CS4135 - Mobile Devices

Fall 2012
Instructor - Prof. Gurminder Singh

(page last updated: Oct 8, 2012)


There is a large number of mobile devices, including cellular phones, personal digital assistants (PDAs), PDA/cellular phone combinations, pagers, badges and other wearable devices, in use today in a variety of applications. The number and variety of such devices keeps growing at a fast pace as new processing, display, battery and wireless technologies are invented and as new applications for these devices are envisioned. This is a practical, hands-on course that covers the architecture, usability and applications of mobile devices.  From an application perspective, this course will discuss mobile devices as tools to support homeland security applications, military applications for capability enhancement, and communications and computing needs of mobile professionals. The study of principles is combined with hands-on laboratory exercises to develop applications on mobile devices.

Every two weeks we will review significant market developments in relevant areas. This will help students appreciate the market relevance of the technology covered in the course and get a better understanding of the state-of-the-art.

The ultimate objective of the course is to show students how they can exploit the capabilities of mobile devices to implement innovative applications to enhance productivity and effectiveness in a variety of domains.



Students' grades will be awarded based on their performance in:

1 Assignments




2 Exams


Class Participation


Details on assignments and projects will be made available as the course progresses. Class participation will entail being actively engaged in class discussions and presenting interesting insights related to technologies and applications relevant to the course.

Readings and References

The following will be helpful for the course. 

The following journals publish the latest research on topics related to the course.

  1. Interactions
  2. IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing
  3. IEEE Pervasive Computing
  4. ACM Transactions on CHI

The following lists provide industry news related to the technologies covered in the course.