� Case-Based Reasoning for Summarizing�� Simulation Results
Neil C. Rowe
Computer Science Department
U.S.� Naval Postgraduate School
Monterey, California, US
Charles E. Knight
Computer Science Department
U.S. Naval Postgraduate School
Monterey, California, US
Abstract�Simulations can produce large quantities of data.� To reason about the results of simulations, machine-learning methods can be helpful.� We explored a case-based reasoning approach to summarizing the results of a probabilistic simulation of naval combat involving missiles.� We used a tree structure to index the data and showed that it gave good accuracy in estimating the results of this simulation with new parameters.� We are now extending these ideas to a more complex military simulation.
Keywords�simulation, case-based reasoning, model, results, trees, interpolation, salvo
This paper appeared in the Proc. Intl. Conf. on Computational Science and Computational Intelligence, Las Vegas, NV, USA, December 2019.
Case-based reasoning is a machine-learning method based on comparing current inputs to past inputs [1].� It requires an indexing scheme to find the most similar cases to a current case, often accomplished by a multi-attribute tree.� Unknown characteristics of the current cases can be inferred from the average of the similar cases.� When cases are plans, this is called �case-based plan adaptation� [2].� For simulation applications, stored results of previous simulation runs can be compared to a current situation to get a set of predictions of likely outcomes that can be averaged in some way.� Weights on attributes for distance calculations can be either be obtained from human experts or by training from the results of simulations. �
Case-based reasoning provides a simpler alternative to artificial neural networks for summarizing the results of simulations that has the advantage of requiring much less training effort.� It can also perform well with small amounts of training data, unlike neural networks which in their deep forms requires millions or billions of training cases to perform well.� This also means it can perform better than neural networks on time-critical decisions when data is streaming in quickly.� These issues are important for military planning, since data from exercises and actual conflict that could be used for training the system are expensive and not numerous, and tasks are often time-critical.� Case-based ideas can be used in several ways for military planning.� They can be used to find the best of several detailed engagement models that apply to a given situation; many militaries have detailed models of the effects of their weapons.� They can be used to find good assignments of weapons to targets.� They can also be used to find full mission plans from similar previous situations.� The last is what we focus on here.
This work used data from a �salvo� simulation of naval combat produced by Tom Lucas and Susan Sanchez, which is similar to some others such as the South Korean military planning system of [3] for land combat.� The salvo model is a modified version of a standard naval model developed originally by [4] and refined by others.� The version by Lucas and Sanchez was designed specifically to model missile exchanges.� It did lack some important features of naval combat such as readiness, aircraft factors, distance between adversaries, and mission requirements which we are addressing currently as described in section IV.
Our goal was to use results from the salvo simulation to
build a predictive model, a �data farming� approach [5] which has been used
successfully for many military-planning problems [6].� The salvo simulation has
only 26 parameters, but that still provides a sufficiently large variety of inputs
that design of a good data structure to index and store the results of runs is
important.� Simulation inputs can be represented as 26-element vectors.� We
generated 100,000 random vectors and ran them through the simulation to
generate outputs.� Four metrics �were obtained for each run of the average and
standard deviation of its duration, and the average and standard deviation of
the ratio of the losses of on the two sides from the engagement.� A logarithm
was applied to durations to better achieve a normal distribution.� For the loss
ratios, we used the formula , which can
be simplified to
. �Blue�
represents friendly forces and �red� represents adversary forces.� The �s� or
sigmoid function is needed to model the relative indistinguishability of high
and low ratios; it models that realization that it is not much different if we
have destroyed 100 times more versus 200 times more of an adversary than they
destroy of us.
Case-based reasoning uses four steps, which have been called retrieve, reuse, revise, and retain [7].� We use a tree for retrieval of data of the most-similar input vectors.� Reuse will be accomplished by taking a weighted average of outputs of the most similar cases.�� Revising is unnecessary to our application because the reuse method is not complex.� Retaining can be done once a proposed new set of input parameters is run through the simulator to confirm its predicted outcome; in fact, retained cases will be more useful than random cases because they are come from real needs.
For our military task, it is important to find similar
cases quickly, and an index tree is a good way.� The 100,000 simulation results
were indexed with a tree with a branching factor of 10.� This was accomplished
by dividing the range of each input parameter into 10 bins by sorting the values
and finding the 10th, 20th, �, and 90th
percentiles.� Preliminary experiments were conducted to confirm that 10 was a
good number of bins.� The means there were �sets of input
parameters, so this space will be sparsely populated compared to the
�items of run
data. �The tree is useful in finding similar cases; then, because the salvo
model is based on smoothly-varying parameters and equations, interpolation is
effective for predicting results on new cases.
Building the tree is simplified when some input parameters have significantly less effects on results and can be mostly ignored.� These were found by computing linear regressions on output metrics as a function of the 26 parameters.� We did four regressions on the four output metrics: the mean loss ratio, the standard deviation of the loss ratio, the mean of the log of the duration in number of exchanges, and the standard deviation of the duration in numbers of exchanges.� Results are shown in Table 1.� The magnitude of the coefficients reflects their effect on the target value.� So the ten most important inputs based on mean loss ratio, our most important output, were b_off_miss_salvo_size, r_ship_surv, r_off_miss_salvo_size, b_ship_surv, b_n_ships, r_def_miss_salvo_size, r_n_ships, b_def_miss_salvo_size, b_decoys_surv, and r_decoys_surv.�
Table 1: Linear regression fits for loss and duration mean and standard deviation for the 26 input parameters to the salvo model.
Parameter name |
Coefficient for mean loss ratio |
Coefficient for standard deviation of loss ratio |
Coefficient for mean log duration |
Coefficient for standard deviation of log duration |
constant term |
0.4408 |
-0.0044 |
8.5790 |
0.1725 |
r_n_ships |
-0.0267 |
0.0043 |
-0.0054 |
-0.0010 |
r_ship_surv |
-0.0429 |
-0.0020 |
0.0214 |
-0.0066 |
r_n_off_miss |
-0.00002 |
-0.0000 |
-0.00003 |
0.0000 |
r_n_def_miss |
-0.0008 |
-0.0001 |
0.0006 |
-0.0002 |
b_n_ships |
0.0338 |
0.0018 |
-0.0172 |
0.0044 |
b_ship_surv |
0.0340 |
-0.0070 |
0.0143 |
-0.0025 |
b_n_off_miss |
-0.00005 |
-0.00005 |
-0.00004 |
-0.00002 |
b_n_def_miss |
0.0007 |
-0.0001 |
0.0004 |
-0.0001 |
r_n_decoys |
-0.0080 |
0.0001 |
0.0091 |
-0.0021 |
r_decoys_surv |
-0.0137 |
0.0015 |
0.0209 |
-0.0038 |
b_n_decoys |
0.0067 |
-0.0008 |
0.0068 |
-0.0007 |
b_decoys_surv |
0.0141 |
-0.0005 |
0.0145 |
-0.0007 |
r_off_miss_speed |
-0.00003 |
0.0000 |
-0.00005 |
0.00001 |
r_off_miss_salvo_size |
-0.0383 |
0.0076 |
-0.0294 |
0.0040 |
r_off_miss_p_hit |
0.0067 |
0.0032 |
0.0143 |
-0.0002 |
r_def_miss_speed |
0.0000 |
0.0000 |
0.0000 |
0.0000 |
r_def_miss_salvo_size |
0.0286 |
0.0012 |
-0.0234 |
0.0059 |
r_def_miss_p_hit |
0.0066 |
0.0054 |
0.0113 |
-0.0003 |
r_def_miss_inter_launch_t |
0.0000 |
0.0000 |
0.00001 |
0.00001 |
b_off_miss_speed |
0.00003 |
0.0000 |
0.00007 |
0.00002 |
b_off_miss_salvo_size |
0.0493 |
0.0030 |
-0.0415 |
0.0094 |
b_off_miss_p_hit |
-0.0042 |
-0.0037 |
-0.0124 |
0.0031 |
b_def_miss_speed |
0.0000 |
0.0000 |
0.0000 |
0.0000 |
b_def_miss_salvo_size |
-0.0232 |
0.0043 |
-0.0162 |
0.0025 |
b_def_miss_p_hit |
0.0089 |
-0.0001 |
0.0101 |
-0.0005 |
b_def_miss_inter_launch_t |
0.0000 |
0.0000 |
-0.00002 |
-0.00002 |
We used the most significant factors for the loss ratio to build the index tree that maps from some new set of inputs to estimates of the four metrics.� The attributes used were the most significant factors in decreasing order of significance according to Table 1 as one descends the tree.� To build the tree top-down, at each level we computed means and standard deviations of the loss ratio for each of the ten bins of the attribute assigned to that level, and added nodes to the tree when the standard deviation of the cases that apply exceeded a fixed threshold.� Otherwise, the node of the tree became a leaf node and we stored the means of the four metrics there for the cases that applied to it.� Because bins were defined by percentiles on overall distributions of the parameters, subtrees tended to be balanced except when inputs were strongly correlated.� Figure 1 shows part of two levels of an example index tree showing five nodes on the first level and five nodes on the second level.
Reuse of our case library means finding the most similar cases to some new situation.� Our index tree is a form of �hierarchical retrieval� in the terminology of case-based planning of [3].� Since a plan for our problem is a set of numeric allocations, plan reuse will be �transformational� rather than �deviational� in the terminology of [2] and will modify parameters of existing cases rather than generalize from them.
To retrieve an output estimate from the tree for a new set of input parameters, we first compute the bins for those parameters.� We then traverse the tree until we get to a leaf node for that set of bins, and use the estimates stored at that leaf node since the leaf nodes are usually where the standard deviation is below a specified minimum.� Leaf nodes could be above the minimum when the number of cases used to build the tree is insufficient, but we did not find this to be a problem for our simulation and 100,000 cases.� If we need higher accuracy in the estimate at a leaf node, we can take a weighted average with neighbor bins as well, and this is desirable when the metrics vary considerably with parameters.� We do this by looking up all sets of parameters within K bin numbers of the target set of parameters and averaging their metrics.� Since 10 bins were created for each attribute range, a variation of 1 in each bin number should have roughly the same effect on the inputs.� So given a set of inputs to lookup, we can first try to look up those inputs in the index, then all 52 neighbors differing by only one bin number, then all 52*52 neighbors differing by two bins numbers or twice on one bin number, and so on.� We use the average of what we have found as our estimate of the metric.
An important question is how deep the tree should be to get sufficiently good estimation performance.� Table 1 showed that only about 10 factors are important in determining performance, so we do not need to go deeper than 10 with our simulation data.� We also studied this experimentally by measuring the average standard deviation of the loss ratio mean as a function of level in the tree.� Figure 2 shows results for a subset of simulation runs numbering 34,000.� As we descend in the tree and specify ranges on the input parameters, the standard deviation of the loss ratio should decrease for the more restricted situations.� However, it is interesting there is a sharp decline starting with 4 inputs, which shows that the first four inputs are the most critical to performance.� This is probably related to the fact a balanced tree for 34,000 items should have a depth of the logarithm to the base 10 of 34,000, which is 4.53, and our trees are close to balanced. �However, the Figure indicates less than perfect balance, and to err on the side of safety, we built trees of depth 7 for the index in our experiments.� Note that Figure 2 levels off at 0.05 rather than 0 at depths 7-9 because we do not continue the tree if the standard deviation of the loss ratio is less than a threshold.
![]() |
Figure 1: Part of the first two levels of an example index tree.
Figure 2: Average standard deviation of loss ratio as a function of number of levels deep in the tree, for a tree built from 34,000 runs of the simulation.
On the other hand, the standard deviation of the mean
loss ratio increases with level as the tree becomes better able to approximate
a wide variety of situations (Figure 3).� Since the loss ratio ranges between 0
and 1, and a uniform random distribution has a standard deviation of , performance
leveled off near where it would be with a uniform random distribution.� That
suggests that the simulation was capable producing a wide evenly-spaced set of
loss ratios.
We measured time to generate the tree and to use it on a six-year-old Windows workstation.� Results are shown in Table 2.� As expected, generation time was an exponential function of the number of simulation runs used to build it �(Figure 4) though its concavity (second derivative) was mild.� After the tree has been generated, it can be saved to disk and reloaded in significantly less time than the time to create it (Figure 5).
Figure 3: Standard deviation of the mean loss ratio as a function of depth in the index tree.
Table 2: Timings on the index tree as a function of the number of simulations.
Number of simulation records |
Time to generate tree, maximum depth of 7 (seconds) |
Time to generate list (seconds) |
1000 |
18.31 |
0.01 |
2500 |
104.76 |
0.04 |
5000 |
407.96 |
0.08 |
7500 |
901.64 |
0.13 |
10000 |
1447.69 |
0.13 |
15000 |
3658.46 |
0.24 |
20000 |
6123.10 |
0.25 |
50000 |
30996.77 |
0.74 |
Figure 4: Time to generate the tree as a function of the number of simulation runs to index.
Retrieval time was tested by randomly generating simulation
parameters 500 times and averaging the performance. �With �possibilities,
random cases rarely had the same bin assignments used to create the tree, yet
the extra time to retrieve estimates for them was not significant.� Worst-case
retrieval time should remain constant as it is determined by the depth of the
tree. �However, we found an unexpected decrease in retrieval time as the size
of the dataset (number of simulation runs) grew (Figure 6). �We suspect that as
the case base grows, it is easier to find input clusters with a sufficiently low
standard deviation to enable pruning of the tree.
Figure 5: Time to load pre-generated tree as a function of number of simulation runs.
Figure 6: Average retrieval time versus number of simulations stored in the index tree.
We also compared the accuracy of the tree�s predictions to those obtained by running the simulation (Figure 7).� As the salvo model itself has random variation, its results could significantly differ between runs, so we averaged results over 10 runs to get data for the tree.� Interestingly, the larger errors tended to be non-normal and evenly distributed on a range of 0.10 to 0.75.�� That suggests that our simulation exhibits a phase-change phenomenon in which small differences in inputs can lead to very different outcomes.� But other simulations may differ.
An alternate way to use cases to predict results for new inputs is to store plans only for simpler tasks, and then combine them to get plans for more complex tasks, as a form of �transformational� plan reuse [2].� This is useful when we do not have many cases, as when they have been generated by simulations controlled by human players.� Many wargames have this characteristic as it is costly and time-consuming to run realistic wargames with human players.
Figure 7: Distribution of error between predicted loss ratio using the tree index and the results of a single simulation run on the same parameters.
One way to combine cases is to separately develop plans for each of a set of quite different cases, then add the numbers of the plans into one overall plan vector with an estimated performance based on the weighted sum of the performances of the individual plans.� This approach is inspired by the use of basis vectors for matrices.� The plans combined will need to be scaled as necessary to fit available resources.� For instance, if we have 100 weapons of type 1 and 50 weapons of type 2, we could map to a case with 50 weapons of type 1 and 25 weapons of type 2 by multiplying parameters by 0.5.� However, decreasing the size of inputs from what was previously tested may increase the standard deviation of the result.� Note for this to work, plans must scale assets of both sides.
Suppose we have N attributes and M models that are
similar to the current situation as represented as an N-element vector whose
attribute values are .� Suppose
model j has attribute values
.� Suppose we
will take a linear weighted average of the M models in the form of
�is the
vector of attributes.� We want to find the
�that will
minimize the error.� A classic approach is to minimize the least-squares error
.� Since
, setting
that to zero results in a set of M linear equations for each j in M unknowns in
the form
�which are
straightforward to solve.
Choosing the M cases for reuse can be done by heuristic
search using as a fitness function the total least-squares error.� We can start
with M=1, then M=2, etc. until improvements in the error are not significant or
M reaches a reasonable maximum.� However, estimate accuracy will suffer for
larger M, and it may be a good idea to limit M to 1 or 2.� With M=1, the least-squares
fit is .� With M=2,
the fit is
, and
.� An M=2 fit
would be good when combining simulations of two dissimilar allocations that
have been tested separately.� For our military applications, that could be
dissimilar weapons.� For example, suppose there are only three parameters whose
values for a new situation are (50,50,80) for three types of weapons, and we
can match it to two cases of (100,50,0) and (0,30,100).� Then
.� If the
average loss ratio for the first case was 0.8 and the second was 0.6, the
estimated loss ratio will be 0.504*0.8 + 0.802*0.6 = 0.733, using the classic
formulation for data fusion of two independent distribution.� The associated
standard deviation is
Figure 8 shows the results of 2000 experiments where we
chose two random input vectors previously run through the simulation, computed
the geometric mean of the vector components, and computed the error between the
average loss ratio of simulation runs on that average and the average loss
ratio of the averaged loss ratios of the two vectors.� The weighting was done
using the computed �and
above; distance was computed using the logarithms of the ratios of one plus the
counts to be relatively consistent with the geometric mean while handling zero
counts.� It can be seen in the Figure that this two-point averaging only gets a
good result for distances less than 7, a distance that should be achievable for
a tree of 100,000 nodes for our salvo model.� For this threshold, the average
error for the two-point estimate was 0.103 whereas the average error of the
tree estimate was 0.129, with standard deviations of 0700 and 0.641
respectively.� Even though the mean was a little better for the two-point
estimate, the large standard deviations do not inspire confidence in its
estimates and suggest that the approach described in sections III.A and III.B is
sufficient in most cases as well as being faster.
Figure 8: Error using the two-vector approximation of the simulation loss ratio versus the actual simulation result.
This work tested a method of planning of naval missile strikes intended for the BREM project.� Simulations and exercises can provide the input similar to that of our experiments described above with the salvo model.� BREM has significantly more numeric input parameters than the salvo model, around 300.� They include sensors broken down by type and player; weapons broken down by type, player, and round; defensive capabilities broken down by target, weapon, and player; degree of intelligence about the adversary broken down by type and player; readiness broken down by activity, player, and weapon/aircraft/personnel/training; electronic and cyber offensive capabilities; and weather and sea-state conditions.
Until we can do a regression fit on sample runs, it is
hard to say which factors are the most important, or predict how deep the tree
needs to be.� We assume from our earlier experiments that 10 bins for each
parameter will be effective.� Since an upper bound on the number of leaf nodes for
such a tree is for N levels,
an upper bound on the number of nodes total in the tree is�
.� Thus a
tree of depth 10 will require about 1000 times more nodes than a tree of depth
7.� However, actual size will depend on the threshold on maximum standard
deviation and the number of simulation runs whose data is entered into the
tree.� A useful strategy for reducing workload would be to aggregate some of
the factors into composites to reduce the size of the tree.� We could, for
instance, aggregate counts of weapons into a single total, or aggregate
communications, electronic-warfare, networking, and sensors under the title of �equipment�.
We have shown that a relatively simple case-based approach can be used to summarize results in a tree structure of simulation runs of a complex model.� The tree can be used for lookup directly, or results of several lookups can be averaged to get greater accuracy.� Results on testing a 26-parameter simulation were promising, although the stochastic nature of the simulation meant the tree prediction could have errors.� This approach should provide a useful simpler alternative to training of neural networks as it is cost-effective with relatively small amounts of simulation data.
This work was supported by ONR through Bruce Nagy at NAWC-WD China Lake.� Thanks to Paul Sanchez for the salvo model.� The opinions expressed are those of the authors and do not represent those of the U.S. Government.
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