CS4537 - Wireless Data Services

Jan - Mar 2013
Instructor - Prof. Gurminder Singh

(last updated: April 18, 2012)


In recent years, tremendous progress has been made in wireless networking and mobile devices. In a short period of time, these technologies have graduated from being goofy and unreliable to robust, useful and, in some cases, critical. While the wireless networking and mobile device technologies serve a useful purpose on their own, their combination presents incredible opportunities to make work, play and social life more productive, enjoyable and safe. This course will present technologies for implementing and applications of wireless data services. Different types of wireless data services - browser based, native and message-based services will be discussed. In addition, technologies required to support mobility, such mobile IP and mobile VPNs will be covered in this course.

Every two weeks we will review significant market developments in relevant areas. This will help students appreciate the market relevance of the technology covered in the course and get a better understanding of the state-of-the-art.

The ultimate objective of the course is to show students how they can exploit the capabilities of wireless networks and mobile devices to implement innovative applications to enhance productivity and effectiveness in a variety of domains.


  • Key Components of a Wireless Data Service
  • Review of Wireless Networking and Mobile Devices
  • Authoring for Device and Network Independence
  • Technologies for Device and Network Independence
  • Message Systems
    • SMS and MMS
  • Browser-based Technologies and Architectures
    • WAP and WML
  •   Native Applications Technologies
    • J2ME, BREW, MS Tools etc
  • Content Engineering
  • Mobile Web Services
  • Service Provioning
  • Project Presentations by Student


Students' grades will be awarded based on their performance in:

1 Assignment


Group Project




Class Participation


Details on assignments and projects will be made available as the course progresses. Class participation will entail being actively engaged in class discussions and presenting interesting insights related to technologies and applications relevant to the course.

Readings and References

The following will be helpful for the course. This list will be updated as needed during the course. 

The following journals publish the latest research on topics related to the course.

  1. Interactions
  2. IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing
  3. IEEE Pervasive Computing
  4. ACM Transactions on CHI

The following lists provide industry news related to the technologies covered in the course.