Table of contents



To the reader

1. Introduction

1.1 What artificial intelligence is about
1.2 Understanding artificial intelligence
1.3 Preview

2. Representing facts

2.1 Predicates and predicate expressions
2.2 Predicates indicating types
2.3 About types
2.4 Good naming
2.5 Property predicates
2.6 Predicates for relationships
2.7 Semantic networks
2.8 Getting facts from English descriptions
2.9 Predicates with three or more arguments
2.10 Probabilities
2.11 How many facts do we need?

3. Variables and queries

3.1 Querying the facts
3.2 Queries with one variable
3.3 Multi-directional queries
3.4 Matching alternatives
3.5 Multi-condition queries
3.6 Negative predicate expressions
3.7 Some query examples
3.8 Loading a database
3.9 Backtracking
3.10 A harder backtracking example: superbosses
3.11 Backtracking with "not"s
3.12 The generate-and-test scheme
3.13 Backtracking with "or"s (*)
3.14 Implementation of backtracking
3.15 About long examples

4. Definitions and inferences

4.1 Rules for definitions
4.2 Rule and fact order
4.3 Rules as programs
4.4 Rules in natural language
4.5 Rules without right sides
4.6 Postponed binding
4.7 Backtracking with rules
4.8 Transitivity inferences
4.9 Inheritance inferences
4.10 Some implementation problems for transitivity and inheritance
4.11 A longer example: some traffic laws
4.12 Running the traffic lights program
4.13 Declarative programming

5. Arithmetic and lists in Prolog

5.1 Arithmetic comparisons
5.2 Arithmetic assignment
5.3 Reversing the "is"
5.4 Lists in Prolog
5.5 Defining some list-processing predicates
5.6 List-creating predicates
5.7 Combining list predicates
5.8 Redundancy in definitions
5.9 An example: dejargonizing bureaucratese (*)

6. Control structures for rule-based systems

6.1 Backward-chaining control structures
6.2 Forward chaining
6.3 A forward chaining example
6.4 Hybrid control structures
6.5 Order variants
6.6 Partitioned control structures
6.7 Meta-rules
6.8 Decision lattices
6.9 Concurrency in control structures
6.10 And-or-not lattices
6.11 Randomness in control structures
6.12 Grammars for interpreting languages (*)

7. Implementation of rule-based systems

7.1 Implementing backward chaining
7.2 Implementing virtual facts in caching
7.3 Input coding
7.4 Output coding
7.5 Intermediate predicates
7.6 An example program
7.7 Running the example program
7.8 Partitioned rule-based systems
7.9 Implementing the rule-cycle hybrid
7.10 Implementing pure forward chaining (*)
7.11 Forward chaining with "not"s (*)
7.12 General iteration with "forall" and "doall" (*)
7.13 Input and output of forward chaining (*)
7.14 Rule form conversions (*)
7.15 Indexing of predicates (*)
7.16 Implementing meta-rules (*)
7.17 Implementing concurrency (*)
7.18 Decision lattices: a compilation of a rule-based system (*)
7.19 Summary of the code described in the chapter (*)

8. Representing uncertainty in rule-based systems

8.1 Probabilities in rules
8.2 Some rules with probabilities
8.3 Combining evidence assuming statistical independence
8.4 Prolog implementation of independence-assumption "and-combination"
8.5 Prolog implementation of independence-assumption "or-combination"
8.6 The conservative approach
8.7 The liberal approach and others
8.8 Negation and probabilities
8.9 An example: fixing televisions
8.10 Graphical representation of probabilities in rule-based systems
8.11 Getting probabilities from statistics
8.12 Probabilities derived from others
8.13 Subjective probabilities
8.14 Maximum-entropy probabilities (*)
8.15 Consistency (*)

9. Search

9.1 Changing worlds
9.2 States
9.3 Three examples
9.4 Operators
9.5 Search as graph traversal
9.6 The simplest search strategies: depth-first and breadth-first
9.7 Heuristics
9.8 Evaluation functions
9.9 Cost functions
9.10 Optimal-path search
9.11 A route-finding example
9.12 Special cases of search
9.13 How hard is a search problem?
9.14 Backward chaining versus forward chaining (*)
9.15 Using probabilities in search (*)
9.16 Another example: visual edge-finding as search (*)

10. Implementing search

10.1 Defining a simple search problem
10.2 Defining a search problem with fact-list states
10.3 Implementing depth-first search
10.4 A depth-first example
10.5 Implementing breadth-first search
10.6 Collecting all items that satisfy a predicate expression
10.7 The cut predicate
10.8 Iteration with the cut predicate (*)
10.9 Implementing best-first search (*)
10.10 Implementing A* search (*)
10.11 Implementing search with heuristics (*)
10.12 Compilation of search (*)

11. Abstraction in search

11.1 Means-ends analysis
11.2 A simple example
11.3 Partial state description
11.4 Implementation of means-ends analysis
11.5 A harder example: flashlight repair
11.6 Running the flashlight program
11.7 Means-ends versus other search methods
11.8 Modeling real-word uncertainty (*)
11.9 Procedural nets (*)

12. Abstraction of facts

12.1 Partitioning facts
12.2 Frames and slots
12.3 Slots qualifying other slots
12.4 Frames with components
12.5 Frames as forms: memos
12.6 Slot inheritance
12.7 Part-kind inheritance
12.8 Extensions versus intensions
12.9 Procedural attachment
12.10 Frames in Prolog
12.11 Example of a frame lattice
12.12 Expectations from slots
12.13 Frames for natural language understanding (*)
12.14 Multiple inheritance (*)
12.15 A multiple inheritance example: custom operating systems (*)

13. Problems with many constraints

13.1 Two examples
13.2 Rearranging long queries without local variables
13.3 Some mathematics
13.4 Rearranging queries with local variables
13.5 Rearranging queries based on dependencies
13.6 Summary of guidelines for optimal query arrangements
13.7 Rearrangement and improvement of the photo interpretation query
13.8 Dependency-based backtracking
13.9 Reasoning about possibilities
13.10 Using relaxation for the photo interpretation example
13.11 Quantifying the effect (*)
13.12 Formalization of pure relaxation
13.13 Another relaxation example: cryptarithmetic
13.14 Implementation of pure relaxation (*)
13.15 Running a cryptarithmetic relaxation (*)
13.16 Implementing double relaxation (*)

14. A more general logic programming

14.1 Logical limitations of Prolog
14.2 The logical (declarative) meaning of Prolog rules and facts
14.3 Extending Prolog rules
14.4 More about clause form
14.5 Resolution
14.6 Resolution with variables
14.7 Three important applications of resolution
14.8 Resolution search strategies
14.9 Implementing resolution without variables (*)

15. Testing and debugging of artificial intelligence programs

15.1 The gold standard
15.2 Cases
15.3 Focusing on bugs
15.4 Exploiting pairs of similar cases
15.5 Composite results
15.6 Numbers in comparisons
15.7 Preventive measures
15.8 Supporting intuitive debugging
15.9 Evaluating cooperativeness
15.10 On problems unsuitable for artificial intelligence

Appendix A: basics of logic

Appendix B: Basics of recursion

Appendix C: Basics of data structures

Appendix D: summary of the Prolog dialect used in this book

D.1 Managing facts and rules
D.2 The format of facts, rules and queries
D.3. Program layout
D.4. Lists
D.5. Numbers
D.6. Output and input
D.7. Strings
D.8. Treating rules and facts as data
D.9. Miscellaneous predicates
D.10. Definable predicates
D.11. Debugging

Appendix E: Using this book with Micro-Prolog

Appendix F: For further reading

Appendix G: Answers to selected exercises