In [1]:
from __future__ import division
from collections import defaultdict
import numpy as np
import MDP

We'll consider a capacitated single-sourcing problem with discrete demand and lost sales, with the following parameters.

In [2]:
p = 4 # per-unit selling price
h = 1 # per-unit holding cost rate
c = 2 # per-unit ordering cost

inv_cap = 2 # max. number of units on-hand
max_order = 2 # max. number of units that can be ordered

# Assumptions:
## - The demand is discrete and uniformly distributed on {0, 1, 2}
## - The lead-time for orders is 0, i.e., they arrive instantaneously.

def SM(x, a, d):
    # System Model
    return max(0, min(2, x+a)-d)

Let's set up the MDP model.

In [3]:
mdp_dict = {}
for i in range(inv_cap+1):
    x = i # The state is the current on-hand inventory level.
    for a in range(max_order+1):
        revenue = p * (1/3) * sum([min(d, min(inv_cap, x+a)) for d in range(3)])
        holding_cost = h * (1/3) * sum([max(0, min(2, x+a)-d) for d in range(3)])
        ordering_cost = c * a
        reward = revenue - holding_cost - ordering_cost
        s = [SM(x, a, d) for d in range(3)]
        if s[0]==s[1]==s[2]:
            trans_probs = defaultdict(lambda : 0, {s[0] : 1})
        elif (s[0]==s[1]) and (s[1]!=s[2]):
            trans_probs = defaultdict(lambda : 0, {s[0] : 2/3, s[2] : 1/3})
        elif (s[0]==s[2]) and (s[2]!=s[1]):
            trans_probs = defaultdict(lambda : 0, {s[0] : 2/3, s[1] : 1/3})
        elif (s[1]==s[2]) and (s[2]!=s[0]):
            trans_probs = defaultdict(lambda : 0, {s[1] : 2/3, s[0] : 1/3})
        elif (s[0]!=s[1]) and (s[1]!=s[2]) and (s[0]!=s[2]):
            trans_probs = defaultdict(lambda : 0, {s[0] : 1/3, s[1] : 1/3, s[2] : 1/3})
        mdp_dict[(x, a)] = (reward, trans_probs)
mdp = MDP.MDP(mdp_dict)
print 'The number of states is {}.'.format(mdp.n)
print 'The number of state-action pairs is {}.'.format(mdp.m)
The number of states is 3.
The number of state-action pairs is 9.

Finite-Horizon Total Reward

Consider the time horizon $T = 3$.

In [4]:
T = 3

Let's use backward induction to compute an optimal policy.

In [5]:
v = np.zeros(3).reshape(3,1)
pi_star = {}
for t in range(1,T+1):
    v = MDP.optimality_operator(v, mdp, 1)
    #print v
    pi_star[t] = MDP.greedy_policy(v, mdp, 1)
    #print pi_star[t]

The optimal policy is a base-stock policy with a base-stock level of $s=1$.

In [6]:
{1: {0: 1, 1: 0, 2: 0}, 2: {0: 1, 1: 0, 2: 0}, 3: {0: 1, 1: 0, 2: 0}}

Discounted Total Reward

In [7]:
discount_factor = 0.9

First, let's use value iteration to compute an $\epsilon$-optimal policy, with $\epsilon=0.001$.

In [8]:
pi_eps = MDP.value_iteration(mdp, discount_factor, 0.001)
Number of value iterations: 87
Value iteration took 0.0245568752289 seconds.

The $\epsilon$-optimal policy is a base-stock policy.

In [9]:
{0: 1, 1: 0, 2: 0}

Next, let's use policy iteration to compute an optimal policy.

In [10]:
pi_star = MDP.policy_iteration(mdp, discount_factor)
v_star = MDP.policy_eval(pi_star, mdp, discount_factor)
Number of policy iterations: 2
Policy iteration took 0.0152208805084 seconds.

It turns out that the $\epsilon$-optimal policy we computed above is optimal.

In [11]:
{0: 1, 1: 0, 2: 0}

Let's try doing one step of policy improvement, starting with a suboptimal base-stock policy. Let $\pi$ denote the base-stock policy with base-stock level $s=2$.

In [12]:
pi = {0:2, 1:1, 2:0} # base-stock level is 2
v = MDP.policy_eval(pi, mdp, 0.9).reshape(3,1)
print 'The optimality gap of the base-stock policy with base-stock level s=2 is {}.'.format(max(abs(v_star-v))[0])
The optimality gap of the base-stock policy with base-stock level s=2 is 1.33333333333.

Now let's do one step of policy iteration, starting with $\pi$.

In [13]:
pi_improved = MDP.greedy_policy(v, mdp, discount_factor)
v_improved = MDP.policy_eval(pi_improved, mdp, discount_factor)
print 'The optimality gap after one policy improvement is {}.'.format(max(abs(v_star-v_improved))[0])
The optimality gap after one policy improvement is 0.0.

The improved policy is the optimal base-stock policy (with a base-stock level of 1).

In [14]:
{0: 1, 1: 0, 2: 0}

Average Reward

Note that, under every stationary policy, state 0 is reachable in one step from every state. Moreover, starting from state 0, states 1 and 2 are both reachable in a finite number of steps. This means that for every stationary policy, the induced Markov chain is irreducible. In other words, the MDP is unichain.

Let's use policy iteration for unichain MDPs to compute an optimal policy.

In [15]:
pi_star = MDP.unichain_policy_iteration(mdp)
Number of policy iterations: 2
Policy iteration took 0.00121688842773 seconds.

The optimal policy is also a base-stock policy!

In [16]:
{0: 2, 1: 1, 2: 0}