31, URB31, UNP, PRB7, ODVout32, PSVout32, Q32, I32, Q31, I31, ODVout31, PSVout31, DRFM31, CLK);
BIN32: OneBin port map (DRFM33, PhaseInc32, Gain32, URB32, UNP, PRB8, ODVout33, PSVout33, Q33, I33, Q32, I32, ODVout32, PSVout32, DRFM32, CLK);
BIN33: OneBin port map (DRFM34, PhaseInc33, Gain33, URB33, UNP, PRB8, ODVout34, PSVout34, Q34, I34, Q33, I33, ODVout33, PSVout33, DRFM33, CLK);
BIN34: OneBin port map (DRFM35, PhaseInc34, Gain34, URB34, UNP, PRB8, ODVout35, PSVout35, Q35, I35, Q34, I34, ODVout34, PSVout34, DRFM34, CLK);
BIN35: OneBin port map (DRFM36, PhaseInc35, Gain35, URB35, UNP, PRB8, ODVout36, PSVout36, Q36, I36, Q35, I35, ODVout35, PSVout35, DRFM35, CLK);
BIN36: OneBin port map (DRFM37, PhaseInc36, Gain36, URB36, UNP, PRB9, ODVout37, PSVout37, Q37, I37, Q36, I36, ODVout36, PSVout36, DRFM36, CLK);
BIN37: OneBin port map (DRFM38, PhaseInc37, Gain37, URB37, UNP, PRB9, ODVout38, PSVout38, Q38, I38, Q37, I37, ODVout37, PSVout37, DRFM37, CLK);
BIN38: OneBin port map (DRFM39, PhaseInc38, Gain38, URB38, UNP, PRB9, ODVout39, PSVout39, Q39, I39, Q38, I38, ODVout38, PSVout38, DRFM38, CLK);
BIN39: OneBin port map (DRFM40, PhaseInc39, Gain39, URB39, UNP, PRB9, ODVout40, PSVout40, Q40, I40, Q39, I39, ODVout39, PSVout39, DRFM39, CLK);
BIN40: OneBin port map (DRFM41, PhaseInc40, Gain40, URB40, UNP, PRB10, ODVout41, PSVout41, Q41, I41, Q40, I40, ODVout40, PSVout40, DRFM40, CLK);
BIN41: OneBin port map (DRFM42, PhaseInc41, Gain41, URB41, UNP, PRB10, ODVout42, PSVout42, Q42, I42, Q41, I41, ODVout41, PSVout41, DRFM41, CLK);
BIN42: OneBin port map (DRFM43, PhaseInc42, Gain42, URB42, UNP, PRB10, ODVout43, PSVout43, Q43, I43, Q42, I42, ODVout42, PSVout42, DRFM42, CLK);
BIN43: OneBin port map (DRFM44, PhaseInc43, Gain43, URB43, UNP, PRB10, ODVout44, PSVout44, Q44, I44, Q43, I43, ODVout43, PSVout43, DRFM43, CLK);
BIN44: OneBin port map (DRFM45, PhaseInc44, Gain44, URB44, UNP, PRB11, ODVout45, PSVout45, Q45, I45, Q44, I44, ODVout44, PSVout44, DRFM44, CLK);
BIN45: OneBin port map (DRFM46, PhaseInc45, Gain45, URB45, UNP, PRB11, ODVout46, PSVout46, Q46, I46, Q45, I45, ODVout45, PSVout45, DRFM45, CLK);
BIN46: OneBin port map (DRFM47, PhaseInc46, Gain46, URB46, UNP, PRB11, ODVout47, PSVout47, Q47, I47, Q46, I46, ODVout46, PSVout46, DRFM46, CLK);
BIN47: OneBin port map (DRFM48, PhaseInc47, Gain47, URB47, UNP, PRB11, ODVout48, PSVout48, Q48, I48, Q47, I47, ODVout47, PSVout47, DRFM47, CLK);
BIN48: OneBin port map (DRFM49, PhaseInc48, Gain48, URB48, UNP, PRB12, ODVout49, PSVout49, Q49, I49, Q48, I48, ODVout48, PSVout48, DRFM48, CLK);
BIN49: OneBin port map (DRFM50, PhaseInc49, Gain49, URB49, UNP, PRB12, ODVout50, PSVout50, Q50, I50, Q49, I49, ODVout49, PSVout49, DRFM49, CLK);
BIN50: OneBin port map (DRFM51, PhaseInc50, Gain50, URB50, UNP, PRB12, ODVout51, PSVout51, Q51, I51, Q50, I50, ODVout50, PSVout50, DRFM50, CLK);
BIN51: OneBin port map (DRFM52, PhaseInc51, Gain51, URB51, UNP, PRB12, ODVout52, PSVout52, Q52, I52, Q51, I51, ODVout51, PSVout51, DRFM51, CLK);
BIN52: OneBin port map (DRFM53, PhaseInc52, Gain52, URB52, UNP, PRB13, ODVout53, PSVout53, Q53, I53, Q52, I52, ODVout52, PSVout52, DRFM52, CLK);
BIN53: OneBin port map (DRFM54, PhaseInc53, Gain53, URB53, UNP, PRB13, ODVout54, PSVout54, Q54, I54, Q53, I53, ODVout53, PSVout53, DRFM53, CLK);
BIN54: OneBin port map (DRFM55, PhaseInc54, Gain54, URB54, UNP, PRB13, ODVout55, PSVout55, Q55, I55, Q54, I54, ODVout54, PSVout54, DRFM54, CLK);
BIN55: OneBin port map (DRFM56, PhaseInc55, Gain55, URB55, UNP, PRB13, ODVout56, PSVout56, Q56, I56, Q55, I55, ODVout55, PSVout55, DRFM55, CLK);
BIN56: OneBin port map (DRFM57, PhaseInc56, Gain56, URB56, UNP, PRB14, ODVout57, PSVout57, Q57, I57, Q56, I56, ODVout56, PSVout56, DRFM56, CLK);
BIN57: OneBin port map (DRFM58, PhaseInc57, Gain57, URB57, UNP, PRB14, ODVout58, PSVout58, Q58, I58, Q57, I57, ODVout57, PSVout57, DRFM57, CLK);
BIN58: OneBin port map (DRFM59, PhaseInc58, Gain58, URB58, UNP, PRB14, ODVout59, PSVout59, Q59, I59, Q58, I58, ODVout58, PSVout58, DRFM58, CLK);
BIN59: OneBin port map (DRFM60, PhaseInc59, Gain59, URB59, UNP, PRB14, ODVout60, PSVout60, Q60, I60, Q59, I59, ODVout59, PSVout59, DRFM59, CLK);
BIN60: OneBin port map (DRFM61, PhaseInc60, Gain60, URB60, UNP, PRB15, ODVout61, PSVout61, Q61, I61, Q60, I60, ODVout60, PSVout60, DRFM60, CLK);
BIN61: OneBin port map (DRFM62, PhaseInc61, Gain61, URB61, UNP, PRB15, ODVout62, PSVout62, Q62, I62, Q61, I61, ODVout61, PSVout61, DRFM61, CLK);
BIN62: OneBin port map (DRFM63, PhaseInc62, Gain62, URB62, UNP, PRB15, ODVout63, PSVout63, Q63, I63, Q62, I62, ODVout62, PSVout62, DRFM62, CLK);
BIN63: OneBin port map (PhaseSamp, PhaseInc63, Gain63, URB63, UNP, PRB15, ODVin, PSVin, "00000000000000000", "00000000000000000", Q63, I63,ODVout63, PSVout63, DRFM63, CLK);�����
-- Output Format:
-- 63-41 |�� 40�� |�� 39�� | 38-22 | 21-5 | 4-0
--unused | PSVout | ODVout |�� Q�� |�� I� | DRFM
Output(38 downto 22)<=Q;
Output(21 downto 5)<=I;
Output(4 downto 0)<=DRFM0;
Output(63 downto 41)<="00000000000000000000000";
end SixtyFourBin;
entity One28Bin is
port (Input: in bit_vector (63 downto 0);
Output:out bit_vector (63 downto 0); CLK: in bit);
end One28Bin;
architecture One28Bin of One28Bin is
component OneBin is
port (PhaseSamp, PhaseInc: in bit_vector (5 downto 1);
Gain: in bit_vector (4 downto 1);
URB, UNP, PRB, ODVin, PSVin: in bit;
OtherBinDataSIN,OtherBinDataCOS:in bit_vector (17 downto 1);
Q, I: out bit_vector (17 downto 1);
ODVout, PSVout: out bit;
DRFM: out bit_vector (5 downto 1);
CLK: in bit);
end component;
component DFlipFlop
port (CLK, LD, RESET, D: in bit;
Q: inout bit; Qnot: out bit);
end component;��������������������������������������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ��
signal Q, I, Q1,I1,Q2,I2,Q3,I3,Q4,I4,Q5,I5,Q6,I6,Q7,I7,Q8,I8,Q9,I9,
Q10,I10,Q11,I11,Q12,I12,Q13,I13,Q14,I14,Q15,I15: bit_vector (17 downto 1):="00000000000000000";
signal Q16, I16, Q17,I17,Q18,I18,Q19,I19,Q20,I20,Q21,I21,Q22,I22,Q23,I23,Q24,I24,Q25,I25,
Q26,I26,Q27,I27,Q28,I28,Q29,I29,Q30,I30,Q31,I31: bit_vector (17 downto 1):="00000000000000000";
signal Q32, I32, Q33,I33,Q34,I34,Q35,I35,Q36,I36,Q37,I37,Q38,I38,Q39,I39,Q40,I40,Q41,I41,
Q42,I42,Q43,I43,Q44,I44,Q45,I45,Q46,I46,Q47,I47: bit_vector (17 downto 1):="00000000000000000";
signal Q48, I48, Q49,I49,Q50,I50,Q51,I51,Q52,I52,Q53,I53,Q54,I54,Q55,I55,Q56,I56,Q57,I57,
Q58,I58,Q59,I59,Q60,I60,Q61,I61,Q62,I62,Q63,I63: bit_vector (17 downto 1):="00000000000000000";
signal Q64, I64, Q65,I65,Q66,I66,Q67,I67,Q68,I68,Q69,I69,Q70,I70,Q71,I71,Q72,I72,Q73,I73,
Q74,I74,Q75,I75,Q76,I76,Q77,I77,Q78,I78,Q79,I79: bit_vector (17 downto 1):="00000000000000000";
signal Q80, I80, Q81,I81,Q82,I82,Q83,I83,Q84,I84,Q85,I85,Q86,I86,Q87,I87,Q88,I88,Q89,I89,
Q90,I90,Q91,I91,Q92,I92,Q93,I93,Q94,I94,Q95,I95: bit_vector (17 downto 1):="00000000000000000";
signal Q96, I96, Q97,I97,Q98,I98,Q99,I99,Q100,I100,Q101,I101,Q102,I102,Q103,I103,Q104,I104,Q105,I105,
Q106,I106,Q107,I107,Q108,I108,Q109,I109,Q110,I110,Q111,I111: bit_vector (17 downto 1):="00000000000000000";�����������������������������������������������������
signal Q112, I112, Q113,I113,Q114,I114,Q115,I115,Q116,I116,Q117,I117,Q118,I118,Q119,I119,Q120,I120,Q121,I121,
Q122,I122,Q123,I123,Q124,I124,Q125,I125,Q126,I126,Q127,I127: bit_vector (17 downto 1):="00000000000000000";
DRFM10,DRFM11,DRFM12,DRFM13,DRFM14,DRFM15: bit_vector (5 downto 1):="00000";
DRFM26,DRFM27,DRFM28,DRFM29,DRFM30,DRFM31: bit_vector (5 downto 1):="00000";
DRFM42,DRFM43,DRFM44,DRFM45,DRFM46,DRFM47: bit_vector (5 downto 1):="00000";
DRFM58,DRFM59,DRFM60,DRFM61,DRFM62,DRFM63: bit_vector (5 downto 1):="00000";
DRFM74,DRFM75,DRFM76,DRFM77,DRFM78,DRFM79: bit_vector (5 downto 1):="00000";
DRFM90,DRFM91,DRFM92,DRFM93,DRFM94,DRFM95: bit_vector (5 downto 1):="00000";
signal DRFM96,DRFM97,DRFM98,DRFM99,DRFM100,DRFM101,DRFM102,DRFM103,DRFM104,DRFM105,
DRFM106,DRFM107,DRFM108,DRFM109,DRFM110,DRFM111: bit_vector (5 downto 1):="00000";
signal DRFM112,DRFM113,DRFM114,DRFM115,DRFM116,DRFM117,DRFM118,DRFM119,DRFM120,DRFM121,
DRFM122,DRFM123,DRFM124,DRFM125,DRFM126,DRFM127: bit_vector (5 downto 1):="00000";
signal PSVout0,PSVout1,PSVout2,PSVout3,PSVout4,PSVout5,PSVout6,
PSVout7,PSVout8,PSVout9,PSVout10,PSVout11,PSVout12,PSVout13,PSVout14,PSVout15: bit:='0';
signal PSVout16,PSVout17,PSVout18,PSVout19,PSVout20,PSVout21,PSVout22,
PSVout23,PSVout24,PSVout25,PSVout26,PSVout27,PSVout28,PSVout29,PSVout30,PSVout31: bit:='0';
signal PSVout32,PSVout33,PSVout34,PSVout35,PSVout36,PSVout37,PSVout38,
PSVout39,PSVout40,PSVout41,PSVout42,PSVout43,PSVout44,PSVout45,PSVout46,PSVout47: bit:='0';
signal PSVout48,PSVout49,PSVout50,PSVout51,PSVout52,PSVout53,PSVout54,
PSVout55,PSVout56,PSVout57,PSVout58,PSVout59,PSVout60,PSVout61,PSVout62,PSVout63: bit:='0';
signal PSVout64,PSVout65,PSVout66,PSVout67,PSVout68,PSVout69,PSVout70,
PSVout71,PSVout72,PSVout73,PSVout74,PSVout75,PSVout76,PSVout77,PSVout78,PSVout79: bit:='0';
signal PSVout80,PSVout81,PSVout82,PSVout83,PSVout84,PSVout85,PSVout86,
PSVout87,PSVout88,PSVout89,PSVout90,PSVout91,PSVout92,PSVout93,PSVout94,PSVout95: bit:='0';
signal PSVout96,PSVout97,PSVout98,PSVout99,PSVout100,PSVout101,PSVout102,
PSVout103,PSVout104,PSVout105,PSVout106,PSVout107,PSVout108,PSVout109,PSVout110,PSVout111: bit:='0';
signal PSVout112,PSVout113,PSVout114,PSVout115,PSVout116,PSVout117,PSVout118,
PSVout119,PSVout120,PSVout121,PSVout122,PSVout123,PSVout124,PSVout125,PSVout126,PSVout127: bit:='0';
signal ODVout0,ODVout1,ODVout2,ODVout3,ODVout4,ODVout5,ODVout6,
ODVout7,ODVout8,ODVout9,ODVout10,ODVout11,ODVout12,ODVout13,ODVout14,ODVout15: bit:='0';
signal ODVout16,ODVout17,ODVout18,ODVout19,ODVout20,ODVout21,ODVout22,
ODVout23,ODVout24,ODVout25,ODVout26,ODVout27,ODVout28,ODVout29,ODVout30,ODVout31: bit:='0';
signal ODVout32,ODVout33,ODVout34,ODVout35,ODVout36,ODVout37,ODVout38,
ODVout39,ODVout40,ODVout41,ODVout42,ODVout43,ODVout44,ODVout45,ODVout46,ODVout47: bit:='0';
signal ODVout48,ODVout49,ODVout50,ODVout51,ODVout52,ODVout53,ODVout54,
ODVout55,ODVout56,ODVout57,ODVout58,ODVout59,ODVout60,ODVout61,ODVout62,ODVout63: bit:='0';
signal ODVout64,ODVout65,ODVout66,ODVout67,ODVout68,ODVout69,ODVout70,
ODVout71,ODVout72,ODVout73,ODVout74,ODVout75,ODVout76,ODVout77,ODVout78,ODVout79: bit:='0';
signal ODVout80,ODVout81,ODVout82,ODVout83,ODVout84,ODVout85,ODVout86,
ODVout87,ODVout88,ODVout89,ODVout90,ODVout91,ODVout92,ODVout93,ODVout94,ODVout95: bit:='0';
signal ODVout96,ODVout97,ODVout98,ODVout99,ODVout100,ODVout101,ODVout102,
ODVout103,ODVout104,ODVout105,ODVout106,ODVout107,ODVout108,ODVout109,ODVout110,ODVout111: bit:='0';
signal ODVout112,ODVout113,ODVout114,ODVout115,ODVout116,ODVout117,ODVout118,
ODVout119,ODVout120,ODVout121,ODVout122,ODVout123,ODVout124,ODVout125,ODVout126,ODVout127: bit:='0';
signal Gain0,Gain1,Gain2,Gain3,Gain4,Gain5,Gain6,Gain7,Gain8,Gain9,
Gain10,Gain11,Gain12,Gain13,Gain14,Gain15: bit_vector (4 downto 1):="0000";
signal Gain16,Gain17,Gain18,Gain19,Gain20,Gain21,Gain22,Gain23,Gain24,Gain25,
Gain26,Gain27,Gain28,Gain29,Gain30,Gain31: bit_vector (4 downto 1):="0000";
signal Gain32,Gain33,Gain34,Gain35,Gain36,Gain37,Gain38,Gain39,Gain40,Gain41,
Gain42,Gain43,Gain44,Gain45,Gain46,Gain47: bit_vector (4 downto 1):="0000";
signal Gain48,Gain49,Gain50,Gain51,Gain52,Gain53,Gain54,Gain55,Gain56,Gain57,
Gain58,Gain59,Gain60,Gain61,Gain62,Gain63: bit_vector (4 downto 1):="0000";
signal Gain64,Gain65,Gain66,Gain67,Gain68,Gain69,Gain70,Gain71,Gain72,Gain73,
Gain74,Gain75,Gain76,Gain77,Gain78,Gain79: bit_vector (4 downto 1):="0000";
signal Gain80,Gain81,Gain82,Gain83,Gain84,Gain85,Gain86,Gain87,Gain88,Gain89,
Gain90,Gain91,Gain92,Gain93,Gain94,Gain95: bit_vector (4 downto 1):="0000";
signal Gain96,Gain97,Gain98,Gain99,Gain100,Gain101,Gain102,Gain103,Gain104,Gain105,
Gain106,Gain107,Gain108,Gain109,Gain110,Gain111: bit_vector (4 downto 1):="0000";
signal Gain112,Gain113,Gain114,Gain115,Gain116,Gain117,Gain118,Gain119,Gain120,Gain121,
Gain122,Gain123,Gain124,Gain125,Gain126,Gain127: bit_vector (4 downto 1):="0000";
signal PhaseInc0,PhaseInc1,PhaseInc2,PhaseInc3,PhaseInc4,PhaseInc5,PhaseInc6,PhaseInc7,
PhaseInc8,PhaseInc9,PhaseInc10,PhaseInc11,PhaseInc12,PhaseInc13,PhaseInc14,PhaseInc15 : bit_vector (5 downto 1):="00000";
signal PhaseInc16,PhaseInc17,PhaseInc18,PhaseInc19,PhaseInc20,PhaseInc21,PhaseInc22,PhaseInc23,
PhaseInc24,PhaseInc25,PhaseInc26,PhaseInc27,PhaseInc28,PhaseInc29,PhaseInc30,PhaseInc31 : bit_vector (5 downto 1):="00000";
signal PhaseInc32,PhaseInc33,PhaseInc34,PhaseInc35,PhaseInc36,PhaseInc37,PhaseInc38,PhaseInc39,
PhaseInc40,PhaseInc41,PhaseInc42,PhaseInc43,PhaseInc44,PhaseInc45,PhaseInc46,PhaseInc47 : bit_vector (5 downto 1):="00000";
signal PhaseInc48,PhaseInc49,PhaseInc50,PhaseInc51,PhaseInc52,PhaseInc53,PhaseInc54,PhaseInc55,
PhaseInc56,PhaseInc57,PhaseInc58,PhaseInc59,PhaseInc60,PhaseInc61,PhaseInc62,PhaseInc63 : bit_vector (5 downto 1):="00000";��������������������������������������������
signal PhaseInc64,PhaseInc65,PhaseInc66,PhaseInc67,PhaseInc68,PhaseInc69,PhaseInc70,PhaseInc71,
PhaseInc72,PhaseInc73,PhaseInc74,PhaseInc75,PhaseInc76,PhaseInc77,PhaseInc78,PhaseInc79 : bit_vector (5 downto 1):="00000";
signal PhaseInc80,PhaseInc81,PhaseInc82,PhaseInc83,PhaseInc84,PhaseInc85,PhaseInc86,PhaseInc87,
PhaseInc88,PhaseInc89,PhaseInc90,PhaseInc91,PhaseInc92,PhaseInc93,PhaseInc94,PhaseInc95 : bit_vector (5 downto 1):="00000";
signal PhaseInc96,PhaseInc97,PhaseInc98,PhaseInc99,PhaseInc100,PhaseInc101,PhaseInc102,PhaseInc103,
PhaseInc104,PhaseInc105,PhaseInc106,PhaseInc107,PhaseInc108,PhaseInc109,PhaseInc110,PhaseInc111 : bit_vector (5 downto 1):="00000";
signal PhaseInc112,PhaseInc113,PhaseInc114,PhaseInc115,PhaseInc116,PhaseInc117,PhaseInc118,PhaseInc119,
PhaseInc120,PhaseInc121,PhaseInc122,PhaseInc123,PhaseInc124,PhaseInc125,PhaseInc126,PhaseInc127 : bit_vector (5 downto 1):="00000";���������������������������������������
signal URB0,URB1,URB2,URB3,URB4,URB5,URB6,URB7,URB8,URB9,URB10,URB11,URB12,URB13,URB14,URB15: bit :='0';
signal URB16,URB17,URB18,URB19,URB20,URB21,URB22,URB23,URB24,URB25,URB26,URB27,URB28,URB29,URB30,URB31: bit :='0';
signal URB32,URB33,URB34,URB35,URB36,URB37,URB38,URB39,URB40,URB41,URB42,URB43,URB44,URB45,URB46,URB47: bit :='0';
signal URB48,URB49,URB50,URB51,URB52,URB53,URB54,URB55,URB56,URB57,URB58,URB59,URB60,URB61,URB62,URB63: bit :='0';
signal URB64,URB65,URB66,URB67,URB68,URB69,URB70,URB71,URB72,URB73,URB74,URB75,URB76,URB77,URB78,URB79: bit :='0';
signal URB80,URB81,URB82,URB83,URB84,URB85,URB86,URB87,URB88,URB89,URB90,URB91,URB92,URB93,URB94,URB95: bit :='0';
signal URB96,URB97,URB98,URB99,URB100,URB101,URB102,URB103,URB104,URB105,URB106,URB107,URB108,URB109,URB110,URB111: bit :='0';
signal URB112,URB113,URB114,URB115,URB116,URB117,URB118,URB119,URB120,URB121,URB122,URB123,URB124,URB125,URB126,URB127: bit :='0';
signal PhaseSamp: bit_vector (5 downto 1):= "00000";
signal UNP, PSVin, ODVin: bit :='0';
signal LD, RESET, PRB, PRB1, PRB2, PRB3, PRB4, PRB5, PRB6, PRB7, PRB8, PRB9, PRB10, PRB11, PRB12, PRB13, PRB14, PRB15,
PRB16, PRB17, PRB18, PRB19, PRB20, PRB21, PRB22, PRB23, PRB24, PRB25, PRB26, PRB27, PRB28, PRB29, PRB30, PRB31,
Begin -- BIN0 is the primary output
--Input: formats, cycle begins when PRB=1, 1 format per clock
-- ten bits of each bin: 10 |� 9-5�� |4-1 |
--��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� URB|PhaseInc|Gain|
-- 63-48 |47-38 |37-28 |27-18 | 17-8 | 7-3�� | 2��� | 1� | 0
--unused | bin3 | bin2 | bin1 | bin0 |sample |PSVin |UNP |PRB
-- 63-48 |47-38 |37-28 |27-18 | 17-8 | 7-3�� | 2��� | 1� | 0
--unused | bin7 | bin6 | bin5 | bin4 |sample |PSVin |UNP |PRB
-- 63-48 |47-38 |37-28 |27-18 | 17-8 | 7-3�� | 2��� | 1� | 0
--unused | bin11| bin10| bin9 | bin8 |sample |PSVin |UNP |PRB
-- 63-48 |47-38 |37-28 |27-18 | 17-8 | 7-3�� | 2��� | 1� | 0
--unused | bin15| bin14| bin13| bin12|sample |PSVin |UNP |PRB
-- 63-8����������������������������� | 7-3�� | 2��� | 1� | 0
--unused���������������������������� |sample |PSVin |UNP |PRB
-- more bins in same pattern up to 128...
-- The first sample can be entered on clock 129 if PSVin and UNP are taken high
PhaseSamp<=Input(7 downto 3);
-- Bins 0,4,8,12,16,20,24,28,32,36,40,44,48,52,56,60...124 data
PhaseInc0<=Input(16 downto 12);
Gain0<=Input(11 downto 8);
PhaseInc4<=Input(16 downto 12);
Gain4<=Input(11 downto 8);
PhaseInc8<=Input(16 downto 12);
Gain8<=Input(11 downto 8);
PhaseInc12<=Input(16 downto 12);
Gain12<=Input(11 downto 8);
PhaseInc16<=Input(16 downto 12);
Gain16<=Input(11 downto 8);
PhaseInc20<=Input(16 downto 12);
Gain20<=Input(11 downto 8);
PhaseInc24<=Input(16 downto 12);
Gain24<=Input(11 downto 8);
PhaseInc28<=Input(16 downto 12);
Gain28<=Input(11 downto 8);
PhaseInc32<=Input(16 downto 12);
Gain32<=Input(11 downto 8);
PhaseInc36<=Input(16 downto 12);
Gain36<=Input(11 downto 8);
PhaseInc40<=Input(16 downto 12);
Gain40<=Input(11 downto 8);
PhaseInc44<=Input(16 downto 12);
Gain44<=Input(11 downto 8);
PhaseInc48<=Input(16 downto 12);
Gain48<=Input(11 downto 8);
PhaseInc52<=Input(16 downto 12);
Gain52<=Input(11 downto 8);
PhaseInc56<=Input(16 downto 12);
Gain56<=Input(11 downto 8);
PhaseInc60<=Input(16 downto 12);
Gain60<=Input(11 downto 8);
PhaseInc64<=Input(16 downto 12);
Gain64<=Input(11 downto 8);
PhaseInc68<=Input(16 downto 12);
Gain68<=Input(11 downto 8);
PhaseInc72<=Input(16 downto 12);
Gain72<=Input(11 downto 8);
PhaseInc76<=Input(16 downto 12);
Gain76<=Input(11 downto 8);
PhaseInc80<=Input(16 downto 12);
Gain80<=Input(11 downto 8);
PhaseInc84<=Input(16 downto 12);
Gain84<=Input(11 downto 8);
PhaseInc88<=Input(16 downto 12);
Gain88<=Input(11 downto 8);
PhaseInc92<=Input(16 downto 12);
Gain92<=Input(11 downto 8);
PhaseInc96<=Input(16 downto 12);
Gain96<=Input(11 downto 8);
PhaseInc100<=Input(16 downto 12);
Gain100<=Input(11 downto 8);
PhaseInc104<=Input(16 downto 12);
Gain104<=Input(11 downto 8);
PhaseInc108<=Input(16 downto 12);
Gain108<=Input(11 downto 8);
PhaseInc112<=Input(16 downto 12);
Gain112<=Input(11 downto 8);
PhaseInc116<=Input(16 downto 12);
Gain116<=Input(11 downto 8);
PhaseInc120<=Input(16 downto 12);
Gain120<=Input(11 downto 8);
PhaseInc124<=Input(16 downto 12);
Gain124<=Input(11 downto 8);
-- Bins 1,5,9,13,17,21,25,29,33,37,41,45,49,53,57,61...125 data
PhaseInc1<=Input(26 downto 22);
Gain1<=Input(21 downto 18);��������������������������������������������������
PhaseInc5<=Input(26 downto 22);
Gain5<=Input(21 downto 18);
PhaseInc9<=Input(26 downto 22);
Gain9<=Input(21 downto 18);
PhaseInc13<=Input(26 downto 22);
Gain13<=Input(21 downto 18);
PhaseInc17<=Input(26 downto 22);
Gain17<=Input(21 downto 18);�������������������������������������������������
PhaseInc21<=Input(26 downto 22);
Gain21<=Input(21 downto 18);
PhaseInc25<=Input(26 downto 22);
Gain25<=Input(21 downto 18);
PhaseInc29<=Input(26 downto 22);
Gain29<=Input(21 downto 18);
PhaseInc33<=Input(26 downto 22);
Gain33<=Input(21 downto 18);�������������������������������������������������
PhaseInc37<=Input(26 downto 22);
Gain37<=Input(21 downto 18);
PhaseInc41<=Input(26 downto 22);
Gain41<=Input(21 downto 18);
PhaseInc45<=Input(26 downto 22);
Gain45<=Input(21 downto 18);
PhaseInc49<=Input(26 downto 22);
Gain49<=Input(21 downto 18);�������������������������������������������������
PhaseInc53<=Input(26 downto 22);
Gain53<=Input(21 downto 18);
PhaseInc57<=Input(26 downto 22);
Gain57<=Input(21 downto 18);
PhaseInc61<=Input(26 downto 22);
Gain61<=Input(21 downto 18);
PhaseInc65<=Input(26 downto 22);
Gain65<=Input(21 downto 18);�������������������������������������������������
PhaseInc69<=Input(26 downto 22);
Gain69<=Input(21 downto 18);
PhaseInc73<=Input(26 downto 22);
Gain73<=Input(21 downto 18);
PhaseInc77<=Input(26 downto 22);
Gain77<=Input(21 downto 18);
PhaseInc81<=Input(26 downto 22);
Gain81<=Input(21 downto 18);�������������������������������������������������
PhaseInc85<=Input(26 downto 22);
Gain85<=Input(21 downto 18);
PhaseInc89<=Input(26 downto 22);
Gain89<=Input(21 downto 18);
PhaseInc93<=Input(26 downto 22);
Gain93<=Input(21 downto 18);
PhaseInc97<=Input(26 downto 22);
Gain97<=Input(21 downto 18);�������������������������������������������������
PhaseInc101<=Input(26 downto 22);
Gain101<=Input(21 downto 18);
PhaseInc105<=Input(26 downto 22);
Gain105<=Input(21 downto 18);
PhaseInc109<=Input(26 downto 22);
Gain109<=Input(21 downto 18);
PhaseInc113<=Input(26 downto 22);
Gain113<=Input(21 downto 18);������������������������������������������������
PhaseInc117<=Input(26 downto 22);
Gain117<=Input(21 downto 18);
PhaseInc121<=Input(26 downto 22);
Gain121<=Input(21 downto 18);
PhaseInc125<=Input(26 downto 22);
Gain125<=Input(21 downto 18);
-- Bins 2,6,10,14,18,22,26,30,34,38,42,46,50,54,58,62...126 data
PhaseInc2<=Input(36 downto 32);
Gain2<=Input(31 downto 28);
PhaseInc6<=Input(36 downto 32);
Gain6<=Input(31 downto 28);
PhaseInc10<=Input(36 downto 32);
Gain10<=Input(31 downto 28);
PhaseInc14<=Input(36 downto 32);
Gain14<=Input(31 downto 28);
PhaseInc18<=Input(36 downto 32);
Gain18<=Input(31 downto 28);�������������������������������������������������
PhaseInc22<=Input(36 downto 32);
Gain22<=Input(31 downto 28);
PhaseInc26<=Input(36 downto 32);
Gain26<=Input(31 downto 28);
PhaseInc30<=Input(36 downto 32);
Gain30<=Input(31 downto 28);
PhaseInc34<=Input(36 downto 32);
Gain34<=Input(31 downto 28);�������������������������������������������������
PhaseInc38<=Input(36 downto 32);
Gain38<=Input(31 downto 28);
PhaseInc42<=Input(36 downto 32);
Gain42<=Input(31 downto 28);
PhaseInc46<=Input(36 downto 32);
Gain46<=Input(31 downto 28);
PhaseInc50<=Input(36 downto 32);
Gain50<=Input(31 downto 28);�������������������������������������������������
PhaseInc54<=Input(36 downto 32);
Gain54<=Input(31 downto 28);
PhaseInc58<=Input(36 downto 32);
Gain58<=Input(31 downto 28);
PhaseInc62<=Input(36 downto 32);
Gain62<=Input(31 downto 28);
PhaseInc66<=Input(36 downto 32);
Gain66<=Input(31 downto 28);
PhaseInc70<=Input(36 downto 32);
Gain70<=Input(31 downto 28);
PhaseInc74<=Input(36 downto 32);
Gain74<=Input(31 downto 28);
PhaseInc78<=Input(36 downto 32);
Gain78<=Input(31 downto 28);
PhaseInc82<=Input(36 downto 32);
Gain82<=Input(31 downto 28);�������������������������������������������������
PhaseInc86<=Input(36 downto 32);
Gain86<=Input(31 downto 28);
PhaseInc90<=Input(36 downto 32);
Gain90<=Input(31 downto 28);
PhaseInc94<=Input(36 downto 32);
Gain94<=Input(31 downto 28);
PhaseInc98<=Input(36 downto 32);
Gain98<=Input(31 downto 28);�������������������������������������������������
PhaseInc102<=Input(36 downto 32);
Gain102<=Input(31 downto 28);
PhaseInc106<=Input(36 downto 32);
Gain106<=Input(31 downto 28);
PhaseInc110<=Input(36 downto 32);
Gain110<=Input(31 downto 28);
PhaseInc114<=Input(36 downto 32);
Gain114<=Input(31 downto 28);������������������������������������������������
PhaseInc118<=Input(36 downto 32);
Gain118<=Input(31 downto 28);
PhaseInc122<=Input(36 downto 32);
Gain122<=Input(31 downto 28);
PhaseInc126<=Input(36 downto 32);
Gain126<=Input(31 downto 28);
-- Bins 3,7,11,15,19,23,27,31,35,39,43,47,51,55,59,63...127 data
PhaseInc3<=Input(46 downto 42);
Gain3<=Input(41 downto 38);
PhaseInc7<=Input(46 downto 42);
Gain7<=Input(41 downto 38);
PhaseInc11<=Input(46 downto 42);
Gain11<=Input(41 downto 38);
PhaseInc15<=Input(46 downto 42);
Gain15<=Input(41 downto 38);
PhaseInc19<=Input(46 downto 42);
Gain19<=Input(41 downto 38);�������������������������������������������������
PhaseInc23<=Input(46 downto 42);
Gain23<=Input(41 downto 38);
PhaseInc27<=Input(46 downto 42);
Gain27<=Input(41 downto 38);
PhaseInc31<=Input(46 downto 42);
Gain31<=Input(41 downto 38);
PhaseInc35<=Input(46 downto 42);
Gain35<=Input(41 downto 38);�������������������������������������������������
PhaseInc39<=Input(46 downto 42);
Gain39<=Input(41 downto 38);
PhaseInc43<=Input(46 downto 42);
Gain43<=Input(41 downto 38);
PhaseInc47<=Input(46 downto 42);
Gain47<=Input(41 downto 38);
PhaseInc51<=Input(46 downto 42);
Gain51<=Input(41 downto 38);�������������������������������������������������
PhaseInc55<=Input(46 downto 42);
Gain55<=Input(41 downto 38);
PhaseInc59<=Input(46 downto 42);
Gain59<=Input(41 downto 38);
PhaseInc63<=Input(46 downto 42);
Gain63<=Input(41 downto 38);
PhaseInc67<=Input(46 downto 42);
Gain67<=Input(41 downto 38);
PhaseInc71<=Input(46 downto 42);
Gain71<=Input(41 downto 38);
PhaseInc75<=Input(46 downto 42);
Gain75<=Input(41 downto 38);
PhaseInc79<=Input(46 downto 42);
Gain79<=Input(41 downto 38);
PhaseInc83<=Input(46 downto 42);
Gain83<=Input(41 downto 38);�������������������������������������������������
PhaseInc87<=Input(46 downto 42);
Gain87<=Input(41 downto 38);
PhaseInc91<=Input(46 downto 42);
Gain91<=Input(41 downto 38);
PhaseInc95<=Input(46 downto 42);
Gain95<=Input(41 downto 38);
PhaseInc99<=Input(46 downto 42);
Gain99<=Input(41 downto 38);�������������������������������������������������
PhaseInc103<=Input(46 downto 42);
Gain103<=Input(41 downto 38);
PhaseInc107<=Input(46 downto 42);
Gain107<=Input(41 downto 38);
PhaseInc111<=Input(46 downto 42);
Gain111<=Input(41 downto 38);
PhaseInc115<=Input(46 downto 42);
Gain115<=Input(41 downto 38);������������������������������������������������
PhaseInc119<=Input(46 downto 42);
Gain119<=Input(41 downto 38);
PhaseInc123<=Input(46 downto 42);
Gain123<=Input(41 downto 38);
PhaseInc127<=Input(46 downto 42);
Gain127<=Input(41 downto 38);
DFF0: DFlipFlop port map (CLK, LD, RESET, PRB, PRB1, PRB1not);
DFF1: DFlipFlop port map (CLK, LD, RESET, PRB1, PRB2, PRB2not);
DFF2: DFlipFlop port map (CLK, LD, RESET, PRB2, PRB3, PRB3not);
DFF3: DFlipFlop port map (CLK, LD, RESET, PRB3, PRB4, PRB4not);
DFF4: DFlipFlop port map (CLK, LD, RESET, PRB4, PRB5, PRB5not);
DFF5: DFlipFlop port map (CLK, LD, RESET, PRB5, PRB6, PRB6not);
DFF6: DFlipFlop port map (CLK, LD, RESET, PRB6, PRB7, PRB7not);
DFF7: DFlipFlop port map (CLK, LD, RESET, PRB7, PRB8, PRB8not);
DFF8: DFlipFlop port map (CLK, LD, RESET, PRB8, PRB9, PRB9not);
DFF9: DFlipFlop port map (CLK, LD, RESET, PRB9, PRB10, PRB10not);
DFF10: DFlipFlop port map (CLK, LD, RESET, PRB10, PRB11, PRB11not);
DFF11: DFlipFlop port map (CLK, LD, RESET, PRB11, PRB12, PRB12not);
DFF12: DFlipFlop port map (CLK, LD, RESET, PRB12, PRB13, PRB13not);
DFF13: DFlipFlop port map (CLK, LD, RESET, PRB13, PRB14, PRB14not);
DFF14: DFlipFlop port map (CLK, LD, RESET, PRB14, PRB15, PRB15not);
DFF15: DFlipFlop port map (CLK, LD, RESET, PRB15, PRB16, PRB16not);
DFF16: DFlipFlop port map (CLK, LD, RESET, PRB16, PRB17, PRB17not);
DFF17: DFlipFlop port map (CLK, LD, RESET, PRB17, PRB18, PRB18not);
DFF18: DFlipFlop port map (CLK, LD, RESET, PRB18, PRB19, PRB19not);
DFF19: DFlipFlop port map (CLK, LD, RESET, PRB19, PRB20, PRB20not);
DFF20: DFlipFlop port map (CLK, LD, RESET, PRB20, PRB21, PRB21not);
DFF21: DFlipFlop port map (CLK, LD, RESET, PRB21, PRB22, PRB22not);
DFF22: DFlipFlop port map (CLK, LD, RESET, PRB22, PRB23, PRB23not);
DFF23: DFlipFlop port map (CLK, LD, RESET, PRB23, PRB24, PRB24not);
DFF24: DFlipFlop port map (CLK, LD, RESET, PRB24, PRB25, PRB25not);
DFF25: DFlipFlop port map (CLK, LD, RESET, PRB25, PRB26, PRB26not);
DFF26: DFlipFlop port map (CLK, LD, RESET, PRB26, PRB27, PRB27not);
DFF27: DFlipFlop port map (CLK, LD, RESET, PRB27, PRB28, PRB28not);
DFF28: DFlipFlop port map (CLK, LD, RESET, PRB28, PRB29, PRB29not);
DFF29: DFlipFlop port map (CLK, LD, RESET, PRB29, PRB30, PRB30not);
DFF30: DFlipFlop port map (CLK, LD, RESET, PRB30, PRB31, PRB31not);
BIN0: OneBin port map (DRFM1, PhaseInc0, Gain0, URB0, UNP, PRB, ODVout1, PSVout1, Q1, I1, Q, I, ODVout0, PSVout0, DRFM0, CLK);
BIN1: OneBin port map (DRFM2, PhaseInc1, Gain1, URB1, UNP, PRB, ODVout2, PSVout2, Q2, I2, Q1, I1, ODVout1, PSVout1, DRFM1, CLK);
BIN2: OneBin port map (DRFM3, PhaseInc2, Gain2, URB2, UNP, PRB, ODVout3, PSVout3, Q3, I3, Q2, I2, ODVout2, PSVout2, DRFM2, CLK);
BIN3: OneBin port map (DRFM4, PhaseInc3, Gain3, URB3, UNP, PRB, ODVout4, PSVout4, Q4, I4, Q3, I3, ODVout3, PSVout3, DRFM3, CLK);
BIN4: OneBin port map (DRFM5, PhaseInc4, Gain4, URB4, UNP, PRB1, ODVout5, PSVout5, Q5, I5, Q4, I4, ODVout4, PSVout4, DRFM4, CLK);
BIN5: OneBin port map (DRFM6, PhaseInc5, Gain5, URB5, UNP, PRB1, ODVout6, PSVout6, Q6, I6, Q5, I5, ODVout5, PSVout5, DRFM5, CLK);
BIN6: OneBin port map (DRFM7, PhaseInc6, Gain6, URB6, UNP, PRB1, ODVout7, PSVout7, Q7, I7, Q6, I6, ODVout6, PSVout6, DRFM6, CLK);
BIN7: OneBin port map (DRFM8, PhaseInc7, Gain7, URB7, UNP, PRB1, ODVout8, PSVout8, Q8, I8, Q7, I7, ODVout7, PSVout7, DRFM7, CLK);
BIN8: OneBin port map (DRFM9, PhaseInc8, Gain8, URB8, UNP, PRB2, ODVout9, PSVout9, Q9, I9, Q8, I8, ODVout8, PSVout8, DRFM8, CLK);
BIN9: OneBin port map (DRFM10, PhaseInc9, Gain9, URB9, UNP, PRB2, ODVout10, PSVout10, Q10, I10, Q9, I9, ODVout9, PSVout9, DRFM9, CLK);
BIN10: OneBin port map (DRFM11, PhaseInc10, Gain10, URB10, UNP, PRB2, ODVout11, PSVout11, Q11, I11, Q10, I10, ODVout10, PSVout10, DRFM10, CLK);
BIN11: OneBin port map (DRFM12, PhaseInc11, Gain11, URB11, UNP, PRB2, ODVout12, PSVout12, Q12, I12, Q11, I11, ODVout11, PSVout11, DRFM11, CLK);
BIN12: OneBin port map (DRFM13, PhaseInc12, Gain12, URB12, UNP, PRB3, ODVout13, PSVout13, Q13, I13, Q12, I12, ODVout12, PSVout12, DRFM12, CLK);
BIN13: OneBin port map (DRFM14, PhaseInc13, Gain13, URB13, UNP, PRB3, ODVout14, PSVout14, Q14, I14, Q13, I13, ODVout13, PSVout13, DRFM13, CLK);
BIN14: OneBin port map (DRFM15, PhaseInc14, Gain14, URB14, UNP, PRB3, ODVout15, PSVout15, Q15, I15, Q14, I14, ODVout14, PSVout14, DRFM14, CLK);
BIN15: OneBin port map (DRFM16, PhaseInc15, Gain15, URB15, UNP, PRB3, ODVout16, PSVout16, Q16, I16, Q15, I15, ODVout15, PSVout15, DRFM15, CLK);
BIN16: OneBin port map (DRFM17, PhaseInc16, Gain16, URB16, UNP, PRB4, ODVout17, PSVout17, Q17, I17, Q16, I16, ODVout16, PSVout16, DRFM16, CLK);
BIN17: OneBin port map (DRFM18, PhaseInc17, Gain17, URB17, UNP, PRB4, ODVout18, PSVout18, Q18, I18, Q17, I17, ODVout17, PSVout17, DRFM17, CLK);
BIN18: OneBin port map (DRFM19, PhaseInc18, Gain18, URB18, UNP, PRB4, ODVout19, PSVout19, Q19, I19, Q18, I18, ODVout18, PSVout18, DRFM18, CLK);
BIN19: OneBin port map (DRFM20, PhaseInc19, Gain19, URB19, UNP, PRB4, ODVout20, PSVout20, Q20, I20, Q19, I19, ODVout19, PSVout19, DRFM19, CLK);
BIN20: OneBin port map (DRFM21, PhaseInc20, Gain20, URB20, UNP, PRB5, ODVout21, PSVout21, Q21, I21, Q20, I20, ODVout20, PSVout20, DRFM20, CLK);
BIN21: OneBin port map (DRFM22, PhaseInc21, Gain21, URB21, UNP, PRB5, ODVout22, PSVout22, Q22, I22, Q21, I21, ODVout21, PSVout21, DRFM21, CLK);
BIN22: OneBin port map (DRFM23, PhaseInc22, Gain22, URB22, UNP, PRB5, ODVout23, PSVout23, Q23, I23, Q22, I22, ODVout22, PSVout22, DRFM22, CLK);
BIN23: OneBin port map (DRFM24, PhaseInc23, Gain23, URB23, UNP, PRB5, ODVout24, PSVout24, Q24, I24, Q23, I23, ODVout23, PSVout23, DRFM23, CLK);
BIN24: OneBin port map (DRFM25, PhaseInc24, Gain24, URB24, UNP, PRB6, ODVout25, PSVout25, Q25, I25, Q24, I24, ODVout24, PSVout24, DRFM24, CLK);
BIN25: OneBin port map (DRFM26, PhaseInc25, Gain25, URB25, UNP, PRB6, ODVout26, PSVout26, Q26, I26, Q25, I25, ODVout25, PSVout25, DRFM25, CLK);
BIN26: OneBin port map (DRFM27, PhaseInc26, Gain26, URB26, UNP, PRB6, ODVout27, PSVout27, Q27, I27, Q26, I26, ODVout26, PSVout26, DRFM26, CLK);
BIN27: OneBin port map (DRFM28, PhaseInc27, Gain27, URB27, UNP, PRB6, ODVout28, PSVout28, Q28, I28, Q27, I27, ODVout27, PSVout27, DRFM27, CLK);
BIN28: OneBin port map (DRFM29, PhaseInc28, Gain28, URB28, UNP, PRB7, ODVout29, PSVout29, Q29, I29, Q28, I28, ODVout28, PSVout28, DRFM28, CLK);
BIN29: OneBin port map (DRFM30, PhaseInc29, Gain29, URB29, UNP, PRB7, ODVout30, PSVout30, Q30, I30, Q29, I29, ODVout29, PSVout29, DRFM29, CLK);
BIN30: OneBin port map (DRFM31, PhaseInc30, Gain30, URB30, UNP, PRB7, ODVout31, PSVout31, Q31, I31, Q30, I30, ODVout30, PSVout30, DRFM30, CLK);
BIN31: OneBin port map (DRFM32, PhaseInc31, Gain31, URB31, UNP, PRB7, ODVout32, PSVout32, Q32, I32, Q31, I31, ODVout31, PSVout31, DRFM31, CLK);
BIN32: OneBin port map (DRFM33, PhaseInc32, Gain32, URB32, UNP, PRB8, ODVout33, PSVout33, Q33, I33, Q32, I32, ODVout32, PSVout32, DRFM32, CLK);
BIN33: OneBin port map (DRFM34, PhaseInc33, Gain33, URB33, UNP, PRB8, ODVout34, PSVout34, Q34, I34, Q33, I33, ODVout33, PSVout33, DRFM33, CLK);
BIN34: OneBin port map (DRFM35, PhaseInc34, Gain34, URB34, UNP, PRB8, ODVout35, PSVout35, Q35, I35, Q34, I34, ODVout34, PSVout34, DRFM34, CLK);
BIN35: OneBin port map (DRFM36, PhaseInc35, Gain35, URB35, UNP, PRB8, ODVout36, PSVout36, Q36, I36, Q35, I35, ODVout35, PSVout35, DRFM35, CLK);
BIN36: OneBin port map (DRFM37, PhaseInc36, Gain36, URB36, UNP, PRB9, ODVout37, PSVout37, Q37, I37, Q36, I36, ODVout36, PSVout36, DRFM36, CLK);
BIN37: OneBin port map (DRFM38, PhaseInc37, Gain37, URB37, UNP, PRB9, ODVout38, PSVout38, Q38, I38, Q37, I37, ODVout37, PSVout37, DRFM37, CLK);
BIN38: OneBin port map (DRFM39, PhaseInc38, Gain38, URB38, UNP, PRB9, ODVout39, PSVout39, Q39, I39, Q38, I38, ODVout38, PSVout38, DRFM38, CLK);
BIN39: OneBin port map (DRFM40, PhaseInc39, Gain39, URB39, UNP, PRB9, ODVout40, PSVout40, Q40, I40, Q39, I39, ODVout39, PSVout39, DRFM39, CLK);
BIN40: OneBin port map (DRFM41, PhaseInc40, Gain40, URB40, UNP, PRB10, ODVout41, PSVout41, Q41, I41, Q40, I40, ODVout40, PSVout40, DRFM40, CLK);
BIN41: OneBin port map (DRFM42, PhaseInc41, Gain41, URB41, UNP, PRB10, ODVout42, PSVout42, Q42, I42, Q41, I41, ODVout41, PSVout41, DRFM41, CLK);
BIN42: OneBin port map (DRFM43, PhaseInc42, Gain42, URB42, UNP, PRB10, ODVout43, PSVout43, Q43, I43, Q42, I42, ODVout42, PSVout42, DRFM42, CLK);
BIN43: OneBin port map (DRFM44, PhaseInc43, Gain43, URB43, UNP, PRB10, ODVout44, PSVout44, Q44, I44, Q43, I43, ODVout43, PSVout43, DRFM43, CLK);
BIN44: OneBin port map (DRFM45, PhaseInc44, Gain44, URB44, UNP, PRB11, ODVout45, PSVout45, Q45, I45, Q44, I44, ODVout44, PSVout44, DRFM44, CLK);
BIN45: OneBin port map (DRFM46, PhaseInc45, Gain45, URB45, UNP, PRB11, ODVout46, PSVout46, Q46, I46, Q45, I45, ODVout45, PSVout45, DRFM45, CLK);
BIN46: OneBin port map (DRFM47, PhaseInc46, Gain46, URB46, UNP, PRB11, ODVout47, PSVout47, Q47, I47, Q46, I46, ODVout46, PSVout46, DRFM46, CLK);
BIN47: OneBin port map (DRFM48, PhaseInc47, Gain47, URB47, UNP, PRB11, ODVout48, PSVout48, Q48, I48, Q47, I47, ODVout47, PSVout47, DRFM47, CLK);
BIN48: OneBin port map (DRFM49, PhaseInc48, Gain48, URB48, UNP, PRB12, ODVout49, PSVout49, Q49, I49, Q48, I48, ODVout48, PSVout48, DRFM48, CLK);
BIN49: OneBin port map (DRFM50, PhaseInc49, Gain49, URB49, UNP, PRB12, ODVout50, PSVout50, Q50, I50, Q49, I49, ODVout49, PSVout49, DRFM49, CLK);
BIN50: OneBin port map (DRFM51, PhaseInc50, Gain50, URB50, UNP, PRB12, ODVout51, PSVout51, Q51, I51, Q50, I50, ODVout50, PSVout50, DRFM50, CLK);
BIN51: OneBin port map (DRFM52, PhaseInc51, Gain51, URB51, UNP, PRB12, ODVout52, PSVout52, Q52, I52, Q51, I51, ODVout51, PSVout51, DRFM51, CLK);
BIN52: OneBin port map (DRFM53, PhaseInc52, Gain52, URB52, UNP, PRB13, ODVout53, PSVout53, Q53, I53, Q52, I52, ODVout52, PSVout52, DRFM52, CLK);
BIN53: OneBin port map (DRFM54, PhaseInc53, Gain53, URB53, UNP, PRB13, ODVout54, PSVout54, Q54, I54, Q53, I53, ODVout53, PSVout53, DRFM53, CLK);
BIN54: OneBin port map (DRFM55, PhaseInc54, Gain54, URB54, UNP, PRB13, ODVout55, PSVout55, Q55, I55, Q54, I54, ODVout54, PSVout54, DRFM54, CLK);
BIN55: OneBin port map (DRFM56, PhaseInc55, Gain55, URB55, UNP, PRB13, ODVout56, PSVout56, Q56, I56, Q55, I55, ODVout55, PSVout55, DRFM55, CLK);
BIN56: OneBin port map (DRFM57, PhaseInc56, Gain56, URB56, UNP, PRB14, ODVout57, PSVout57, Q57, I57, Q56, I56, ODVout56, PSVout56, DRFM56, CLK);
BIN57: OneBin port map (DRFM58, PhaseInc57, Gain57, URB57, UNP, PRB14, ODVout58, PSVout58, Q58, I58, Q57, I57, ODVout57, PSVout57, DRFM57, CLK);
BIN58: OneBin port map (DRFM59, PhaseInc58, Gain58, URB58, UNP, PRB14, ODVout59, PSVout59, Q59, I59, Q58, I58, ODVout58, PSVout58, DRFM58, CLK);
BIN59: OneBin port map (DRFM60, PhaseInc59, Gain59, URB59, UNP, PRB14, ODVout60, PSVout60, Q60, I60, Q59, I59, ODVout59, PSVout59, DRFM59, CLK);
BIN60: OneBin port map (DRFM61, PhaseInc60, Gain60, URB60, UNP, PRB15, ODVout61, PSVout61, Q61, I61, Q60, I60, ODVout60, PSVout60, DRFM60, CLK);
BIN61: OneBin port map (DRFM62, PhaseInc61, Gain61, URB61, UNP, PRB15, ODVout62, PSVout62, Q62, I62, Q61, I61, ODVout61, PSVout61, DRFM61, CLK);
BIN62: OneBin port map (DRFM63, PhaseInc62, Gain62, URB62, UNP, PRB15, ODVout63, PSVout63, Q63, I63, Q62, I62, ODVout62, PSVout62, DRFM62, CLK);
BIN63: OneBin port map (DRFM64, PhaseInc63, Gain63, URB63, UNP, PRB15, ODVout64, PSVout64, Q64, I64, Q63, I63, ODVout63, PSVout63, DRFM63, CLK);
BIN64: OneBin port map (DRFM65, PhaseInc64, Gain64, URB64, UNP, PRB16, ODVout65, PSVout65, Q65, I65, Q64, I64, ODVout64, PSVout64, DRFM64, CLK);
BIN65: OneBin port map (DRFM66, PhaseInc65, Gain65, URB65, UNP, PRB16, ODVout66, PSVout66, Q66, I66, Q65, I65, ODVout65, PSVout65, DRFM65, CLK);
BIN66: OneBin port map (DRFM67, PhaseInc66, Gain66, URB66, UNP, PRB16, ODVout67, PSVout67, Q67, I67, Q66, I66, ODVout66, PSVout66, DRFM66, CLK);
BIN67: OneBin port map (DRFM68, PhaseInc67, Gain67, URB67, UNP, PRB16, ODVout68, PSVout68, Q68, I68, Q67, I67, ODVout67, PSVout67, DRFM67, CLK);
BIN68: OneBin port map (DRFM69, PhaseInc68, Gain68, URB68, UNP, PRB17, ODVout69, PSVout69, Q69, I69, Q68, I68, ODVout68, PSVout68, DRFM68, CLK);
BIN69: OneBin port map (DRFM70, PhaseInc69, Gain69, URB69, UNP, PRB17, ODVout70, PSVout70, Q70, I70, Q69, I69, ODVout69, PSVout69, DRFM69, CLK);
BIN70: OneBin port map (DRFM71, PhaseInc70, Gain70, URB70, UNP, PRB17, ODVout71, PSVout71, Q71, I71, Q70, I70, ODVout70, PSVout70, DRFM70, CLK);
BIN71: OneBin port map (DRFM72, PhaseInc71, Gain71, URB71, UNP, PRB17, ODVout72, PSVout72, Q72, I72, Q71, I71, ODVout71, PSVout71, DRFM71, CLK);
BIN72: OneBin port map (DRFM73, PhaseInc72, Gain72, URB72, UNP, PRB18, ODVout73, PSVout73, Q73, I73, Q72, I72, ODVout72, PSVout72, DRFM72, CLK);
BIN73: OneBin port map (DRFM74, PhaseInc73, Gain73, URB73, UNP, PRB18, ODVout74, PSVout74, Q74, I74, Q73, I73, ODVout73, PSVout73, DRFM73, CLK);
BIN74: OneBin port map (DRFM75, PhaseInc74, Gain74, URB74, UNP, PRB18, ODVout75, PSVout75, Q75, I75, Q74, I74, ODVout74, PSVout74, DRFM74, CLK);
BIN75: OneBin port map (DRFM76, PhaseInc75, Gain75, URB75, UNP, PRB18, ODVout76, PSVout76, Q76, I76, Q75, I75, ODVout75, PSVout75, DRFM75, CLK);
BIN76: OneBin port map (DRFM77, PhaseInc76, Gain76, URB76, UNP, PRB19, ODVout77, PSVout77, Q77, I77, Q76, I76, ODVout76, PSVout76, DRFM76, CLK);
BIN77: OneBin port map (DRFM78, PhaseInc77, Gain77, URB77, UNP, PRB19, ODVout78, PSVout78, Q78, I78, Q77, I77, ODVout77, PSVout77, DRFM77, CLK);
BIN78: OneBin port map (DRFM79, PhaseInc78, Gain78, URB78, UNP, PRB19, ODVout79, PSVout79, Q79, I79, Q78, I78, ODVout78, PSVout78, DRFM78, CLK);
BIN79: OneBin port map (DRFM80, PhaseInc79, Gain79, URB79, UNP, PRB19, ODVout80, PSVout80, Q80, I80, Q79, I79, ODVout79, PSVout79, DRFM79, CLK);
BIN80: OneBin port map (DRFM81, PhaseInc80, Gain80, URB80, UNP, PRB20, ODVout81, PSVout81, Q81, I81, Q80, I80, ODVout80, PSVout80, DRFM80, CLK);
BIN81: OneBin port map (DRFM82, PhaseInc81, Gain81, URB81, UNP, PRB20, ODVout82, PSVout82, Q82, I82, Q81, I81, ODVout81, PSVout81, DRFM81, CLK);
BIN82: OneBin port map (DRFM83, PhaseInc82, Gain82, URB82, UNP, PRB20, ODVout83, PSVout83, Q83, I83, Q82, I82, ODVout82, PSVout82, DRFM82, CLK);
BIN83: OneBin port map (DRFM84, PhaseInc83, Gain83, URB83, UNP, PRB20, ODVout84, PSVout84, Q84, I84, Q83, I83, ODVout83, PSVout83, DRFM83, CLK);
BIN84: OneBin port map (DRFM85, PhaseInc84, Gain84, URB84, UNP, PRB21, ODVout85, PSVout85, Q85, I85, Q84, I84, ODVout84, PSVout84, DRFM84, CLK);
BIN85: OneBin port map (DRFM86, PhaseInc85, Gain85, URB85, UNP, PRB21, ODVout86, PSVout86, Q86, I86, Q85, I85, ODVout85, PSVout85, DRFM85, CLK);
BIN86: OneBin port map (DRFM87, PhaseInc86, Gain86, URB86, UNP, PRB21, ODVout87, PSVout87, Q87, I87, Q86, I86, ODVout86, PSVout86, DRFM86, CLK);
BIN87: OneBin port map (DRFM88, PhaseInc87, Gain87, URB87, UNP, PRB21, ODVout88, PSVout88, Q88, I88, Q87, I87, ODVout87, PSVout87, DRFM87, CLK);
BIN88: OneBin port map (DRFM89, PhaseInc88, Gain88, URB88, UNP, PRB22, ODVout89, PSVout89, Q89, I89, Q88, I88, ODVout88, PSVout88, DRFM88, CLK);
BIN89: OneBin port map (DRFM90, PhaseInc89, Gain89, URB89, UNP, PRB22, ODVout90, PSVout90, Q90, I90, Q89, I89, ODVout89, PSVout89, DRFM89, CLK);
BIN90: OneBin port map (DRFM91, PhaseInc90, Gain90, URB90, UNP, PRB22, ODVout91, PSVout91, Q91, I91, Q90, I90, ODVout90, PSVout90, DRFM90, CLK);
BIN91: OneBin port map (DRFM92, PhaseInc91, Gain91, URB91, UNP, PRB22, ODVout92, PSVout92, Q92, I92, Q91, I91, ODVout91, PSVout91, DRFM91, CLK);
BIN92: OneBin port map (DRFM93, PhaseInc92, Gain92, URB92, UNP, PRB23, ODVout93, PSVout93, Q93, I93, Q92, I92, ODVout92, PSVout92, DRFM92, CLK);
BIN93: OneBin port map (DRFM94, PhaseInc93, Gain93, URB93, UNP, PRB23, ODVout94, PSVout94, Q94, I94, Q93, I93, ODVout93, PSVout93, DRFM93, CLK);
BIN94: OneBin port map (DRFM95, PhaseInc94, Gain94, URB94, UNP, PRB23, ODVout95, PSVout95, Q95, I95, Q94, I94, ODVout94, PSVout94, DRFM94, CLK);
BIN95: OneBin port map (DRFM96, PhaseInc95, Gain95, URB95, UNP, PRB23, ODVout96, PSVout96, Q96, I96, Q95, I95, ODVout95, PSVout95, DRFM95, CLK);
BIN96: OneBin port map (DRFM97, PhaseInc96, Gain96, URB96, UNP, PRB24, ODVout97, PSVout97, Q97, I97, Q96, I96, ODVout96, PSVout96, DRFM96, CLK);
BIN97: OneBin port map (DRFM98, PhaseInc97, Gain97, URB97, UNP, PRB24, ODVout98, PSVout98, Q98, I98, Q97, I97, ODVout97, PSVout97, DRFM97, CLK);
BIN98: OneBin port map (DRFM99, PhaseInc98, Gain98, URB98, UNP, PRB24, ODVout99, PSVout99, Q99, I99, Q98, I98, ODVout98, PSVout98, DRFM98, CLK);
BIN99: OneBin port map (DRFM100, PhaseInc99, Gain99, URB99, UNP, PRB24, ODVout100, PSVout100, Q100, I100, Q99, I99, ODVout99, PSVout99, DRFM99, CLK);
BIN100: OneBin port map (DRFM101, PhaseInc100, Gain100, URB100, UNP, PRB25, ODVout101, PSVout101, Q101, I101, Q100, I100, ODVout100, PSVout100, DRFM100, CLK);
BIN101: OneBin port map (DRFM102, PhaseInc101, Gain101, URB101, UNP, PRB25, ODVout102, PSVout102, Q102, I102, Q101, I101, ODVout101, PSVout101, DRFM101, CLK);
BIN102: OneBin port map (DRFM103, PhaseInc102, Gain102, URB102, UNP, PRB25, ODVout103, PSVout103, Q103, I103, Q102, I102, ODVout102, PSVout102, DRFM102, CLK);
BIN103: OneBin port map (DRFM104, PhaseInc103, Gain103, URB103, UNP, PRB25, ODVout104, PSVout104, Q104, I104, Q103, I103, ODVout103, PSVout103, DRFM103, CLK);
BIN104: OneBin port map (DRFM105, PhaseInc104, Gain104, URB104, UNP, PRB26, ODVout105, PSVout105, Q105, I105, Q104, I104, ODVout104, PSVout104, DRFM104, CLK);
BIN105: OneBin port map (DRFM106, PhaseInc105, Gain105, URB105, UNP, PRB26, ODVout106, PSVout106, Q106, I106, Q105, I105, ODVout105, PSVout105, DRFM105, CLK);
BIN106: OneBin port map (DRFM107, PhaseInc106, Gain106, URB106, UNP, PRB26, ODVout107, PSVout107, Q107, I107, Q106, I106, ODVout106, PSVout106, DRFM106, CLK);
BIN107: OneBin port map (DRFM108, PhaseInc107, Gain107, URB107, UNP, PRB26, ODVout108, PSVout108, Q108, I108, Q107, I107, ODVout107, PSVout107, DRFM107, CLK);
BIN108: OneBin port map (DRFM109, PhaseInc108, Gain108, URB108, UNP, PRB27, ODVout109, PSVout109, Q109, I109, Q108, I108, ODVout108, PSVout108, DRFM108, CLK);
BIN109: OneBin port map (DRFM110, PhaseInc109, Gain109, URB109, UNP, PRB27, ODVout110, PSVout110, Q110, I110, Q109, I109, ODVout109, PSVout109, DRFM109, CLK);
BIN110: OneBin port map (DRFM111, PhaseInc110, Gain110, URB110, UNP, PRB27, ODVout111, PSVout111, Q111, I111, Q110, I110, ODVout110, PSVout110, DRFM110, CLK);
BIN111: OneBin port map (DRFM112, PhaseInc111, Gain111, URB111, UNP, PRB27, ODVout112, PSVout112, Q112, I112, Q111, I111, ODVout111, PSVout111, DRFM111, CLK);
BIN112: OneBin port map (DRFM113, PhaseInc112, Gain112, URB112, UNP, PRB28, ODVout113, PSVout113, Q113, I113, Q112, I112, ODVout112, PSVout112, DRFM112, CLK);
BIN113: OneBin port map (DRFM114, PhaseInc113, Gain113, URB113, UNP, PRB28, ODVout114, PSVout114, Q114, I114, Q113, I113, ODVout113, PSVout113, DRFM113, CLK);
BIN114: OneBin port map (DRFM115, PhaseInc114, Gain114, URB114, UNP, PRB28, ODVout115, PSVout115, Q115, I115, Q114, I114, ODVout114, PSVout114, DRFM114, CLK);
BIN115: OneBin port map (DRFM116, PhaseInc115, Gain115, URB115, UNP, PRB28, ODVout116, PSVout116, Q116, I116, Q115, I115, ODVout115, PSVout115, DRFM115, CLK);
BIN116: OneBin port map (DRFM117, PhaseInc116, Gain116, URB116, UNP, PRB29, ODVout117, PSVout117, Q117, I117, Q116, I116, ODVout116, PSVout116, DRFM116, CLK);
BIN117: OneBin port map (DRFM118, PhaseInc117, Gain117, URB117, UNP, PRB29, ODVout118, PSVout118, Q118, I118, Q117, I117, ODVout117, PSVout117, DRFM117, CLK);
BIN118: OneBin port map (DRFM119, PhaseInc118, Gain118, URB118, UNP, PRB29, ODVout119, PSVout119, Q119, I119, Q118, I118, ODVout118, PSVout118, DRFM118, CLK);
BIN119: OneBin port map (DRFM120, PhaseInc119, Gain119, URB119, UNP, PRB29, ODVout120, PSVout120, Q120, I120, Q119, I119, ODVout119, PSVout119, DRFM119, CLK);
BIN120: OneBin port map (DRFM121, PhaseInc120, Gain120, URB120, UNP, PRB30, ODVout121, PSVout121, Q121, I121, Q120, I120, ODVout120, PSVout120, DRFM120, CLK);
BIN121: OneBin port map (DRFM122, PhaseInc121, Gain121, URB121, UNP, PRB30, ODVout122, PSVout122, Q122, I122, Q121, I121, ODVout121, PSVout121, DRFM121, CLK);
BIN122: OneBin port map (DRFM123, PhaseInc122, Gain122, URB122, UNP, PRB30, ODVout123, PSVout123, Q123, I123, Q122, I122, ODVout122, PSVout122, DRFM122, CLK);
BIN123: OneBin port map (DRFM124, PhaseInc123, Gain123, URB123, UNP, PRB30, ODVout124, PSVout124, Q124, I124, Q123, I123, ODVout123, PSVout123, DRFM123, CLK);
BIN124: OneBin port map (DRFM125, PhaseInc124, Gain124, URB124, UNP, PRB31, ODVout125, PSVout125, Q125, I125, Q124, I124, ODVout124, PSVout124, DRFM124, CLK);
BIN125: OneBin port map (DRFM126, PhaseInc125, Gain125, URB125, UNP, PRB31, ODVout126, PSVout126, Q126, I126, Q125, I125, ODVout125, PSVout125, DRFM125, CLK);
BIN126: OneBin port map (DRFM127, PhaseInc126, Gain126, URB126, UNP, PRB31, ODVout127, PSVout127, Q127, I127, Q126, I126, ODVout126, PSVout126, DRFM126, CLK);
BIN127: OneBin port map (PhaseSamp, PhaseInc127, Gain127, URB127, UNP, PRB31, ODVin, PSVin, "00000000000000000", "00000000000000000", Q127, I127,ODVout127, PSVout127, DRFM127, CLK);
-- Output Format:
-- 63-41 |�� 40�� |�� 39�� | 38-22 | 21-5 | 4-0
--unused | PSVout | ODVout |�� Q�� |�� I� | DRFM
Output(38 downto 22)<=Q;
Output(21 downto 5)<=I;
Output(4 downto 0)<=DRFM0;
Output(63 downto 41)<="00000000000000000000000";
end One28Bin;
This appendix contains the support files required to compile and execute the VHDL macros on the SRC-6E.
module FourBin (Input, Output, CLK) /* synthesis syn_black_box */ ;
����� input [63:0] Input;
����� output [63:0] Output;
����� input CLK;
BEGIN_DEF "Four_Bin"
����� MACRO = "FourBin";
����� STATEFUL = NO;
����� EXTERNAL = NO;
����� LATENCY = 21;
����� INPUTS = 1:
����� I0 = INT 64 BITS (Input[63:0])
����� ;
����� OUTPUTS = 1:
����� O0 = INT 64 BITS (Output[63:0])
����� ;
/* FourBinS.mc */
#include <libmap.h>
void FourBinS ( int n, long long a[], long long b[], int mapno)
����� struct {
����������� long long al[IBANK];
����� } banka;
����� struct {
����������� long long bl[IBANK];
������� } bankb;
����� long long *al���� = banka.al;
����� long long *bl���� = bankb.bl;
����� int i, nbytes;
����� /* nbytes = n*8;*/
����� nbytes = (((n+3)/4)*4)*8;
����� cm2obm_a(al, a, nbytes);
����� wait_server_a();
����� for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
����������� Four_Bin(al[i], &bl[i]);
������� }
����� obm2cm_b (b, bl, nbytes);
����� wait_server_b();
��� }
/* main.c */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <libmap.h>
#define SAMPLE_MAX 500000���� /* Maximum number of phase samples. */
#define PADDING 17 /* number of padding sets before and after the samples */
void FourBinS();
void *Cache_Aligned_Allocate();
void Cache_Aligned_Free();
int main () {
����� int i, nmap, mapnum, numofsamps, nbytes;
����� short phzsampdat[SAMPLE_MAX], dummysample;
����� FILE *fileptr;
����� long I0, Q0, OtherBinDataSIN, OtherBinDataCOS;
����� char phzincdat[16], ampscaldat[16], URB[16];
����� char PRB, UNP, PSVin, ODVin, ODVout0, PSVout0, DRFM0, binnumber;
����� long long temp, binprogram;
����� long long* dataa;
����� long long* datab;
/* Timing variables. */
�� �� double tstart, tend, tcume, ttotal;
�� �� extern double second();
/* initialization */
��� � tstart = second();
����� mapnum = 0;
����� nmap = 1;
����� numofsamps=0;
����� dummysample=0;
/* Read in phase increment values. */
����� if ((fileptr = fopen("datafiles/phzinc.txt", "r")) == NULL)
����������� fprintf(stderr, "\n\nTERMINAL FAULT:� File phzinc.txt not found.\n\n");
����� binnumber = 0;
����� while (fscanf(fileptr, "%x", &phzincdat[binnumber]) != EOF)
����� {
����������� binnumber++;
����� }
����� fclose(fileptr);
/* Read in amplitude scaling values */
����� if ((fileptr = fopen("datafiles/ampscal.txt", "r")) == NULL)
����������� fprintf(stderr, "\n\nTERMINAL FAULT:� File ampscal.txt not found.\n\n");
����� binnumber = 0;
����� while (fscanf(fileptr, "%x", &scaldat[binnumber]) != EOF)
����� {
����������� binnumber++;
����� }
����� fclose(fileptr);
/* Read in pulse phase samples */
����� if ((fileptr = fopen("datafiles/phzsamp.txt", "r")) == NULL)
����������� fprintf(stderr, "\n\nTERMINAL FAULT:� File phzsamp.txt not found.\n\n");
����� numofsamps = 0;
����� while (fscanf(fileptr, "%x", &phzsampdat[numofsamps]) != EOF)
����� {
����������� numofsamps++;
����� }
����� fclose(fileptr);
��� tend = second();
��� tcume = tend - tstart;
��� ttotal = tcume;
��� printf ("\n Number of input samples: %d", numofsamps);
��� printf ("\n Time for disk access of input data:� %19.10f", tcume);
����� tstart = second();
����� nbytes = (((numofsamps+PADDING*2+4)/4)*4)*8;
����� dataa=Cache_Aligned_Allocate(nbytes);
����� datab=Cache_Aligned_Allocate(nbytes);
��� tend = second();
��� tcume = tend - tstart;
��� ttotal = ttotal + tcume;
��� printf ("\n Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:� %19.10f", tcume);
��� tstart = second();
/* pack the data as follows:
Input: formats, cycle begins when PRB=1, 1 format per clock
�ten bits of each bin: 10 |� 9-5�� |4-1 |
���������������������� URB|PhaseInc|Gain|
�63-48 |47-38 |37-28 |27-18 | 17-8 | 7-3�� | 2��� | 1� | 0
unused | bin3 | bin2 | bin1 | bin0 |sample |PSVin |UNP |PRB
�63-8����������������������������� | 7-3�� | 2��� | 1� | 0
unused���������� ������������������|sample |PSVin |UNP |PRB
-- The first sample can be entered on clock 2 if PSVin and UNP are taken high
����� for (i=0; i<16; i++){
����������� URB[i]=1;}/*set all bins to be used*/
����� for (i=0; i<PADDING; i++){/*pad the control signals before and after*/
����������� dataa[i]=0; /*set PSVin, UNP, and PRB = 000 */
����������� dataa[i+numofsamps+PADDING+1]=0; /*set PSVin, UNP, and PRB = 000 */
����������� }
����������� PSVin=0;
����������� UNP=0;
����������� PRB=1; /* start the program sequence*/
����������� temp=((long long) URB[3] & 0x1LL);
����������� temp=temp<<5 | ((long long) phzincdat[3] & 0x1FLL);
����������� temp=temp<<4 | ((long long) ampscaldat[3] & 0xFLL);
����������� temp=temp<<1 | ((long long) URB[2] & 0x1LL);
����������� temp=temp<<5 | ((long long) phzincdat[2] & 0x1FLL);
����������� temp=temp<<4 | ((long long) ampscaldat[2] & 0xFLL);
����������� temp=temp<<1 | ((long long) URB[1] & 0x1LL);
����������� temp=temp<<5 | ((long long) phzincdat[1] & 0x1FLL);
����������� temp=temp<<4 | ((long long) ampscaldat[1] & 0xFLL);
����������� temp=temp<<1 | ((long long) URB[0] & 0x1LL);
����������� temp=temp<<5 | ((long long) phzincdat[0] & 0x1FLL);
����������� temp=temp<<4 | ((long long) ampscaldat[0] & 0xFLL);
����������� temp=temp<<5 | ((long long) dummysample & 0x1FLL);
����������� temp=temp<<1 | ((long long) PSVin & 0x1LL);
����������� temp=temp<<1 | ((long long) UNP & 0x1LL);
����������� temp=temp<<1 | ((long long) PRB & 0x1LL);
����������� dataa[PADDING]=temp;
����������� PRB=0;
����������� PSVin=1; /* start sample input */
����������� UNP=1; /* use new programming */
����������� temp=((long long) phzsampdat[0] & 0x1FLL);
����������� temp=temp<<1 | ((long long) PSVin & 0x1LL);
����������� temp=temp<<1 | ((long long) UNP & 0x1LL);
����������� temp=temp<<1 | ((long long) PRB & 0x1LL);
����������� dataa[1+PADDING]=temp;
����������� UNP=0;
����� for (i = 1; i < numofsamps; i++) {
����������� temp=((long long) phzsampdat[i] & 0x1FLL);
����������� temp=temp<<1 | ((long long) PSVin & 0x1LL);
����������� temp=temp<<1 | ((long long) UNP & 0x1LL);
����������� temp=temp<<1 | ((long long) PRB & 0x1LL);
����������� dataa[i+PADDING+1]=temp;}
��� tend = second();
��� tcume = tend - tstart;
��� ttotal = ttotal + tcume;
��� printf ("\n Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:� %19.10f", tcume);
��� tstart = second();
/* allocate map to this problem */
����� if (map_allocate (nmap)) {
����������� fprintf (stdout, "Map allocation failed.\n");
�� �� exit (1);
��� � }
��� tend = second();
��� tcume = tend - tstart;
��� ttotal = ttotal + tcume;
��� printf ("\n Time for MAP allocation:� %19.10f", tcume);
��� tstart = second();
/* call compute */
����� FourBinS (numofsamps+PADDING*2+1, dataa, datab, mapnum);
��� tend = second();
��� tcume = tend - tstart;
��� ttotal = ttotal + tcume;
��� printf ("\n Time for MAP call:� %19.10f", tcume);
��� tstart = second();
/* Open output file for writing. */
����� if ((fileptr = fopen("datafiles/IandQout.txt", "w")) == NULL)
����� ����������� fprintf(stderr, "\n\nTERMINAL FAULT:� File IandQout.txt cannot be written.\n\n");
/* put headers in output file */
����� fprintf(fileptr, "Iout� Qout� ODVout PSVout DRFM\n");
����� fprintf(fileptr, "----- ----- ------ ------ -----\n");
/* unpack the results and send to output*/
����� for (i = 0; i < numofsamps+PADDING*2+1; i++) {
����������� DRFM0=datab[i] & 0x1FLL;
����������� I0=datab[i]>>5 & 0x1FFFFLL;
����������� Q0=datab[i]>>22 & 0x1FFFFLL;
����������� ODVout0=datab[i]>>39 & 0x1LL;
����������� PSVout0=datab[i]>>40 & 0x1LL;
����������� fprintf(fileptr, "%05X %05X�� %01X����� %01X��� %02X\n", I0, Q0, ODVout0, PSVout0, DRFM0);
�� �� }
�� fclose (fileptr);
�� tend = second();
�� tcume = tend - tstart;
�� ttotal = ttotal + tcume;
�� printf ("\n Time to unpack results and send to output file:� %19.10f", tcume);
�� tstart = second();
/* free the map */
����� if (map_free (nmap)) {
����� ������ printf ("Map deallocation failed. \n");
������� exit (1);
������� }
��� tend = second();
��� tcume = tend - tstart;
��� ttotal = ttotal + tcume;
��� printf ("\n Time to free the MAP:� %19.10f", tcume);
����� tstart = second();
����� Cache_Aligned_Free((char *)dataa);
����� Cache_Aligned_Free((char *)datab);
��� tend = second();
��� tcume = tend - tstart;
��� ttotal = ttotal + tcume;
��� printf ("\n Time to free the data arrays:� %19.10f", tcume);
��� printf ("\n Total Time: %19.10f\n\n", ttotal);
module EightBin (Input, Output, CLK) /* synthesis syn_black_box */ ;
����� input [63:0] Input;
����� output [63:0] Output;
����� input CLK;
BEGIN_DEF "Eight_Bin"
����� MACRO = "EightBin";
����� STATEFUL = NO;
����� EXTERNAL = NO;
����� LATENCY = 21;
����� INPUTS = 1:
����� I0 = INT 64 BITS (Input[63:0])
����� ;
����� OUTPUTS = 1:
����� O0 = INT 64 BITS (Output[63:0])
����� ;
/* EightBinS.mc */
#include <libmap.h>
void EightBinS ( int n, long long a[], long long b[], int mapno)
����� struct {
����������� long long al[IBANK];
����� } banka;
����� struct {
����������� long long bl[IBANK];
������� } bankb;
����� long long *al���� = banka.al;
����� long long *bl���� = bankb.bl;
����� int i, nbytes;
����� /* nbytes = n*8;*/
����� nbytes = (((n+3)/4)*4)*8;
����� cm2obm_a(al, a, nbytes);
����� wait_server_a();
����� for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
����������� Eight_Bin(al[i], &bl[i]);
������� }
����� obm2cm_b (b, bl, nbytes);
����� wait_server_b();
��� }
/* main.c */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <libmap.h>
#define SAMPLE_MAX 500000���� /* Maximum number of phase samples. */
#define PADDING 17 /* number of padding sets before and after the samples */
void EightBinS();
void *Cache_Aligned_Allocate();
void Cache_Aligned_Free();
int main () {
����� int i, nmap, mapnum, numofsamps, nbytes;
����� short phzsampdat[SAMPLE_MAX],dummysample;
����� FILE *fileptr;
����� long I0, Q0, OtherBinDataSIN, OtherBinDataCOS;
����� char phzincdat[16], ampscaldat[16], URB[16];
����� char PRB, UNP, PSVin, ODVin, ODVout0, PSVout0, DRFM0, binnumber;
����� long long temp, binprogram;
����� long long* dataa;
����� long long* datab;
/* Timing variables. */
�� �� double tstart, tend, tcume, ttotal;
�� �� extern double second();
/* initialization */
��� � tstart = second();
����� mapnum = 0;
����� nmap = 1;
����� numofsamps=0;
����� dummysample=0;
/* Read in phase increment values. */
����� if ((fileptr = fopen("datafiles/phzinc.txt", "r")) == NULL)
����������� fprintf(stderr, "\n\nTERMINAL FAULT:� File phzinc.txt not found.\n\n");
����� binnumber = 0;
����� while (fscanf(fileptr, "%x", &phzincdat[binnumber]) != EOF)
����� {
����������� binnumber++;
����� }
����� fclose(fileptr);
/* Read in amplitude scaling values */
����� if ((fileptr = fopen("datafiles/ampscal.txt", "r")) == NULL)
����������� fprintf(stderr, "\n\nTERMINAL FAULT:� File ampscal.txt not found.\n\n");
����� binnumber = 0;
����� while (fscanf(fileptr, "%x", &scaldat[binnumber]) != EOF)
����� {
����������� binnumber++;
����� }
����� fclose(fileptr);
/* Read in pulse phase samples */
����� if ((fileptr = fopen("datafiles/phzsamp.txt", "r")) == NULL)
����������� fprintf(stderr, "\n\nTERMINAL FAULT:� File phzsamp.txt not found.\n\n");
����� numofsamps = 0;
����� while (fscanf(fileptr, "%x", &phzsampdat[numofsamps]) != EOF)
����� {
����������� numofsamps++;
����� }
����� fclose(fileptr);
��� tend = second();
��� tcume = tend - tstart;
��� ttotal = tcume;
��� printf ("\n Number of input samples: %d", numofsamps);
��� printf ("\n Time for disk access of input data:� %19.10f", tcume);
����� tstart = second();
����� nbytes = (((numofsamps+PADDING*2+2)/4)*4)*8;
����� dataa=Cache_Aligned_Allocate(nbytes);
����� datab=Cache_Aligned_Allocate(nbytes);
��� tend = second();
��� tcume = tend - tstart;
��� ttotal = ttotal + tcume;
��� printf ("\n Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:� %19.10f", tcume);
��� tstart = second();
/* pack the data as follows:
Input: formats, cycle begins when PRB=1, 1 format per clock
�ten bits of each bin: 10 |� 9-5�� |4-1 |
���������������������� URB|PhaseInc|Gain|
�63-48 |47-38 |37-28 |27-18 | 17-8 | 7-3�� | 2��� | 1� | 0
unused | bin3 | bin2 | bin1 | bin0 |sample |PSVin |UNP |PRB
�63-48 |47-38 |37-28 |27-18 | 17-8 | 7-3�� | 2��� | 1� | 0
unused | bin7 | bin6 | bin5 | bin4 |sample |PSVin |UNP |PRB
�63-8����������������������������� | 7-3�� | 2��� | 1� | 0
unused���������������������������� |sample |PSVin |UNP |PRB
-- The first sample can be entered on clock 3 if PSVin and UNP are taken high
����� for (i=0; i<16; i++){
����������� URB[i]=1;}/*set all bins to be used*/
����� for (i=0; i<PADDING; i++){/*pad the control signals before and after*/
����������� dataa[i]=0; /*set PSVin, UNP, and PRB = 000 */
����������� dataa[i+numofsamps+PADDING+2]=0; /*set PSVin, UNP, and PRB = 000 */
����������� }
����������� PSVin=0;
����������� UNP=0;
����������� PRB=1; /* start the program sequence*/
����������� temp=((long long) URB[3] & 0x1LL);
����������� temp=temp<<5 | ((long long) phzincdat[3] & 0x1FLL);
����������� temp=temp<<4 | ((long long) ampscaldat[3] & 0xFLL);
����������� temp=temp<<1 | ((long long) URB[2] & 0x1LL);
����������� temp=temp<<5 | ((long long) phzincdat[2] & 0x1FLL);
����������� temp=temp<<4 | ((long long) ampscaldat[2] & 0xFLL);
����������� temp=temp<<1 | ((long long) URB[1] & 0x1LL);
����������� temp=temp<<5 | ((long long) phzincdat[1] & 0x1FLL);
����������� temp=temp<<4 | ((long long) ampscaldat[1] & 0xFLL);
����������� temp=temp<<1 | ((long long) URB[0] & 0x1LL);
����������� temp=temp<<5 | ((long long) phzincdat[0] & 0x1FLL);
����������� temp=temp<<4 | ((long long) ampscaldat[0] & 0xFLL);
����������� temp=temp<<5 | ((long long) dummysample & 0x1FLL);
����������� temp=temp<<1 | ((long long) PSVin & 0x1LL);
����������� temp=temp<<1 | ((long long) UNP & 0x1LL);
����������� temp=temp<<1 | ((long long) PRB & 0x1LL);
����������� dataa[PADDING]=temp;
����������� PRB=0;
����������� temp=((long long) URB[7] & 0x1LL);
����������� temp=temp<<5 | ((long long) phzincdat[7] & 0x1FLL);
����������� temp=temp<<4 | ((long long) ampscaldat[7] & 0xFLL);
����������� temp=temp<<1 | ((long long) URB[6] & 0x1LL);
����������� temp=temp<<5 | ((long long) phzincdat[6] & 0x1FLL);
����������� temp=temp<<4 | ((long long) ampscaldat[6] & 0xFLL);
����������� temp=temp<<1 | ((long long) URB[5] & 0x1LL);
����������� temp=temp<<5 | ((long long) phzincdat[5] & 0x1FLL);
����������� temp=temp<<4 | ((long long) ampscaldat[5] & 0xFLL);
����������� temp=temp<<1 | ((long long) URB[4] & 0x1LL);
����������� temp=temp<<5 | ((long long) phzincdat[4] & 0x1FLL);
����������� temp=temp<<4 | ((long long) ampscaldat[4] & 0xFLL);
����������� temp=temp<<5 | ((long long) dummysample & 0x1FLL);
����������� temp=temp<<1 | ((long long) PSVin & 0x1LL);
����������� temp=temp<<1 | ((long long) UNP & 0x1LL);
����������� temp=temp<<1 | ((long long) PRB & 0x1LL);
����������� dataa[1+PADDING]=temp;
����������� PSVin=1; /* start sample input */
����������� UNP=1; /* use new programming */
����������� temp=((long long) phzsampdat[0] & 0x1FLL);
����������� temp=temp<<1 | ((long long) PSVin & 0x1LL);
����������� temp=temp<<1 | ((long long) UNP & 0x1LL);
����������� temp=temp<<1 | ((long long) PRB & 0x1LL);
����������� dataa[2+PADDING]=temp;
����������� UNP=0;
����� for (i = 1; i < numofsamps; i++) {
����������� temp=((long long) phzsampdat[i] & 0x1FLL);
����������� temp=temp<<1 | ((long long) PSVin & 0x1LL);
����������� temp=temp<<1 | ((long long) UNP & 0x1LL);
����������� temp=temp<<1 | ((long long) PRB & 0x1LL);
����������� dataa[i+PADDING+2]=temp;}
��� tend = second();
��� tcume = tend - tstart;
��� ttotal = ttotal + tcume;
��� printf ("\n Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:� %19.10f", tcume);
��� tstart = second();
/* allocate map to this problem */
����� if (map_allocate (nmap)) {
����������� fprintf (stdout, "Map allocation failed.\n");
�� �� exit (1);
��� � }
��� tend = second();
��� tcume = tend - tstart;
��� ttotal = ttotal + tcume;
��� printf ("\n Time for MAP allocation:� %19.10f", tcume);
��� tstart = second();
/* call compute */
����� EightBinS (numofsamps+PADDING*2+2, dataa, datab, mapnum);
��� tend = second();
��� tcume = tend - tstart;
��� ttotal = ttotal + tcume;
��� printf ("\n Time for MAP call:� %19.10f", tcume);
��� tstart = second();
/* Open output file for writing. */
����� if ((fileptr = fopen("datafiles/IandQout.txt", "w")) == NULL)
����� ����������� fprintf(stderr, "\n\nTERMINAL FAULT:� File IandQout.txt cannot be written.\n\n");
/* put headers in output file */
����� fprintf(fileptr, "Iout� Qout� ODVout PSVout DRFM\n");
����� fprintf(fileptr, "----- ----- ------ ------ -----\n");
/* unpack the results and send to output*/
����� for (i = 0; i < numofsamps+PADDING*2+2; i++) {
����������� DRFM0=datab[i] & 0x1FLL;
����������� I0=datab[i]>>5 & 0x1FFFFLL;
����������� Q0=datab[i]>>22 & 0x1FFFFLL;
����������� ODVout0=datab[i]>>39 & 0x1LL;
����������� PSVout0=datab[i]>>40 & 0x1LL;
����������� fprintf(fileptr, "%05X %05X�� %01X����� %01X��� %02X\n", I0, Q0, ODVout0, PSVout0, DRFM0);
�� �� }
�� fclose (fileptr);
�� tend = second();
�� tcume = tend - tstart;
�� ttotal = ttotal + tcume;
�� printf ("\n Time to unpack results and send to output file:� %19.10f", tcume);
�� tstart = second();
/* free the map */
����� if (map_free (nmap)) {
����� ������ printf ("Map deallocation failed. \n");
������� exit (1);
������� }
��� tend = second();
��� tcume = tend - tstart;
��� ttotal = ttotal + tcume;
��� printf ("\n Time to free the MAP:� %19.10f", tcume);
����� tstart = second();
����� Cache_Aligned_Free((char *)dataa);
����� Cache_Aligned_Free((char *)datab);
��� tend = second();
��� tcume = tend - tstart;
��� ttotal = ttotal + tcume;
��� printf ("\n Time to free the data arrays:� %19.10f", tcume);
��� printf ("\n Total Time: %19.10f\n\n", ttotal);
module SixteenBin (Input, Output, CLK) /* synthesis syn_black_box */ ;
����� input [63:0] Input;
����� output [63:0] Output;
����� input CLK;
BEGIN_DEF "Sixteen_Bin"
����� MACRO = "SixteenBin";
����� STATEFUL = NO;
����� EXTERNAL = NO;
����� LATENCY = 21;
����� INPUTS = 1:
����� I0 = INT 64 BITS (Input[63:0])
����� ;
����� OUTPUTS = 1:
����� O0 = INT 64 BITS (Output[63:0])
����� ;
/* SixteenBinS.mc */
#include <libmap.h>
void SixteenBinS ( int n, long long a[], long long b[], int mapno)
����� struct {
����������� long long al[IBANK];
����� } banka;
����� struct {
����������� long long bl[IBANK];
������� } bankb;
����� long long *al���� = banka.al;
����� long long *bl���� = bankb.bl;
����� int i, nbytes;
����� /* nbytes = n*8;*/
����� nbytes = (((n+3)/4)*4)*8;
����� cm2obm_a(al, a, nbytes);
����� wait_server_a();
����� for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
����������� Sixteen_Bin(al[i], &bl[i]);
������� }
����� obm2cm_b (b, bl, nbytes);
����� wait_server_b();
��� }
/* main.c */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <libmap.h>
#define SAMPLE_MAX 500000���� /* Maximum number of phase samples. */
#define PADDING 17 /* number of padding sets before and after the samples */
void SixteenBinS();
void *Cache_Aligned_Allocate();
void Cache_Aligned_Free();
int main () {
����� int i, nmap, mapnum, numofsamps, nbytes;
����� short phzsampdat[SAMPLE_MAX], dummysample;
����� FILE *fileptr;
����� long I0, Q0, OtherBinDataSIN, OtherBinDataCOS;
����� char phzincdat[16], ampscaldat[16], URB[16];
����� char UNP, PRB, PSVin, ODVin, ODVout0, PSVout0, DRFM0, binnumber;
����� long long temp, binprogram;
����� long long* dataa;
����� long long* datab;
/* Timing variables. */
�� �� double tstart, tend, tcume, ttotal;
�� �� extern double second();
/* initialization */
��� � tstart = second();
����� mapnum = 0;
����� nmap = 1;
����� numofsamps=0;
����� dummysample=0;
/* Read in phase increment values. */
����� if ((fileptr = fopen("datafiles/phzinc.txt", "r")) == NULL)
����������� fprintf(stderr, "\n\nTERMINAL FAULT:� File phzinc.txt not found.\n\n");
����� binnumber = 0;
����� while (fscanf(fileptr, "%x", &phzincdat[binnumber]) != EOF)
����� {
����������� binnumber++;
����� }
����� fclose(fileptr);
/* Read in amplitude scaling values */
����� if ((fileptr = fopen("datafiles/ampscal.txt", "r")) == NULL)
����������� fprintf(stderr, "\n\nTERMINAL FAULT:� File ampscal.txt not found.\n\n");
����� binnumber = 0;
����� while (fscanf(fileptr, "%x", &scaldat[binnumber]) != EOF)
����� {
����������� binnumber++;
����� }
����� fclose(fileptr);
/* Read in pulse phase samples */
����� if ((fileptr = fopen("datafiles/phzsamp.txt", "r")) == NULL)
����������� fprintf(stderr, "\n\nTERMINAL FAULT:� File phzsamp.txt not found.\n\n");
����� numofsamps = 0;
����� while (fscanf(fileptr, "%x", &phzsampdat[numofsamps]) != EOF)
����� {
����������� numofsamps++;
����� }
����� fclose(fileptr);
��� tend = second();
��� tcume = tend - tstart;
��� ttotal = tcume;
��� printf ("\n Number of input samples: %d", numofsamps);
��� printf ("\n Time for disk access of input data:� %19.10f", tcume);
����� tstart = second();
����� nbytes = (((numofsamps+PADDING*2+4)/4)*4)*8;
����� dataa=Cache_Aligned_Allocate(nbytes);
����� datab=Cache_Aligned_Allocate(nbytes);
��� tend = second();
��� tcume = tend - tstart;
��� ttotal = ttotal + tcume;
��� printf ("\n Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:� %19.10f", tcume);
��� tstart = second();
/* pack the data as follows:
Input: formats, cycle begins when PRB=1, 1 format per clock
�ten bits of each bin: 10 |� 9-5�� |4-1 |
���������������������� URB|PhaseInc|Gain|
�63-48 |47-38 |37-28 |27-18 | 17-8 | 7-3�� | 2��� | 1� | 0
unused | bin3 | bin2 | bin1 | bin0 |sample |PSVin |UNP |PRB
�63-48 |47-38 |37-28 |27-18 | 17-8 | 7-3�� | 2��� | 1� | 0
unused | bin7 | bin6 | bin5 | bin4 |sample |PSVin |UNP |PRB
�63-48 |47-38 |37-28 |27-18 | 17-8 | 7-3�� | 2��� | 1� | 0
unused | bin11| bin10| bin9 | bin8 |sample |PSVin |UNP |PRB
�63-48 |47-38 |37-28 |27-18 | 17-8 | 7-3�� | 2��� | 1� | 0
unused | bin15| bin14| bin13| bin12|sample |PSVin |UNP |PRB
�63-8����������������������������� | 7-3�� | 2��� | 1� | 0
unused���������������������������� |sample |PSVin |UNP |PRB
-- The first sample can be entered on clock 5 if PSVin and UNP are taken high
����� for (i=0; i<16; i++){
����������� URB[i]=1;}/*set all bins to be used*/
����� for (i=0; i<PADDING; i++){/*pad the control signals before and after*/
����������� dataa[i]=0; /*set PSVin, UNP, and PRB = 000 */
����������� dataa[i+numofsamps+PADDING+4]=0; /*set PSVin, UNP, and PRB = 000 */
����������� }
����������� PSVin=0;
����������� UNP=0;
����������� PRB=1; /* start the program sequence*/
����������� temp=((long long) URB[3] & 0x1LL);
����������� temp=temp<<5 | ((long long) phzincdat[3] & 0x1FLL);
����������� temp=temp<<4 | ((long long) ampscaldat[3] & 0xFLL);
����������� temp=temp<<1 | ((long long) URB[2] & 0x1LL);
����������� temp=temp<<5 | ((long long) phzincdat[2] & 0x1FLL);
����������� temp=temp<<4 | ((long long) ampscaldat[2] & 0xFLL);
����������� temp=temp<<1 | ((long long) URB[1] & 0x1LL);
����������� temp=temp<<5 | ((long long) phzincdat[1] & 0x1FLL);
����������� temp=temp<<4 | ((long long) ampscaldat[1] & 0xFLL);
����������� temp=temp<<1 | ((long long) URB[0] & 0x1LL);
����������� temp=temp<<5 | ((long long) phzincdat[0] & 0x1FLL);
����������� temp=temp<<4 | ((long long) ampscaldat[0] & 0xFLL);
����������� temp=temp<<5 | ((long long) dummysample & 0x1FLL);
����������� temp=temp<<1 | ((long long) PSVin & 0x1LL);
����������� temp=temp<<1 | ((long long) UNP & 0x1LL);
����������� temp=temp<<1 | ((long long) PRB & 0x1LL);
����������� dataa[PADDING]=temp;
����������� PRB=0;
����������� temp=((long long) URB[7] & 0x1LL);
����������� temp=temp<<5 | ((long long) phzincdat[7] & 0x1FLL);
����������� temp=temp<<4 | ((long long) ampscaldat[7] & 0xFLL);
����������� temp=temp<<1 | ((long long) URB[6] & 0x1LL);
����������� temp=temp<<5 | ((long long) phzincdat[6] & 0x1FLL);
����������� temp=temp<<4 | ((long long) ampscaldat[6] & 0xFLL);
����������� temp=temp<<1 | ((long long) URB[5] & 0x1LL);
����������� temp=temp<<5 | ((long long) phzincdat[5] & 0x1FLL);
����������� temp=temp<<4 | ((long long) ampscaldat[5] & 0xFLL);
����������� temp=temp<<1 | ((long long) URB[4] & 0x1LL);
����������� temp=temp<<5 | ((long long) phzincdat[4] & 0x1FLL);
����������� temp=temp<<4 | ((long long) ampscaldat[4] & 0xFLL);
����������� temp=temp<<5 | ((long long) dummysample & 0x1FLL);
����������� temp=temp<<1 | ((long long) PSVin & 0x1LL);
����������� temp=temp<<1 | ((long long) UNP & 0x1LL);
����������� temp=temp<<1 | ((long long) PRB & 0x1LL);
����������� dataa[1+PADDING]=temp;
����������� temp=((long long) URB[11] & 0x1LL);
����������� temp=temp<<5 | ((long long) phzincdat[11] & 0x1FLL);
����������� temp=temp<<4 | ((long long) ampscaldat[11] & 0xFLL);
����������� temp=temp<<1 | ((long long) URB[10] & 0x1LL);
����������� temp=temp<<5 | ((long long) phzincdat[10] & 0x1FLL);
����������� temp=temp<<4 | ((long long) ampscaldat[10] & 0xFLL);
����������� temp=temp<<1 | ((long long) URB[9] & 0x1LL);
����������� temp=temp<<5 | ((long long) phzincdat[9] & 0x1FLL);
����������� temp=temp<<4 | ((long long) ampscaldat[9] & 0xFLL);
����������� temp=temp<<1 | ((long long) URB[8] & 0x1LL);
����������� temp=temp<<5 | ((long long) phzincdat[8] & 0x1FLL);
����������� temp=temp<<4 | ((long long) ampscaldat[8] & 0xFLL);
����������� temp=temp<<5 | ((long long) dummysample & 0x1FLL);
����������� temp=temp<<1 | ((long long) PSVin & 0x1LL);
����������� temp=temp<<1 | ((long long) UNP & 0x1LL);
����������� temp=temp<<1 | ((long long) PRB & 0x1LL);
����������� dataa[2+PADDING]=temp;
����������� temp=((long long) URB[15] & 0x1LL);
����������� temp=temp<<5 | ((long long) phzincdat[15] & 0x1FLL);
����������� temp=temp<<4 | ((long long) ampscaldat[15] & 0xFLL);
����������� temp=temp<<1 | ((long long) URB[14] & 0x1LL);
����������� temp=temp<<5 | ((long long) phzincdat[14] & 0x1FLL);
����������� temp=temp<<4 | ((long long) ampscaldat[14] & 0xFLL);
����������� temp=temp<<1 | ((long long) URB[13] & 0x1LL);
����������� temp=temp<<5 | ((long long) phzincdat[13] & 0x1FLL);
����������� temp=temp<<4 | ((long long) ampscaldat[13] & 0xFLL);
����������� temp=temp<<1 | ((long long) URB[12] & 0x1LL);
����������� temp=temp<<5 | ((long long) phzincdat[12] & 0x1FLL);
����������� temp=temp<<4 | ((long long) ampscaldat[12] & 0xFLL);
����������� temp=temp<<5 | ((long long) dummysample & 0x1FLL);
����������� temp=temp<<1 | ((long long) PSVin & 0x1LL);
����������� temp=temp<<1 | ((long long) UNP & 0x1LL);
����������� temp=temp<<1 | ((long long) PRB & 0x1LL);
����������� dataa[3+PADDING]=temp;
����������� PSVin=1; /* start sample input */
����������� UNP=1; /* use new programming */
����������� temp=((long long) phzsampdat[0] & 0x1FLL);
����������� temp=temp<<1 | ((long long) PSVin & 0x1LL);
����������� temp=temp<<1 | ((long long) UNP & 0x1LL);
����������� temp=temp<<1 | ((long long) PRB & 0x1LL);
����������� dataa[4+PADDING]=temp;
����������� UNP=0;
����� for (i = 1; i < numofsamps; i++) {
����������� temp=((long long) phzsampdat[i] & 0x1FLL);
����������� temp=temp<<1 | ((long long) PSVin & 0x1LL);
����������� temp=temp<<1 | ((long long) UNP & 0x1LL);
����������� temp=temp<<1 | ((long long) PRB & 0x1LL);
����������� dataa[i+PADDING+4]=temp;}
��� tend = second();
��� tcume = tend - tstart;
��� ttotal = ttotal + tcume;
��� printf ("\n Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:� %19.10f", tcume);
��� tstart = second();
/* allocate map to this problem */
����� if (map_allocate (nmap)) {
����������� fprintf (stdout, "Map allocation failed.\n");
�� �� exit (1);
��� � }
��� tend = second();
��� tcume = tend - tstart;
��� ttotal = ttotal + tcume;
��� printf ("\n Time for MAP allocation:� %19.10f", tcume);
��� tstart = second();
/* call compute */
����� SixteenBinS (numofsamps+PADDING*2+4, dataa, datab, mapnum);
��� tend = second();
��� tcume = tend - tstart;
��� ttotal = ttotal + tcume;
��� printf ("\n Time for MAP call:� %19.10f", tcume);
��� tstart = second();
/* Open output file for writing. */
����� if ((fileptr = fopen("datafiles/IandQout.txt", "w")) == NULL)
����� ����� ����� fprintf(stderr, "\n\nTERMINAL FAULT:� File IandQout.txt cannot be written.\n\n");
/* put headers in output file */
����� fprintf(fileptr, "Iout� Qout� ODVout PSVout DRFM\n");
����� fprintf(fileptr, "----- ----- ------ ------ -----\n");
/* unpack the results and send to output*/
����� for (i = 0; i < numofsamps+PADDING*2+4; i++) {
����������� DRFM0=datab[i] & 0x1FLL;
����������� I0=datab[i]>>5 & 0x1FFFFLL;
����������� Q0=datab[i]>>22 & 0x1FFFFLL;
����������� ODVout0=datab[i]>>39 & 0x1LL;
����������� PSVout0=datab[i]>>40 & 0x1LL;
����������� fprintf(fileptr, "%05X %05X�� %01X��� ��%01X��� %02X\n", I0, Q0, ODVout0, PSVout0, DRFM0);
�� �� }
�� fclose (fileptr);
�� tend = second();
�� tcume = tend - tstart;
�� ttotal = ttotal + tcume;
�� printf ("\n Time to unpack results and send to output file:� %19.10f", tcume);
�� tstart = second();
/* free the map */
����� if (map_free (nmap)) {
����� ������ printf ("Map deallocation failed. \n");
������� exit (1);
������� }
��� tend = second();
��� tcume = tend - tstart;
��� ttotal = ttotal + tcume;
��� printf ("\n Time to free the MAP:� %19.10f", tcume);
����� tstart = second();
����� Cache_Aligned_Free((char *)dataa);
����� Cache_Aligned_Free((char *)datab);
��� tend = second();
��� tcume = tend - tstart;
��� ttotal = ttotal + tcume;
��� printf ("\n Time to free the data arrays:� %19.10f", tcume);
��� printf ("\n Total Time: %19.10f\n\n", ttotal);
module SixtyFourBin (Input, Output, CLK) /* synthesis syn_black_box */ ;
����� input [63:0] Input;
����� output [63:0] Output;
����� input CLK;
BEGIN_DEF "SixtyFour_Bin"
����� MACRO = "SixtyFourBin";
����� STATEFUL = NO;
����� EXTERNAL = NO;
����� LATENCY = 133;
����� INPUTS = 1:
����� I0 = INT 64 BITS (Input[63:0])
����� ;
����� OUTPUTS = 1:
����� O0 = INT 64 BITS (Output[63:0])
����� ;
/* SixtyFourBinS.mc */
#include <libmap.h>
void SixtyFourBinS ( int n, long long a[], long long b[], int mapno)
����� struct {
����������� long long al[IBANK];
����� } banka;
����� struct {
����������� long long bl[IBANK];
������� } bankb;
����� long long *al���� = banka.al;
����� long long *bl���� = bankb.bl;
����� int i, nbytes;
����� /* nbytes = n*8;*/
����� nbytes = (((n+3)/4)*4)*8;
����� cm2obm_a(al, a, nbytes);
����� wait_server_a();
����� for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
����������� SixtyFour_Bin(al[i], &bl[i]);
������� }
����� obm2cm_b (b, bl, nbytes);
����� wait_server_b();
��� }
/* main.c */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <libmap.h>
#define SAMPLE_MAX 500000���� /* Maximum number of phase samples. */
#define PADDING 64 /* number of padding sets before and after the samples */
void SixtyFourBinS();
void *Cache_Aligned_Allocate();
void Cache_Aligned_Free();
int main () {
����� int i, nmap, mapnum, numofsamps, nbytes;
����� short phzsampdat[SAMPLE_MAX], dummysample;
����� FILE *fileptr;
����� long I0, Q0, OtherBinDataSIN, OtherBinDataCOS;
����� char phzincdat[64], ampscaldat[64], URB[64];
����� char UNP, PRB, PSVin, ODVin, ODVout0, PSVout0, DRFM0, binnumber;
����� long long temp, binprogram;
����� long long* dataa;
����� long long* datab;
/* Timing variables. */
�� �� double tstart, tend, tcume, ttotal;
�� �� extern double second();
/* initialization */
��� � tstart = second();
����� mapnum = 0;
����� nmap = 1;
����� numofsamps=0;
����� dummysample=0;
/* Read in phase increment values. */
����� if ((fileptr = fopen("datafiles/phzinc.txt", "r")) == NULL)
����������� fprintf(stderr, "\n\nTERMINAL FAULT:� File phzinc.txt not found.\n\n");
����� binnumber = 0;
����� while (fscanf(fileptr, "%x", &phzincdat[binnumber]) != EOF)
����� {
����������� binnumber++;
����� }
����� fclose(fileptr);
/* Read in amplitude scaling values */
����� if ((fileptr = fopen("datafiles/ampscal.txt", "r")) == NULL)
����������� fprintf(stderr, "\n\nTERMINAL FAULT:� File ampscal.txt not found.\n\n");
����� binnumber = 0;
����� while (fscanf(fileptr, "%x", &scaldat[binnumber]) != EOF)
����� {
����������� binnumber++;
����� }
����� fclose(fileptr);
/* Read in pulse phase samples */
����� if ((fileptr = fopen("datafiles/phzsamp.txt", "r")) == NULL)
����������� fprintf(stderr, "\n\nTERMINAL FAULT:� File phzsamp.txt not found.\n\n");
����� numofsamps = 0;
����� while (fscanf(fileptr, "%x", &phzsampdat[numofsamps]) != EOF)
����� {
����������� numofsamps++;
����� }
����� fclose(fileptr);
��� tend = second();
��� tcume = tend - tstart;
��� ttotal = tcume;
��� printf ("\n Number of input samples: %d", numofsamps);
��� printf ("\n Time for disk access of input data:� %19.10f", tcume);
����� tstart = second();
����� nbytes = (((numofsamps+PADDING*2+16)/4)*4)*8;
����� dataa=Cache_Aligned_Allocate(nbytes);
����� datab=Cache_Aligned_Allocate(nbytes);
��� tend = second();
��� tcume = tend - tstart;
��� ttotal = ttotal + tcume;
��� printf ("\n Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:� %19.10f", tcume);
��� tstart = second();
/* pack the data as follows:
Input: formats, cycle begins when PRB=1, 1 format per clock
�ten bits of each bin: 10 |� 9-5�� |4-1 |
���������������������� URB|PhaseInc|Gain|
�63-48 |47-38 |37-28 |27-18 | 17-8 | 7-3�� | 2��� | 1� | 0
unused | bin3 | bin2 | bin1 | bin0 |sample |PSVin |UNP |PRB
�63-48 |47-38 |37-28 |27-18 | 17-8 | 7-3�� | 2��� | 1� | 0
unused | bin7 | bin6 | bin5 | bin4 |sample |PSVin |UNP |PRB
�63-48 |47-38 |37-28 |27-18 | 17-8 | 7-3�� | 2��� | 1� | 0
unused | bin11| bin10| bin9 | bin8 |sample |PSVin |UNP |PRB
�63-48 |47-38 |37-28 |27-18 | 17-8 | 7-3�� | 2��� | 1� | 0
unused | bin15| bin14| bin13| bin12|sample |PSVin |UNP |PRB
more in same format up to bin63...
�63-8����������������������������� | 7-3�� | 2��� | 1� | 0
unused���������������������������� |sample |PSVin |UNP |PRB
-- The first sample can be entered on clock 65 if PSVin and UNP are taken high
����� for (i=0; i<64; i++){
����������� URB[i]=1;}/*set all bins to be used*/
����� for (i=0; i<PADDING; i++){/*pad the control signals before and after*/
����������� dataa[i]=0; /*set PSVin, UNP, and PRB = 000 */
����������� dataa[i+numofsamps+PADDING+16]=0; /*set PSVin, UNP, and PRB = 000 */
����������� }
����������� PSVin=0;
����������� UNP=0;
����������� PRB=1; /* start the program sequence*/
����� for (i=0;i<64;i=i+4){
����������� if (i>0) PRB=0;
����������� temp=((long long) URB[i+3] & 0x1LL);
����������� temp=temp<<5 | ((long long) phzincdat[i+3] & 0x1FLL);
����������� temp=temp<<4 | ((long long) ampscaldat[i+3] & 0xFLL);
����������� temp=temp<<1 | ((long long) URB[i+2] & 0x1LL);
����������� temp=temp<<5 | ((long long) phzincdat[i+2] & 0x1FLL);
����������� temp=temp<<4 | ((long long) ampscaldat[i+2] & 0xFLL);
����������� temp=temp<<1 | ((long long) URB[i+1] & 0x1LL);
����������� temp=temp<<5 | ((long long) phzincdat[i+1] & 0x1FLL);
����������� temp=temp<<4 | ((long long) ampscaldat[i+1] & 0xFLL);
����������� temp=temp<<1 | ((long long) URB[i] & 0x1LL);
����������� temp=temp<<5 | ((long long) phzincdat[i] & 0x1FLL);
����������� temp=temp<<4 | ((long long) ampscaldat[i] & 0xFLL);
����������� temp=temp<<5 | ((long long) dummysample & 0x1FLL);
����������� temp=temp<<1 | ((long long) PSVin & 0x1LL);
����������� temp=temp<<1 | ((long long) UNP & 0x1LL);
����������� temp=temp<<1 | ((long long) PRB & 0x1LL);
����������� dataa[PADDING+i/4]=temp;}
����� PSVin=1; /* start sample input */
����� UNP=1; /* use new programming */
����� temp=((long long) phzsampdat[0] & 0x1FLL);
����� temp=temp<<1 | ((long long) PSVin & 0x1LL);
����� temp=temp<<1 | ((long long) UNP & 0x1LL);
����� temp=temp<<1 | ((long long) PRB & 0x1LL);
����� dataa[16+PADDING]=temp;
����� UNP=0;
����� for (i = 1; i < numofsamps; i++) {
����������� temp=((long long) phzsampdat[i] & 0x1FLL);
����������� temp=temp<<1 | ((long long) PSVin & 0x1LL);
����������� temp=temp<<1 | ((long long) UNP & 0x1LL);
����������� temp=temp<<1 | ((long long) PRB & 0x1LL);
����������� dataa[i+PADDING+16]=temp;}
��� tend = second();
��� tcume = tend - tstart;
��� ttotal = ttotal + tcume;
��� printf ("\n Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:� %19.10f", tcume);
��� tstart = second();
/* allocate map to this problem */
����� if (map_allocate (nmap)) {
����������� fprintf (stdout, "Map allocation failed.\n");
�� �� exit (1);
��� � }
��� tend = second();
��� tcume = tend - tstart;
��� ttotal = ttotal + tcume;
��� printf ("\n Time for MAP allocation:� %19.10f", tcume);
��� tstart = second();
/* call compute */
����� SixtyFourBinS (numofsamps+PADDING*2+16, dataa, datab, mapnum);
��� tend = second();
��� tcume = tend - tstart;
��� ttotal = ttotal + tcume;
��� printf ("\n Time for MAP call:� %19.10f", tcume);
��� tstart = second();
/* Open output file for writing. */
����� if ((fileptr = fopen("datafiles/IandQout.txt", "w")) == NULL)
����� ����������� fprintf(stderr, "\n\nTERMINAL FAULT:� File IandQout.txt cannot be written.\n\n");
/* put headers in output file */
����� fprintf(fileptr, "Iout� Qout� ODVout PSVout DRFM\n");
����� fprintf(fileptr, "----- ----- ------ ------ -----\n");
/* unpack the results and send to output*/
����� for (i = 0; i < numofsamps+PADDING*2+16; i++) {
����������� DRFM0=datab[i] & 0x1FLL;
����������� I0=datab[i]>>5 & 0x1FFFFLL;
����������� Q0=datab[i]>>22 & 0x1FFFFLL;
����������� ODVout0=datab[i]>>39 & 0x1LL;
����������� PSVout0=datab[i]>>40 & 0x1LL;
����������� fprintf(fileptr, "%05X %05X�� %01X����� %01X��� %02X\n", I0, Q0, ODVout0, PSVout0, DRFM0);
�� �� }
�� fclose (fileptr);
�� tend = second();
�� tcume = tend - tstart;
�� ttotal = ttotal + tcume;
�� printf ("\n Time to unpack results and send to output file:� %19.10f", tcume);
�� tstart = second();
/* free the map */
����� if (map_free (nmap)) {
����� ������ printf ("Map deallocation failed. \n");
������� exit (1);
������� }
��� tend = second();
��� tcume = tend - tstart;
��� ttotal = ttotal + tcume;
��� printf ("\n Time to free the MAP:� %19.10f", tcume);
����� tstart = second();
����� Cache_Aligned_Free((char *)dataa);
����� Cache_Aligned_Free((char *)datab);
��� tend = second();
��� tcume = tend - tstart;
��� ttotal = ttotal + tcume;
��� printf ("\n Time to free the data arrays:� %19.10f", tcume);
��� printf ("\n Total Time: %19.10f\n\n", ttotal);
module One28Bin (Input, Output, CLK) /* synthesis syn_black_box */ ;
����� input [63:0] Input;
����� output [63:0] Output;
����� input CLK;
BEGIN_DEF "One28_Bin"
����� MACRO = "One28Bin";
����� STATEFUL = NO;
����� EXTERNAL = NO;
����� LATENCY = 261;
����� INPUTS = 1:
����� I0 = INT 64 BITS (Input[63:0])
����� ;
����� OUTPUTS = 1:
����� O0 = INT 64 BITS (Output[63:0])
����� ;
/* One28BinS.mc */
#include <libmap.h>
void One28BinS ( int n, long long a[], long long b[], int mapno)
����� struct {
����������� long long al[IBANK];
����� } banka;
����� struct {
����������� long long bl[IBANK];
������� } bankb;
����� long long *al���� = banka.al;
����� long long *bl���� = bankb.bl;
����� int i, nbytes;
����� /* nbytes = n*8;*/
����� nbytes = (((n+3)/4)*4)*8;
����� cm2obm_a(al, a, nbytes);
����� wait_server_a();
����� for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
����������� One28_Bin(al[i], &bl[i]);
������� }
����� obm2cm_b (b, bl, nbytes);
����� wait_server_b();
��� }
/* main.c */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <libmap.h>
#define SAMPLE_MAX 500000���� /* Maximum number of phase samples. */
#define PADDING 128 /* number of padding sets before and after the samples */
void One28BinS();
void *Cache_Aligned_Allocate();
void Cache_Aligned_Free();
int main () {
����� int i, nmap, mapnum, numofsamps, nbytes;
����� short phzsampdat[SAMPLE_MAX], dummysample;
����� FILE *fileptr;
����� long I0, Q0, OtherBinDataSIN, OtherBinDataCOS;
����� char phzincdat[128], ampscaldat[128], URB[128];
����� char UNP, PRB, PSVin, ODVin, ODVout0, PSVout0, DRFM0, binnumber;
����� long long temp, binprogram;
����� long long* dataa;
����� long long* datab;
/* Timing variables. */
�� �� double tstart, tend, tcume, ttotal;
�� �� extern double second();
/* initialization */
��� � tstart = second();
����� mapnum = 0;
����� nmap = 1;
����� numofsamps=0;
����� dummysample=0;
/* Read in phase increment values. */
����� if ((fileptr = fopen("datafiles/phzinc.txt", "r")) == NULL)
����������� fprintf(stderr, "\n\nTERMINAL FAULT:� File phzinc.txt not found.\n\n");
����� binnumber = 0;
����� while (fscanf(fileptr, "%x", &phzincdat[binnumber]) != EOF)
����� {
����������� binnumber++;
����� }
����� fclose(fileptr);
/* Read in amplitude scaling values */
����� if ((fileptr = fopen("datafiles/ampscal.txt", "r")) == NULL)
����������� fprintf(stderr, "\n\nTERMINAL FAULT:� File ampscal.txt not found.\n\n");
����� binnumber = 0;
����� while (fscanf(fileptr, "%x", &scaldat[binnumber]) != EOF)
����� {
����������� binnumber++;
����� }
����� fclose(fileptr);
/* Read in pulse phase samples */
����� if ((fileptr = fopen("datafiles/phzsamp.txt", "r")) == NULL)
����������� fprintf(stderr, "\n\nTERMINAL FAULT:� File phzsamp.txt not found.\n\n");
����� numofsamps = 0;
����� while (fscanf(fileptr, "%x", &phzsampdat[numofsamps]) != EOF)
����� {
����������� numofsamps++;
����� }
����� fclose(fileptr);
��� tend = second();
��� tcume = tend - tstart;
��� ttotal = tcume;
��� printf ("\n Number of input samples: %d", numofsamps);
��� printf ("\n Time for disk access of input data:� %19.10f", tcume);
����� tstart = second();
����� nbytes = (((numofsamps+PADDING*2+32)/4)*4)*8;
����� dataa=Cache_Aligned_Allocate(nbytes);
����� datab=Cache_Aligned_Allocate(nbytes);
��� tend = second();
��� tcume = tend - tstart;
��� ttotal = ttotal + tcume;
��� printf ("\n Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:� %19.10f", tcume);
��� tstart = second();
/* pack the data as follows:
Input: formats, cycle begins when PRB=1, 1 format per clock
�ten bits of each bin: 10 |� 9-5�� |4-1 |
���������������������� URB|PhaseInc|Gain|
�63-48 |47-38 |37-28 |27-18 | 17-8 | 7-3�� | 2��� | 1� | 0
unused | bin3 | bin2 | bin1 | bin0 |sample |PSVin |UNP |PRB
�63-48 |47-38 |37-28 |27-18 | 17-8 | 7-3�� | 2��� | 1� | 0
unused | bin7 | bin6 | bin5 | bin4 |sample |PSVin |UNP |PRB
�63-48 |47-38 |37-28 |27-18 | 17-8 | 7-3�� | 2��� | 1� | 0
unused | bin11| bin10| bin9 | bin8 |sample |PSVin |UNP |PRB
�63-48 |47-38 |37-28 |27-18 | 17-8 | 7-3�� | 2��� | 1� | 0
unused | bin15| bin14| bin13| bin12|sample |PSVin |UNP |PRB
more in same format up to bin127...
�63-8��������������������� ��������| 7-3�� | 2��� | 1� | 0
unused���������������������������� |sample |PSVin |UNP |PRB
-- The first sample can be entered on clock 129 if PSVin and UNP are taken high
����� for (i=0; i<128; i++){
����������� URB[i]=1;}/*set all bins to be used*/
����� for (i=0; i<PADDING; i++){/*pad the control signals before and after*/
����������� dataa[i]=0; /*set PSVin, UNP, and PRB = 000 */
����������� dataa[i+numofsamps+PADDING+32]=0; /*set PSVin, UNP, and PRB = 000 */
����������� }
����������� PSVin=0;
����������� UNP=0;
����������� PRB=1; /* start the program sequence*/
����� for (i=0;i<128;i=i+4){
����������� if (i>0) PRB=0;
����������� temp=((long long) URB[i+3] & 0x1LL);
����������� temp=temp<<5 | ((long long) phzincdat[i+3] & 0x1FLL);
����������� temp=temp<<4 | ((long long) ampscaldat[i+3] & 0xFLL);
����������� temp=temp<<1 | ((long long) URB[i+2] & 0x1LL);
����������� temp=temp<<5 | ((long long) phzincdat[i+2] & 0x1FLL);
����������� temp=temp<<4 | ((long long) ampscaldat[i+2] & 0xFLL);
����������� temp=temp<<1 | ((long long) URB[i+1] & 0x1LL);
����������� temp=temp<<5 | ((long long) phzincdat[i+1] & 0x1FLL);
����������� temp=temp<<4 | ((long long) ampscaldat[i+1] & 0xFLL);
����������� temp=temp<<1 | ((long long) URB[i] & 0x1LL);
����������� temp=temp<<5 | ((long long) phzincdat[i] & 0x1FLL);
����������� temp=temp<<4 | ((long long) ampscaldat[i] & 0xFLL);
����������� temp=temp<<5 | ((long long) dummysample & 0x1FLL);
����������� temp=temp<<1 | ((long long) PSVin & 0x1LL);
����������� temp=temp<<1 | ((long long) UNP & 0x1LL);
����������� temp=temp<<1 | ((long long) PRB & 0x1LL);
����������� dataa[PADDING+i/4]=temp;}
����� PSVin=1; /* start sample input */
����� UNP=1; /* use new programming */
����� temp=((long long) phzsampdat[0] & 0x1FLL);
����� temp=temp<<1 | ((long long) PSVin & 0x1LL);
����� temp=temp<<1 | ((long long) UNP & 0x1LL);
����� temp=temp<<1 | ((long long) PRB & 0x1LL);
����� dataa[32+PADDING]=temp;
����� UNP=0;
����� for (i = 1; i < numofsamps; i++) {
����������� temp=((long long) phzsampdat[i] & 0x1FLL);
����������� temp=temp<<1 | ((long long) PSVin & 0x1LL);
����������� temp=temp<<1 | ((long long) UNP & 0x1LL);
����������� temp=temp<<1 | ((long long) PRB & 0x1LL);
����������� dataa[i+PADDING+32]=temp;}
��� tend = second();
��� tcume = tend - tstart;
��� ttotal = ttotal + tcume;
��� printf ("\n Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:� %19.10f", tcume);
��� tstart = second();
/* allocate map to this problem */
����� if (map_allocate (nmap)) {
����������� fprintf (stdout, "Map allocation failed.\n");
�� �� exit (1);
��� � }
��� tend = second();
��� tcume = tend - tstart;
��� ttotal = ttotal + tcume;
��� printf ("\n Time for MAP allocation:� %19.10f", tcume);
��� tstart = second();
/* call compute */
����� One28BinS (numofsamps+PADDING*2+32, dataa, datab, mapnum);
��� tend = second();
��� tcume = tend - tstart;
��� ttotal = ttotal + tcume;
��� printf ("\n Time for MAP call:� %19.10f", tcume);
��� tstart = second();
/* Open output file for writing. */
����� if ((fileptr = fopen("datafiles/IandQout.txt", "w")) == NULL)
����� ����������� fprintf(stderr, "\n\nTERMINAL FAULT:� File IandQout.txt cannot be written.\n\n");
/* put headers in output file */
����� fprintf(fileptr, "Iout� Qout� ODVout PSVout DRFM\n");
����� fprintf(fileptr, "----- ----- ------ ------ -----\n");
/* unpack the results and send to output*/
����� for (i = 0; i < numofsamps+PADDING*2+32; i++) {
����������� DRFM0=datab[i] & 0x1FLL;
����������� I0=datab[i]>>5 & 0x1FFFFLL;
����������� Q0=datab[i]>>22 & 0x1FFFFLL;
����������� ODVout0=datab[i]>>39 & 0x1LL;
����������� PSVout0=datab[i]>>40 & 0x1LL;
����������� fprintf(fileptr, "%05X %05X�� %01X����� %01X��� %02X\n", I0, Q0, ODVout0, PSVout0, DRFM0);
�� �� }
�� fclose (fileptr);
�� tend = second();
�� tcume = tend - tstart;
�� ttotal = ttotal + tcume;
�� printf ("\n Time to unpack results and send to output file:� %19.10f", tcume);
�� tstart = second();
/* free the map */
����� if (map_free (nmap)) {
����� ������ printf ("Map deallocation failed. \n");
������� exit (1);
������� }
��� tend = second();
��� tcume = tend - tstart;
��� ttotal = ttotal + tcume;
��� printf ("\n Time to free the MAP:� %19.10f", tcume);
����� tstart = second();
����� Cache_Aligned_Free((char *)dataa);
����� Cache_Aligned_Free((char *)datab);
��� tend = second();
��� tcume = tend - tstart;
��� ttotal = ttotal + tcume;
��� printf ("\n Time to free the data arrays:� %19.10f", tcume);
��� printf ("\n Total Time: %19.10f\n\n", ttotal);
# ----------------------------------
# User defines FILES, MAPFILES, and BIN here
# ----------------------------------
FILES ����������� = main.c
MAPFILES �� = FourBinS.mc
BIN ������� = FourBinTest
# -----------------------------------
# User defined macros info supplied here
# (Leave commented out if not used)
# -----------------------------------
MACROS����� = my_macro/fourbin.vhd
MY_BLKBOX � = my_macro/fourbin.box
MY_NGO_DIR = my_macro
MY_INFO ��� = my_macro/fourbin.info
# -----------------------------------
# User supplied MCC and MFTN flags
# -----------------------------------
# -----------------------------------
# User supplied flags for C & Fortran compilers
# -----------------------------------
CC��������� = icc ����� # icc for Intel cc for Gnu
FC��������� = ifc # ifc for Intel f77 for Gnu
LD��������� = ifc # ifc for Intel cc� for Gnu
# -----------------------------------
# No modifications are required below
# -----------------------------------
MAKIN�� ?= $(MC_ROOT)/opt/srcci/comp/lib/AppRules.make
include $(MAKIN)
Number of input samples: 32
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0002677690
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0000318932
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000015922
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.5351942658
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0960569127
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0005680144
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0062198973
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000037104
�Total Time:������� 1.6383440550
Iout� Qout� ODVout PSVout DRFM
----- ----- ------ ------ -----
00000 00000�� 0����� 1��� 00
00000 00000�� 0����� 1��� 01
00000 00000�� 0����� 1��� 02
00000 00000�� 0����� 1��� 03
0000F 0FFFC�� 1����� 1��� 04
00007 0FFFE�� 1����� 1��� 05
00016 0FFFB�� 1����� 1��� 06
0000E 0FFFF�� 1����� 1��� 07
0000E 00001�� 1����� 1��� 08
0000D 00005�� 1����� 1��� 09
0000B 00007�� 1����� 1��� 0A
0000A 0000A�� 1����� 1��� 0B
00007 0000C�� 1����� 1��� 0C
00005 0000D�� 1����� 1��� 0D
00002 0000E�� 1����� 1��� 0E
0FFFE 0000E�� 1����� 1��� 0F
0FFFB 0000E�� 1����� 1��� 10
0FFF7 0000D�� 1����� 1��� 11
0FFF5 0000B�� 1����� 1��� 12
0FFF2 0000A�� 1����� 1� ��13
0FFF0 00007�� 1����� 1��� 14
0FFEF 00005�� 1����� 1��� 15
0FFEE 00002�� 1����� 1��� 16
0FFEE 0FFFE�� 1����� 1��� 17
0FFEE 0FFFB�� 1����� 1��� 18
0FFEF 0FFF7�� 1����� 1��� 19
0FFF1 0FFF5�� 1����� 1��� 1A
0FFF2 0FFF2�� 1����� 1��� 1B
0FFF6 0FFF0�� 1��� ��1��� 1C
0FFF8 0FFEF�� 1����� 1��� 1D
0FFFB 0FFEE�� 1����� 1��� 1E
0FFFF 0FFEE�� 1����� 1��� 1F
00001 0FFEE�� 1����� 0��� 00
00005 0FFEF�� 1����� 0��� 00
00007 0FFF1�� 1����� 0��� 00
0000A 0FFF2�� 1����� 0��� 00
0FFFD 0FFFA�� 1����� 0��� 00
00006 0FFFA�� 1����� 0��� 00
0FFF8 00000�� 1����� 0��� 00
00000 00000�� 0����� 0��� 00
00000 00000�� 0����� 0��� 00
00000 00000�� 0����� 0��� 00
This appendix contains the raw data collected from the three data sources.� The data was edited for format and presentation only by merging multiple data files and screen outputs into single text files.
�Number of input samples: 32
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0002084887
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0000334426
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000031780
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.5164666463
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0953615193
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0012838777
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0058402661
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000023326
�Total Time:������� 1.6191997514
�Number of input samples: 32
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0002078484
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0000330480
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000030328
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.5104117966
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0956987063
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0033335369
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0039977920
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000048111
�Total Time:������� 1.6136905721
�Number of input samples: 32
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0002056765
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0000328891
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000031771
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4965487099
�Time for MAP call:�� ������0.0957181978
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0004662391
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0063660767
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000022655
�Total Time:������� 1.5993432318
�Number of input samples: 32
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0002074470
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0000328057
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000032612
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.5566975472
�Time for MAP call:������ ��0.0953266612
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0004773409
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0166647502
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000021517
�Total Time:������� 1.6694119651
�Number of input samples: 32
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0002040481
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0000319345
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000035124
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4934991910
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0953386407
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0004638645
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0170408654
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000024229
�Total Time:������� 1.6065844794
�Number of input samples: 64
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0002393220
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0000324161
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000035736
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.5003027097
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0955253627
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0035991581
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0033631459
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000020807
�Total Time:������� 1.6030677686
�Number of input samples: 64
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0002362756
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0000333991
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000034639
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.6224254924
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0953947966
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0020954084
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0053356335
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000019234
�Total Time:������� 1.7255263929
�Number of input samples: 64
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0002328618
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0000356064
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000036541
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4939500856
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0953948186
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0005355580
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0068891326
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000020797
�Total Time:������� 1.5970437969
�Number of input samples: 64
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0002404833
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0000330301
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000039446
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4957746893
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0953956086
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0005531784
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0068819918
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000019492
�Total Time:������� 1.5988848754
�Number of input samples: 64
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0002322863
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0000330668
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000032001
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4955973634
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0957473678
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0036973444
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0133795050
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000019877
�Total Time:������� 1.6086921216
�Number of input samples: 128
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0002954546
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0000327012
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000040170
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4942348249
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0948727678
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0007642954
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0171867082
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000022131
�Total Time:������� 1.6073929822
�Number of input samples: 128
�Time for disk access of input data:� �������0.0002942937
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0000337346
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000040882
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4919614074
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0958455724
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0007775028
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0161777539
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000022496
�Total Time:������� 1.6050966026
�Number of input samples: 128
�Time for disk access of input data:���� ����0.0003014999
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0000329105
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000040881
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4977084208
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0950594501
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0007698328
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0070946452
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000022615
�Total Time:������� 1.6009731089
�Number of input samples: 128
�Time for disk access of input data:������� �0.0002900069
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0000335395
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000041137
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4905814978
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0954263863
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0007590848
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0166113938
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000019857
�Total Time:������� 1.6037080084
�Number of input samples: 128
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0002937946
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0000330499
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000038525
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4997816715
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0952386696
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0007675327
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0168148382
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000024477
�Total Time:������� 1.6129358566
�Number of input samples: 256
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0004141619
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0000335425
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000055092
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4945142801
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0956080591
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0074441405
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0097565020
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000021625
�Total Time:������� 1.6077783578
�Number of input samples: 256
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0004066345
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0000336592
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000056030
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4975832344
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0953121734
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0071346043
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0102803051
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000023893
�Total Time:������� 1.6107586033
�Number of input samples: 256
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0004152791
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0000348586
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000060359
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4930090098
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0956603360
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0011282015
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0056287277
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000020174
�Total Time:������� 1.5958844660
�Number of input samples: 256
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0004165005
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0000347065
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000059323
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4990793846
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0957262570
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0012384173
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0155986599
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000024278
�Total Time:������� 1.6121022859
�Number of input samples: 256
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0004165359
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0000340597
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000052273
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.5201277970
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0958377271
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0017984349
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0149084253
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000025473
�Total Time:������� 1.6331307545
�Number of input samples: 512
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0006533940
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0000397538
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000081049
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4832733711
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0958574916
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0033393714
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0133308016
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000023523
�Total Time:������� 1.5965046407
�Number of input samples: 512
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0006480492
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0000409739
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000075036
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.5011440908
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0957821485
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0033172593
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0134269165
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000022733
�Total Time:������� 1.6143692151
�Number of input samples: 512
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0006386451
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0000400443
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000078980
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4983086894
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0957496894
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0154421452
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0113105172
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000021370
�Total Time:������� 1.6214997655
�Number of input samples: 512
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0006524692
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0000428774
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000083262
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4961099684
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0959464872
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:� �������0.0227351512
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0039498007
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000021092
�Total Time:������� 1.6194471895
�Number of input samples: 512
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0006421120
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0000426471
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000083097
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.5130592119
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0958538257
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:���� ����0.0154179145
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0112660712
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000024937
�Total Time:������� 1.6362925858
�Number of input samples: 1024
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0011111130
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0000570242
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000129485
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.6785891002
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.1518359193
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:������ ��0.0637012725
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0022069545
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000019086
�Total Time:������� 1.8975162408
�Number of input samples: 1024
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0011128639
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0000578275
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000129324
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.5000961085
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0958417615
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0076207878
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0089172212
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000018086
�Total Time:������� 1.6136613114
�Number of input samples: 1024
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0011077705
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0000647734
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000131728
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4876909435
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0959412700
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0065343911
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0100464751
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000019858
�Total Time:������� 1.6014007820
�Number of input samples: 1024
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0011135186
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0000569741
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000129600
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4821215066
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0958638313
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0075461004
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0091087266
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000019747
�Total Time:������� 1.5958255923
�Number of input samples: 1024
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0011116290
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0000559289
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000132181
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.6231542741
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0957496962
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0123621364
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0044305101
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000020270
�Total Time:������� 1.7368794198
�Number of input samples: 2048
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0020916183
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0000901528
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000260499
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.5149962501
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0961126186
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0209217987
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0054714421
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000021486
�Total Time:������� 1.6397120791
�Number of input samples: 2048
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0020824559
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0000903800
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000254874
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4974595414
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0960430990
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0282576866
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0881452921
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000019264
�Total Time:������� 1.7121058688
�Number of input samples: 2048
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0020932974
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0000910958
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000263999
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4926326820
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0959650401
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0156554965
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0108778882
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000019402
�Total Time:������� 1.6173438402
�Number of input samples: 2048
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0020821933
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0000856771
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000250056
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4886453049
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0956541829
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0192058023
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0076645346
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000023833
�Total Time:������� 1.6133650840
�Number of input samples: 2048
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0020821388
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0000859965
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000265323
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4972438066
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0954610106
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0060951959
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0012624153
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000026124
�Total Time:������� 1.6022597085
�Number of input samples: 4096
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0039855344
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0001454146
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000535839
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4965537333
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0957045235
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0126587250
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0044503288
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000026354
�Total Time:������� 1.6135544790
�Number of input samples: 4096
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0039791423
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0001418835
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000448415
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4903939462
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0958149879
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0464646419
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0205435471
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000024880
�Total Time:������� 1.6573854783
�Number of input samples: 4096
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0039929757
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0001441353
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000457590
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4920268677
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0956457284
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0244508066
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0027754950
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000026818
�Total Time:������� 1.6190844494
�Number of input samples: 4096
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0039834669
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0001419437
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000453535
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4957230670
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0959734361
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0122753341
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0144876788
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000026629
�Total Time:������� 1.6226329430
�Number of input samples: 4096
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0039881454
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:� �������0.0001435438
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000469605
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4950999535
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0954072981
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0213319817
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0061055590
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000027790
�Total Time:������� 1.6221262210
�Number of input samples: 8192
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0077267974
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:��� �����0.0002556030
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0001100657
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4976358002
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0961669415
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0237152558
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0127127591
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000022396
�Total Time:������� 1.6383254622
�Number of input samples: 8192
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0077963406
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:����� ���0.0002558858
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0001045743
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4911085308
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0959338374
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0238329170
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0130410420
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000024701
�Total Time:������� 1.6320755980
�Number of input samples: 8192
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0077859228
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:������� �0.0002738300
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0001272394
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4921577856
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0958763216
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0237751291
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0131296077
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000024157
�Total Time:������� 1.6331282519
�Number of input samples: 8192
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0077333828
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0002921608
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0001764615
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4940546044
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0957720181
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0561388992
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0108450090
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000023665
�Total Time:������� 1.6650149021
�Number of input samples: 8192
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0077926028
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0002785594
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0001506419
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4923053186
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0959226640
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0237458469
�Time to free the MAP: ��������1.0131476923
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000027857
�Total Time:������� 1.6333461116
�Number of input samples: 16384
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0153927654
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0005575859
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0003431856
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.5183157085
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0967833299
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0501642945
�Time to free the MAP:� �������1.0058229146
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0001683618
�Total Time:������� 1.6875481461
�Number of input samples: 16384
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0155295176
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0005789198
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0003428880
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4936960370
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0964770900
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0466447413
�Time to free the MAP:�� ������1.0396878721
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0001092585
�Total Time:������� 1.6930663242
�Number of input samples: 16384
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0155252111
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0005625006
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0003430452
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4941918185
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0964758853
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0641993501
�Time to free the MAP:���� ����1.0120672238
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0001677100
�Total Time:������� 1.6835327446
�Number of input samples: 16384
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0153412572
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0005699935
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0003478272
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4921738054
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0965295781
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0482773540
�Time to free the MAP:����� ���1.0079964124
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0001060102
�Total Time:������� 1.6613422381
�Number of input samples: 16384
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0155299134
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0005738538
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0003463518
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4914332401
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0966964633
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0475771045
�Time to free the MAP:������ ��1.0185267845
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0001017322
�Total Time:������� 1.6707854435
�Number of input samples: 32768
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0306247147
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0013589453
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0010181843
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.5153990916
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0981820682
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.1095072731
�Time to free the MAP:������� �1.0151180013
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0002542540
�Total Time:������� 1.7714625325
�Number of input samples: 32768
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0306110801
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0013458199
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0010553453
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4969847347
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0974834155
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.1405144958
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0646334495
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0002433229
�Total Time:������� 1.8328716636
�Number of input samples: 32768
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0309797931
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0013334095
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0010035532
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.5512681785
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0976202144
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.1002687165
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0048950271
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0002499901
�Total Time:������� 1.7876188825
�Number of input samples: 32768
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0306155006
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0013408775
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0010513747
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4909358202
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0976936156
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.1810896878
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0340174406
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0002396957
�Total Time:������� 1.8369840129
�Number of input samples: 32768
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0309932032
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0013457405
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0010066531
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4916068170
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0977127539
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.1466750425
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0084496646
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0002433417
�Total Time:������� 1.7780332165
�Number of input samples: 65536
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0621257024
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0028639874
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0022877009
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4985954243
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.1003477353
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.2703358518
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0221247504
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0003672071
�Total Time:������� 1.9590483597
�Number of input samples: 65536
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0610921094
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0029188997
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0023061314
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.6371503016
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.1004620185
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.2713422303
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0109877242
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0004029548
�Total Time:������� 2.0866623698
�Number of input samples: 65536
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0620745867
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0029625138
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0023338632
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4973293074
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.1002779455
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.3466862810
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0058548226
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0003887686
�Total Time:������� 2.0179080888
�Number of input samples: 65536
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0612080591
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0029273008
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0023182945
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4908245638
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.1001162764
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.2686706407
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0640293193
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0004108055
�Total Time:������� 1.9905052602
�Number of input samples: 65536
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0620280928
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0028908550
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0023225218
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4963764966
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0999079221
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.2695025590
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0134212143
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0003826644
�Total Time:������� 1.9468323260
�Number of input samples: 131072
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.1240888252
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0060260667
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0046543345
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4962011388
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.1048911635
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.7489439061
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0089680919
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0006547378
�Total Time:������� 2.4944282644
�Number of input samples: 131072
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.1226398554
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0060558375
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0046348261
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.5011602360
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.1050545690
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.5425826756
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0551549533
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0006473670
�Total Time:������� 2.3379303198
�Number of input samples: 131072
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.1232239739
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0061246446
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0046658815
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.5127014323
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.1049743181
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.5470922312
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0107609272
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0006337353
�Total Time:������� 2.3101771440
�Number of input samples: 131072
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.1219592309
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0061186628
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0046495533
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.5024024120
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.1048433959
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.5247122045
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0033027872
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0006578507
�Total Time:������� 2.2686460972
�Number of input samples: 131072
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.1231231173
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0060207783
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0046499447
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.5162492643
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.1050400048
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.5865585899
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0311949011
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0006193917
�Total Time:������� 2.3734559920
�Number of input samples: 262144
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.2466617599
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0123152012
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0092960705
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.5196115292
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.1271627665
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 1.3435243927
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.1221123164
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0011707427
�Total Time:������� 3.3818547790
�Number of input samples: 262144
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.2453111536
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0122500562
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0093190914
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4951755201
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.1138315872
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 1.3158807391
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0530768107
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0012642812
�Total Time:������� 3.2461092394
�Number of input samples: 262144
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.2476685643
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0122636819
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0093553140
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4953095370
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.1136923408
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 1.0785156223
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0204131452
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0011486090
�Total Time:������� 2.9783668145
�Number of input samples: 262144
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.2496722639
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0148617119
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0101257402
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.5077033972
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.1143577781
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 1.2506356603
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0677469949
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0012172100
�Total Time:������� 3.2163207564
�Number of input samples: 262144
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.2502859328
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0148947175
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0101888936
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4935576584
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.1137587526
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 1.1830993035
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0059399260
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0011548989
�Total Time:������� 3.0728800833
�Number of input samples: 500000
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.4731001630
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0235309141
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0176773566
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.5148518025
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.1313982537
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 2.3861514647
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0132672688
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0026107787
�Total Time:������� 4.5625880020
�Number of input samples: 500000
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.4714139798
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0236509810
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0177488333
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.5134281958
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.1304782950
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 2.2848228798
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0875396440
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0022918066
�Total Time:������� 4.5313746153
�Number of input samples: 500000
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.4687111601
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0235427193
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0177357129
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4944360901
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.1303860471
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 2.4698479666
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0025578095
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0022914119
�Total Time:������� 4.6095089176
�Number of input samples: 500000
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.4664477413
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0235285488
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0177333808
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4916631167
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.1312532704
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 2.5299912385
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0215247635
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0022811463
�Total Time:������� 4.6844232063
�Number of input samples: 500000
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.4662291971
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0235175280
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0177683505
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4979370927
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.1308984664
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 2.2857460581
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0061519847
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0022496353
�Total Time:������� 4.4304983129
Time to complete 32 samples: 0.1400 seconds.
Time to complete 32 samples: 0.1300 seconds.
Time to complete 32 samples: 0.1300 seconds.
Time to complete 32 samples: 0.1300 seconds.
Time to complete 32 samples: 0.1400 seconds.
Time to complete 64 samples: 0.1400 seconds.
Time to complete 64 samples: 0.1200 seconds.
Time to complete 64 samples: 0.1200 seconds.
Time to complete 64 samples: 0.1100 seconds.
Time to complete 64 samples: 0.1200 seconds.
Time to complete 128 samples: 0.1200 seconds.
Time to complete 128 samples: 0.1200 seconds.
Time to complete 128 samples: 0.1200 seconds.
Time to complete 128 samples: 0.1500 seconds.
Time to complete 128 samples: 0.1200 seconds.
Time to complete 256 samples: 0.1200 seconds.
Time to complete 256 samples: 0.1200 seconds.
Time to complete 256 samples: 0.1200 seconds.
Time to complete 256 samples: 0.1200 seconds.
Time to complete 256 samples: 0.1200 seconds.
Time to complete 512 samples: 0.1200 seconds.
Time to complete 512 samples: 0.1200 seconds.
Time to complete 512 samples: 0.1200 seconds.
Time to complete 512 samples: 0.1200 seconds.
Time to complete 512 samples: 0.1200 seconds.
Time to complete 1024 samples: 0.1200 seconds.
Time to complete 1024 samples: 0.1200 seconds.
Time to complete 1024 samples: 0.1200 seconds.
Time to complete 1024 samples: 0.1300 seconds.
Time to complete 1024 samples: 0.1200 seconds.
Time to complete 2048 samples: 0.1200 seconds.
Time to complete 2048 samples: 0.1300 seconds.
Time to complete 2048 samples: 0.1300 seconds.
Time to complete 2048 samples: 0.1200 seconds.
Time to complete 2048 samples: 0.1300 seconds.
Time to complete 4096 samples: 0.1300 seconds.
Time to complete 4096 samples: 0.1300 seconds.
Time to complete 4096 samples: 0.1300 seconds.
Time to complete 4096 samples: 0.1400 seconds.
Time to complete 4096 samples: 0.1400 seconds.
Time to complete 8192 samples: 0.1500 seconds.
Time to complete 8192 samples: 0.1500 seconds.
Time to complete 8192 samples: 0.1500 seconds.
Time to complete 8192 samples: 0.1500 seconds.
Time to complete 8192 samples: 0.1500 seconds.
Time to complete 16384 samples: 0.2100 seconds.
Time to complete 16384 samples: 0.1800 seconds.
Time to complete 16384 samples: 0.1600 seconds.
Time to complete 16384 samples: 0.1800 seconds.
Time to complete 16384 samples: 0.1800 seconds.
Time to complete 32768 samples: 0.2600 seconds.
Time to complete 32768 samples: 0.2500 seconds.
Time to complete 32768 samples: 0.2600 seconds.
Time to complete 32768 samples: 0.2600 seconds.
Time to complete 32768 samples: 0.2600 seconds.
Time to complete 65536 samples: 0.3800 seconds.
Time to complete 65536 samples: 0.3500 seconds.
Time to complete 65536 samples: 0.3500 seconds.
Time to complete 65536 samples: 0.3500 seconds.
Time to complete 65536 samples: 0.3700 seconds.
Time to complete 131072 samples: 0.6000 seconds.
Time to complete 131072 samples: 0.6700 seconds.
Time to complete 131072 samples: 0.6600 seconds.
Time to complete 131072 samples: 0.6300 seconds.
Time to complete 131072 samples: 0.6100 seconds.
Time to complete 262144 samples: 1.1200 seconds.
Time to complete 262144 samples: 1.0700 seconds.
Time to complete 262144 samples: 1.2800 seconds.
Time to complete 262144 samples: 1.1300 seconds.
Time to complete 262144 samples: 1.1800 seconds.
Time to complete 500000 samples: 2.0300 seconds.
Time to complete 500000 samples: 2.0400 seconds.
Time to complete 500000 samples: 2.0400 seconds.
Time to complete 500000 samples: 2.0300 seconds.
Time to complete 500000 samples: 2.0700 seconds.
Time to complete 32 samples: 0.0310 seconds.
Time to complete 32 samples: 0.0460 seconds.
Time to complete 32 samples: 0.0460 seconds.
Time to complete 32 samples: 0.0460 seconds.
Time to complete 32 samples: 0.0460 seconds.
Time to complete 64 samples: 0.0460 seconds.
Time to complete 64 samples: 0.0460 seconds.
Time to complete 64 samples: 0.0460 seconds.
Time to complete 64 samples: 0.0460 seconds.
Time to complete 64 samples: 0.0460 seconds.
Time to complete 128 samples: 0.0310 seconds.
Time to complete 128 samples: 0.0460 seconds.
Time to complete 128 samples: 0.0460 seconds.
Time to complete 128 samples: 0.0460 seconds.
Time to complete 128 samples: 0.0460 seconds.
Time to complete 256 samples: 0.0460 seconds.
Time to complete 256 samples: 0.0460 seconds.
Time to complete 256 samples: 0.0460 seconds.
Time to complete 256 samples: 0.0620 seconds.
Time to complete 256 samples: 0.0620 seconds.
Time to complete 512 samples: 0.0460 seconds.
Time to complete 512 samples: 0.0460 seconds.
Time to complete 512 samples: 0.0460 seconds.
Time to complete 512 samples: 0.0460 seconds.
Time to complete 512 samples: 0.0620 seconds.
Time to complete 1024 samples: 0.0620 seconds.
Time to complete 1024 samples: 0.0620 seconds.
Time to complete 1024 samples: 0.0620 seconds.
Time to complete 1024 samples: 0.0620 seconds.
Time to complete 1024 samples: 0.0620 seconds.
Time to complete 2048 samples: 0.0620 seconds.
Time to complete 2048 samples: 0.0620 seconds.
Time to complete 2048 samples: 0.0620 seconds.
Time to complete 2048 samples: 0.0620 seconds.
Time to complete 2048 samples: 0.0620 seconds.
Time to complete 4096 samples: 0.0620 seconds.
Time to complete 4096 samples: 0.0620 seconds.
Time to complete 4096 samples: 0.0620 seconds.
Time to complete 4096 samples: 0.0780 seconds.
Time to complete 4096 samples: 0.0780 seconds.
Time to complete 8192 samples: 0.0930 seconds.
Time to complete 8192 samples: 0.0930 seconds.
Time to complete 8192 samples: 0.0930 seconds.
Time to complete 8192 samples: 0.0930 seconds.
Time to complete 8192 samples: 0.0930 seconds.
Time to complete 16384 samples: 0.1240 seconds.
Time to complete 16384 samples: 0.1240 seconds.
Time to complete 16384 samples: 0.1400 seconds.
Time to complete 16384 samples: 0.1400 seconds.
Time to complete 16384 samples: 0.1400 seconds.
Time to complete 32768 samples: 0.2030 seconds.
Time to complete 32768 samples: 0.2180 seconds.
Time to complete 32768 samples: 0.2180 seconds.
Time to complete 32768 samples: 0.2180 seconds.
Time to complete 32768 samples: 0.2180 seconds.
Time to complete 65536 samples: 0.3280 seconds.
Time to complete 65536 samples: 0.3430 seconds.
Time to complete 65536 samples: 0.3430 seconds.
Time to complete 65536 samples: 0.3430 seconds.
Time to complete 65536 samples: 0.4370 seconds.
Time to complete 131072 samples: 0.5780 seconds.
Time to complete 131072 samples: 0.5780 seconds.
Time to complete 131072 samples: 0.5930 seconds.
Time to complete 131072 samples: 0.5930 seconds.
Time to complete 131072 samples: 0.5930 seconds.
Time to complete 262144 samples: 1.0620 seconds.
Time to complete 262144 samples: 1.0780 seconds.
Time to complete 262144 samples: 1.0780 seconds.
Time to complete 262144 samples: 1.0780 seconds.
Time to complete 262144 samples: 1.1240 seconds.
Time to complete 500000 samples: 2.0310 seconds.
Time to complete 500000 samples: 2.0310 seconds.
Time to complete 500000 samples: 2.8900 seconds.
Time to complete 500000 samples: 3.1710 seconds.
Time to complete 500000 samples: 3.1710 seconds.
Number of input samples: 32
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0002173493
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP: ��������0.0000340044
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000042628
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.5121813158
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0952716917
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0012925879
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0158998537
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000021787
�Total Time:������� 1.6249032444
�Number of input samples: 32
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0002152342
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:���� ����0.0000331639
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000039842
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.5047355495
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0950798188
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0012791458
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0171446642
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000017729
�Total Time:������� 1.6184933335
�Number of input samples: 32
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0002143523
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0000348240
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000043688
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.5008277502
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0948056557
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0012747021
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0164255004
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000021934
�Total Time:������� 1.6135893468
�Number of input samples: 32
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0002203397
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0000336396
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000040829
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4982569260
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0948616971
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0012855047
�Time to free the MAP:� �������1.0164005884
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000019331
�Total Time:������� 1.6110647114
�Number of input samples: 32
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0002188673
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0000349112
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000038261
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4996310823
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0948475544
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0012727185
�Time to free the MAP:����� ���1.0164024122
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000022644
�Total Time:������� 1.6124136363
�Number of input samples: 64
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0002460065
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0000329541
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000044600
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4879252331
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0951282708
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0084905738
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0088918964
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000020469
�Total Time:������� 1.6007214416
�Number of input samples: 64
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0002456368
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0000341686
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000045668
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4914083521
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0952732749
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0099594405
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0072816738
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000018649
�Total Time:������� 1.6042089784
�Number of input samples: 64
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0002550147
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0000713006
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000043343
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4963849197
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0967784431
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0104698295
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0052709356
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000018500
�Total Time:������� 1.6092366275
�Number of input samples: 64
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0002449476
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0000330472
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000046743
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4997620770
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0951259291
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0097848665
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0075548765
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000018302
�Total Time:������� 1.6125122485
�Number of input samples: 64
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0002485551
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0000328096
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000049551
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4945978916
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0949539896
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0021664985
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0053717044
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000021934
�Total Time:������� 1.5973785972
�Number of input samples: 128
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0003071921
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0000351267
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000054952
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4843192134
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0951779330
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0161413444
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0012108577
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000021160
�Total Time:������� 1.5971992784
�Number of input samples: 128
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0003013569
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0000336901
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000051115
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4925617325
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0949958557
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0025306016
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0149447487
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000023953
�Total Time:������� 1.6053754922
�Number of input samples: 128
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0002998887
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0000344740
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000051492
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4991942228
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0954323236
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0027376490
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0144299909
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000018641
�Total Time:������� 1.6121355623
�Number of input samples: 128
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0003017834
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0000319160
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000049702
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4937328104
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0950922787
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0018551982
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0156012893
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000023566
�Total Time:������� 1.6066226029
�Number of input samples: 128
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0002977932
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0000334515
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000049426
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4978030927
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0950974052
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0028037463
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0146649858
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000022298
�Total Time:������� 1.6107076470
�Number of input samples: 256
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0004244796
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0000338414
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000060359
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4858166232
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0950949970
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0167356447
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0088858704
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000021073
�Total Time:������� 1.6069995995
�Number of input samples: 256
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0004131347
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0000346553
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000063456
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4954760229
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0949554423
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0138312695
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0108893529
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000020408
�Total Time:������� 1.6156082640
�Number of input samples: 256
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0004253280
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0000335563
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000062211
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4906733693
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0951950701
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0165371302
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0107958430
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000022143
�Total Time:������� 1.6136687324
�Number of input samples: 256
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0004129079
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0000336069
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000063130
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4989999978
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0952198907
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0023884757
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0148649458
�Time to free the data arrays: ��������0.0000019529
�Total Time:������� 1.6119280908
�Number of input samples: 256
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0004177745
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0000340540
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:� �������0.0000066462
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4886452479
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0950145096
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0135241633
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0011337016
�Time to free the data arrays:��� �����0.0000023102
�Total Time:������� 1.5987784074
�Number of input samples: 512
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0006533447
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0000434905
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:���� ����0.0000085220
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4890427511
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0914726776
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0048607746
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0062361231
�Time to free the data arrays:������ ��0.0000021310
�Total Time:������� 1.5923198147
�Number of input samples: 512
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0006528231
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0000399327
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:������� �0.0000092943
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4825770243
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0951307804
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0056286623
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0113015452
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000042628
�Total Time:������� 1.5953443252
�Number of input samples: 512
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0006539635
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0000410390
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000086326
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4913224951
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0949316255
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0056889175
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0119041374
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000032899
�Total Time:������� 1.6045541007
�Number of input samples: 512
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0006458065
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0000397554
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000089090
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4926024167
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0951798108
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0048544545
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0124053628
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000021964
�Total Time:������� 1.6057387123
�Number of input samples: 512
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0006523822
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0000406365
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000090356
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4910801760
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0951519346
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0054811770
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0119044532
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000022626
�Total Time:������� 1.6043220577
�Number of input samples: 1024
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0011212309
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0000570017
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000139918
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.6359065762
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0952067347
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0165988665
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0106597038
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000020116
�Total Time:������� 1.7595661171
�Number of input samples: 1024
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0011463808
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0000555291
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000136630
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4867055749
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0952105185
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0032900492
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0140356981
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000016858
�Total Time:������� 1.6004590994
�Number of input samples: 1024
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0011154837
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0000585118
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000137768
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4921134751
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0950548884
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0092253427
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0082600112
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000018590
�Total Time:������� 1.6058433487
�Number of input samples: 1024
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0011170884
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0000551513
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000137750
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4879094135
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0949501610
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0202723444
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0073240826
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000019175
�Total Time:������� 1.6116439336
�Number of input samples: 1024
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0011068597
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0000552847
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000138640
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.5764085765
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0949944594
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0098643333
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0076945527
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000022188
�Total Time:������� 1.6901401491
�Number of input samples: 2048
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0020527770
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0000892272
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000287752
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4832985990
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0951920829
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0208565292
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0663587889
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000017909
�Total Time:������� 1.6678785703
�Number of input samples: 2048
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0021138568
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0000884062
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000244330
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4855435372
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0951106539
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0091687728
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0082059426
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000021082
�Total Time:������� 1.6002577106
�Number of input samples: 2048
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0020915875
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0000845993
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000234352
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4884558786
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0952372001
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0078182798
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0094550825
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000020044
�Total Time: �������1.6031680673
�Number of input samples: 2048
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0020930152
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0000859363
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000243905
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4986125310
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0953164692
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0063393970
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0108303112
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000018859
�Total Time:�� �����1.6133039363
�Number of input samples: 2048
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0021226932
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0000903484
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000248761
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4957763988
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0951768621
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0063786296
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0110774662
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000020342
�Total Time:���� ���1.6106493086
�Number of input samples: 4096
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0040149223
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0001493072
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000549377
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4963169103
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0952370172
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0232692861
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0141873056
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000024058
�Total Time:������ �1.6332320922
�Number of input samples: 4096
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0039799651
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0001485306
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000519473
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4982861858
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0950125082
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0212292871
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0165590823
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000025307
�Total Time:������� 1.6352700372
�Number of input samples: 4096
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0040229447
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0001421454
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000457274
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4932331725
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0950598260
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0118861206
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0058672677
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000025970
�Total Time:������� 1.6102598013
�Number of input samples: 4096
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0039760079
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0001509366
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000467370
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4996828724
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0952219761
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0121934533
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0153092525
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000023187
�Total Time:������� 1.6265835546
�Number of input samples: 4096
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0039543109
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0001551741
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000495040
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4912004447
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0955276084
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0122685910
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0150248298
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000026907
�Total Time:������� 1.6181831536
�Number of input samples: 8192
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0076523791
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0002843328
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0001158522
�Time for MAP allocation:� �������0.4975359493
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0958523829
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0664977788
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0704445222
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000024651
�Total Time:������� 1.7383856625
�Number of input samples: 8192
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0077386862
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0002731903
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0001071265
�Time for MAP allocation:��� �����0.5258789176
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0961381819
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0294885012
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0071438624
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000021250
�Total Time:������� 1.6667705911
�Number of input samples: 8192
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0077019869
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0002805534
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0001192709
�Time for MAP allocation:����� ���0.4962619981
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0979178165
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0239123542
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0209921206
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000020261
�Total Time:������� 1.6471881267
�Number of input samples: 8192
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0077521941
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0002879136
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0001230346
�Time for MAP allocation:������� �0.4950839878
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0959864881
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0240275887
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0127631976
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000025285
�Total Time:������� 1.6360269330
�Number of input samples: 8192
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0076898881
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0002780512
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0001132615
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4909886794
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0958746880
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0239671468
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0129617603
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000025336
�Total Time:������� 1.6318760091
�Number of input samples: 16384
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0152687589
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0006450696
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0003710796
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4994761662
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0965612114
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0818464218
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0143682245
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0001803142
�Total Time:������� 1.7087172463
�Number of input samples: 16384
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0155155589
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0005569691
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0003504222
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4991092755
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0964289327
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0583232576
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0080195825
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0001665093
�Total Time:������� 1.6784705078
�Number of input samples: 16384
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0155311050
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0005837614
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0003902114
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4953729869
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0961229276
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0564903227
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0101273710
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0002033362
�Total Time:������� 1.6748220223
�Number of input samples: 16384
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0155967921
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0005677287
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0003370613
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4915687337
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0961724815
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0572948197
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0090745642
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0001635495
�Total Time:������� 1.6707757307
�Number of input samples: 16384
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0153888972
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0005544521
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0003298117
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4979025208
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0964755721
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0477914239
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0184813200
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0001077971
�Total Time:������� 1.6770317949
�Number of input samples: 32768
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0309641128
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0013734816
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0010195054
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4866515320
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0985743364
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0951500578
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0183556145
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0002332899
�Total Time:������� 1.7323219304
�Number of input samples: 32768
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0308205453
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0013397045
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0010253805
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4942862611
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0975307145
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.1024909756
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0024817060
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0002428833
�Total Time:������� 1.7302181708
�Number of input samples: 32768
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0308872289
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0013542913
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0010441737
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.5041469932
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0973496902
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.1321786757
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0130066078
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0002405116
�Total Time:������� 1.7802081724
�Number of input samples: 32768
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0309590017
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0013491265
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0010349776
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4887624666
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0975445812
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.1257834604
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0091950650
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0002260625
�Total Time:������� 1.7548547414
�Number of input samples: 32768
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0305184396
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0013554525
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0010226661
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4922587475
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0976726624
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.2081431989
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0067198801
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0002334263
�Total Time:������� 1.8379244733
�Number of input samples: 65536
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0609330097
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0029523078
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0023032164
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4837902127
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0997763753
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.2704980745
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0722518450
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0003667333
�Total Time:������� 1.9928717747
�Number of input samples: 65536
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0617976347
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0028911005
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0023119589
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4965793097
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0997581009
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.2717599156
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0810782032
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0003660037
�Total Time:������� 2.0165422272
�Number of input samples: 65536
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0610974608
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0028881880
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0023311893
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4972199808
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0997986157
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.2523327966
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0202008470
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0003725177
�Total Time:������� 1.9362415959
�Number of input samples: 65536
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0618499396
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0028918607
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0023259384
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4969536377
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0998055221
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.3368583421
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0058137001
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0004099412
�Total Time:������� 2.0069088821
�Number of input samples: 65536
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0617749076
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0029494664
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0022897833
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.5889931580
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0997460486
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.2293532444
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.1137115346
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0003592072
�Total Time:������� 2.0991773501
�Number of input samples: 131072
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.1223233812
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0060487357
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0046404823
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4967504833
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.1046356604
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.6042715801
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0139117451
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0006294582
�Total Time:������� 2.3532115264
�Number of input samples: 131072
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.1234943625
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0060945024
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0046393281
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4906869127
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.1044343558
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.5475239842
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0008086898
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0006272985
�Total Time:������� 2.2783094340
�Number of input samples: 131072
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.1235368187
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0060129187
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0046166513
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.6473608577
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.1045057125
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.6520331745
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0062930053
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0006307903
�Total Time:������� 2.5449899291
�Number of input samples: 131072
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.1226866310
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0060982890
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0046306234
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4975843105
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.1044061300
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.7373706068
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0110043235
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0006276824
�Total Time:������� 2.4844085967
�Number of input samples: 131072
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.1236492754
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0061232167
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0046962629
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4973512459
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.1047289211
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.5984523876
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0096239571
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0006239613
�Total Time:������� 2.3452492280
�Number of input samples: 262144
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.2433147631
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0124351159
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0093538002
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4826926149
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.1138360584
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 1.2078320232
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0112141732
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0011754382
�Total Time:������� 3.0818539871
�Number of input samples: 262144
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.2471576333
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0122104479
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0093201792
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4990022815
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.1134742349
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 1.2750375099
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0240164598
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0012340176
�Total Time:������� 3.1814527641
�Number of input samples: 262144
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.2440352384
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0123008805
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0093677483
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.5268104530
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.1135781310
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 1.1765954776
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0723911747
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0011465788
�Total Time:������� 3.1562256823
�Number of input samples: 262144
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.2468833220
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0123088931
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0092618705
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4839026829
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.1137077660
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 1.2198169604
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0388967617
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0011486268
�Total Time:������� 3.1259268833
�Number of input samples: 262144
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.2459241305
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0122457874
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0093518647
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4810066332
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.1135702695
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 1.3701336046
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.1387859347
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0011462700
�Total Time:������� 3.3721644945
�Number of input samples: 500000
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.4669249374
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0236148515
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0176867930
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4846340159
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.1304322474
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 2.2143241336
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0178088160
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0022901609
�Total Time:������� 4.3577159558
�Number of input samples: 500000
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.4689777396
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0236062051
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0177786003
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4822210636
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.1305544712
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 2.5779657812
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0539508166
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0022598098
�Total Time:������� 4.7573144874
�Number of input samples: 500000
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.4685206003
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0234845260
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0177392430
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4811893543
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.1305410591
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 2.7318313033
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0901142346
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0023433983
�Total Time:������� 4.9457637189
�Number of input samples: 500000
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.4662178876
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0274593731
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0193949281
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4972668522
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.1320532151
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 2.2880233624
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0124280229
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0022550029
�Total Time:������� 4.4450986442
�Number of input samples: 500000
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.4662777954
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0237238959
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0180998071
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4943604413
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.1304048951
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 2.2359694230
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0061245604
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0022827988
�Total Time:������� 4.3772436168
Time to complete 32 samples: 0.2500 seconds.
Time to complete 32 samples: 0.2500 seconds.
Time to complete 32 samples: 0.2400 seconds.
Time to complete 32 samples: 0.2400 seconds.
Time to complete 32 samples: 0.2500 seconds.
Time to complete 64 samples: 0.2400 seconds.
Time to complete 64 samples: 0.2500 seconds.
Time to complete 64 samples: 0.2500 seconds.
Time to complete 64 samples: 0.2500 seconds.
Time to complete 64 samples: 0.2500 seconds.
Time to complete 128 samples: 0.2500 seconds.
Time to complete 128 samples: 0.2500 seconds.
Time to complete 128 samples: 0.2500 seconds.
Time to complete 128 samples: 0.2400 seconds.
Time to complete 128 samples: 0.2500 seconds.
Time to complete 256 samples: 0.2500 seconds.
Time to complete 256 samples: 0.2500 seconds.
Time to complete 256 samples: 0.2500 seconds.
Time to complete 256 samples: 0.2500 seconds.
Time to complete 256 samples: 0.2500 seconds.
Time to complete 512 samples: 0.2400 seconds.
Time to complete 512 samples: 0.2500 seconds.
Time to complete 512 samples: 0.2500 seconds.
Time to complete 512 samples: 0.2500 seconds.
Time to complete 512 samples: 0.2500 seconds.
Time to complete 1024 samples: 0.2500 seconds.
Time to complete 1024 samples: 0.2500 seconds.
Time to complete 1024 samples: 0.2500 seconds.
Time to complete 1024 samples: 0.2500 seconds.
Time to complete 1024 samples: 0.2500 seconds.
Time to complete 2048 samples: 0.2500 seconds.
Time to complete 2048 samples: 0.2600 seconds.
Time to complete 2048 samples: 0.2600 seconds.
Time to complete 2048 samples: 0.2600 seconds.
Time to complete 2048 samples: 0.2600 seconds.
Time to complete 4096 samples: 0.2700 seconds.
Time to complete 4096 samples: 0.2800 seconds.
Time to complete 4096 samples: 0.2700 seconds.
Time to complete 4096 samples: 0.2600 seconds.
Time to complete 4096 samples: 0.2700 seconds.
Time to complete 8192 samples: 0.3000 seconds.
Time to complete 8192 samples: 0.2900 seconds.
Time to complete 8192 samples: 0.2900 seconds.
Time to complete 8192 samples: 0.3000 seconds.
Time to complete 8192 samples: 0.2800 seconds.
Time to complete 16384 samples: 0.3400 seconds.
Time to complete 16384 samples: 0.3400 seconds.
Time to complete 16384 samples: 0.3300 seconds.
Time to complete 16384 samples: 0.3400 seconds.
Time to complete 16384 samples: 0.3300 seconds.
Time to complete 32768 samples: 0.4100 seconds.
Time to complete 32768 samples: 0.4200 seconds.
Time to complete 32768 samples: 0.4000 seconds.
Time to complete 32768 samples: 0.4400 seconds.
Time to complete 32768 samples: 0.3900 seconds.
Time to complete 65536 samples: 0.5600 seconds.
Time to complete 65536 samples: 0.5600 seconds.
Time to complete 65536 samples: 0.5600 seconds.
Time to complete 65536 samples: 0.5700 seconds.
Time to complete 65536 samples: 0.6000 seconds.
Time to complete 131072 samples: 0.9200 seconds.
Time to complete 131072 samples: 0.8900 seconds.
Time to complete 131072 samples: 0.8900 seconds.
Time to complete 131072 samples: 0.8500 seconds.
Time to complete 131072 samples: 0.9500 seconds.
Time to complete 262144 samples: 1.5100 seconds.
Time to complete 262144 samples: 1.5000 seconds.
Time to complete 262144 samples: 1.5400 seconds.
Time to complete 262144 samples: 1.5300 seconds.
Time to complete 262144 samples: 1.5200 seconds.
Time to complete 500000 samples: 2.6500 seconds.
Time to complete 500000 samples: 2.6400 seconds.
Time to complete 500000 samples: 2.6900 seconds.
Time to complete 500000 samples: 2.6500 seconds.
Time to complete 500000 samples: 2.5600 seconds.
Time to complete 32 samples: 0.1090 seconds.
Time to complete 32 samples: 0.1090 seconds.
Time to complete 32 samples: 0.1090 seconds.
Time to complete 32 samples: 0.0930 seconds.
Time to complete 32 samples: 0.1090 seconds.
Time to complete 64 samples: 0.0780 seconds.
Time to complete 64 samples: 0.0930 seconds.
Time to complete 64 samples: 0.0930 seconds.
Time to complete 64 samples: 0.1090 seconds.
Time to complete 64 samples: 0.1090 seconds.
Time to complete 128 samples: 0.1090 seconds.
Time to complete 128 samples: 0.1090 seconds.
Time to complete 128 samples: 0.0930 seconds.
Time to complete 128 samples: 0.0930 seconds.
Time to complete 128 samples: 0.0930 seconds.
Time to complete 256 samples: 0.1090 seconds.
Time to complete 256 samples: 0.1090 seconds.
Time to complete 256 samples: 0.1240 seconds.
Time to complete 256 samples: 0.1240 seconds.
Time to complete 256 samples: 0.1090 seconds.
Time to complete 512 samples: 0.1240 seconds.
Time to complete 512 samples: 0.1240 seconds.
Time to complete 512 samples: 0.1240 seconds.
Time to complete 512 samples: 0.1090 seconds.
Time to complete 512 samples: 0.1090 seconds.
Time to complete 1024 samples: 0.1240 seconds.
Time to complete 1024 samples: 0.1240 seconds.
Time to complete 1024 samples: 0.1240 seconds.
Time to complete 1024 samples: 0.1240 seconds.
Time to complete 1024 samples: 0.1240 seconds.
Time to complete 2048 samples: 0.1240 seconds.
Time to complete 2048 samples: 0.1240 seconds.
Time to complete 2048 samples: 0.1240 seconds.
Time to complete 2048 samples: 0.1400 seconds.
Time to complete 2048 samples: 0.1240 seconds.
Time to complete 4096 samples: 0.1400 seconds.
Time to complete 4096 samples: 0.1400 seconds.
Time to complete 4096 samples: 0.1400 seconds.
Time to complete 4096 samples: 0.1400 seconds.
Time to complete 4096 samples: 0.1400 seconds.
Time to complete 8192 samples: 0.1710 seconds.
Time to complete 8192 samples: 0.1560 seconds.
Time to complete 8192 samples: 0.1560 seconds.
Time to complete 8192 samples: 0.1710 seconds.
Time to complete 8192 samples: 0.1560 seconds.
Time to complete 16384 samples: 0.2180 seconds.
Time to complete 16384 samples: 0.2180 seconds.
Time to complete 16384 samples: 0.2030 seconds.
Time to complete 16384 samples: 0.2180 seconds.
Time to complete 16384 samples: 0.2180 seconds.
Time to complete 32768 samples: 0.2810 seconds.
Time to complete 32768 samples: 0.2960 seconds.
Time to complete 32768 samples: 0.2650 seconds.
Time to complete 32768 samples: 0.2810 seconds.
Time to complete 32768 samples: 0.2810 seconds.
Time to complete 65536 samples: 0.4060 seconds.
Time to complete 65536 samples: 0.4210 seconds.
Time to complete 65536 samples: 0.4060 seconds.
Time to complete 65536 samples: 0.4060 seconds.
Time to complete 65536 samples: 0.4210 seconds.
Time to complete 131072 samples: 0.6870 seconds.
Time to complete 131072 samples: 0.6870 seconds.
Time to complete 131072 samples: 0.6710 seconds.
Time to complete 131072 samples: 0.6870 seconds.
Time to complete 131072 samples: 0.6870 seconds.
Time to complete 262144 samples: 1.2340 seconds.
Time to complete 262144 samples: 1.1710 seconds.
Time to complete 262144 samples: 1.2490 seconds.
Time to complete 262144 samples: 1.2490 seconds.
Time to complete 262144 samples: 1.2490 seconds.
Time to complete 500000 samples: 2.9210 seconds.
Time to complete 500000 samples: 3.1870 seconds.
Time to complete 500000 samples: 2.8590 seconds.
Time to complete 500000 samples: 2.7180 seconds.
Time to complete 500000 samples: 2.7490 seconds.
�Number of input samples: 32
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0002494454
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0000329728
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000070252
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4917390322
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0955580074
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0004856407
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0067343126
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000028054
�Total Time:������� 1.5948092417
�Number of input samples: 32
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0002376856
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0000331528
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000077724
�Time for MAP allocation: ��������0.7000579955
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0956669219
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0006287653
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0064827937
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000021596
�Total Time:������� 1.8031172470
�Number of input samples: 32
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0002421313
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0000392819
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000096789
�Time for MAP allocation:���� ����0.5238700521
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0960635992
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0004874128
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0058908925
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000024881
�Total Time:������� 1.6266055367
�Number of input samples: 32
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0002493197
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0000386313
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000104376
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.5241761836
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0957889429
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0004987084
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0061023581
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000018561
�Total Time:������� 1.6268664376
�Number of input samples: 32
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0002620011
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0000378779
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000083084
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.5104885625
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0962848746
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0004780956
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0060011423
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000019420
�Total Time:������� 1.6135628044
�Number of input samples: 64
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0004705861
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0000518820
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000088150
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.5387593686
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0949136632
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0005386311
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0073206390
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000019707
�Total Time:������� 1.6420655559
�Number of input samples: 64
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0002669827
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0000342468
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000069469
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4935359962
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0954422834
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0005202463
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0065762330
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000021656
�Total Time:������� 1.5963851011
�Number of input samples: 64
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0002732552
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0000342822
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000075165
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.5177181343
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0953980757
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0005372717
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0068338012
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000019639
�Total Time:������� 1.6208043007
�Number of input samples: 64
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0002657180
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0000340817
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000069658
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.5058222936
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0953017842
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0005384575
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0066822017
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000024247
�Total Time:������� 1.6086539270
�Number of input samples: 64
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0002647685
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0000362354
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000072889
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.5307310945
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0952485127
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0005219056
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0070499027
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000031020
�Total Time:������� 1.6338628103
�Number of input samples: 128
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0003175172
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0000333685
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000074423
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4912659664
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0955074857
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0062277175
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0109419105
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000024852
�Total Time:������� 1.6043038933
�Number of input samples: 128
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0003245850
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0000341684
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000075255
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.5068336923
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0951714737
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0064855953
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0010738203
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000024386
�Total Time:������� 1.6099332991
�Number of input samples: 128
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0003219494
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0000327169
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000070803
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4944968467
�Time for MAP call: ��������0.0952637801
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0062889122
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0113423865
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000029213
�Total Time:������� 1.6077565934
�Number of input samples: 128
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0003200588
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0000325638
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000075085
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4942430896
�Time for MAP call:��� �����0.0950151188
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0007793874
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0170055416
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000024516
�Total Time:������� 1.6074057200
�Number of input samples: 128
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0003188197
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0000324468
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000071337
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4930965546
�Time for MAP call:������ ��0.0951357246
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0007780018
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0169114446
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000028074
�Total Time:������� 1.6062829333
�Number of input samples: 256
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0004375125
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0000323293
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000081040
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4963378958
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0952767864
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0188087320
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0086655015
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000023051
�Total Time:������� 1.6195691667
�Number of input samples: 256
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0004314971
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0000343948
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000086624
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4991619605
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0948748293
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0033565193
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0141901136
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000025719
�Total Time:������� 1.6120605489
�Number of input samples: 256
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0004337225
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0000324250
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000085320
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4995839257
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0952489340
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0039620954
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0133286984
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000026223
�Total Time:������� 1.6126009554
�Number of input samples: 256
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0004403372
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0000334387
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000087049
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4963152628
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0955041989
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0037934351
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0135066481
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000024634
�Total Time:������� 1.6096044891
�Number of input samples: 256
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0004305313
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0000339717
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000097118
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.5000635034
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0955384287
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0038005257
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0134846717
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000026747
�Total Time:������� 1.6133640189
�Number of input samples: 512
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0006734235
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0000418255
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000113630
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4950527823
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0952348387
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0049354217
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0726101894
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000033395
�Total Time:������� 1.6685631835
�Number of input samples: 512
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0006698351
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0000420200
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000113344
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4982129639
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0956647768
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0062657378
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0108674467
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000023693
�Total Time:������� 1.6117364840
�Number of input samples: 512
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0006686286
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0000417138
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000110783
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4951755952
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0951356172
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0185935818
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0090613072
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000028083
�Total Time:������� 1.6186903305
�Number of input samples: 512
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0006713350
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0000434133
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000109301
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4973034780
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0950696563
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0098869084
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0078418475
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000026451
�Total Time:������� 1.6108302138
�Number of input samples: 512
�Time for disk access of input data:� �������0.0006789742
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0000420203
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000110436
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4998200440
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0954721513
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0063456992
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0109102945
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000023882
�Total Time:������� 1.6132826152
�Number of input samples: 1024
�Time for disk access of input data:��� �����0.0011444539
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0000596112
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000164695
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4911086229
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0952958067
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0165664535
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0109393258
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000018988
�Total Time:������� 1.6151326423
�Number of input samples: 1024
�Time for disk access of input data:����� ���0.0011455948
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0000557348
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000164897
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4904046665
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0953486459
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0059919642
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0114302341
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000019532
�Total Time:������� 1.6043952832
�Number of input samples: 1024
�Time for disk access of input data:������� �0.0011422355
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0000562123
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000160819
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4998226487
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0951646476
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0165943177
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0110234869
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000021381
�Total Time:������� 1.6238217688
�Number of input samples: 1024
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0011469261
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0000561631
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000161107
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4922774827
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0953687688
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0058357638
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0115965329
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000018068
�Total Time:������� 1.6062995549
�Number of input samples: 1024
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0011621169
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0000553520
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000164639
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4966354974
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0952146035
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0057549878
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0118436530
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000026619
�Total Time:������� 1.6106853364
�Number of input samples: 2048
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0020792168
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0000879621
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000271542
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4951365525
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0951699536
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0061352334
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0014804270
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000025403
�Total Time:������� 1.6001190399
�Number of input samples: 2048
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0020760554
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0000888105
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000258818
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4995487465
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0952971898
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0103976211
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0071163052
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000020304
�Total Time:������� 1.6145526408
�Number of input samples: 2048
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0021078000
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0000894050
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000267282
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4993222510
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0953174017
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0105444981
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0070488086
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000030914
�Total Time:������� 1.6144599840
�Number of input samples: 2048
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0020728372
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0000852904
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000257185
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4919418612
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0954098454
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0068804305
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0104683523
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000023058
�Total Time:������� 1.6068866414
�Number of input samples: 2048
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0021133893
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0000849740
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000285832
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4930983108
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0954848376
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0062486998
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0110700803
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000022221
�Total Time:������� 1.6081310970
�Number of input samples: 4096
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0041286317
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0001437666
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000585493
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4954247756
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0955972745
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0259434406
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0112731553
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000030706
�Total Time:������� 1.6325726642
�Number of input samples: 4096
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0040092156
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0001398199
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000514620
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4975324599
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0954322395
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0233116315
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0040274797
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000026593
�Total Time:������� 1.6245069675
�Number of input samples: 4096
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0040872348
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0001428754
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000553789
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4967817271
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0955899776
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0257352331
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0714818227
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000028340
�Total Time:������� 1.6938770836
�Number of input samples: 4096
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0039433069
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0001456440
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000531076
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4920668359
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0954174063
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0132923989
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0140847799
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000020616
�Total Time:������� 1.6190055412
�Number of input samples: 4096
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0040483302
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0001399592
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000515600
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4955137562
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0955982593
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0123663587
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0148421464
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000026978
�Total Time:������� 1.6225630678
�Number of input samples: 8192
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0077989027
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0002865776
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0001245712
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.5199869140
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0956811855
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0385707143
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0385477726
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000022765
�Total Time:������� 1.7009989144
�Number of input samples: 8192
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0078888200
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0002810814
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0001630867
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4973255372
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0958328539
�Time to unpack results and send to output file: ��������0.0324521525
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0046402757
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000024257
�Total Time:������� 1.6385862331
�Number of input samples: 8192
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0078551862
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0002660377
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0001088702
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4998020010
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0959186898
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�� ������0.0239647356
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0129227729
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000024434
�Total Time:������� 1.6408407369
�Number of input samples: 8192
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0078917295
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0002708327
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0001048840
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.5045461802
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0959798262
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:���� ����0.0410247645
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0057902856
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000023821
�Total Time:������� 1.6556108848
�Number of input samples: 8192
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0078649139
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0002770872
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0001259807
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4938509799
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0959471637
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:������ ��0.0240077104
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0128799441
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000028984
�Total Time:������� 1.6349566783
�Number of input samples: 16384
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0155421230
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0005993886
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0003554486
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4894375576
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0962487848
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:������� �0.1030592731
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0334886437
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0001766781
�Total Time:������� 1.7389078975
�Number of input samples: 16384
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0154155195
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0005926922
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0003583931
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4990906480
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0961697096
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0582251388
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0183648940
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0001120164
�Total Time:������� 1.6883290117
�Number of input samples: 16384
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0156160039
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0005989745
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0003564079
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.5184562097
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0980435094
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0478798313
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0160736247
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0001583343
�Total Time:������� 1.6971828957
�Number of input samples: 16384
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0155411824
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0006077267
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0003589057
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4986654424
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0963339464
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0625862712
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0138911764
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0001745283
�Total Time:������� 1.6881591794
�Number of input samples: 16384
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0155611457
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0005928461
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0003526231
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4921433234
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0966133912
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0473099111
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0188806449
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0001699489
�Total Time:������� 1.6716238344
�Number of input samples: 32768
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0305801886
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0013753751
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0010333290
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.6399719083
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0977658271
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.1151252073
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0399248043
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0002349405
�Total Time:������� 1.9260115802
�Number of input samples: 32768
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0309985005
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0013907857
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0010103822
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4927616103
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0973624311
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.1045864583
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0308288140
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0002464600
�Total Time:������� 1.7591854421
�Number of input samples: 32768
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0307528558
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0013379504
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0010449582
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4972783557
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0985119821
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.1036857284
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0205836866
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0002517653
�Total Time:������� 1.7534472824
�Number of input samples: 32768
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0311350636
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0013845361
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0010248773
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.6062456240
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0979899403
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.1772841565
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0072547901
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0002340425
�Total Time:������� 1.9225530304
�Number of input samples: 32768
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0312342257
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0013411373
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0010182586
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4941560563
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0979463390
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.1154044701
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0291770576
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0002302006
�Total Time:������� 1.7705077452
�Number of input samples: 65536
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0619819094
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0028867738
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0022826914
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4909542203
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.1001664262
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.3238221848
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0184946017
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0003667762
�Total Time:������� 2.0009555838
�Number of input samples: 65536
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0613183361
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0029186870
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0022967600
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4979350021
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.1002508742
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.3038552446
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0084211059
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0003777505
�Total Time:������� 1.9773737604
�Number of input samples: 65536
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0619603549
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0029699697
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0022874515
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4941593708
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.1001699715
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.2493358223
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0030378125
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0003590053
�Total Time:������� 1.9142797585
�Number of input samples: 65536
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0624503982
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0028927092
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0023155682
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4956161374
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0997216152
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.3335405260
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0092602368
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0003718432
�Total Time:������� 2.0061690343
�Number of input samples: 65536
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0613071923
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0028831872
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0022927550
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4827490773
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.1000048603
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.3941077300
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0084010929
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0003702589
�Total Time:������� 2.0521161541
�Number of input samples: 131072
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.1239265995
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0060943442
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0046716118
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4909738728
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.1049097961
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.5572715029
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0403491277
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0006494140
�Total Time:������� 2.3288462691
�Number of input samples: 131072
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.1235989183
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0060163776
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0046410578
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4886714431
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.1046465805
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.5119309083
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0061097935
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0006549297
�Total Time:������� 2.2462700089
�Number of input samples: 131072
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.1243716772
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0060502497
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0046406196
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4967928520
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.1046720094
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.6418042852
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0060424871
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0006266935
�Total Time:������� 2.3850008736
�Number of input samples: 131072
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.1224812656
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0061426214
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0046714807
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.5197407383
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.1042879736
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.5717088007
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0765193513
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0006220062
�Total Time:������� 2.4061742377
�Number of input samples: 131072
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.1224911162
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0060733447
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0046558130
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4914359615
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.1069204421
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.7298962081
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.1353171217
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0006267331
�Total Time:������� 2.5974167404
�Number of input samples: 262144
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.2470048466
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0122710065
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0092917531
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.5085595195
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.1141109703
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 1.0766836575
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0116214911
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0012484642
�Total Time:������� 2.9807917088
�Number of input samples: 262144
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.2478050073
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0124093166
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0094071170
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4847223531
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.1139799921
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 1.2761705657
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0123640645
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0012396127
�Total Time:������� 3.1580980289
�Number of input samples: 262144
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.2478762711
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0123223121
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0093650365
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4848705507
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.1140386086
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 1.2769517854
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0100668372
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0012023739
�Total Time:������� 3.1566937755
�Number of input samples: 262144
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.2465411578
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0122754566
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0093302591
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4986126516
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.1135365695
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 1.4136506527
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0053103581
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0012604308
�Total Time:������� 3.3005175362
�Number of input samples: 262144
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.2477257531
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0123590657
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0094272752
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4842314961
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.1136093595
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 1.3491741674
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0097112966
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0012124121
�Total Time:������� 3.2274508257
�Number of input samples: 500000
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.4669492617
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0235519566
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0178669324
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4835087741
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.1304655269
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 2.4103256843
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0216765772
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0023242822
�Total Time:������� 4.5566689953
�Number of input samples: 500000
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.4699372370
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0234812144
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0176283397
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4917148693
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.1301169469
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 2.4594792177
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0175470208
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0023504298
�Total Time:������� 4.6122552756
�Number of input samples: 500000
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.4731701161
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0236665589
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0200516716
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.5286026907
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.1387035218
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 2.1839920878
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0098044798
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0022402517
�Total Time:������� 4.3802313784
�Number of input samples: 500000
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.4691097499
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0235665641
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0177061790
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4823842049
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.1302574009
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 2.4556919342
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0065765142
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0022944004
�Total Time:������� 4.5875869476
�Number of input samples: 500000
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.4671562705
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0235518448
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0177395831
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4944624398
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.1303171991
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 2.3334744576
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0587116593
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0022042309
�Total Time:������� 4.5276176851
Time to complete 32 samples: 0.4500 seconds.
Time to complete 32 samples: 0.4600 seconds.
Time to complete 32 samples: 0.4500 seconds.
Time to complete 32 samples: 0.4400 seconds.
Time to complete 32 samples: 0.4400 seconds.
Time to complete 64 samples: 0.4500 seconds.
Time to complete 64 samples: 0.4500 seconds.
Time to complete 64 samples: 0.4400 seconds.
Time to complete 64 samples: 0.4500 seconds.
Time to complete 64 samples: 0.4500 seconds.
Time to complete 128 samples: 0.4400 seconds.
Time to complete 128 samples: 0.4500 seconds.
Time to complete 128 samples: 0.4500 seconds.
Time to complete 128 samples: 0.4400 seconds.
Time to complete 128 samples: 0.4400 seconds.
Time to complete 256 samples: 0.4500 seconds.
Time to complete 256 samples: 0.4500 seconds.
Time to complete 256 samples: 0.4500 seconds.
Time to complete 256 samples: 0.4500 seconds.
Time to complete 256 samples: 0.4400 seconds.
Time to complete 512 samples: 0.4500 seconds.
Time to complete 512 samples: 0.4400 seconds.
Time to complete 512 samples: 0.4500 seconds.
Time to complete 512 samples: 0.4500 seconds.
Time to complete 512 samples: 0.4500 seconds.
Time to complete 1024 samples: 0.4500 seconds.
Time to complete 1024 samples: 0.4500 seconds.
Time to complete 1024 samples: 0.4500 seconds.
Time to complete 1024 samples: 0.4500 seconds.
Time to complete 1024 samples: 0.4500 seconds.
Time to complete 2048 samples: 0.4600 seconds.
Time to complete 2048 samples: 0.4400 seconds.
Time to complete 2048 samples: 0.4700 seconds.
Time to complete 2048 samples: 0.4700 seconds.
Time to complete 2048 samples: 0.4600 seconds.
Time to complete 4096 samples: 0.4800 seconds.
Time to complete 4096 samples: 0.4800 seconds.
Time to complete 4096 samples: 0.4700 seconds.
Time to complete 4096 samples: 0.4800 seconds.
Time to complete 4096 samples: 0.4700 seconds.
Time to complete 8192 samples: 0.5100 seconds.
Time to complete 8192 samples: 0.4900 seconds.
Time to complete 8192 samples: 0.5000 seconds.
Time to complete 8192 samples: 0.5000 seconds.
Time to complete 8192 samples: 0.4900 seconds.
Time to complete 16384 samples: 0.5600 seconds.
Time to complete 16384 samples: 0.5500 seconds.
Time to complete 16384 samples: 0.5400 seconds.
Time to complete 16384 samples: 0.5400 seconds.
Time to complete 16384 samples: 0.5400 seconds.
Time to complete 32768 samples: 0.6600 seconds.
Time to complete 32768 samples: 0.6400 seconds.
Time to complete 32768 samples: 0.6900 seconds.
Time to complete 32768 samples: 0.6500 seconds.
Time to complete 32768 samples: 0.6500 seconds.
Time to complete 65536 samples: 0.8200 seconds.
Time to complete 65536 samples: 0.8600 seconds.
Time to complete 65536 samples: 0.8400 seconds.
Time to complete 65536 samples: 0.8700 seconds.
Time to complete 65536 samples: 0.8600 seconds.
Time to complete 131072 samples: 1.3200 seconds.
Time to complete 131072 samples: 1.2400 seconds.
Time to complete 131072 samples: 1.2700 seconds.
Time to complete 131072 samples: 1.3300 seconds.
Time to complete 131072 samples: 1.2600 seconds.
Time to complete 262144 samples: 2.0400 seconds.
Time to complete 262144 samples: 2.0800 seconds.
Time to complete 262144 samples: 2.1200 seconds.
Time to complete 262144 samples: 2.1200 seconds.
Time to complete 262144 samples: 2.0900 seconds.
Time to complete 500000 samples: 3.5600 seconds.
Time to complete 500000 samples: 3.5500 seconds.
Time to complete 500000 samples: 3.4800 seconds.
Time to complete 500000 samples: 3.4900 seconds.
Time to complete 500000 samples: 3.4400 seconds.
Time to complete 32 samples: 0.2180 seconds.
Time to complete 32 samples: 0.2030 seconds.
Time to complete 32 samples: 0.1870 seconds.
Time to complete 32 samples: 0.2030 seconds.
Time to complete 32 samples: 0.2030 seconds.
Time to complete 64 samples: 0.2030 seconds.
Time to complete 64 samples: 0.2030 seconds.
Time to complete 64 samples: 0.1870 seconds.
Time to complete 64 samples: 0.2030 seconds.
Time to complete 64 samples: 0.2030 seconds.
Time to complete 128 samples: 0.2030 seconds.
Time to complete 128 samples: 0.2030 seconds.
Time to complete 128 samples: 0.2030 seconds.
Time to complete 128 samples: 0.1560 seconds.
Time to complete 128 samples: 0.2030 seconds.
Time to complete 256 samples: 0.2340 seconds.
Time to complete 256 samples: 0.2180 seconds.
Time to complete 256 samples: 0.2030 seconds.
Time to complete 256 samples: 0.2180 seconds.
Time to complete 256 samples: 0.1710 seconds.
Time to complete 512 samples: 0.1710 seconds.
Time to complete 512 samples: 0.2030 seconds.
Time to complete 512 samples: 0.1870 seconds.
Time to complete 512 samples: 0.2180 seconds.
Time to complete 512 samples: 0.2180 seconds.
Time to complete 1024 samples: 0.1710 seconds.
Time to complete 1024 samples: 0.2340 seconds.
Time to complete 1024 samples: 0.2180 seconds.
Time to complete 1024 samples: 0.2180 seconds.
Time to complete 1024 samples: 0.2180 seconds.
Time to complete 2048 samples: 0.2180 seconds.
Time to complete 2048 samples: 0.2180 seconds.
Time to complete 2048 samples: 0.2180 seconds.
Time to complete 2048 samples: 0.2180 seconds.
Time to complete 2048 samples: 0.2180 seconds.
Time to complete 4096 samples: 0.2180 seconds.
Time to complete 4096 samples: 0.2180 seconds.
Time to complete 4096 samples: 0.2180 seconds.
Time to complete 4096 samples: 0.2180 seconds.
Time to complete 4096 samples: 0.2180 seconds.
Time to complete 8192 samples: 0.2340 seconds.
Time to complete 8192 samples: 0.2490 seconds.
Time to complete 8192 samples: 0.2490 seconds.
Time to complete 8192 samples: 0.2340 seconds.
Time to complete 8192 samples: 0.2490 seconds.
Time to complete 16384 samples: 0.2960 seconds.
Time to complete 16384 samples: 0.2810 seconds.
Time to complete 16384 samples: 0.2810 seconds.
Time to complete 16384 samples: 0.2810 seconds.
Time to complete 16384 samples: 0.3430 seconds.
Time to complete 32768 samples: 0.3590 seconds.
Time to complete 32768 samples: 0.3590 seconds.
Time to complete 32768 samples: 0.3590 seconds.
Time to complete 32768 samples: 0.3590 seconds.
Time to complete 32768 samples: 0.3590 seconds.
Time to complete 65536 samples: 0.4990 seconds.
Time to complete 65536 samples: 0.4990 seconds.
Time to complete 65536 samples: 0.4990 seconds.
Time to complete 65536 samples: 0.5150 seconds.
Time to complete 65536 samples: 0.4990 seconds.
Time to complete 131072 samples: 0.8120 seconds.
Time to complete 131072 samples: 0.7960 seconds.
Time to complete 131072 samples: 0.7960 seconds.
Time to complete 131072 samples: 0.7960 seconds.
Time to complete 131072 samples: 0.8120 seconds.
Time to complete 262144 samples: 1.4210 seconds.
Time to complete 262144 samples: 1.4210 seconds.
Time to complete 262144 samples: 1.4060 seconds.
Time to complete 262144 samples: 1.4370 seconds.
Time to complete 262144 samples: 1.4060 seconds.
Time to complete 500000 samples: 2.6870 seconds.
Time to complete 500000 samples: 2.7490 seconds.
Time to complete 500000 samples: 2.6710 seconds.
Time to complete 500000 samples: 2.5310 seconds.
Time to complete 500000 samples: 2.5780 seconds.
�Number of input samples: 32
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0003254530
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0000345956
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000050909
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.5250204133
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0992822205
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0025901050
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0205748499
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000023573
�Total Time:������� 1.6478350855
�Number of input samples: 32
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0003168420
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0000356843
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000056967
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.5076455689
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0992277691
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0026512155
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0109071666
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000022129
�Total Time:������� 1.6207921561
�Number of input samples: 32
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0003146762
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0000355205
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000054268
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.5097465626
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0992186785
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0160957841
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0074555064
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000021360
�Total Time:������� 1.6328742912
�Number of input samples: 32
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0003219838
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0000351120
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000049997
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.5250318614
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0991018034
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:��� �����0.0162561575
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0073726866
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000030153
�Total Time:������� 1.6481276196
�Number of input samples: 32
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0003193300
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0000349430
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000051994
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.6559641051
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0992521586
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:������� �0.0093431331
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0841821979
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000023336
�Total Time:������� 1.8491034007
�Number of input samples: 64
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0003494709
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0000349390
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000053282
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.5082866207
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0992914399
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0060405359
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0073929968
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000019687
�Total Time:������� 1.6214033001
�Number of input samples: 64
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0003513447
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0000352071
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000058946
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.5097585427
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0992075495
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0009051583
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0224888552
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000021498
�Total Time:������� 1.6327547018
�Number of input samples: 64
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0003535952
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0000361444
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000058798
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.5027580288
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0992587375
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0009084125
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0126414760
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000017158
�Total Time:������� 1.6159639901
�Number of input samples: 64
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0003496944
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0000343803
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000058779
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.5014855931
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0993531742
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0008889269
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0225685251
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000020630
�Total Time:������� 1.6246882348
�Number of input samples: 64
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0003424063
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0000345483
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000069726
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.5774794847
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0992666673
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0008895448
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0226619074
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000020925
�Total Time:������� 1.7006836241
�Number of input samples: 128
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0004085512
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0000338282
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000062970
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.5058896497
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0991986041
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0010668686
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0225358585
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000021744
�Total Time:������� 1.6291418318
�Number of input samples: 128
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0004026978
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP: ��������0.0000353788
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000064702
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.5068055023
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0992552145
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0010768473
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0124895447
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000020311
�Total Time:������� 1.6200736867
�Number of input samples: 128
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0004142411
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:��� �����0.0000340657
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000063626
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.5048065954
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0992473528
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0010614504
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0224840190
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000020527
�Total Time:������� 1.6280561397
�Number of input samples: 128
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0004009781
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:������ ��0.0000338846
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000064168
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.5088227869
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0992227447
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0010611046
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0225397634
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000022279
�Total Time:������� 1.6320899070
�Number of input samples: 128
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0004088664
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0000349023
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000064286
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.5035476201
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0992443336
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0010651233
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0224993337
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000021783
�Total Time:������� 1.6268087864
�Number of input samples: 256
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0005261735
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0000433897
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000083127
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.5095275292
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0992766282
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0198541482
�Time to free the MAP:� �������1.0036662642
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000020460
�Total Time:������� 1.6329044917
�Number of input samples: 256
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0005222489
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0000438102
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000076402
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.5057802270
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0993101382
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0014280655
�Time to free the MAP:���� ����1.0220583564
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000019314
�Total Time:������� 1.6291524179
�Number of input samples: 256
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0005155234
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0000433601
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000079881
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.5013700798
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0991621465
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0200068222
�Time to free the MAP:������� �1.0136128493
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000017799
�Total Time:������� 1.6347205493
�Number of input samples: 256
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0005245903
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0000434924
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000078011
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.5082597640
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0990647059
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0220100122
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0016629336
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000021211
�Total Time:������� 1.6315754205
�Number of input samples: 256
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0005183518
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0000451915
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000082205
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.5037492296
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0992097290
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0220725664
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0015114343
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000027453
�Total Time:������� 1.6271174684
�Number of input samples: 512
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0007696161
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0000517855
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000108755
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.5096122403
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0993161238
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0054983920
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0179435501
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000020036
�Total Time:������� 1.6332045869
�Number of input samples: 512
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0007599024
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0000536891
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000111308
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.5099390429
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0993305162
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0054193851
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0180057732
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000024249
�Total Time:������� 1.6335218646
�Number of input samples: 512
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0007548295
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0000510161
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000115004
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.5007716317
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0992952032
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0054579908
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0180104574
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000023575
�Total Time:������� 1.6243549866
�Number of input samples: 512
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0007536057
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0000514315
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000107234
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.5077216578
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0992249349
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0052444908
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0183226368
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000020480
�Total Time:������� 1.6313315290
�Number of input samples: 512
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0007496402
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0000541634
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000111862
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.5070421113
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0993019169
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0055078428
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0180011707
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000024180
�Total Time:������� 1.6306704494
�Number of input samples: 1024
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0012780325
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0000680920
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000175922
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.5081442855
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0993912459
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0322771049
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0096824884
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000019680
�Total Time:������� 1.6508608095
�Number of input samples: 1024
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0012291665
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0000649905
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000174941
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.5036056056
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0992023569
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0074188598
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0162051882
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000021360
�Total Time:������� 1.6277457976
�Number of input samples: 1024
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0012209401
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0000671228
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000174565
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.5057083458
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0992802692
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0075728393
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0159415844
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000020648
�Total Time:������� 1.6298106230
�Number of input samples: 1024
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0012312252
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0000685277
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000176841
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.5014745878
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0993214581
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0064186099
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0167861087
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000019292
�Total Time:������� 1.6253201308
�Number of input samples: 1024
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0012430926
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0000658251
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000177036
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.5015421240
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0992060069
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0063712943
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0169567517
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000022648
�Total Time:������� 1.6254050630
�Number of input samples: 2048
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0021759421
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0001003648
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000347640
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.5081277870
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0992119709
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0114383844
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0017421335
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000020314
�Total Time:������� 1.6228333781
�Number of input samples: 2048
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0021814462
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0001009007
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000316509
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.5048412930
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0993786750
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0066011637
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0165457847
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000024653
�Total Time:������� 1.6296833794
�Number of input samples: 2048
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0021774494
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0000989385
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000297603
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.5152765118
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0992523962
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0066138903
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0166486455
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000019976
�Total Time:������� 1.6400995895
�Number of input samples: 2048
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0021666759
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0000961295
�Number of input samples: 65536
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0602951115
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0034224714
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0028855321
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.5264836350
�Time for MAP call:�� ������0.1034587084
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.2210280443
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0080577168
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0003632554
�Total Time:������� 1.9259944749
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000295713
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.5048662300
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0994374223
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0067677058
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0162981394
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000022021
�Total Time:������� 1.6296640762
�Number of input samples: 2048
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0021704384
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0000964496
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000319158
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.5034171799
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0993518974
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0067950213
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0163496360
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000023830
�Total Time:������� 1.6282149213
�Number of input samples: 4096
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0040653674
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0001623683
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000606990
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.5299895900
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0994889650
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0141755100
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0188506931
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000027295
�Total Time:������� 1.6667959223
�Number of input samples: 4096
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0040449281
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0001614373
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000559662
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.5288060090
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0994720277
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0147216806
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0183127332
�Time to free the data arrays:� �������0.0000027699
�Total Time:������� 1.6655775520
�Number of input samples: 4096
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0040548597
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0001649597
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:� �������0.0000671631
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.5218782054
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0994548926
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0175374854
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0055274175
�Time to free the data arrays:��� �����0.0000021658
�Total Time:������� 1.6486871492
�Number of input samples: 4096
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0040304535
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0001624372
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:��� �����0.0000590872
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.5009425602
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0994663131
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0244035039
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0186942254
�Time to free the data arrays:����� ���0.0000024743
�Total Time:������� 1.6477610546
�Number of input samples: 4096
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0040586190
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0001611605
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:����� ���0.0000562479
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.5231056343
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0994594276
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0130029318
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0200238459
�Time to free the data arrays:������� �0.0000028646
�Total Time:������� 1.6598707318
�Number of input samples: 8192
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0078709293
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0002978525
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:������� �0.0001439947
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.5064274979
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0998616586
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0294213992
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0032125138
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000026918
�Total Time:������� 1.6472385378
�Number of input samples: 8192
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0078696189
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0002933722
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0001239544
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.5269587718
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0997570158
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0256440621
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0170881571
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000023793
�Total Time:������� 1.6777373318
�Number of input samples: 8192
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0078570996
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0002918404
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0001359434
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.5077227180
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0998603867
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0251671808
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0174146176
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000022416
�Total Time:������� 1.6584520280
�Number of input samples: 8192
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0080402629
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0003011324
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0001376226
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.5238539485
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0999272081
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0248306675
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0177431404
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000024574
�Total Time:������� 1.6748364397
�Number of input samples: 8192
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0078359232
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0002929476
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0001531792
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.5068402038
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0998480735
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0248804205
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0175845627
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000024662
�Total Time:������� 1.6574377767
�Number of input samples: 16384
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0153249241
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0006464975
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0004295714
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.5120006396
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.1004513704
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0753284135
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0067451278
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0001686694
�Total Time:������� 1.7110952137
�Number of input samples: 16384
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0153223141
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0006671441
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0004418156
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.5264369997
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.1005311555
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0723676385
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0096349050
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0001742753
�Total Time:������� 1.7255762478
�Number of input samples: 16384
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0153247421
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0006496859
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0004311289
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.5232134186
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.1004755354
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0914644877
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0305222299
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0001667960
�Total Time:������� 1.7622480244
�Number of input samples: 16384
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0153187425
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0006306036
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0004415932
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.5259750092
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.1005130196
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0481532039
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0337550581
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0001914131
�Total Time:������� 1.7249786431
�Number of input samples: 16384
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0154536613
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0006254802
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0003969533
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.5085221192
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.1003839767
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0483074507
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0339019040
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0001227675
�Total Time:������� 1.7077143129
�Number of input samples: 32768
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0312482654
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0015392324
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0012048610
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.5037470028
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.1018706881
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.1176284339
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0528756916
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0002370941
�Total Time:������� 1.8103512692
�Number of input samples: 32768
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0305608101
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0015701578
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0011997239
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.5249873910
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.1015892715
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.1232777409
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0476752885
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0002642960
�Total Time:������� 1.8311246798
�Number of input samples: 32768
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0306330174
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0015387946
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0012058765
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.5212523349
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.1017794211
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.1281877622
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0025255693
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0002633073
�Total Time:������� 1.7873860834
�Number of input samples: 32768
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0306582148
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0015246458
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0012138418
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.6411678395
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.1016552502
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.1814250275
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0294314822
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0002301710
�Total Time:������� 1.9873064728
�Number of input samples: 32768
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0306996386
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0015558982
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0012093472
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.5302715793
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.1016107766
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.1071354540
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0237714221
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0002383233
�Total Time:������� 1.7964924394
�Number of input samples: 65536
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0602951115
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0034224714
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0028855321
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.5264836350
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.1034587084
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.2210280443
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0080577168
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0003632554
�Total Time:������� 1.9259944749
�Number of input samples: 65536
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0604929486
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0034184702
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0027177767
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.5058698791
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.1035353127
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.2071275519
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0119059692
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0003791529
�Total Time:������� 1.8954470612
�Number of input samples: 65536
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0617291830
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0034214547
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0026993847
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.5095880323
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.1031898321
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.3092719212
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0103313606
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0003659710
�Total Time:������� 2.0005971395
�Number of input samples: 65536
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0614097607
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0034608852
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0027043458
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.5046089314
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.1034058712
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.3233318301
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0160384792
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0003585913
�Total Time:������� 2.0153186948
�Number of input samples: 65536
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0612046267
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0034118645
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0026675448
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.6341539428
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.1038587967
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.3185464354
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0304203720
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0004131106
�Total Time:������� 2.1546766935
�Number of input samples: 131072
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.1231337967
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0071400394
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0054622051
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.5090765656
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.1080098490
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.7899270101
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0147877986
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0006365320
�Total Time:������� 2.5581737966
�Number of input samples: 131072
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.1204228913
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0071877228
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0054579027
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.5293629481
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.1082572277
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.6455682967
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0089842145
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0007646570
�Total Time:������� 2.4260058608
�Number of input samples: 131072
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.1204374353
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0071575709
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0054129062
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.5301327402
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.1077967965
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.7418547858
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0031236882
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0006619469
�Total Time:������� 2.5165778701
�Number of input samples: 131072
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.1219972107
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0071408648
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0054305505
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.6637142453
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.1083326413
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.6362803968
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0281516775
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0006630860
�Total Time:������� 2.5717106728
�Number of input samples: 131072
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.1222000374
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0071469833
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0053822686
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4980872332
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.1080039023
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.5346105015
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0101471422
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0006306855
�Total Time:������� 2.2862087539
�Number of input samples: 262144
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.2447671806
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0146339802
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0107694420
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4991035974
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.1171126693
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 1.1421517783
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0132510482
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0012323821
�Total Time:������� 3.0430220782
�Number of input samples: 262144
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.2457370646
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0146401670
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0108603168
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.5788342432
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.1174648345
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 1.2007569360
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0842823934
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0012063492
�Total Time:������� 3.2537823048
�Number of input samples: 262144
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.2402189742
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0146212242
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0106955825
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.5012542045
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.1174711527
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 1.3628719773
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0221532000
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0012476476
�Total Time:������� 3.2705339630
�Number of input samples: 262144
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.2443185239
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0146402567
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0108830937
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.5252540831
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.1174423212
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 1.2892902423
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0057701305
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0012135384
�Total Time:������� 3.2088121898
�Number of input samples: 262144
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.2459086468
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0146308683
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0108894734
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.5036050053
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.1173551872
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 1.1439468549
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0111868219
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0012384628
�Total Time:������� 3.0487613207
�Number of input samples: 500000
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.4594050385
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0279739226
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0206001226
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.5237261475
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.1341647198
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 2.3827882814
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0355233454
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0022297775
�Total Time:������� 4.5864113553
�Number of input samples: 500000
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.4709377484
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0279810661
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0206663739
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.5857636456
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.1338976458
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 2.3562872696
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0022925878
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0022481714
�Total Time:������� 4.6000745086
�Number of input samples: 500000
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.4658509609
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0279861063
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0204424842
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.6032535499
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.1340301298
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 2.4405802739
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0279354693
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0022694866
�Total Time:������� 4.7223484609
�Number of input samples: 500000
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.4661674164
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0280631433
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0203068353
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.5061463670
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.1342294711
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 2.4926128075
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0356320728
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0022192728
�Total Time:������� 4.6853773862
�Number of input samples: 500000
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.4585858351
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0281077685
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0203840387
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.5082182392
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.1341713508
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 2.7039424376
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0743512616
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0022226318
�Total Time:������� 4.9299835632
Time to complete 32 samples: 1.7500 seconds.
Time to complete 32 samples: 1.7500 seconds.
Time to complete 32 samples: 1.7500 seconds.
Time to complete 32 samples: 1.7600 seconds.
Time to complete 32 samples: 1.7400 seconds.
Time to complete 64 samples: 1.7600 seconds.
Time to complete 64 samples: 1.7500 seconds.
Time to complete 64 samples: 1.7500 seconds.
Time to complete 64 samples: 1.7500 seconds.
Time to complete 64 samples: 1.7500 seconds.
Time to complete 128 samples: 1.7500 seconds.
Time to complete 128 samples: 1.7500 seconds.
Time to complete 128 samples: 1.7800 seconds.
Time to complete 128 samples: 1.7500 seconds.
Time to complete 128 samples: 1.7500 seconds.
Time to complete 256 samples: 1.7500 seconds.
Time to complete 256 samples: 1.7500 seconds.
Time to complete 256 samples: 1.7500 seconds.
Time to complete 256 samples: 1.7500 seconds.
Time to complete 256 samples: 1.7600 seconds.
Time to complete 512 samples: 1.7500 seconds.
Time to complete 512 samples: 1.7600 seconds.
Time to complete 512 samples: 1.7600 seconds.
Time to complete 512 samples: 1.7500 seconds.
Time to complete 512 samples: 1.7600 seconds.
Time to complete 1024 samples: 1.7600 seconds.
Time to complete 1024 samples: 1.7700 seconds.
Time to complete 1024 samples: 1.7700 seconds.
Time to complete 1024 samples: 1.7800 seconds.
Time to complete 1024 samples: 1.7700 seconds.
Time to complete 2048 samples: 1.8000 seconds.
Time to complete 2048 samples: 1.7800 seconds.
Time to complete 2048 samples: 1.7900 seconds.
Time to complete 2048 samples: 1.7800 seconds.
Time to complete 2048 samples: 1.7800 seconds.
Time to complete 4096 samples: 1.8100 seconds.
Time to complete 4096 samples: 1.8400 seconds.
Time to complete 4096 samples: 1.8100 seconds.
Time to complete 4096 samples: 1.8100 seconds.
Time to complete 4096 samples: 1.8100 seconds.
Time to complete 8192 samples: 1.8800 seconds.
Time to complete 8192 samples: 1.8700 seconds.
Time to complete 8192 samples: 1.8700 seconds.
Time to complete 8192 samples: 1.8700 seconds.
Time to complete 8192 samples: 1.8700 seconds.
Time to complete 16384 samples: 1.9900 seconds.
Time to complete 16384 samples: 1.9900 seconds.
Time to complete 16384 samples: 2.0000 seconds.
Time to complete 16384 samples: 1.9700 seconds.
Time to complete 16384 samples: 2.0000 seconds.
Time to complete 32768 samples: 2.2500 seconds.
Time to complete 32768 samples: 2.2800 seconds.
Time to complete 32768 samples: 2.2600 seconds.
Time to complete 32768 samples: 2.2600 seconds.
Time to complete 32768 samples: 2.2500 seconds.
Time to complete 65536 samples: 2.6900 seconds.
Time to complete 65536 samples: 2.7600 seconds.
Time to complete 65536 samples: 2.7300 seconds.
Time to complete 65536 samples: 2.7200 seconds.
Time to complete 65536 samples: 2.7500 seconds.
Time to complete 131072 samples: 3.7500 seconds.
Time to complete 131072 samples: 3.6000 seconds.
Time to complete 131072 samples: 3.7200 seconds.
Time to complete 131072 samples: 3.8700 seconds.
Time to complete 131072 samples: 3.6000 seconds.
Time to complete 262144 samples: 5.5900 seconds.
Time to complete 262144 samples: 5.6300 seconds.
Time to complete 262144 samples: 5.5800 seconds.
Time to complete 262144 samples: 5.6600 seconds.
Time to complete 262144 samples: 5.5900 seconds.
Time to complete 500000 samples: 9.1400 seconds.
Time to complete 500000 samples: 9.2300 seconds.
Time to complete 500000 samples: 9.2800 seconds.
Time to complete 500000 samples: 9.1100 seconds.
Time to complete 500000 samples: 9.1900 seconds.
Time to complete 32 samples: 0.7180 seconds.
Time to complete 32 samples: 0.7020 seconds.
Time to complete 32 samples: 0.6870 seconds.
Time to complete 32 samples: 0.7030 seconds.
Time to complete 32 samples: 0.6870 seconds.
Time to complete 64 samples: 0.6870 seconds.
Time to complete 64 samples: 0.6870 seconds.
Time to complete 64 samples: 0.6870 seconds.
Time to complete 64 samples: 0.7180 seconds.
Time to complete 64 samples: 0.7180 seconds.
Time to complete 128 samples: 0.7180 seconds.
Time to complete 128 samples: 0.7180 seconds.
Time to complete 128 samples: 0.7180 seconds.
Time to complete 128 samples: 0.7030 seconds.
Time to complete 128 samples: 0.7180 seconds.
Time to complete 256 samples: 0.7030 seconds.
Time to complete 256 samples: 0.7180 seconds.
Time to complete 256 samples: 0.7180 seconds.
Time to complete 256 samples: 0.7180 seconds.
Time to complete 256 samples: 0.7180 seconds.
Time to complete 512 samples: 0.7180 seconds.
Time to complete 512 samples: 0.7030 seconds.
Time to complete 512 samples: 0.7030 seconds.
Time to complete 512 samples: 0.7180 seconds.
Time to complete 512 samples: 0.7180 seconds.
Time to complete 1024 samples: 0.7180 seconds.
Time to complete 1024 samples: 0.7180 seconds.
Time to complete 1024 samples: 0.7340 seconds.
Time to complete 1024 samples: 0.7340 seconds.
Time to complete 1024 samples: 0.7180 seconds.
Time to complete 2048 samples: 0.7340 seconds.
Time to complete 2048 samples: 0.7340 seconds.
Time to complete 2048 samples: 0.7490 seconds.
Time to complete 2048 samples: 0.7340 seconds.
Time to complete 2048 samples: 0.7180 seconds.
Time to complete 4096 samples: 0.7650 seconds.
Time to complete 4096 samples: 0.7490 seconds.
Time to complete 4096 samples: 0.7340 seconds.
Time to complete 4096 samples: 0.7490 seconds.
Time to complete 4096 samples: 0.7490 seconds.
Time to complete 8192 samples: 0.7810 seconds.
Time to complete 8192 samples: 0.7810 seconds.
Time to complete 8192 samples: 0.7650 seconds.
Time to complete 8192 samples: 0.7810 seconds.
Time to complete 8192 samples: 0.7810 seconds.
Time to complete 16384 samples: 0.8280 seconds.
Time to complete 16384 samples: 0.8280 seconds.
Time to complete 16384 samples: 0.7960 seconds.
Time to complete 16384 samples: 0.8430 seconds.
Time to complete 16384 samples: 0.8280 seconds.
Time to complete 32768 samples: 0.9520 seconds.
Time to complete 32768 samples: 0.9520 seconds.
Time to complete 32768 samples: 0.9520 seconds.
Time to complete 32768 samples: 0.9370 seconds.
Time to complete 32768 samples: 0.9370 seconds.
Time to complete 65536 samples: 1.1710 seconds.
Time to complete 65536 samples: 1.1710 seconds.
Time to complete 65536 samples: 1.1710 seconds.
Time to complete 65536 samples: 1.2020 seconds.
Time to complete 65536 samples: 1.1870 seconds.
Time to complete 131072 samples: 1.6560 seconds.
Time to complete 131072 samples: 1.6560 seconds.
Time to complete 131072 samples: 1.6710 seconds.
Time to complete 131072 samples: 1.6870 seconds.
Time to complete 131072 samples: 1.6870 seconds.
Time to complete 262144 samples: 2.6870 seconds.
Time to complete 262144 samples: 2.6560 seconds.
Time to complete 262144 samples: 2.6410 seconds.
Time to complete 262144 samples: 2.6410 seconds.
Time to complete 262144 samples: 2.6870 seconds.
Time to complete 500000 samples: 4.4850 seconds.
Time to complete 500000 samples: 4.6250 seconds.
Time to complete 500000 samples: 4.4850 seconds.
Time to complete 500000 samples: 4.4690 seconds.
Time to complete 500000 samples: 4.5320 seconds.
�Number of input samples: 32
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0005235686
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0000473075
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000069764
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.5256037218
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0991206603
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0014358202
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0019228212
�Time to free the data arrays:� �������0.0000021438
�Total Time:������� 1.6286630200
�Number of input samples: 32
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0004290850
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0000436704
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�� ������0.0000066680
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.5088899422
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0993760288
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0275959709
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0057807953
�Time to free the data arrays:���� ����0.0000019231
�Total Time:������� 1.6421240839
�Number of input samples: 32
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0004602615
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0000440137
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:������ ��0.0000070745
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.5071105054
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0993931472
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0039039713
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0194669785
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000020883
�Total Time:������� 1.6303880403
�Number of input samples: 32
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0004244181
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0000461199
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000066234
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.5044107501
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0991378191
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0040072434
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0195806989
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000019789
�Total Time:������� 1.6276156517
�Number of input samples: 32
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0004415791
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0000447329
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000063365
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.5033896528
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0993133435
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0039816891
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0194711615
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000020163
�Total Time:������� 1.6266505117
�Number of input samples: 64
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0004615500
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0000448602
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000067511
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.5548670468
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0991507646
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0178715472
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0057039520
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000018283
�Total Time:������� 1.6781083002
�Number of input samples: 64
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0004612263
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0000427568
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000068827
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.5022847074
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0995618522
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0176142364
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0055767830
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000017838
�Total Time:������� 1.6255502287
�Number of input samples: 64
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0004632426
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0000420164
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000068382
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.5046422394
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0993237511
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0175345640
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0059109333
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000021427
�Total Time:������� 1.6279257277
�Number of input samples: 64
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0004633958
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0000438052
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000073047
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.5078347654
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0992366728
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0176882659
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0058238213
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000018116
�Total Time:������� 1.6310998428
�Number of input samples: 64
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0004649088
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0000449127
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000074076
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.5008541400
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0992369688
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0175711581
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0059664513
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000018451
�Total Time:�� �����1.6241477925
�Number of input samples: 128
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0005542147
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0000451330
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000076212
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.5068378503
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0997118304
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0037868564
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0192631878
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000020478
�Total Time:����� ��1.6302087416
�Number of input samples: 128
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0005312525
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0000451184
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000075063
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.5091472611
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0993102045
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0028083961
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0106355666
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000018452
�Total Time:������� 1.6224871507
�Number of input samples: 128
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0005199043
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0000446337
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000075727
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.5050585918
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0991828722
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0036387872
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0199351544
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000019934
�Total Time:������� 1.6283895098
�Number of input samples: 128
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0005475399
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0000460292
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000076389
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.5046452280
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0992787734
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0027961733
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0104265457
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000019650
�Total Time:������� 1.6177498933
�Number of input samples: 128
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0005156845
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0000430923
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000075708
�Time for MAP allocation:�� ������0.5012105303
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0993176885
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0029048467
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0102940858
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000020123
�Total Time:������� 1.6142955111
�Number of input samples: 256
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0006365594
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0000442582
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000096523
�Time for MAP allocation:����� ���0.5014215041
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0993442127
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0018576381
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0115596498
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000020854
�Total Time:������� 1.6148755600
�Number of input samples: 256
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0006815712
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0000451459
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000092388
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.5068897288
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0992772275
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0124191894
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0109973367
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000020676
�Total Time:������� 1.6303215059
�Number of input samples: 256
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0006346004
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0000494950
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000095998
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.5009132820
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0991458796
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0019276898
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0216819033
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000019196
�Total Time:������� 1.6243643696
�Number of input samples: 256
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0006403350
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0000416087
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000092458
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.5043353904
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0992435279
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0018798233
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0116520550
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000022902
�Total Time:������� 1.6178042764
�Number of input samples: 256
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0006394549
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0000441364
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000094440
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.5074995581
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0993511766
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0018743378
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0214832021
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000019668
�Total Time:������� 1.6309032766
�Number of input samples: 512
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0008673938
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0000535861
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000123855
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.5090945720
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0993959231
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0370500438
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0060833216
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000022904
�Total Time:������� 1.6525595163
�Number of input samples: 512
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0008650394
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0000538340
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000124796
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.5098196878
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0992781748
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0363981125
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0067747248
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000024641
�Total Time:������� 1.6532045170
�Number of input samples: 512
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0008785259
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0000539729
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000118832
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.5104744426
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0991594668
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0113728567
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0819485371
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000027580
�Total Time:������� 1.7039024433
�Number of input samples: 512
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0008690068
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0000576601
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000125427
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.6573415558
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0991696552
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0292773729
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0840301436
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000022842
�Total Time:������� 1.8707602213
�Number of input samples: 512
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0009002611
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0000521681
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000130254
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.5270604526
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0991657233
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0067576241
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0163443585
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000023189
�Total Time:������� 1.6502959319
�Number of input samples: 1024
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0013396917
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0000691609
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000198894
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.5095941049
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0992613769
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0049436934
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0085782338
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000019363
�Total Time:������� 1.6238080872
�Number of input samples: 1024
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0013418295
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0000680169
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000183793
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.5065686072
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0992806165
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0042693956
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0192212208
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000019688
�Total Time:������� 1.6307700346
�Number of input samples: 1024
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0013345713
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0000712306
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000187034
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.5020456881
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.1008553931
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0041747854
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0174671864
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000024968
�Total Time:������� 1.6259700550
�Number of input samples: 1024
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0013451367
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0000674043
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000187172
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.5072517403
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0992155803
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0154182893
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0078222390
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000020747
�Total Time:������� 1.6311411817
�Number of input samples: 1024
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0013303235
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0000719117
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000200001
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.5040284982
�Time for MAP call:� �������0.0997828436
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0042738547
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0185616800
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000023161
�Total Time:������� 1.6280714279
�Number of input samples: 2048
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0023052790
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0001009670
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000319863
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.6468549335
�Time for MAP call:��� �����0.0992827583
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0180641727
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0650953728
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000019147
�Total Time:������� 1.8317373843
�Number of input samples: 2048
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0022677612
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0001028930
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000328178
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.6129004345
�Time for MAP call:����� ���0.0993075634
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0087240293
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0244581251
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000021655
�Total Time:������� 1.7477957898
�Number of input samples: 2048
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0022758138
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0000999474
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000318309
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.5071958849
�Time for MAP call:������� �0.0994658175
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0074356047
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0155161325
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000019463
�Total Time:������� 1.6320229781
�Number of input samples: 2048
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0022765403
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0001017532
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000312455
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.5222045749
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0992834811
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0075135911
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0156974325
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000018084
�Total Time:������� 1.6471104270
�Number of input samples: 2048
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0022868426
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0001025580
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000316590
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.5043746583
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0994494743
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0074803262
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0155808532
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000021382
�Total Time:������� 1.6293085097
�Number of input samples: 4096
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0041604564
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0001578142
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000570758
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4991717849
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0997457477
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0215017778
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0212515271
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000023080
�Total Time:������� 1.6460484917
�Number of input samples: 4096
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0041670175
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0001584483
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000589744
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4956250103
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0994034367
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0210280028
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0220739996
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000026195
�Total Time:������� 1.6425175091
�Number of input samples: 4096
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0041900803
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0001637566
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000724618
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.5214893075
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0994427334
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0213604549
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0216846593
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000027432
�Total Time:������� 1.6684061970
�Number of input samples: 4096
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0041565932
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0001587667
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000619580
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.5302091666
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0999993186
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0209788202
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0215194067
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000026246
�Total Time:������� 1.6770866547
�Number of input samples: 4096
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0041733943
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0001649806
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0000643144
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.5236788741
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0995893357
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0161758306
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0066550879
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000055199
�Total Time:������� 1.6505073376
�Number of input samples: 8192
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0079673515
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0002863798
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0001234003
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.5228225663
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0997001668
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0556943252
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0670920701
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000026353
�Total Time:������� 1.7536888953
�Number of input samples: 8192
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0078865900
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0002824162
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0001283767
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.5228043196
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0996388259
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0334114225
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0094488279
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000022130
�Total Time:������� 1.6736029918
�Number of input samples: 8192
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0080431858
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0002833397
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0001261784
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.5053769556
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0997299188
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0269313446
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0160866993
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000025376
�Total Time:������� 1.6565801599
�Number of input samples: 8192
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0079098535
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0002816234
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0001271475
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.5096869464
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0998087024
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0254192943
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0175237894
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000026542
�Total Time:������� 1.6607600110
�Number of input samples: 8192
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0078797550
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0002868802
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0001379329
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.5048112075
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.0999249801
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0253831992
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0172156843
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0000027766
�Total Time:������� 1.6556424157
�Number of input samples: 16384
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0155211687
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0006301695
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0004172958
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.5369613536
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.1002883454
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0737828987
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0584406655
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0001667021
�Total Time:������� 1.7862085993
�Number of input samples: 16384
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0153694013
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0006148576
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0004148046
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.5063963422
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.1002964197
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.1015231039
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0406811901
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0001046849
�Total Time:������� 1.7654008043
�Number of input samples: 16384
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0154417227
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0006636396
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0004294816
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.6503090832
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.1005115550
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0737909572
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0581519899
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0001101121
�Total Time:������� 1.8994085414
�Number of input samples: 16384
�Time for disk access of input data: ��������0.0153584043
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0006423198
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0004225534
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.5044751296
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.1004330146
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.1148378694
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0372778436
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0001175831
�Total Time:������� 1.7735647177
�Number of input samples: 16384
�Time for disk access of input data:� �������0.0156552452
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0006389257
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0004156301
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.5301415445
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.1002724571
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0541716466
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0080552663
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0001912730
�Total Time:������� 1.7095419884
�Number of input samples: 32768
�Time for disk access of input data:�� ������0.0307507622
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0015396658
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0012031095
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.5046785280
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.1015512336
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.1249153170
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0060466849
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0002380021
�Total Time:������� 1.7709233031
�Number of input samples: 32768
�Time for disk access of input data:��� �����0.0303858463
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0015523392
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0012143384
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4917954625
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.1017483555
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.1491945045
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0115636253
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0002474239
�Total Time:������� 1.7877018955
�Number of input samples: 32768
�Time for disk access of input data:���� ����0.0303368010
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0015264573
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0012015820
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.5020463733
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.1016699211
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.2038656499
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0669772739
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0002399254
�Total Time:������� 1.9078639838
�Number of input samples: 32768
�Time for disk access of input data:����� ���0.0307291579
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0015511002
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0011917476
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.5244148848
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.1017149819
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.0974138363
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0033694452
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0002378153
�Total Time:������� 1.7606229692
�Number of input samples: 32768
�Time for disk access of input data:������ ��0.0308123049
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0015523192
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0012104441
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.5033325125
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.1016988741
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.1489515036
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0018806992
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0002396259
�Total Time:������� 1.7896782836
�Number of input samples: 65536
�Time for disk access of input data:������� �0.0605155095
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0034107036
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0026939249
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.5240834620
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.1041674182
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.3659735102
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0023590314
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0003672656
�Total Time:������� 2.0635708254
�Number of input samples: 65536
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0616168226
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0034085155
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0027059020
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.5094984176
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.1043385864
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.2626814749
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0054640732
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0003619594
�Total Time:������� 1.9500757516
�Number of input samples: 65536
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0616757623
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0034022103
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0027016601
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.5083340047
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.1043016338
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.3349674293
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0132441647
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0003589005
�Total Time:������� 2.0289857658
�Number of input samples: 65536
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0603868244
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0034071351
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0027285444
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.5288057193
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.1042616301
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.2841709990
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0040611659
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0003629025
�Total Time:������� 1.9881849207
�Number of input samples: 65536
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.0603372077
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0034239025
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0027325425
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.5294710576
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.1042415934
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.2504517962
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0078014342
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0003863825
�Total Time:������� 1.9588459167
�Number of input samples: 131072
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.1203474505
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0071659349
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0054805745
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.5966817689
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.1087612367
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.6487151007
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0350483834
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0006737846
�Total Time:������� 2.5228742342
�Number of input samples: 131072
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.1224499303
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0071660715
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0054082406
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4962449331
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.1049989597
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.5997561706
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0077310049
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0006459301
�Total Time:������� 2.3444012407
�Number of input samples: 131072
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.1207112698
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0071460703
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0081831648
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.5198151629
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.1051232283
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.6825068974
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0048543517
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0006158594
�Total Time:������� 2.4489560045
�Number of input samples: 131072
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.1204897375
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0071384293
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0054063796
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4995502435
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.1050624683
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.6468743836
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0108737861
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0006424542
�Total Time:������� 2.3960378820
�Number of input samples: 131072
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.1227182187
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0071467053
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0053997559
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.6324495733
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.1050896451
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 0.6245343604
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0031431394
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0006458942
�Total Time:������� 2.5011272922
�Number of input samples: 262144
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.2407564502
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0134990903
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0107368005
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.5006071631
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.1150125873
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 1.0732068831
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0145935169
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0012743383
�Total Time:������� 2.9696868297
�Number of input samples: 262144
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.2456622017
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0135460714
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0107061067
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4971585044
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.1149116907
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 1.2230050611
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0048361625
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0012883810
�Total Time:������� 3.1111141794
�Number of input samples: 262144
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.2470582556
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0138959755
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0113127626
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4913380404
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.1149642324
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 1.3805151999
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0069986423
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0012141710
�Total Time:������� 3.2672972797
�Number of input samples: 262144
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.2406851263
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0131320621
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0102845769
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.5263551873
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.1190926098
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 1.4014478567
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0151289590
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0012619534
�Total Time:������� 3.3273883314
�Number of input samples: 262144
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.2444529994
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0132083716
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0104242087
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4971021306
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.1154303320
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 1.0824750970
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0048496044
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0012904329
�Total Time:������� 2.9692331767
�Number of input samples: 500000
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.4692428377
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0244163294
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0190183722
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.6208193190
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.1328151897
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 2.4231345321
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.1068240488
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0024130780
�Total Time:������� 4.7986837068
�Number of input samples: 500000
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.4687286858
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0243275119
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0189169654
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4934683698
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.1325360908
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 2.2202379040
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0099773459
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0024202999
�Total Time:������� 4.3706131735
�Number of input samples: 500000
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.4586626263
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0244528883
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0190462514
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.4923394969
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.1330292639
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 2.4300311018
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0294526399
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0024295587
�Total Time:������� 4.5894438272
�Number of input samples: 500000
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.4674952612
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0243782271
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0189111142
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.5119817888
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.1326528688
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 2.5163032625
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0735171154
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0024389283
�Total Time:������� 4.7476785664
�Number of input samples: 500000
�Time for disk access of input data:�������� 0.4660348096
�Time to allocate the data caches for the MAP:�������� 0.0244014073
�Time to pack the data for transfer to MAP:�������� 0.0190007654
�Time for MAP allocation:�������� 0.5242174633
�Time for MAP call:�������� 0.1326118692
�Time to unpack results and send to output file:�������� 2.3453524165
�Time to free the MAP:�������� 1.0044982824
�Time to free the data arrays:�������� 0.0024031071
�Total Time:������� 4.5185201208
Time to complete 32 samples: 3.5100 seconds.
Time to complete 32 samples: 3.5000 seconds.
Time to complete 32 samples: 3.5000 seconds.
Time to complete 32 samples: 3.6000 seconds.
Time to complete 32 samples: 3.5000 seconds.
Time to complete 64 samples: 3.6400 seconds.
Time to complete 64 samples: 3.5000 seconds.
Time to complete 64 samples: 3.5000 seconds.
Time to complete 64 samples: 3.5000 seconds.
Time to complete 64 samples: 3.5000 seconds.
Time to complete 128 samples: 3.4900 seconds.
Time to complete 128 samples: 3.5400 seconds.
Time to complete 128 samples: 3.5900 seconds.
Time to complete 128 samples: 3.5000 seconds.
Time to complete 128 samples: 3.5100 seconds.
Time to complete 256 samples: 3.5100 seconds.
Time to complete 256 samples: 3.5100 seconds.
Time to complete 256 samples: 3.5100 seconds.
Time to complete 256 samples: 3.5600 seconds.
Time to complete 256 samples: 3.5100 seconds.
Time to complete 512 samples: 3.5700 seconds.
Time to complete 512 samples: 3.5100 seconds.
Time to complete 512 samples: 3.5300 seconds.
Time to complete 512 samples: 3.5200 seconds.
Time to complete 512 samples: 3.5200 seconds.
Time to complete 1024 samples: 3.5300 seconds.
Time to complete 1024 samples: 3.5400 seconds.
Time to complete 1024 samples: 3.5300 seconds.
Time to complete 1024 samples: 3.5300 seconds.
Time to complete 1024 samples: 3.5300 seconds.
Time to complete 2048 samples: 3.5600 seconds.
Time to complete 2048 samples: 3.5600 seconds.
Time to complete 2048 samples: 3.6000 seconds.
Time to complete 2048 samples: 3.5500 seconds.
Time to complete 2048 samples: 3.5700 seconds.
Time to complete 4096 samples: 3.6100 seconds.
Time to complete 4096 samples: 3.6100 seconds.
Time to complete 4096 samples: 3.6100 seconds.
Time to complete 4096 samples: 3.6100 seconds.
Time to complete 4096 samples: 3.6100 seconds.
Time to complete 8192 samples: 3.7500 seconds.
Time to complete 8192 samples: 3.7000 seconds.
Time to complete 8192 samples: 3.8500 seconds.
Time to complete 8192 samples: 3.7200 seconds.
Time to complete 8192 samples: 3.7300 seconds.
Time to complete 16384 samples: 3.9000 seconds.
Time to complete 16384 samples: 3.9200 seconds.
Time to complete 16384 samples: 3.9700 seconds.
Time to complete 16384 samples: 3.9400 seconds.
Time to complete 16384 samples: 3.9200 seconds.
Time to complete 32768 samples: 4.3300 seconds.
Time to complete 32768 samples: 4.3400 seconds.
Time to complete 32768 samples: 4.4000 seconds.
Time to complete 32768 samples: 4.3600 seconds.
Time to complete 32768 samples: 4.3300 seconds.
Time to complete 65536 samples: 5.1900 seconds.
Time to complete 65536 samples: 5.2900 seconds.
Time to complete 65536 samples: 5.2800 seconds.
Time to complete 65536 samples: 5.3300 seconds.
Time to complete 65536 samples: 5.2400 seconds.
Time to complete 131072 samples: 6.7300 seconds.
Time to complete 131072 samples: 6.7300 seconds.
Time to complete 131072 samples: 6.8500 seconds.
Time to complete 131072 samples: 6.7500 seconds.
Time to complete 131072 samples: 6.7600 seconds.
Time to complete 262144 samples: 10.1300 seconds.
Time to complete 262144 samples: 10.4700 seconds.
Time to complete 262144 samples: 10.3500 seconds.
Time to complete 262144 samples: 10.3500 seconds.
Time to complete 262144 samples: 10.3600 seconds.
Time to complete 500000 samples: 16.6000 seconds.
Time to complete 500000 samples: 16.3500 seconds.
Time to complete 500000 samples: 15.9800 seconds.
Time to complete 500000 samples: 16.7300 seconds.
Time to complete 500000 samples: 16.6600 seconds.
Time to complete 32 samples: 1.3590 seconds.
Time to complete 32 samples: 1.3740 seconds.
Time to complete 32 samples: 1.3430 seconds.
Time to complete 32 samples: 1.3590 seconds.
Time to complete 32 samples: 1.6240 seconds.
Time to complete 64 samples: 1.3900 seconds.
Time to complete 64 samples: 1.3590 seconds.
Time to complete 64 samples: 1.3740 seconds.
Time to complete 64 samples: 1.3590 seconds.
Time to complete 64 samples: 1.3740 seconds.
Time to complete 128 samples: 1.3590 seconds.
Time to complete 128 samples: 1.3590 seconds.
Time to complete 128 samples: 1.3740 seconds.
Time to complete 128 samples: 1.3590 seconds.
Time to complete 128 samples: 1.3740 seconds.
Time to complete 256 samples: 1.3590 seconds.
Time to complete 256 samples: 1.3590 seconds.
Time to complete 256 samples: 1.3590 seconds.
Time to complete 256 samples: 1.3740 seconds.
Time to complete 256 samples: 1.3590 seconds.
Time to complete 512 samples: 1.3740 seconds.
Time to complete 512 samples: 1.3590 seconds.
Time to complete 512 samples: 1.3900 seconds.
Time to complete 512 samples: 1.3900 seconds.
Time to complete 512 samples: 1.3590 seconds.
Time to complete 1024 samples: 1.3590 seconds.
Time to complete 1024 samples: 1.4060 seconds.
Time to complete 1024 samples: 1.3740 seconds.
Time to complete 1024 samples: 1.3900 seconds.
Time to complete 1024 samples: 1.3900 seconds.
Time to complete 2048 samples: 1.4060 seconds.
Time to complete 2048 samples: 1.4060 seconds.
Time to complete 2048 samples: 1.4060 seconds.
Time to complete 2048 samples: 1.4060 seconds.
Time to complete 2048 samples: 1.3900 seconds.
Time to complete 4096 samples: 1.4210 seconds.
Time to complete 4096 samples: 1.4060 seconds.
Time to complete 4096 samples: 1.3590 seconds.
Time to complete 4096 samples: 1.4060 seconds.
Time to complete 4096 samples: 1.4210 seconds.
Time to complete 8192 samples: 1.4530 seconds.
Time to complete 8192 samples: 1.4530 seconds.
Time to complete 8192 samples: 1.4680 seconds.
Time to complete 8192 samples: 1.4370 seconds.
Time to complete 8192 samples: 1.4680 seconds.
Time to complete 16384 samples: 1.5460 seconds.
Time to complete 16384 samples: 1.5620 seconds.
Time to complete 16384 samples: 1.5310 seconds.
Time to complete 16384 samples: 1.5310 seconds.
Time to complete 16384 samples: 1.5460 seconds.
Time to complete 32768 samples: 1.7030 seconds.
Time to complete 32768 samples: 1.7180 seconds.
Time to complete 32768 samples: 1.7180 seconds.
Time to complete 32768 samples: 1.7180 seconds.
Time to complete 32768 samples: 1.7340 seconds.
Time to complete 65536 samples: 2.0150 seconds.
Time to complete 65536 samples: 2.0770 seconds.
Time to complete 65536 samples: 2.0620 seconds.
Time to complete 65536 samples: 2.0620 seconds.
Time to complete 65536 samples: 2.0770 seconds.
Time to complete 131072 samples: 2.7810 seconds.
Time to complete 131072 samples: 2.7650 seconds.
Time to complete 131072 samples: 2.7650 seconds.
Time to complete 131072 samples: 2.7650 seconds.
Time to complete 131072 samples: 2.7810 seconds.
Time to complete 262144 samples: 4.1870 seconds.
Time to complete 262144 samples: 4.2650 seconds.
Time to complete 262144 samples: 4.2490 seconds.
Time to complete 262144 samples: 4.2490 seconds.
Time to complete 262144 samples: 4.2810 seconds.
Time to complete 500000 samples: 6.8900 seconds.
Time to complete 500000 samples: 6.9050 seconds.
Time to complete 500000 samples: 6.8900 seconds.
Time to complete 500000 samples: 6.8740 seconds.
Time to complete 500000 samples: 6.8740 seconds.
[1] Kendrick R. Macklin, �Benchmarking and Analysis of the SRC-6E Reconfigurable Computing System,� Master�s Thesis, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, California, 2003.
[2] David Caliga and David Peter Barker, �Delivering Acceleration:� The Potential for Increased HPC Application Performance Using Reconfigurable Logic,� ACM 1-58113-293-X/01/0011, November 2001.
[3] Kai Kwang and Faye A. Briggs, Computer Architecture and Parallel Processing, McGraw-Hill, Inc., New York, 1984.
[4] �SRC-6E MAP� Hardware Guide,� SRC-005-03, SRC Computers, Inc., Colorado Springs, January 6, 2003.
[5] �Virtex-II Platform FPGAs: Complete Data Sheet, DC and Switching Characteristics,� DS031-3 (v3.1), Xilinx, Inc., San Jose, CA, October 14, 2003.� From website: http://direct.xilinx.com/bvdocs/publications/ds031.pdf, accessed December 2003.
[6] �SRC-6E C Programming Environment V1.6 Guide,� SRC-007-09, SRC Computers Inc., Colorado Springs, December 8, 2003.
[7] �SRC-6E Fortran Programming Environment V1.6 Guide,� SRC-006-08, SRC Computers Inc., Colorado Springs, December 8, 2003.
[8] �SRC-6E MAP� Macro Developers Guide,� SRC-008-01, SRC Computers Inc., Colorado Springs, September 23, 2002.
[9] �SRC-6E Programming Environment V1.6 Technical Note: Supported Macros,� SRC Computers Inc., Colorado Springs, December 8, 2003.
[10] Douglas J. Fouts, Phillip E. Pace, Christopher Karow, and Stig R. T. Ekestorm, �A Single-Chip False Target Radar Image Generator for Countering Wideband Imaging Radars,� IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, Vol. 37, No. 6, pp. 751-759, 2002.
[11] Charles H. Roth, Jr., Digital Systems Design Using VHDL, PWS Publishing Company, Boston, 1998.
[12] Behrooz Parhami, Computer Arithmetic: Algorithms and Hardware Designs, Oxford University Press, New York, 2000.
1. Defense Technical Information Center
Ft. Belvoir, Virginia
2. Dudley Knox Library
Naval Postgraduate School
Monterey, California
3. Alan Hunsberger
National Security Agency
Ft. Meade, MD
4. Dr. Russell Duren
Baylor University
Engineering Department
Rogers, TX
[NCR1]Define FPGA.